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The Legend of Ship Island

(Legenda Pulau Kapal)





Once upon a time, lived Kulup and his family. One day, Kulups sister found a stick
between the bamboo, the stick was decorated with diamonds and rubies.

SISTER : (surprised) Wow, what it is? Stick.

SISTER : (at home) Mom, Kulup. I found this stick.

KULUP : Wow, perfect.

MOM : Where did you find this?

SISTER : In the bamboo.

KULUP : Why do not we sell it?

SISTER : But, who wiil go to sell?

KULUP : Only me.

After conferring with the family, they finally agreed to sell the stick it to the opposite
country, the Kulup is being sent.

KULUP : Mrs, I have a stick which I will sell to you.

Mrs. LINDA : Oh stick, I can see?

KULUP : Oh yup, why not, this.

Mrs. LINDA : Wow, perfect. I want to have it.

KULUP : Yeah I hope so.

Mrs. LINDA : This is enough for you (give a gold).

KULUP : Yes, of course Mrs, thanks you so much, thank you.

Mrs. LINDA : Yeah, your welcome, maybe you could come to my house in Bangka.

KULUP : Thanks you Mrs.

Stick was sold at inflated prices by the Kulup, but he not return to the village then settled
in that country became a rich man, and he also reminded about the invitation wealthy merchant
were bought his stick for a visit to this home, he went to the house of the rich merchant.

KULUP : Excuse me, Assalamualaikum.

PUTRI : Yeah, Waalaikumsalam.

KULUP : Is Mrs. Linda at home?

PUTRI : Yeah, wait, I will call her for you sir!

KULUP : Ok, Thank you so much.

Mrs. LINDA : Who? (and Mrs. Linda coming).

Mrs. LINDA : Oh, sir. What made you come to my house?

KULUP : I just want to meet your invitation, and

Mrs. LINDA : And what?

KULUP : I am interested in your daughter, can I have your daughter?

Mrs. LINDA : Oh, wait.

Mrs. LINDA : How about you honey?

PUTRI : Hmm. Yeah Im agree mom.

Mrs. LINDA : Oh good, and I think you are a good boy.

KULUP : Oh thank you Mrs. Linda.

Finally he married with the daughter of one of the riches merchant in that country. One
day the Kulup is ruled by his to bring his wife to go to trade.

Mrs. LINDA : Kulup, go to trade with your wife.

KULUP : Yeah, why not, I think this is a good idea.

Mrs. LINDA : Oh, yeah I hope so.

KULUP : Will you a company me to go to trade.

PUTRI : Yes of course, honey.

KULUP : Oh, thank you honey, I love you so much.

PUTRI : I love you too, and hopefully we get in abundance.

KULUP : I hope so.

The Kulup left the country with a luxurious and stately ship, he also has a formidable
crew of dozens and when he reached the Cecuruk river, Kulup reminded of his home village, so
he and his crew were pulled over in the edge of that river.

KULUP : Attention, stop. Let` us pull into the river.

PUTRI : What for honey? We pulled over here.

KULUP : I just wanted to see how the develop ment of society.

PUTRI : Oh good idea honey.

KULUP : (smile to Putri) come on, take care honey.

Kulups sister and mother heard the news of the arrival of the Kulup. The Kulups mother
cook a favorite food of the Kulup immediately.

MOM : Lintang, I heard that your brother will be coming to this village.

SISTER : Yeah, sure mom.

MOM : Honestly Im very happy to heard it.

SISTER : me too mom.

MOM : Then let cook favorite food your brother.

SISTER : With pleasure mom.

** Ten minutes later **

SISTER : Mom hurry up.

MOM : Be patient honey.

SISTER : Kulup we are coming.

MOM : Kulup I miss you so much honey.

SISTER : Me too Kulup.

MOM : I bring you favorite food (give a food to Kulup).

KULUP : Hah!!! (angry) who are you?!

SISTER : Me! Your sister and this your mother.

KULUP : Ha!!! My sister and my mother??

PUTRI : Is that really, honey?

KULUP : No, its all not true.

PUTRI : Oh I hope so honey.

KULUP : I dont have a sister like you and mother like you Cih poor woman.

KULUP : Go away!! I dont like this villages food, my parents and my family were
wealthy merchant, not a trash like you (its destroyed the hearts of both Kulups
sister and mother).

(with tears in his eyes, his mother said).

MOM : If the rich merchants is real Kulup, sinks the ship with him.

Suddenly came the storm that sank the ship, the entire crew were killed inducing the
Kulup, since that, comes the island that resembles a ship and was name ship island.

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