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Album understanding and enjoying to edit

Zyun1-cap1 soeng2-sik1 pin1-cap1

Two MW world magnificent healthy movie edition
Loeng5 go3 sai3-gaai3 (waa4 gin6 din6-jing2 baan2)
( )
Word Yellow to moisten
Ci4: Wong4 zim1
Kuk1: PhilCollins
: PhilCollins
Sung performance Week magnificent healthy
Jin2-coeng3: Zau1 waa4 gin6
The most love the most letter conviction forever constant
Zeoi3 oi3 zeoi3 seon3 seon3-nim6 wing5-jyun5 bat1-bin3

Two MW all living things world
Loeng5 go3 zung3-sang1 sai3-gaai3

Heart homology the whole family journey together
Sam1 tung4-jyun4 jat1-gaa1 tung4-hang4

Human life to guide at day
Jan4-sang1 zi2-jan5 zoi6 tin1

Utopia not have pollution day
Tou4-jyun4 mut6-jau5 wu1-jim5 jat6-zi2

common to laugh happily face
Fau4-sang1 gung6 deoi3 fun1-siu3 min6

To live also simple to trust with love
Wut6 jaa5 gaan2-daan1 pang4-seon3 jyu5 oi3


Two MW all living things world
Loeng5 go3 zung3-sang1 sai3-gaai3

Heart homology the whole family journey together
Sam1 tung4-jyun4 jat1-gaa1 tung4-hang4

Human life to guide at day
Jan4-sang1 zi2-jan5 zoi6 tin1

Come synchronous dark green background
Loi4 tung4-bou6 cing1-cung1 lou5-syu6 dai2

Concentrated green inside real intention appear
Nung4 luk6 leoi5 zan1-ji3 ceot1-jin6

To live also simple to trust with love
Wut6 jaa5 gaan2-daan1 pang4-seon3 jyu5 oi3

Upright and unafraid to raise one's head rather you
Ngong4-jin4 toi4-tau4 ting5 nei5 soeng1-gin1

In silence for new challenge
Mak6-mak6 wai6 san1 dik1 tiu1-zin3

To use to change to meet a contingency to survey towards day
Ji5 bin3 jing3-bin3 fong3-ngaan5 hoeng3 tin1

Come in constant progress everything
Loi4 jat6-san1 dik1 jat1-cai3

Accompany you to move quickly to go forward
Pui4-bun6 nei5 fei1-san1 zeon3-ceoi2

Who can let joyful to turn into sad
Seoi4 nang4 joeng6 fun1-hei2 bin3-zou6 bei1

Who can let love be full of suffering tears
Seoi4 nang4 joeng6 oi3 cung1-mun5 fu2 leoi6

firmament to remain silent firmament
Man6-geoi3 cong1-tin1 mou4-jyu5 cong1-tin1

New vitality but at distant place etc. you
San1 sang1-gei1 koek3 zoi6 jyun5-cyu3 dang2 nei5

Two MW all living things world
Loeng5 go3 zung3-sang1 sai3-gaai3

Heart homology the whole family journey together
Sam1 tung4-jyun4 jat1-gaa1 tung4-hang4

Human life to guide at day
Jan4-sang1 zi2-jan5 zoi6 tin1

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