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R)I Swedish Basic Cours e developed from a need to provide a more comprehensive
and up to date curriculum than had been afforded by an earlieI' work, Spoken Swedish.
The latter had been produced during the 1950's by william R. fun Bus kirk and Fritz
frauchiger of the FSI linguistic staff, with the assistance of members of the staff
of the Post Language Program of the American Embassy in Stockholm.

RJI Swedish Basic Cours e is intended primarily for use as the foundation for in-
tensive classroom use with a qualified instructor, but it has also been designed
so that the student who does not have the benefit of an instructor may use the
text and its accompanying tapes with profit.

This book was developed entirely at the ~reign Service Institute in Washington.
Under the general editorship of Allen I. Weinstein, the text was conceived and
executed by the Swedish instructional staff, headed by Ingrid S. Beach and including
Margareta Weyl, Margareta Feller, and Anne-Marie Carnemark. Illustrations were
conceived and drawn by Peter Weyl. Layout for the text and the cover design were
executed by John McClelland of the FSI Audio- Visual Staff. The tape recordings
accompanying this text were voiced by Peter Ling- Vannerus, Niklas Lund, Claes
Rhl, Ingrid Beach, Anne-Marie Carnemark, and Margareta Weyl, and were made at the
FSI studios under the direction of recording engine er Jose Ramirez.

The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Foreign Service Institute students
who used the field-test editions of the book in Washington and who contributed many
helpful ideas and criticisms. A special debt of gratitude is due Marianne L. Adams
who, as FSI Publications Officer, provided the initial stimulus for the creation
of this book and whose encouragement along the way was of great importance.


To the Student
WeLcome to the worLd of Sweden, Swedes, and Swedish!

You have obtained this book as a way to help you learn the Swedish language, and to
help you prepare for Life and work in Sweden. We hop e that both these experienaes
will be enjoyable for you, but before you begin we would Like you to know some
facts about language study in general, and this book in particular.

The new FSI Swedish Basic Course has been written especially for the future U.S.
diplomat in Sweden. It is meant to serve as a textbook as well as a source of cul-
tural information and it is accompanied by a complete set of tapes.

We all know that the ability to speak a foreign Language and to live in a new cul-
ture is not learned through books and tapes alone. These are only aids in a learn-
ing process which begins in the classroom, where the instructor is the primary source
of information and your main conversation partner, and which later expands to the
whole country of Sweden, where a nation becomes your teacher. However, the book
has taken into account the student who may not have a teacher available. It was
designed in such away that, together with extensive use of the tapes, it may be
used profitably by the self-study student. A self-study course, however, cannot
prov ide sufficient opportunities to practice speaking and understanding Swedish.

The primary goal of language learning is to communicate with the native speakers
in a natural and productive way. A secondary goal is to learn to read and trans late
Swedish, since this is an important skill you will need in your work.

The first twelve ~its consist of dialogs which cover a range of situations relevant
to your Life and work in Sweden. The las t few Uni ts are lJJri tten in a narrative form
and constitute a transition to further reading.
Each ~it includes "Notes on Basic Sentences," which clarify certain grammar points,
cultural ~nformation and idiomatic expressions that we think are particularly im-
fullowing "Notes on Basic Sentences" is a section called "Points to Practice."
This section deals lJith the grammar, which is first explained as clearLy and

To the Student

simply as possible~ and then put to use in Practices. Here you can cover up the
correct responses with a piece of heavy paper or cardboard and then slide the paper
down the page to confirm the correctness of your response or correct any error
you may have made. Be sure you do the Practices aloud.

Grammatical explanation should be thought of only as a tool when learning a foreign

language. But it is the key to understanding a structure and a system which might
otherwise seem confusing. Even though Swedish grammar and vocabulary are related
to their English counterparts, a word-by-word translation from either language
into the other does not neoessarily produoe good sense. Beoause of important dif-
ferenoes in ways We have of expressing the same thoughts~ speakers of English and
Swedish see each other as using different patterns of language. It is therefore
invaluable to learn Swedish patterns to the point where the y become a real part
of your speech, so that the difference between English and Swedish becomes natural
to you.

Over many years of teaching Swedish to English speaking students the teachers at
~I have noted oonsistent patterns of difficulty that an English speaker has in
learning Swedish. We have tried to draw on this experienee in explaining the
grammar and in painting out the pitfalls. Our happy Vikings are used to draw
attention to same of the grammar points~ and to make the task of learning Swedish
grammar a little less serious. A dragon appears in places where we discUSB something
that may be unusually tricky.

How to Vse the Tapes

The tapes provide the oorrect pronunoiation of the dialogs, narrative texts and
grammar practices. On the tapes each Unit begins with the diatog "For Listening
Only" to give you the chance to understand as muoh aB possible unaided. Remember
that it is just as important to understand what is being said as to produce your
own sentences. Following" For Listening Only" there is a section called" For
Learning." It contains the same dialog~ but this time each new word is given with
apause, during which you are to repeat the word before the correct pronunoiation
is confirmed. The same pattern is then used for longer utteranees. Try to mimic
the native speakers as elosely as possible, paying elose attention to stress and
intonation. When an utterance is very long it will, be divided inta two or more
sentences~ and then given in its entirety.

To the Student v

The grammar practices have also been taped, in order for you to hear the pronuncia-
tion of the correct response given in the practices. We advise that you keep your
book open when doing the grammar practices with the tape, since you will always
have to read the instructions for each individual practice in order to know
which cue words you are supposed to use. However, you wiLL find that some prac-
tices can be done oraLly using on ly the tape. In those instances, try to reLy on
what you hear on the tape and don't Look at the book.

Studying a Swedish textbook and Listening to the accompanying tapes does not guaran-
tee mastery of the Swedish Language. We hop e that this book wiLL serve as one of
many aids iu your endeavor and that you wiLL find numerous opportunities to prac-
tic e your Swedish. The best way of doing that is to c10se your book and put your
vocabulary and grammar to use in real situations. This is when you have to trans-
fer your book-learning into something productive and meaningful. When you speak,
understand and read outside the cLassroom environment you have truLy Learned to
communicate in your new language.

Good luck in your Swedish enterprisel

To the Student

Till Lraren

Fljande r ett frslag tl I I hur Swedish Baslc Course kan anvndas svenskundervisningen:

Utta I

Ett utfrligt kapItel med medfljande band inleder boken. Lraren br naturligtvis g
igenom alla vIktiga punkter och hjlpa eleverna att f ett bra uttal frn brjan.


a. Genomgng aV ny lxa.

Lraren I ser de nya orden och I ter e I everna upprepa dem I korus. Sedan I ser lraren
en mening i taget och lter varje elev upprepa den. Hr har lraren ett bra t l l l -
Uille att rtta och frklara uttalet. Det r vsentligt att vara mycket noggrann
med uttalet i brjan s att eleverna inte grundlgger dliga vanor. Vi berknar att
tv eller tre sidor per dag r lagom fr hemarbete. I brjan kan det vara frdel-
aktigt tr eleverna att lra sig dIalogen utantill s att de automatiskt tIllgodogr
sig rytmen, ordfljden och sprkmnstret.

b. Frhr av lxa.

Nsta dag kan man brja med att lta eleverna g Igenom dialogen med den svenska
texten vertckt och med den engelska texten som minnesstd. Man kan sedan lta
eleverna erstta en del ord i dialogen med andra ord som de lrt sig tidigare och
va olika former samtidigt som det grammatiska mnstret bIbehlls. Till sist slr
eleverna Igen bckerna och anvnder dialogen i rollspel. Spontant rollspel passar
i nte fr a I I a e lever. Det kan tr en de I vara svrare att h i tta p ngot att sga
n att anvnda det nya sprket korrekt. I sdana ta II r det I mp 11 gt att anvnda
s.k. "directed dialog," d.v.s. lraren talar om tr eleven p svenska (eller mj-
I igtvis p engelska) i indirekt form vad han/hon ska sga. Lraren kan ocks sjlv
stlla frgor tl II eleverna med anvndande av ordfrrdet j texten.

Till Lr<;lren vii



Lraren gr igenom de grammatiska punkter som tas upp I varje kapitel och eleverna arbetar
sjlvstndigt hemma p vningarna med banden t i l l hjlp. Grammatikavsnitten innehller
ett stort antal vningar i frhoppningen att eleven kan lra sig sprkstrukturen genom
att va den och hra den s mycket som mj \ i gt. Fr att vara sker p att vn ingarna
verkligen grs br lraren d och d, utan varning, g igenom dem i klassen.

Efter kapitel 12 har vi frngtt formatet med enbart dialog. Kapitel 13-16 utgr en
vergng ti I I tidningslsning. Svrighetsgraden stegras avsevrt 1 dessa stycken.
Texterna kan med frdel anvndas tl I I lsning, versttning och diskussion. Diskussionen
kan t i l l exempel rra sig om olika seder och bruk, olika sikter, politiska frhllanden,
etc. Den kan ocks gras I ivl igare om lraren eller ngon av eleverna intar en impopulr
stndpunkt. Med hjlp av banden kan eleverna ocks va upp frmgan att lyssna och frst.

Kapitel 6 r avsett som ett prov p vad eleven lrt sig i kapitel 1-5. Vi rekommenderar
a t t e I e ven d e I a r u p p k a p i t e I 6 i mi n s t t v s e k t i o n e r f r a t t n b s t a m j I i g a r e s u I t a t .

Det r lmpligt att d och d under kursen g ti Ilbaka och repetera och att inte ta
fr givet att eleverna har tillgodogjort sig allt som tidigare frekommit i boken eller
diskuterats i klassen.

Detta r endast vrt frslag ti I I hur Swedish Basic Course kan anvndas. Vr frhopp-
ning r att boken kan inspirera och uppmuntra lraren att anvnda sin egen fantasi p
ett stt som bst passar de individuella eleverna i hans/hennes klass, och ven klassens
storlek. Lt fantasi och kreativitet komma ti II nytta. Tnk p mj I igheten att anvnda
"propsll och att stimulera undervisningen genom att freta ngot fysiskt aktivt. ut-
flykter, restaurangbesk, simulerad guidning p svenska, etc., kan erbjuda bra tillfllen
att anvnda svenskan I real istiska situationer.

Lt boken vara en hjlp I undervisningen och lt den inte diktera hur undervisningen
ska g ti I I. Mlet r att lra engelsksprkIga elever att frst och uttrycka sig p
svenska och den metod som nr det resu I tatet r den rtta metoden. Lycka t i II !

T II I LMraren

TabLe of Contents


Preface iii

To the Student iv

To the Teaehel' vii

Explanation of Cpammatical Terms xiv

A Guide to Endings and Symbols xxiv

A Guide to Swedish Pronunciation l

Unit 1 - Cetting Around 30

Numbers 38
Nates on Basic Sentences 39
Points to Practice 41
Point I - En-Ett 42
Point II - Present Tense 46
Point III - Word Order 47
Point IV - AuxiLiaries (heLping verbs) 53

Unit 2 - Meeting People 56

Nates on Basia Sentences 64
Points to Practice 68
Point I - The Definite Artiale (singular) 69
Point II - Personal Pronouns 76
Point III - Telling Time 80

Unit 3 - Family and Ocaupation 84

Nates on Basic Sentences 93
Points to Practice 97
Point I - Indefinite Plural Endings 98
Point II - The Relative Pronoun Som 109
Point III - Placement of Adverbs 112
rable of Contents ix


~it 4 - Seeing the Sights 116

Notes on Basic Sentences 122
Points to Practice 123
Point I - Adjectives in the Indefinite Form (noun-adjective agreement) 124
Point II - Demonstrative Expressions 128
Point III - Personal Pronouns Den, Det, De 131

Uni t 5 - A Place to Live 138

Nates on Basic Sentences 145
Points to Practice 147
Point I - Possessives Preceding a Noun 148
Point II - Verbs of the First Conjugation 157
Point III - Word Order 166

Uni t 6 - True and False 171

Uni t 7 - A t the Office 179

Nates on Basic Sentences 184
Points to Practice 185
Point I - Definite Form Plural 186
Point II - Definite Form of the Noun with AdjectiveB 189
Point III - Det r det 196
Point IV- Ligga-Lgga, Sitta-Stta, etc. 200
Point V - Ordinal Numbers 203

Unit 8 - Shopping for clothes 205

Notes on Basic Sentences 212
Points to Practice 215
Point I - Interrogative Pronoun Vi Iken (Vi Iket, Vi Ikal 216
Point II - Indefinite Pronouns and Ajdectives 219
Point III - Adverbs of Place Indicating Rest and Motion 233
Point I V - Verbs of the Second Conjugation 241
Point V - Verbs of the Third Conjugation 250

Table of Contents


unit 9 - Eating in a Restaurant 254

Notes on Basic Sentences 261
Points to Practice 264
Point I - Comparison of Adjectives 26S
Point II - Formation and Comparison of Adverbs 279
Point III - Adjectives Before Nouns 287

unit 10 - Getting Ready for an Evening Out 297

Notes on Basic Sentences 303
Points to Practice 30S
Point I - RefZ exive VeY'bs 306
Point II - AuxiZiary (HeZpingJ Verbs 311
Point III - Imperative Form 318
Point IV - D-Sedan, both meaning "then" 322
Point T! - Fre-I nnan, both meaning "before" 324

Unit 11 - Nations, Languages, and NationaZities 327

Notes on Basic Sentences 335
Points to Practice 338
Point I - The Swedish Pronoun Man 339
Point II - Time Adverbials 341
Point III - Nations, Nationalities, Languages 355

unit 12 - Social Gatherings 361

Part I - An Informal Invitation to Lunch 361
Part II - An Invitation to a Dinner 365
Part III - A Formal Dinner Party 368
Notes on Basic Sentences 377
Points to Practice 383
Point I - Prepositions of Place 384
Point II - Placement of the Roaming Adverb 396
Point III - Practice on Idiomatic and ~eful Expressions 406

Table of Contents


Vnit 13 - r Vg ti II Landet 410

Glossary 413
Nates on Basic Sentences 416
Points to Practice 419
Point I - The Fourth Conjugation (Irregular Verbs) 420
List of Irregular Verbs 421
Point 11 - Tycka, Tnka, Tro 441
Point III - Dr-Dit as Relative Adverbs 444

Unit 14 - P n 446
G lossary 449
Notes on Basic Sentences 452
Points to Practice 454
Point I - Past Participles 455
Point II - Passive Voice 462
Point III - Present Participle 469

Vnit 15 (introduction) 470

Vnit 15 - Helger och Traditioner 471
Midsommar 471
Julen 472
Fastan 474
Psken 475
Valborgsmssoafton 475
Frsta Maj 476
Glossary 477
Nates on Basic Sentences 481
Points to Practice 483
Point I - Compound Nouns 484
Point II - Compound Verbs 486

Vnit 16 (introduotion) 493

Vnit 16 - Glimtar frn Sverige av Idag 495
Geografi 495
GloBsary 496

Table of Contents


Unit 16 (oont.)
Nringsliv och Ekonomi 498
GlossaY'Y 499
Statsskick och Politik 503
GlossaY'Y 504
Neutral itet och Frsvar 506
GloBsaY'Y 507
Socialpolitik 509
Glossary 509
Rel igion 511
GloBsary 511
Skolor och Utbildning 513
Glossary 513
Massmedia 515
G lossaY'y 515
Notes on Basio Sentenoes 517

WOY'd Lis t 523

GrammaY' Index 662

BibliogY'aphy 675

Table of Content8 xiii


A Brief Explanation of English Grammatical Terms Vsed in this Book

Accent as in "accent 1 and 2,: is equivalent to stress or Zoudness.

Active V07:ce See"Voice. "

Adjective a word used to describe or qualify a noun.

Example~: A good cup of coffee.

Roses are r'ed.
Most adjectives can have thr'ee fOr'ms: positive. camparative,
and supel'lative (tall, taller, tallestJ.

Adverb a word used to qunlifY:

a ver'b - Peter spoke so[tly.
an adjective - She is very pr'etty.
another adverb - Tom speaks unusuaZZy slowly.

A:roticle a wOr'd used with a noun to modify or limit ita meaning.

Indefinite article - a dog, an apple

Defini te artic le - the boy, the boy s

Auxiliary verb ver'b used with another' ver'b of ten to fo:rom compound tenses.

Examples: He will come tomor'row.

I have seen that fil~.

G:roammaticaZ Terms

Cardinal number the basic, or "counting" form of a number - one J two J three,

Clau8e a group of words containing at least a verb

Example: The baby cried.

ctauses may be main (independent) OY' subordinate (dependent).

A main clause is able to stand alone and constitutes a full

Example: Peter was reading the paper.
A subordinate clause acts like a modifier (adjective or adverb),
and is linked to a main clause by a subordinating conjunction.
Example: Peter was reading the paper when the door bell rang.

Comparative See "Adjective."

compound made up of two or more elements.

Compound nouns - a lexical noun phrase (i.e. a noun phrase
which is considered one uni t of meaning).
Examples: aoat hanger J blaakboard, airplane
Compound verbs - a lexical verb phrase (i.e. a verb phrase
whiah is aonsidered one unit of meaning).
Examples: giv e up, find out, give in
Compound tenses - a combination of an auxiliary and a main verb.
See "auxiliary verb."
Grammatical Terms xv

Conditional clause a cLause expl'essing a condition, usually introduced by "if,"

"i n t h e e v e n t of," II U n Ze s s . "
Examples: If I see him,I'll tell him that you called.
ln the event (that) we must cancel our plans,I'lL
let you know.
UnZes~ it rains,we'Zl go swimming this afternoon.

Conjugation a group of verbs which follow the same inflectional pattern.

Conjunc tio n. an uninflected word used to Zink together words or sentence

parts, such as ~~4, while, becaus~, since, etc.

DecLension a group of nouns with the same plural ending.

Definite articZe See "Article."

Definite (orm form of a Swedish noun or adjective used when the definite
article is prsent.

Demonstrative words such as this, that, the se, those to point out or indicate
specific persons-Gr things.

Determinative adjective or a pronominal word referring to a following phrase.

Examples: The Ithose)students who had taken the course during
the summer were excused.
Those who waited patiently in line finally got to
see-the famous movie star.

GrammaticaZ Terms

- -- an English verb with an -ing ending and with the function of
11 noun.

Examples: Swimming is my favorite sport.

I'm tired of running.

Idiomatic e~ression a group of words which has a special connotation not usually
equal to the meanings of the individual words J and which usually
cannot be translated into another language without the special
meaning being lost.
Examples: This is not my cup of tea.
That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Imperative a sentence or a verb form which commands. requires or forbids

an action to be carrie d out.

Examples: Stand up!

Don't cry!

Indefinite adjective a determiner in a noun phrase expressing generality, such as

some J an!!J every. etc.

rnd~finite article See "Article."

rndefinite form form of a Swedish noun or adjective used either when the in-
definite article is present or when no article is present.

Indefinite pronoun a pronoun which does not refer to a definite person or thing,
e.g. aEyQodYJa~t~i~~. som~pody. ~othin~J etc.

~rammatical Terms xvii


In[initive a verb form not limited by person, number, or tense; the

[orm given in the vocabulary lists. It may stand alone
(] must fIS!.-) 01' it may be preceded by "to" (I want to go).

Interrogative word a word used at the beginning of a clause or sentenee to mark

it as a question.

Intransitive verb a verb which cannot be [ollowed by an object.

Example: The baby slept.

ef. transitive verb.

Irregular noun exhibits certain [orms which do not coincide with a particular
adjective pattern considered to be the norm foY' that particular noun
verb (adjective, verb, adverb).
Examples: child -children
good, better, best
run, ran, run
much, more, most

Non-count noun a noun which does not usually form a plural, aB opposed to
nouns which can be counted, e.g. Bugar, sand, ooffee.

Noun wOl'd denoting or naming a person, thing or concept.

Noun phl'ase a word 01' group of words with a noun or pronoun as its head
and [unctioning as the Bubject, object or "complement" of a
Examples: The cat caught the mouse.
He is ~oliceman.
Grammatioal Terms

Object word or phrase forming the "compLement" of a verb.

Direct object is the person or thing which is affected by

the action of the verb in a sentenee

Example: The man read the newspaper.

Indirect object is the person or thing for whom or on whose
behaZf an action is carried out.

Example: John read the newspaper to his wife.

Objective pronoun a form of a pronoun which is governed by a verb or a prepo-


ExampZes: Peter saw her.

Peter gave-us the book.

OrdinaZ number a number used as an adjective to indicate order, e.g. first,

second, third, etc.

Participle English has two participial forms: the ~sent particip le

which ends in -ing and the east participZe which ends in -ed,
or same times in -en, -n, etc. These are used in forming
complex verb phrases, such as I am workingj I have worked.

Apart from their use in forming compZex verb phrases, parti-

ciples are alsa used as adjectives.

ExampZes: A cr~ baby.

A cZosed door.

ParticZe a non-inflected word which, used with another word (usually a

verb) changes the meaning of that word, e.g. <2il in "turn it lli"
roammatical Terms

Passive voiee See "Voice."

Past tense a tense form of a verb referring to an action which took place
prior to the time of the utteranee. Cf. "perfeet tense. "

Perfect tense Present perfeet - have (has) + partieiple (I have closed the
Past perfect - had + participle (I had cZosed the door.)

ppeposition a non-inflected word used before a noun or noun phrase, which

indicates a spatial OP temporal relationship between the noun
and some other reference.

Examples: Arthur is driving into the city.

Fran wOIl't get hereuntil Tuesday.

Reflexive pronoun an object pronoun which refers back to the subject.

Example: You can see for yourself

Reflexive verb a verb used usually with a reflexive pronoun.

Example: John cut himself while shaving.

Some verbs have reflexive connotations without a reflexive
Example: John cut himself while shaving (i.e. himself)

Gpammatieal Tepms

Relative Adverb an adverb whiah aats as a aonjunation in introduaing a sub-

ordinate alause

Example: This is the place where we met.

Relative clause a subordinate clause introduced by a relative pronoun or adverb.

Examples: This is the boy whom I was supposed to meet.

That was the time when I aot lost.

Relative pronoun a pronoun such as who, whose, whom, which, that whiah refe1'8
back to a previous word-or.-group-of words in-a-sentence.

Stem that which is left of a word when all prefixes and suffixes
have been removed.

grammaticially, that part of a sentenee which constitutes

the reference for the verb; the agent performing the action
expressed by the verb in an active sentence, or the person,
thing OF concept on which the action of a passive sentenee
is performed.

Examples: The aat caught the mouse.

The mouse was caught by the aat.

Subordinate clause See "Clause."

Superlative See "Adjective."

Grammatical Terms

Supine the name in Swedish for the verb form used together with forms
of att ha (to have). It corresponds in English to the past
participle form of the verb. However, the supine form is nevel'
declined and cannot be used as an adjective. Thus in Swedish
there is a distinction between the supine form and the past
particip le form. The former is only used with the forms of
the verb att ha. The latter is used and declined as an ad-

Examples: Supine Part-iciple

Jag har lnat en bli. En lnad bil.

r have borrowed a ear. Aborrowed ear.

Jag har lnat ett bord. Ett lnat bord.

I have borrowed a table. Abol'rowed table.

Jag har lnai tv bcker. Tv I <'i nade bc ker.

I have borrowed two books. Two borrowed books.

Tense grammatical category of the verb expressing the time relation-

ship between the action referred to in the sentenee and the
time of the utterance.

Transitive verb a verb which can have a direct object.

Example: The boy kicked the ball.

Cf. intransitive verb.

Verb expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being.

Examples: The boy l~~ the room.

I am cold.

Gramrnatical Terms

Voice a verb construction indicating certain reZationships between

the subject and object of a verb.

The active voice occurs in a sentenee where the grammaticaZ

subject of a verb carries out some activity or process, e.g.
The cat caught the mouse.

The ~ssive voice occurs in a sentenee in which the grammaticaZ

subject of the verb is the recipient of the action, e.g.
The mouse Was caught by the cat.

Word order Straight word order places the subject before the verb in
a clause.
Reversed word order pZaces the verb before the subject in
a clause.

~rammatical Terms xxiii


A Guide to Endings and Symbols Used in Basia Sentenaes and in Nates on Hasia Sentenaes

In the Hasia Sentenaes, each paragraph will be numbered and preaeded by a list of new voaa-
bulary. Same of the Swedish words will be pY'esented in theiY' diffeY'ent forms as folLows:

1. Nouns

Indefinite form, singulaY'j definite form ending, singularj indefinite form ending, plural.
Example: dag -en -ar day, the day, days

If the plural form is irregulaY' the entiY'e word form is given.

Example: natt -en , ntter night, the night, nights

The word stem to whiah the endings are added is indicated by a slash if the stem is
different from the indefinite form singular.
Example: gat/a -an -or street, the street, streets

-0 This symbol indicates that the indefinite plural form is the same as the indefinite
singulaY' :form.

Example: par -et -0 coupre, the oouple, couples

(/; The same symbol without the dash f-J indicates that the word does not occur in the
Example: mjl k -n (/; milk, the milk, ~

Guide to Endings and Symbols


2. Pronouns (Possessive, Demonstrative, Indefinite Pronouns, and the Interrogative

Pronoun y i I ken)
Form referring to ~ words; form referring to ett words; form referring to plural

Example: min, mitt, mina m-z-ne

~. Adj ectives
Basic form (used with en words in the singular); ending uBed with ett words in the
singular; ending used with plural words.

Example: sn I I -t -a kind

If the adjeetive is irregular the whole form will be given.

Example: I i ten, I i tet, sm small

4. comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs

Only the irregular comparative and superlative forms are indicated in addition to
the basic forms. However J these forms will not be given until Unit 9 where the J

comparison of the adjective is introduced.

Basic form (used with ~ words in the singular); ending used with ett words in the
singular); ending used with plural words; comparative form; superlative form.

