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The galeniko-noone method

Chapters overview
-chapter before the chapters

1 introduction

2 doing away with dieting and training myths-broscience

3 pointing out flaws of other diets

4 steroids, hgh, and other drugs

5 training-strenght

6 the liars of the business

7 for women

8 supplements

9 tricks to keep the hunger away

10 the diet itself

11 steroids and other drugs side effects

12 the maintaining

13 errors, learned the hard way

14 bulking-beginners

15 difference between hunger and apetite

16 the saying its all drugs

17 genetics

18 general fatsoness of society

19 naturalos

20 personal trainers

21 cardio

22 difference between natty and ped athletes

23 bulking-permabulkers

24 faq+additions

25 size
26 training protocol

27 foods

28 shootouts and contact

Chapter before the chapters

This book is dedicated to the many misled, delusionals and the truly interested in dieting, training,
the bodybuilding lifestyle.

I first want to thank all the great people who made this book happen, like first and foremost, myself,
haha, and no one.

Ok, seriously many thanks to the co author and true friend and brother in iron(no homo,no tbombs)
no one, it was essential to have 2 or more people experiencing and sharing the success of this
method, even the 2 of us for long time had fears of maybe withering away with this approach, until
we found a workable way.

Ron, the owner of and its forum, the one and only place in this business which allows full
freedom of speech with no moderator interventions , this is what makes getbig , getbig.

Ofc this policy leads to many loudmouths and idots having their say, but that is the price and can be
turned into something entertaining.thanks ron for giving us a platform to spread our

The whole getbig community, even the idiots, damn, every one has once said something valueable
or funny there, so no hard feelings.specific shout outs later on at the end of the book.

Legal disclaimer:we dont take any responsibility for other peoples actions, everyone knows PEDS
are harmful and all that, the media told us so.
Disclaimer for start of book

We are not science guys. We are do it guys, if you are looking for a text book
explanation, based on or in 'science', for the effects that take place within the
course of this system you'll be sorely disappointed.

The truth is we cannot explain using 'science' a lot of the things that occur on
this diet. Some things we can, some things we cant. We can offer speculation,
summation, and assumptions based in logic, but to pin point the 'whys' of why this
system works using widely acknowledged 'truths' is not possible, for the simple
reason that we just don?t know why, and for the second reason that 'truths' are
woefully inadequate in explaining what happens here.

that?s being said, I am not a 'why' guy. I am a results guy. If im getting results
the 'why 'for me is far removed and secondary to the practical application that
bears a desired outcome.

If our lack of scientific explanations do not suit you, I urge pick up something by
lyle mcdonald or any other number of the educated science guys out there, as you'll
find this program strictly lacking in such scope. If you want results, and a
reasonable explanation for them, to the best of our ability, then read on.


Copyright belongs to no oneand galeniko the 2 authors of this book

@publishing companies:we refuse any negotiations,we want no less than a murcielage each

Galeniko+no one approved

chapter 1: introduction

for most people, by the time they read this, theres no need for any introduction, I have made myself
notoriously known as the guy who came down from being quite the disgusting fatso swine with
bigger waist than chest, to the character known as galeniko.

The name galeniko comes from, well, thats not hard to figure out,is it

The guy who satyed at5-7% bodyfat for 3 years straight and counting.And with some decent size to

So, one might argue, whats so special about getting lean, its been done before blabla.

Well, no shit, columbo, its been done before, by few, and its seemingly never maintainable, and its
often ever only done by use of fatburning drugs like thyroid hormones(if you wanna risk frying your
thyroid forever, go ahead, but youll still ned to diet anyway), efedrina,clenbutrelol,and some
nutcases even go as far as using DNP.

-one interesting thing about the dnp,whoever claimed use of it online,and posted usage protocols
like some guru,NONE of these clowns have posted before and after pics, none to my knowledge.i
cant remember anything impressive.

-all the drugs in the world will not replace a diet,you can take that to the bank.tren will not melt off
fat etc.its not like I havent tried, but in 15 years of this sport I havent found anything that could
replace dieting.because no such thing exists.
-it comes down to will, consiostency and diet.many suckers think efedrina and co make such a brutal
difference,like 1000cals a day, but they dont, they dont even come remotely close.

-here you will get presented-on a silverplate-the way how to get shredded and stay like that, while
getting away with loads of junkfood for maintenance,if thts your dietary preference.and yes, ofc it
works on everyone.

-this is also the fastest possible way to shed of the beta male chub off of yourselves.lets cut the bs,
nobody wants diet for long time,the want results yesterday.

-lets be honest,if one isnt very lean and trains,they will look like a pile of garbage,like some hillbilly
red cheeked fatso who just recently joined a gym

-more on all this in the dedicated dietary chapters, allow me to get through with my introduction

I am white, and have-from building perspective-a few structural flaws, bit flat shoulders, long torso,
long legs, ive worked with what I as handed by nature and got the best out of point is, I have
pretty average genetics, started as skinny fat kid.

And hellno im not going to tell you fairy tales how im some lifelong natural lifter, haha, these kind of
liars will be mentioned later on in this book, dont worry.and addressed properly.

Im far from lifetime natural, but lets do step by step.

Somewhere at age 16 or so, it was the era when peter andre,that little homo, had his popularity then doubtlessly dawned on me that many women dig that look.

Arnolds and stallones physiques seemed outsid of the humanly achieveable to me, but peter andre
was ok goal for a start, with outlook on something like van damme body for later on.

So first thing I got myself that ridiculous peter andre haircut haha(just like some fatso women first
get hair done and develop superstar attitude, but only to never become one),a gym membership,
and like a retard I delusionaly did too many situps to count, always the goal of the chiselled sixpack
in mind, full focus.

In retrospective,im glad I didnt break my spine or something back then

I had no idea whatsoever about diet,I just ate what mother put on table,and thus, looked like
garbage,that fat on the stomach just didnt seem to go away,despite situps.

Think dj181,just fatter, thats what I looked like.

There was no internet back then,fuck,I didnt even know peds existed.i had the saddening nave
perspective which is common with the many blind naturals out there who think it just takes more
time for them.

So I trainedin that beginners fitness temple,with some basic,random results.ofc at that age, frends
etc, wed go out every weekend, pumping up our Guns in the club toilets and hahaha show off our
(piss poor)results-gains.but that 1 spanish guy,I didnt see him for a while, 2months or so,he had
my build before(ie fuck all muscle)and now suddenly he had some dbol bloat in face and arms,but as
ive never seen anything like that in person before,it left me deeply could sayshut

I wanted that too and asked the guy what the hell he was eating,meaning his diet.he said those rosa
dbol things,man.the rest, as they say, is history.

Got started, read all the mags like a gulibel sucker,followed every broscience advice I could pick up
and predictably ended up looking like a total turd.the women in the clubs would point fingers and
literaly screamdbol face(I still was bit proud of that, I thought it cant just be the face, they sure
also seen the brutl muscle I amssed,haha you see the permabulker mentality was already taking over
there).i seen pic of flex weehler in MMI drinking raisin juice from a gallon canister,so I drank a gallon
of that trash daily too,it borders a wonder that I didnt turn all kinds of diabetic there

So I went through that phase in life where id drink water and soak my training towel in water before
stepping on the scale, haha.i too believed that getting shredded was just a matter of switching to
socalled cutting steroids and couple weeks of diet cleanup, while being up to 20% at 270lbs
permafatso.yes the ppl who had no clue would say im big,but the mirror and ppl who knew better
said otherwise.i remember one guyyo,gal,you gained again I was likeyeah man,2lbs moreand
himfat and water,haha.he was right,and while I believe theres a place and time for bit bulking,I
overdid it,and thus, wasted much time.

I did all the steroids in raw amounts, I tried some of the diets recommended in mags,book, but never
seemed able to hit sub 9%, until I just disregarded all diets and just starved myself with similar
system I use today.see it has nothing todo with neither age,or fatburning drugs,back theni used
clenbutrolo (with body temp measure protocols haha),efedrina, t3,the whole lot, with poorer results
than today.

Ive taken breaks from training,at times for years, and the fatleniko pic is the result of that.actualy at
one point I was thinkingim done forever with any kind of lifting,thought I been places and seen it all
blabla, any excuse was right.worst thing, I actualy thought I still look kinda ok,until!-and this is what
drives me-atholidays in spain,one day I felt my back feelsmassive and askedmy ex gf to take a pic
from behind.i even flexed my lats slightly(to not make it obvious haha).then when I saw the pic I
realized that ive drifted into delusions about my look(permafatso syndrome.chronic),my v taper on
the pic was actually INVERTED ,I was as shocked as I was disguted about myself.

On that very day I went to the gym and trained legs,my first training in 4years.used a whooping 80lbs
for squats,yes thats counting the bar too, and my legs felt like theyd break in various I put
1 ampoula of the magical hrt stuff into my obese glutes,using extra long needle to make sure it goes
through all the fat,and some 2 months of harsh dieting later,I was already in the single digits

Ive gotten down to 6% soon and maintained that for non stop 3 years,sometimes even leaner,at max
maybe 8% when off gear,and grew into shreddedness fast after being off.

I believe fiercly that this will work for anyone,f they follow the protocols.neither me nor Noone are
gentic prodigys or 1 hit wonders.
So how come the ideafor this book?

Obviously many ppl online and irl ask me how,what,which,when to do what etc,and often theyr just
some wankers who want do some chitchat, which im not interested in, repeating everything all the
time gets tiresome and having a the galeniko-noone bible at the ready is very useful, no much
talking heres the book take it or leave it.many youngsters just wont haveit, they think im not
tellingthem everything, that there must besuper secret trick or shenanigan, but there arent tricks,its
just amassed knowledge over the years of how a body reacts to what.

So no one and myself have held close to competition level bodyfat year round
nonstop,andgottenmore shredded than many competitors(who look like shitallyear cept 1 month or
so leading toa show)ever become.and faster than they did.

Furthermore,withno fatburners,no efedrina,no diuretics,not3,no cardio, the fatburners would

actualy be counterproductive for this diet,causing people to waste away, many get flat and catabolic
on t3 and efedrina mix.

I was osting for fun and entertainment for years on getbig forums,got to know no one we at first
didnt getalong all too well haha, but eventually found we agree on most everything, and are
experiencing the very same things on this diet,including the maintenance.

And both are different bodytypes,and different peds somewhat, so it IS the diet thats so good.

The results and pics speak for day on a now monumental thread was
started by the most honourable member calfzilla galeniko please share your nutritional strategy
after the word on the internet spread that theres some random guy whos always shredded.

Google galeniko nutrition itll be there.its frankly and modestly the best and most valueable
building thread on the internet,and has its hilarious pages.very informative.theres pics and videos,

So afgter this thread grew and the questions flooded in, no one and me decided to write down
everything we know, down on paper and to share it with whos interested.and not entirely offer alternative to all the bs diets out there by twinks who dont even train and were
spread for too long andindoctrinated into gullible fools minds.

We have no contracts to abide by, we have no shame to admit ped use, we have no fear of thegovt
swat team kicking in our multimillion mansions doors haha, theres no hidden agenda behind this, we
truly believe weve found a revolutionary way to fastest possible fatloss,while not losing muscle,and
the maintenance of that condition,with quite leniency on the diet.

In the mentioned thread , top competitors were proven wrong and SHUT DOWN

,they had emotional meltdowns, they claimed up and down and would bet their steroid shrunk balls
that this cannot work and one would wither away.but no one and myself have smashed all doubts
out of the universe with no option to fly back.with pics, videos,updates and proven this
works.unilaterally proven.
Here we share something priceless(but not free of charge)in a way more valueable than having a
badass car, a baddass ripped physique for as long the advice is followed.nobdoy can just walk into a
dealership and buy such a physique.

Everyone knows the jealousy such looks get.and the admiration.and amount of, lets go;-)

Chapter 2:doing away with diet and

training myths


Is not when you been bingedrinking on weekends,thats you doing dumb things.overtraining is
generally overrated and promoted to advertise useless supplements as solution to the
problemexample rest more and eat this and that brand of protein powder,blabla.overtraining
will not occur for oed athletes unless they train 20 days in a row,run a severe caloric deficit AND are
already very low on bodyfat.just because you lift 5lbs less on bench than previous session doesnt
mean youre overtrained.overtraining is a process which slowly creeps in,is easily avoided and fixed
anyway.naturals, yes, for them it can become a reality quick.

pct, natural test levels wont recover:

Ofc it will and if it doesnt, so what.

-the brain needs carbs to work!

No, Einstein, it needs glucose and can generate that by other means than metabolising carbs.

-metabolism slowdownor metabolic damage:

Haha are you serious,jst because you lay down the fork sooner in the diet and arent engaging in
gluttony all the time doesnt mean your metabolism will slow down, you obese clown.the leaner you
get the more efficient it becomes,actually, but how would you know.metabolic rate has everything
to do with activity levels and how much muscle you carry, not with how much you eat, or religious
3hr eating patterns.

And if youre so afraid of slowdown, you can just re-kickstart it, by the just as ridiculous statement
that a reffeed cheat meal(the fatsos first choice)will just fix that, right?next.
-aspartame causes insulin release:

No it doesnt.have a look at studys, or try it on yourself with the diabetics tools.i did both.aspartame
on its own doesnt cause insulin was also developed for diabetics,what does that tell you?

-getting stronger progressievely:

Youre a (wannabe)bodybuilder, strength is not so important.what strength you build in first 2

years(1natural bulk+1on gear,thatll be pretty much it and more than dont wanna look
like powerlifter fat swine,do you.and surely you prefer muscle over shot joints andbeing an invalid
by age 30.

-fat turning into muscle and vice versa:

If this needs pointing out to you as myth, youre a semi a scientific book once in a
while.the source of this urban legend is permafatsos who stop training(why bother)but keep their
eating habbits.this person will go from fatso straight to diabetes city obese level.

natural,it just takes longer,natural muscle lasts longer

Yeah right, next-lifetime-longer.

Youll learn in this book why this claim is ridiculous.itll wither away just as fast as steroid gains,if you
stop dieting and training.infact the steroid guy will often look better for longer if they both stop at
same time, before they both end up looking like dierrhea eventually.

-anabolic window:

Anabolics make you anabolic, not windows.this will be addressed kinda in depth later on.dont fall for
this scam, read the book as ifit s gospel and thank us later.

-confusing muscle pump with high blood pressure:

This happens to salt and sugar loaded permafatsos all the time, they feel full and stuff, when its just
their elevated blood pressure and the waterfalls of subcutane water pressing against their pig-pink

-higher reps for cuts:

cut the bullshit buddy, cuts come from low bodyfat and nothing else.theres a training chapter in
this book, it should be an eye opener,should open your water clogged eyelids,no doubt

-schedule your meals:

Why?who you think you are?obama?eat only when hungry, youll know everything about eating for
shreddedness when youre through this book.

-you need a healthy breakfast:

Fuck all do you need, what are you, a lumberjack?

Your body doesnt have a clock in it,why schedule ANY meal at all?do you schedule gasoline
refuelling for the car?not having breakfast has great benefits,one being fatloss,better trainings on
empty stomach,yes you read that right,try fasted trainings,its the best way hands down to lose
bodyfat,imo, most important.from experience.nothing creates a better fatloss environment than
training starved.

Also if theres less blood in the stomach doing digesting work, itll be ready to be used in the
muscle,isnt that kinda the prupose of training?this was explained to me by a doctor, for what its

I found it to be true,try it, eat yourself full and go train, and train fully fasted.give both ways a
couplke trys and see whats better for fatloss.some ppl will say they need the energy, but the food
needs 10 hours roughly until the energy is ready for use in the muscles, and youre going to burn
some 300 calories in a weightlifting workout, do you know whats 300 calories?

In general, if you want to become and stay ripped,learn to eat by hunger not by schedule,or by some
clock.dont be a dumbass.

-eat big to get big:

Do not.youll just get,if youre past your bulking time, just the right amount of
necessary foods.see your diet as like gasoline for a car, dont think of yourself as some French
metrosexual food-haute quisine connaiseur

bodybuilders,much like society in general, are overfed pigs,and it shows.

The galeniko-noone book will explain to you the twilight zone and will show you why,when and how
you will get away with plenty of junk food and stay ripped .dont ever eat mindlessly,dont behave
like a dumb smart and ripped instead.

-only 30gramms of protein per meal:

Hellno, what gonna happen if you eat all at once?will you explode?anyone believing this doesnt
know how digestion and metabolism you know how long it takes the body to digest
meat?educate yourself on that,it takes very long.

It dont matter if you do it like Sergio Olivia who ate one big meal a day, or 10 small ones as long its
the same total food.i tend to say the less meals the better.will explain later why.

-calorie is calorie:

No shit , inspector culombo,a calorie is a calorie?a car is a car, a homo is a queer and a sucker will be
a sucker.

Whats new?

Well, while for the non working out skinnyfat twink who overdid beinge drinking lately and has
ganed some love handles, just eating less he will lose some weight, but keep the love handles using
calorie is calorie diet.or people beyond help might lose some weight onthis, but for bodybuilding this
is not any good in bodybuilding.we want to keep the muscle while losing the fat.
Why a calorie isnt just a calorie as far its use goes, here, very simple,theyre metabolized
differently.duuh.different macros release more or less (substantional amounts)insulin.

You know what insulin presence in bloodstream means?fatloss comes to a halt or is very much
reduced.i hope this helps.

If you still somehow believe this diet could work for you, well, haha, give it a try, millions average
joes who work out in fitness temples do this, they train and just eat whatever they want and stay
about maintenance level.check them out how they, do try this diet for yourself.and
see.some can only learn by the way of mistakes, some will only believe a hot oven is hot when they
burnt themselves.

-just holding a bit water:

Well, the water always comes with fat,unless very lean, so dont delude yourself,and will only go
away by dieting, reducing salt for a day or some bs like that wont make any worthwile
dont matter anyway both water and fat under the skin make you look like waterbaloon filled with

-different bodytypes meso endo ecto morf:

-stop with the excuses youa re what you are.the metabolic rates from these alleged bodytypes are
all within 10%.only difference is structure(this includes stomach size)and how much one eats and
moves around.forget about bodytypes, talk less,train more, learn to lay down the fork , you wont die
of starvation if you dont have the whole 3lbs spaghetti every day.

And the socall ectomorphs, give me a break, put these twinks on 5k cals diet for 2 weeks and see
how ectomorph they are.theyll gain fat.

Make the best out of you, thats effectively all you can do.

-muscle shape, genetics, insertions, structure:

These are all given factors and cant be can only become bigger,or leaner and
muscle will then look dont matter what angle your feet for legpress,your quads gonna
look the same in the end.scott curls wont give you biceps like larry scotts.and genetics do matter,
pes arent the great equalizer of everything.however, even hrt dose is a huge difference to natural,
much more than doubling the dosage of some cycle would be.the step from natty to just hrt is

-pre and postworkout meals:

Dont be overly enthusiastic about these, its a scam to sell you protein supplements bar and
powders with sugar in it for post think a pre workout meal does you good?yes?ok then
have 2 pizzas before workout and see how that goes.then have a workout on empty stomach and
see how that goes.this should make sense to you, if not, I see a permafatso destiny heading towards burn like 300 cals in a weightlifting workout,this includes the social typing into you ifone
writing to your boyfriend in what restarant you gonna have dinner.

A meal takes roughly 10 hours to be metablozied and absorbed until that energy is available, cept for
sugar only meals but those kill fatloss and make for unstable bloodsugar levels, youre not a
marathon runner, nor a sumo.

Same goes for your post workout meal, you can visualize how it enters your muscle all you want
and daydream about that, but that dont mean its happening.

-muscle loss:

Have you ever broke a bone and had it unmoveable for a while?did the bodypart lose muscle

This muscle loss balony was indoctrinated into the fatsos minds.ppl so afraid to lose something they
never had in the first place.its like the 30 year old virgin being afraid Sandra bulldog whom he never
met beyond jacking one off to her on tv, him being afraid their affair might come to an end.

feeling smaller in clothes,losing half inch arm size on diet, this isnt muscle you think your
fat and waterbloof take up no space?haha.they take upmost space, look at bodyfat and muscle on
ann opened corpse.also being weaker in the gym is no sign of muscle loss, just like being stronger
is not a sign of muscle gain.could be all fat and water lubricating the joints and help you to lift more,
while fuck allmuscle was gained.and ofc,this works same the other way around.

And if they somehow get lost, how would that be?do they grow feet and walk away?the srgument
that too little calories intake can cause muscle loss,oh brother, wouldnt they just get back if the cals
are increased again?see where im going?jesus wept!have you heard of the Minnesota study?they
tested men on low calories,no training and not enough protein at all, lets not even mention
steroids.theyd only losemuscle if they didnt eat anything for 3 days in a row and were under 5% how would a guy who trains, gets enough protein and takes steroids,lose muscle?are you
out of your mind?try to actually lose muscle those factors given,it wont work.

Stop training, yeah that ll cause muscle loss, stop dieting properly, that too, lowering the steroid
dosage or going off,thatll have that effect too, and dying.naturals going under 6% may lose some bit
muscle,keyword may.get that parmafatso thinking out of your head.and also dont say you have to
build up some more size first before diet, for after diet youll look exactly the same.if it was so easy
everyone would be shredded.

