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El Cristianisme Grec: els Orgens de Bizanci

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Introducci a la Histria de les Cultures de la Mediterrnia i del Prxim Orient Antic

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Pensadors i Poetes de la Grcia Arcaica

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Seminari de Versi i Anlisi de Textos


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Sistemes d'Escriptura de la Mediterrnia i del Prxim Orient Antic


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Sistemes Literaris de la Mediterrnia i del Prxim Orient Antic


Jeremy Black, Graham Cunningham, Eleanor Robson, Gbor Zlyomi, The Literature of
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Benjamin R. Foster, Before the Muses. An Anthology of Akkadian Literature, CDL Press,
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O. Murray (ed.), Sympotica. A symposium on the Symposion, Oxford 1990.

Marcel Detienne, Les matres de vrit dans la Grce archaque, Maspero: Paris 1962 (trd.
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M. Detienne, G. Hamonic (eds.), La desse parole, Paris 1995.

Dupont, Florence, LInvention de la littrature : de livresse grecque au texte latin, Paris : La
Dcouverte, 1998.(trd. esp. La Invencin de la literatura).

C. Dougherty and L. Kurke (eds.), Cultural Poetics in Archaic Greece: Cult, Performance,
Politics, Oxford 1993.

Ruth Scodel, Listening to Homer, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press 2002.

Les Churs de jeunes filles en Grce archaque, 2 vol., Roma (Ateneo), 1977 (tr angl.
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Barbara Kowalzig, Singing for the gods. Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and
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Gregory Nagy Early Greek Views of Poets and Poetry, in G. Kennedy (ed.), The
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Blackwell (ed.), Dmos: Classical Athenian
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Taller d'Edici de Textos Grecs


Alberto Bernab, Manual de crtica textual y edicin de textos griegos. Madrid: Ediciones
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Martin L. West, Textual criticism and Editorial Technique applicable to Greek and Latin
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Giorgio Pasquali, Storia della tradizione e critica del testo, Firenze 1934; 19522; 1988.

Leighton D. Reynolds, Nigel G. Wilson, Scribes and scholars. A guide to the transmission
of Greek and Latin literature, Oxford 1968; 19913; (trad. Copistas y fillogos. Las vas de
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Rudolph Pfeiffer, History of classical scholarship from the beginnings to the end of the
Hellenistic age, Oxford 1968.(trad. de tots dos: Historia de la filologa clsica, Madrid

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Maria Cannat Fera & Gian Battista DAlessio (eds.), I lirici greci. Forme della
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Glenn W. Most (ed.), Collecting Fragments-Fragmente sammeln. Aporemata: Kritische

Studien zur Philologiegeschichte 1. Gttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1997.

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