Example: lng -t -a; lngre, lngst long J longer J longest

Guide to Endings and Symbols xxv


5. Verbs
Verbs are always given in the in[initive [orm with the in[initive marker att (ex-
cept [or certain auxiliary verbs which are not used in the in[initive [orm).
The in[initive form with a slash to indicate the stem; present tense ending; past
tense ending; supine ending

Example: att talla -ar -ade -at to speak, speak(s), spake, (have, had) spaken
If the verb is irregular all [orms are written out.
Example: att st, str, stod, sttt to stand, stand(s), stoad, (have, had) stood
Starting with Unit 10 the first three conjugations will be indicated by numbers only.

Example: att tala, to speak

att kra, 2a to drive
att tycka, 2b to think
att tro, 3 to believe
The [ourth conjugation verbs, which are all more or less irregular, will have the
irregular [orms indicated as well as a number 4 to indicate the conjugation. att f, fr, fick, ftt, 4 to get, to receive

att hlla med om; hller, hll, hll it, 4 to agree with

6. * This asterisk is [ound in the Basic Sentences. It indicates that there is an

explanatory note on a certain item in that particular paragraph. The nate is listed
by paragraph number in the Notes on Basia Sentences section immediateZy [ollowing
each dialog.

Guide to Endings and Symbol.s


A Guide to Swedish Pronunaiation

This chapter is intended especially for the student who is learning Swedish on his or
her own. The accompanying tape is an integral part of this Unit, and henae must be
used in aonjunation with the following pages.
We have avoided using phonetic symbols in the book. Instead we feel that the combi-
nation of the tape and the acaompanying brie! desariptions of how the sounds are pro-
duaed will provide an appropriate basis for Swedish pronunaiation.
We also hope that the student who studies with a teaaher will find both ahapter and tape
We naturally tend to aonaentrate on those sounds that exist in Swedish and not in
English, rather than on Bounds that are common to the two languages. Spending a little
extra time in the beginning to get the Swedish sounds right is better than learning
them inaorrectly and then trying to compensate later.

Guide to Swedish Pronunaiation


Many sounds in the Swedish language are similar to sounds used in English. A few
sounds used in Swedish do not exiat in English. We will be more oonoerned with sounds
than with spelling, although aometimes the latter has to oome in.
Let'a begin by looking at and listening to the Swedish alphabet, which has 29 letters:
When we disouss Swedish sounds in this chapter we refer to the sounds in this alphabet.
Remember this order of letters, especially when you are looking up a name in the phone
book or a word in a dictionary: A are last.

Swedish Vowe ls
Let'B be gin by taking a look at and listening to the Swedish vowels. Repeat them after
the tape:
A O U A E y

Learn them in thes8 group8: A O U A E Y

A O U A are oalled hard vowels, E y soft vowels.

These vowels oan be pronounaed long or short. For example~ listen to the different
lengths of the vowel 80und in these Swedish word pairs:

Guide to Swediah Pronunciation


Long vowels Sho1't vowela

dag (day) dagg (dew)
vilg (road) v8gg (wall)
v i I a (to pest) v I Il a (house)
f r (fo1') frr (before)

Can you hea1' the difference in the vowel length? When Swedish vowels are long they
al'e vel'Y long. No matter how much you think you exaggerate theil' length, they can
not be too long.
There are no diphthongs in Swedish. If one vowel letter follows anothel', each one is
pronounaed aeparately. (This happens in certain English words too, e.g. c~eration,
l'eitel'ate, etc.) All vowel letters are pl'onounaed, there are no silent vowel lettel's.
Let's leal'n and pl'aatiae long-shol't vowel differenaes in Swedish words. The purpose
hel'e is to leal'n to pronounce Swedish, not to learn to spell and not to learn voaabu-
lary. The translation furnished is just fol' your information. Listen to the tape
and read the words. elose your mind to everything around you and pay elose attention
to the way the voiee on the tape pronounees the wOl'ds. Try to imitate the speaker.
If you are studying alone, have a mirror handy. We'll tell you when you need it.

"nard" Vowels A O U A

The long A in Swedish resembles the long A in (Amel'iean) English, e. g. "fathel', "
"hard," "barn," (Boston pl'onuneiation diseouraged). Just make it longer.

Long A
glas (glaBS) stad (oity)
dag (day) vad (what)
mat ( food) ta (to take)
tak (roof, eeiling) lat (lazy)
ska (will) ha r (have, ha8)
Guide to Swedi8h Pl'onunaiation

The short Swedish A is Bomewhat similar to the vowel in the English words Ueot. u Unot. u
Listen oarefully to the pronunoiation of short Swediah A on the tape and repeat after it.
Short A

glass (ieeoream) vatten (water)

dagg (dew) kaffe (ooffee)
matt (weak) han (he)
tack (thank you) kan (can)
hade (had) hall (haLl)

Now we will give you one /Jord with a long A and one with a ahort A. Liaten to the
differenee in the vowel and imitate it.
Long A Short A

glas glass
dag dagg
mat matt
ta k tack
hal (slippery) ha I I
tal (speeeh) ta I I (pine tree)

The long O is elose to the English vowel in Utroop" and "tomb." Here are some /Jords
with long O. Try to make them very long.

krona (opown) 501 ( aun)

bo (to live) sto r (vig)
bok (book) fot (foot)
bror (bpothep) god (good)
ro (to pow) mot (againBt)

Guide to Swedish Pronunoiation


The short Swedish O has the same qualityas the long O hut it is shorter. Listen to
the words with a short O and repeat af ter the tape.
Short O

hon (she) moster (mat. aunt)

ost (cheese) hote II (hotel)
ond ( evir) bomu I I (cotton)
fort ( fas t) bands ( farme1')
tom (empty) kort (aaI'dJ,

Now we will pI'actice a long and a ahoI't O so you can hear and learn the diffeI'ence.
Long O Sh01't O

krona hon
bok osl
bro r to rt
god tom
ro kort

The Swedish long U does not exist in English. Now you can get out YOUI' mirI'or and use
it while you do the following. Listen to the English word "yew." Now say it veI'Y
slowly and watch what YOUI' lips do at the end of it. Keep your lips in this position.
Now we'll make a little change. by dropping the "y" and emphasizing the "w":
u U U

Now we'll pI'actice words with a long U.

GUide to Swediah Pronunciation

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S=-W.:..::...:E:.:D=-I:..:S:..:.H...:.- ~6

Long U
fru (wife) kul (tun)
ut (out) sur ( sour)
nu (now) mus (mouse)
hu r (how) tur (luck)
hus (house) brun (brown)

The short U sound has a different quality. This time you don't need your mirror.
Say the English wOr'd usugar'u af ter the tape.
sugar' sugar sugar
If you say it quickly the uUu will be very alose to the Swedish short U. Now listen
to this Swedish word: uggla (owlJ. Now we 'tt praatiae some other Swedish worods with
shorot U.
Short U

f ruld (fru i t) upp (up)

brunn (wel Z) I unch (lunch)
un de r (under) buss (bus)
luft (air) tunn (thin)
rum (room) mun (mouth)

Now we'll say a word with a long U and one with a short U. Look in the miroror and Bee
what your mouth does.

Lonrr U Short
- - - -U
fru fru kt
brun brunn
ut upp
nu under
hus buss

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation


Long A is simila't' to the Engl'ish vOIJel sound in "fOU't'3" "SOaI'3" "moI'c J " but much lange!'.
He!'e a!'e 80me WOI'ds IJith a long A.
Long A
r (yea!') mne (moon)
st (to stand) ml ( goal)
g (to go) t rd (thI'ead)
bt (boat) tg (t!'ain)
hl (hale) vt (we t)

The shoI't A is ve't'y similaI' to the VOIJel sound in the English WOI'ds "song 3 " "long 3 "
and "wI'ongJ but shoI'teI'.

ShOI't A
gng (time) mtt (measUI'e)
I ng (long) mste (mus t)
sng (Bong) nga (Bteam)
h I I a (to hold) lder ( age)
mnga (many) ngra (to I'egI'et)

NOa) we'll say ona WOI'd with a long A and then one with a shOI't A. Listen and tI'Y to
heaI' the difference in length.

Long A Short A

g?! gng
r s'ng
hl h I I a
mne mnga
bH mtt

Remembe!' that the Swedish name of this lette!' is "A".

Guide to Swedish P!'onunciation 7


The same sounds -- both the Long A and the short A sound -- are sometimes speL Led
with an "O". The Long A sound 8peLLed with an "O" is unuBuaL, but the short A sound
speLLed with an "O" is rather common.
Long A sound spe Hed with an "O"
son (80'11)
kol (eoaL)
telefon (teLephone)
mikrofon (microphane)

Short ft. 80und 8peBed with an "O"

om (if)
som (who J which)
kopp (cup)
komma (to come)
kos-J-a (to oost)
The voweZs you have just praaticed A O U A are the "hard" voweLs.
We wiLL now continue
with the other group of voweLs, the "soft" voweZs.

Guide to Swedish Pl'onunciation


"Soft" VotJeLB E I Y

Long E is a pure DoweL. It is not the Bame aB the DoweL sound in "8ay~" "day," "gray~"
eta. Listen to the tape:

Now we'll praatiae the long E sound in same words. Be 8ure to make it very Long.

Long E

se (to 8ee) ben (bone~ leg)

mer (more) sen (late)
te (tea) ren (elean)
paket (paakage) b rev (letter)
heta (to be aalled) det (it~ the)

The short E sound iB almost the Bame aB the Dowel sound in the English words "rest~"
"best," "rent," n8end~n but shorter. Let's listen to and repeat this short vowel sound
in Borne Swedish words.

Short E

en (a, an) hem (home)

fem (five) men {but}
ett (a, an) hetta (heat)
vem {who} den (it, the)
mes t (mos t) Igen (again)

Now we'lL say one word with a long E and one word with a short E.

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation 9

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S::...W..:....:.....::E:..:D::....:...:IS:..:H:.....:....- .-:..l0

Long E Short E

det den
mer men
ben en
sen hem
heta hetta

The Swedish I is similar to the vowel sound in the English words "teak," "seed, "
"Zeave," eto. Listen:

I (eeyh) (eeyh) I (eeyh)

For the Zong I be sure to make it very Zong.


I (in) tiga (to be siZent)

vi n (wine) hit (here)
fln (fine) vila (to res t)
vis (wise) dit (there)
bil (car) bIt (piece)

The short Swedish I sound is similar in quality to long I, but much. much shoptep.
Listen to the short I sound in same Swedish words and repeat them.


vinn (winl) hitta (to find)

finn (findt) ( gir Z)
f I Icka
viss ( oertain) min (my, mine)
tigga (to beg) din (your. yours.)
vIlla (house) timme (hour)

Guide to Swedish pponunoiation


Now let'8 listen to one word with a long I and then one word with a short I.

Long Sho!'t

vin vinn
f In finn
vis viss
tiga tigga
v II a v II I a

The Swedish "Y" is always a vowel. It is most easily produced if you whisper a long
Swedish I (remember, eeyh), push out you!' lips, making a "square" mouth, and use your
voice. Look in the mirror and try it. Exaggerate all you want in the beginning.

Y y y y

Now we'lt practice the long Y in same words.

Long Y

sy (to sew) ny (new)

tyg ( fabric) yta (surface)
f Yra ( four) by (viLLage)
hy r", (to rent) flyta (to float)
byta (to change) f rysa (to freeze)

The short y sound is very similar to the long one except for being much shorter.

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation
Short Y

synd (pit y) nyss (reaently)

trygg ( secure) flytta (to move)
bytta ( jarl mycket (muah, very)
tycka (to think) syster (sister)
lyssna (to listen) lyfta (to lift)

No~ ~e'll alternate long and short Y sounds.

Long Y Short Y

sy synd
ny nyss
tyg trygg
byta bytta
flyta flytta

The long vo~el "" before "R" is similal' to the vowel sound in the English ~ords "fair,"
"bear, " "hair, " "care," etc. Be Bure io ap en your mouth ~hen you say . Always refer
to this letter as .

If the long is not followed by an "R" it Bounds like the vowel Bound in the English
~ords "well," "bet," "~et," eta. But remember to make it very long.

Listen aarefully to the ~ordB with the long and you ~ill hear how the "" foZlo~ed
by an "R" differs from other situations.

Guide to S~edish Pronunaiation



h r (here) vg ( T'oad)
dr (there) vl (we 7, 7,)
br (berry) lsa (to read)
j rn (iron) nsa (nose)
I ra (to teach) tvla (to compete)

You can heaT' how much broader and more open the sound is if it is followed by an liR".
Take the word jrnvg (railroad) where you have an example of both types of long .
Say it: jrn-vg, jrn-vg, jrn-vg.

The short is also bT'oad and open before an "R". It is similar to the first vowel
sound in the English words "carryJ" "marorYJ" etc. Before other consonants it sounds
just like the short Swedish E sound (ett, mest, hem). Now listen to the shorot sound
and no te the difference be tween the fo lZowed by an "R" and the fo lZowed by other
rr (scar) vgg (wa7, l)
frja (feny) kv I I (evening)
v rre (worse) v n ( friend)
mrka (to notice) bst (bes t)
rm (sleeve) n sta (next)

Now we/Il read the words with long and alternate with words with short . Try to
worok on the long that is not folZowed by an "R"J since you are not used to making this
sound long in English.
Long Short

hr rr
j rn rm
nsa nsta
vg vgg
v I kv I l

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation 13


The last Swedish vowel, and also the last letter in the Swedish alphabet, is "".
To pronounae this sound you oan use your mirror again. First whisper a long E. Hold
this for a long time, and then round your lips. When your lips are rounded (you're al-
most ready to kiss someone!) start using your voiae, and you will hear a niae Swedish
, like this:

As was the aase with the "" before "R", the sound is broader and more open before
an "R". It is very similar to the English sound in "fur," "purr," "buron. /I Elsewhere
it is rather tense, very muah like the name of the letter "".
Let's praotioe the long sound in some words.

f r (for) st (sweet)
hra ( to hear) brd (bread)
kra (to drive) nt (nut)
stra (to disturb) ga (eye)
ra (ear) ln (salary)

The short before "R" sounds like the long before "R", only shortel'. When not folloliJ-
ed by "R" it is similar to, but shorter than its long oounterpal't.

Listen to the words with the short sound.


frr (before) lnn (maple tree)

brja (to begin) ntt (worn)
drr (door) mjlk (milk)
str re (bigger) fnster (window)
mrk (dark) hst (fall, autumn)

Now we'll alternate words with long and sho~t .

Guide to Swedish Pronunaiation


Long Short

fr frr
stra strre
nt ntt
ln lnn
ga hst

You may have notioed from all the words listed in the foregoing praatiaeB that vowel
letters are usually pronounoed short when followed by two aonsonant letters. and long
when followed by one aonsonant letter. One-syllable words ending in -m and -n are
of ten exceptions.
Examples: man (man)
han (he)
hon (she)
kan (can)
fem (five)
hem (home)
SOm ( that. which)
To sum up the most important things you need to know about Swedish vowels:

1. Long vowe la are very longj

2. U requires your lips in a "w" positionj
3. Y -- start whispering a long I and make a "square" mouth. and only then use your
4. -- start whispering a long E, round your lips and only then use your voiae.


Swedish Consonants
Swedish eonsonants are fairly similar to English ones with a few exaeptions. whieh ~e
will deal with in this seetion.
In Swedish. a eonsonant following a long vowel tends to be short. a aonsonant follo~
ing a short vowel tends to be long. Listen to these examples: In English ~e say
"mama" -- the Swedes say mamma; we say "papa" -- the S~edes say pappa; mamma,
pappa. The distinetion between short and long consonants is usually shown in the
writing system by the doubling of the aonsonant letter. However. you only hear this
distinetion when the eonsonant oeeurs between two vowels like in the following examples:
Short eonsonants Long eonsonants

vgen (the road) v1iggen (the wall)

fIna (fine; deel. form) fInna (to find)
dagen (the day) daggen (the dew)
mata (to feed) matta (rug)
I j I a (purple) \I \I a (little; dea l. form)
The most important thing. however. is to make the long vowels long. otherwise there
aan easily be misunderstandings. Remember: a long vowel aan never be too long.

"J" is the Swedish symbol for a sound similar to "y" at the beginning of an English
word. as in "yes." "yard." It never aorresponds in its pronuneiation to the English
letter "j". It is the aonsonant letter that sometimes gives away the orig in of a
Swede speaking English when he or she says: "Yump for yoy."
Let's listen to some Swedish words with J. Praetiae espeeially the words where J
eomes after another aonsonant.

Guide to Swedish Pronunaiation


Ja (yes J frja (fe r>r>y J

j uI(Chr>is tmas) brja (to begin)
just (just) nej (no)
jobb (job) s Jj a (to s e ll)
John (John) mjlk (milk)

In some lJor>ds "boror>owed" fI'om Fr>ench "JII is pr>onounced like English SH. Listen:
JournalIst ( j our>na lis t)
jargong (jar>gon)
Jourhavande (on duty)
The letter> "JtI is sometimeB proeaeded by anothero aonsonant in the writing system. In
suah aases the other> letter is always "si7ent."
Examples: GJ gjorde (did)
DJ djur (animal)
HJ hjlp (help)
LJ I j us (light)
The J sound is alBo sometimes spelled with a tiG".
Examples: ge (to give)
grna (gladly)
frg (aolor
berg (mountain)

Tt'e'll discuss this in more detail later> under> "GII.

Guide to SlJedish Pr>onunoiation 17

__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=18

Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the English word "little." Swedish L is

more like the first "l" than the seaond "l." The seaond "l" sounds very foreign to
Now we'll praetiee the L in some Swedish words:
v l (weZZ) bl I (automohi le)
mjlk (miZk) kalender (ealendar)
lunch (luneh) klar (eLear)
telefon (telephone) hall (hall)
tills (until) klocka (elock)

This sound is similal' to English. i.e. "ring." "song." "long." etc . hut no g-sound
is heard at the end. as some English speakers have. This is true in Swedish even
if the -NG is foLlowed by a vowel.
This is the way it sounds in Swedish:

I ng (long) ung (young)

lnga (long; deel. form) unga (young; deel. form)
sng (s ong) r i ng (ring)
sngen (the Bong) ringa (to telephone)

As you notiee there is onLy the -NG sound. Let'a say those words again. No addi-
tional g-sound should be heard.
If you have diffiaulty with this. an eaBy way to eliminate the g-sound is to say the
two syllables separate ly. then s-l-o-w-l-y bring them together, sng -en, sngen.

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation


Note: The sound -NG is frequently followed by an "N" at the end of a word. This com-
bination is speLLed "-GN".

Examples: lugn (caLm) ugn (oven)

lugna (to calm) ugnen (the oven)
regn (rain) vagn (wagon)
regnet (the rain) vagnen (the wagon)

"GN" and "KN"

If "GN" stands at the beginning of a word both sounds are pronounced as in gnista
(spark), gnida (to rub). The same is true for "KN" in Swedish. The Swedes say
knapp (button), knyta (to tie).

Listen and repeat the Swedish words:

gnIsta (spark) knyta Uo tie)
gnIda (to rub) knppa (to button)
gnata (to nag) knappast (hardLy)
gnola (to hum) knut (knot)
gngga (to neigh) kn a c ka (to knock)

The Swedish "R" is sZightZy triZZed. If you can make a Spanish "R", use that but trilL
it less:
r um (room) brd (bread)
bror (brothep) har (have, has)
morgon (morning) krona (crown)

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation

In Bome combinatiohB of liR" + another conBonant the two sounds a!l'e "pulled together."
7'he reBult is very simil'ar to what happens in English words like "bar - barn."
"bore - bored. "

Let's praatiae some of these aombinations in Swedish worda:

..,RN J rn (iron)
barn (child)
torn (towe 1')

-RO bo rd (table)
grd (farm)
v rd (aare)

-RT frort (auburb)

svart (black)
fiport (aports)

The -RSH sound is produaed lJJhen the letter "S" foZlolJJS an "R", as in the lJJords
orsak (reason), kors (crosu) and Lars. You make the -RSH sound in normal speech
also if one lJJord ends in "RII and the next word starts with "S." Listen to theae
three words: Va e.-..? a tt du? {Where did you ait?J. This is how you will hear it
when a Swede speaks normal ly: Va~(h)att du? If you pronounce the three words
carefully without the SH sound (varI satt/ du?) you will, of course, be under-
stood, but it won't sound like natural Swedish. Let's try some examples:
mors (mother's) vrst (wors t)
orsak f rs k (fresh)
kors norsk (Norwegian)
Lars frsk ( attempt)


The Swedish SH sound is very similar to the English SH sound in "shoe." "sheep."
"shout," ete. There is another variation of the SH sound in Swedish which you
do not need to learn now. but whieh you should be prepared to recognize. The
spelling of the SH sound may vary. but don't let the spelling influenee your
pronuneiation. Here is a list of words eontaining the SH sound. all with dif-
ferent spelling. On the tape you'll hear both versions of the SH sound.

"SJ" sjuk (sick)

" SK" skIda ( skiJ
"SKJ" skjorta ( shirt)
"STJ" stjrna (star)
"SCH" schism ( sehism)
"-slon" vision (vision)
"-tian" station (station) }
"CH" champagne (champagne)
"J" journalist ( journalist) words borrowed from Freneh
"G" geners ( generous)
Nate that "CH" in the word och (and) is pronounced K.
Guide to Swedish Pronunciation 21

We ~ill no~ explain the ~eason fo~ lea~ning the vowels in two g~oups~ the ha~d vowels
A O U A and the soft vo~el8 E I Y . Say them onae mo~e in groups. If you don't
remember them learn them now.

The two consonant lette~s "G" and "K" and the combination "SKlI a~e pl'onounaed
differentZy~ depending on whether the y pl'ecede a hal'd voweZ or a soft vowel.
Befo~e the hard vowels A O U A, "G", "K", and "SK" a~e pl'onounaed as they sound
in the alphabet. Listen to these Swedish wOr'ds:
gata (st~ee t) kan (can) ska (shall)
god ( good) kopp (cup) s ko (shoe)
gul (yeZZow) kultur (cul ture) s ku I I e ( s~ould)
g (to waHl k r (co~ps ) s k I (c Gers)

Let's say them again~ just to practiae the Swedish vo~els as well. Make you~ long
vowels very l-o-n-g.
In fr'ont of the soft vo~els E I Y , "Gli, "K". and "SKlI beaome "soft":

"Gli is pronounced like a Swedish "J" (as the "Y" in English "yes~" "yea~~" eta.).
Listen to these examples:
ge (to give)
gli la (to like)
gymnastik ( gymnas ti cs)
grna (gladly)
gra (to do)

IIG" is also pl'onounced like a Swedish "J" af ter' IIl" and "R II in the same syZZable.
Look at the following wOr'ds~ listen and imitate;

Guide to Swedish P~onunaiation


lg (moose) berg (mountain)

helg (holiday) frg (eolor)
svalg (pharynx) torg (square)
arg (angry)

"K" is pronounced like a "light" "CH," a sound similar to the sound in English "bipch."
"inch, "etc. Listen to the exampLes:

kedj a (ehain)
kines (Chinese)
kyss (kiss)
krlek (love)
kra (to drive)

The CH sound is also spelled "TJ" and "KJlI in some !Jords, for example:

"TJ" tjugo (twenty)

tjuv (thief)
t j ata (to nag)
t jack (thick)
tjnstgra (to serve)

"KJ" kjol ( skirt)

"SK" befare a soft vowel is pronounced like a SH sound in English (shoe, shine, etc.).
Listen to these examples:

sked ( spoon)
skina (to shine)
skydda (to protect)
sk ra (to eut)
skn (eomfor'tabLe)

Note: There are other spellings of the SH sound whieh we discussed undep the SH sound.

Guide to Swedish Pl'onzmciation
____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---=24

Now let's put "G," "K," and "SK" alternately in front of a hard and a soft vowel. Look
at the words and repeat after the tape.
Helare hard vowe"l Belore 80ft vowel

"G" gata ge
god gli la
gul gymnastik
g grna
II Kli kan kedja
kopp kines
kultur kyss
k r krlek

ilSK" ska sked

s ko skina
sku I I e skydda
5k~1 sk ra

The following oonsonant letters ooour only infrequently in Swedish:

"C" is mostly found in the oombination lICKlI . A"lone it is usually found in foreign
words, in which case it is pronounced like "K" in front of hard vowe"ls. Befolle soft
vowe"ls it is pronounced like "S." Examples:
K cancer ( cancer)
campa (to camp)
cape (cape)
S ce I I ( oell)
citron (lemon)
cy ke I (bicyc"leJ

Guide to Swedish Pronunoiation


"Q" is found mostly in proper names. Examples: Holmquist, Almquist. "KV" has been
replacing "QU" in modern Swedish, fal' example: Akvavit (aquavit).

"W" is pronounced like a "V" in Swedish. You will only find it in names. Examples:
WTlma, Wlnblad.

"I" is pronounced like "S". You will find it ont y in a very few words of foreign
derivation. Examples: zigenare (gypsy)
zon (zone)
zenit (zenith)
zebra (zebra)

Note: There is no Z sound in Swedish!

Summary of the Pronunciation of Swedish Consonants

1. Consonant sounds tend to be l-o-n-g aftel' short vowels.

2. "J" is pronounced like English "Y" before vowels.
3. "L" is always like the first "l" in the English word "little."
':1. "-NG-" No G is hea!'d befo!'e vowe ls.
5. "GN-" 80th the "G" and the liN" are pronounced at the beginning of a wO!'d.
6. "KN-" 80th the "K" and the "N"are pronounced in this combination at the beginning
of a word.
7. "R" is slightly t!'illed.
8. "RS" is pronounced like -RSH
9. SH - This sound sound is very simi la!' to the English SH sound.
10. "G,K,SK" before soft vowels a!'e p!'onounced like J, CH, and SH.
11. "W" is pronounaed like "V."
12. II Z" is always p!'onounced S; there is no Z sound in Swedish.