Chapter 3:pointing out flaws of other

There is a reason why conventional 'pre contest diets' fall so miserably short in comparison to this

Do conventional pre contest diets work? Of course they work, but they are tremendously
inefficient. In many aspects, not just from a 'length of time' point of view, but in that they do not
allow the body to utilise properly the nutrients it gets, or efficiently (your going to see this word a
lot by the way- efficiency- it is one of the cornerstones of this system) the anabolic compounds
used to hold onto lean tissue during this time. Curious? Thought you would be. Read on.

First of all, what Gal and I have discovered is that in a severe deficit, for some reason- and I say
for some reason as we dont know why- we are 'do it' guys, not 'science' guys- the body becomes
remarkably adept at taking what little nutrients we give it (ie protein) and utilising it as efficiently
as possible. We think the body does NOT recognsie protein as just a calorie, or unit of energy, but
specifically knows it is to be used for lean tissue maintenance and repair and partitions it as such.
So much so that you may actually gain lean tissue thru the course of this system. Impossible,
given everything we've been taught, but true. This also gos a long way to explain why im finding it
so hard to over train on this system. Im hitting each body part up to 3 times in 8-9 days and am
still growing and feel great. The key is to listen to your body and back off when you feel that
lethargy setting in. we'll tell you how to recognise and off set this later in the book.

What else makes them tremendously inefficient? Well, we can get into contest shape in half the
time of other diets. How? Well at its base, when you run a 8-12k cal deficit a week, which you
should be doing, you HAVE to lose weight. Its that simple. What we've done is made it tolerable,
and designed a system that keeps your body burning off fat even when you hit sub 5's when even
the best pre contest diets fall short- Gal walks around leaner every day than most pros do on the
day of. Without gh and fat burners and t3. thats should tell you something as to the power of the

What else? Typical diets give you too many calories, then ask you to do an hour of cardio a day to
burn them off. Does this make sense to you? Why not let your body use its own fat for fuel, stay
off the elpitical or treadmill and enjoy life? Lets all diet on 2k cal a day, give our body cals it does
not need, do an hour a day of cardio to burn off those cals, and do it all over a period of 12-16
weeks. Sounds pretty ridiculous when I put it to you like that, doesnt it? But thats what everyone
Finally, well not finally- cause as we go one you'll see how this system rips apart whats 'common
knowledge' in the dieting/ competing world. but to end this 'where diets fall short' chapter,
they make for inefficient use of the anabolics that you use to preserve lean tissue. You can
literally keep as much lean tissue, if not create more using less anabolics over a shorter period of
time. We'll tell you how. Sounds impossible I know. Cause its not 'supposed to happen'.

-why the diet sin the mags are no good:

You will find diets of competitors and professionals in the mags, with claims like 300-400gramms
carbs a day for dieting.well first off, those diet plans are ghostwritten aka pulled out of the authors

Secondly they dont mention the drugs(while praising the supplements haha),for example somepros
do have carbs in their diets, but they dont need it for energy and well feeling, they have them
because their insulin use requires them to do so.

This is just one example, simply regard the magazine diets as comedy,thats what they are.

-the diets in the lifestyle mags shouldnt even be honoured with mention, for theyre extremely
stupid, its like the authors taking the piss who will come up with the most retarded claims, but we
will go as far and mention them only to dismiss them all by default, for clarification not
bother with any of those pure grapefruit diets, or any fashionable detox trends.

Or vegan.

-the diets with cheat days:

Ever wondered why those dont really work?youll know why when youve read through this
book.they do get ppl to 10%,after long time,but at that point they typicaly come to a halt, you hit a
plateau and wonder why.heres why, a whole cheat day is simply too much,after 1 big meal of
junkfoods,the body will be flooded with insulin,that the next meal of junk will all be stored as
meals of same calories like whole cheat day doesnt do the same damage, more on that in the diet

The more fat one has the more damage cheat days will do, the body is ruthless in this aspect,it dont
care how fat you are with enough bad food youll get fatter and fatter,its an open scale, just have a
look on American streets.cheat day is just another term for lack of willpower and disciplineill hold
through but only look forward to the cheat meal.this is no good mindset.cheat meals have their
place and time where you get away with them and where theyre needed, thatll be explained later on
in this book.

If you do the math,it takes about 3 days to clear that food and be where you been previously
bodyfat wise,and 3 days after that youre supposed to do such refill again?how does that not halt
fatloss progress?

-2000calorie diets,aka, slightly under maintenance.nobody can calculate your maintenance,the

best tool is to judge by hunger, all those calculations are unnesecary,ppl will look at you like you
some day is the same, and the maintenance-fatloss change dont happen at an exact
caloris number,its a grey border zone.long time in permanent deficit yeah thatll work, or short time
in extreme deficit.for brutal fatloss and to keep going when In single digit bodyfat levels, you have to
take extreme measueres, you have to be clearly under maintenance, by good margin.the body likes
to stay in homoestasis, ie, always trying to be the same or get back to what its naturaly, forget all dont eat unless hungry.always.thats the one measurement you always always have
to follow, if you dont,forget about the whole thing.thewhole book will be useless for you.

Now if you add cheatmeals to such diet or cheat days, doesnt need an Einstein reincarnation to
figure out why this doesnt work.

-anythin layn nortern says is basically excrement leaving his filth and semen filled loudmouth.just
because he puts on intellectual kinda glasses doesnt make him the jack of all trades.

I dont care if hes natural or not, I dont care how he explains his gyno, he looks like garbage either
way, he looks like absolute shit 11 months out of a year.the guys form on squats is how you do a
good morning, look at his followers , just dont bother with him.

He looks like shit and therefore can only teach you how to do the same.

If your neighbour buys crocodile as pet,starts meth for fun,and jumps off a clif, doesnt mean you
gotta do that too.

-profesional bbuilders diets:

Dont event try those, I did for you, haaha,spare yourselves the failure and hassles.

These guys have humongous active muscle mass on them, unlike you.theyre also more active than
you think.they will often train twice a day with weight at an intensity level you cant even
fathom(yeha might look sloppy, but dont be nave to assume so)and do something crazy like 2 hours
cardio a day.theyre also on every drug imagineable,resp, affordable.

Troy alves diets on 2000cals a day, Arnold and company dieted on 1000cals a day, what does that
tell you?you think you need more cals than Arnold?

-ok to say it bluntly, this no one-galeniko diet is the absolute goldstandard for fastest fatloss
period.all the other approaches are flawed, when it comes to fatloss,and by the end,to get all
shredded, youll have to do something like this anyway.theres no way around this, nobody claimed
its gonna be a picknick in a sunny park, but itll be easier than the classical diets out there.theres
success stories, the pics of no one and me speak for themselves, it works on everyone I know who
does it,too,including women.look up the best dieting thread online(our modesty know no
limits),google galeniko nutrition getbig and see the results even from others, videos and pics.every
doubter was shut down muscle didnt go anywhere,they didnt get lost.

Take it or leave it,this is revolutionary.thank us later.

Galeniko-none approved

Chapter 4:drugs
Check the manufacturer;-)


Everyone accosiates steroids with big muscle.there is something to that.

Almost everyone thinks steroids will give everyone and particularly themselves big muscle, if they
only bothered or tried to take them.if you belong to these ppl, congratulations, you are a 100%
mentaly mongoiloid,over-the brofer retard.

-steroids give thebest benefits if other factors are given too.on their own,they will do nothing but
maybe give you a case of acne and bloaty face.

The above mentioned factors are training and diet and to a degree, rest.

Thats right,most people dont have any idea what theyre doing in the gym, mere presence in gym
dont mean youre training, personal trainers are guys who paid for a weekend zourse and now
have a title and theorize what training schedule is best(on gear, basically anything will work more
or less anyway).lok upthe training chapter for this matter.

Ok, what do steroids do?

-they increase blood volume, ie, better pumps

-they tremendously accelerate recovery

-the do optimaize metabolism

-they make you stronger

They prevent muscle loss during hefty and severe caloric deficits,I find this to be their most
valueable attribute.

What they do not:

-make you shredded.thats what dieting does, no matterwhich steroid you use.

-magically blow you up in no time(yes,fat and water maybe, but pure muscle, good luck)

-make you a pr if you only took enough of them(and no, even if you took enough of other drugs,that
still makes you a nothing,youre a pro when youre a pro.very easy).

Ok, all in al, steroids will get you ripped on such a diet,I have proven that, test e is my exclusive ped
of choice, not your typically acknowledged cutting drug.until might very well be the best

Either way, its widely known what steroids do and dont,its also described in other chapters
need to go indepth about them,but few things have to be said.

Some ppl see a shredded physique and will say that must be the result of trenbologne.or how tren
supposedly its a cutting drug.

Your diet will decide wheter you get cut or not, the steroid on itself wont.

All the way down to 6% nobody really needs anything but test, andeven lower than that can all be
done with test.this doesnt mean otherdrugs arent any good btw,but some really only make a slight
diffenence when at 6% orlower.

Any steroid on shit diet will rather be punishment than anything else.first off the people on tren
often tendto be on a diet, thats why theyre lean,duh.tren can also be used as Bulk
drug.understand?all steroids cvan be used for cutting or bulking, the difference is much smaller than
ppl generaly think it is.

But there are ,have been and always will be ppl who get shredded on typical alleged bulking drugs,
the Arnold era guy certainly did so.i did so.zyzz did so(albeit with every other drug available
haha).look, even anadrol and test cypwill not make you watery if the diet is clean most of the time
AND the dosage has to be moderate to low, or all bets are off.

On the other hand, even the tren-winstrol combo of bloodwork parameters death will make you
bloofy if the diet is shit.

This should undermine andmake clear to the last guy out there the importance of good dieting.

And yes, steroids do work at their very best at low bofyfat levels on drastic caloric restriction diet, as
long the factor of enough protein is a given.this is where they really shine,imo

Bulking anyone can do with bit gear(those who bulk on huge doses are kinda stupid, its a longterm
recipe for failure)and loads off foods, but where steroids give their full advantage is during hard

The pumps will still be borderline or over the line painfull, recovery mindboggingly fast,and they
programm the body to use the little food it gets in a most amazing, remarkable efficient way,
almost scary.

Ok, before addressing different steroids, allow me to have my say on other peds:
Hgh:vastly overrated by retards who wish this is the magic solution for them,the easy way.but this
doesnt mean its useless.if one is strict on everything, it has good benefits.a pro told me
oncesomeone whos not so good 220lbs, will be a better 220lbs on gh.i have very limited
experience with gh, I see it as expensive fatburner which causes slight water retention and is
benficary to joints, and admittedly,everyone whos typicaly chubby guy who had problems with
dieting and getting shredded got their leanest ever on gh.if it bc motivation, makebelieve placebo or
the gh, I dont know.noone will tell you more on it, newcomers certainly dont need it and its up to
each individual to decide if the wants to give it a try or not.

I think its of best benefits for recreational, experienced lifters, but dont delude yourself it could a
vicne goodrum into a monster

Additionaly, hgh makes ppl sleepy, lethargic, make syou fuller,causes water retention(musntnt be
a bad thing),up to 4ius daily seems ok for who can afford it and those doses dont seem to cause
extended guts.some pros swear it causes injection spot reduction.pharma or Chinese gh, typicaly
you get what you pay for.from what I heard, but all local markets differ.

Fatburners:ephedrine,t3,clen etc:

Yes they work, but not to the degree that nave suckers think.they are good help for competitors in
last couple weeks if they done everything right and possible anyway.they wont let you get away with
eating a pizza on topof diet every far they I know I tried.:-)

You cant be on fatburners forever, espt3 and efedrina.this book is ofr long term results, steer clear
away from promised fast fixes to problems.

Fatburtners on this diet arent just not needed, theyre infact counterproductive and could cause
severe flattening out and actually,muscle loss.think about it, you take t3 or and efedrina,so what
now?want flatten out or get away with eating 200cals more a day,if that?thought about the rebound
effect when coming off?also this leads to the lazy mindset of the drugs will do all.they will not.


Seems to be the new thing for brutal gains.has no place in this diet, as if you take insulin, you must
eat carbs, or you die,very simple.also accosiated generaly with the pregnant turtle shell belyy so
often seen on building stages.this is the wrong book for any insulin advice other than id stay away
from it,its for diabetics,leave it to them.if you wanna be a pro, and think size over anything,including
health, this might be the wrong book.



Overall, if we cant develop good enough physiques with what the guys in the 80s had, that kinda sad
and pathetic isnt it.
Ok lets move on to the steroids,ill cover the most popular ones, the not produced peds or
unavailables mustnt be mentioned imo.

Ok testosterone,imo any gymrat will never need anything but test e or cyp for maintenance or bulk
or even diet, and maybe propionate for cutting, all else is kinda cosmetic change purpose when 6%
and leaner.

Listen very closely, nobody in the world needs anything else than test e to get to 6% bodyfat.using
other steroids for diet will only have marginal difference as far fatloss speed is
considered.meanwhile, there will be some unexpected benefots to this.

Some people use nothing else right till competition day,I get competition lean on just that, and
stayed few weeks out from contest conditioning for 3 years in a row,its well documented with pics,
getbig community knows, this has led to thelegendary status

Look, if youre over 12%, for building standards, youre plain and simply an obese fat fuck, theres no
way to sugarcoat look like shit at 12%,if you only want slightly visible abs or something go
buy a fhm magazine and read that.

Now as ive said test e or cyp is good enough easy for getting down to 6%dont be a jackass and take
tren if youre at 10%+.spare the non estrogen convertibles for when at sub 6%, this is where theyre
useful and can make a cosmetic difference.theyre not required even there, but useful.

Test e will always keep you full,always guarantee for hefty pumps and will make you hold only
minimal water if diet is clean and dosage low to moderate, just enough water to give you extra
elastic feel and strength and spares the joints just nicely.these effects are non existant on something
like winstrol.

You wont get that stringy,thin look on test e, but always voluminous, full and vascular,just on the
verge of overspilling with subcutane water, thats just about perfect.

And it has few side effects, in compare to non estrogen convertibles.if any at all.

And you will have good, healthy sex drive at any time,which cant be said for other steroids.

What do you think why testosterone has become number 1 in the legal market use?

-Orals in general:

If one is gonna use orals,I suggest only to use them for few hours before workout as a training
booster.theyre liver toxic(so are injectables btw),use them wisely.if you run injectables as base, you
dont need orals on non training days.thatd be a bit like using gear without actualy training.:)

Best oral for strength is halotestin hands down bare none, not sure if its still available, but if you can
get ahold of legit ones, pop a couple of them before workout just for the fun of it;-)

If youre also under 6% already,it gives a dramatic grainy dry look and it somehow acts on the
nervous system, most everyone says the canflexharder on it.
No one will add more stuff on steroids in general, I have tried everything, but I find long term simple
test is the best multipurpose stuff, very versatile.

Whats more important than saying balonies about which steroid allegedly does what,is this:

If youre over 8% or so, your body is an estrogen birth giving cesspool, if you wanna do gear,get lean
and stay lean, the gear will work BETTER AT LOWER DOSES! On higher bodyfat%, gear is simply less
effective.youll know what I mean when you been to the twilight zone, living at 5%.i would never go
over 8% on gear.never.if you wanna be over 8%, be natural,and get back on gear when youre
ready,dedicated and willing to will just look terrible if 10% on gear, have all kinds of sides,
youll have high bloodpressure often, and suffer water retention.

Furthermore, if anyone advices you to take high dosages, beware, either his gear is shit, hes a dealer
or affilitated to one.a newcomer will need 1 year to max out on hrt doses, even 250mg test + 30mg
dbol a day is too much for newcomer.or 500mg test weekly, that way to much for a newcomer.

-so again, this cant be repeated often enough,if you wanna be fatter than 10%, spare yourself the
blama, the hassle, the self humiliation,and the sides effects youre inviting by being a fatso on
gear.wanting to be 10% on gear is testimony of utter and disgusting lack of willpower.btw if youre
15,or 20% and on gear but are dieting hard, thats ok.keep in mind for some reason high test
dosages hindr fatloss, sometimes less is more.and more dont get you faster anywhere.

If you load a donkey with too much baggage he wont go faster.

Either way,after this book youll know how to regrow into shape,all up to you.

Surely youre asking yourselves how to estimate bodyfat levels,or how to measure them.the most
useful method is the bodyfat caliper, use the 7point or 9point measure method,theyre more
accurate.women add 25% to the result bc of their fatso tits and humongous backsides.

The caliper mightnot be 100% accurate, but its within 1% esy,if you measure honestly and dont
cheat on yourself.its the best tool to log progress.ofc, ultimately itll be the mirror.numbers and
measurement of arms etc dont mean nothing if you see a turd in the mirror.

Ok, so as previously mentioned my ped of choice is test e,it keeps me full,aggressive,no sides and I
can get striated all over on it.everyone has to bit cleaner than on other peds,but this keeps
you from cheating, for the payback is hefty if you cheat, a huge cheat can lead to up to 10lbs water
gain overnight.that alone is a good reason to not cheat mindlessly.

This steroid can be used all the way down into the 4% range,I believe its the absolute best at
keeping you full.i never had any similar success on the typical cutting drugs.the cutting drugs have
huge drawbacks if you ask me, dry joint lead to less power and injury proneness, less estrogen leads
to tiredness and lethargy and so cumulation, test e is actually superior,if one can do an
extreme diet.test e wouldnt be so good choice on higher calorie helps training harder while
suffering less sides, and this alone makes it very good muscle preserver in diet.

This goes against all popular broscience beliefs, but after this book youll know the real value of
those socalled popular broscience bs beliefs.
I got more shredded with this ped than most competitors, and with no fatburner, no diuretics, no
water trickery,the phletore of meds those walking pharmacys need to get into good shape and
condition for few weeks every year or 2, only to blow up into fatness in no time afterwards, with no
cut in sight.

I prefer it over tren bc tren gives me sides which I dont suffer from on test, I prefer the enanthate
ester to propionate and other alleged cutting drugs beause it keeps me so full even at 4% bodyfat,
on this diet it works flawlessly and precisely because of the diet, theres a synergetic effect of the 2.

And I dont like to injectmyself every day, therefore,itll be eneantathe for me.but ofc yall are free to
use whatever you like.but why dont give it a try with nothing but this until 6%?

Ok, now, from 6% to the dead end,somewhere in the 4%s,is where different peds will make a visible

Masteron,winny, tren, will give grainy,polished but rather flat look.and those nonestrogen
convertibles are no good for cholesterol levels, for lack of catastrophical term. And one day, you
have to come off of them, so itd be a temporary look, but surely youre looking for something to
maintain year round without getting sick.i prefer theenanthate test look and FEEL, test e will,when
lean, convert just bit into estrogen,just the right amount, estrogen is essential for recovery and good
bloddwork values.ever tried letro?this is how you feel without estrogen!like total shit, tired, weak
and lethargic.

So in conclusion, for this to work on test e, low dose and clean diet are MANDATORY.on high doses
this wouldntwork so well.THIS is why I tell people to be OFF GEAR before entering this diet,to beable
to benefit from low test magic.

If you come from 1gramm weekly bulk into the diet, youll need like 1,5 to 2 gramms to hold on to
the muscle, and thatll lead to too many water issues , ie wont work well.

You dont need high doses ever, you only need high enough doses, run only ever as much as
minimaly required.

So yeah,most superioir results will be if you come clean into the diet and shock the body with it, the
test will do its job at preventing muscle loss while helping you to go through the diet in various
useful volume loss except for glycogen depletion flatness which happen on all diets btw,
from the beginning to the end.and the diet will be short bc it works so fast,I sincerely believe long
diet drain you out mentaly and most will stop for lack of fast enough results.

Now how fast does test e work,or any steroid?it works from the second on when youve
injected,smoothly and evenly.2 days later is peak concentration with more rapid decline than people
believe, yet theres still a huge accumulation effect,the longer you stay on.after some months250
weekly becomes equal to 500mg weekly;-) this is not the case with short esters,I consider this a
benefit, you can control water retention by injection frequencys, typicaly after 10 days of no shot,
subcutane water starts fgoing away very fast.experiment a bit with it,its interesting.

So you see, while it can be said just take any ped to get to 6%,the whole success rate depends more
than anything starting clean-off gear into the diet and in this low calorie diet, my ped of choice.
So I wonteven address the other steroids,as ive said,everyone can get there on just test e,and can
switch to propionate towards the end,if he wants the more stringy graniy look.

Can also mindlessly be used forever,while masteron,winny and trenoften come with harsh sides and
you have to come off of them eventually.

Trenenanthateand equipoise deservehonorary mention,theyre great peds for this protocol too, even
on their own.

Theres really no need to address other drugs as far im concerned, but no one will add his views on
those.i personaly dont trust ugls here,its rather a local thing, so I just get my test from the doc with
script and thats it, this kinda minimizes the choice,but you see, the diet is more important than the

When Gal and I set out to write this book, we were going to be 100% truthful, no
bullshit, no gimmicks, no lies. You your about to see right here us hold to that
promise. And how is that you ask? Cause in my usual no bullshit way, I am going to
offer my own opinions on anabolics usage while dieting, what compounds to take for
certain looks, and the value of others, and you'll see that not everything I say
completely parallels what Gal is saying, in fact we disagree on a point or two, and
I GLAD we don?t necessarily agree on all points. And why? Cause it only reinforces
the strength of this system, cause in the end it isnt the drugs that?s responsible
for the magic that happens, its the diet, or else wouldn?t we be in 100% agreement
on our compounds of choice? ;)

Let me begin by saying if your thinking im going to give you some kind of magic
anabolic key here that?s going to melt fat off you, and let you be lazy and
undedicated, just stop reading now, go load up 10-20iu of gh and keep eating 2-3k
cal a day, take forever to get to sub5, and then enjoy your rebound, son. Your
wasting your time here. What I will do, however, is tell you how to get certain
'looks' out of these tools- and that?s all they should be used as- tools. Tools to
create a desired look. Or else you've set yourself up for failure long before you
start the diet.

