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Sage Bhrighus Blessings


Saptarishis Astrology
Readership Level: Basic To Advanced

ith Obeisance to Lord Ganapati, to beloved Saturn who is the Cause of Karma
in our lives. We submit this technique at the holy feet of Sage Bhrighu, the
founder of Bhrighu astrology, the greatest one who no doubt is most beloved
for showing us all that we do not know astrology yet. May he accept and bless this
technique. May the ones who follow the rules of Jyotisha Purusha be able to use this technique
effectively; the wise say the ones who have not mastered the Shadripus (Six Weaknesses)
will one day fail in using the real secret methods of nadi astrology.

B S P - 26
BSP -20 rule is where Saturn sits

A) He implements himself in that house in the 51st year

B) 25% of its 3rd aspect will be implemented in the 51st year.

The 51st year of ones life will often have flavour of Mercury especially if 3H or 3L will be
associated with Mercury or the Asc/Asc Lord is associated with a Mercury sign.

Let us test this on some charts

Chart 1 : Chandrashekhar Sharma Writer of Indian Astrology

Saturn is the 2L of income and the 3L of unlocking of career, he sits in the 7H of business.
Saturn denotes pets and forms a yoga with Mars and Rahu/Ketu, as per some Rahu denotes
dogs and as per some Ketu denotes dogs (we are told it is said in Lal Kitab and we can be
wrong). All the 3 planets are involved in the above combination/yoga.

51st Year would be from Jan 1996 to Jan 1997 and so we asked him what significant event
happened in that period. His reply was I started my small pet accessories shop at that time.

Thus Saturn implemented his power in the 51 st year in the 7H of business by making him
start a shop for pets.

Chart 2: Yenbeeyes Associate Editor of SA

Saturn sits in Leo, this in itself is a yoga and often missed by all. Leo is ruled by Sun, which
shows official/govt and Saturn is troubles, it sits in the 8H, a house of darkness. 51st year
would be from Oct 1999 to Oct 2000. Saturn sits in the 8H of troubles and disgrace and is the
Asc Lord plus 2nd lord of ones name /family name/administration. Note that the 3rd aspect
of Saturn was on the 10H of career where Libra sits whose lord is Venus. The MD and AD
was of Venus, the yoga has fructified now via BSP and via Dasa.
This yoga for Cp Asc where Saturn sitting in the 8H aspects the Moon in the 2H is a yoga
for troubles concerning many things if there are many troublesome planets in the 9H. He
was asked what happened in his career and life in the 51st year. His reply

Dear Sir,

Yes. My 51st year started on 5th Oct. 1999. I was passing through a very tough time. Professional
problems were created by one unwanted person which led to a departmental enquiry against me and
lasted throughout my 51st year and was over only in the middle of 52nd year. I had heavy debts and
jewels (2H) pledged were auctioned by the Bank. A very horrible period. I was running Venus dasa-
Venus Antara till Nov. 2000. Venus is lord of 10th (Cap. Lagna) placed in 11th-Badhakasthana.

Hope this helps you.

Thus Saturn sitting in the 8H of darkness and troubles gave him unwanted troubles in his
51st year.

Chart 3: Old Swedish Friend

Saturn is 6L of job and 7L of Pada Prapti (gain of position) and is with Yogakaraka Mars, 9L
of bhagya plus 4L of home land placed in the 12H of abroad. Both are separative planets
hence separation from home land due to job can happen as Saturn aspects its own house that
is 6H of job. The 51st Year would be 1998 April to April 1999. He got Job in Israel on 22-Sep-
1998. His reply was

Dear SA,
You should know the story (and you have my chart) but here it is again shortly.
The 51st year was for me a break-through after relatively difficult 6 years. I got a job as a consultant
abroad and a pre-agreed term of one month had turned to be a long 18 month very successful period, not
only professionally and financially but also in popularity. One should take into consideration that it
was also the beginning of Saturn mahadasa and Saturns role taking over from yogakaraka Mars...

I would have supplied more info if I only knew what the articles issue (BSP) is all about (51st year)...

All best

Chart 4: Ref Mrs Smitha Patil

51st Year Would be from April 2000 to April 2001

Saturn is posited in the 3rd House (it is 12th from 4H of mother) of unlocking of Karma and
aspects Jupiter the 10L of career from Asc & also Moon Asc, so this makes it a double
whammy. 10H is career and also a maraka for 4H of mother. Saturn is with 6L of service
Mars is not to be forgotten.
51st Year Event:
I lost my mother by January, 2000 the year April, 2000 to April, 2001 was one of the toughest/worst
periods in my life, especially my career was concerned.
I was in a commanding post (though it was not so high) from April, 1972 to November, 1999,
continuously in the same post without any disturbance; but during November, 1999, I had opted to go
on a long leave. I had much humiliation. I lost of my reputation. Throughout the year 2000, I was on
long leave and subsequently, during the middle of 2001, I was promoted to the next level; but inspite of
the high recommendations made for me by senior IAS Officers, I could not get any posting in Chennai.
Finally, I opted to join with one of my earlier Bosses who was holding a highly responsible post in
Government of Tamil Nadu at Chennai and I joined there by April/May, 2001; but till June, 2012, the
period was very worst and got relief, only after the transit Jupiter moved to the 2nd sign from my
Janma Lagna and also Moon sign, which happened to be Gemini. In my life, period from April, 2000 to
April, 2001 was one of very worst period, with much humiliation, loss of reputation, loss of my savings
and loss of the leaves which I had earned for nearly 30 years in my professional career.