Guide to Swedish Pl'onunoiation
When individual wo~ds a~e p~onounced in isolation, the sepa~ate sounds tend to stand
out clea~ly. When one talks in ph~ases o~ sentences, howeve~, many of these sounds
be come less distinct, and some of them may change or disappear. You will hear this
on the tapes of the dialogs. Of course this is the way you should learn to Break
Swedish, not word by word. This is one reason it is important for you to memorize
the dialogs.
Some very common wo~ds are pronounoed differently f~om the way they are spelled.
Refer to this list as you Zearn Units 1-4 to make sure you are pronouncing these
words right.

Write Say Write Say

jag JA (I) ngon NJl.N (someone)

det DE (it) ngonting NJl.NTING (something)
dag DA (day) sedan SEN (then)
.... ad 'I" (what) sga SJA (to say)
och A ( and) mig MEJ (me)
de DOM (they) dig DEJ (you)
dem DOM (them) sig SEJ (himself, e te.)
r E (am, are, is) sdan SAN (sueh)
med ME (with) staden STAN (the city)
morgon MORRON (morning)

Guide to Swedish Pronuneiation


Americans listening to Swedes talking sometimes say the Swedes Using. u They hear the
Swedish intonation which is different from English. They also hear Swedish accent
which is equaZZy different from EngZish. Let/s Zearn about that now.

Swedish has two accents, usuaZZy referred to as Accent 1 and Accent 2.

Accent 1. Words with Aocent 1 have the stress on the first syZZable. This is alBo
most common in EngZish two-syZZabZe words. ExampZes: coming, harness., mother,
fracture, neighbor.
Accent 2 is very aharacteristic of Swedish; it occurs mostly in words of two or
more syZlabZes. In Accent 2 words the second syZZable is almost as loud as the
'first. In EngZish this occurs onZy in phrases where, for exampZe, an ordinary
adjective comes before an ordinary noun. Compare the foZlowing English items as
you say them:

First syllable accent Second syllable accent

bZackboard bZack board

bZueberry bZue berry
White House white house
Zoudspeaker loud speaker

Notice that you pronounce the second syZlabZe in the right-aoZumn items Zouder and
cZearer than the same syZZabZe in the Zeft-column items. Now, imagine that the
foZZowing Swedish words are pro'nounced as though they had two part.9, the second
aZmost as Zoud as the first:

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation 27

n -go n

These wovds ave wvitten as hustru, lngsamt, ngon, and smrgs, hut pvonounced
(using Accent 2) with the second syllable almost as loud as the fivst. Tvy saying
them one move time to make suve hoth syllahles ave coming out cleavly and loud.
then pvactice the following list of Accent 2 wovds:

gata (stveet) komma (to come)

f I i cka (givl) frga (to ask)
b ta r (boats) svens ka (Swedish)
pojkar (boys) smrgs (sandwich)
krona (cvown) kosta r (eost/s)
kyrka (chuvch) lngsamt (slowly)
ngon ( Bomeone) Ingen (no O-ne)
dotter (daughtev) hustru (wife)
papper (papev) va r J e (evevy)

Let's say them again. Tvy to get the typical Swedish stvess.

We will now giv e you some Accent 2 wovds and contvast them with Accent 1 words.
Listen cavefully to the tape and imitate.

Accent 2 Accent 1

komma (to come) kommer (come/s)

ringar (vings) ringer (ring/s)
svenska (Swedish) enkel (sinple)
smrgs (sandwich) gsen (the goose)
kostar (eost/s) typisk (typical)
lngsamt (slowly) lngre (longev)
ingen (no one) finger (fingev)
poJ ken (the boy) boken (the book)
va r J e (evevy) vargen (the wo lf)
klockan (the clock) rocken (the coat)

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation


When you listen to the tapes, t~y f~om the beginning co pick up Accent 1 and Accent 2,
as ~ell as the typiaal S~ediBh intonation. As a ~esult the dialogs that you memorize
~ill sound much more S~edish.

, I I
" l \ ...

Guide to S~edish Pronunciation 29

____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-::30

Basic Sentences

Useful Words and Phrases

good god, gott, goda

day dag -en -ar
1. Hello (how do you do?). Goddag.
Hi. Hej. *

morning morgon -en, mor(g)nar

2. Good morning. God morgon.

night natt -en, ntter

3. Good nigh t. God natt.

4. Good-bye. Adj.

Mr'. Herr
gentleman herr/e -en -ar
5. Mr. Berg. Herr Berg.

Mrs., wife fru -n -ar

6. Mrs. Stromback. Fru Strmbck.

Unit 1

Miss (also to waitreBs or frken, frken, frknar

'l. Miss Hansson. Frken Hansson.

how hur
to stand att st - r, stod, sttt
stand(s) st r
it det
to t i I I
8. How are you? Hur str det tl II? It

thank you tac k

fine> well b ra
to fee l att m -r, mdde, mtt
feel(s) m r
you (sing.) du
self sj I v
Tack, bra. Hur mr du sjlv? It
9. Thanks, fine. How are you?

to speak att talla -ar -ade -at

speak(s) talar
Swedish (the language) svenska -n 0
10. Do you speak Swedish? Talar du svenska?

yes ja
li ttle I i te
bit g ra n n
11. Yes, a little bit. Ja, I ite grann.

Unit 1

no n ej
not inte
at all aI Is
12. No, not at alL Nej, inte alls.

to understand att frst -r, frstod, frsttt

understand(s) frstr
me mig
13. Do you understand me? Frstr du mig?

I jag
you (obj. form) dig
14. No, I don't understand you. Nej, jag frstr dig inte.

to be aTt vara, r, var, varit

be (imperative) va r
kind, good snll -t -a
please var snll
and och
speak (imperative) tala
slowly lngsamt
15. Please speak slowly. Va r sn I I och ta I a lngsamt.

noW nu
16. Thanks, I understand now. Tack, jag frstr nu.

17. Excuse (me). Urskta.

Unit 1

whe1'e va r
to be found, exist att finnas, finns, fanns, funnits
is {found} f i nns
the1'e is (<.11'e) det finns
a, an en, ett
te1-ephone telefon -en -er
18. Where is there a telephone? Var finns det en telefon?
restaurant? en restaurang -en -er
ho te 1-7 ett hote I I -et -0
restroom? en toalett -en -er
room ett rum -met -0

bus buss -en -ar

stop hllplats -en -er
he re hr
in i
in the vicinity, nearby i nrheten
subuJay tunnelban/a -an -or
station station -en -er
19. Is the1'e a bus stop nearby~ Fl nns det en bussh I I p I ats hr i nrheten?
a subway station? en tunnelbanestation?
a train station? en jrnvgsstation?

the re dr
away borta
20. Yes, over theX'e. Ja, dr borta.

right hger
21. To the Y'ight. Ti II hger.

left vnster
22. To the left. TI II vnster.

Unit 1
straight ra k t
ahead, forward f ram
23. Straight ahead. Rakt fram.

to be able to att kunna, kan, kunde, kunnat

can kan
to help att hjlp/a -er -te -t
24. Can I help you? Kan jag hjlpa dig?

to say, to te'l'l att sg/a -er, sade, sagt

one, you man
to walk, to go att g -r, gick, gtt
walk(s) gr
to t i II
the American Embassy amerikanska ambassaden
25. Can you tell me how you get to Kan du sga mig hur man gr tl I I
the American Embassy? amerikanska ambassaden?

walk (imperative) g
jus t, on ly bara
to see att se -r, sg, sett
see(s) se r
26. Just walk straight ahead. You'll G bara rakt fram. Du ser ambas-
see the Embassy on your left. saden t i l l vnster.

so, very s
much mycket
27. Thank you very much. Tack s mycket.

Unit l

no ingen, inget, inga

cause, reason orsak -en -er
28. Don't mention it. Ingen orsak.
(You've weZoome.)

to be aZZowed (to); to veoeive att f -r, fick, ftt

may f r
to buy att kp/a -er -te -t
some, a few, any ngon, ngot, ngra
postcard vykort -et -0
29. I wouZd Like (to buy) Bome Kan jag f kpa ngra vykort?

many mnga
to want att vilja, vill, ville, velat
want(s) ~ II I
you (poLite form, and pLu1'.) ni
to have att ha -r, hade, haft
30. How many do you want? Hur mnga vi II ni ha? Il

what vad
to cos t att kost/a -ar -ade -at
cost(s) kostar
31. How much does it oost? Vad kostar det?

c1'own k ro n / a - a n - o r
fifty femtio
O1'e re -t -n
32. One C1'own and 50 are. En krona och femtio re (en och
femtio). Il

Unit l 35
to give att ge -r, gav, gett
give (imperative) ge
day dag -en -ar
news nyhet -en -er
too, also oc ks
33. Please give me a Dagens Nyheter. Var snll och ge mig en Dagens
too. Nyheter ocks. *

34. Here you aY'e. (Be so good.) Var s god.

to become. to be att bli -r, blev, bI i vit

become(s). will be bI i r
35. How much will it be? Hur mycket blir det?

fouY' fyra
36. It will be fouY' crowns. please. Det bl i r fyra kronor, tack.

Eating and Drinking ~n a Restaurant

to eat att t/a -er, t, tit

eat(s) ter
lunch lunch -en -er
dinneT' middag -en -ar
bT'eakfast frukost -en -ar
3? We are having lunch. Vi ter lunch.
dinneT'. middag.
bT'eakfast. frukost.

to look. to see att se -r, sg, sett

at. on p
menu matsede I -n, matsed I ar
:5 8. May I look at the menu? Kan jag f se p matsedeln?

Unit 1

a couple, pair ett par -et -0

cheese ost -en -ar
sandwich (open faced) smrgs -en -ar
39. May I have a couple of cheese Kan jag f ett pa r ostsmrgsar? *

wai tress servitris -en -er

to drink att drick/a -er, drack, druckit
coffee kaffe -t 0
40. Waitress: What would you like to Servitrisen: Vad vill ni ha att
drink? dricka?
Coffee? Ka ffe?

glass glas -et -0

milk mjl k -en QJ
41. May I have a glass of milk, please. Kan jag f ett glas mjl k?
water vatt/en -net 0
beer I -et 0
wine vin -et -er

cup kopp -en -ar

tea te -et 0
42. A cup of coffee, pleaae. En kopp kaffe, tack.
tea te

some, a little I i te
butter smr -et 0
bread brd -et 0
43. Some bread and butter. Lite smr och brd.

Un i t 1 37


o no I I 20 tjugo
1 en, ett 21 tjugoen, tjugoett
2 tv 22 tjugotv
3 t re 23 tjugotre
4 f Yra 24 tjugofyra
5 fem 25 tjugofem
6 sex 26 tjugosex
7 sj u 27 tjugosju
8 Ha 28 tjugotta
9 nio 29 tjugonio
10 tio 30 trettio
11 elva 31 trettioen, trettioett
12 tolv 32 trettiotv
13 tretton 40 fyrtio
14 fjorton 41 fyrtioen, fyrtioett
15 femton 50 femtio
16 sexion 60 sextio
17 sjutton 70 sjuttio
18 arton 80 ttio
19 nitton 90 ni tt i o

100 (ettlhundra
200 tvhundra
1,000 (ettltusen
2,000 tvtusen
100,000 (ettlhundra tusen
200,000 tvhundra tusen
1,000,000 en mi Ijon
2,000,000 tv mi Ijorlsr
1,000,000,000 en miljard
2,000,000,000 tv mi I jarder
one tri llion en biljon

Unit 1


Notes on Basic Sentences

At this point we'd like to call your attention to same of the things you've been learning to
say in the Basic Sentences. Sometimes it will be important for you to practice grammatical
patterns from the Sentences; for this purpose we are including a Points to Practice section,
where you will find explanations as well. However, there are some other points which you
should understand now, even though you don't need to work with them intensively yet. Read
through this section carefully, and then go back over the Basic Sentenoes onoe more to be
sure you are fullyaware of what we are pointing out.

The numbers preceding the items below refer to the Basic Sentenoe numbers.

1. Goddag, Hej. While in English "Good day" is an expression used upon taking leave
of someone, Goddag is used by Swedes as agreeting approximately corresponding to
"Hello." The informal Hej is mor e widely used but it implies also the use of the
informal du. See Nate 9.

8. & 9. st ti II, m. St t i l l is more formal than m. Hur str det t i l l is therefore

more appropriately asked of a person whom one does not call du. See the follow-
ing Note.

9. Du. "You" can be translated with du (sing.) or ni (formal sing. and plural of
du/ni) in Swedish. The use of the informal du is rapidly growing in Sweden and
will most likely soon be the only form of addressing o person. Most young people
nowadays call everyone du (however, eyebrows were raised when a young journalist
interviewing the king called His Majesty du) and du is used between all employees
and management in many factories and offices. However, with conservative and older
Swedes it is wise for a newcomer to be cautious and let the Swede indicate how he
or she prefers to be addressed.

Unit 1 :59

18. Var finns det .,. Det finns is the Swedish equivalent of English "there is" and
"there are". The reveraed word order used here is a resuLt of the question pattern
(compare English "Where is/are there ... ?").

29. Kan jag f ... corresponds to the English "may I have". Example: Kan jag f en kopp
kaffe? (May I have a cup of coffee?). Another infinitive may be added to kan jag
f. In that case f loses its meaning of "have". The second infinitive becomes the
key word and kan jag f takes on the meaning of "may I". Examples: Kan jag f
kpa ... (May I buy ... ); Kan jag f se (May I look ... ). This is one of a
number of Swedish equivalents of English "please". Another way of saying "please" is
var sn II och ... See sentence 15.

JO. V i I I. In Swedish v i I I "want" and should never be confused with "will" in English.

J2. Krona, re. The krona is the Swedish currency unit; there are 100 re per krona.

33. Dagens Nyheter is one of the two Stockholm morning newspapers.

34. Var s god has two different uses: 1. meaning "here you are" (a bit of gracious-
ness) when handing over something; 2. Meaning "you are welcome" in anBwer to
"thank you".

35. Hur mycket b II r det? Note that the present tense of the verb att b I i (b I i r) is
used with the Bame meaning as the English "will be". Be sure to learn this ex-
pression now; a grammatical explanation will come later.

39. Ett par ostsmrgsar. In English we express quantity with ~he preposition "of",
for example "a glass Qf. milk, a cup l2i. coffee". In Swedish the quantifier aimply
precedes the noun directly, and no preposition is used.
Examples: ett par ostsmrgsar, ett glas mjlk, en kopp kaffe.

Unit 1


Pointa to PracticB

Po(nt I. Indefinite article ('J

Point II. Present tense

Point III. Word O!'de l' -- atraight and qUBations

Point IV. Auxi liaries (he lping verbs)

Unit 1 41

Points to Practice
Grammar means different things in different contexts. In this book we use the word
to describe the mechanics of the Swedish ~anguage. Praatiaa~ know~edge of the gram-
mar provides the method for bui~ding sentenaes. By using reaL sentenaes repeatedLy
you will be come familiar with the grammar rules.
In each of the Units there will be some Points to Practice. In working on these
you will also acquire vocabulary and learn usefuL Swedish idioms.

Point I. EN ETT
Swedish nouns come in two varieties those for which the indefinite article (EngLish

"a" or "an") is EN and those for which it is ETT. Most of the time there is no way
of telling the difference. You'll just have to learn which nouns go with which
artiale. The exercises below will help you learn the EN and ETT nouns we've
already used.

Unit 1

Practice A. This is a substitution practice where you substitute a series of similar words
or phrases in a single sentence, producing a variety of meanings. We'll give
you the sentenee to start out with, showing you the item to be substituted by
underlining it. At the extreme RIGHT of the page you'll see the word or phrase
you're supposed to Bubstitute. If you use a blank sheet of paper or a card to
cover the line below the one you're reading, you can check your answers as you
go along by moving the paper down one line at a time. At first we'll give you
help with translations, but as these be come more and more obvious we'll gradually
take them away and let you speak Swedish on your own.

Det fInns en restaurang h r. There' s a restaurant here. en b us s
Det f (n ns en buss h r. The re' s a bus here. en krona
Det finns en krona hr. There 's a crown here. en telefon
Det f l nn s en telefon hr. There' s a te l ephone here. en smrgs
Det f i n n s en sm rg s h r. There 's a sandwich here. en hllplats
Det f l n n s en h I I p lats hr. There 's a (bus) stop here.


Vnit 1 43

Pl'actice B. Now that you've ~eal'ned some EN wOl'ds, let's tl'Y some ETT wOl'ds.
Det finns ett v y ko rt d r. Thel'e's a postcal'd thel'e. ett glas

Det finns ett glas d r. There ' s a g~ass thel'e. ett par

Det finns ett pa r d r. The re ' s a coup~e there. ett hote I I

Det finns ett hote I I d r. The l'e ' s a hote ~ there.

Pl'actice C. Time to see how wel~ you l'emembel'. We'l'e going to mix up OUl' no uns now, doing
the same kind of pl'aatiae. Rut not only ~l'e we going to give you EN and ETT
wOl'ds togethel', we'l'e not going to tel~ you which is whiah unti~ you see the


Det finns en telefon h r. Thel'e 's a te~ephone hel'e. glas

ett glas a glass hote I I
ett hote I I a ho te ~ krona
en krona a Cl'own telefon
en telefon a telephone par
ett pa r a co up ~e smrgs
en smrgs a sandwich kopp
en kopp a cup buss
en buss a bus
Unit 1

P~actice D. Let's t~y the same thing as a qUBstion:

Finns det en telefon hr? Is the~e a terephone he~e? glas

hote II

e ta.

P~actice the phrase Finns det ... ? with all the wo~ds in P~actice C and othe~s that you know.
Then answer the questions: Ja, det finns .. or Nej, det finns inte ..

Notice that inte comes after the verb.

Now ret's use itf

T~y asking your teacher and fellow students

about the availability of objects and places
in you~ area. Have some Swedish conversation.

Unit 1 45
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SWEDISH
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---:.46

Point II. Present tense. When do we 8

The infinitive (basic form of the vel'b) and the present tense do not have the
same fOl'm in Swedish.

Infinitive: att tala to speak

Present tense: du talar you speak

you are speaking

All Swedish verbs in the infinitive end in -a 01' in another vowel.

Most Swedish vel'bs in the present tense end in E3.

jag tala~ svenska

Herr Berg frst~ mig

en kopp kaffe kostar en krona

Present tense is used to express an action that a) is hap~ening now (Jag ter nu
- I'm eating now); b) happens repeatedly (jag ter smrgasar till lunch -
I eat sandwiches for lunch); and, c) sometimes, an action in the future (han
kommer imorgon - he's coming tomorrow).

Notice that Swedish does not have the equivalent of the English continuous
verb form (to be + verb + -ing). ExampZe: I am speaking is simply jag talar.


Jag talar svenska. 1. I speak Swedish.

2. I'm speaking Swedish.

Greta gr ti II ambassaden. 1. Greta walks to the Embassy.

2. Greta is walking to the Embassy.

Unit 1

There are a few verbs that do not take -r in the present tense~ among them
most auxiliaries (helping verbs):

du ska tala svensKa you wi II speak Swedish

are going to

du ka n frst svenska you can understand Swedish

are able to

Point III. Word Order. Declarative sentences and questions.

Simple Swedish sentences usually begin with the subject~ followed by the con-
jugated verb.

Examp les:

Du talar svenska. 1. You speak Swedish.

2. You are speaking Swedish

Greta gr till ambassaden. 1. Gre ta walks to the Embassy.

2. Greta is walking to the Embassy.

En kopp kaffe kostar en krona. A cup of coffee costs one crown.

Det finns ett hotel I hr. There is a hotel here.

In Swedish you make questions by just reversing the order of subject and verb.


Tal ar ni svensKa? 1. Do you speak Swedish?

2. Are you speaking Swedish?

Unit 1 47
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - -SWEDISH
------- ~48

Gr Greta ti II ambassaden? 1. Does Greta wa"lk to the Embassy?

2. Is Greta walking to the Embassy?

Kostar en kopp kaffe en krona? Does a cup of coffee cost one crown?

Finns det ett hotel I hr? Is there a hotel here?

Notice how simple Swedish is! Don't ever try to translate Ndo, does, did N
when formulating a question in Swedish. Reversing the subject and verb is all
you have to do.

Practice E. This is a practice using the present tense in normal word order. Again, place
a blank sheet of paper over the line helow the one you're reading, and use the
word(s) given at the extreme right in place of the underlined ones. Be sure
to repeat the "new N sentence ALOUD hefore moving the paper to check i f you
were right.
Herr Berg hjlper ~. Mr. Berg is hetping you. Frken Hansson
Herr Berg hjlper Frken Hansson. mig

Unit 1


Herr Berg hjlper ~. mig I ite grann

mig lite grann. i n te a I I s

mig inte alls. mycket

mig mycket.

Du frstr svenska. Herr Berg

Du frstr Herr Berg. Frken Hansson

Frken Hansson. mig

!!!J...9. svenska

NI r i Sverige. p restaurangen

p restaurangen. p stationen

p stationen. hr

h r. i nrheten
i nrheten.

You've probably noticed that we/ve Btarted to leave out the English translations except in
the examples. Hopefully you don't need them any more. If this is true, you're not only
speaking Swedish, you're THINKING it.

Unit 1 49
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SWEDISH
________________________ 5
~ O

Pl'ac ti ce F. Now let's pl'actice wOl'd ol'del' in questions. This time~ howevel'~ we'l'e going
to give you TWO items at a time to substitute. Vse the same familial' fOl'mat
to check as you go along.
Hjlper du frken Hansson? Al'e you helping Miss Hansson? Talar . svenska

Talar du svenska? Frstr .. mig

Frstr du !!!J...9.? r ... I Stockholm

r du i Stockholm? Gr ... till ambassaden

Gr du ti I I ambassaden?

Pl'actice G. This is a l'esponse pl'actice whel'e you simply answel' the questions we ask. The
cue on the l'ight will indicate whethel' to answel' the question in the affil'mative
01' the negative. If you use yoUI' sheet of papel' again you'll find that you can
check YOUI' answel'S as bejol'e. You may have to ch ange the pl'onoun in YOUI' l'esponse
to fit the question.

Hjlper ni frken Hansson? ja
Ja, jag hjlper frken Hansson.

Frstr du svenska? ja
Ja, jag frstr svenska.

Gr herr Berg tl I I ambassaden? ja

J a, herr Berg g r t i I I ambassaden.

Unit 1


Frstr du frken Hansson? ja

Ja, jag frstr frken Hansson.

r du i Stockholm? ja

Ja, jag r i Stockholm.

Talar du svenska? ja

Ja, jag talar svenska.

Practice H. Now le t' s do the same thing in the ne gative.

Hjlper du frken Hansson? nej

Nej, jag hjlper inte frken Hansson.

Talar du svenska? nej

Nej, jag talar inte svenska.

Frstr du svenska? nej

Nej, jag frstr inte svenska.

r du i Stockholm? nej
Nej, jag r inte i Stockholm.

Vnit 1 51


Gr du ti I I ambassaden? nej

Ne j I j ag g r i n t e t i I I a mb a s s a d e n


(Let's Talk Swedish)

Vse all of the preceding questions and answers

with your teacher and fellow students to get the
"feel" of your new language.

Unit 1

Point IV. Auxiliaries (helping verbs).

Auxiliaries or helping verbs go together with one or more infinitives. Only the
helping verb is conjugated.

du ska tala svenska you are going to speak Swedish futul'e

du vi I I hj~lpa mig you want to help me desil'e

du kan frst svenska you can understand Swedish abitity

Notice the use of ska and vi II in Swedish. Ska in front of an infinitive indi-
cate s future time; --v i I I indicate s a wish or desire.

Practice I. This is a transformation practice, which is new for you. In it you change sen-
tences from one form to another by adding, subtracting, or real'raning. The
sentences, or "cues" that you start with are given on the right, and the answers,
or "transforms". are given one line beZow on the Zeft. In this way you can still
use your sheet of paper to check your answers.

In this practice we/re going to add ska to the cue sentences. As you do this,
notice how you/re changing the meaning of the sentences.

I help you. Jag hjlper dig.
I/m helping you.

Jag ska hjlpa dig. I will he Zp you. Herr Berg talar svenska.
Herr Berg ska tala svenska. Fru Strmbck ter lunch hr.
Fru Strmb~ck ska ta lunch hr. Du gr ti I I ambassaden.
Du ska g ti II ambassaden. Jag sger det.

Unit 1 53


Jag ska sga det. Jag ser p matsedeln.

Jag ska se p matsedeln. Jag ger dig en kopp kaffe.

Jag ska ge dig en kopp kaffe.

Now let's do the same thing with Ylll.

1 ' m coming to the hotel. Jag kommer ti II hotellet.

J ag v i I I komma t i I I hote I I et. l want to come (get) to the Jag ger dig en kopp kaffe.
hote L
Jag vi I I ge dig en kopp kaffe. Herr Berg gr ti II stationen.

Herr Berg vi II g ti II statlonen. Frken Hansson hjlper mig.

Frken Hansson vi I I hjlpa mig. Jag ser p matsedeln.

Jag vi II se p matsedeln. Jag ter lunch.

Jag vi II ta lunch.

And now with the helping verb kan.

You help me. Du hjlper mig.
You are helping me.

Du kan hjlpa mig. You can he lp me. Herr Berg kommer ti II hotellet.
Herr Berg kan komma till hotellet. Jag gr ti I I ambassaden.

Vnit 1


Jag kan g t i I I ambassaden. Jag talar lngsamt.

Jag ka n tala lngsamt. Du frstr mig.

Du ka n frst mig. Du dter middag hdr.

Du ka n ta middag h r.

Fractice J. Let's practice the expressian kan jag f as explained in Nate 29. SubBtitute
the cue phrase for the words that are underlined.

Kan jag f en kopp kaffe? May I have a cup of coffee? ett glas mjlk
Kan jag f ett glas mjlk? en smrgs

en smrgs? I i te te

I i te te? I ite kaffe

I i te kaffe? I i te sm r
I i te smr? se p matsedeln
se p matsedeln? kpa I i te brd
kpa I ite brd? ett glas l
ett glas l?