Gal has no use for GH. I love it. I use 3- 4iu a day and probably will for the rest
of my life. No I don?t use it to burn fat. I use my diet to burn fat. If your using
drugs to burn fat, you are eating way too much, and you wont have the willpower or
the mindset (remember that word?) to keep the body you've struggled so hard to
create over the course of the diet. Kinda sheds some light on why so few guys walk
around in Gals condition year round, doesn?t it. Like I said, I love it. Why? Well
Gal kinda hit on it in his post- a pro once told him to the effect of 'it wont
make you a bigger 220, it'll make you a better 220'. I couldn?t have said it better
myself. GH somehow creates a 'look' that is undeniable. Full. Round. It gives a
person an almost look of being made of plastic about them once they have stripped
their fat off- ever see someone whos ultra shredded, looks 3d and has shiny skin?
that?s gh administration. In fact the best way I can put it is that it makes you
look 3 dimensional. Like one of those action heros figurines you played with as a
kid. I like that look. The fullness and roundness. No anabolic comes close to
mimicking the effects of GH. You don?t need a lot. 3-4 iu a day. I prefer chinese
hygetropin pinwheels. If you hear someone talking about a certain type of gh being
so fucking amazing and heads and shoulders above everything else out there be very
cautious. All gh when properly dosed manifests the same effects. And this look is
one of them. Yes it burns fat, but im not going to spend any time on talking about
that here. Why? Cause your not using it for that purpose. If you are put the book
down. Your only wasting your time here. Its that simple.

There are two basic looks one can achieve at ultra lean bf levels. It depends on
your personality or goals. Gal likes to look like a walking anatomy chart, while
still maintaining a degree of fullness. I like to look full, lean and dense- and in
this look there is a sub look I'll get into a bit later. And you thought it was as
easy as just sticking a needle in your ass? Well, it can be actually, but when bob
chick said 'drugs are just the finishing touch' he took a lot of heat and got much
maligned in online forums, but you guys who mock him have no clue how truthful
those words really are. Cause when used properly they are a great finishing touch-
they create the look. Period.

The one thing gal and I both agree on is the enanthate ester. For years guys have
been dieting on prop. And they lose fullness, and they think ah fuck, you know what
it must be the diet flattening me out, its the fish, it flattens me out. Or I
flatten out on chicken, I need to eat lean beef. Lol Ever stop to think its your
choice of anabolics, specifically testosterone?

We don?t know why, but NOTHING works better at keeping you dense in a severe
deficit like the enanthate ester. Why? Fucked if we know- we arent science guys
were do it guys. Anadrol aint got shit on enanthate. Actually, maybe if you used
enanthate you wouldnt need the drol. Just saying. Why do you need the anadrol?
Cause you are in all likelyhood using prop. don?t get me wrong- I love prop! But if
you want fullness and density stick with enanthate. I use both enanthate and prop
and I'll tell you how below.

The looks: (all at ultra low bf levels. Else your just wasting your time with these
compounds. One must truly be 5% or lower to see the magic in what im about to
write) and a caveat: this is not for beginners, or someone trying to look good at
the pool for a day. This is knowledge for guys with a lot of cycle history under
their belts, and not for someone who just finished his first blister of dbol and
nolva or bottle of sust. if you are having difficulty following the measurements
you are not ready to use the compounds im talking about as you lack the experience
to recognise what im saying, so don?t ask me to expound on it cause I wont. If you
don?t get it your not ready to use these compounds responsibly. Its that simple.

full and round.

To me at an ultra low bf level this is the holy grail of looks. Nothing screams
impressive to me like this look. You'll see guys who are ultra lean, but look flat,
with no 'pop'. Whats the sense in that? So you look like a broomstick with abs.
congrats on that, I guess. All that being said any time I use a compound now, when
I want that look- very full, very tight, round look I'll always use the one with
the enanthate ester attached to it. Testosterone enanthate, masteron E, and tren E.
(I buy it in a pre made blend, saves me fucking about with several bottles) those
are my gotos. 150mg a week of test e, 100mg a week of tren e, 100mg a week of mast
e in that blend per ml in case your wondering. yes, a WEEK. that?s a 350mg shot.
Like I said you do not need a lot of gear on this diet. With that I'll use 150mg of
prop a week, and 20-40 mg of anavar a day. that?s a total of 500mg injectable, and
140mg orals. I take .5ml of prop eod, and .3ml of the blend eod along with the 20-
40 mg a var a day. I say 20-40 as I can remarkably change my look withing this look
just by adding in or taking away that 20mg of var. pretty amazing. Want more
fullness, add in 20mg more var. want less take it out. Its incredible what just
altering your var by 20mg a day on this diet will do, esp when your only running
500mg of compound a week to begin with.

I was today after my meal last night 238 pounds at a height of 6'1 1/2 (btw that
half inch means a lot. Ask your gf:D). Whats the significance of this? If you've
followed my posts ive always run for the better part of a decade 2g a week cycles.
At least. My favourite being 7 and 7 with an oral (7 and 7- 700mg tren ace, 700mg
prop a week) and usually anadrol to keep me full (see that- I needed drol to keep
me full). The significance of this if it hasn?t hit you yet, is that im
maintaining, if not CREATING new tissue on 1/4 of what I used to create my body!
that?s how powerfully this system works. And it touches on the efficient
partitioning of the nutrients the body gets in a severe calorie deficit. To me this
is very telling that the system is magical. How else can you explain this
phenomena? You cant. But the partitioning theory we have is closest and makes the
most sense to me. And that?s why you DO NOT NEED TO BOATLOAD ANABOLICS and why
other diets fall so damagingly short. Amazing but true.

shredded granite.
Theres another look that can be achieved at sub5% this one is one where you look
like granite. You look like you are literally made of granite or have a very stone
like appearance. Im not a fan of this look as there is some flatness associated
with it. But if your willing to forgo that fullness and want pure shock and awe,
give yourself a period of 3.5- 4 weeks to the day you want this look, and drop all
your enanthate esters. Switch to prop as your test stand alone, drop the enanthate
esters out of your masteron and your tren and run tren ace and just masteron naked
(no ester). Drop the var- fuck I love var and hate to tell you to do this but, if
you want that look drop it. Again, you do not need a lot of either dose, but
because the enanthate ester is no longer attached I find I need a bit more of each,
I don?t know why this is, but it is. Keep the prop at 150mg/wk (you do not need a
lot of test. Get this notion out of your minds right now- perhaps another
brosceince myth we've busted). Up the tren ace and mast to 300mg a week of each.
Your now running 750mg a week. A bit higher than the above example but we have also
removed the orals so we are in the ball park mg wise.

You will not need a diuretic for this. In fact it will only interfer with this
look. I don?t know, me, I used to do it back in my 7 and 7 days by dropping my drol
and I don?t care for it. I don?t like looking all grainy like that. Its impressive
to other guys, but chicks find it off putting. And I do this for chicks.

The Gal look.

This is a look all of its own. Its a combination of density, lean tissue and
functionality all at the same time. He walks around at sub5% year round with this
look, that?s where the functionality part of it comes into the equation. My 'looks'
are not functional. i'd recommend holding them for a couple months during the
summer at most, then fall back on the gal look year round. The compounds will have
that much more pop the next time you use them the next year. You don?t need those
looks year round with the gal look. Its impressive enough on its own. He does it on
surprising little. And I'll let him lay it out for you. Hes the master of it. Who
better to speak on it than the Freak himself? :)

Ok all that being said I have left a lot of compounds off my look list im sure you
were expecting to see, and one that you were not (enanthate). I'll tell you why I
left those off. If I don?t mention a compound here its cause its not worth
mentioning in the context of looks im talking about ie eq or dbol. If you don?t see
it, it had no merit over and above the one I mention. Those are all you need. Lets
start with winny. I hate the shit. why? Cause it makes you look and feel brittle,
and makes your joints feel like shit. Why would you want to feel like that when you
can take anavar? Anavar gets a bad rap for being a 'girls drug' imo its the bets
oral going. Why? Get to 5% and use it. Then get back to me and thank me later.
Anadrol. Awesome for fullness when ultra low cal dieting. BUT since the discovery
of enanthate by gal and I have have been be able to replace it with my beloved
anavar (yes it really is that good) and use the E to keep me full. What about NPP?
I love it. The only anabolic I have ever used that I would say can be compared to
keeping you full the way GH does. Why don?t I talk about it here? Cause I don?t use
it as I lose my hair on it. I 'shouldnt' shed on it but I do. Its actually very
hard on my hairline. If you can work it into the 'full and round' look you want go
ahead. I highly recommend it to those who can tolerate it. Its that good.

As always, and true to form. We do not believe in fat burners, stimulants, thyroid
meds or diuretics of any kind, so I will not go into detail on them here. Same with
dnp and insulin. I have a lot of experience with both those compounds and you
simply do not need it on this system. The dnp cause that?s how fast this will strip
fat off of you. The insulin simply cause it has no place. If you have the MINDSET
to get down in the trenches and work for it you will not need, want or use the
above compounds, the system will do everything and more any of those compounds will

Now, this is about as good as it gets for details I have seen in some time. In fact
I don?t think ive ever seen anyone, anywhere lay out knowledge like this in such an
open and honest manner, tell you what to use and how to use it to get the look you
want.This is all part of our promise to you, dear reader, to maintain our integrity
thru the laying out of this system to you, and its no holds barred approach to
getting you shredded and on your way to your new body in record time.


Chapter 5:training+strength
-ok, to make this clear, you should be able to bench your bodyweight for 6-10 times with perfect
form,squat own bodyweight for 10 reps,in layman terms, you should have some basic strength,
strength is not soo importnant in building muscle, but some basic strength you have to have, in
order to play around with less weight later on.if you cant do these because youre too obese, just
calculate your fat off and see if you qualify.if youre an obese 300lbs youd be lean if you can
bench 200 for 10, youre honest to yourself, if you cant do this with perfect form and full rom,
you dont have a foundation worth writing home about.and you have no right toloudmouthly
annonce how strength isnt necessary, only I have that right.

If you dont qualify, you will be overall smaller if you diet anyway, no problem, if you dont like that
outlook, go through a proper bulking phase for once in a life, theres a dedicated chapter to that.

-you do not train for strength as bbuilder, you train to grow or maintain do that with the
aboce mentioned base strength built up so far.after a while strength gains become minimal anyway
and can only be increased by upping the dosageor getting fatter.both are not desrireable
goals.another good example is lifelong naturallay nortern, he has that farmer boy redneck
strength to him,and he even did steroids and prohormons(his gyno tits are testimony to that),and
hes got somestrong lifts indeed,with terrible form,butstrong no doubt, yet somehow hes not
becoming bigger.looks like hes at his best as natural, for the only thing growing on him are his

-now strength is a very relative term.slower reps will allow less weight used, if you do pre exhgaust
stuff like flies for chest and follow up with benchpress, benchpress will be weaker than when doing
benchpress first.this doesnt mean you suddenly got weaker ,or lost muscle, or that this training
wasnt effective.if you did triceps or shoulders the day before chest ,bench strength will or may be
less.sometimes,for no apparent reason,one can only lift 50% compared to the very previous
orkout,and then next week hes suddenly stronger than ever.does that mean one was
overtraining?nah.did the chest go away for holidays for a week?no, it wasnt.

The best judgement whether a training been good or not,imo, is, if the pump was good.not how
much I lifted.ever found that your best bodyparts always have the best pumps?see theres
something to that.

-lifting heavy forever will be taxing on the joints and is asking-inviting injury.injury means lights out
and game over, and whatfor?to impress other men in the gym with your power?haha, you gotta
admit that sounds like huge underlying homosexual tendecys brewing inside of you.

So stop that bs before you know you might have cocks inside of impress women, with the
look, not with the strength.women are dumb, if you look jacked tothemthey think you strong.
So yeah dont be a redneck jackass , nbody in the world cares what you lift, besides yourself, but
youre kinda meaningless as far how the world revolves is considered.train smart.

-learn mind-muscle connection.learn to flex every muscle as hard as possible for the whole rom.this
will greatly benefit your results if you apply it to your training.

Yeah, ppl laugh about this, but I can tell you this is the most importnant factorin training, as long you
havent got this down, youre devaluing your training sessions,wasting time.this ability doesnt come
over night btw,so you best stop laughing and learn this.this is what makes the use of steroids useful
or not.huge factor.

-if you lift half rom, dont contract for all time and lock elbows out on bench for example, then
frankly, you are a misguided delusionite and should strat from scratch or seek new hobby.become a
hairdresser or something.

There are so many theries out there,but its really overly theorized.the bottom line is,youshould get a
hefty and severe pump and then leave home(and not have post workout shake, FOR CHRIST SAKE).

On steroids any training will do, as long contraction is good and rom and form are good.

Ofc,the pump from cardio isnt useful, its gotta be earned by weight training.

-now how many reps should you aim for?fast-slow twitching musclefibers blabla.

Do away with any broscience, like high repsformore defined muscle(the belief in this only show how
foreign you are to proper education).definiton comes from lowbodyfat and nothing else.

Wtf you think the muscle fibers look suddenly different under the skin bc you do higher reps?

-again,on the issue of strength:

Empty your head of all the garbage makebelieve that might be in there and listen:

If you think youre bit weaker than previous training,that this makes you overtrained, youre ,lets say,
poorly think youre not recoveredfully,maybe.look,if you always wanna be fully
recovered fortraining, youll be training 2 times a week frequency.if the muscle isnt sore anymore,
its ready to go, you can feel it being recovered,can you.

For dieting, its best to be on the verge of overtraining permanently,and feeling out when its time for
a day off the gym.youll tyoically feel 2days later how brutally tired you really been.this means youre
doing it right.i dont know why, but this way forces the body to losemore fat faster, I tried both
ways,with more days off, but it clearly loses fat faster when trained more often.

Steroids also alter the cns ability to recoverdramaticaly, so dont be overy concerned about
overtraining on gear.btw this training frequency also prevents the body from building fat up during
maintenance mode.
And nobody can or should expect strength gains during dieting, not on a diet which burns fat.youll
have less water and fat in the joints, relative strength loss is to be expected actually.

Ofc if you been clean and go on peds for the diet strength will even increase.but you shouldnt even
care about strength, youre bbuilder,not some redfaced highblodpressure powerlifter fatso.youve
done your year of bulking, youre kinda done as far strength is concerned(unless you care putting
5lbs moreeach side to impress other men), you dont need anymore strength,dont worry about it.

Look how relative strength becomes when you do fast paced training with very little rest between
sets and focus on rom and form.and how it benefits your joints, theyll hurt less.

Does that mean youre weaker?no, its just relative.

Is when you become weaker,your muscle become smaller?hellno(if you gain pure fat you stronger
too, but no additional muscle been gained,think about it,fatty)

It just depends on too many factors,like cns recovery, what you eaten the day before,how much
glycogen in muscle,what you trained before, howmuch sleep etcetc.during dieting youll experience-
at random out of the clear blue sky-flatness, feeling thin, epic random water retention,many such
things.stand firmly through them,they go away.

-often ppl live under the delusion they can grow stronger every workout.wake up and taste the
coffee,that privilegue is reserved for newcomers and maybe steroid users, strength gains come to an
abrupt halt and plato eventually.dont shit your pants over this, your deluision of becoming very
powerful was false assumption from the getgo.

And strength increases arent even needed once on has built his foundation.instead of doing 1 more
max sets with brutal 5lbs plate more on bar and using 3 spotters, just do2 sets with lighter
weightson your own.

-many ppl think and would swear an oath that they have perfect form, but when they see
themselves on video, the reality says otherwise and the awakening is rude.

This even happens to myself,after 15 years of training, I sometimes fall into old bad to
never even develop talking about oor form here,very hard to reverse once there.oh and im
dead serious if you dont have good form,start from scratch.low weight, prefect form.sounds easy,
but takes years to establish rock solid muscle mind connection.

-overtraining on gear creeps in slowly, overtraining isnt being weaker, overtraining happensif you
train 20 days in a row, and coordination starts to suffer and strength goes to total can avoid
this by doing some light training sessions,its just as useful, light,heavy, itll get you the same
results,espon diet.train heavy one day,light on the next, more sets one day, fewer on the next,to
failure more frequentlyfollowed by non failure days, play around,see what works.

Gear user can mindlesslygo nearfailure every set,nattys better dont.naturals should take 2-3 days
off weekly and do less sets overall/train all the same way, just train less.

Theres just as little secrets to natural training as the is to training on gear.

Only frequency and volume differ.dont believ anyone telling you otherwise.

Choice of exercises dont really matter,this doesnt mean to do squats on a swiss ball ,neither does
this justify this god awfully gay crosstraining trend, I mean, keep it simple and use prefect form, full
stretch,hard flex atany time, fuck weight used,just use enough so it feels locking out joints
during reps,locking out takes away all tension of the muscle, may aswell lay down on the beach.

-I always train 1 bodypart a day,and am in and out the gym within45 pace,little rest,
not too much looking at women asses,high volume, perfect form.

-do not train abs, ever.esp not when on steroids.i dont and never did.and everyone knows mine and
no ones abs are epic.not training them will keep the waist andobliques small,thats much
and the indirect training they get is enough for abs.

-dont train by schedule, your enot some slow kid who needs be told when to train what.if the
muscle feels ready, blast it.

-always try to get epic pump, good formgreatly helps on this issue.

-you do not need carb to train, you only need your body.get over yourself, did eskimos go
through life back then when there was nocarbs available for them.

-both pre and postworkout meals are not only useless, but counterproductive for dieting.they
destroy the fatburing state-enviroment youre in.stay away from that garbage.

-always! Train on empty stomach,fasted, and wait for as long as possible after training with any
food.THIS is the most important and brutal fatburning recipe there is,after few times of feeling
weak, youll do and feel fine, dont worry.

ALWAYS fasted!have you gotten the memo?

If you cannot pull this off,might aswell stop reading and get back to gluttony.youre too weak
mentally for this, and no theres no alternative that works equally good.none thati ve tried in 15

-muscle dont know nor do they care if you use free weights or machine or cable,use enough weight
for 6-15 perfect reps with full rom and thatsit.youre not more hardcore if you use chalk and free
weights, but if you wanna impress your boyfriend, thats up to you.

Btw learning to flex hard and long, this is how you get better vascularity long term.

-dont do or even think about any of the bs HIT or whatever special training regiments,its all the
same, you been told what counts.20-30 prefect sets perbodypart for gearheads, 75%of that for

perhaps enter this as a chapter or include it in another? its a good name for a chapter-

observations and points of interest

some of these things gal may have covered thru the course of the book. if I repeat them bear with
me. it's only because they are important enough points to bear repeating. a lot of this stuff applies
mostly to the sub6 guys but everyone can take away from it as you'll get there in time too.

your body will, for no apparent reason, hold water. it could be any number of factors and even in
the absense of the most common reasons such as carb intake sodium intake or retention from
anabolic usage. the body will at times hold water randomly. I can't figure it out to be truthful. I
can be zero carb, zero sodium and I'll hold water out of nowhere. could be any number of
contributing factors. bottom line is don't let this discourage you. you'll look softer. big deal. shit
happens. stick to your diet. the water will fall off when your body is ready to release it. your not
getting softer or fatter. it's just water.

your body will randomly feel like training out of nowhere. at my leanest I trained 6 times in 3
days. on 2500cal 3 of those sessions fasted. if your body wants to train, train it. don't 'not train'
cause you already have that day. go again if you want. you will find it very very hard to overtrain.
like we said we think if night be more efficient nutrient partitioning brought about by the deficit. I
got out of bed at 2am two weeks ago to train arms cause I couldn't sleep and I was ready to go.
am I saying do this? no. I'm saying your body will enable it and want it. what you do is up to you.
oddly enough the harder I diet and the more i train the better I look. coincidence? I think not.

you'll know when to stop your workout when after feeling strong rep to rep thru a set you'll hit a
rep where there's just NOTHING left. it's an almost 100% decrease in power from the rep before.
that's when you pack it up and go home. this has only happened to me a handful of times. my
body was saying ok enough is enough now. listen to your body.

for those guys under 6%. your going to hit a point in the middle of huge low days you'll need more
food. instead of having that big meal up your cals by as little as 500. you'll see your vascularoty
an veins pop within 20 min. but you have to get to the point where you need the cals. if your
below 6% you know your body well enough to know the feeling when it comes. this will keep you
burning fat and able to perform your workload in the gym while still staying very low cals. use only
very sparingly. I've used it only 4 times in 6 weeks. it gets me over that little hump until the next
meal and my body responds crazily as will yours. only 500 or so cals. even chicken breast will illicit
this response if your Lean enough. amazing but true. that's how you know your 'almost there'-
meer chicken breast will tighten you up, make you vascular and feel awesome. crazy but true.
chances are you'll feel good enough to want to train again even if you have already that day.
that's how efficient your body has become.

gal and I both feel there are some tremendous gains to be made in a severe deficit by creeping
into the over training zone. gal calls it the twilight zone. that's a great name for it. we're not
saying run your body into the ground. that's a dead end street to failure. we're saying force your
body to perform optimally. back off when it's time to back off but pound when it's time to pound.
there's some good growth there.

your going to hit a wall. the wired energy will be gone. you'll be lethargic. tired. don't push thru
this. take the day off. push when your body says push. rest when it demands it.

below 6% your structure will change slightly. your bellies take on a very clear defined look. like
they are etched in pencil. this I feel is the body burning away fat at the insertions and around the
bellies that conventional diets cannot target as their cals are too high. in such a deficit the body
seems to scavange for fat very efficiently and attacks these areas. provable. no. but it's as good a
theory as any. it would go a long way to explain the sharpness of the physiques of the 70's who
dieted on ultra low cals.

