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Buda was born in Kapilavstu in the South of Nepal in 563 BC., He was given the

name of Siddhartha. He died in 483 BC., They belong to the clan, Shakya, a branch

of a caste. According to tradition, he was predestined to be Emperor or great teacher.

He had a son with her cousin, who was called Rahula. One day decided to leave

their luxuries in search of an answer to the suffering, she discovered that if there

metempsychosis (reincarnation after death), and the suffering is eternal. Its mission

was to help get away from the suffering. After 49 days, he met the lighting and it was

there where he decided to go to Sarnath (Deer Park), where preached his first

speech "The agreement of the wheel of the truth or Dharma". He preach his word to

all kinds of people, regardless of their social class or gender. He died in Kushinagar,

a town in Kushinagar district, in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, about the 80 years

of age, reaching Parinirvana or "Grand illumination".

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