Unit 1 55


Basia Sentenaes

An American~ George Brown.

arrives at Arlanda (Stoakholm's
international airportJ and is
met by Bo and Maja Dalgren.

welaome vl kom/men -met -na

Sweden Sverige
Bo: 1. Hello George~ and welaome to Hej George, och v I kommen till
Sweden. Sverige. *

how~ so s
kind~ niae~ friendly vnl ig -t -a
of av
to come att komma, komme r, kom, komm I t
to meet att mt/a -er -te -t
George: 2. Hello Bo. How kind of you to Goddag Bo. s vnligt av dig att
come and meet me. komma och mta mig.

to introduae att presenter/a -ar -ade -at

my min, mitt, mina
friend vn -nen -ner
wife hustru -n -r
Bo: 3. May I introduae you my Fr jag presentera: min vn George
friend George Brown my Brown, mIn hustru Maja. *
wife Maja.

Unit 2

pardon frlt
to be att vara, r, var, varit
name namn -et -0
George: 4. Pardon (me), what was the Frl t, hur var namnet?
(your) name?

to be named att heta, heter, hette, hetat

(my) name is heter
tl'ip res/a -an -or
Maja: 5. Hi, my name is Maja. How was Hej, jag heter Maja. Hur var
the (your) trip? resan?

dil'ect d I re kt -0 -a
flight, plane f I yg -et -0
from f rn
George: 6. Very good. It was a dil'ect Mycket bra. Det var ett direkt
flight from New York to flyg frn New York ti 11 Stockholm.

your d I tt, d i na
d i n,
still, l'ema~n~ng kva r
America Amerika
Maja: 7. Is your wife still in America? r din fru kvar Amerika?

hut men
she hon
in, within om
month mnad -en -er
George: 8. Yes, but she's coming in a Ja, men hon kommer om ett par
couple of months. mnader. II

Unit 2 57

OUl' vr -t -a
gil'l f I i ck/a -an -or
shall~ should; will~ would ska(II); skulle
to finish~ to end slut/a -ar -ade -at
Behoo l skol/a -an -or
June juni
George: 9. Dur gil'l will finish school in Vr flicka ska sluta skolan l junI.

oh jas
sueh (a) en (ett) sdan(t), sdana
big (gl'own-up) stor -t -a
daughtel' dotter -n, dttrar
Maja: 10. Oh. do you have sueh a gl'own- Jas, har ni en sdan stor dotter?
up daughtel'?

oel'tainly. of OOUl'Be javisst

to fit l att f yl l/a -er -de -t
yeal' r -et -0
to beoome oldel' in years att f yl l/a r; -er -de -t
will be (yeal's old) fyller r
fall. autumn hst -en -ar
this faU i hst
George: 11. Cel'tainly. she will be seven- JaVisst, hon fyller sjutton r
teen this fall. hst. >I

hel'e hit
boat bt -en -ar
12. They al'e coming (hel'e) by De kommer hit med bt. >I

Unit 2

niae, pleasant trevl l g -t -a

to like, to enjoy att tyck/a om; -er -te -t
like(s) tycker om
to trave l att res/a -er -te -t
Maja: 13. How niae! I like to travel by s trevl igt! Jag tycker ocks om
boat too. att resa med bt.

if om
weather vder, vdret, Ql
Bo: 14. If the weather is good. Om vdret r bra.

to agree att hlla med om; hller, hll, hll it

agree(s) hller med om
to take att ta, tar, tog, tagit
take (8) ta r
time tid -en -er
George: 15. I agree (with that). But it Det hller jag med om. Men det
takes time. tar tid. >I

when n r
to expect; to wait att vntia -ar -ade -at
expeat(s); wait(s) vnta r
Bo: 16. When do you expeat Bill? Nr vntar du Bi II?

who vem
Maja: 17. Who is that? Vem r det?

Unit 2 59

brother bror, brodern, brder

to know att kn/na -ner -de -t
know(s) knner
him honom
Bo: 18. It's George's brother. I Det r Georges bror. Jag knner
know him from Washington. honom trn Washington.

he han
other annan, annat, andra
time, occasion gng -en -er
to s tay, to remain att stann/a -ar -ade -at
longer lngre
George: 19. He's coming another time when Han kommer en annan gng nr han
he can stay longer. kan stanna lngre. '*

Long lnge
city, town stad -en, stder
this; these den hr, det hr; de hr
Maja: 20. How long are you staying in Hur lnge stannar Ju i stan den hr
town this time? gngen?

unfortunateLy tyvrr
day dag -en -ar
George: 21. UnfortunateLy onLy five days. Tyvrr bara fem dagar.

pitY synd
that (conj.J att
to Leave; to go, to travel att fara, fa r, fo r, ta r i t
Leave(s) fa r
soon snart
Maja: 22. What a pit Y that you are Leav- S sy nd att du ta r s s na rt.
ing BO Boon.

Unit 2

back tillbaka
GeOl'ge: 23. I'tt be back in June. Jag kommer tl I Ibaka I juni.

to Ol'del', to l'eBel'Ve att best I l/a -er -de -t

01'del'(BJ bestller
fol' t
Bo: 24. Now I'tt go and get (ol'del'J Nu g r j ag och best I I er ett rum
a 1'00m fol' you. I'tt be back t dig. Jag r snart tillbaka.

to wait att vnt/a -ar -ade -at

wait (sJ vntar
hel'e hr
suitaase vs k/a -an -or
Geol'ge: 25. Thank you. I'tl wait hel'e with Tack ska du ha. Jag vntar hr med
the (my) suitcase. vskan. *

to get, to obtain att skaff/a -ar -ade -at

get(sJ, obtain(s) skaffar
taxi taxi -n -0
that, which, who som
to took like, to 8eem att se ut; ser, sg, sett
look(s) like, seem(sJ ser ut
fY'ee, avaitabte ledig -t -a
Maja: 26. I' II get a taxi. TheY'e is one Jag skaffar en taxi. Dr dr en som
that seems to be fY'ee. ser ut att vara ledig.

(Bo Y'etuY'nsJ (Bo kommer ti \Ibaka)

Unit 2 61

we vi
to follow att flj/a -er -de -t
with, along med
to go (come) along att flj/a med; -er -de - j
goe(s), come(a) along fljer med
there dit
ear, taxi bi I -en -ar
Bo: 27. You have a nice room at the Du ha r ett b ra rum p stora Hote I I et.
Stora Hotellet. We' II go Vi fljer med dit i bilen. "
along in the taxi.

to hope att hopp/as -as -ades -ats

hope (s) hoppas
will, to be going to att komma att; kommer, kom, kommit
is going to kommer att
to be happy, comfortable att triv/as -s -des -ts
Maja: 28. I hope that you'll be comfort- Jag hoppas ait du kommer att trivas
able at the hotel. p hote I I et. .t

to do, to make att gra, gr, gjorde, gjort

do, does gr
aertainly, surely skert
George: 29. I'm sure I will. (I'll aer- Ja, det gr jag skert.
tainly do that.)

(At the hotet) (P hote I I et)

to like, to feel like att ha I ust att; har, hade, haft

like(s) har I ust att
us oss
evening kvll -en -at
this evening, tonight t kv I I
Maja: 30. Would you like to come (to U8) Har du I ust att komma till oss p
for dinner tonight? middag ikvll? '*
Unit 2

g~ad~y J with p~easure grna

at what time hur dags
George: 3l. With p~easure. How nice. At Tack grna. s trevl igt. Hur
What time? dags?

clock klock/a -an -or

to sui t J to be convenient att pass/a -ar -ade -at
suit(s) passar
Maja: 32. Seven o 'c~ockJ i f that is Klockan sju, om det passar.
convenient (for you) .

George: 33. That suits (me) fine. What Det passar (mig) bra. Vad r
time is it now? klockan nu?

Bo: 34. It's three o'clock. Klockan r tre.

to ~ive to reside att bo -r -dde -tt

live (s) bor
George: 35. Are you stil ~ ~iving at Oxen- Bor ni kvar p Oxenstiernsgatan?

address adress -en -er

to get. to pick up att hmt/a -ar -ade -at
get(s). pick(s) up hmtar
Bo: 36. Yes. the address is Oxen- Ja, adressen r Oxenstiernsgatan 3.
stiernsgatan 3. But I'll Men jag hmtar dig.
pick you up.

then d
Maja: 37. So long. see you tonight. Hej d, och vlkommen ikvll.

Unit 2 63
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SWEDISH
_________________________ ~64

Notes on Basic Sentences

1. Vdikommen (plur. vlkomna) is used very often in Sweden. You use it, as here,
when you greet a person on arrival (in your country, in your city, or in your
home, etc.). You also use it (as in paragraph 37 of this Unit) in connection
with an invitation or referring to an upcoming visit.
Note that vlkommen is never used in the English sense of "you are welcome."
This phrase has to be expressed in different ways, for example: Ingen orsak
(no reason, don't mention itY, tack sjlv (thanks yourself).

:3 M i n,d i n, v r, er used with en words.

Mitt, ditt, v rt, ert - used with ett words.
Mina, d i na, v ra, era - used with plural nouns.
(My, your, ou!', you!')

More on the possessive adjectives and p!'onouns later.

8. Om ett par mnader (In a aoupZe of months). The preposition om is used in ex-
pressions of time for the future in answer to the question nr (when).

Unit 2

11. Fyl ler. In Swedish the present tense is often UBed to indicate future.

12. Hr - here: indicates Location at a place.

Hit - here: indicates motion to a place.

Examples: Han r hr. Be is here.

Han kommer hit. He is coming here.

There are several other Swedish adverbs which change forms according to location
or motion. We'll discuss them more in detail later.

15. Det hl ler jag med om. Note that the verb comes before the subject. This word
order is very common in Swedish. The verb always comes before the subject in a
main clause when the clause starts with a direct or indirect object~ an adverb,
or i f it is preceded by a subordinate clause. We 'll practice this word order in
Unit 5.

Jag (subject = S) hl ler Det hller (verb = V)

(verb = V) med om det. jag (subject = S) med om.

19. Stanna. Nate that stanna usually means "stay" in the sense of "remain."

Examples: VI ska stanna i tre veckor. (We'll stay for three weeks) but
Vi ska bo p Grand Hotel. (We'lL ~ at the Grand Hote~

Unit 2 65
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~66

2.3. Kommer ... See Note 11.

24. Nu gr jag och best I I er ... See Note 15.

25. Tack ska ni/du ha -- one of many idiomatic expressions of thanks in Swedish.

27. Dr - there: indicates looation at a place.

Dit - there: indicates motion to a place.

Examples: Han bor dr. Be lives there.

Han reser dit ikvll. He's going there tonight.

See Note 12.

28a. Hoppas (to hope). Verbs ending in -s in the infinitive don't take the -r
ending in the present tense. The -s ending is used in all tenses and all

Infinitive: att hoppas, att trivas

Present tense: hoppas, trIvs

28b. Du kommer att trivas. In Unit 1 you learned that future time is expressed with
the auxiliary verb ska. However, kommer att + the infinitive form of the main
verb is a very common way of expressing future time. There is a subtle differenoe
between the two future expressions and they may at times be interchangeable, but
in oertain oontexts only one of them is correct. Ska implies intention and the
involvement of someone's will. Kommer att is strictly a prognosis without any
intention or will invoLved.
Unit 2

Examples: Jag ska resa ti II Amerl ka i hst.

I'm going to Amepiea in the fall.
Du kommer att tycka om min vn.
You'll like my fpiend.

29. Det gr jag skert. See Note 15.

JO. Att ha lust att must be followed by an infinitive.

Examples: Har du lust att komma?

Jag har lust att resa ti II Uppsala.

I feel like going~UPP8ala.

Unit 2 67
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SWEDISH
______________________ ~68


Points to Praatiae

Point I. Definite article (singular)

Point II. Personal pronouns

Point III. Te lling time

Unit 2

Points to ppactiae

Point r. The Definite Artiale (singular)

a city en stad staden the city

a year ett r ret the year

As the illustration shows, Swedes form the definite article by taking the in-
definite article and attaching it to the end of the noun. In the case of ett.
one t is dropped. There are, of course. two definite articles in the singular:
-~, -et.

Praatice A. Here is a list of nouns you have learned with their indefinite
articles. Put them in their definite form. and practice until
you can io it automatically.

a restaurant en restaurang
Hr r restaurang~. Here is the restaurant. en buss
bussen en gato
gatan ett namn
namnet en stad
staden en bi l
Unit 2 69


Hr r b i I en. ett rum

rummet en f r u ko st

frukosten ett flyg

flyget en telefon

telefonen ett par

paret en station

stationen en smrgs

smrgsen en kopp
koppen ett hote I I
hotellet en f I i cka
fl ickan en taxi
taxin en klocka
klockan en adress
adressen en matsedel
matsedeln en vska
vas ka n

Vnit 2

Practiae B. We'll aontinue with more nouns from Vnits 1 and 2 to help you feel
thoroughly at ease with this usage. Add the definite articles
to the aue words.

Tycker du om lunchen? Do you like the lunah? vin

vinet kaffe

kaffet l

let rum
rummet smrgs

smrgsen mjlk

mjl ken hote I I

hote I I et bt

bten namn

namnet f I i cka

fl ickan stad

staden vska


Unit 2

Practice C. In this practice you'~~ have to use the nouns both with the indefinite
and the definite articles.

hota I I

Hotellet d r r ett b ra hote II. The hotet there is a good hote l. bi I

B 1 I en en bj I bt

Bten en bt restaurang

Restaurangen en restaurang Klocka

Klockan en klocka vin

VInet ett vin adress

Adressen en adress rum

Rummet ett rum

Unit 2

Pl'actice D. In this pl'actice one student asks the question and another student
gives the answer. Take turns. A self-study student can play both
roles. Follow the same sentence pattern as in the first example.

Urskta, var finns det en telefon? Pardon meJ where is there a telephone?

Telefonen r ti I I vnster. The telephone is to the left. toalett

Urskta, var finns det en toalett?

Toa I etten r t i I I vnster. taxi
Urskta, var finns det en taxi?

Taxin r ti II vnster. restaurang

Urskta, var fInns det en restaurang?

Restaurangen r ti I I vnster. station
Urskta, var finns det en station?

Stationen r tl I I vnster. hotell

Urskta, var finns det ett hotell?

Hotellet r till vnster. busshllplats

Urskta, var finns det en busshl Iplats?
Busshll platsen r tl II vnster.

Unit 2

Practice E. Continue with the questions beLow and give affirmative answers.

Bestller han ett vin? Is he ordering a wine?

Ja, han bestller vinet. Yes, he is ordering the wine. hote I I rum

Bestller han ett hotell rum?

Ja, han bestller hotellrummet. smrgs

Best I I er han en smrgs?

Ja, han bestller smrgsen. middag

Bestller han en middag?

Ja, han bestller middagen. f ru kost

Best II er han en frukost?

Ja, han bestller frukosten. ka f fe

Best I I er han kaf fe?

Ja, han bestller kaffet. taxi

Best I I er han en tax r?

Ja, han bestller taxin.

Did you notiae en taxi, taxin; ett kaffe, kaffet? The e in the definite
artiale -~, -e~is dropped when-the noun enda In a voweL.

Unit 2


elose your books and get information from each
other using this material. You can also ask
your teacher for names of objects in the class-
room and outside the window.

Exccmple: F i nns det en sto I I rummet?

(Is there a chair in the room?)

Ja, stolen r dr.

(Yes. the chair is there. )

Unit 2

Point II. Personal Pronouns

Subjeative Form Objeative Form

jag I mig me
du you dig you
han he honom him
hon she henne her
den it, for en lJords den it, for en lJords
det it, for ett lJords det it, for ett lJords
vi lJe oss us
ni you, plural and formal sing. er you, plural and formal sing.
de they dem them

Unit 2

ppaatiae F. Let's ppaatice the Swedish pepsonal pponouns, stapting with the
subjective forms. Substitute the subject pponoun fop the name
or names in the column on the right.

Maja tycker om Karin. Maja likes Karin. Maja

Hon tycker om KarIn. She likes Kapin. Bo

Han tycker om Karin. Bo och jag

Vi tycker om Kar i n. Maja och Lena

De tycker om Karin. Maja och du

Ni tycker om Karin. George

Han tycker om Karin.

Practice G. Now let's practice the objective forms of the pponouns. this time
in questions. He~e you substitute the ppopep objective pponoun
for the name. names op subjective pponouns in the pight column.

Knner Maja Bo? Does Maja know Bo? Bo
Knner Maja honom? Does Maja know him? Karin
K n n e r Maja henne? Karin och jag
Knner Maja oss? Bo och Karin
Knner Maja dem? du och Karin

Unit 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SWEDISH
________________________ ~ 8

K n ne r Maja e r? du

Knner Maja dig? jag

K nne r Maja mig? han

Knner Maja honom?

Practice H. Now we'll make it a little bit harder and use two pronouns in
the, one as the subject, one as the object. Substitute
pronouns for the names when you answer the questions in the affirm-
ative. Be sure to read the questions aZoud.

K~nner Bo George? Does Bo know George?

Ja, han knner honom. Yes, he knows him.
Frstr Karin Maja?

Ja, hon frstr henne.

Presenterar Bo David?

Ja, han presenterar honom.

Vntar herr Dalgren Karin?

Ja, han vntar henne.

Best II er du ett rum t ~?

Ja, jag bestller ett rum t dig.

Unit 2


H~mtar Bo kaffe t dIg och mig? Ja

Ja, han hmtar kaffe t oss.

Mter Karin George p stationen? Ja

Ja, hon mter honom pa statIonen.

Fljer ~ med Maja I taxin? Ja

Ja, jag fljer med henne taxin.


Let's be very personaL Tell, about your family~
or make up a fictitious one. Ask the others
about their friends and family members. Put
the personal, pronouns to use.

Unit 2 '19

Point III. Te lling time

Vad r

Klockan r elva. Klockan r fem. Klockan r tolv.

Klockan r halv Klockan r kvart Klockan r kvart

ett. i sj u. ver fyra.

This is how the Swedes answer the question Vad r klockan? (What time is
it?) Be sure to notice the expression for half hours.

Klockan r fem Klockan r fem Klockan r tjugo

(minuter> I halv (mInuter> ver (minuter> ver tv.
ett. halv tolv.

Unit 2

This is how you ask "at what time?": Hur dags?

This is how you answep "(at) seven o'clock": Klockan sju.

ppactice I. Ask the question and answep it. Op in class~ ask each othep.

Vad r klockan? Klockan r tre. What time is it? It's thpee o'cZ.ock. 5

Vad r klockan? Klockan r fem. 8

tta. 10

tio. 12


ett. I I

elva. 4

fyra. 2

tv. 3

tre. 9

n lo. 6

sex. 7

sj u. 8:30

halv nio. 3:30

Unit 2 81


Vad r klockan? Klockan r halv fy ra. 5:30

halv sex. 12:30

halv ett. 6: 30

halv sj u. 2:30

halv tre. I I : 30

halv tolv. I : 30

halv tv. 4:45

kvart fem. 8:45

kvart nio. 7:25

fem halv tta. 3:35

fem ver halv fyra. 2:20

t j ugo ver tv. 3:40

tjugo i fyra. 3: 15

kvart ver tre. 12: 15

kvart ver tolv. 3:45

kvart I fyra. 5:30

halv sex. 3:25

fem I halv fyra.

Unit 2

Practice J. Answer the questions with the time given in the cue.

Hur dags ska han komma? At what time is he coming? 8

Han ska komma klockan tta. He's coming at eight o'clock.

Hur dags reser han? At what time is he leaving? II

Han reser klockan elva.

Hur dags r hon ledig? At what time will she be f~ee? 4

Hon r ledig klockan fyra.

Hur dags kan de mta bten? At what time can they meet the boat? 2:30
De kan mta bten klockan halv tre.

Hur dags ska vi skaffa en taxi? At what time shall we get a taxi? 9:30

Vi ska skaffa en taxI klockan halv tio.

Hur dags vntar han oss? At what time is he expecting us? 5: 4 5

Han vntar oss klockan kvart sex.

Hur dags tar han flyget? At what time will he get his flight? 6: 15

Han tar flyget klockan kvart ver sex.

Hur dags kommer han? At what time is he coming? 8:25

Han kommer klockan fem halv nio.

Unit 2 83



Basic Sentences

George Brown meets an old

friend, Captain Lars Holm,
after 15 years.

to go att g, gr, gick, gtt

went gick
Norra Latin High School Norra Latin
ago fr ... sedan
George: He llo. weren' t you in Norra Goddag. Gick du inte p Norra Latin
Latin (high school) 15 years fr femton r sedan? r det Inte
ago? Aren't you Lars Holm? Lars Holm? *

yes (in answer to a negative jo

to remember a t t mi nna s, mi nns, mi nde s, mi nt s
remember(s) minns
true sann, sant, sanna
isn't that so inte sant
Lars: 2. Yes, I am. I remember you too. Jo, det r det. Jag minns dig ocks.
You are George Brown, aren't Du r George Brown, I nte sant? *

yes, indeed javisst

long time since lnge sedan (sen)
last time sist
George: 3. Yes, indeed. It's been a long Javisst. Det var lnge sen sist.
time since (we saw each other)
last time.
Unit 3

to aome att komma, kommer, kom, kommit

aame kom
Lars: 4. When did you come back to Nr kom du ti II baka ti II Sveri ge?

several f I era
week veckla -an -or
time tid -en -er
now J these days nu fr tiden
Geol'ge: 5. Sevel'al weeks ago. What al'e Fr flera veckor sedan. Vad gr du
you doing these days? nu fr tiden?

sailol' sjman -nen, sjmn

to lie (lay J lain) att ligga, ligger, lg, legat
lie (s) I i gger
harbor hamn -en -ar
just now just nu
Lars: 6. I' m a sailor. My ship is here Jag r sjman. Min bt ligger hr
in the Gothenburg harbol' just I Gteborgs hamn Just nu. *

ever ngonsin
George: 7. Were you ever in the U.S.? Var du ngonsin I Amerika?

yes indeed jad

to usually (do something)J att brukla -ar -ade -at
to be in the habit of
used to brukade
to go J to trave Z. att fara, far, for, farit
between me I I an
Lars: 8. Yes indeed many times.
J We Jad, mnga gnger. Vi brukade fara
used to go between Gothenburg mellan Gteborg och New Orleans. "
and New Orleans.

Unit 3 85

to serve, to be on duty att tjnst/gra -gr -gjorde -gjort

served tjnstgjorde
American amerikansk -t -a
ship fartyg -et -0
George: 9. Did you also serve on American Tjnstgjorde du ocks p amerikanska
ships? fartyg? >\

never aldrig
Swedish (adj. ) svensk -t -a
aboard ombord
Lar8: 10. No, never. Only on Swedish Nej, aldrig. Bara p svenska fartyg.
ships. Do you want to come Vi II du komma ombord?

time tid -en -er

George: 11. Yes, I'd love to. Do you hav~ Ja, grna. Har du tid?

They go to Captain Holm'g

cabin on the ship.

cigar' cigarr -en -er

Lars: 12. Do you want a cigar? Vill du ha en cigarr?

cigarette cigarrett -en -er

George: 13. No thanks. I Like Swedish Nej tack. Jag tycker om svenska
cigarettes. cigarretter.

Unit J

to smoke att rk/a -er -te -t

smoke(s) rker
often of t",
really, actually egentl igen
best bst
to pre fel' att tyck/a bst ami -er -te -t
prefer(s) tycker bst om
pipe pip/a -an -or
Lars: 14. I often smoke cigars, but I Jag rker ofta cigarrer. men jag tycker
really prefel' a p~pe. And what egent I i gen bst om p i pa. Och vad gr
are you doing these days? du nu fr ti den?

journalist journalist -en -er

to work att arbet/a -ar -ade -at
work(s) arbetar
newspaper tidning -en -ar
George: 15. I'm a journalist. I work for Jag r journal ist. Jag arbetar p en
a big American newspaper. stor amerikansk tidning. *

to think, to plan att rnk/a -er -te -t

think (s), plan(s) tnker
whole, all hel -t -a
winter vinter -n, vintrar
Lars: 16. How long are you planning to Hur lnge tnker du stanna hr? Hela
Btay here? All winter (long)? vintern? *

about, app~oximately ungefr

George: 17. I'm staying in Sweden about Jag stannar i Sverige ungefr fem
five monthB. mnader.

U'l1J1it 3 87

to z,rl'i te att skriva, skriver, skrev, skrivit

book bok -en, bcker
about om
Lars: 18. Are you going to write a book Ska du skriva en bok om Sverige?
about Sweden?

already redan
George: 19. Yes, I'm already working on Ja, jag arbetar redan p en bok om
a book about Swedish cities. svenska stder.

interesting intressant -0 -a
Lars: 20. How interesting. Det var intressant. *

to tell att berttla -ar -ade -at

tell (imperative) bertta
family fami I j -en -er
father far, fadern, fder
to live att lev/a -er -de -t
livers) lever
sti ll, yet n
George: 21. But tell (me) about your family. Men Dertta om din fami tj. Vad gr din
What is your fat her doing? Is far? Lever han n? *
he still living?

Lars Holm takes out a photo


to see att se, ser, sg, sett

photo fotografi -et -er
Lars: 22. Sure, would you like to see Jad, viii du se ngra fotografier av
Bome photos of the family? familjen?

Unit 3

sti II fortfarande
engineer ingenjr -en -er
ale ar, obvious klar -t -a
of aOUl'se det r klart
to begin att brj!a -ar -ade -at
begin(s) brjar
to beaome, to be att bli, blir, blev, blivit
old gammal -t, gamla
to get old att b I l gamma I; b Il r, b I ev, b I l v i t
Lars: 23. Here is Dad. He is still an Hr r far. Han r fortfarande ingen-
engineel'. Of course he is jr. Det r klart att han brjar bli
beginning to get old. gamma f. Jt

sis tel' syster -n, systrar

nurBe sjuksktersk!a -an -or
George: 24. Don't you have a sister ~ho Har du inte en syster, som r sjuk-
is a nUl'Be? skterska?

brothers and Bisters, syskon -et -~

sib Ungs
Lars: 85. Yes, I have. Here she is. Do Jo, det har Jag. Hr r hon. Har du
you have any brothers and ngra syskon?

physician, doator lkare -n -0

lalJJyel' advokat -en -er
Geol'ge: 86. Yes, I have tlJJO brothers, one Ja, Jag har tv brder, en som r lkare
lJJho is a doctol' and one ~ho och en som r advokat.
i s a l alJJ y e l'.

