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Ephesians 6: 13-17

Verse 14: Belt that is tied around loins;

Protects loins
Represents TRUTH
Body part represents chastity or moral purity

Verse 14: Breastplate

Protects the heart
Represents righteousness, uprightness before God
Body part represents affections, emotions, loyalty

Verse 15: Boots or shoes

Protects the feet
Preparation of the gospel of peace
Represents our course in life, actions, places we go

Verse 16: Shield

Protects entire body
Represents FAITH
Represents our whole soul

Verse 17: Helmet

Protects head
Represents Salvation
Represents our thoughts and intellect

Verse 17: Sword

Protects entire body
Represents the Spirit, which is the word of God
Represents our whole soul

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