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Now lets create MM for Repetitive Manufacturing:

Save the FERT.

Go to change View:
Now Save it.
Now create a Work Center: CR01

Or Copy it from exiting one but use WC category 0007 or 0011.

Now we will create BOM: CS01

Add any ROH-

Save it.
Now we will create RATE ROUTING: CA21
Here we will produce 100kg in 2 H (Hours) and save the WC.
Now we will create Production Version: Which is combination of BOM and Rate routing.
GO to Work Scheduling View of FERT:
Eneter all the data realted to Bom and Routing from the header , lot size and check it.
Click continues and save it.
Now we will create Product Cost Collector:

Eneter all the details.

Press Eneter system will fetch the data to the Header.

Save it. (Use RM01 as Oredr Type if get error and create it again.)
We will get this primilary Cost estimate.
Now we will start planning:
Now run MRP. We will be getting Planned Orders.

We wont be getting options to convert the Planned Orders to Productions Orders

We will create one more WC and Rate Routing and production version to test Line Load.

100 kg per 3 hrs

Now we will do Line Load:

Click on continoue.
Now fill it in % .

Check and then adopt.

Save it.
Refresh MD61- we will get * symbol in PLO and WC
In Repetative most of the time GR and GI happens simaltaneously because we are continously producing
the product.
Now we will do the Confirmation , GI and GR.


Eneter all the data.

And POST it.

All will be done.

And we will be getting the stocks.

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