Unit 3 89

sec1'eta1'Y sekreterare -n -0
office1' (only milita1'yJ officer -n -are
onLy (adjectiveJ enda
La1'B: 27. I also have a Bister who is a Jag har ocks en syster som r
secreta1'Y. He1'e she is with sekreterare. Hr r hon med min
my onLy b1'othe1'. He is an enda bror. Han r officer.

uncle (pate1'nalJ farbror, -n, farbrder

aunt (pate1'naLJ faster -n, fastrar
dentist tandlkare -n -0
Ge01'ge: 28. I see. My uncle is also an Jas, min farbror r ocks officer,
office1', and my aunt is a och min faster r tandlkare . . .

uncle (mate1'nalJ morbror -n, morbrder

farm grd -en -ar
nea1' n ra
La1'B: 29. Here you see my uncle. He w01'ks Hr ser du min morbror. Han arbetar
on a big fa1'm near Skovde. p en stor grd nra Skvde.

Ge01'ge: 30. Was he in Stockholm 15 yea1's Var han I Stockholm fr femton r

ago? sedan?

to think, to be lieve att tro -r -dde -tt

think(s) tror
I think so. J ag tror d et.

Unit 3

to roemembero att komm/a Ihg; -er, kom, kommit

re me mb e ro ( s) kommer Ihg
aunt (materonaL) mo s t e r - n, mo s t r a r
teachero (woman) lrarinn/a -an -or
to meet (each othero) att trff/as -as -ades -ats
met (each other) trffades
Georoge: 32. I roemembero youro aunt who was Jag kommer ihg din moster, som var
a teachero. We met many times. lrarinna. Vi trffades mnga gnger."

son son -en, sner

Lars: ;);) . Heroe is my son who is twe1-ve Hr r min son som r tolv r (gammal)
years (oZd). His name is Han heter Gran.

lJhat (a, an) v i I ke n, v i I ke t, v I I ka

good-Zooking, handsome stilig - t - a
boy pojk/e -en -ar
Georoge: 34. What a handsome boy! VII ken sti I ig pojke!

must, have (has) to mste, mste, 0

company sllskap -et-0
very, awfully vldigt
nice, pleasant, fun roi ig -t -a
again i gen
35. I have to run. Enjoyed your Nej, nu mste jag g. Tack fr sll-
company. It was awfully nice skapet. Det var vldigt roligt att
to see you again. se dig igenl

always a l It i d
fun kul -0-0
to see, to meet att trff/a -ar -ad e -at
36. It's always fun to see oLd Det r alltid kul att trffa gamla
friends . vnner. "

Unit :3 91

to have dinner att ta middag; ter, t, tit

togetheI' t i Ilsammans
tomorrow imorgon
or e I I er
Lal's: 37. Shall we have dinner together Ska vi ta middag tillsammans Imorgon
eller p tisdag? >I
~omorI'OW or Tuesday?

to carl (on the phone) att ringla -er -de -t

eall(s) ringer
George: 38. Love to. Tomorrow is fine. J a, g rna. Imorgon pa s sa r bra. Jag
I' II eaU you. So long. r i nge r dig. Hej s lnge.

Lars: 39. Bye. Hej d.

Unit 3


Notes on Basia Sentencea

1. gick - past tense of att g. In this unit we introduae some verbs in the past
tense. Most Swedish verbs form the past tense aaaording to aertain patterna
aalled aonjugations. A few very aommon verbs are irregular as in English.

Examples: att g, g r, gl c k, gtt to go~ to walk

att vara, r, va r, va r i t to be
att komma, komme r, kom, kommit to aome
att ta ra, ta r, tor, farit to go (by vehiale)
att gra, gr. gjorde, gjo rt to do~ to make

2. Det r det. In Swedish several short sentenaes following "yes" or "no" begin
with det and end with det or another personal pronoun (+ inte when it's negative).
This format aOl'responds to the English "yes, it is"~ ja, det r det; "yes, he aan"~
ja, det kan han; "no~ he doesn't", nej, det gr han inte. We will praatiae this
in a later Unit.

Sa. Jag r sJoman. Before professions and oaaupations the indefinite artiale is
usually omitted in Swedish.

6b. Gteborgs hamn. For the possessive form of a noun or a name -s is added to the
noun or the name without an apostrophe. If the word already ends in s nothing
is added.

Unit 3 93

8. mnga gnger. Swedes make a distinction between "time" as

a. duration tid
b. occasion gng

a. Tid och rum. = Time and space.
Har du tid fr mig? = Do you have time for me?
Tiden gICk. = Time pased.
De~ar svra tider. = Those were difficuZt times.

b. en ~ = one time, once

tv ganger = two times, twice
tre gnger = three times
mnga gnger = many times
nsta g~ng = next time
frra gngen = last time
Han for ti I I Amerika en gng. = Be went to the United States once.

y Wa:r>riing!

We had a good time Vi hade trevl igt

Don't succumb to the temptation of transZating English idiomatic expressions

into Swedish. Learn what the Swedes say in a simiZar situation.

9. amerikanska fartyg. NationaZities and Zanguages are not capitalized in Swedish.

15. Jag r journal ist. See Note 6a.

16. Tnker is uBed aB a helping vepb hezoe, meaning "pLan to".

Unit J

20. Det var intressant. When Swedes exclaim about something~ they a~e apt to put it
in the past tense even though it is right in the present situation. Examples:
Det var dyrt. (That is expensive.); A, vad det var vackert! (Oh~ how beautifullJ
while they a~e looking at the view.

21. Lever. Att I eva (to Zive~ to be aZive) is diBtinguished from att bo (to live~
to reside.
Examples: Hon lever, men hon r mycket sjuk. (She is alive but she/s very sick.)
Hon bor I Stockholm. (She lives in Stockholm.)

23. Det r klart. This idiomatic expressian for "of course" is veY'Y common ly used.

28. Farbror, faster. The Swedes have a way of differentiating between maternal and
pate~nal relatives.
Mor (mother) Far (father)

mormor grandmother farmor

mo r f a r grandfather farfar
morbror uncle farbror
moster aunt faster

frldrar (parents)

Unit 3 95

32. trffades. To express a reciprocal action an s can be added to certain verbs.

The reciprocal action can also be expressed by the active form of the verb +
varandra (each other).

Examples: att trffa - active form, "to meet"

att trffas - reciprocal form, "to meet each other"
Vi trffas p mndag. {We'll see each other on Monday.J
Vi trffar varandra p mndag. {We/Il see each other on Monday.J
36a. kul (fun) - common ly used, but a bit slangy.

36b. att trffa - to meet. Nate that att mta is to meet someone who is arriving at
a train station, airport, bus stoPJ etc.

37. p tisdag. The days of the week are: mndag, tisdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag,
lrdag, sndag.

Nate a.: They are not capitalized.

Nate b.: English sometimes omits the preposition "on" before the names of the
days of the week. In Swedish. however. the preposition p may not be

Example: (On) Monday I/m going to the dentist.

p mndag ska jag g tl I I tandlkaren.

Unit 3


Points to Praotioe

Point I. Indefinite plural endings

Point II. The relative pronoun SOM

Point III. Plaoement of adverbs

Unit :5 97

Point I. Indefinite Plural Endings

B G G BG or

The time has come to take a look at how the Swedes put their no uns in the
plural. There are five ways of indicating plural. They are called declensions~
and they are numbered 1 through 5~ like this:
1. en vecka tv vec8 EN wor-ds only
2. en middag tv mI ddag~ EN words only (except ett finger - a finger)
J. en gng tv gnsE] 80th EN and ETT WOI'ds
4. ett pple
(an apple)
tv pp l 8 ETT words only

5. ett glas tv glasD 80th EN and ETT WOI'ds~ pI'edominantly ETT

There are also a few nouns with iI'I'egular pluI'als~ some of which we have aZI'eady
seen: b ror - brder, stad - st::lder, bok - bcker, dotter - dttrar.

Unit 3

Firat Declension, ~
All EN nouns ending in -a belong to the first declension and end in -or in the

Practice A. Let's go to work with the nouns we already know in this group.
Answer the questions on the lett negativelY3 putting the underlined noun into
the plural and substituting personal pronouns for names.

Har KarIn en krona? Does Karin have one crown? 10

Nej, hon har tio kronor. No, she has ten crowns.
Har Karin en klocka? 8

Nej, hon har tta klockor.

Har George en ~? 2

Nej, han har tv pipor.

Har Karin en -
-- 5

Nej, hon har fem veckor.

Har Karin ~n flicka? 3

Nej, hon har tre flickor.
Har Karin en sjukskterska? 2

Nej, hon har tv sjukskterskor.

Vnit 3 99

Second Declension, ~
The nouns of the second declension have various singular endings, but they are
all EN words. The only exception is ett finger - tv fingrar.

Practiee B. Answer the questiona negative ly ehanging the underlined nouns into
the plural form and Bubstituting personal pronouns for names.

Har David en ~~? Does David have One cup? 2

Nej, han har tv koppar. No, he has two cups.

Har Lars en tidning? 3

Nej, han har tre tidningar.

Har Karin en smrgs? 4

Nej, hon har fyra smrgsar.

Har frken Strmbck en grd? 2

Nej, hon har tv grdar.

Har Sverige en hamn? 10

Nej, det har tio hamnar.

Har en vecka en ~? 7
Nej, den har sju dagar.

Unit 3

Third Declension, ~
There are both EN and ETT words in this declension with many different endings
in the singular.

Practice C. Answer the questions negatively ahanging the underlined nouns into
the plural form and substituting personal pronouns for names.

Talar David om en restaurang? Is David talking about one restaurant? 2

Nej, han talar om tv restauranger.

Talar Karin om en station? 3

Nej hon talar om tre stationer.

Talar David om ett vin? mnga

Nej, han talar om mnga viner.

Talar herr Dalgren om en advokat? 2

Nej han talar om tv advokater.

Talar John om en ingenjr? 4

Nej han talar om fyra ingenjrer.

Talar Maja om en cigarrett? mnga

Nej, hon talar om mnga cigarretter.
Talar David och George om en ~!? mnga
Nej, de talar om mnga nyheter.
Vnit :5 101

Fourth Deotension, B
Most ETT words that end in a vo~et belong to the fourth dectension. So far
~e have not had any examples of nouns from this declension, ~here the plural.
form is -n. Just a fe~ nouns betong to the fourth declension, hut some are
quite common. At this point ~e ~ilt ont y give you an example:

Hon ter ett p~. She is eating an appte.

Hon ter tv~ pplen. She is eating t~o apptes.

Fifth DeclenBion, ~
This deolension contains both ETT ~ords and EN ~ords. The ETT ~ord8 of the
fifth dectenBion al~ays end in a consonant. The EN ~ords end in -are, -er
(denoting nationatity or profession), -ande or -ende (present participte re-
ferring ont y to people).
Examptes: Eltt hote I I - tv hote I I

Eln lkare - tv lkare

Eln belgier - tv belgier (a Belgian)

en musiker - tv musiker (a musician)

en ordfrande - tv ordfrande (a chairmanJ

en gende - tv gende (a pedestrianJ

Unit 3

Praatiae D. In this practiae we are using no uns familiar to you from the text J
all from the fifth dealension. We are varying the verbs. Again J answer the
questions negatively putting the underlined nouns in the plural form and sub-
stituting personal pronouns for the names.

Stannar George ett r? Is George staying for one year? 3

Nej. han stannar tre r.

Reser Dal grens t i l l ett hotell? mnga

Nej, de reser t i l l mnga hotell.

Bestller Ingrid ett rum? 2

Nej, hon best II er tv rum.

Kper Bo ett ~? 4

Nej, han kper fyra par.

Har Bo en sekreterare? 2

Nej, ha n ha r tv sekreterare.

Ser Karin ett fartyg? mnga

Nej, hon ser mnga fartyg.

Gr Bo ti II en lkare? 2

Nej, han gr ti II tv lkare.

Unit 3 103
___________________SWEDISH l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~04

Irregular Nourts
sjman - sjmn
b ro r - b r de r
bok - bcker
son - sner
stad - stder
dotter - dttrar

In same of our hasia sentenaes there have been words with irregular plural
forms. The stems of these no uns change in the plural. They are 2nd. Jrd
and 5th declensian words. but it is easier to learn them as a separate group.

Practiae E. Let's praatice the irregular nouns following the Bame pattern as
in the previous praatices in this Unit.

Har ni en bok Do you have one book? mnga

Nej, v i har mnga bcker.

Har Ingrid en bror? 3

Nej, hon har tre brder.

Har fru Strmbck en morbror? 2

Nej, hon har tv morbrder.

Har Karin och Lisa en farbror? 3

Nej, de har tre farbrder.

FInns det en stad I Sverige? mnga

Nej, det finns mnga stder I Sverige.
Unit J


Finns det en sjman p bten? 12

Nej, det finns tolv sjmn p bten.

Har Lars en dotter? 3

Nej, han har tre dttrar.

Har George en ~ 2

Nej, han har tv sner.

Ppaetiee F. In this ppaetiee we ape using nouns fPom all five deelensions.
Read the question on the left aloud and answep it negative ly, putting the
undeplined noun into the plupal. Find out how mueh you've leapned.


Finns det en klocka I rummet? Is there one cloek in the room? 2

Nej, det finns tv klockor rummet.

Finns det en ~ rummet? 2

Nej, det finns tv koppar i rummet.

Har Dalgrens en flicka? 2

Nej, de har tv flickor.

Finns det en advokat I stan? 8

Nej, det finns tta advokater i stan.

Unit :5 105

Har bten en sjman? 12

Nej, den har tolv sjmn.

Finns det en hamn i Sverige? mnga

Nej, det finns mnga hamnar I Sverige.

Finns det ett vykort p hotellet? mnga

Nej, det finns mnga vykort p hotellet.

Har George en morbror? 3

Nej, han har tre morbrder.

Finns det en lkare nrheten? 3

Nej, det finns tre lkare 1 nrheten.

Finns det en grd dr borta? 2

Nej, det finns tv grdar dr borta.

Practice G. In the chart on the next page write the nouns on the teft in each
cotumn with the proper endings. All combinations won't work~ of course. In
such a case mark the box with an X. There is an answer sheet fottowing~ but
don't look at it untit you have finished the chart.

Vnit 3

Noun mnQa IO(tiol nQra en, ett f I e ra I l te ett Dar



k Ioc ka





I kara

b rd

kv I I

b ro r

f I i eka

Unit 3 107

Noun manga 10 (t lo) nag ra en, ett flera I ite ett pa r

rum rum rum rum rum rum X rum

pple Fin"IA" Finnlpn FinniAn nnlA dnnlpn y nnlAn

k locka klnrknr klnrknr klnrkor klocka-- kloc:knr X klnrknr

bi I h i I" r h i I '" r hi I '" r hi I hi I '" r X h i I ",r

g ng ,,!'.n"Ar "!In,,p .. ,,!'.n"Ar "!'.n,, ,,!'. n" A- y "gn"" ..

m na d mnader mnader mnader mnad mnader X mnader __

namn namn namn namn namn namn X namn

vin viner viner viner vin viner vin viner

kap p koppar koppar koppar ko pp koppar X ko p pa r

I ka r e I ka re I ka re I ej ka re I ka re lkare X I ka re

brd X X X X X b rd X

kv I I kvllar kvllar kvllar kv I I kvllar X kvllar

bror brder brder brder b ro r brder X b rde r

vecka vec kor veckor veckor vec ka veckor X veckor

f I I c ka f I i c ko r flickor f I i c ko r f I i cka flickor X flickor
ost ostar ostar ostar ost ostar ost ostar
tidning tldninqar tidninaar tidninqar tidninq tidninaar X tldninoar
dotter dttrar dttrar dttrar dotter dttrar X dttrar

Unit 3

Point II. The Relative Pronoun SOM

The pronoun SOM in S~edish is a relative pronoun. It comes in the beginning of

a clause referring to a noun that has just been mentioned. In the phrases: "the
girl ~ho ... ," "the book ~hich .. ," "the newspaper that ... " WHO, WHOM, WHICH,
and THAT can all be translated with SOM in Swedish. Since there is only this one
word you will soon find yourself using it [luently and easily. This will help
you form longel' sentences in your conversation.

Practice H. To introduce SOM in this practice we simply ask you to read the
aentencea aloud adding SOM.

Restaurangen, som du tycker om, ligger 1 The restaurant which you like is in Gamla
Gamla Stan. Stan.
Tidningen, han arbetar fr, r The ne~spaper that he works for is
Dagens Nyheter. Dagens Nyheter.
Sjmannen, vi trffade, r trevlig. The sailor whom ~e met is nice.
Stan, I I gger dr borta, r The city that is over there is
Skvde. Skovde.
F I I c ka n, fyller 17 r, r min The girl who is going to be 17
syster. years old is my
Rummet, vi bestllde, var Inte The room that we reserved Was not
ledigt. available.
Han, kommer dr borta, r min He (the man) ~ho is Goming over there
morb ro r. is my uncle.

Unit J 109
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SWEDISH
__________________________ ~11 o

Warning: Do not confuse the relative pronoun SOM

with the conjunction ATT. Both are
translated as "that" in English.

Examples: Fl iekan, som arbetar hr,

r ledig idag.

The girl that (who) works

here is off today.
Han sger, att han kommer.

Be says that he is coming.

Han tror att rummet, som
vi bestlTdEi, r ledigt.

Be thinks that the room

that (which) we reserved
is available.

Praotioe I. In this practice you make one sentenee out of the two sentences
given, using SOM.
Fl iekan str dr. Hon r vr dotter.
The girl is standing there. She is our
Fl iekan, som str dr, r vr dotter.
The girl (who/s) standing there is our
Bten I igger i hamnen. Bten r gammal.

Bten, som ligger I hamnen, r gammal. Stan I igger dr borta. Stan r Skvde.

Unit 3

Stan, som I igger dr borta, r Skvde. Mnga klockor kostar 10 kronor. De r b ra.

Mnga klockor, som kostar 10 kronor, r bra. L ka ren tjnstgr p blen. Han r min b ror.

Lkaren, som ljnstgr p bten, r min bror. Ka r i n s b c ke r I i gger d r. De r b ra.

Karins bcker, som I igger dr, r bra. '1 i n sekreterare r gamma I . Hon r b ra.

Min sekreterare, som r gammal, r bra. Jag har tv pipor. De r bra.

Jag har tv pipor, som r bra. Det hr r vr son. Han heter Erik.

Det hr r vr son, som heter Erik.


See how many questions you can ask and answer

using noun plurals and SOM.

Unit :5 111
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SWEDISH
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=..:112

Point III. Plaaement of Adverbs

Swedes plaae the adverbs after the first verb in independent alauses with
straight word order.
Examples: Lars dricker alltid vin. Lars always drinks wine.
Bi II viii aldrig dricka vin. Bill never wants to drink wine.

Praatiae J. Here we give you a short sentence and provide an adverb to be

inserted correctly. Check your answers as uBual.
David rker pIpa. David smokes a pipe. ofta
David rker ofta pipa. David often smokes a pips.
Karin dricker mjlk. ba ra
Karin dricker bara mjlk.
George r i Amerika. fortfarande
George r fortfarande I Amerika.

Bo r l Gteborg. tyvrr
Bo r tyvrr I Gteborg.

Han dri cker l. grna

Han dricker grna l.

Unit 3


Dahlgrens tnker fara ti I I Amerika. inte

Dahlgrens tnker inte fara ti I I Amerika.

Frken Berg bestller kaffe. a I It Id

Frken Berg bestller alltid kaffe.

Sven reser med bt. ofta

Sven reser ofta med bt.

Stockholm ligger i Amerika. inte

Stockholm ligger inte i Amerika.

Lars vi II komma. ocks

Lars vi I I ocks komma.

Bo, som r Karins son, ter lunch. a Idr i g

Bo, som r Karins son, ter aldrig lunch.

Hotellet har en bra restaurang. ocks

Hotellet har ocks en bra restaurang.

Unit :5 113
In a question the noun and verb change places as you know from Unit I> Point III.
The adverb remains where it was.

Examples: Ka r I n talar a Iltid svenska.

Ta I ar Kar 1n a I I t i d svenska?

Arne dricker a I I t i d I .

Dricker Arne alltid l?

Practice K. Now we'll practice the use of adverbs in questionB. We'H give
you a short question and an adverb to be inserted correctly.

Talar Bo lngsamt? Does Bo speak slowly? a I It ld

Talar Bo alltid lngsamt? Does Bo aZways speak sZowZy?

Kostar cigarretter nio kronor? ngonsin

Kostar cigarretter ngonsin nio kronor?

Finns det en ledig taxi? a I dr i g

Finns det aldrig en ledig taxi?



r Karin i Gteborg? fortfarande

r Karin fortfarande I Gteborg?

Har Gunnar en bt? ocks

Har Gunnar ocks en bt?

Stannar Ulla i Amerika? lnge

Stannar UI la lnge i Amerika?


Let's be very personal. Tell about your rela-

tives and their occupations or make up ficti-
tious ones. Ask your feZZow students about
their friends and famiZy members. Let the
teacher suppZy words for more famiZy memberB.

Vnit :5



Basic Sentences

Jack and Tom go sightseeing.

first frst
Jack: 1. I have to go to the station Jag mste g tl I I stationen frst,
first J

then J later J afterwards sedan (sen)

bank bank -en -er
(in order) to fr att
to change att vxl/a -ar -ade -at
money pengar (plural)
2. and then to the bank to ch ange och sedan ti I I banken fr att vxla
some money. pengar.

to know (to have knowledge att veta, vet, visste, vetat

know(s) vet
to lie J to be located att ligga, ligger, lg, legat
lie (s), is located I i gger
Tom: 3. Do you know where the station Vet du var stationen I igger? >I

Jack: 4. NO J
I don't (know). Nej, det vet jag inte.

Unit 4

to ask att frg/a -ar -ade -at

askes) frgar
hoteZ cZerk (at reception portier -n, portieer
Tom: 5. We'll ask the clerk. Vi frgar portlern.

6. Pardon me~ where's the Frlt, var I igger stationen?


stree t gat/a -an -or

CZerk: 7. It is on Vasa street. Den I igger p Vasagatan.

far~ long lng -t -a

from here hrifrn
Tom: 8. Is it far from here? r det lngt hrifrn?

quite~ rather ganska

CZerk: 9. Yes~ it is quite far. Ja, det r ganska lngt.

either ... or antingen ... eller

10. You can either take a bus or NI kan antingen ta (en) buss eller
the subway. tunneJbana(n).

way down~ stairs~ entrance nedgng -en -ar

(the) other andra
side sid/a -an -or
11. The entrance to the subway is Nedgngen t i l l tunnelbanan ligger p
on the other side of the andra sidan gatan,
stree t~

Unit 4 117

co rne r hrn -et -0

12. and the bus stop is over there och busshllplatsen r dr borta
at the corner. p hrnet.

map kart/a -an -or

of. over ver
13. Would you like (to have) a Vi II ni ha en karta ver staden?
map of the city?

Tom: 14. Yes. please. Ja tack, grna.

Clerk: 15. Here you are! Var s god!

walk promenad -en -er

through genom
Tom: 16. Shall we tak e a walk through Ska vi ta en promenad genom staden?

sight. point of interest sevrdhet -en -er

Jack: 17. What's there to see here? Vad finns det fr sevrdheter hr? *

palace slott -et -(/)

museum museum, museet, museer
famous berm/d -t -da
Tom: 18. Well. the Palace and the Vasa Ja, slottet och Vasamuseet r mycket
Museum are very famous. bermda,

Unit 4

to find att hltt/a -ar -~de -at

19. but I can't find them on this men jag kan Inte hitta dem p den hMr
map. kartan.

that; those den dr, det dri de dr

poLiceman pol is -en -er
Jack: 20. We'LL ask that poLiceman. Ex- Vi frgar den dr polisen. Urskta,
cuse me, where is the PaLace? var I I g ge r s lott e t?

beautiful vacker -t, vackra

church kyrk/a -an -or
to the right of till hger om
Police: 21. The PaLace is over there; and Slottet I igger dr borta, och det
therp, is abeautiful church I igger en vacker kyrka tl II hger
to the right of the PaLace. om slottet.

to look att tlttla -ar -ade -at

to look at att tittla p; -ar -ade -at
Tom: 22. Oh, we'lL Look at that. Jas, den ska vi titta p. *

train tg -et -'/J

tomorl'OW imorgon
Jack: 23. Tomorl'ow we can taks the Imorgon kan vi ta tget tll I Uppsala. *
tl'ain to Uppsala.

university universitet -et -'/J

cathedraL domkyrkla -an -or
24. Thel'e the university is near DMr ligger universitetet nra dom-
the cathedl'al. kyrkan.