Chapter 6:the liars of the business

Check laynes bitchtitts,so common with those naturals.

There are many liars out there on the internet and behind book releases giving out false advice and
nd-or being dishonest bc of legal reasons, and the gullible mob seeking the magical solution sucks it
up like a homosexual sucks up semen.

The liars all have 1 thing in common:they wanna seel you something, the most notorious ones will
be listed on out shitlist here,we cant cover all of them, this would be material for a whole book on
itself.infact, maybe we are the only authors in this field who are honest.

Lyl mcdonalds, this clown is acknolegded author or something like what me and noonedont
give a shit, we hold amazing minimum wage jobs and could care less if were regarded as university
educated authors.if university was the key to success, all students in America wouldnt be so
goddamn obese filthy semi human semi swine hybrids.:-)

This homosexual looking fella gives out advice on how to maintain the shapeetc.meanwhile he
himself isnt maintain his own shape, he looks like he only knows about gyms from hearsay.and his
clientely who postsucess storys, they basically went from very obeseto just obese.

Also I think this clown has forgotten to mention his steroids usage.not saying he looks good btw,
he looks like dierhae from dog even for natural standards.

This site is run like a military dictatorship,they supress any drug talk whatsoever and try to make it
sound as if their supplements are even better than steroids.they should be hired by nordkorea govt
as propagandists, theyre kinda successful at lying.

-matt ogurs, the sloteyes kid:

Why do guys like this dwarf lie?to make themselveslook at me,I got this naturaland then tell sell
you their advice and programmes and signed protein powders and whatnot.

Meanwhile,back in reality, how many brutal loking nattys have you come across?i cant count them,
because, uhm, I never seen one, there are none.
A natural lifter will look like a leaned out swimmer and thats it.

-layne nortern, the lifelong natural nutritional prodigy with phd,glasses and bitch titts:

This guy has the nutrition stuff down to the t, he obviously manipulated his natural test levels by
nutrition so perfectly that he grew bitch titts,what else is there to say, hes the prime example for
someone who takes gear, pretends natural anyway, and then claims superior knowledge, for he
looks good, so he must know his stuff.he looks lean for 2 week in a year when he does a non
steroid tested natural show.other than that he looks-deadly serious-like he never lifte aweight in his
life.i seen truckers who only eat drive in foods who are more muscular than him.

And how many of his disciples look remotely close to him?none.

Thank you ,next.

-gh15, an internet phenomenon:

Nobody seen his pics, hes catering to the gullible,and is selfadmitted dealer.but he does randomly
make sense in some topics, his glory days are over,its like a different person posting now.

If one has a death wish,or wants to become a pro,he got some points for you.

when gh started back in the day he gave out a lot of solid cycle information for hardcore lifters.
you could tell he was a guy who had actually been there/done that. I think that person was a good
thing for bbing. he brought the abuse to light and showed just how much of this 'sport' is based on
chemical warfare as opposed to discipline and suffering. I think that person is gone now. someone
or multiple users now operate the account. the original gh15 is no more. it's a shame cause the
original, love him or hate him, brought the truth to shine a light onto the degeneration of the
sport. degeneration as the physiques of today have taken a massive step backward from the
quality physiques of the 70's which were built more on severe caloric deficits and moderate use of
anabolics rather than relying all out chemical abuse instead of willpower to get lean. and it shows
in the quality of the physiques today.

Theresmore, but you get the idea.

Galeniko and no one approved

Chapter7:for women

If you are female and are reading this, theres only few possibilities why youre doing so:

-youre lesbian

-youre some obese American fatso hefer who thinks this diet may be the last solution

-you liked the studs on the cover, ie, you want to choke on some no one-galeniko protein-shake

-or you became so grossly out of shape that you couldnt bear looking at the mess that your mirror

No clothes to hide the revoting fatrolls could hide the disaster anymore,and its time to shut the trap
for 2 reasons:

-eat less

-listen more, chitchat talk less.

Theres hope, we feel equal disgust for all fatsos, nobody is more or less preferred-worth than the

This diet works for all and may well be the best solution for the grossly fat.

Ok, all jokes aside maybe you want simply to get in shape,something like fitness or bikini

I feel that such bodies are the sexiest absolute nonplus ultra a woman can have.if guys say they like
woman with curves etc, its simply becose they cant get any better.the elite female bodies is the
above described.

However, getting there isnt easy.

Many women stay away from training with weights and resort to pathetic cardio sessions reading in
jealousy to the content,the newest lifestyle mags, wondering what they doing wrong.

What are they thinking?the weights will turn them into mass monsters?

Please they will not, infact the only women I ever seen making remarkable progress in fatloss are the
ones who trained with weights.
A 1 hour cardio session will maybe burn 400cals, are you aware thats basically the energy contained
in 2 soda cans or 1 chocolate bar, which so many fat female specimen so often grant themselves
after an exhausting workout as reward.

You dont need reward, you had reward all through life or you wouldnt be so out of
shape,would you.

If this sounds familiar to you,just stop readin and enjoy a life in gluttony,fatness and diabetes city,
enjoy chips + tv programmes and be aware youll onle ever get desperate black men who want sex
with become the fatso white trash trailer garbage hillbilly mudshark.:-)

Seriously now, for women with ugly faces or ageing ones, training and look fit is the only saving
grace, to be able to socialy compete with the other beasts

So yeah,all the same applies to women, just calculate your number of bodyweight properly and
adapt the caolies etc.

Take care of what you put into your mouth,instead of relying on fatburners.

The fat took a while to assemble on you, and the studs no one-galeniko show you how to get it off
the fastest way.they know better than your garbagery lifestyle mags, they brought women into
shape in real life with diet help.

The only difference between men and women is the womb, at times the tits and you bleed every
month yet always survive it.for this diet, those are all non factors.

You dont have a harder time to lose fat,just read the book, stop the excuses and follow the diet.

Thats it no more extra words for women,frankly,its not needed,just do the same natural guys do.

Galeniko no one approved

Chapter 8:supplements

Most are as useless as growing a penis on the forehead, yes even for naturals.

But some deserve mention.for good or bad.

Haha, oh brother, the gullible discuss whether monohydrate or other forms are preferable.makes
me laugh furiously, such stupidity.

It like talking about t wheelless cars,which one be better for the indianopolice 500.

Theres creatine in meat, and creatine will give you just a bit water retention bloat which youll piss
straight out once you stop taking it.this is a far cry from having anything to do with muscle gains.

Invest that money in something more useful, a 10 ml ampoule of steroids for example.

-supplement stacks:

The fairy tale goes like this, 2 products develop synergetic effect.

The reality goes like this, 2 useless products stacked theyre still useless.its akin to eating shit by
dripping it into dierhea to give it some taste.normal humans dont do such stuff, neither should
you.the guys in the ads holding upthe magical product built their physiques with drugs.even the
naturals.natural these days is hrt*2,4iu gh and fatburners.


Yes!do take loads of them, your body needs them in brutal caloric deficit.fruits are out of the
question for this diet, so get your vitamins from tabs.they do work and you need them or will get flu-
ish very soon.esp when lean.


Yeah id call it a supplement,good apetite killer,increased libido,and epic tan,c areful,be conservative
with the dosage, this stuff takes forever to clear the system, keepthat in mind.

-any supplement promising testosterone boost:

Haha, dontbelieve this nonsense,even if it has graphs from studies, its all fraudulent.same for
the supps promising pct usefulness,listen, imo even the legal meds for pct do fuck all.

-pro hormones:

Are real, bonafide steroids, not joking, the same exact thing.very powerfull and very toxic.stick to
pharma steroidsinstead,a tleast those are made by multi billion dollar companies and researched
and clean.


Available as bronkaid, yes, very strong fatburnerand apetitekiller.btw pseudoefedrine is worthless,

dont bother.if wouldnt use ephedrine,if you cant get lean without fatburners,chances are you wont
be able to maintain the shape without them.and taking this longterm is asking for a health
disaster..remember this diet approach is about getting the best possible physique while not putting
your health at stake, or flushing it down the toilet mindlessly like some ox, metaphoricaly speaking.

-protein powders:
Id always prefer a real meal over protein powders.and yes a protein shake is a real meal, causes
insulin release.dont think otherwise.but theyre ok if youre travelling to places with only shit food
available,like Mumbai, arab emirates

Dont philosophy around too much which brand and whey or casein, just pick a cheap one which
tastes ok and thats it.


My biggest helper in dieting,I swear.i put them into coffee and water to get some sweet taste in the
diet,it obviously worked for me.

And hellno, aspartame does not cause insulin release or bloodsugar volatility, ffs, look up scientifical
studies on the matter,which you understand, not the misleading ones.this was created for
diabetics,so yeah, no insulin realeas on its own.makes sense?meausere yourself with diabetic tools if
you dont believe me.awesome dietary help,my main pillar.

Is it healthy?surely healthier than sugar.

-protein bar:

If they have chocolate coating on them, you might aswel eat a snickers or mars bar.dont think youre
some trendy guy eating those in the gym after an exhausting workout to replenish you glycogen
stores.its retarde.

Ok all that hasnt been mentioned, is not mentioned, because, its doesnt even deserve
mention.consdider the non mentioned forgotten or useless.

No one galeniko approved

chapter 9:tricks to keep the hunger


Ok, this is just a useful list of things we do to supress the hunger, to reduce hunger sensations.

your going to get hungry. make no mistake about that. you've spent lifetime giving
your body food it doesn't need. you've created an inefficient monster. don't think
this diet is going to be easy cause it won't be. esp at the start. you have to
train your body to learn to exist on much fewer calories and use it's fat stores
for fuel. the good news is that the body is a remarkable adaptable organism and
once you get it used to the fact your not going to be over feeding it any longer
it'll become remarkable efficient at it utilizing what little nutrients you give
it. that being said you are still going to get hungry. here's some tips to get you
over the hump. but remember your mindset (yes there it is again) is the best tool
you have to battle hunger.

food in this system is not used for sustenance. or for fuel. it has two distinct
purposes. one is to kill your appetite. that's what you use food for in this
system. to kill your appetite. so use it accordingly. see notice how I don't say
'eat'. food is a tool here to be used accordingly- strictly for appetite
suppression and, to the second point what we use food for, to create an anabolic
environment by supplying it with protein needed to repair and build tissue. much
like anabolics, food does not make the system unlike in other diets. it's a tool
and nothing more.

- a coffee w a scoop (even 1/2 scoop) of protein powder instead of milk and sugar.
both caffeine and protein are appetite suppressants. this combo works to kill your
appetite and stay on track. the fact it's hot means it'll take a while to drink and
adds to the satiation effect. itll only be 70-140 cals depending the serving size
but keep in mind that 140cals will be a 1/6th of your caloric intake for the day so
use it accordingly, not simply cause 'you want a coffee'. if you 'just want a
coffee' get used to using an artificial sweetner and no dairy. ya I know you don't
fuck with a mans coffee. esp if your Canadian. :D but sacrifices must be made and
this is one if them. I prefer protein in my coffee, Gal likes aspartame. I won't
use aspartame. it gives me extreme lethargy for some reason so I stay away. even my
protein powder is aspartame free. if you can use aspartame in your coffee to kill
your cravings fill your boots. like I said, I like cream and sugar and protein
fills that void. I'm willing to sacrifice those cals off my daily total for it. and
it still counts to my daily protein intake. it's a win/win for me.

- a handful of raw almonds. I'm not talking 50 almonds here. like 16 or so (yes in
fact i do count them- you'll know your locked in mentally when your counting single
almonds towards your cal count. :D) they are calorie dense little bastards but for
some reason they really kill my appetite. I always have them on me. at work. in the
car. they have saved me many a late night binge driving home starving and on every
corner there's a Mickey D's.

- know your triggers. I discovered I have triggers that cause me to get hungry. and
they are borne of repetition. for example I used to get a burrito from this little
place I loved every time I was in the neighbourhood. now just thinking about that
burrito or driving by it causes my stomach to growl. I'm not hungry. it's a
physiological response to repetitive behaviour. we condition our bodies to have a
hunger response thru repetitious behaviours. know these triggers and recognise you
are mentally craving. not physically starving.

- use your mindset. I have a half a peanut butter pie in my freezer. I love PB and
the only thing better than PB is when it's covered in chocolate. yesterday I went
in the freezer for chicken breast. I was starving. this was my first mistake which
I'll address below. I took the box out and opened it up. I looked at the pre cut
slices. I thought fuck it, what's one piece. you know? it's only 300-500 cals I
figure. I could eat that and still be under my cals for the day. cals I'm using to
give my body protein it needs tho. hmm. then I pictured how much further away from
my goal this piece will keep me. and I put it back. why? cause using those cals in
that way would have caused me more guilt than any pleasure eating that pie would
have given me. it would have set me back a day. this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. it's not
about just being in a deficit. it's about being anabolic in your deficit. and I'll
be goddamned if I'm going to break a 24 hr fast by eating peanut butter pie

- don't let yourself get to the point where your starving. your appetite quickly
becomes an out of control monster that will envelope you and cause you to make very
bad decisions. kill it the minute it starts. if your fasting just think about how
many hours of effort your going to blow if you cave. worth it? not for me. if you
want sub5 not for you. when you get there and your maintaining (we'll speak on this
later) then eat the pie. take it off your total cals for the day. cause caving to
your hungry before you meet your goal will create an environment where your
appetite will become harder and harder to control. (see triggers)

- finally, busy yourself. if I'm sitting around w my thumb in my ass I'll get bored
and think about food. if I'm active staying busy I don't think about it and it
therefor doesn't bother me.
if these can't get you over the hump I'm afraid nothing can help you. the first
thing you need is the mindset. if you have that, these tips will help greatly.


In no particular order:

-I go sometimes into a fastofoodrestarant ,like mcdonald,and stand there in the queue-row and
observe the disgusting fat swines disguised as humans,in human bodys.why do I say swine?because
ive worked on a swine farm once and the pigs behaviour when they know thefood is coming,is
exactly the same as the fatsos in the row.nervous, pulling infront,cant wait to be served,as if they
gonna pass out any second if they dont get any food.when in reality, food should be the very last of
their priorities,based on how they look.

Observing this has the same effect as those anti meth-campaign posters, which show healthy ppl
turning into home and toothless zombies within few months.

I then simply look at them arrogantly,in utter and deep,sheer disgust(letting them know),have a diet
coke and leave.

-drinking coffee,no milk,I put couple aspartame into it,make a huge and hot one,it kills apetite,and it
takes a while to drink it.i choose the most shit coffee label, for they are so disgusting they keep me
from even thinking about food.

-brush teeth randomly and wash mouth with mouthwater,this helps a lot too, and esp our british
readers can profit from this too, not so much bc of diet aspect, but it helps with their notorious bad

-go out for a walk with frends,dog, girl,if you dont have frends, go alone,whatever.dont think about
the next meal,make yourselfbusy.forget about scheduling meals.

-drink water,tea,diet coke,water with aspartame,this fills up and has some taste.and yet again,none
of these make you fat,nor do they cause insulin release.

-smoking cigs ofchelps, but dont start smoking just because of the diet haha.

Ephedrine obviously helps, but not necessarily advicd orrecommended fore thisdiet,for reasons
previously stated.

-chewing on raw cofeebeans, yes I really do this, its extremely disgusting in taste,absolute apetite
killer, better than looking at cellulitis infested legs of fatwomen-swines.

-mt2 , this thwarts apetite in most brutal way if dosage is very high, but it can lead to binge backlash
later on.

Thats it, the rest is willpower and dedication.

Chapter 10:the diet itself

So here youre about to learn in every detail,the new goldstandard diet from 2 random gymrats who
stay near competition leavel leanness for years nonstop.and can get into proper contest shape
within 2-3 weeks notice,anytime we please to do so.galeniko and no one are those protagonists.

I never had any respect for those socalled bodybuilders who look like they will give birth to an alien
any second, thats why I dont care about their diets, and they always looked fat to me when no
contest was around, because they are fat.which sane individual would wanna look like

I never believed the diets from the mags, I mean,for Christ sake, who would believe Ronnie coleman
sitting down and writing down his diet?id be surprised if the guy can write at all.he did look good
though, but where is he now,as of year 2013?as of now, both galeniko and no one look better

So,a few things upfront:

-alcohol,little treats and cheat meals here and there as planned scheduled reliefs.can I have one
icecream on each Sunday.listen that is the wrong could also drink your own peepee or
eat excrements,but would it be useful?so get this weakness,this disgusting beta-male behaviour-
thinking out of your head or you will absolutely fail.this isnt a female lifestyle magazine feelwell
trendy diet, this is a long term lifestyle change.the cheat meals serve a purpose here, a precise one,
and its not gluttony.

-it doesnt matter if youre 10%fat currently,it dont matter if youre an obese 15% or morbid obese
20%(make no mistake, often skinnyfat males ARE 20%,just bc they look thin, dont mean theyre not
fat), or even if you trash the fatlevel scale and are at cswol levels, or what first looks beyonf hope,it
doesnt even matter if youre the reason for the food shortages and famines in the world.its the same
approach for all.youre not special, nobody is.everyone loses fat the same way.

-1 difference there is, natural or ped athlete, but its less than you think.

-if youre currently bulking and are on gear,if you are any fatter than 10%, stop!!go off ALL gear cold
turkey.stay off for couple weeks and then start the diet and gear again.if you dont, you will have
suboptimal results.believe me.its not mandatory, but its best to be clean before the diet
starts.should be obvious to everyone, but ill address this later on in the book on why and what.

-do not even bother trying this diet after coming off general,after coming off gear, you
shouldnt try to hold your weight, youll end up skinnyfat, you should try stay lean.but when coming
off gear , this diet would be the worst thing you could do.this is just general info.when coming off
gear,youre worse off than a natural.

-again, I recommend strongly,to be off any(no crusining no nothing)gear before starting the diet.i
furthermore recommend to be on as very little gear as possible when not dieting.for maintenance,
run half dosage or less than that.

-always remember, the higher dosage you run, the more youll need for dieting to hold on to that
muscle, and when you go off, the coming down will be hard,the crash will be as low
dosages as necessary , have realistic goals, at some point the return of gains will be bad compared to
the dosage increase.even on gear, theres size limits.
This means, for example, 250mg weekly for dieting, when not dieting 250mg all 14 days.

Now how much you wanna use is up to you, the gear of choice is up to you,all will work,the steroid
thing is addressed deeply enough in this book,buyt the above is the recommended ratio.if you ran
long esters you can even go off ,but not for longer than 2 months, this is also explained at other
chapter.keep in mind, the higher dosages esp of test, the harder fatloss seems to come.

-keep in mind that more gear wont mean faster results, not necessarily.always keep dosage as low
as possible, this reduces sides, estrogen and leaves room for more gear later on.

When one does a first cycle,250mg test or cyop weekly is more than enough for the first year.

Thats right, do not do any of those bullshit 2months cycles followed by 2 months off, do not change
compunds, stick to one.theres no such thing like receptor saturation, not at low doses anyway.the
2months on 2 off pattern will go nowhere, youll gain puffy face cheek and acne and maybe bit bloat
and fuck all else long term.the going on and of thing is idiotic, there will be so many estrogen issues
its not even funny.dont blast, just run the same dosage all the time long term, only difference in
dose is maintainenca or dieting.its beter to stay natural than do 2month on-off cycles.

Now sit back and listen:

-a cycle lasts something like 52 weeks a year.maybe you can go off for 2 months,if you feel like
taking it easy or even not training at all for short periods, thats fine,gives body and nervous system a
break and youll know how to rush into top shape in no time afterwards anyway,this book lays it out
for you.

Now you will be ciruouse why 2 months off.i said 2 months max if you run long ester.

That is, because long esters wont make you deflate into nothing within 2 months after last
shot.infact,they first couple weeks off, you will look your best,the water fom under the skin will
go,then week 2-3 power will decrease,but muscle and its fullness will be very good(looking not
feeling)for 2months,after that, go on again, because from 3rd month on the decline and muscle loss
will be remarkable.and come along with fat gains.a total fiasco scenario.

-which ped to run?no one runs different things than I,but something importnant we do the enanthate form of anything,tren,test and eq are best.

I claim 1 compound is enough and that all, I prefer test e,for reasons listed throughoutly in the
steroid section and other places in this book.i dont make things complicated, I just go to thwe
doc,get hrt script and thats it.i did all this on 250mg test e weekly kidding,I have no reason
to lie, I could say I ran 2 gramms weekly, but I didnt.infact,most ppl grossly overestimate how much
gear they need, they do everything wrong and think more dosage will fix their own shortcomings.i
dont see why ppl smaller than me would need more gear than that.

