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NARATOR : in Galela territory, hamlet Lisawa in north Maluku.

That hamlet is very prosperous, but

they little trouble the water

Mojojaru : Heraju, would you come with me to the river to get water

Heraju : yes, I would,I need water too

Mojojaru : lets go now

NARRATOR : they went to the river to get the water

Mojojaru : Heraju, could you help me bring this water ?

Heraju : Im sorry Mojojaru, I want to help you but I also not able to bring that water


Mojojaru : hey mogohiduru, what are you doing here ?

Mogohiduru : I just take a walk around. What happen ?

Mojojaru : I want to bring this water, but itss hard for me.

Mogohiduru : let me help to take the water.

Mojojaru : okey. Thanks before

Mogohiduru : yes.

NARRATOR : they go to home bring the water. on the way, mogohiduru invites mojojaru to come to
the festival tomorrow

Mogohiduru: are you busy tomorrow?

Mojojaru: No. whats wrong?

Mogohiduru: I want to invite you tomorrow to the festival in the next village.

Mojojaru: oke. I will go

NARRATOR : The next day, they go to the villages festival. They meet Heraju there too.

Mogohiduru : mojojaru, you look so beautiful tonight!

Mojojaru: really?? You do not lie?

Mogohiduru: Im serious. I dont lie!

Mojojaru : Oke. Bye the way, have you eaten?

Mogohiduru: well done. How about you?

Mojojaru : I have not eaten.

Mogohiduru : I will get you food. Wait!

Mojojaru : oke

Oh hey Heraju, you are here too?

Heraju : yes Im here. With whom do you come?

Mojojaru : Im with mogohiduru. But he was taking food

Heraju: oh okey..

Narrator : shortly afterwards come bringing food mogohiduru.

Mogohiduru : this is your food mojojaru.

Mojojaru : okey. Thank you mogohiduru.

Mogohiduru :- okey.

- Oh hey heraju, you are here too?

Heraju: yes mogohiduru!

Mogohiduru : With whom do you come?

Heraju : Im come with my neighbor.

Mogohiduru : oh okey. May I speak both with mojojaru?

Heraju : yes of course, please!

Mogohiduru : Mojojaru, I want to tell you something!

Mojojaru : just say it mogohiduru!

Mogohiduru : but you must promise to dont angry?

Mojojaru: yes Im promise!

Mogohiduru: I want to go out,earn money to propose you someday. But, its really hard to leave you in
this town.
Mojojaru : if it is the best way, then go, but I hope you do not betray our love.

Mogohiduru : I never betray our love and I promise, I will be with you until death do us apart.

Mojojaru : I promise too, I will be with you until death do us apart.

NARRATOR : In that vestival,mogohiduru told mojojaru the he will go out. Mogohiduru said goodbye
to mojojaru and they promised until they die. Many months passed, mojojaru looked very sad. One
day she heard the news that the ship of mogohiduru was returned to lisawa.

Heraju : hey mojojaru, I have good new for you

Mojojaru : whats that Heraju ?

Heraju : the ship where Mogohiduru is in will back to Lisawa.

Mojojaru : really ? you are not kidding, right?

Heraju ; Im serious. The ship will be arriving next week

NARATOR : mojojarru very happy to hear the news, but the ship didnt back together with
mogohiduru, he died when the ship was slemmed.

Heraju : Mojojaru, I just feel sad to tell you this one, but you must know it!

Mojojaru : what kind of news is that my friend?

Heraju : the ship where Mogohiduru is in sank in the middle of the sea, and Mogohiduru is death.

Mojojaru : Nooo!!! Its impossible, its not right, you lie, Mogohiduru is still alive!

Heraju : be patiend. Calm yourself, you have to face the reality!

NARRATOR: mojojaru become increasingly sad and emotionally devastated, she decided to find a
place to calm. Mojojaru went away from her home, her family has been looking for days but found
nothing. While mojojaru were sheltering under a banyan tree in tears lamething the departure of her
boyfriend. The tears flowed more profusely.

Mojojaru : ohh myy goddd. Why should be happen ? Im very very love him (sambil menangis keras)

NARRATOR : tears welled up and sink the the sharp rocks that are around the banyan tree. Mojojaru
finally drowned in her own tears.

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