Unit 4 119

librar'Y b i b I lotek -et -0

is said to, is supposed to lr, lrde, lrt
Tom: 25. Yes, and the libr'ar'Y is BUp- Ja, och biblioteket lr vara mycket
pose d to be very famous. bermt.

fine fin -t -a
hungry hungrig -t -a
Jack: 26. Fine, but now I'm hungr'Y. Fint, men nu r jag hungrig.

par'k pa rk -en -er

27. Ther'e's a good restaurant on Det finns en bra restaurang p andra
the other side of the park. sidan parken.

Tom: 28. We can have lunch there and Vi kan ta lunch dr och sedan kan
then go to the Vasa Museum. vi g p Vasamuseet . Det l I gger
It's near here. hr i nrheten.

excellent, gr'eat utmrkt -0 -a

then, at that time d
maybe, perhaps kanske
concert konsert -en -er
afternoon eftermiddag -en -ar
this afternoon i eftermiddag
Jack: 29. Gr'eat. Then we can also go Utmrkt. D kan vi ocks g p
to Skansen. Maybe there is a Skansen. Det r kanske en konsert
concert there this afternoon. dr I eftermIddag. >I

to think (to have an att tyck/a -er -te -t

think(s) tycke r
fe rr'Y frj/a -an -or
Tom: JO. Afterwards I think we ought to Sedan tycker jag vI tar frjan till
take the ferry to SluBsen. Slussen.
Unit 4

one, you, they man

vie w utsikt -en -er
from f r n
elevator hiss -en -ar
Jack: 31. You have abeautiful view Man har en vacker utsikt frn
from the Katarina elevator. Katarina-hissen. *

to walk, to stroll att promener/a -ar -ade -at

The Old City Gamla Stan
Tom: 32. Then we aan walk around in Sedan kan vi promenera i Gamla Stan
Gamla Stan and have dinner och ta mi ddag p en restaurang dr.
at a restaurant there.

aharming charmig -t -a
part del -en -ar
Jack: 33. Good. It's a aharming part Bra. Det r en charmig del av Stock-
of Stockholm. I have a holm. Jag har en vn som bor dr.
friend who lives there.

Unit 4 121


Notes on Basic Sentences

3. I igger (lie/s) is often used in the sense of "is"~ "is located" when talking
about geographical concepts and buildings.

17. Vad f inns det fr ... ? is an idiomatic expression, meaning "what kind of ...
is there?"

22. Den ska vi titta p. See Unit 2, Note 15.

23. Imorgon kan vi If the aentence starts with an adve~b (Imorgon, tyvrr,
sedan, frst dr borta, etc.) ~emember that the ve~b comes in second place
(ef. unit 2, Note 15).

29. Skansen is a big open-air museum in Stockholm.

31. Man har '" The impersonal pronoun man is used to exp~ess the idea of people in
general, somewhat like the English use of "they" in "they say that ... " or "you"
in "you can have good meal there, " or "one" in "one is never satisfied."

Unit 4


Points to Praatiae

Point I: Adjeatives in the indefinite form (noun-adjeative agreement):

en stor baki ett stort rum; tv stora btar

Point II: Demonstrative Expressions:

Det r en bok.
Det hr r en bok.
Det dr r en bok.

Point III: Personal Pronouns: dan, det, de

Unit 4 123

Point I: Adjeatives in the indefinite form (noun-adjeative agreement)

There has to be agreement between adjeatives and

Adjeatives modifying en words in the singular in-
definite form take no-ending (basia form).
Example: ~ stor bi I
Adjeatives modifying ett words in the singular
indefinite form take the ending -t (added to the
hasia form). Example: ett stort glas
Adjectives modifying plural nouns (both en and
ett words) take the ending -a (added to the
basia form). Examples: tv stora b i I ar
tv stora glas

Below is a list of adjeatives whiah have somewhat irregular endings:

Adjeatives Adjeatives Plural fOT'm Translation
modifying modifying
en words ett words

bl bI tt bla blue
gr! g rtt gra gray
ny nytt nya new

god gott goda good

bred brett b reda wide
rd rtt rda red
vit v l tt vita white

rund runt runda ro und

Unit 4

Adjectives Adjectives Pl u:r'a l [o :r'm T:r'anslation

modi[ying modi[ying
en wOl'ds ett wOl'ds

kort kort korta shol't

svart svart svarta black
utmrkt utmrkt utmrkta excetlent

gammal gammalt gamla otd

vacke r vackert vllckra beauti[ut

I i ten I i tet sm smaH~ litHe

b ra b ra b ra good

Pl'actice A. Let's practice using the indefinite [orm of the adjective~ making
sure it agrees with the noun it modi[ies.
god, smrgs
en god smrgs god, vin
ett gott vin mnga, god, pple
mnga goda pplen roi ig, bok
en rolig bok I iten, barn

ett I itet barn tre, trevl ig, pol is

tre trevliga poliser bermd, museum
Vnit 4 125


ett bermt museum tv, vacker, kyrka

tv vackra kyrkor mnga, fin, slott

mnga fi na slott lng, tg

ett I ngt tg

Adjectives coming after the verbs att vara and att bl i also agree with their
subject nouns.

Examples: Bilen r stor. Dagen b I i r J..~ng.

Rummet r stort. Tget b I i r I angt.
Mnga-bi tar r-stora. tvlnga dagar b I ir I nga.
Mnga rum~r stora. Mnga tg-blir lng~-:-

Practice B. Now practice using the adjective after the verb r. Put the cue
noun in the definite form followed by r and the adjective~ making sure the ad-
jective agrees with the noun.


taxi, ledig

Taxin r ledig. rum, stor

Rummet r stort. dotter, snll

Do t t e r n r s n I I . namn, kort

Namnet r kort. barn, I i ten

Unit 4


Barnet r I l tet. pple, god

pplet r gott. vin, god

Vinet r gott. bok, bra

Boken r b ra. hotell, trevlig

Hote I I et r trevl igt.

Ppactice C. Let's continue doing the same thing, using plupal nouns in
the indefinite form.

mnga, po I i s, trevlig
Mnga po I l s e r r trevliga. m ng a, bo k, b ra
Mnga bcker r b ra. mnga, ba rn, I i ten
Mnga ba rn r sm. mnga, smrgs, god
Mnga smrgsar r goda. mnga, ky r ka , vacker
Mnga k y r ko r r vackra. mnga, b i I, svart
Mnga b i I a r r svartel. mnga, gata, bred
Mnga gator r breda. mnga, tg, lng
Mnga tg r lnga.

Unit 4 127

Point II: Demonstrative Expressions

det r it is, the!} are
det hr r this is, these are
det dr r that is, those are

The demonstrative expressions det r, det hr r, det dr r are used to focus

on noun phrases. They have only one form regardless of whether the nouns are
en or ett words or plurals.

Examptes: Det r en bok. Jt is a book.

Det hr r en bok. This is a book.
Det dr r tv btar. Those are two boats.
You already know another demonstrative expression: det finns (there i8~ the re
are) .

Practice D. Let's build up fluency on this point~ using the familiar technique.
All you have to do is repeat aloud the demonstrative expression det r and add
the proper indefinite articles or modifiers + the noun.

po I i s
Det r en po I I s. museum
Det r ett museum. tv, ka rta
Det r tv kartor. mnga, slott
Det r mnga slott. tre, hllplats
Unit 4


Det r tre hllplatser. tg

Det r ett tg. stor, buss

Det r en stor buss. tv, tidning

Det r tv tidningar. I i ten, hrn

Det r ett I i tet hrn. snll, pojke

Det r en s n I I pojke.

Practice E. Now we'll uae the expression det hr r using the definite form
of the noun.


Det hr r bten. ky rka
Det hr r kyrkan. tg
Det hr r tget. po I i s
Det hr r polisen. slott
Det hr r slottet. b i b I i otek
Det hr r bibi ioteket. ga ta
Det hr r gatan. brd
Det hr r brdet. busshllplats
Unit 4 129


Det hr r busshllplatsen. bok

Det hr r boken. tidning

Det hr r tidningen. rum

Det hr r rummet.

Praetiee P. Now we'll praetiee the expression det dr r with nouns in the
plura l.

This lengthy repetition may seem a bit boring, but it is a good idea to get
these expressionB firmly in mind before proeeeding to the next point. Be-
sides, you are alBo praetieing your plural noun endings.

tre, bt

Det dr r tre btar. tv, poj ke

Det dr r tv pojkar. fy ra, lng, tg

Det dr r fyra lnga tg. tv, vacker, ky rka
Det dr r tv vackra kyrkor. fem, smrgs

Det dr r fem smrgsar. tv, f i n, sevrdhet

Det dr r tv fina sevrdheter. m ng a, rd, buss
Det d r r mnga rda bussar. t re, utmrkt, karta
Det dr r t re utmrkta kartor. tv, god, vin
Unit 4


Det dr r tv goda vIner. t re, trevlIg, po II s

Det dr r tre trevl iga polIser. tv, gammal, vyko rt

Det d r r tv gamla vykort. tv, svensk, sjman

Det dr r tv svenska sjmn. tre, amerikansk, bok

Det d r r tre amerikanska bcker.

Point III: Personal Pronouns DEN, DET, DE

Den refers to ~ words~ det to ett words and de to pturats.

Examples: Var r boken? - Den r hr.

Var r vykortet?----Det r hr..
Var r Pellestidningar? De r hr.

Det is also used in other cases~ for instance in the demonstrative expressions
Jet r, det hr r, det dr r, which you have just Zearned. It is also used
in impersonaZ expressions without any specific reference (unlike den which
always refers to a noun).

Examples: Det regnar.. It's raining.

Det r mndag idag. Today is Monday.
Det r sent. It's late.

Vnit 4 131

Only det ean be used in elauses where the verb is some form of att vara or
att b-I-j-followed by a noun (predieate noun).

Examples: Det r en b i I . It is a ear.

Det r ett tg. It is a train.
Det r tv pojkar. They are (lit.: it is) two boys.

If there is no noun but only a predieate adjeetive following the form of

att vara or att bl i, den, det or de has to be used depending on what kind
of noun the predieate adjeetive modifies.

Examples: r PellesffiI] stor? - Ja, Idetlr stor. - Det r en stor bil.

Is Pelle's ear big? - Yes, ~ is big. It's a big ear.

r P e I I e s r umI s t o r t ? - J a, Id e II ~ r s t o r t. - De t r e t t s t o rt r u ffi
Is Pelle's room big? _ Yes, ~ ~s big. - It's a big room.

r Pel les Ibtad stora? Ja, ~ r stora. - Det r stora btar.

Are Pelle's boats big? - Yes, they are big. - They are big boats.

To s ummari ;;e :

Det must be used as the subject when any form of att vara or att bl i is followed
by a noun (predieate noun). This noun mayor may not have modifying adjectives.
Examples: De t r e n b 1 I Det r en stor bi I.
Det r ettr=um. Det r ett stor~um.
Det r tv bKtar. Det r tv stora bKtar.

This is the same as the demonstrative expression det r,

whieh you have just learned, and should not be confused
with the personal pronouns den, det, de.

Unit 4

When the form oj" att va ra or att b I i is fo llowed by an adjective but no noun
(predicate a dj e c t i ve) J the personal pronoun

den has to be used if the pronoun re j'ers to an en word;

det has to be used i f the pronoun refers to an ett word;

de has to be used if the pronoun refers to plurals.

Practice G. In this practice you'll make two sentences based on the sentenee
given in the left column using the adjective in the Cue column.
J In the first
sentenee you use the personal prono~n den, det or de + r + the adjective in
the right form. In the second sentenee you use the demonstrative expression
det r + indefinite article + adjective + noun.


Det r en b I I stor

Den r stor.

Det r en stor b i I

Det r ett slott. vacker

Det r vackert.

Det r ett vackert 510tt.

Det r ett rum. I I ten
Det r I i tet.
Det r ett I i tet rum.

Unit 4 13J


Det r en bt. vit

Den r vit.

Det r en vit bt.

Det r ett museum. b e rmd

Det r bermt.
Det r ett bermt museum.

Det r en taxi. ledig

Den r ledig.
Det r en ledig taxi.

Det r en kyrka. gammal

Den r gamma I .

Det r en gammal ky rka.

Det hr r tv pplen. god

De r goda.

Det hr r tv goda pplen.

Det dr r tv poliser. vn II g
De r vnliga.

Det dr r tv vnl tga pol i ser.

Unit 4


Det d r r ett hotell. ny

Det r nytt .

Det d r r ett nytt hotell.

Det dr r tv ostar. god

De r goda.
Det dr r tv goda ostar.

Ppactice H. Now we/tt ask some questions using VAD (what), VEM (who), and
VAR (whepe). You can ppovide the answeps us~ng two sentences. Remembep to
use han and hon fop peopte, det fop countpies and cities, which ape con-
sideped to be ett wopds.

Vad r det dr? sm@rgs, god
Det r en smrgs. Den r god.

Vem r det? flicka, vacker

Det r en f I i cka. Hon r vacker.
Va d r det d r? g rd, gamma I
Det r en g rd. Den r gamma I.
Vem r det d r? tand I kare, bra

Unit 4 135

Det r en tandlkare. Han (hon) r bra.

Vem kommer dr borta? frken Berg, trevlig

Det r f rken Berg. Hon r trev I Ig.

Vad r det dr? telefon, svart

Det r en telefon. Den r svart.

Vad r det hr? gata, kort

Det r en gata. Den r kort.

Vad r det h"a r.? vykort, vacker

Det r ett vykort. Det r vackert.

Verr> r det som kommer d r? palls, vnlig

Det r en po I I s. Han (hon) r vn II g.

Var ligger restaurangen? dr borta

Den I I gge r dr bo rta .

Va r I i gge r Vasamuseet? nra Skansen

Det I i gge r n ra Skansen.

Va r r din dotter? Amerika

Hon r i Amerika.

Va r I I gger Skvde1 I Sverige

Unit 4


Det I i gger i Sverige.

Var I l gge r Stockholm? Sverige

Det I i gger i Sverige.

Va r I i gge r busshllplatsen? dr borta

De n I i gger dr borta.


Letts have a general oonversation using the
material you have aoquired by now.

Unit 4 137


Basic Sentences

Gorodon Browning has seen

an ad about an apartment
and calls the manager.

Gorodon: 1. May I speak to Mrs. Stenmark? Kan jag f tala med fru Stenmark?

moment gonbl lek -et -0

Voice: 2. Just a moment. Ett gonbl lek.

he lto hall (only used on the phone)

Mro8. S.: 3. Hello. Inga Stenmarok 8peaking. Ha I I D e t il r I n g a S t e nma r k

this moroning l mo rse

to see att se, ser, sg, sett
saw sg
your er, ert, era
adveroti8ement annons -en -er
apartment vnIng -en -ar
to l'en t att hyra, hyr, hyrde, hyrt
Gorodon: 4. Hello. My name is Gordon Goddag. Mitt namn r Gordon Browning.
Browning. This morning I I morse sg jag er annons i Svenska
saw YOUl' ad in Svenska Dag- Dagbladet om en vning att hyra. *
bladet about an apartment
for rent.

yes Jaha
Mr8. S.: 5. Yes~ it i8 available. Jaha, den ilr ledig.
Unit 5

ahild ba rn -et -(Il

Gordon: 6. How large is it? We have two Hur stor r den? Vi har tv barn.
ahildren. Dur boy is five Vr pojke r tern r och v r t I i cka
years old and our girl is r tta.

kitahen kk -et -(Il

hall hall -en -ar
bathroom badrum -me t -(I)
so s
probably nog
Mrs. S.: 7. It has five ~ooms and a kit- Den r p tern rum och kk och hal I
ahen, hall, and two baths, och har tv badrum, s den passar
so it would probably suit nog.

whiah, what vilken, vilket, vilka

Gordon: 8. In what part of the aity is I vi I ken del av stan I igger den?
it? I work at the Ameriaan Jag arbetar p amerikanska ambassa-
Embassy and would like to den och vi II grna bo i nrheten.
live a lose by.

stairs, flight of stairs trapp/a -an -or

up upp
Mrs. S.: 9. The address is Karlavagen 10. Adressen r Karlavgen 10, 3 trappor
fourth floor. That is in upp. Det r p stermalm, inte alls
Ostermalm, and not at all lngt frn ambassaden. *
fal' from the Embassy.

to desaribe att beskriv/a -er, beskrev, beskrivit

Gordon: 10. Could you desaribe the apart- Kan ni beskriva vningen?

Unit 5 139

again8t, toward mot

to face att ligga mot; ligger, lg, legat
face(s) ligger mot
south sder
ligh t, brigh t ljus -t -a
Bunny sollg-t-a
Mros. S.: 11 . It faces south. so it is Den I igger mot sder, s den r I jus
light and sunny. och solig. *

spacious ryml ig -t -a
high hg -t -a
ceiling. ro of tak -et -0
Mros. S.: 12. It is an old. spacious apart- Det r en gammal, rymlig vanlng, och
ment with high ceilings in det r hgt i taket l alla rum. Il
all the room8.

to moderniBe att moderniser/a -ar -ade -at

moderniBed modernlser/ad -at -ade
Gorodon: 13. I hop e it is moderonized. Jag hoppas den r modernIserad.

Mrs. S.: 14. Of course. Javisst.

rent hyr/a -an -or

Gordon: 15. How mueh is the rent? Hur stor r hyran?

Mrs. s.: 16. The apartment eosts 2.000 Vningen kostar tv tusen kronor I
el'owns a month. mnaden.

expensive dyr -t -a
Gorodon: 1 7. That is expensive! Det var dyrt!

Unit 5

ga8 (not gasoline) gas -en -er

eleatI'iaity elektricitet -en 0
to be inaluded att Ing, Ingr, ingick, Ingtt
is inaLuded Ingr
besides dessutom
paI'tially delvis
to furnish att mbler/a -ar -ade -at
fUI'nished mbler/ad -at -ade
MI'S . S.: 1 8. Ye8, but it i8 a veI'Y fine Ja, men det r en vldigt fln vning,
apartment, and gas and elea- och gas och elektricitet ingr. Dess-
triaity are inaluded. Be- utom r den delvis mblerad.
8ide8, it is paI'tiaLly fur-

bed sng -en -ar

for fr
per80n, people person -en -er
GOI'don: 19. Good! Are theI'e beds foI' S bra! Finns det sngar fr fyra
four people? personer?

Living room vardagsrum -met -0

sofa sof fia -an -or
comfortable bekvm -t -a
armchaiI' ftlj -en -er
lamp lamp/a -an -or
PeI'sian persisk -t -a
rug, caI'pe t mattia -an -or
flooI' golv -et -0
MI's. S.: 2 O Yes, there are. And the Ja, det finns det. Och vardags-
living room has a Bofa and rummet har en soffa, tv bekvma
two aomfortable armahair8, ftljer, tv lampor och en stor
two lamps and a large Pel'- persisk matta p golvet. *
sian I'ug On the floor.

Unit 5 141

to bring att ta med; tar, tog, tagit

table bord -et -~
chail' stol -en -ar
dining room matsal -en -ar
Gordon: 21. Is the dining room fUl'nished J r matsalen mblerad, eller ska vi
01' should we bring our table ta med vrt bord och vra stolar?
and our chairs?

breakfast nook matvr -n -r

bench bnk -en -ar
Mrs. S.: 22. NO J it isn't. But there is Nej, det r den inte. Men det finns
a breakfast nook in the kit- en matvr i kket med bord och
chen with table and benehes. bnkar. *

closet garde/-ob -en -er

especially s rs k i I t
to need att behv/a -er -de -t
need(s) behver
space J room J place plats -en -er
all all, allt, alla
his her their (reflexive)
J J sin, sitt, sina
toy leksak -en -er
Gordon: 23. What about closets? My boy Hur r det med garderober? Srskil t
especially needs a lot of min pojke behver mycket plats fr
space for all his toys. alla sina leksaker. *

every var j e
bedl'oom sovrum -met -~
linen close t I inneskp -et -0
pan try serveringsrum -met -0
Mrs. S.: 24. There is a big closet in Det finns en stor garderob i varje
every bedroom and a good sovrum och ett bra I inneskp I
linen closet in the pantry. serveringsrummet.

Unit 5

refrigerator kylskp -et -I/;

Gordon: 25. Is there a refrigerator? Finns det kylskp?

freezer f rys box -en -a r

completely alldeles
dishwasher diskmaskin -en -er
Mrs. S.: 26. Certainly, and a small freez- Jad, och en I iten frysbox ocks
er as well and a completely och en alldeles ny diskmaskin.
new dishwasher.

laundry room tv~ttstug/a -an -or

basement kllare -en -I/;
washing machine tvttmaskin -en -er
drying cabinet torkskp -et -Qj
27. The Laundry room is in the Tvttstugan r i k II aren med tv
basement with two washing tvttmaskiner och ett torkskp. *
machines and a drying cabinet.

to sound att lta, lter, lt, ltit

Boundfs) 1 ter
Gordon: 28. It sounds very good, and we'd Det lter vldigt bra, och vi vill grna
love to come and look at the komma och titta p vningen.

to move att fly tt/a -ar -ade -at

in in
into in i
Mrs. S.: 29. When would you like to move Nr skulle nI vilja flytta in I
into the apartment? vningen?

Unit 5

the fiY'st den frsta

OctobeY' oktober
fUY'nituY'e mbel -n, mbler
Gordon: 30. If we take it we could move Om vi tar den kunde vI flytta In den
in on OctobeY' 1st. OUY' furni- frsta oktober. Vra mbler r hr
tUY'e will be heY'e then. d. *

tenant hyresgst -en -er

out ut
thing sak -en -er
yesteY'day Igr
to buy att kp/a -er -te -t
have (has) bought har kpt
house hus -et -0
Mrs. S.: 31. That suits (me) fine. OUY' Det passar utmrkt. Vr andra hyres-
otheY' tenant moved out yesteY'- gst flyttade ut Igr med al la sina
day with all his things. Be saker. Han har kpt ett hus I Djurs-
has bought a house in Djurs- holm.

at home hemma
today Idag
houY' t l mm/ e - e n - a r
32. I will be at home today. Jag r hemma Idag. VI I I ni komma
Would you like to oome in om en timme1
an houY'?

GOY'don: 33. Does 4 o'clock suit (you)? Passar det klockan fyra1 D kommer
Then I'll come with the jag med hela familjen.
whole family.

MY's. s.: 34. I'm looking fOY'waY'd to see- Vlkomna d! *

ing you then.

Unit 5


Notes on Hasia Sentencea

4a. I morse, "this morning," indiaates past time. It is therefore used only with a
verb in the past tenae.

4b. Svenska Dagbladet is a daily newspaper in Sweden.

9. Tre trappor upp or p tredje vningen means 4th floor. First fLoor is botten-
vningen (b.v.> or nedre botten (n.b.>.

11. Sder. Other aompass points are norr (north)J ster (east)J vster (west).

12. Hgt taket is an idiomatia expression for "high aeiUng{sJ."

17. Det var dyrt. The Swedes often put exalamatory expr88sions like this in the
past tense. (af. Unit J Nate 20.)

20. Ja, det finns det. See Unit 3 J Nate 2.

22. Nej, det r den inte. See Unit 3 J Nate 2.

23. Sina leksaker. See Points to Practice I c.

Unit 5

25. Finns det kylskp? Swedes do not normally use an artiale with a noun when it
refers to a alass of nouns ~n general, rather than to a partiaular one.

Examples: Han kper b i I. He's buying a aar (beaause he needs transportationJ.

Han kper en ny bi I. He's buying a new aar (one aar in partiaularJ.

27. Torkskp.(a heated aabinet) is more aommon in Sweden than a dryer (torktumlare -n -0).

30. oktober. The names of the months in Swedish are: januarI, februari, mars, apri l,
maj, juni, juli, augusti, september, oktober, november, december. Note that,
like the week days, they are not aapitalized.

34. Vlkomna d. Note that the plural form of vlkommen is used to indiaate a
welaome to all the family members. (af. unit 2, BaBia Sentenae Note 1)

Unit 5


Points to Practice

Point I. Possessives

a. preceding a noun

b. as pronoun

c. Possessive reflexives sin. s I tt. s I na

Point II. Verbs of the [irst conjugation

Point III. Word order

Unit 5 247

Point I. a. Possessives preceding a noun

EN ETT Plural

(j ag) mi n bi I mitt namn mina bi Ia r

( d u) din bi I ditt namn dina bi Ia r
(ha n) hans bi I hans namn hans bi Ia r
(hon) henne~ bi I hennes namn hennes bi Ia r
(v i) v r bi I v rt namn v ra bi Ia r
(n I ) er bi I ert namn era bi Ia r
(de) deras bi I deras namn deras bi lar

Here are the possessives in Swedish. As you see~ most of them conform
to the EN, ETT or plural form of the noun just as the adjectives do.
Names or nouns just add an -s at the end to indicate possessive form.
Example8: Karins bok. Karin's book.
Pojkens namn. The boy's name (the name ~ the boy).
Bi lens-frg. The color ~ the ear.

Unit 5

Praotioe A. Form a sentenee with a possessive, using present tense of the

ve1'b att vara.
Jag, namn, George Brown

Mitt namn r George Brown. v i, barn (plU1'.J, sn I I

Vra barn r snlla. vi , va rdags rum, I jus

Vrt vardagsrum r ljust. hon, sng, ny

Hennes sng r ny. han, paj ke, USA

Hans pojke r i USA. d u, dotter, vacker

Din dotter r vacker. n i , vning, stor

Er vning r stor. de, adress, KarJavgen 10

Deras adress r Karlavgen 10. n i, kylskp, hg
Ert kylskp r hgt. han, ftlj, bekvm
Hans ftlj r bekvm. de, kk, rym I i g

Deras kk r ryml igt. pojke, far, ingenjr

Pojkens far r ingenjr. hus, kk, ljus
Husets kk r ljust. Bo, mor, journalist
Bos mor r journalist. jag, syskon (plu1'. J hemma
Mina syskon r hemma.

Unit :; 149

P~actice B. Answe~ the questions, using the p~ope~ possessive fo~ms.


Ligger Karins vning i Stockholm? Ja

Ja, hennes vning I igger i Stockholm.

r mi tt hotel I rum tv trappor upp? Ja

Ja, ditt hotellrum r tv trappor upp.

r vra bcker i vardagsrummet? Ja

Ja, era bcker r l vardagsrummet.

Flyttar ni in i ert hus snart? Ja, p mndag

Ja, vi flyttar in I vrt hus p mndag.

Sg George fru Stenmarks annons i tidningen? Ja

Ja, han sg hennes annons i tidningen.
r Stenmarks sngar bekvma? Nej

Nej, deras sngar r inte bekvma.

Behver du di n bi I idag? Nej

Nej, jag behver inte mIn bil Idag.
Hittade du Pell es klocka? Ja
Ja, jag hittade hans klocka.