-on this diet, it dont matter which ped you run, youll be shredded on any ped if you follow this.stick
to something that dont give you sides longterm, dont experiment around.dont think too deeply
about this, dont confuse this with a philosophy class.
Test e isnt known as typical cutting drug,but I frankly dont give a shit,my look from the last 3 years
in a row gives me any right to disregard the often repeated broscience about what is a cutting
drug.its often ppl who never been lean who spout that nonsense anyway.i dont care who says what,
I dont remember coming across anyone but no onewho was in such shape 3 years straight,
neither online nor irl.

I been leaner than any of these clowns at any given time,barred their 2 week before contest glory.i
spit on lay nortern,or matt sloteye bogus, they look like skinnyfat assembly of dierrhea 99% of the

Instead, galeniko and no one will lay out how its really done, they speak from experience, not

-man socalled bodybuilders are notoriously overfed and plain and simply fat swine with disgusting
lack of willpower in diet, pathetic overestimating how much food they need for their brutal size,
and guess what,it shows, around the globe, the vastly most observed gym rats sit at an unfavourably
looking,water logged, bloated, borderline fatso 10-15% or even fatter.they all collectively lie to
themselves how theyd become lean if they only tried,and then try a broscience diet from mags and
,predictably to us,fail.they delude themselves into thinking they can diet on 2000-2500calories,haha,
based on some dumb calculations or something,thethen religiously schedule their meals etc and are
never satisfied with that food anyway,and they all fail.some few get lean on all drugs imagineable
and then balloon up like depressive American whore woman, within 2 weeks 16 weeks
or more dieting flushed down the toilet in a forthnight.

Open your ears-eyes!what in the world makes you think you can get shredded on 2500calories?for relativity
sake, Arnold an co dieted on 1000calories.oh, now I predict you wanna mention muscle loss,I see.

More on that later and in different chapters.your muscle loss fears shouldnt be of concern,youl see.

Neither no one nor me lost muscle, did we?

Just a word on dosage, it cant be repeated often enough, I believe in l,ow dosages long term ,rather than
short burst with cruising inbetween.why?bc I tried both and the low dosage approach results are far
superior.but I dont have any ambition to grow any more, so yeah.

Another word on test e, I believe its the perfect cutting drug for this diet,bc it keeps you full with minimal
water retention,and it shines at preserving muscle loss department,and the bit water helps to keep the
power and elasticity,while sparing you joint pains and a degree.also sex drive is through the roof
anytime,all the way till 4%s range,its ok.unlike many other drugs.i repeat, the perfect ped for this diet.only
tren can do the same,or eq,but will need kinda higher dosage,making it a weaker test e basically.

Ok,now the diet specifics:

-No t3, no ephedrine ,no clen,no diuretic,theyll flatten you out on this diet,theyre dangerous,and absolutely
not needed.what you gonna do when you come off of them?ballon up.

-cardio:not needed, but just stay very active in general,itll help to overcome random lethargy
periods.lethargy on gear can be very misleading,making you feel worse than you actually are.

-you will feel like crap at times,youll randomly hold water for no apparent reason, dont panic, keep going,
change nothing,its temporary issues.they go away.
Here comes the most important rules, this is why it works so good,this is what both no one and galeniko
entirely have and do in common,this is the holy grail:

-NEVER,EVER eat when not hungry,if you fail to do this,it cannot and will not work.never means never,
theres no room for negatiations on this.eating when not hungry is number 1 fatmaker.

This means dont schedule meals, do make-cook your food upfront, but listen to stomach,not the watch or

You await hunger.then,you don NOT eat, you drink water or whatever trick youll use to overcome this initial
hunger sensation.and just wait.move around, dont base your life thinking about next meal.

Youll learn that this so severly seeming hunger feeling will just go away after 15-30minutes.THIS is where
you have entered the fatburning zone, the twilight, thelonger you hold through before going crazy
and binge on a whole buffet(it happens to the best,no one and me can tell you stories haha),have the next
proper,clean meal.just before going insane, have a meal.and then rinse and repeat and always stay withing
the scheduled 800-1000cals a day for that day.1 or 3 meals wont matter.

The hunger bangs gonna be severe but they all go away eventually.woull-contrary to popular herd-mob
thinking-experience shitloads of energy once the body gets used to it.its a weird form of euphoria,hard to
describe.thatll be after 3-7days,thats how long it takes to get into the twilight zone,until the body has
cleared all that shot foods,salts and water.youll lose up to 10lbs of water in this period,and a bit fat.after
this,2lbs of fat weekly minimum will be shed if you stick to the diet.thats a shitload of pure fat.

-for Christ sake, no dairy,no milk,no such things, keep it exclusively clean,the cheat meal opportunity and
need will come.

-speaking of cheatmeals, the fatsos premier choice haha,you dont really need any of them until youre ay
10%, the body will have plenty of energy to suck off from the fatso corpse deposits until that point, but you
may have some.keep in mind they do less damage the leaner you are and aare required the leaner you get.

Keep them small if possible.under no circumstances bigger than 2500-3000cals total on that day, and dont
do them more frequently than 1 weekly.until 6%.this is exp;lained more detailed later on.

-oh and as for small meals inbetween, dont do them,just dont.noone eats a cashewnut(one!)to kill his
appetite, I suggest dont do any at sugar bonbons,it can and will trigger a meltdown-esque binge
attack.same goes for fatty foods really.its like juggling with machetes, this small snacks business.and it
causes insulin release, ie stops fatloss.

-dont cry over lethargy or poor energy at times, this happens on all diets, this one is the best in that
aspect.the diets with unnecessary carbs make your bloodsugar fluctuate and you go beteen hungry
k,tired,feeling ok all the this diet , when in the twilight zone, you wil often forget what
hunger is.leave them do their idiotic eating 400cals more of carbs only to have to burn that
unnecessary food on cardio.these carbs wouldnt make you feel more saturated or fill up.they just
extend the process.

-the point is to get through the diet asap.i think, if anything, extended dieting on fatburners will burn
muscle and require higher steroid dosages(remember when coming off both them how brutal the
crash will be).this one wont,if followed as advice,we have proven so much.particularly the point of
starting gear only with the diet and be clean for say a month before that.thats crucial.
-in the gym, strebght will be random.endurance will be unexpectedly good.just do a high volume
training if strength is low on that day.train as much as possible,stay borderline overtrained,I
believ(no,I know)this forces the body under so much stress,it further increases English
wording, training 14 days in a row is no problem.just adapt your training weight accordingly, dont
shit your pampers bc youre weaker on some day,its about getting a huge pump,not moving huge
weights.train just heavy enough for every particular day base on how heavy you can go.

-naturals have to train less, 3 days off the gym weekly are mandatory.this is the reality, this is the
disadvantage vs a steroid of many disadvantages.

-now when to have a big meal of cheat-junk?:-)

I tell you what cheat meals do,they bring fatloss to halt temporarily and refill glycogen stores and the
fatcells(this is why you suddenly look bigger the next day, but its just glycogen, carry on doing such
meals and you be fat in no time, this is also why you feel smaller when glycogen is depleted).youll
need them more frequently when leaner,when at low bodyfat , your body becomes a calorie burning
machine of highest efficiency.(and the lower the bodyfat ,the more calories from outside itll need, as
theres no fat to take it from anymore, but thats for 4-5% range).this should put the slowdown of
metabolism failry tale to the trash bin of bodybuilding history.

Btw, just one short thing, after cheat meal, thje day after youll typically look and feel full, then day
after that, the water bloat will come no matter what followed by flatness(dont panic), and on 3rd
day, you should be where you bheen before,maybe bit leaner and long you keep dieting
afterwards precisely as described further down.

When lean, the environment is almost no estrogen(which is built in bodyfat cells and from
overdosing peds!btw do not use anti estrogens,this is long term plan,anti estrogen is short term
solutionwith followup disaster),and itll use any food much more efficiently than when youre at, theres no rule for the cheat meal frequency, but until in sibgle digits, try to hold through
without for as long as possible for fastest results,7days, 14days,as much as you can handle without,
but really no more frequent than every 5 days.the longer the clean period,the faster fatloss will
be.its as easy as that.totally up to you.when leaner you get away with 3 day frequency, when
maintaining later on,you get away with shitloads of junk food

So say, its time for your cheat meal:have it, but follow these 5 mandatory! Rulings:

-make sure youre brutally starving before the meal,borderline stomach cramps-level

-keep the total cheat calories under maintenance for that 1 day,say 2500,3000max.

These cals should be LOW protein,make sure its pure trash food,icecream,chokolat, whatever you
like,everything goes for cheat meal(just dont do sugar sodas,icetea,alc please)

Make sure this is the only meal on that day.btw the smaller the cheat meal, the faster progress is,but
up to 3000cals isnt a problem.

-have the bad calories ALL in 1 huge meal and eat nothing else that day.if you have it in 2 smaller
potions of equal total calories,itll do damage,if its 1 meal,it wont,this is mine and man others
experience.i think its because after 1 such meal,system is flooded with insulin and whatever is eaten
next, results in growth of everythin,including fatcells(this however, can be usefull at other point,see

-after the cheatmeal, dont eat anything! At all until the last bit of it is shitted out.apetite will have a
misleading comeback fast,disguising itself as fake hunger.wait it out,itll take 12-24hrs.wait until
hunger bangs turn brutal before returning to clean meals schedule.if it takes 24hrs, dont worry
about the 200 gramms of protein, you dont need the protein when your glycogen stores are full;-)

-eat the biggest meal before bedtime, but dont have breakfast in exchange(im not joking,breakfast
is overrate,youll learn.)

The diet fall and stands with these 5 rules!if you dont follow those you will fail plain and simple.

Protein!always,always 150-200grams a day,cept cheat meal day and the waiting period
afterwards.and traces of fat and carbs.traces means few grams.means putting bit mustard on
chiockan breast,not mayonnaise and not the whole tube,lol.

You can eat veggies for carbs,but keep even that to a minimum.drink before you eat,to kill
apetite.always drink so much until your peepee is slow.

Heres exactly what galeniko eats:

-get up.breakfast:fuck all, every day I eat fuck all for breakfast.this means 1lbs of coffee with no
milk and a bunch of aspartame in it.thats it.0 calories.

Then I go and train

-5-6 hrs after waking, first meal:

Brokli or similar+300gramm chiken or turkey with 10 gram mustard on it.sometimes 30gramms of

solomo fish with that.thats roughly 350cals.

Hunger kicks in 1 hour later, but I wait for another 3 hrs then I have this.couple tomotos,150gram
tuna,100gram shrimps,20gramm bread crust(the crust is ok),10g mustard,1egg.that 300 or so cals.

Then 6 hrs later funghus brokli and 200 gramm choken and 10gr mustards.200-300cals.

The meals are obviously exchangeable.its very little anyway.

See this way I dont have to count cals,I get my protein,I knowim between 800-1000cals and thats much theroizing and philosophy.

Btw dont be afraid to do a random whole fasting day,those give epic fatloss results,epic.visible
things withing 24hrs-results.

-the leaner the body,the more frequent and-or bigger cheat meals itll need, but thats kinda resrved
for twhen youre sub 6%.but you can increase cheat day cals by 1000 once youre at 8%.the normal
days,they stay same at any time.dont touh them.dont play around no matter what.

So what if you have a meltdown resulting in the most brutal,uncontrollable binge has happened?you
will wait until the last bit of that is shat out,expect 24hrs or so, before eating anything again,and
then do no cheatmeal for 1 wont lse muscle, youll be having extreme pumps from that
binge for a whole dead serious, wait 24hrs before next clean meal.whatever you eat before
24hrs will end up as bodyfat, most likely.where else would it go, your glycogen stores are full.

You could also get to 6-8% kinda easy if you ate 10-150grams carbs from vegs a day, but you
wouldnt feel better, itd take considerably longer,and you could forget cheat meals on that

Our diets purpose is to get you to the goal the fastest way,the maintenance will feel like a relief
compared to the cutting part.get it done as fast as possible.

attn.@natural, all the same applies for you,just gym visit frequency,maybe 20% less protein,but you
MUST have50gramms of fats everyday,and do 30-50gramms of carbs.why?becaus eyour enatural,
you need the fats for testosterone production,and bit carbs for muscle preservation.itll take you
longer, but youll get there.THIS is the difference of ped=natty,at this level,this is where the
difference becomes most obvious.ped user has clear advantage.

Btw you better take all the multivitamins calcium etc tabs, theyll be needed,the ,leaner you get, the
weaker your immune system will be,if you trying to diet down further,later on at maintenance all
will be fine.

No.FUCK, no fruits, no milk.cept on cheat meal where everything goes.stay away from alc even on
cheat day, and dont do fluid sugars drinks.dont even think about them.

This is the diet,if followed as described, youll get there to 6% or lower(the getting lower than 6%
part is covered later on and in chapter faq).its simple, but not a man,show willpower,make
hunger your best friend.theres no other fast way, or everyone would be like no one-galeniko.

Dont be a beta male weakling whos afraid of fainting because he cant have his French fries every
goddamned gimmicks, no fatburners, use willpower instead.without willpower, all drugs in
the world wont help.

To get under 6% is the king discipline.if you having shits, youre eating too much.

This is a saying from amultiple world amateur champion,my role model,and its absolute true for this
going from 6% all the way to 5%or even high 4s.meaning, competiton level shredded.

You will be pissing a lot in this zone and time.

Natural,id advice to not go below 6%,stay at 6% or high 5s and be happy with that,go to
maintenance can try, but youll end up extremely flat. not necessarily need to increase the dosage at this point.

But what the body will need is more frequenty cheat meals, or bigger ones,your choice.just make
sure to do a fasting day afterward,min 24hrs.

Train a bit less in this phase.take 1 day or 2 off the gym weekly.
Youll know when the cheat meal is neede, its when even if you overeat on protein, you will feel the
bloodsugar crashing and youll be pissing every 10minutes(from all the water you drink to kill the
hunger),this is the time to have 2000-3000 cheat calories.

This way you go bit back and forth in fatloss, but this is huge advantage bc you dont have
competition deadline and you will feel better overall,compare to having to must stick to exact old
school diet plan.

Basically, try to not cheat for as long as possible, youll be in the low5s,high4s within 2 weeks.the
more you cheat the longer itll take.this stage is-theres no other words to describe it-hell on
earth.there not much else to say on this(but I will in chapter faq),this stage is all pure
willpower,the twilight zone euphoria will help greatly,when youre through or cant bear it
anymore,skip to maintenance,and stay close to this shape all year round

One rule, dont give yourself lenience for even 1 day after diet, you go straight into maintenance
mode.the maintenance is much easiet than this,promised

Btw, you jst crash into the diet straight down to 800-1000cals daily,from whatever you been doing
before.this is why its so important to be off gear before the start,this sets the body up perfectly for
dieting hard, for the shock.this is very important to understand.

Yes natural also just crash into this, its not so much a shock for them for they gonna be at 150-200g
protein, 50g fat and 20-50 carbs, total 1500or so cals.the cheat meal rules are all the same for them.

Furthermore,if you ever been shredded shape on this drug regiment,even if you go off training for a
year and become skinnyfat twink,or fatso,if you do the same protocol, youll grow into the old shape
auprisingly bulk to do beforehand,the body will simply end up where it was before.this
ofc only applies if you havent trained or been clean and then restart the protocol on gear.yes this
way youll either shrink into shape if you gotten fat,or grow into shape if you gotten skinny.i did
both,this is precisely how it works.

Btw when off gear, dont try to hold on to the mass,it wont work after the 2 months off period.try to
stay somewhat lean when off.

Galeniko none approved

hapter 11:steroid and other drugs side

This is a most annoying topic, but ill address it none the less.

Yes steroids, all of them at wrong dosage can cause side effects.the most common 1 is water
retention,who hasnt see waterlogged fatsos permabulkers with that retarded looking bloofy
monfaces,in indian-red touch.almost purple.bad diet will cause this,too high dosage will cause
this(not choice of gear per se).and it goes further than that,its not just a harmless cosmetical
nuisance,it leads to elevated bloodpressure,this will harm your kidneys long term.and fuck hell
fuckno,no anti estrogen will fix a shit clean most of the time,or stay natural,spare yourselves
the hassle and the self inflicted ridicule,better to never touch a weight than to be a permabulker.we
starte to work out to get more pussy,not to get bloated facs with no muscle line visible
anywhere.youre not big when you bulk up,youre a digusting mess of water and fat, basically a fat
swine who dont know when to lay down the thats water retention covered then,either you
run too high doses or your diet is off, no matter which ped you take.or both factors apply.because of
the dumb more is better mentality.

Do you think trenbologne wont make you fat and bloated if diet is bad?good luck with that,go ahead
and try that smarties.and water retention doesnt go away quickly,hellno, unless youre very 6%
lean,it will take months!think about this hard and deeply, before stuffing the fries into your mouth
next time.

So in conclusion I dont agree with taking anti estrogens for non competitors,not needed for this
diet, and is a short term fix anyway, with a boomeranf effect of problems once you stop the anti es.

The rebound effect when coming off anti estrogens is no much fun,most ppl get their pair of bitch
tits long AFTER a cycle,precisely after going of anti estrogens and when they turn fat.because of
estrogen flodage after cycle.its a vicsious cycle.lw bodyfat is the best anti estrogen trick out
there.hands down.everyone whos been shredded before knows this.ask around.

A bit estrogen and water retention is useful, estrogen makes recovery quicker and will have positive
effects on cholesterol and bloodwork parameters in general.

When you do bloodwork on non aromatizing drugs,even on clean diet, you gonna be shocked about
the results.

And the water helps with power, elasticity(winstrol makes you feel like muscle tear can happen any
minute), but this dont mean so much water till no lines are visible anymore.clean dieting on test will
give just enough water.its very little.

Speaking of bloodwork, have that done once every have them tested.if theyre bad, go
off for a while,couple months.dont be first.

So yeah dont believ the broscience out there that anti estrogens will help prevent gyno or even
reverse it didnt help cutler coleman Nasser dead sonbaty and all of them.they should know
how to apply them.the reality is they can prevent short term, but theyll counter punch you in full
force later on.donr bother with anti estrogens,theyre anti cancer drugs ffs, just eat clean when on
juice and dont overdose,and stay lean,thats all you can do.

If youre born to hjave gyno(50% are,its 50-50 realy)you will get it even without steroids sometimes.a
gyno op with removal of glands is affordable and then the matter is settled once and for all
fucking hurts like hell, but thats the price.this book doesnt sugarcoat or twist the half-truths,its
telling it as it is.if youre too concerned,stay natural.

-hairloss?so what,some steroids cause hairloss for some people,its inconsistent to claim this steroid
typicaly causes it,it just plain random.forget the beta5 blabla theories.but!it only happens if its
genetically meant to happen.again ,safest way to do as low as necessary dosages,this is the smartest
thing in general for steroids, on all matters.

Spare me the finasteride topic,fuck you and your finasteride.or stay natural,then your preciouse
hairs will fall out slower and a year later.haah,enjoy that year to the fullest,but best learn to deal
with your insecurities.muscular man and insecure?think about it.

The solution is to make kojak hair or do cheap transplant op in turkey,they do it very well.just dont
worry yourselves,the worry will make the hair fall out faster than anything.

-pct:what the fuck,pct.insert rolleyes here.its useless, you either on or not.dont do cycling,only ever
come off for 2 months if you been on long esters, or you will severly deflate,yeah some gains from
gear can surprisingly be held forever,beyond whats naturaly possible,dont know why but its
true.also the steroid muscle will come back in no time and be maintainable on fuck all dosage,ie,
very low.forget pct,I tried with and without,its all the same and not too bad if youre mantally
prepared to lose some muscle.body will take its timeanyway.but if you think you know better, go
ahead and copy a pct programme from the internet.not even hrt docs manage to get it right
btw.neither the anti estrogens nor the pct.
Theres no one size fits all solution for this.dont worry, going off of low dosages isnt even bad.the
idiots who run loads gear,they get the full metaphorical fist into the anus;-)


Risky for heart, high blood pressure, prostate issues, hgeavy sweating, insomnia.


Sleepiness, gh gut on high doses, carpal tunnel syndrome on even legit 4ius a day for some people.


Death?stay the fuck away, fatty liver, visceral fat,gut, metabolic syndrome

-limp dick issue?

Limp dick yeah can happen from certain what,can happen if you have ugly wife too.cialis
,Viagra are your frends here.or stopusing the compound which is causing it, this is why only ever
running 1 compound is useful.on moderate to low test doses, youll be fine.


Well, you got acne,huh?dose ower, eat cleaner,if it dont go away and bothers you too much, stop
using peds.

See a patter here?

Galeniko-noone approved

Chapter12:the maintaining
So, the brutal part is behind you, you are lean now.5%,6%,8%, whatever,maybe the leanest you have
ever been.even if you came fom 20+% down to 10%,thats great.

Now we kinda take a break and can opt to diet full out later on again if we like to do so.

Now the allegedly lost muscle will have the opportunity to come backyou will find that its just
water and glycogen levels making them full or flat.

Now,NOW-if ever- is the time to bulk a bit, this is the opurtunity to gains bit quality size without
getting fat.this is kinda a very high frequency bulk-cut programme, this maintenance part.

You will be full of energy at all times now,and feel great.