I will be too happy any further information required in this regard.

This query was posted on the SA yahoogroup forum and the native sent us the reply which
has been copy pasted above.

Chart 5: Ref Chart given by SA Team member Devadatt Dave

The first BSP that can be quickly used is Jup Saturn are together so one signification of
Aries will be spoilt. Aries has Sun who is 3L of movement, note this. Saturn sits in the 8H of
death/chronic ailment/darkness with Jeeva Karaka (Life Force/light) Jupiter who is badhak
and also marakesh.

51st Year would be from April 2011 to April 2012

Now read what happened in the 51st year.

This gentleman had worked quite hard, and built a successful business for himself, already suffering
from high BP, unfortunately on the 19 June 2011 (51st year) at around 3.30 pm he developed stroke and
slipped into coma and ever since then he has been near vegetable since 1 year, undergoing loads of
treatment at the hospital since 1 WHOLE YEAR and have spent huge sums of money for his
treatment and his recovery is bare minimal.

Saturn signifies dead and Jupiter is life force, coma is a state of dead but alive which Saturn
Jupiter here signifies. When Mars antar will start (7th June 2011), the house where he is
staying will develop Vastu dosha (see in D1 and D4, this dosha is repeated), it needs to be
corrected. Lagna Nakshatra lord is Mrigasira, the symbol/photograph of Mrigasira has to be
put in the house in the specific corner of his house where Mrigasira is symbolised as per SBC
diagram. Use Savartobhadra Chakra in the house diagram and one would get where
Mrigasira is coming in the house. Basically 4 directions/4 walls of a plot, each plot is one
side of the Sarvatobhadra Chakra, so each wall divided into 7 equal parts of 7 nakshatras,
then you would have to put the symbol of Mrigasira at its appropriate place. Remedies to be
done to the particular deity that is signified by Jupiter Saturn together.

Chart 6: Ref Hemant Bhatt Case 2

51st Year would be from Sept 2006 to Sept 2007

The native came back to India in April-2006 due to some legal cases against the native and in
August-07 his Spiritual Guruji (god head) died.

Saturn sits in the 8H of death with Rahu in the sign of Sc, whose lord Mars aspects the
Jupiter the 9L of Guru. Saturn implements its 51st year energy by also aspecting Jupiter who
is the 9L of ones Guru. One should note that the 9L of Guru is with Moon who is the 8L of
death from the 9H.

Chart 7: Lady Friend from Romania

Saturn being the 11L of network of friends sits in the 9H of Guru, Religion, astrologers and
Higher knowledge schools/institutions. It is with Mars who is the 2L of ones name and
Mars is the dispositor of Ketu the karaka of disputes. One must note that a BSP which states
that Mars Saturn when together one point in Aries will be destroyed (this article is pending
with Mr Bhadoriya since 3 years as he has tested this live in over 20 plus cases in his
professional practice). 25% of this BSPs effect will take place in the 51st year by the 3rd aspect
of Saturn, here 3rd aspect goes to 11H of network of friends where enemy of Saturn the Sun is
sitting. So taking the BSP 26 into account something concerning all this should happen in
the natives life in the 51st year which would be from Jan 2008 to Jan 2009. This is what the
native wrote about her 51st year.

In my 51st year of life (from 18th of Jan 2008 to 18th of Jan 2009) I had a lot of problems inside my
spiritual school, due to others' envy, lies and disrespect. My Guru supported me both with His love and
His wise. It was very difficult for me and the wounds still exists. At the same time, a large number of
astrologers from my country isolated me due to my "unusual" ideas and independency of thinking and
even due to the fact that I practice Yoga. A lot of spiritual and astrological projects stopped for a while
but another projects solved somehow instantly. For example, I baptised a Dutch-Romanian boy and I
helped very much the daughter of my lover to take a spiritual decision and direction.
From the relational point of view, my Guru accepted my relationship with my lover and accepted his as
a Yoga teacher inside our school.
I wrote 2 books: "Astrology for our beloved animals" and "The Sexual Generations of the XXth

Due to lack of time and able volunteers who were busy with other projects this particular
BSP has not been tested on 100s of charts, readers are requested to test it on charts and send
in feedback to, if they do not find it working they can
ignore this piece.

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