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The last day of the practicum, it was so exciting and busy day.

During the last day I was so busy because I

teaches the last lesson which is about letter C & k, and I make my performance art video and I dont
have time and that let me feel nervous because I have just 10 minutes to finished my video, and its the
first of the students to act this video and it took time to let the students understand and repeat the
movement after me. Moreover, the thing that let me feel surprised is when my MCT had personal
emergency which made her unable to come to observe my lesson, and because of that I ask my MST to
make a video while I teaches the lesson because it's my last time to has a feedback from my MCT to
improve my grade, and its my first time is to make a video while I teaches the students and I should
focus while the students doing the activities that show their creativity, thinking, and emotional. On the
other hand, the thing that let me feel sad is when my MST tell the students to day is my last day and I
was surprised by the students reaction and I like this part, some of the students said why teacher
Jawahir where are you going, you will come tomorrow we want you to teach us we love you, and that let
me feel sad because I will miss especially when I gave the students a small gift because its my last day
and the students were so glad and that let me feel happy.

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