Very first thing:decrease your dosage of or half of what you took for dieting.the insulin and
calories will do the work.if you been on long esters for dieting,the galeniko special;-) you can go off
for 1 or 2 months, you wont really be off,haha,there will be plenty of peds still there, from
accumulation this is up to you whatever the decision is,you should now be able to get to
your current shape on the same regiment whenever you feel like doing it again.even after many
years off training,this is the very long term benefit of this might shrink down to fuck all, but
will be back in 2-3 months

Youll look the same if you do the same.simple as.this lifelong reward is referred to as muscle
memory, I find it a dumb term.but this is exists.

So, now in good shape, you want to keep the look,unlike the socalle competitors(haha, what a
term)who rebound like pregnant women and even kinda resemble them, with the bellies.

Ok, for maintaining a 6% itd be about the same as maintaining 10 or 15%(ppl at fatter levels just
dont realize they slowly getting even fatter, for at 10%+its impossible to tell,everythings covered in
fat).to make this work,there must be some rules and you have to abide by them:

-STILL, NEVER eat when not hungry.this is the most important thing,and I still mean never when I say
never.eating while not hungry is what makes you inevitable fat, its the best recipe to gain fat.

If youre hungry before EVERY meal,and we speaking about hunger,not apetite(theres a chapter
about this),then even the worst calories like sugars and saturated fats combined(the fatsos
favourite)will have much less dramatic effect on fat gain.youll get away with plenty.

This is the one reason why no one and galeniko stay shredded even while eating pure junk diet at
times(the bad foods just gotta be timed well).this and the fact we are very lean already,a fatso will
just get fat if he tries this.

Basically the main difference to the diet part is the frequency of cheat meals and their size.

Yes, still has to be single cheat meals, not cheat days.even if you do the whole calories of cheat
within 1 day spread over the day, your conditioning will go to shit quick.have it all in one meal.

Be hungry before that meal, fast for as long as possible after, heres one difference, fill yourself up to
the limit,everything in sight whatever you want, until you cant down anything mustnt
go that far, but can do,mindlessly

Such a meal will make you not want nor can eat anything for next 24 hrs.try it and see.

The size of this cheat meal difference makes the difference of slight quality gains and getting
leaner.and the frequency.

If you do this cheat meal every 3 days, followed by 24hrs fast.and regular dieting days in between,
youll stay shredded and make great quality gains.obviously the less frequent those big meals happen
or the smaller they are the leaner you stay,for will get slightly and very slowly fatter, but
its really not much.and you can just get back to full diet mod for few weeks and be at your leanest
again, if you still have to train as much, thats not even a question.

If you can manage this, you will be under 8% easy year round.

Ofc you could also do for maintenance something like 100-200 gramms carbs a day with no cheat
meal ever, but that WILL make you fat very quick,believe me,or alternatively,try for youself.this is
precisely what everyone does and they still not satisfied with all the tasty foods, and they simply get
fat in no time.

They have no room for the big meal on the other hand ,will be having more junk food than
they can dream off,and be full of energy at all times.they will be social outcasts, you can live the life
in shrededness, go out with a whore-woman and eat for 50usd at mcdoneld and pretend this is your
normal lifestyle, they dont wanna hear about tupperwares,chicken, brokli.;-)

You could even just do Adonis diet or eat what fuck ever you want any time, but youll be over 8% in
no time.

The naturals dont get so much lenience, they should keep this cheat meal at 4000cals maximum.but
doing this twice a week as natural and for ped users double that amount is fair enough isnt
it,considering the rewardyou will actually find yourself looking forward to the CLEAN meals from
all that junk food,haha.never worry about a thing,random flatness and water retention is
unpredictable.ok one way is, if you have big meal and not drink water next day ,on that day youll
look dry and full, but thats the only 1 predictable thing.

Btw, calories on non cheat days are still the same as in diet.can try 200 or so more daily, but I

Thats it, this is truly the secret to this all, you see it takes many words to explain, cant be done on 1
a4 page

Train starved still,stay starved after training for how long you can.never ever eat when not hungry,
forget the clock, forget scheduling meals, never be a fatso again.

Btw,1 thing on your way, never care about measurtements,eight, strength claims,the mirros will tell
you everything you need to know,as long your enot blind or severly delusional(medical
term:cswoliosis)do the best of what you have, everyone looks best at their leanes, forget the size
game after your done with bulking time, you cant do more than put best effort into it
anyway.keepgoing,every training, every proper meal, every twilight zone experience is 1 step to the
right direction.

Chapter 13:errors, learned the hard

-confusing fat and water with real,pure muscle size for too long.wasted too much time with this
delusional outlined in this book, theres a time frame for bulking, but other than , theres
no need to ever go over 8% for gains.the gains above that will be mostly fat and water, youll find out
when you diet down again and weigh yourself.if you think one can gain mmore than few lbs pure
muscle per year,then you need urgent reality check.

-you grow outside the gym-have enough rest.

This mantra I fell for and was the biggest mistake ever.

I was avoiding moving around too much and laying around in my fat and bloat, thinking its neeed to
preserve my non existent size went so far, id keep sex with my girl short and after climax,id
walk with imagine lat syndrome to the kitchen and pop couple dianabol and have protein
shake,thought I must make up for the sperm loss

What the fuck does the grow outside gym sentence wanna tell us?enough rest?

Enough rest is, if you sleep every night,thats all the rest one needs, when youre awake,nature
meant you to be active, doing stuff.does this make sense from evolutionary point of view?:-)

Enough rest is simply getting sleep and not partying from Friday night on rec drugs until Monday yeah no need to become a asocial hermit permafatso who sits at home awaiting his next
scheduled meal ghostwritten in some fraudulent fitness mag, being afraid if he misses that his mass
will wither away.

Think about this, if this were the case, thisd be too much effort to bother, wouldnt it.

Quite the oppsite it should be, be active,dont think about the next meal,eat when hungry,not when
some clock says so.the Neanderthals didnt have watches either.
If the growth-thatll come from peds anway-doesnt happen during sleep,andneither in thegym, what
makes you think itll happen while you sit there with ils,daydreaming of looking jacked, awaiting your
next anabolic window meal?

And yes, train as much as possible,the best schedule imo is 1 bodypart a day,its far superior to any
other split simply do thebodypart that feels best that day,instead of following a
schedule.and go every day until you feel the true overtraining setting in, wich can be avoided or
delayed if you train lighter half the time and less sets to failure.

-pre and postworkout meals:

Extremely retarded things to do.yo tell me-not the supposed,but the ones youve felt-the benefits
from those youve had.did they make you bigger?stronger?leaner?fuck did they,or you wouldnt be
reading this.a pre workout shake will not add to your bench, stronger bench lift dont mean bigger
muscle, and bench is overrated for chest anyway.see,its a chain of false beliefs,its hard to put in
words how retarded this concept is.

I tell you what those meals did, these so hard advertised(always be alert when something is
pushed)meals THWARTED the best time and opportunity for fatloss.over long time.every single time
youve payed moneys for a useless shake or proteinbar(is rather choklat bar btw), you destroyed
fatlos environment.thatll contribute up to easy 10lbs of pure lard on your body over time.

Bet you felt trendy and hardcore doing that, it happened to me too

Training fasted and awaiting for 1-2hrs ,or longer,is the absolute most superior fatloss tool, and I
dont care what any science study says about how something else works on twinks who do 1 set
each bodypart trainings.nothing says theres no afterburn effect from training,
galeniko and no one say there can there not be, the body has to rebuild fibers after training
and replentish glycogen or lose fat afterwards,as direct effect from training.we have a huge
bbuilder in our gym as clerk who wanted once to sell me a postworkout protainbar,bc I apparently
needed it, I told him to have it himself, hes so fat it wouldnt matter anyway for him.

-eating every 2-3 hrs or 4 hrs, keeping anabolic state mantra.

Some say this keeps blod glucose constant.i say,yeahj, constantly too high.with that,comes constant
insulin release, you dont want insulin when dieting.

Very dumb to follow this, body will permanently release insulin, yes even if its only protein
meals,thats how the body works.

It dawned on me when I increased meal frequency to 4 hours,in fear to lose size haha, and realized
im getting leaner than usual that way.the obvious followup thing was, to try to have even bigger
gaps between meals, and these days I simply wait for as long as I can stand it,its the best way as far
fatloss is concerned.

If you wanna grow and dont believe me, and want stick to the rules,feel free to do so.the
anabolic state, bw, comes from.uhhhh..anabolics

And the claim that it comes from insulin, yeah, true, but is it desireable?
-receptor saturation:

Instead of training and eating right, upping the dosage.fatal error.being impatient, very bad idea, will
cause chain reaction of bad things.dont do it,use minimum amounts over long times.if you dont
have good physique after 1 year on 500mg test weekly dieted down, seek other hobby, youre lacking
several things if thats the case.upping dosage at this point will only lead to agony and self
humiliation.if that didnt work, nothing will.restart from scratch, or do something else, become
philosof, or haircutter.

-not interpreting body signals right,resp,properly

Socalled reefed when I felt flat, very dumb.flatness happens randomly and even more often when
permabulking,I swear you will feel full and jacked at all times when dieting hard and already lean,
believe me on need much less calories than you think those few lbs of muscle and
3omin a day lifting weights make the huge difference?thats not very bright thinking,mate.guess
what the twink soccer player who goes out clubbing needs more food than you need.generaly, if
youre shitting during dieting, youre eating too can laugh about this, but essentialy,its
true.1 shit a week is good judging benchmark.homos will shit more often for they rectum is
circumstantialy bit ,you know, loose.:-)

No need to count calories,its literaly better to listen to hunger, befriend him and watch your shit

And misinterpretation of lethargy!try going to the gym when you originaly felt like shit(esp on
gear!)and seemingly lethargic,I had some of the best sessions on such days.lethargy is not to be
confused with overtraining.steroids, big meals,heat,low cals,many things may lead to feeling
lethargic.i bet the lethargy would suddenly be gone if someone pointed a gun at you,right?see what
I mean?

-trainign heavy instead of focussing on form

This id actually classify as biggest personal your bulk year, bit cheating on form is ok,but
never ever make it a habbit.if you dont learn to hold muscle amnd hefty contraction every rep, full
rom,sek other hobby, youll be just swinging weights and destroying your joints.become a barber
instead, it better for some people to engage in less dangerous,potentially harmful hobbies.

Pros form sometimes looks sloppy, but believe me, they know what they doing.

Besides if you dont concentrate fully every rep every set, always full rom, your limiting yourself from
best results.

-again:taking too much gear:

This was another error.yeah it was fun times, but taking too much will just invite side effects like shit
invites flies, like watermelon invites black people

And the huge and most hefty crash when coming off or even on just lower dosage, is pre
programmed.coming of 2 gramms down to 1 or 500mg weekly, youll feel like being natural again.
The hugest step in this is from natural to hrt doses, this is the most remarkable difference, after that,
for me, anything over 500mg week I get diminishing results and more sides.

Only ever take as little as needed.dont play the mass game, stay somewhere on the level that hrt will
give you above natural,and call it a day.this way you will keep firm,small waist and need less mass to
look impressive.accept the limits, even gear users have limits, huge doses will burn you out and what
you gonna do?permanenetly increase dosage?this dont work.a natty should accept that after 1 year
leanrining and bulking, he should for rest of life concentrate on staying lean, thats the best he can
do.a sane steroid user will alternate between off,or always on on low dosage and be happy with the
20-30lbs of PURE muscle he gets over natural state.dont be greedy, more doesnt mean always
better.those who go high dosage often soon disappear and to be never heard of again until you
meet themcouple years later being humongously fat or walking toothpicks.and they often the ones
who yell all drugs this guy must be taking shitloads and secret drug etc.just bc that was their
approach ,doesnt make it biblical canon.

Steroids give best results long term on low to moderate dosage period.

-stacking, cycling,believeing receptor saturation:

Just because you dont grow anymore doesnt mean your receptors are saturated.steroids always

And yeah instead of stacking peds, just find 1 or2 you tolerate good enough and run that long
term.thats all any gymrat will ever need.those short term bursts on winstrol and such arent worth

And cycling on and off, dont do that.

Look, you go on, own test production gets shut down and needs time,long time, to recover, you stay
on say test e for 3 months, this stuff takes 2weeks to work fully, and 10 weeks later you go off?

Youll be left with no test in system, own production shut down, and too much estrogen in blood.

Thatll be some shit 2-3 months.then you go on again, inject peds into a body flooded with estrogen
and own test production hasnt even full y recovered yet, you shutting that down again.

Etc,see why this pattern is stupid?

See how the false belive of receptor saturation makes this even more stupid?

Just philosoph less, youre not plato or Socrates, shut up, train, eat, and run the same stuff all
year.same dosage, no experiments.

Galeniko-noone approved

Chapter 14:bulking-beginners
Bulking is an outdated and obsolete practice which will simply make you fat, bloated and look like a
mess.theres no need to do this, dieting from this state will extremely hard, and the longer you
engage in this, the more youll develop the mentality that dieting will make you lose muscle.

Our maintenance plan is the perfect bulking plan, itll work once youre shredded, its basically a
short frequency bulk-cut programme, youl learn in the diet chapter why its the best way for gains.

Now!if you are complete beginner,you should just eat whatever you want with only emphasis on
increased protein intake 1 gramm per lbs of bodyweight is a good standard rule for this.just eat the
daily protein and fill upwith whatever else you like and can down for the first year, and train, learn to
train properly.there are some videos of the authors and therell be more for educational purposes
on training, can be useful for newcomers.maybe ill do a tutorial.

Do not be impatient, do not take any steroids at thins point.dont even think about using them yet,
dont assume arrogantly that you can just skip this important first year of learning and bulking, its
actually the best time in life as far eating goes,lol.

You can or may go on steroids and this diet straight away, but will have worse results long
term.usualy the guys who start training with steroids from the getgo are the ones who soon give up
forever and then proceed to walk earth as bitchtittes estrogen pools of self pity and misery.telling
everyone how bigger guys must be on tons of drugs etc.

You know the type.

Now, after a year of this, or if you honestly already did this and know how to eat and train correctly,
no matter if you look like shit, THEN you can consider steroid use.

If you start them, follow the rather sane and conservative approach from this book, dont listen to
people who tell you about cycles and high dosages.theyre dealers most likely,after your money.

When you start peds, after this year, you can still try to get bit bigger and max out on hrt, this may
take a year btw, and then diet, or you may just do the diet right away, up to you.

But building some more strength at this point for 1 year on steroids while eating cleaner than before
is no bad idea, this will reward you with a solid foundation which wont all go away,ever.itll be always
there,or back in no time

However, no later than after 1 year on first 1 year cycle, its urgent time for first cutting diet.
So you see, you can go natural with no base into the diet, you can do natural1 year bulk then diet
natural, you can do 1 year natty,then ped dieting,or 1year natty,1year ped foundation build,then
diet, its all up to you, whaterver path, youll be lean after this anyway.

Youll be somewhat bigger if you do the total 2 years, which are great fun btw, eating mindlessly for
good purpose etc.

Itll also benfit you in the way that youll be able to grow into shape in no time, the one with no
foundation wont be so fortunate to pull this off.they will, but later on.after diet and a while on our
maintenance programme, which is actualy the perfect conservbative bulking way imo.

In this time youll build base strength(so later on it dont matter anymore, but its good to have)mass,
learn to flex properly, dont be a smartass and think this can be ignored,this is rather hard thing to
learn.its what makes the difference between jacked guy and non progressing one.

Its not a necessary step, but its an advantage.

After this, groth and strength increase will be kinda limited, but therell be tima and lace to eat tasty
food,as explained in the maintenance chapter.

Galeniko-noone approved

Chapter 15:the difference between

apetite and hunger

This is mandatory to learn.this is essential in understand how the body works.we need no science,
but I did look into the scientific reviews on this issue and I can summarize it as this:

Our own brain plays tricks on us all the time, and the food industry manipulates this effect to their
own advantage.
So yeah,if one doesnt get this, this whole procedure is pointless.

Hunger is the best indicator for fatburning.when youre hungry , theres no if or when, when hungry,
youre body is burning fat.when saturated, you can bet on it, it doesn burn fat.this is partial reason
why those high caloric diets work so poorly.

Ok, listen, hunger is when stomach is empty,when you know you wont have a shit anytime
soon,when its almost cramping.

This is not to be confused with apetite.apetite is just a brains desire, your mind playing tricks on you,
this happens when bloodsugar levels are volatile(for the education-foreign readers, volatile means
unstable).this is why people on pld school diets with carbs feel so im starving,man, its an up and
down dfor them, while we go through this in the euphoria of the let them have their
carbs,if they think thats gonna make them train better.:-) in essence, theyre eating food which stops
fatburning and they have to burn those extra calories anyway, those carbs are precisely what makes
them feel so bad on their diets.

Now obviously,the smaller the previous portion of food,or meal,the sooner hunger will kick in, but
tis up to you how many meals a day you wanna have,or even calories(but do not go over 1000-
1200).a minimum of 800 cals should be eaten daily,though, all protein,the rest you fill up with traces
carbs and fats.this rule dont apply for the day after the cheat meal.after the cheat meal, you must
fast for as long as ossible, until hunger comes back furiously and all the cheat stuff is shit out.dont
foget this.eating even protein alone after the cheatmeal will be disastrous for fatloss purpose.dont
be afraid to lose muscle by fasting after the cheat meal, your glycogen stores will be full and body
flooded with insulin.;-)

Dont even be afraid of doing a random total fasting day onc in a while, they give extreme fast

Ok now how to distinguish-tell apart apetite from hunger, heres example:

Ever eaten mcdonelds or Chinese food from restarant?ie, total trash food.(any Chinese food is trash
btw,they bake the rice in freaking butter,lol).ofc you did.havent you had the sensations of not being
able to stop eating at first,then you feel full, but half hour later or so, you feel like eating again,
despite the stomach feeling as if there is a rock in it(or for our homosexual readers,when you
boyfriend has filled you up proeperly with semen:-0)?this feeling is apetite, the bloodsugar level is
going up and down,suggesting you that you need more food, to stabilize the mess.the brain will
always do that, the brain has a desire for endless carb fueling.a desire, not a dont even need
carbs, it needs can get glucose from other macros when theres no carbs.keep this in mind
when someone tells you they need carbs for the brain.they need better education, they basically
have a brain so it doesn rain into their necks.

So after this you wait and wait, have a shit, then apeitite comes back again,its not hunger, then you
shit again and when stomach is empty, thats when its real hunger.this might take much longer than
you think.

Or lets make even more extreme example, you eat until so full that you feel like vomiting from your
eyes and ears.itll take a while until the first apetite strike occurs, but itll take 24hrs and couple visits
to the shitter until your stomach is empty,the the hunger feeling will be genuine.but on top of that,
your glycogen stores will be full for atleast 2 days even if you eat nothing at all for 48hrs.full
glycogen stores means all and any carbs and fats eaten wil be stored as fat.not tomorrow, not next
week, but within hours.even protein is kinda iffy at this state.

However those full glycogen stores will ensure brutal pumps in training even though starving and
and under hunger and empty stomach.

I cant put into words how important this is to understand and apply.

If only the genral population which dont even trains could pull this off, thered be no obesity.

The obese are basically and factualy dumb animals who cant deal with their apetite.they panic when
bloodsugar goes down and then fix that with the worst available solution.

This should be mandatory teaching in American schools

Galeniko-noone approved

Chapter 16:the saying its all drugs

The people who say this somehow think they made a revolutionary finding with this belief.but its not
like ppl havent tried high doses of everything and simply failed.

This saying reeks of jealousy,ignorance and sheer stupidity in most cases.only someone who hasnt
been places in this sport or is poor experience gymrat who does everything wrong would make
such a claim.

Theres low limits to what a natural can achieve.indeed.

The pros,many of them are full of drugs(rather than all drugs,its not the same thing)but the fools
who say all drugs,think-JESUS WEPT-they actualy think they could turn pro if they used just the
right, if I only tried,man

This is akin to a retarded and blind kid with no hands and legs saying he could be Ferrari test driver if
only he was handed over the cars keys

No shit, columbo, the pros are on a lot of drugs and ghand insulin and god knows what.

But they have gradually increased dosages over years and years ,slowly, consistelntly.theres this new
rami guy whos promoted as been training for only 3 years, which is an obvious bs propaganda claim.

Nowsome gullible suckers will think theyre very smart and theres a hidden message there just
takehuge amounts and become big in 3 years too,or atleast similar big, they think.but it wont work
you have to work your way up from low dosages, to moderate,see if you can evenhadnle the sides,
Therell also be ppl who will believe if they just took supplements for 3 years theyll be coming close
to rami, but those are beyond help.

Either way this rami guy been training on steroids for over a decade.its all a pr setup.

Another thing, ofc levrone can come back into his old shape withing 3 months from nothing, because
he was there before!not because its all drugs.he most likely gets into shape on less than he needed
to build himself up early on.this is typical in this sport can maintain old gains on almost

There wil be people who dont wanna have any of this and think I lie to them or something.well
then, go and inject 5 gramms of test weekly and 10ius hgh daily,its affordable these days, and see
where you will get.haha.i dare those ppl to try this, they will end up being a case study for ped side
effects with so shit health,they be on par with dogs which have to be put down due to illness

Listen, people, start with hrt doses, hrt over natural is the biggest step there is,the biggest reward,
after that, its not the same anymore.max out on hrt first before doing something stupid.

Takes a year.believ me.if youre on a gramm of gear and have no satisfying results, and your gear is
legit, you should just stop, get off for month or more.then restart on hrt for a year doing everything
correct.youre doing yourself a favour with this and youll find you can maintain almost al or all the
mass you had before.but dont just reduce to hrt.go OFF everything, then start again.theres a huge
difference between these 2 things.