Unit 5

Point I. b. Possessive pronouns


Det r min b i I I t is my ear. Bilen r min. The ear is m,ine.

Det r ditt bord. It is your table. Bordet r ditt. The table is yours.

Det r v ra stolar. They are our chairs. Stolarna r vra. The chairs are ours.

As you can see in the ehart~ the Swedes make no distinction between possess-
ive adjectives and possessive pronouns. We'll have a short practice on this.

Praatice C. Answer the questions~ using the ownership indicated by the cue.

r det Bos bli? Nej. jag

Nej, det r min.

r det din frysbox? Nej. hon
Nej. det r hennes.

Vnit 5 lSl


r det h r herr och fru Stenmarks hus? J a, de

J a, det r deras.

r det hr din diskmaskin? Ja, jag

J a, det r mi n.

r det hr Pe I les klocka? Ja, han

Ja, det r hans.

r det hr era bcker? J a, vi

Ja det r vra.

r det hr Karlns smrgs? Nej, d u

Nej, det r din.

r det hr Lenas glas? Nej, d u

Nej, det r ditt.

Point I. e. Reflexi~e possessives, SIN, SITT, SINA

These reflexive possessives are used instead of hans, hennes, deras i f they
aj occur in the same clause as the subject;
bJ modify the objeet in the ~lause; and
ej refer to the subject in the clause.
Sin (sitt, sina) is never used to modify the subject in the clause.

Unit 5


Han tycker om sin hund.

He likes his (own) dog.

Han tycker om hans hund.

He 2ikes his (someone el8e's) dog.

Hans bt! 19ger 1 hamnen.

: - -- =
His boat is in the harbor.

Karin beskriver sitt rum.

Karin describes her room. (The room belongs to Karin.)

Karin beskriver hennes rum.

Karin describea her room. (The room belonga to someone else.)

Lars och Lena talar om sina barn.

Lars and Lena are talking about their children (their own).

Lars och Lena talar om deras barn.

Lars and Lena are talking about their children (another family/s),

Unit 5 155

P1'aatiae D. Look at the list of possessions below. Describe (using the

ve1'b att tycka om) how Maja likes he1' things, Erik likes his, and they
both like their joint belongings. Go through the three lists beginning
with Maja/s. The answers will be found on the next page.

Majas saker Erlks saker Deras saker

I inneskp ftlj frysbox

soffa lampa sngar
bord matta kylskp
stal ga rde rob tvttmaskIn
vning badrum hus
matta tidning mbler
torkskp bI I ba rn (plu1'al)
kllare bcker kk
diskmaskin klocka va rdags rum
sovrum pengar bt

Model: Maja tycker om sitt linneskp.

Erik tycker om sin ftlj.

De tycker om sin frysbox.

De tycker om sin teve (TV).

Unit 5

Answers to Practice D.

Maja tycker om: Erik tycker om: De tycker om:

sitt linneskp sin ftlj sin frysbox

sin soffa sin lampa sina sngar
sitt borrJ sin matta sitt kylskp
sin stol s i n ga rderob sin tvttmaskin
srn vning sitt badrum sitt hus
stn matta sin tidning sina mbler
sitt torkskp si n b i I sina barn
sin kllare sina bcker sitt kk
sin diskmaskin sin klocka srtt vardagsrum
sitt sovrum sina pengar sin bt

Practice E. In this practice we will use all the third person possessives.
You fill in the right one in the blank space. Use your cardboard sheet
as usual to cover the correct answer below each sentence.

George och hans fru tittade p vning.

si n

George beskrev vningen fr hustru.

si n

Bo och Kari n flyttade in mbler.

Karln och barn tittade p en ny soffa.

Unit 5 155

Stenmarks och son bor Djursholm.

dera s

Stenmarks bor med son huset.


Stenmarks hyr (Pelles) vning.


Lars r p bten med b ror.


Lars tittar p ( Ka r i n s) bt .

Bo och Ingrid och far kom ti II bten.

d e ras

Bo och I ngr i d mtte far yrd bten.


I eftermiddag flyttar Lars mb I er.


(Lars) diskmaskin r alldeles ny.


Unit fj

Point II. Verbs of the first conjugation

Swedish verbs come in four conjugations. Three of these conjugations follow
definite patterns. The fourth conjugation contains all irregular verbs.
The same form is used for all persons in each tense.

1. More than half of the verbs in Swedish belong to the first conjugation.
All of the verbs in this conjugation end in -a in the infinitive form.
All new verbs that come into Swedish from other languages belong to this
Examples: att mblera, att modernisera, att organisera (to organizeJ, att
jogga (to jog), att missa (to miss, to failJ.

Examples of this include all verbs with the French derived suffix -era.

Letts take a look at the verbs of the first conjugation that have occurred
in some of our units. Below is a chart showing how the first conjugation

First Conjugation

att baka (to bake)

PY'esent tense: jag, etc. ba ka r bake(sJ, am (aY'e, isJ baking

Past tense: Jag, etc. bakade baked, was (were) baki ng
Supine: jag, etc. h a r, hade bakat have, had baked, have, had
been baking
Past paY'ticiple: den, det, de r, bI i r bakad

Unit 5 157

Note: The supine is a form of the verb used tagether with har, hade. It
aZways ends in -t. Examples: Jag har bakat brdet. Jag hade bakat brdet.
These phrases are called respectively the present and past perf~ In
Swedish the supine form is different from the parti~iple which is used and
declined as an adjective.

Examples: Kakan r bakad. The cake is baked.

Brdet r bakat. The bread is baked.
Kakorna r bakade. The cakes (cookies) are baked.

We will deal with the particip le in a later unit.

In Unit I We made a comparison between Swedish and English with regard to

the lack of the continuouB form of the verb in Swedish. Here is a more
extensive chart:

Swedish English
Present tenae: Han arbetar. 1. lie works.
2. lie is working.
Past tense: Han arbetade. 1. He worked.
2. He was wOI'king.
Present perfect Han har arbetat. 1. He has worked.
(h a r + supinej: 2. He has been working.

Past perfect Ha n hade arbetat. L He had worked.

(hade + supinej: 2. lie had been working.

From the chart it looks like English has two forms for each tense, ~hereaB
Swedish has only one. This is true, and it is very important for you to
understand, be cause it means that the Swedish verb form arbetar, for exampZe,
is uSBd where an English speaker would say "works" ~ "is working". The

Unit 5

English rules about !Jhen one says "works" and when one says "is working"
are complex~ but Swedish has no such difficulty. Arbetar simply expresses
the idea of a person or persons working in present time, and that's all
there is to it. If you try to work forms of att vara inta other Swedish
verb forms just because English uses forms of "to be" in this way, you will
be successfut in confusing the Swede to whom you are talking.
So that you get a good start at tearning this right~ we have made an ex-
panded chart of Swedish verb forms with English equivalents. Study this
chart thoroughly~ and then try to trans late the English forms on the right
to the Swedish forms on the left without looking at the Swedish. Do this
until you are completely comfortable with it, and then make up some simple
English sentences of your own and try to trans late them into good Swedish.

Present tense:

David speaks Swedish.

svenska. { David is speaking Swedish.
~avid talarlofta. David speaks often.
i kv I I. David is speaking tonight.

Past tense:

{ David
~D_a_v_~~'d~_s~p_o_k~e~ Swedish.
,..- svenska. was speaking Swedish.
IDavid taladeimed oss tre gnger. :;,D:",a:...:v--,~i-'d::;,-:::.s. cp.. ::o:.. ;.k.:. :e::.. t o
U s t h re e t i me s .
p telefon nr Mary kom in. David was speaking on the phone when Mary came in.

Unit 5 159

Present perfeet
(har + supine):
pavid has spoken to Mary.
_______~_ med Ma ry. { David has been speaking to Mary.
\Davld har talatimed oss tre gnger. ;;"D~a...:.v--;i.-'d.;.-,h;--a,,-,-s-;-s.....p-'o_k_e_n_ t o u s t h r e e t i me s .
i tre timmar. David has been speaking for three hours.

Past perfeet
(hade + supine):

David had spoken Swedish.

,...- ---, s ven s k a { David had been speaking Swedish.
IDavid hade talatimed Mary, men det hjlpte David had epoken to Mary, but it didn't help.
om Mary, nr hon kom In. David had been speaking about Mary, when she
came in.

Unit S

Practice F. Complete the following sentences in three different tenses:

present, past, present perfeet (har + supinej.


Maj i Sverige. arbeta

Maj arbetar l Sverige. Maj worka in Sweden.

{ Maj is working in Sweden.
Maj arbetade i Sverige. Maj worked in Sweden.
{ Maj Was working in Sweden.
Maj har arbetat i Sverige. Maj has worked in Sweden.
{ Maj has been working in Sweden.

Bo sin vn. trffa

Bo trffar sin vn.
Bo trffade sin vn.
Bo har trffat sin vn.

John sin fru. presentera

John presenterar sin fru.

John presenterade sin fru.
John har presenterat sin fru.

Dah Ig rens i augusti. flytta

Dahlgrens flyttar i augusti.
Dahlgrens ,flyttade i augusti.
Dah I grens har f I yttat l augusti.
Kaffet mycket. kosta
Kaffet kostar mycket.
Kaffet kostade mycket.
Kaffet har kostat mycket.

Unit 5 161


Ingrid p sin lunch. vnta

Ingrid vntar p sin lunch.

Ingrid vntade p si~ lunch.
Ingrid har vntat p sin lunch.

Astrid om sitt barn. bertta

Astrid berttar om sitt barn.

Astrid berttade om sitt barn.
Astrid har berttat om sitt barn.
Erik om hyran. f rga
Erik frgar om hyran.
Erik frgade om hyran.
Erik har frgat om hyran.
David med advokaten. tala
David talar med advokaten.
David talade med advokaten.
David har talat med advokaten.

Unit S

Practice G. In the following story, put the verbs that oacur in the present
tense into the past tense. The new version follows on the next page.

George flyttar till Sverige med sin familj och arbetar p en stor ameri-

kansk tidning. En dag, nr han vntar p bussen, trffar han en gammal

vn frn Norra Latin, Lars Holm, och hans far. Lars presenterar George

fr sin far och frgar, om George har tid att titta p en vning, som hans
far vntar p. Han flyttar in den frsta oktober och mblerar den med

sina gamla mbler. Lars berttar, att hans far moderniserar den delvis.

George frgar hur mycket vningen kostar och var man hittar en s fin

Unit 5 163

Answer to Praatiae G.

George flyttade ti II Sverige med sin fami Ij och arbetade p en stor ameri-

kansk tidning. En dag, nr han vntade p bussen, trffade han en gammal

vn frn Norra Latin, Lars Holm, och hans far. Lars presenterade George

fr sin far och frgade, om George hade tid att titta p en vning, som

hans far vntade p. Han flyttade in den frsta oktober och mblerade den
med sina gamla mbler. Lars berttade, att hans far moderniserade den del-

vis. George frgade, hur mycket vningen kostade och var man hittade en

s fin vning.

Practice H. In this practiae, put the verb given in the aue inta the present
perfeat form (har + supine).

Bo sin vning. modernisera

Bo har moderniserat sin vning.

La rs Maj. trffa
Lars har trffat Maj.

Unit 5

Bo tillbaka till USA. flytta

Bo ha r f IYt t a t t i I I ba ka t i I I USA.

Karin p tidningen i tre r. a rb eta

Karin har arbetat p tidningen i tre r.

Maj vningen. mblera

Maj har mblerat vningen.

Erik boken. hi tta
Erik har hittat boken.

David Inte sin far. frga

David har inte frgat sIn far.

Stenmarks inte in i sin vning. f lytta

Stenmarks har inte f.yttat in i sin vning.

_____ du dina pengar p banken? vxla

Har du vxlat dina pengar p banken?
du lunge? vnta
Har du vntat lnge?

Lars med mig mnga gnger. tala

Lars har talat med mig mnga gnger.

Unit 5

Point III. Word Order

If you/re getting a feel for Swedish already, you

will have noticed in these last praetiees that the
verb always eomes in seeond place in the sentence.
As was explained in the Basic Sentence Note #16
in Unit 2, the verb always eomes before the sub-
jeet in a main clause when the clause starts with
a direet or indirect object, an adverb, or i f it
is preceded by a subordinate clause.

This is erueial, beeause it is fun-

damental in Swedish word order.

Example8: Det vet jag inte. (direet object)

Igr trffade David sin farbror. (adverb)

Nr Maj flyttade ti II Stoc~holm, trffade hon Erik. (subordinate


Det hMr mste man komma Ihg!

Unit 5

Practice I. Now we'll practice word order. Restate the sentenae on the lett
using the cue at the beginning of the sentence.


Vi flyttar in i vr vning. idag

Idag flyttar vi in i vr vning.

David hittade sin bok. igr

Igr hittade David sin bok.

Karin tittade p Peters bt. morse

I morse tittade Karin p Peters bt.

Lars talar med sin vn frn Amerika. nu

Nu talar Lars med sin vn frn Amerika.

Jag talade med Peter. fr tre veckor sedan

Fr tre veckor sedan talade jag med Peter.

VI trffas i parken. varje dag

Varje dag trffas vi i parken.

Erik vntar lnge p bussen. varje morgon

Varje morgon vntar Erik lnge p bussen.
George hade en vning p Karlavgen. nr vi var I stockholm
Nr vi var i Stockholm, hade George en vning
p Karlavgen.

Unit 5


Sven arbetar p amerikanska ambassaden. nu

Nu arbetar Sven p amerikanska ambassaden.

Maja vxlade sina pengar p banken. igr

Igr vxlade Maja sina pengar p banken.

VI hittade en klocka. nr vi var p Skansen

Nr vi var p Skansen hittade vi en klocka.

Praactice J. We arae including a floara plan of the aparatment at Karalavagen 10.

Discuss the raooms in raelation to each other and describe the furniture you
know the words for in each room. If you want to complete the furnish-
ings ask your teacher for morae vocabulary. Ask each other' the following
questions about the apartment:

Var ter man frukost i vningen?

I vilket rum kan man ta middag?
Var str kylskpet?
Ligger vningen mot norr?
Har vningen ett badrum?
r kket till hger om hall en?
Hur r vardagsrummet mblerat?
Finns det mbler I matsalen?
Var I igger tvttstugan?
I vilken tidning sg Gordon annonsen?
Nr kan Brownings flytta in?
Var kan pojken ha sina leksaker?

Unit 5

Karlavgen 10 Sder

Matsal Vardagsrum
.e ~



ster Serveringsrum t----oI Hall liten Badrum Vster

Toalett Hall

Kk Sovrum Badrum Sovrum


Unit 5 169


No~ you can describe your o~n houBe or apartment
and the home you hope to find in S~eden.

Unit 5



Unit 6 is a aomprehension quiz. Turn on the tape or listen to your teaaher read the
true or false questions. Using the numbered blanks below, mark T (true) or F (false)
after eaeh sentenee. All of the voeabulary used in the quiz is from Units 1-5. We
suggest that you divide up the quiz and aomplete only part of the questions at a time.
You will find the answers an pages 172 - 178. Good Luakl

1. 21. 41. 61.

2. 22. 42. 62.
3. 23. 43. 63.
4. 24. 44. 64.
5. 25. 45. 65.
6. 26. 46. 66.
7. 27. 47. 67.
8. 28. 48. 68.
9. 29. 49. 69.
10. 30. 50. 70.
11. 31. 51. 71.
12. 32. 52. 72.
13. 33. 53. 73.
14. 34. 54. 74.
15. 35. 55. 75.
16. 36. 56. 76.
17. 37. 57. 77.
18. 38. 58. 78.
19. 39. 59. 79.
20. 40. 60. 80.

Unit 6 1? 1

Appendix A. Answers to the unit 6 quiz.

I. Fyra och sju r elva. T

2. Flickor i Amerika talar alltid svenska. F

3. En sjukskterska arbetar p en restaurang. F

4. Gteborg r en stad i Sverige. T

5. En sjman tjnstgr p en bt. T

6. Jrnvgsstationen I igger i domkyrkan. F

7. Det finns mnga hotell en stor stad. T

8. Man kan inte vxl a pengar i en kyrka. T

9. Det r aldrig vackert vder i New York. F

10. Bo tycker om att ta l. F

II. Mnga hus i Amerika r vackra. T

12. Amerikaner dricker inte kaffe. F

13. I Amerika finns det mnga parker. T

14. Lars kan inte dricka brd. T

15. Man kan ta mi ddag p en restaurang. T

16. Nu fr tiden r Stockholm en tandlkare Amerika. F

17. Ni vet hur mycket tta och tv r. T

Unit 6

18. Man kan antingen ta buss eller tunnelbana Washington. T

19. Ett r har tio mnader. F

20. Min fars bror ~r min moster. F

21. Det finns inga bIlar i Chicago. F

22. Pol iser ger barn garderober. F

23. En I iten garderob ~r mycket rymlig. F

24. Inga btar gr till Gteborg. F

25. En vecka har sju dagar. T

26. Man kan skriva bcker om Sverige. T

27 MIn far och min mosTer ~r mina fr~ldrar. F

28. Bussen stannar vid hllplatsen. T

29. Man ~ter middag p morgonen. F

30. Ingen Ingenjr vet hur mycket tolv och tretton r. F

31. Det r bra att ha bekvma sngar. T

32. I Amerika kostar en kopp kaffe fem re. F

33. Herr Hanssons namn ~r Herr Dalgren. F

34. Det f l nns i nga barn i Skvde. F

35. Man kan dricka vin till middagen. T

36. En sekreterare talar aldrIg p telefon. F

Unit 6 173

37. Matsa I en I i gger i kket. F

38. I Amerika tycker man om att resa med bi I. T

39. Lars Holm tjnstgr p~ en bAt i GTeborgs hamn. T

40. Mnga pojkar heter Peter. T

41 Bibliotek r en stad i Sverige. F

42. Man gr tl II banken fr att vxl a pengar. T

43. Frken Strmbck r herr Hanssons syster. F

44. Vi kan hyra rum p tunnelbanan. F

45. Han gick t i l l Sverige frn New York l morse. F

46. Det finns inte ngon kyrka i Philadelphia. F

47. Alla vningar har fem vardagsrum. F

48. Lars Holm kommer ihg sin vn George Brown. T

49. Man behver mnga stolar p universitetet. T
50. Polisen vet var stationen ligger. T

51 Stora barn r vldigt sm. F

52. Busshllplatser i Amerika r alltid vackra. F

53. Det f i nns mnga rum i ett hote I I. T

54. George Brown ska skriva en bok om svenska stder. T

55. Journalister brukar skriva I tidningar. T

Unit 6

56. Sjukskterskor och lkare arbetar ti Ilsammans. T

57. Gamla Stan lr vara en charmIg del av Stockholm. T

58. Det tar fem veckor att resa med flyg frn New York t i l l Stockholm. F

59. Det finns mnga bilar i Amerika. T

60. Alla hller med om att qet r bra att ha ett kylskp. T

61. Svenska Dagbladet r ett bermt museum. F

62. De reste tt Il Sverige i Bn ftlj. F

63. Fl yget gr ti II parken. F

64. En bror knner sin syster. T

65. Om man r hungrig vi II man ::lta. T

66. Bussen gr p gatan. T

67. Mattan I igger i taket. F

68. Soffan str i vardagsrummet. T

69. Svenskar tycker mycket om goda smrgsar. T
70. Man behver inte frga om man redan vet ngot. T
71. Halv tolv r 11:30. T
72. Nr man trffas, sger man god dag. T
73. Alla tycker om att resa med lastbt. F

74. Man gr ti l! garderoben fr att hyra en vning. F

Unit 6 175

75. Det finns bara en restaurang I San Francisco. F

76. Det r ro I I gt att hitta ett trevligt hus att bo I. T

77 . Portlern kan ge oss en karta. T

78. Det finns Inga sevrdheter i Stockholm. F

79. Eri k Dalgren r en annonS. F

80. Bo Dalgren presenterar sin fru tr George. T

If you are in doubt about the meaning of a sentence you can check the tran8lation

1. Four and 8eVen are eleven. T

2. Girls in America always speak Swedish. F
S. A nur8e works in a restaurant. F
4. Gothenburg is a city in Sweden. T
5. A sailor work8 on a boat. T
6. The railroad station i8 located in the cathedral. F
7. There are many hotels in a big city. T
8. You can't change money in a church. T
9. The weather is never beautiful in New York. F
10. Bo likes to eat beer. F
11. Many houses in America are beautiful. T
12. Americans don't drink coffee. F
13. There are many parks in America. T
14. Lars can't drink bread. T
15. You can have dinner in a restaurant. T
16. Nowadays stockholm is a dentist in America. F
17. You know how much eight and two are. T
18. One can either take the bus or the subway in Washington. T
19. A year has ten months. F
Unit 6

20. My father's brother is my aunt. F

21. There are no cars in Chicago. F
22. PoLicemen give chiLdren cLosets. F
23. A smalL cLoset is very roomy. F
24. No boats go to Gothenburg. F
25. A week has seven days. T
26. One can write books about Sweden. T
27. My father and my (maternal) aunt are my parents. F
28. The bus stops at the bus stop. T
29. One eats dinner in the morning. F
30. No engineer knows how much tweLve and thirteen are. F
31. It's good to have comfortable beds. T
32. In America a cup of coffee costs 5 are. F
33. Mr. Hansson's name is Mr. Dalgren. F
34. There are no chiLdren in Skovde. F
35. You can drink wine with your dinner. T
36. A secretary never talks on the phone. F
37. The dining room is in the kitchen. F
38. In America people Like to traveL by ear. T
39. Lars Holm serves (works) on a boat in the Gothenburg harbor. T
40. Many boys are named Peter. T
4lo Library is a city in Sweden. F
42. You go to the bank to change money. T
43. Miss Stromback is Mr. Hansson's sister. F
44. We can rent a room in the subway. F
45. He walked to Sweden from New York this morning. F
46. There is no church in PhiladeLphia. F
47. All apartments have five livingrooms F
48. Lars Holm remembers his friend George Brown. T
49. They need many chairs at the university. T
50. The police know where the station is. T
51. Big children are very small. F
52. Bus stops in America are always beautifuL. F
53. There are many rooms in ahoteL. T
54. George Brown is going to write a book about Swedish citieB. T
55. Journalists usuaLLy write for newspapers. T
56. Nurses and doctors work together. T
57. Gamla Stan is supposed to be a charming part of StockhoLm. T

Unit 6 177

58. It takes five weeks to go by plane from New York to Stockholm. F

59. There are many cars in America. T
60. All agree that it is good to have a refrigerator. T
61. Svenska Dagbladet is a famous museum. F
62. They traveled to Sweden in an easy chair. F
6:3 The flight goea to the park. F
64. A brother knows his sister. T
65. If you're hungry you want to eat. T
66. The bus goes on the street. T
67. The rug is in the ceiling. F
68. Xhe sofa is in the livingroom. T
69. Swedes like good sandwiches very much. T
70. You don't have to ask i f you already know it. T
71. Half past eleven is 11:30. T
72. When people meet they say "hello". T
73. Everybody likes to travel by freighter. F
74. You go to the closet to rent an apartment. F
75. There is only one restaurant in San Francisco. F
76. It's fun to find a nice house to live in. T
77. The hotel clerk oan give us a map. T
78. There are no interesting sights in Stockholm. F
79. Erik Dalgren is an advertisement. F
80. Bo Dalgren introduces his wife to George. T

Unit 6



Basic Sentences

Bill Smith arrives at his new

office in the afternoon.

receptionist receptionist -en -er

service, favor tjnst -en -er
Rec. : 1. Hello. What can I do for you? Go d d a g . Va d k a n j a g s t t I I I t j n s t
(May I help you?) med? ..

successor eftertrdare -n -0
offi-ce kontor -et -0
Bill: 2. I' m Bill Smith, successor to Jag r Bill Smith, eftertrdare tl I I
Peter White. Can you tell me Peter White. Kan ni sga mig var mitt
where my office is (located)? kontor I i gger?

take (imperative) ta
elevator' hiss -en -ar
second a nd ra
floor vning -en -ar
Rec. : 3. Yes, of course. Take the Javisst. Ta hissen till andra
elevator to the third floar. vningen. ..
hall, corridor korridor -en -er
third tredje
door drr -en -ar
4. Go down the hall straight G korridoren rakt fram. Det r
ahead. It's the third door tredje drren till hger.
on the right.

U'YJit 7 179

tar'Y: 5. Welcome to Stockholm, Mr. Vlkommen tl II Stockholm, Herr Smith.

Bill: 6. I'm really going to like it Ja, hr kommer jag skert att trivas.
here. What a nice office! Vi Iket trevl igt kontor!

to pre fe!' att fre/Jra(ga) -drar, -drog, -dragit

pr'efe!'r'ed fredrog
desk skrivbord -et ~~
by vid
wall vgg -en -ar
under', below under
window fnster, fnstret,-~
Seco : 7. Peter' pr'efe!'!'ed to have the Peter fredrog att ha skrivbordet
desk by the wall below the vid vggen under fnstret.

natur'ally naturl igtvis

closer nrmare
bookcase bokhy I Ila -an -or
8. But naturally we can move it Men vi kan naturligtvis flytta det
closer' to the big bookcase. nrmare den stora bokhyllan.

to s tand att st, str, stod, sttt

stand (s) s t r
to place, to put (upr'ightJ att stiiia -er -de -t
put(s) stller
Bill: 9. No, it's fine where it ~8. Nej, det str bra dr det str. Men
But I think I'll put the jag tror jag st II er I ampan hr.
lamp he!'e.

