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Ba see ‘Homeroom: Subject: Social Studies (Udaaer SWBAT analyze the importance ofstrcturWin Ancient Kemet in order to determine the importance of the different social classes. Do Now Using the list below, copy the name of the individual or group below onto the level of the pyramid where you think it belongs. The top of the pyramid is the individual or group that has the most power and the bottom of the pyramid is the individual or group that has the least power. Students ¥ Principal Vice Principal ¥ Teachers Dean of Students Office staff eee Place the people who have the most power on top and the people with the least power on the bottom How did you decide where to place different groups of people? EL Aecicled where te place ayferent gives of pecele Aeverding oa how people ace tr gated, Z When you are done with the do now silently sign into Google classroom. Class code: wsq4dd4 _Egypt’s social pyramid Social Class: A group in Society thok ts ranted WH factors Sech as weaitny property, aad CG's, Pharach EYys| Government officials eudi a a ate all i be cd Kemet’s Social Class Social Class Role in Kemet Society . met + The Wittec's Fonction was +o sepernise officials f Other. gsVernment many of the officials “The chief treasec's enehen YAS to Collect taxes s advised the Pharach 1. How did the status of Government officials affect the daily lives of people in this social class? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Make sure you answer has a claim, evidence and justification of the evidence. The status of Ealecmmenk officals aftected +n clot\y, lwes of people in “this sora) class ox; living wes of \oxoru. Stn Me text 4 cates," Post anbles who had Oveot wean, fine homes, aock plenty of time to socialize.” Gotecament offiriis had enovgh Isyaity aad me ey te | Expensive Clithey, —_ Social Class | _ Role in Kemet Society Pret [advise "phacaony © oversaw rel Giovs & Have Adee © Performed heotings Ceremony ey LUMPIES Seatteres > A, charge of the vou god” Egy pA. 2. How did the status of Priest affect the daily lives of people in this social class? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Make sure you answer has a claim, evidence and justification of the evidence. of Prrests pttecked ~he clariy In this Spciat alass b = w ithy +osts mn “Wye Wala Priest aclwsecd +e Cerememes, The storv lwes of peog\ mating nem lovsy soueNMV ihe ne Plharagh and wefsaw all religious kemple prvests were wi charge uf “he temples Scakte ced hye ged Fo et.” The pnest were doramon whe s wa ; AN Ancrenk Laugh Dp eur Bont eles sie: ae & li Social Class Role in Kemet Society Peasants eBrew the CPs. thox word feed EN eELYONE “helped would monuments Wee Pyramids 3. How did the status of peasants affect the daily lives of people in this social class? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Make sure you answer has a claim, evidence and justification of the evidence. The Staus of peasants affected She cai lx Wes of people” Wn -this Socal Class loy rogieing ty uncefivtabie, La ~the ext Suny § «The lwed in plain Wsuses thot “were male of mucl Bets aad -fliecl Syorsteu usth. Gr nibre cften, yst unoven mots’ Since the “peasants were in ‘the luwest Class, they Adnt have bar much os. rooney te have a lxevia home m. | * Date:_10. | i, HR: Exit Ticket anaes 1. Ifyou had to choose one social class to be a part of other than the pharaoh, what would it be and why? Fill in the Social Pyramid for Ancient Kemet Pharaoh 3) Sener ment (2 y ofA CONS d Selc\ie«s — Ruditors fay tees a FF TALIS 5 BP Ao] bertrent Mee thanty Erokistron Peasants Sher eS S\Voves ‘Nami Date: a Te Ra snes O16 0-(B-1F ‘Homeroo: Subject: Social Studies Nev SWBAT analyze the importance of structure‘in Ancient Kemet in order to determine the importance of the different social classes. Do Now Using the list below, copy the name of the individual or group below onto the level of the pyramid where you think it belongs. The top of the pyramid is the individual or group that has the most power and the bottom of the pyramid is the individual or group that has the least power. Students Principal— Vice-Principal—~ Teachers DearrofStudents Office-staff~ ee eee eee eee eee eee Place the people who have the most power on top and the people with the least power on the bottom How did you decide where to place different groups of people? When you are done with the do now silently sign into Google classroom. Class code: wsq4dd4 ‘Social Class: BA group in Society that ls ranked py Mepors = as weatth property >and ngs, ie a ie Kemet’s Social Class Social Class Role in Kemet Society Government |. Govermeny officiatss ASSiSt +NE prarach 14 “iene [nis Orrer Wes eupreme MIC SF fagyet Pe Vier: |e Advised) the pharaoh Gnd carrietl Gurns Coramands. 2. APPIN and superviseaigovernmenr f ome yreasurer + Collected taxts -Cineral of armiesdHelpea Pharaohs with wag anc! nerrionar secewtty- 2. «POCO “Egypt's Poriers ANN jn: HCI Wn All ian i Hh shel 1. How did the status of Government officials affect the daily lives of people in this social class? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Make sure you answer has a claim, evidence and justification of the evidence. ANC Ototus BF tine government officicts effect - EA 4179o Aas Viges CC OIE in Anis Soricll clas Ov. Vives OF Nuwar. lin He text ie Hotes "OS were NODItsS Lond HOC O¢eoH wedi, FINE Inyenes ANd olentry OF bc +o Secic }- 426." the cpvennmmend OFF iciO\s nnd fnoughn money to £0 40u Ve in various wus. ee Role in Kemet Society Social Class Priest » Oversow i€rnpits © performed! Kituale,realings evan Gi OF the YCUgious ceremonits. 2. How did the status of Priest affect the daily lives of people in this social class? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Make sure you answer has a claim, evidence and justification of the evidence. The srang OF Priests af fecher tine ciciiy Lives oF peapie iN this social classes Fy OCING Power Fe anc iqniy resnectee! througnsu Equot. “A large nerusri« sccved under tné prarmaan , Lego Was CONSid— erect Hne ninnest-ran ked priest GF atl.” FP YoU Were nfo the panwaan's AGSition in any Wu, you yoo! a grec amount P eower ils fe ie is ae Social Class Role in Kemet Society Peasants + *Errev> Crops Td SUOPIY Boel Fr Everyone oHelped build monumenrs 3. How did the status of peasants affect the daily lives of people in this social class? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Make sure you answer has a claim, evidence and justification of the evidence. a aar lives OF Tine PLopIc iN this sacial cl — by wonking then tive poor live: An tne rex¢ i+ Staite: “They livect 19 AIGin houses Hct were made = raudl bricks and Fued Sparsely with Eutni- ture ater lwnven naats. Addi HONEY a peasenr's diet OCs Simple? Poesenrs CCN Rove “oeeer OF luxary ‘putwere shit very immmortans 1 sociehy. Exit Ticket 1. If you had to choose one social class to be a part of other than the pharaoh, what would it be and why? \_Lu\d Cinoase be _c. aewermen+ officicr! be- couse | Still Get Qiot of poweF lover but SH Adve On IMPOr Ont erste my Ci l\. Fill in the Social Pyramid for Ancient Kemet Cratismen Peasents ja] Slaves

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