Muscle, even on steroids, take long time to grow, we talking pure,dry muscle, not 30lbs of dbo bloat
in 8 weeks.when you diet down you truly see whats left and whats been gained.

Youll be hapy if its 10lbs a year.but 10lbs pure muscle is fucking shitload and makes huge difference.

Galeniko-noone approved


Some people think drugs equalize genetics factor, some believe in bodytypes.both are imo wrong
and its useless to even debate this.just try the best with whatever you got,theres nothing more you
can do,even on steroids one runs into plateaus,where only increase of dose will lead to more
gains,and later on comes the time where even that will give diminishing results.
So, less talk, more training should be the moto.less rest, you can rest plenty when dead

Some people believe that certain exercises will give their muscles a different shape,or higher peaks
on biceps.the only exercise which can do such things is a knife, injecting sythol,or letting a hand
grenade exploding in your hand.the muscle shape is given and thats that,you can do cartwheels
while doing curls,nothing will change.

The reaction to peds is also genetics,just like muscle insertions are,structure etc.

But most fail at diet and then blame anything else.such mindset isnt going anywhere, how can one
ignore diet when diet is the fuel and building material for the body.

Another false assumption is that peds will let you get away with bad diet.while this is circumstancialy
and partially true, ppl somehow resume from this saying that they can just eat whatever at any
time.this cannot end well.there exists this saying that after the workout one can eat whaever he
wants ,the body will use it all to refill and rebuild the muscle.this is kinda interwinded with the stupid
post workout meal theory and cannot be true.what makes ppl think they could eat an English
breakfast and a pie after every workout ,best with a beer or sugary soda, and get away with
that.after burning what maybe 400cals in a workout.its beyond me how in an educated society
anyone would believe such a thing.

Then other fail at training,theyre loudmouths who always know better.they dont realize that,if they
look like shit, they obviously dont know the first thing about anything to do with training.your look
is the reflection of knowledge and discipline.ofc most fail at both training and diet, but seemingly
nobody fails at the use of drugs,everyone talks like an expert on drug matters, not realizing they
better keep their mouths firmly shut, for all thats coming out of it,is verbal diarhea-cacophony.thjey
should be ashamed of even admitting being on peds.

Here is one truth,and you should listen and think about it deeply:

If you dont have somewhat impressive pphysique after 1 year on 500mg test weekly, nothing in the
world short of a wondr will make it happen.nothing, try 5000mg weekly and youll still look shit.

It doesnt even matter what the reason is for this failure,be it diet, training, your lack of dedication
and willpower,it dont matter,youve just wasted a year of your life on this,its best to stop,withdraw
and live on as a skinnyfat, bitchtitted sugarcoating in the world will change that.

Or alternatively, you restart from scratch and give full effort on everything, this sport will give the
more reward,the more effort is put into all the essential aspects.

That said, anyone can have a good physique on the above.anyone.even naturals.if he puts effort
going beyond the weekly any case, everyone looks their best when lean, and this book
can help in that aspect for everyone.

So,please ppl, stop talking and philosophing about genetics, it exposes you as the excuses kinda guy.

Galeniko-noone approved
Chapter18:general fatsoness of society

Only the blind will deny or somehow overlook the prevalent fatness of the people everywhere.

Women with love handles hanging out of their tight fit trousers, men arent any better etc.

Hows this bodybuilding related you might ask.well, youll see.we have fatso epidemic society bc of
sher widespread disgusting lack of willpower and egoistic feeling of entitlement.those sugary
sodas,snacking all day etc,are all causes for wome being past their usable date at age 30.who hasnt
seen it,the fat and curvy(curvy are about 40% bodyfat I hope this clears thigns up),who wear
sexy shoes,and their feet amlost blast those shoes apart,then further up those feet merge into a
watery set of vomit-inducing cancles,making every man temporary impotent at first sight

Followed by calves like pillars which could be used to restore the acropolis in Greece(its in dire
infrastructural straits)then followed by knees almost entirely hidden by fat,then upper legs like a
barrel,then, attached to that mess, a hefty,cellulitis-riddled ass, which makes me wonder if they
need archaeology expert to wipe asshole after having a shit

Or how much shit gets stuck on the inner ass cheecks.

Then further up comes the mandatory Michelin man(woman)gut,dwarfing a healthy 9th month
pregants woman stomach.then the predictable cow-esque udders-euders?-titts,fat multiple story
neck , bloaty while-saggy mom arms, fingers like sausages, and a fat watermelon for a face.

Whats good about such semi-human semi-hippo creature?spends shadow in summer and gives off
heat in winter, but other than that?

They typically turn mudshark out of desperation,the bruthaswill take on any beast.doesnt make
the fatsos less a cancer on the eyes,though.

Theyll go shopping clothes to hide-mask their fat,instead of eating less and or working out.its
typical for todays society.they argue its a mental thing, a sickness.its not.

The best are the ones who put themselves into designer clothes as if thatd fix anything.this is like
filling up a golden cup with diarheea.the metaphorical turd in the punchbowl

No wonder guys like gal and no one get those fuck me right here right now raw no pulling outlooks
from the women,bc such a physique is most desireable,its unique,its something a fatso or anyone
cant just buy,like designer clothes for example.we have all started this to get more pussy
originally,so beware of developing permabulker habbits,itll go the wrong way,you gonna look to ppl
like a chubster who just recentlyjoined a gym.or washed up fatso lumberjack,like johny falcon.:-)

You,the permafatso bulkee,your lack of diet discipline,-its better to not even train than being
permabulker-you are that described fat random woman above,the only difference is you swing
around weight couple times weekly for 30minutes in a gym,and delude yourself into thinking youre

So yeah,do yourself the favour and diet down,youll feel better and be more attractive,even if you
have muchmuscle under that fat, youll have epic lean face ,something valueable to the women.

you reading this may think Gal is being exaggerative. but hes not. hes actually very accurate. in
his normal way he buries the knowledge hes sharing with you in his humour. he makes you have
to understand what he's saying to get the real lesson out of it. thru the course of this book he's
been burying pearls of wisdom that if you just have a cursory glance to, or were just reading to
have something fall in your lap, you'd miss completely. this is one of those times- there are pearls
of wisdom here.

there is a distinct biological response females have to a lean male with a strong jaw line. it's
signals to them hormonally a strong mate. this is on a subconscious and conscious level. this
response is embedded in our DNA. it has to be or none of us would be here. then there's the
attraction to the discipline the person must have to be in that condition. i had an ex gf tell me one
time she found the discipline guys needed to be in awesome shape attractive. i had never
considered this before. then you add in the self confidence that increases the more one gets 'into
shape'. you carry yourself differently. you might not notice it but others will. its your 'energy'. can
you all now see why gal says what he says about the females reaction to the lean male? now if you
come off as a dildo or a douchebag or got a busted face your not going to get much past a cursory
glance or much past first base unless your a very smooth talker. we are talking initial biological
attraction here. not telling you how to pick up a 9. that's your problem. :D cheers.

Chapter done

Chapter 19:naturalos

Natural galeniko at his best

Ok, for whatever reason, youve decided to be a natural.thats ok.but youll have to be realistic what
naturals can achieve.its relatively little as far size is concerned, but it can be made to look good.
Size will be maxed out after 2 years of training.not after 2 years of going to a gym and having
chitchat, but 2 years of hard and good training, with say first year eat whatever you like, second year
you learn to eat like a bodybuilder.make no mistake, it will be little real size, dont try to play the size
game as natural(not even steroid users should do this imo)most gains will be fat and water after that
time.dont listen to anone who tells you otherwise, spare yourselves the time.make yourselves no
delusions about this.

Btw a former ped user,though, will have permanent advantage over true natty ,once he goes
clean.dont know why that is or how its possible, but its the case for many.

Ok,now on to the good news, natural can get just as shredded,hell even a non training guy can get
shredded, but the natural will be small if he goes under 7% bodyfat.he will look ok from front,back,
but he will be tiny from the side.which isnt even a bad thing,is it.he will look better than a gearhead
if both are at 8%,btw.for he will have less water retention issues.and dont worry about muscle loss
as natural,till 10% it shouldnt even be an issue to think about.

Surely you ask how a true natural looks, considering all the liars today on hrt times 3 and bit gh
calling themselves natural, its best to look up people before steroids existed.simple as that.

Youre at severe disadvantage to a gear user,esp on recover slower, you have to eat
more,esp fats,the body needs it to produce testosterone(the gear user only needs trace fats to
absobs vitamins),and bit carbs,this will spare the muscle fromfading away,but itll effect fatloss a
bit.itll take you bit longer to get shredded and you wont get away with as much bad foods to
maintain later on.what else can I say, dont bother with supplements except protein and vitamins.try
to focus on beinf lean,this is all a natural should ever do,this way youll look as good as possible and
thats the spirit and idea of this all,isnt follow the diet and maitenance chapters, the diet
differences are listed there.and in the training.other than that the book all the same applies to you.

Dont feel jealous about juicers, only very few of them get worthwhile rewards, for they do
everything else wrong and think they can rely on drugs.terrible mistake.

And they run into a plateau or even dead end eventualy too.

Btw layne Norton isnt natural,hes got bitchtits.

Chapter 20:personal trainers

This will be brief.theres 2 kinds, and they both cant be trusted.the la fitness skinnyfat nerd
metrosexual kind,who cnat tell a dumbbell from a penis up his ass,they graduatetin a sham 1 week
course and now can call themselves trainers.if the trainer looks like his training consists of janitor
duties,dont listen to can talk with him about weather forecast or something, but dont
listen to him on diet and training.period.laugh right into his face,like I do, and ask him how comes he
doesnt look built, but has a lot to say.

Then theres the other kind of trainers, who are juiced to the max but tells you youll get there
too,naturally, because hes natural too,allegedly, itll just take you some more time.when he says
some time,he means next life, dont be a sucker.

You always have the opurtunity to hire no one or galeniko for online tutorials,personal training, and
even though its online, itll be much cheaper and more valueable, we are far superior to these clowns
out there for the simple reasons that were honest about everything, and we tell you what we
actually do, and our system is so foolproof, it cannot fail on anyone.

Galeniko-noone approved.

Chapter 21:cardio

-are you one of those who do cardiowithin the optimal fatburning heartrate?haha,what you think
you are roni coleman?you think youre a brutal fatburning machine?stop the nonsense brother.pros
do slow paced cardio bc they very tired from their drug regiment and not the most active people in
general.gymrats mustnt engage in such stupidity,if you gonna do cardio,go as hard as possible.

-look , cardio obviously isnt needed in this diet, but it helps,and no itllnot make your muscle
recovery slower,nor shrink the muscle.

-alternatively you can just have long walks,thats about the same as when a fatso obese
bodybuildergoes easy on stationary bike.

If I do cardio,I go out and swim,or do full power sprints alternating with jogging,or travel with
bycycleinsted of car wheneve eather permits,small things add up over time.
Dont make up excuses like your muscle need the rest by laying on sofa, sleeping you get all the rest
you need.dont tell me you cant jog because youre too muscular jhahahahahah,say youre too
fat,weigh too much and get a bicycle instead.dont resort to any excuses.this isnt a pseudo military
boot camp in some park for housewives.

-somehow, for me atleast, cardio thwarts appetite for a while,and it reduces subcutane water,
without a doubt,even as little as 10 minutes post workout willhave significant effect.sciene says
theres no afterburn efet of cardio, we say who cares, its 10 minutes more a day where you dont get
to eat

-and yes,indeed on empty stomach is optimal, but our stomach will be empty before trainging
anyway, so thatll be a given.after lifting weight is better than before.dont listen to the oreos
muching fatsos who think they are educated bc they seen some youtube video and now feel like
they invented the freaking wheel.:-)

I mean you can try cardio on full stomach and see how that goes haha.

Ok short chapter but thats really all there is to say on the matter, be an active person in general.

Btw,1 mars bar means 30minutes cardio,think about this next time you mindlessly swallow down
one of those.

Galeniko-nnone approved

Chapter 22:differences between natural

and ped
-obviously,the steroid user will be able to gain much more muscle and stay leaner and fuller, more
vascular etc


He has good diet and training , if he doesnt hes destined to look like absolute dierrhea in saggy skin,
something like the notorious cswol, google that

If a natty does everything right, he will look better than a ped user who ignores diet and training.

Ok, but assuming they both have done their homework and stick to it, the ped user will blast the
natty away, even on mere hrt dose.

-the ped user will have significantly faster recovery(whether he takes advantage of this is another

-he will be stronger and have more training endurance

-superior metabolism of food, the good and the bad.(to a degree,too much of the bad will be
counterproductive soon)
-will get away with too muchtraining,too little rest and food, bad foods to a degree.

-so the natural is best adviced to do fewer sets,more resting days and much fewer sets to
failure.other than that,training should be exactly the same.

-and hellno,natural wont have same results if just given more time,as natty,youre 90% maxed out
after 1 year of serious training and eating.thats good and bad, but its best to stayjust lean from there
and remain realistic.dont get fat, natural has severe diet disadvatge to steroid user,you get less
water retention, but you get fat much easier.

Thats all I have to say about nattys in this chapter, theyre given more detailed advice and tips all
over the book.

Galeniko-noone approved

Chapter 23:permabulkers-eternal

-bulking has its place, either the year after one has learned to somewhat properly train, or for the
first year on gear,after that, never ever do it again, you wont need to, you can grow into shape if you
left this part of the journey behind you.thats the long term benefit of it.

That said, enjoy that year,get strong like an ox,in order to play around with the weights later on,for
maintenance of a quality eat like a swine ,dont worry too much about fat,youll look like
shit either way in this phase.just do not make it a lifelong habbit, relaize upfront that much of the
mass will be fat and water in the first place,which is only there temporary,to lubricate your joints
and help you to lift heavier, until you got a foundation.dont be afraid to lose the chub later on, its
just a temporary tool and not to be confused with muscle, the real muscle is under it and will stay

Most gains muscle and size-wise will be done withina year after that you have earned your
foundation amd will for the rest of your life benefit from real, after a year,al gain will be mostly
bloof+fat.and dont be afraid of shrinking down to nothing if you diet, getting lean IS shrinking,the
fat and water take up more volume than muscle, if you follow this diet and advice, you wont lose
any muscle.youll look more impressive than you think when youre done, youll actually look bigger
than before.when lean suddenly shoulders become round,and insertion show, making for optical
illusion of size.

Most ppl start training to pull some more pussy or to feel better when they walk down the street,
how often have you heard women say wow I love this guys gut and abdominal fat?

Now how often have you heard women having vaginal waterfall syndrome because they seen a
sixpack?always keep this in mind, women will rather find a teenager with no size but 6pack more
pleasing that any permafatty.

Also,do not use too high dosages for bulking,start low, takes a while even on hrt to max out on that.
I wouldnt run anything but bit test really, for you dont need anything else and will look like
Michelin man with moonface for this period anyway.

Reserve the somewhat higher doses for when you need it, during dieting.

Use any drug you like for bulking, its not like it matters much.

Keep in mind this bulking isnt mandatory,but will give you approximately 20lbs of pure muscle
advantage lng term imo.your will be able to maintain that bulk while lean on almost no
peds and training kinda like a pussy.

Besides, bulking leads to high blood pressure and all its accosiated other followup problems long will be able to have quality gains on some junk foods at time after this diet, be patient.

Galeniko-noone approved

Here we will cover what we forgot to particularly meantion, for completion sake.

-how should I train?

Most things are said in the training sections, I said there to not train that we dont mean
train light,or do go full out every set, but you only train as heavy as needed, to fully hit
the muscles.thisll spare the joints,and have better effect.and faster recovery;-)

Btw, this hole concept ,the lot of it in this book, will not work as good,I fthe training frequency isnt
huge, and the fasting periods arent abided by.

Ok, for example I used tosquats with 4 plates each side,or more,but was with poor rom and form,
looked like goodmornings more than anything else.all id get from that was sore knees,lower back
pain and kinda poor growth.ever since I started doing squats with only 2 plates or less each side,but
full rom,ass to floor,no locking out joints,permanent muscle tension,slow reps,my legs grew bigger
and into better shape than ever before.and hellyes everyone should train legs,I feel it boosts
metabolism etremly if you train them.theyre the biggest muscles on the body,train them.theres no
negotiation room for debate on that.they wont grow too big anytime soon, even on streoids.pure
muscle takes a while, a waterlogged ass with fat will come quick, but thats not leg muscles.

-how much gains to exceot fover natural from hrt doses?

If you do everything wrong.nothing.if you do everything right, 20lbs of pure muscle within a year.yes
a long low dosage protocol is always better than high dosage blast with cruises in betweeenwhat
you think where the blast gains go?they fade away while cruising and you feel like shit while cruising,
if youre keeping constantly low, youll feel equally great at al times)more gear dont lead to faster
gains, not max out on hrt takes 1 year for a newcomer ,and frankly, thatll be enogh
muscle on the frame,believe me.20lbs pure muscle at leanest,will look brutal.after that one can
decide whether to dose higher for more gains(relatively less ,though) or not.even on gear you have
to set a limit, for your own health sake.always keep in mind,the higher they fly the harder they fall,
this is extremely true for steroids at high doses.

-receptor satration, does it exist?

, for moderate doses,its irrelevant.just bc you dont grow anymore on same dosage, doesnt mean
the receptors are shot.

-t3,is it good?

No,if you hav enormal metabolism, stay the hell away from it.

It increases metabolic rate,yes, bt so what, cant stay on it forever,can you.

I layn nortern antural?

He has gyno.

-when and how do steroids work after injections?

They all work immediately, long esters may cause bit water retention on the net day(s),but that goes
away very fast.they stay active in the body for qite a while ,if the cycle was long, therell be
cumulative effect,ie, if you go off long esters, youll first lose strength, followed by fullness feeling
going away.and subcutana water will beflushed out, youll look amazing for 1 months aftr last shot.if
you keep training and dieting properly,ofc, youll still look good 2months after going off, but after
that youll inevitably deflate and get bit fatter.

Btw the cummulation effect over time make 250weekly something close to 500mg weekly

Oh and combo of long esters with short ones leads to grainy and thin look, stringy, esp sub
6%depending how you mix them).i prefer the long esters, the look is simply superior onthis diet, and
many other factors.the enanthates of eq,tren and test evenon their own, seem to be best for this.

Short esters, while its said they give less water retention, its not as remarkable as ppl think, and the
deflation when goingoff of these is very soon after last shot.

-why is it best to come off gear or be off before this diet?

Well, imagine youre bulking on steroids, then come off them and crash into will blatantly
and epically the other way around, the muscle loss prevention will bein full effect until
youre shredded all the way, bc even from clean state to hrt dose is tremendowus boost, this way
you can straight up crash the calories, the body cant beshocked into losingmuscle this way.this
spares a lot of time dieting.

-when will I see results from the diet?

Youll peepee out 5-10lbs of water in the first week on this,and then the actual fatloss will be in full
effect.from there, 2lbs of fatloss weekly will come like nothing.rather even more.the leaner you get
the slower the fatloss will be, but the visible changes will be daily observed, and no doubt this is the
fastest way possible.

-why no snacks in between?cheat meals?

Snacks temporarily stop fatloss.can be sudden,too.and sgars or carbs can trigger biblical gluttony
festivals,by messing with your bloodsugar levels.drink water instead,or coffee, hold through.if you
fel like binging do it with protein foods firstto see if thatll be enough and minimum damage
done).cheat meals,single ones ,are allowed, if the described parameters and rules are follweddiet

-again, randomly on the muscle loss issue:

Look up the fatleniko pic online and youll see there was no muscle loss, and he was of training and
everything for 3+years there.think about that.

-what kinda training plan should I follow?

Read the training chapter, and additionaly:dont schedule this bodypart on that day etc.your muscle
have no calendar or clock in them.decide on the particular day which muscle feels ready and full,
and blast that one.some parts need longer recovery, some dont.its never the same,vary intensity,
adapt, dont schedule.

-my metabolism slowed down I need reefed.

No yo dont.yo feel like having one.metabolism slowdown youll likely never experience,its the front
as excuse for the followup cheatmeal as if that meal gonna boost metabolism again.after this
book, youll know the purpose of them and how and when to get away with them.

-functional muscle:

This term is used as ecuse by weak and small men.dont ever listen to any such thing.

Functional penis in the asshole.jesus.

-can I keep steroid gains?

Try it..keep training, eat good.some will stay.youll be bigger than youd have gotten naturally.and
youll gain the ability to get back into shape in no time.this book tells you how.

And somehow, former huge dosage users report they can maintain almost same size later on on hrt
like doses.makes one wonder if the high doses were necessary in the first place(I think yes btw)

-can hgh injections cause spot fat reduction?

Some pros I personally know swear up and down it does just that.not maybe, but with no doubt.

Try it, you have to inject the stuff somewhere anyway

-how should I train abs?at what bodyfat % will they show?

You dont train them directly ,in your own best interest, they get enough indeirect work.they will
show when youre lean enough, fatso, talking abot numbers is rather pointless, it varies for ppl, for
some they shine through at 20%, but chiselled abs wont happen before 6%.

-what are the best cutting drugs?

Diet.many who will say short esters and tren and winny havent tried long ester cutting works
all the same, even long esters being superior when some factors are given.but when its all said and
done, its the book closely and pay attention.learn.

gal-noone, the diet to get to 4% from 6%,you didnt describe in much words, why,?

Because theres no special secret, no upping the calories will do the trick long term, to think putting
more stuff into mouth in order to lose weight is kinda fallacy and wishfull thinking.

But every cheat will help to not get sick and provide for new onset mentaly and physicaly to go lower
than before that meal.the meal itself will mess up the form temporarily, but you get back and hold
through as hard as you can etc.rinse repeat.

The only thing you can do is stay as active as possible and delay the cheat meal as far back as
possible.after the meal, you fall back in progress(next day you look full,m then 2 days
watery,sualy),do a fasting day after and carry on on 800cals of basically only protein with trace
carbs,fats.can add random 300cals of cheat on day where you feel you get sick or absolutely
lethargic.(not when feeling flat!)

Your body will have tendency to rebel and get flu-ish,this happens to me when I overdo dieting,then
and only then some random bit cheat cals will be useful and necessary.200-300cals or so.

But other than that its holding through until youre there, delaying next cheat meal as far as possible.

And this part always takes bit longer than calculated or epected, the body turns random at this
stage,scince dont mean a thing nomore here.reducing protein and adding fat can be good for a day,
but dont play around, stick to the diet, this has proven to be best way for us.the leaner you are the
harder fatloss becomes.but it all burns of, if given enogh time, yes even the hard spots that never
seem to go.taking more days off the gym in this period also helps.
-should I train less or less hard when on diet?

Hellno.go as hard as you can.and if you run into overtraining, dont mean you need reefed
means you need rest.stick to the diet.the 6%-4% zone is exempt from this rule, more days off there
can help.

-yo,galeniko,I think youre small,I wanna be bigger than you.

Well, I wanted be astronaut, but it didnt happen.and,if you not my size yet,do this:

First shut up and get to my size,,after that itll take years and years on peds to get bigger.good
journey mate!

-what if I travel a lot?

Oh, so youre a serious globetrotting metropolitan jetsetter businessman,I see

Travelling,it depends how long.if its just few days, just eat little in general, other than that,if there
nothing but shit food available,dont eat a mcwrap at mcdonelds bc its the lessest evil, have protein
shake in coffee.or seek shopping malls, they always have tuna or packaged meat.or restorants will
serve meat,fish with veggies only.if your boyfriend and bsuinesspartners overeat,musnt mean you
have to do the same to be socialy accepted, just have diet coke,or coffe and ask them whether they
heard of and if theyre concerned about diabetes

-why should I learn to flex hard?

Because this will increase vascularity and help develop coordination of muscle to nervous system.the
better you feel and flex a muscle,the better you can train it.and I dont mean walking th club with ils
by that.good example is bbuilders with nervous damage, the particular muscle shrink to
nothing.think about it,dont laugh about muscle mind connection, only someone ignorant would do

-gal-noone, but dont all roads lead to rome?what about the eat whatever you like diet, just eat less?

Oh we got a historian in our midst.insert rolleyes.first off roman empire has fallen, ironicaly before
some made their way there.just bc all roads lead there, doesnt mean youll get there within
reasonable time, or at all.we offer the express ticket here.why travel by donkey when you can fly
with the twilight zone airlines?:-)

You know who does those eat whatever you like, just less, kinda diet?every average person in the
gym and outside, and they all happen to look like shit, at any given time, no progress, sligt

-does age play a role?

Relative.after 60 still possible, before teenage, but between, youre ready to go.esp ped
users create a youth hormonal environment, making age kinda a non factor.

-what should the cheat meals consist of?

Dont try to keep it clean, if you have one, eat the worst foods for bodybuilding(suppodely).dont try
to keep the fats low, eat saturated fats,even.keep the protein low for this meal.

-I have suddenly gained weight,even thoug dieting!looking flat!watery!

Well, dont shit your pampers,this is normal and happens randomly,stay on the diet,remain
calm,dont ry shananigans, refeeds etc, itll go much for muscle loss while dieting btw.

=why not diet at 2000cals daily?

Listen,at 2k cals youre not dieting, youre just slighty-if at all- under maintenance and can consider
youself happy if you ever get into single digits this get the shredded, veins on skin kinda
look,you have to shock the body by brutal deficit.

-what is the twilight zone?

Its not the tv series,its the sate of fatburning where despite eating very little, youre full of euphoric
kinda energy(not always full of power,though),and alertness,and aggressive.

This occurs after long enough fasts,and when going beyond the initial first 2 intesnse hunger bangs
in a row.hunger is foolproof indicator that youre using bodyfat as energy, but the hunger sensation
isnt so nice feeling, the traditional diet add carbs here and create a vicious cycle, we hold through
and stay in fatburning zone,and the twilightzone euphoria makes the hunger feeling just go
away,youll see.btw apetite is something a weak mind will project and disguise as hunger.real hunger
means going beyond first hunger bang sensation,straight intot he twilight zone.its the state between
ketosis and glucogenesis, starvation mode.the body shifts up couple gears into overdrive and uses
any food given in a perfect way,almost scary.esp the peds start to really shine in this state, the
longer fasted, the more jacked and vascular you feel,and the pumps become crazy.its the state
everyones afraid of entering ,for paranoid,and baseless fear of muscle loss.the twilight zone
experience is thedifference between no one,galeniko and the random fatsos who need to be stoppe
eating,they not just dont know when to lay down the fork, it wouldnt surprise me if they ate the
fork itself one day

-why are so many permabulkers fat when they eat clean most of the time?

Bc theyre stupid, and not able to think for themselves, they infact follow something they see doesnt
work on everyone else, but they follow it anyway.this is the definition of stupidty.

They eat to much, the overspill the proverbal gasoline tank permanently and on top of that they
have cheat DAYS.not meals, days.and they wish they can get lean on lenient 2000calorie diets, try,
fail and end up premabulker for life.or stop training and turn morbidly obese with bitchtits.they
typically then shave their heads and grow goatee to look hard.meanwhile, they have diabetes,
beer gut(if punched into it,theyd vomit on their goatee haha)and really manly the
realistic world, guys like no one and galeniko make collectives of women having vaginal meltdowns.

-what else is good about your diet?

It keeps the waist slim.aestetcis.and it works even for non training people.
-why so low steroid doses?

Because, if the gear is legit, and youre doing everything right and arent bigger than galeniko,
frankly, you dont need more.if youre on a gramm weekly and have poor results, get good gear,
learn to train properly,eat properly,go off everything for a month then restart from scratch, hrt test
or the diet and then go from there.if youre on a gramm weekly and look like shit,start
from scratch, youre at a dead end.youll only become a bigger turd if you carry on.dead serious.

-why is insulin so bad?

In thepresence of insulin, body cant burn simply cannot.insulin is release3d adfter everyt
meal,even rotein only meal,thats why we telling you to starve as long as possible,to get into the
insulin free twilight zone!

You dont need frequent meal all 2-3 hrs to keep metabolism going,thats bs supplement industy
propaganda.theyre notoriously dishonest.every little bit-sugar in particular-causes insulin release
,and followup bloodsugar crash,thatll suggest to your brain-falsely-that youre starving and end up
bninging everything in sight until overfilled.

-how long did it take you guys to write the book?

15=years.this isnt written down in a day,this is a lifetime experience collection of 2 guys who backed
up their admittedly loud mouths.we believe in this twilight zone system ,unlike all the other
bullshitters.this is superior to the old school approach pre contest diets,and easier.took us a while to
figure it out, and took bravery,going beyond the reigning broscience, though.

Can you 2 guys be contacted for personal online guidance, lectures and g4p?

The first 2 ,sure, g4- we dont do ,contact tbombz for that.

Just drop us a pm on getbig or email:

No one:


Galeniko-noone approved

Size.what is size.what is pure muscle.

Size is determined by how much drugs youre on and how fat you are, pretty much.

You think you need to be at certain bodyfat level to be able to make gains?says who?what makes
you think so?sit down, feel your permabulker fat on your distended waist and ask yourself if you
need that ideal bodyfat range you believe in, you got a fat gut, the ideal birthpool for estrogen.

Whats the difference between the gains made at 6% compared to the ones made in the ones made
in the obesity zone at 10%+?

You think you gaining more pure muscle at 10%?

Really?diet down back to 6% and see how much you gained.i will tell you how much itll be:very
little ,if anything.but for that very little or nothing, youve put yourself through a time of looking like
shit and having to diet back down.

What does that tell you?right, it was just fat and bloof.

Real muscle come withlong time training, long time on peds, not with certain ideal gaining

When dieted down, its judgement day, if youre bodybuilding standard obese (10%+), fuck all

If you havent ever dieted down, you have no say on the matter, for you simply dont know.

The best gains are the ones made at shredded levels, bc the body functions better at shredde
level,as far building goes..less estrogen, can get gains on shit foods and will still look good.does this
make sense to you?
Another thing about size some ppl say low calorie diets make the body worn out,overtrained and it
starts to, haha, lose bit muscle?always think both ways before running your shit infested
mouths,especially if youre repeating some nonsense you randomly picked up somewhere.or even
better,try for yourselves.size?you want certain measurements or just look amazing?if youre fat ,you
can measurement whatever you want it to your permabulker-waterlogged cheek to
reality,hope this helps.

Galeniko-noone approved

Chapter26:training programme
As ive said, dont schedule any bodyparts for particular days, train them when they feel ready,this
way you can also train weak parts more often and make up for structural flaws, ie, you just skip your
strng parts and then train your weaknesses more often, this and getting lean is the only way to make
up for structural flaws, and id does work well, creating this illusion.

Other than that, I mean, think about it, you scheduled chest for Monday, like every ox out there, but
before you go to gym, chest and arms feel all empty or maybe even what you gonna do
then?train it anyway to not mess up your schedule?haha.empty your head off all that
superhypercompensation stuff youve heard an how it takes 7 days and whatnot.

I sometimes train my arms 3 days in a row, after gyno operation, the whole upper body was out of
question for first week, so I did legs every single day

Btw, peds wont magicaly bring up lacking bodyparts, theyll rather make the strong ones
overshadow the rest even more, but just couple sentences above it was outlined to you how to deal
with that.train wisely, adapt, not by schedule.this isnt north korea,lol.

I dont really believ in isolation stuff, a muscle always grows as a whole imo.example chest, you cant
isolate 100% upper or inner part,it simply grows as a whole, use good form, varying exercise, full
rom, always contraction, this is all you can do.the result is the result.

Do I believe in compound exercises?yeah ,surely they exist, but are they good?

Whatfor?thinking longterm,when youre new to this and havent had joint issues, youll laugh it off,
but listen to the experienced on this.

Squats are are knee and lower back recipe for disaster long term, and I dont care if one says with
good form they do no harm,lol.they will furthermore make your waist thicker, esp on peds.

Same for I do them?yes, but with light weights and not every time.

Now, if you have the time(you better do)train only 1 bodypart at once(natty +ped)at a time.reason
is, imo, splits of 2 or 3 bodyparts on same day put more strain on the nervous system,I have no
doubt about that.also,a single workout you hit the muscles harder, compared to hitting 1 hard and
then be exhausted for the other bodyparts on a 3group split.
If you dont have enough time,train splits 3 times a week but steroid use with so little training is
kinda pointless.and if one has even less time than that,best guive the body a break and dont even
train at all until you got time again.

I always do all kkinds of exercises in no order, and vary reps,from 6-25range.arms I do on 1 day, btw
if you hit chest today and want do arms tomorrow and think arms need 1 day rest inbetween,dont
think like legs inbetween,or do arms day off excuses.(btw those who say arms get
enough indeiret work from chest and back training,this is like saying walking all day is enough for leg

Ok,here a typical training:cutting,maintaining, all the same,nothingchanges,as natty you have to

have 3 days weekly off the gym and do 20% fewer sets and not all of them to failure.

-arms:do twice as many sets for tris than bis.i recommend 20 for tris,10bi.warmup not counting.i
pyramid weight up,then down, then bit cable pumping.

-triceps:dips(strsight body like candle),scull crushers(do it on 30degree incline,this allow to use more
weight and puts less strain on elbows,try it)

Close grip bench I dont do I feel its asking for rotator cuff damage..the rest I do cable stuff.

Biceps,hammercurls, sz bar stuff, cable, dumbbell, everything works and everything will make your
biceps look the same, all you can change is leanness and size.tuck shoulders back,chest out, dont
swing the weight,full rom, dont rest locked out only retard do that,this takes of all tension, full
contraction at any time, this isnt a family picknick this is hard training.

If your weight dont allow strict perfect form, then use less weight even if its embarasiblgy little.

Swinging the weight is no training,and you wont impress anyone but spot faced teenagers,if that.

-legs:squats, all various fet positions, always ass to ground.legpress,quadcurls,hamcurls.and bit

calbves work, 20-30 sets total.little rest between sets,dont play dumb, havelittle rests, you mustnt
send text to your boyfriend between sets.the gym isnt a place for holyday resort stuff.chatting up
women is understandable, ofcourse.

Back:sometimes deadlift with very little weight,shoulders always tucked back,do you understand
this?this is a bbuilders only useful form of deadlift imo.

Pullups,noneof that tv series business or how cswol does them, if you cant do them sloooow and full
rom and always flexing,use the assisted machine, fatso.

Dumbbell rows,sarcev style,make sure the shoulders do the move,not the arms.random back

-shoulders:many military presses,frontof head not behind neck.youre not more harder guy if you do
them behind neck, youll be an invalid eventually if you do.

Side laterals with dumbells, no frontand rear shoulders baloonie wasting swining,no resting
on low part, so elbow angeling.
Shrugs.thats it, sometimes I do upright rows but think theyre no good for joints.20 sets.

Abd:never.never!youll pay dearly if you train them directly.i dont know about you, but I dont want
any inch of muscle onmy waist,I want small waist.

Chest:incline bench dumbells to theneck, dumbbell flies,cableflies, dips with body forward.flat bench
ismost overrated eercie in thehistory of training andwill kill your rotator cuffs sooner or later.not
needed for chest growth at all.

Decline bench can be ok.20 sets overall,always keep shoulders locked-tucked back.

Cardio:I feel that 10 minutes of cardio helps greatly to get rid or keep subcutane water
away.10minutes after weight training is all ill do.for the above reason.

Thats it,you se, high volume,little rest, focussing on contraction.

No HIT balonie, no special secrets, nothing special.

Lift, get brutal pump and leave.

Galeniko-noone approved

Well, the allowed or recommended foods for dieting,resp maintenance.

First off, for cheat meal, everything goes, id eat the dirtiest combos of saturad fats with sugars etc,
no holding back, except for sugar sodas and alc,though.they just make you fat and alc elevates
estrogen levels and bring whole metabolism to a halt until it cleared the body.say hello to bitchtits if
you do anyway

Do not, just dont:

little bit carbs for power.heres the layman term lesson onhow the body works.this isnt up to
dispute, this is monologue.i dont give shit about peer review, my peer no one has approved this,
we have provenwith pics that our word is canon.

Ok, if you actually think that a trained body,esp on peds, uses all calories the same way, then you are
foreign to eduction on the matter.

Here, protein causes least insulin release of all foods ,calorie by calorie, some fats cause less, but the
equalize that by having more calories.
And the body has the hardest time to turn protein into bodyfat,and the training and peds will
elevate the need for protein.

The 2gramms per kilogram bodyweight(1g-lbs)is not up to debate, no negotiations room about this,
if you think otherwise,stop reading, seek new hobby.if this is not done, this diet will totally fall on its
face.even naturals 2gramms per LEAN kilogram bodyweight is mandatory for dieting (bulking and
high carb diets is other story, but thats not the topic now)

Now carbs,t hink of your body muscle as gasoline tank.muscle and liver (little)are the only places
where you store carbs,it limited in how much can be stored.

Car uses fuel, you use carbs, or rather, an idiot uses carbs, we dont need them.

If you overfill the tank,it spills over.if you overfill the muscle,you spill over(permabulkers
permanently spill over, even with clean foods,you can spill over,and logicaly get fat).all excess carbs
are turned into bodyfat fat straight away,not tomoro,but straight dplete the body off
carbs,it takes much more effort than youd think,training and cardio deplete it kinda slowly, see how
long it takes to get back to the twilight zone after the cheat meal, to get a raw idea on takes
days at times,days of eating nothing or nothing but protein!.

Sugary sodas and alc go straight into fat deposits,if youre not very deplete beforehand.

And they stop any fatburning state IMMEDIATELLY!and they follow up with bloodsugar crash,which
will make you wanna binge.dont chewing gum, dont eat little bonbons,or little carbs.carbs will make
you shift between fatburning and fatgaining and that shifting is precisely what makes carb dieters
feel so the twilight zone, this doesnt happen,no energy volatility like that.

Now fats, they saturate well,but only have very little of it, I mean 30gramm of salomo fish.not a
whole teaspoon of oil(youre not a car)like mags recommend, not half packet nuts, 1 nut!got
that?not 2 nuts, 1nut.

Furthermore, try to aboid having all 3 macros in same meal(unless traces).always do bit carb+protein
or bits fat + protein.dont do fats+carbs,lol,the fatsos premier choice, unless in thecheat meal.

Ok,on to particular foods, dont play dumb, you know inside whats allowed and whats not

So we rather list whats allowed,this list is shorter

-lean meat,chikan brest,turkey not with skin, not fried, not with watermelon haha.bare!

-all veggies, cept carrots, do little of them, styrfry.

-tuna,not theone in oil.the 1 in water.leanfish, protein powders.

-crabs(not to be confused with carbs, I mean the little thing that look like cut off foreskins)

-little bit bread crust is okimo, butcan be a binge trigger.carefull.

Moustard is ok, 1nutat times is ok.

-diet coke, water,tea+coffee with nothing but aspartame.


Thats it,all that comes to mind.all else is not mentioned because it sucks!it wasnt forgotten, it
didnt slip my radar, the rest is fucking shit and no you cant have bit cottage cheese randomly.or
wthf is that called cereals,cereals is for teenage kids, ffs.

Fruit milk, cottage chese,yohgurts,oatmeals,rice,hell no,stay away!

Spageti?are you some rural Italian or something?no to such foods.

Diet food is pale,theres no successful diet method which will be haute quisine,if you want get to
6%.peppers and spicings are ok(notmayo)

So dont ask cani have a beer.ofc you may also drink oxes diarhea, but would it be useful,other
than as apetite killer?:-)

speaking if fats I experimented with a high fat meal instead of the worst carbs. I ate close to a
pound of almonds and cashews. like I was saying within 30 minutes I looked godly. I went to bed.
trained fasted. workout was strictly 'meh' very average. no rip the doors off the gym drive I
associate my day after the big meal. stayed fasted for 22 hours after that. so Im total only 30
hours or so from big meal to the point where I was DRAGGING MY ASS around. I could barely
walk. I felt totally crushed. I ate and felt good enough to train. my workout ended quickly as I hit
that 'no more push' limit within 15-20 min. no lie.

you NEED the worst sugary garbage-y carbs to replenish. they HAVE to be eaten. it's not the cals
it's the carbs! if it were just cals none of this would have happened as I took in prolly 4k cals.

the shittiest sugary worse for you foods are the best. there in ZERO debating this. :D
btw, make sure that the cheat meals are huge, so huge that they make you not want any food for
24hrs.keep inmind returning back to clean foods is the hardest part of all this, so dont be shy on the
cheat need mental strength to return to clean foods, ironicaly big cheat meal helps with

Gal-noone approved.peer reviewed;-)

Chapter 28:shootouts,legal stuff


-Calfzilla, theoriginal started of the what id call best and funniest diet andbbuilding thread on the
whole internet evergaleniko, share with us you nutritional strategysomething like that.

Within that thread on was the birth of the idea to start this book.thanks, see how
random things can bring up something good

-all the haters who got sand in their bloody vaginas bc we gonna charge for this, and of pure
jealousy.if they know better, why dont they release their work.we thrived on you clowns, you gave
us energy-fuel to go through with wasnt easy, next to servicing the female world
sexually,having a job,and training and write all this in summer heat while suck this, we are
now authors.:-)
-true Adonis, you were the one character who made me sign up to getbig in the first place,back in
the day, we love you,no tbombs-homo-,we just dont agree on dieting matters.

-cswole, the most hardcore permabulker rolling earth

Thank you for having the effect on me that those meth warning signs have on general population

Youre my dieting spirit partially,I think of you to beat hunger, I think of you to to not prematurely
ejacuate during sex, youre always on my mind

See you at los angeles airport this year,man

-ukjeff+nycfle, you are what I wanna look like when I grow up ukjeff should get a cut from this
book, his propgangda was that of someone who knows every salesmen trick in the world, not sure if

-borracho:you know we are brothers

-ron, the owner of getbig, thank you very much for letting it happen, god knows many would have
loved to laugh us off and prevent this book from coming out.we stood through.thanks man.

-che:we ran our scam for quite a while,didnt we

-cholo4life:this is it, this is all the truth out there.

-and all the rest,we love you all,no homo.dont be upset you didnt make the list, my finger muscle
have painfull pumpos from the peds.

-zyzz, I know you maybe will not read this, but, you been partially inspirational, I stole a dance move
from you,thx

-legal disclaimer!

This is fictional book!dont try this at home!

We dont take any responsibility for other peoples your medical authorities before
starting to diet

This book isnt meant to be on par with the bible, but can be considered the dieting bible

Cheers,thank you all, galeniko-noone, peer review scientific team approved

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