Unit 7

typewriter skrivmaskin -en -er

Bill: 10. And also~ I need a typewriter. Och s behver jag en skrivmaskin.

wastebasket papperskorg -en -ar

ashtl'ay askfat -et -0
See. : 11. Yes~ and a wastebasket. Do Ja, och en papperskorg. 'Rker ni?
you smoke? Shall I put in Ska jag stlla in ett askfat?
(get) an ashtray?

ugh usch
Bil.l.: 12. No, ugh. Do you smoke? Nej, usch. Rker nI ?

good~ effective~
competent duktig -t -a
to to stop
finish~ att slut/a -ar -ade -at
to usually (do something), att bruk/a -ar -ade -at
to be in the habit of
used to brukade
pack~ package paket -et -0
a day om dagen
See. : 13. No, I have been good and have Nej, Jag har varit duktIg och har
stopped smoking. I used to slutat rka. Jag brukade rka ett
smoke a pack a day. paket om dagen.

reception mottagning -en -ar

at~ with hos
ambassadol' a~bassadr -en -er
Bill: 14. At what time is the reception Hur dags r mottagningen IkvMI I
tonight at the Ambassador's? hos ambassadren?

Unit 7 181

residenee residens -et -er

Sec. : 15. At 6 o'clock in the new resi- KIockan sex i det nya res idenset .

informal dress vardagskldsel -n 0

Bill : 16. Is it informal? r det vardagskldsel?

gentleman, man man -nen, mn

the Foreign Office Utrikesdepartementet (UD>
to caLL, to phone at1 ri ng/a -er -de -t
has phoned har ringt
to lay, to put att lgg/a -er, laCde), lagt
put (past tense) laCde)
little, small I i II a (definite form sing.)
message meddelande -t -n
Seco : 17. Yes, i t is. And a gentleman Ja, det r det. Och en man frn UD
from the Foreign Office has har ri ngt. Jag I ade det I i II a med-
phoned. I put the little delandet p skrivbordet. *
message on your desk.

meeting sammantrde -t -n
early (in the ~orning) bitti
date datum -et -0
what vad ... fr
Bi ll: 18. Oh, i t was Olle Lindah r. We Jas, det var Olle Lindahl. Vi ska
are going to have a meeting ha ett sammantrde med honom imorgon
with him early tomorrow morn- bitti. Vad r det fr datum idag? *
ing. What date is i t today?

Bixth sjtte
Seco : 19. It's the Bixth of November. Det r den sjtte november.

Unit 7

dark mrk -t -a
to turn on. to light att tnd/a -er, tnde, tnt
light, aandle ljus -et -0
Bill: 20. It is already beginning to Det brjar redan bli mrkt. Ska
get dark. ShaZl we turn on vi tnda ljuset?
the Zight?

early tidig -t -a
at this time of year s hr rs
See. : 21. Yes, it gets dark early at Ja, det bl ir mrkt tidIgt s hr
this time of year. Do you rs. VI II ni ha en kopp kaffe? ,.
want a cup of eoffee?

Unit 7 183

UNl 'j' 7

Nates on Basic Sentences

1. Vad kan jag st ti II tjnst med? Jdiomatic expY'ession.

3. Andra vni ngen .. See Unit 5, Basic Sentenee Note 9.

17a. Det r det. See Points to Practice III.

17b. Man. Nate that the noun man is iY'Y'egulaY' and does not quite follow any of
the five declensian patteY'ns explained in Points to PY'actice I; man, mannen,
mn, mnnen.

18. Vad ... fr? Instead of the inteY'rogative vi Iken (vi Iket, vi I kal Swedish of ten
usel; vad ... fr in the spoken language.

Examples: Vad r det fr datum i dag? = V i I ket datum r det i dag?

(What date is it today?)

Vad r det fr dag idag? Vilken dag r det idag?

(What day is it today?)

Vad behver du fr bcker?= Vi I ka bcker behver du?

(What books do you need?)

21. s hr rs - idiomatic expY'ession.

Unit '1

Points to Practice

Point I. Definite form plural

Point II. Definite form of the noun with adjeatives

Point III. Det r det.

Point IV. ligga, lgga, sitta stta, ete.

Point V. Ordinal numbers

Unit ? 185

Point I. Definite fopm plural

I l

Declension 1. -or; lampa, lampor, lampor~

2. -ar; hiss, hissar, hissar~

3. -er; korridor, korridorer, korridorer~

4. -n; rr.eddelande, meddelanden, meddelandena

5. -0; ljus, ljus, ljusen

lkare, lkare, T1lkarna

a. Most Swedish nouns form the definite plural by simply adding -na to the
indefinite plural form.
Examples: fl ickor~, middag~, ambassadr~ruil.
b. In the fourth declension the indefinite form plural already enda in -n,
so all you add is -a in the definite form.
Examples: meddelande~, sammantrde~.

c. ETT words in the fifth declension~ which have the same form in the in-
definite singular and the indefinite plural take -en as an ending in
the definite form plural.
Examples: kontor@, askfat~, ljusB.
d. EN words in the fifth declension (no uns that end in -are, -er, -ande)
add -na in the definite form plural. Note~ however~ that the final -e in
the -are wopds is dropped before the -na ending is added.
Examples: lkare - lkarna; sekreterare - sekreterarna, but
ordfrande - ordfrandena (ch~irman) ---

Unit 7

Praetioe A. Ch ange the unde~lined nouns f~om the indefinite fo~m plu~al into
the definite form plural.
Erik stller lampor p bordet.

Erik stller lamporna p bordet.

Bo kper ostar.
George tittade p kontor p ambassaden.

Bo lgger cigarretter I papperskorgen.


Ambassadren beskriver sammantrden.


Eva lade meddelanden p skrivbordet.


Sjukskterskor hjlper ~kare.

Sjukskterskorna lkarna
Kontor behver sekreterare.
Kontoren sek rete ra rna

Unit 7 187

Ppactice B. Now we eontinue with the definite pLupaL fopm in the same way, but
hepe the undeplined. noun is given in the singulap. FoLLow the exampLe. Remem-
bep to adjust the adjectives to the pLuraL nouns.

Example: La rs best I I de rummet p hote I I et. Lars pesepved the poom at the hotel.

Lars bestllde rummen p hotellet. Lars reserved the rooms at the hotel.

Hsten i Sverige r kort.

Hstarna i Sverige r korta.

Aret gick lngsamt fr flickan.

Aren gick lngsamt fr flickan.

Klockan, som kostade mycket, var bra.

Klockorna, som kostade mycket, var bra.

Journa I i sten, som arbetar p Dagens Nyheter, skri ver utmrkt svenska.

Journalisterna, som arbetar p Dagens Nyheter, skriver utmrkt svenska.

Mannen p gatan vntade p bussen.

Mnnen p gatan vntade p bussarna.

Flickan i receptionen var trevlig.

F I i ckorna recept i onen va r trev I i ga.

Lkaren och ingenjren hade varit i Amerika.

Lkarna och ingenjrerna hade varit I Amerika.

Vggen rummet r bl.

Unit 7

Vggarna I rummet r bla.

Slottet Sverige lr vara bermt.

Slotten Sverige lr vara bermda.

Brodern var tandlkare i Skvde.

Brderna var tandlkare i Skvde.

Point II. Definite form of the noun with ad,iectives

the door is high drren r hg den hga drren the high door

the table is big bordet r sto rt det s to ra bordet the big table
the doors are high drrarna r hga de hga drrarna the high doors

the tables a!'e big borden r stora de stora bo rde n the big tables

"~ Look carefully at the chart above. Observe what happens to the definite
, ' " form of a Swedish noun when it is preceded by an adjective.

a. The noun gets an additional definite article placed in front of the

adjective, ~ for EN words, ~ for ETT words, ~for plurals.

" "'- b. The definite article at the end of the noun remains.
c. The adjective gets the ending B fOl' all forms.

Unit l' 189

Practice C. Using the cue word(s), put the subject noun ~n its proper definite
form when preceded by an adjective.

Boken I igger p bordet. s to r

Den stora boken I igger p bordet.

Klockan I igger p bordet. gammal

Den gamla klockan I igger p bordet.

Cigarretterna I igger p bordet. kort

De korta cigarretterna I igger p bordet.

Brdet ligger p bordet. god

Det goda brdet I igger p bordet.

Smrgsen I igger p bordet. f i n

Den fina smrgsen I igger p bordet.

Tid..!:Llllgen. ligger p bordet. svensk

Den svenska tidningen I igger p bordet.

Mannen str vid hrnet. trevlig

Den trevliga mannen str vid hrnet.

Lkaren str vid hrnet. v n I i g

Den vnj iga lkaren str vid hrnet.

Unit 7


Hotell et I igger vid hrnet. ny

Det nya hotellet ligger vid hrnet.

Taxin str vid hrnet. ledig

Den lediga taxin str vid hrnet.

Paketen str vid hrnet. stor

De stora paketen str vid hrnet.

Bilarna kostar mycket pengar. amerikansk

De amerikanska bi larna kostar mycket pengar.

Vinerna kostar mycket pengar. fin

De fina vinerna kostar mycket pengar.

~et kostar mycket pengar. dyr

Det dyra let kostar mycket pengar.

Vykortet kostar mycket pengar. intressant, gammal

Det intressanta, gamla vykortet kostar mycket pengar.

Unit ? 191

PY'actice D. Many mOY'e examples to lJoY'k on. InseY't the cue adjective(s} 1-1l
fY'ont of the wOY'ds that aY'e undeY'lined.

P promenaden i Gamla Stan sg vi flera gamla kyrkor. ko rt

P den korta promenaden 1 Gamla Stan sg vi flera gamla kyrkor.

George och hans fru tycker om vdret i Stockholm. vacker

George och hans fru tycker om det vackra vdret Stockholm.

George behver advokaten, som du talade om. duktig, svensk

George behver den duktiga, svenska advokaten, som du talade om.

Flera bussar stannade vid hamnen. gammal

Flera bussar stannade vid den gamla hamnen.

Kyrkorna i stan I igger nra slottet. intressant

De intressanta kyrkorna i stan I igger nra slottet.

Mannen i kket var Lars farfar. charmig, gammal

Den charmiga, gamla mannen l kket var Lars farfar.

Skrivmaskinen str p bokhyllan vid fnstret. ny

Den nya skrivmaskinen str p bokhyllan vid fnstret.

Mannen tittade p smrgsarna och let. hungrig

Den hungriga mannen tittade p smrgsarna och let.

Unit ?


Imorgon tar Er i k tunnelbanan t i I I pa rken i ngby. stor

Imorgon ta r Erik tunnelbanan tl I I den stora parken i ngby.

Arbetar La rs fortfarande p restaurangen i Gamla stan? trevl ig

Arbetar La rs fortfarande p den trevliga restaurangen i Gamla Stan?

Har du varit p residenset? gammal

Har du varit p det gamla residenset?

Flickorna tog Katarinahissen fr att se utsikten. amerikansk

De amerikanska fl iekorna tog Katarinahissen fr att se utsikten.

Sekreteraren lade meddelandena papperskorgen. hg

Sekreteraren lade meddelandena den hga papperskorgen.

Morbrderna kom p middag igr. s n I I

De snlla morbrderna kom p middag igr.

LITEN, LITET, LILLA, SM)\. (little small)

Swedes use the adjective "little" quite often because it's also used as an endear-
ment. Examples: I i II a gumman, I III a gubben (sweetie, dear. Gumm/a -an -or
actually means "old lady" and gubb/e -en -ar "old man".)

Also remember LITE (a little bit, 8ome) from the vocabulary list in Unit 1.
ExampZe: Vill du ha lite brd, lite mjlk?

Unit 7 193

This common Swedish adjective is irregular, as you can see from the char t
below. LILLA is only used in the definite form singular, SMA for all plural

a little gi~l en liten flicka den l i l l a flickan the little girl

a little child ett I i tet barn det I i I I a barnet the little chi ld

little girls sm flickor de sm flickorna the little girls

little chi ldren sm barn de sm barnen the little children

Practice E. Change the follo~ing sentences so that the underlined part is

in the definite form.

Bibi ioteket I igger nra en liten restaurang.

Bibi ioteket I igger nra den I i Ila restaurangen.

Marie kper ett litet glas.

det lilla glaset.

Sekreteraren tnder ett I itet ljus.

det lilla ljuset.

Vad kostar en I i ten k locka?

den lilla klockan?

Sm barn dricker grna mjlk.

De sm barnen

Unit ?

Sm b t a r r t r ev I i g a at t ha .

De sm bta rna

Berti I vi Ile ta sm smrgsar.

de sm smrgsarna.

Nu ska Ingrid skrIva ett I Itst brev.

det I i I la brevet.

Herr Pettersson var journal ist p en liten svensk tidning.

den I I I la svenska tidningen.

Vi bor en trevlig I iten stad.

den trevl iga I i II a staden.

De bor trevl iga sm stder.

de trev I I ga sm stderna.

Unit 7 195

Point III. Det r det.

To answer questions with the equivalent of: Yes, it is; no, it isn't; yes, he
does; no, he doesn't, etc. the Swedes have a format which you must learn. The
cue is Ja, det . ; nej, det . i jo, det . Jo is used to ansUJer a nega-
tive question-in the affirmative.

Question Answer

r det hr Stockholm? Ja, det r det.

r det hr en skrivmaskin? Nej, det r det inte.
Kommer Karin snart? J a, d et g r h o n .
Stannar David lnge? Nej, det gr han inte.
Ska du inte ta lunch? Jo, det ska jag.
Ska ni Inte ta lunch? Nej, det ska vi inte.
Vi I I Peter trffa henne? Ja, det vi II han.

Unit 7

When the question contains an auxiliary verb J the main verb is not repeated
in the anslJer.
Examples: Ska du ta lunch? - Ja, det ska jag.

Har du talat med Peter? - Ja, det har jag.

Vi II du komma? - Ja, det vi II jag.

If the question has ett vara, att bl i, or att ha as the main verb J this verb
is repeated in the answer.
Examples: r det hr en skrivmaskin? - Ja, det r det.

Blir det mrkt klockan fyra? - Ja, det blir det.

Har du pengar? - Ja, det har jag.

If the question does not contain an auxiliary verb J the anslJer substitutes
gr (gjorde) for the verb.

Examples: Talar du ~venska? - Ja, det ~r jag.

Talade du svenska? - Ja, det gjorde Jag.

Practice F. Using t~a cue lJords anSlJer the questions lJith ja, det ~r han;
nej, det kan hon inte; jo, det gr vi, etc.

r Lars svensk? ja

Ja, det r han.

Unit 7 197

Kan Karin stanna lnge i Amerika? nej

Nej, det kan hon inte.

Tjnstgr Lars Holm fortfarande p bten? nej

Nej, det gr han inte.

Kan tandlkare skriva bcker? ja

Ja, det kan de.

r d~t inte Lars Holm? jo

Jo, det r det.

Fr Peter rka 1 kket? nej

Nej, det fr han inte.

Kan inte en advokat titta p det? jo

Jo, det kan han.

Tittar de tv fl lekarna Inte p domkyrkan? jo

Jo, det gr de.

Var det inte vackert? jo

Jo, det var det.

r du hungrig? ja

Ja, det r jag.

Unit 7


Vl I I ni komma med i b i I en? nej tack

Nej tack, det vi II vi inte.

Ska George stanna i Sverige? nej

Nej, det ska han inte.

Vi I I du i nte ha en kopp ka He? nej tack

Nej tack, det vi II jag inte.

VIII ni komma ombord? ja grna

J a, det v i I I vi grna.

Ska Bos fru mblera vningen? ja

J a, det ska hon.

r d et hr din syster? ja

Ja, det r det.

r det inte din morbror, som kommer dr borta? jo

Jo, det r det.

Unit 7 199


Transitive Intransitive
lay lgga I i gga He
place st I I a - st stand
set stta sitta sit
hang hnga hnga hang

In describing the location of objects and the placement of them, Swedes use
very specific words. In English we are usually satisfied with the verbs
"to be" and "to put". As we pointed out in Unit 4, Basic Sentence Note 3,
att I i gga is used in the sense of "is", "is located" in reference to geo-
graphical concepts, buildings, etc.
Examples: Var I igger stationen? Where is the station?
Bten I igger i Gteborgs hamn. The ship is in the Gothenburg harbor.
Stockholm I igger i Sverige. Stockholm is in Sweden.

Unit 7

Att sitta, att I igga, att st, att hnga are used to describe the where-
abouts of all sorts of things in a place.

Examples: Klockan sitter p vggen. The clock is on the wall.

Lampan hnger ver soffan. The lamp is(hanging) over the sofa.
Boken I igger p bordet. The book is on the table.

There is more logic in this usage than one might think at first. Things
with legs usually str, flat objects I igger, and so do buildings and places.

Practice G. BeZow are some intransitive and transitive verbs that we are
going to practice. Choose the appropriate verb from either column and
complete the sentences. Your choice consists of:

Intransitive Transitive

l i gger lgger
st r stller
sitter stter
hnger hnger

Note: att st I I a and att stta are often interchangeabl-e.

David lampan ver soffan.

David hnger I ampa n ver soffan.

Be rt i I lampan p bordet.

stller (stter)

Gu n vo r bckerna bokhyllan.
stller (stter) __--w- _

Unit 7 201

Lena bckerna p bordet.

Sjukskterskan vid nedgngen til I tunnelbanan.

st r

T~get p stationen.

st r
Jag kopparna p matsalsbordet.

stller <stter)

Museet i nrheten av parken.

I i gger

Mi n mo rb ror I soffan.


Bos farbror p sngen.

I i gger

Lampan taket.


Mamma middagen p bordet.

stter <stller)

Unit 7

Point V. Ordinal Numbers

1 frsta 11 e I f te 21 tjugofrsta
2 andra 12 to I f te 22 tjugoandra
3 tredje 13 trettonde 23 tjugotredje
4 fjrde 14 fjortonde 24 tjugofjrde
5 femte 15 femtonde 25 tjugofemte
6 sjtte 16 sextonde 26 tjugosjtte
7 sjunde 17 sjuttonde 27 tjugosjunde
8 ttonde 18 artonde 28 tjugottonde
9 nionde 19 nittonde 29 tjugonionde
10 tionde 20 tjugonde 30 trettionde
31 trettiofrsta

-de -nde "'irreguLar"

13 trettonde 7 sjunde 1 frsta

14 fjortonde 9 nionde 2 andra
15 femtonde 10 tionde 3 tredje
16 sextonde 20 tjugonde 4 fjrde
17 sjuttonde 30 trettionde 5 femte
18 artonde 40 fyrtionde 6 sjtte
19 nlttonde 50 femtionde 8 ttonde
100 hundrade 60 sextionde 11 e I f te
1000 tusende 70 sjuttionde 12 to I f te
80 ttionde
90 nittionde

Nate: a. The article den is always used with dates.

b. There is no preposition between the ordinal number and the month.

Example: Det r den fjrde jul I. It's the fourth ~ July.

Unit 7

Now your Swedish has expanded considerably and
is becoming more sophiBticated. Let's use it
in questions and answers, talking about things
in the room and outside . Example: L i gger den
stora boken p bordet? Ja, det gr den.

You oan also ask eaoh other questions which

involve dates. , ,,
....,. . @)"
.!; ...-


Unit ?

Basio Sentenoes
where (where to) vart
to shop att handl/a -ar -ada -at
man's suit kostym -en -er
dress klnning -en -ar
don't you?, isn't it?, etc. el I er hur?
John: 1. Where are we going shopping? Vart ska vi g och handla? Jag be-
I need a suit and you want to hver en kostym och du vi I I titta p
look at a dress, don't you? en klnning, eller hur? >I

department store varuhus -et -0

Mary: 2. Let'8 go to one of the depart- VI gr till ett av varuhusen i stan.
ment stores in town.

probably vl
ready frdig -t -a
to Bew att sy -r -dde -tt
BeWn sydd, sytt, sydda
ready made frdig/sydd -sytt -sydda
3. You are buying a ready made Ou tnker v I kpa en frd i gsydd
Buit, arBn't you? kostym? >I

to pay att betal/a -ar -ade -at

morB mer
than n
more than mer n
John: 4. Yes, I don't want to pay morB Ja, Jag vi I I tnte betala mer n
than 800 crowns. tta hundra kronor.

Unit 8 205

to afford att ha rd med; har, ha de, haft

can afford har rd med
Mary: 5. We can prohably afford that. Det har vi nog rd med.

busy upptag/en -et -na

John: 6. Hello, are you busy? I need Goddag, r ni upptagen? Jag behver en
a suit, and my wife wants to kostym och mi n fru vi II se p en kln-
look at a dress. ning.

lady dam -en -er

clothes, wear klder (plural)
Clerk: 'l. Ladies' wear is on the next Damklder finns en trappa upp.

up, upstairs uppe

clerk, salesperson expedit -en -er
to show att vis/a -ar -ade -at
8. The clerk up there can show Expediten dr uppe kan visa klnning-
the dresses. a rna.

color frg -en -er

to have in mind, to imagine att tnk/a sig; -er -te -t
had in mind hade tnkt
good-looking sny 99 -t -a
gray gr -tt -a
9. What color did you have in Vi Iken frg hade ni tnkt er? Hl:lr har vi
mind? Here is a very good- en mycket snygg gr kostym. *
looking gray suit.

Unit p

navy blue marinbl -tt -a

John: 10. No~ I think I proefel' something Nej, jag tror jag fredrar ngot
in navy blue. There is a nice marinbltt. Det hnger en snygg
suit (hanging) avel' thel'e. kostym dr borta. *

to try on att prov/a -ar -ade -at

both bda
to sit, to fit att sitt/a -er, satt, suttit
fi t (s) sitter
11. I'll try on both, and then I'll Jag provar bda, och s tar jag den som
take the one that fits the best. sitter bst.

tailor skrddare -n -0
to alter, to change att ndr/a -ar -ade -at
length I ngd -en -er
pants byxor (plural)
Clel'k: 12. Our tailor can alter the length Vr skrddare kan ndra lngden p
of the pants. byxorna.

John: 13. Fine. When wi II they be ready? Utmrkt. Nr blir de frdiga?

to open att ppn/a -ar -ade -at

Clerk: 14. You can pick them up on Tuesday. Ni kan hmta dem p tisdag. VI ppnar
We open at nine o'clock. klockan nio.

shirt skjort/a -an -or

John: 15. Thank you. I need a couple of Tack. Jag behver ett par skjortor
shirts too. ocks.

Unit 8 207

to dress att kl sig; -r -dde -tt

dress(es) klr sig
spring vr -en -ar
to use att anvnd/a -er, anvnde, anvnt
sleeve rm -en -ar
John: 16. How do you dress here in the Hur klr man sig hr p vren? Kan man
spring? Can you use short- anvnda skjortor med kort rm?
sleeved shirts?

aoZd ka I I -t -a
summer sommar, -en, somrar
warm varm -t -a
sometimes ibland
size storlek -en -ar
Clerk: 17. No, you aan't. It's too aold. Nej, det kan man inte. Det r fr kallt.
But in the summer it gets warm Men p sommaren blir det varmt ibland.
sometimes . What size do you Vilken storlek har ni?

beaause, [01' fr
number, size nummer, numret -0
the same densamma, detsamma, desamma
aB, like som
same as samma som
John: 18. I don't know, beaause the sizes Jag vet I nte, fr numren r v I
are pl'obably not the same here
as in the U.S.
inte desamma hr som i Amerika. "

measul'e mtt -et -0

to meaSUl'e att ta mtt p; tar, tog, tagit
Clel'k: 19. I can measure you. Jag kan ta mtt p er.

Unit 8

pure, clean ren -t -a

ca tton bomu I I -e n 0
very mycket
quaZity kval ite -n -er
absolutely absolut
to iron att stryk/a -er, strk, struk l t
free fri -tt -a
non-iron strykfri -tt -a
Clerk: 20. Here we have an excellent ahirt, Hr har vi en utmrkt skjorta l ren
pure cotton. Ve1"Y good quaUty bomu I I. Mycket b ra kva I i te och abso I ut
and absolutely non-iron. strykfri.

"light blue ljusbl -tt -a

John: 21. If you have it in light blue Om den finns i ljusbltt s tar jag
I'l"l tak e it. den.

something, anything ngonti ng

else annan, annat, andra
tie si ips -en -ar
underwear underklder (plural)
sock, stocking strump/a -an -or
glove hands k/e -en -ar
hat hatt -en -ar
Clerk: 22. Do you need anything else? Per- Behver ni ngonting annat? Kanske ngon
haps a tie? Underwear~ socks~ 51 ips? Ngra underklder, strumpor,
gloves, 01" a hat? handskar eli er en hatt?

shoe sko -n -r
John: 23. Yes, I would like to look at Ja, jag vi II grna se p ett par skor.
a pai1" of shoes.

Unit 8 ;,f O9

de par tmen t avdelning -en -ar

shoe department skoavdelning -en -ar
escalator ru I I trapp/a -an -or
Clerk: 24. The shoe department is to the Skoavdelningen ligger t i l l hger p
right on the fourth floor. You tredje vningen. Ni kan ta rull-
can take the escalator over trappan dr borta.

to have time att hinn/a -er, hann, hunnit

have (has) time hInner
John: 25. I don't think I have time to- Jag tror inte jag hinner idag. Jag
day. I have to go and see what mste g och se vad min fru gr.
my wife is doing.

well. I'LL be ... nej, men

evening gown aftonklnning -en -ar
26. Welt. I'll be .... you bought Nej, men har du kpt en aftonklnning!
an evening gown!

pretty. cute. sweet st, stt, sta

darling lskling -en -ar
favori te co lol' lsklingsfrg -en -er
Mary: 2? Yes. can you imagine? I've Ja, kan du tnka dig, jag har hittat en
found a very pretty red dress, vldIgt st rd klnning, min lsklings-
my favorite coLol'. f rg.

to hear att hra, hr, hrde, hrt

hear (imperative). listen hr
suede mocka - n 0
jacket jack/a -an -or
28. Listen. should we Look at a Hr du, ska vi titta p en mockajacka
suede jacket too? ocks?

Unit 8

to shop att shopp/a -ar -ade -at

enough tillrckligt
John: 29. Don't you think that we have Tycker du Inte att vi har shoppat 1'111-
shopped enough foro one day? r:kl igt fr en das?

to read att ls/a -er -te -t

read (past tense) lste
sale, priae reduation rea (real isation -en -er)
furaoat pls -en -ar
store, shop affr -en -er
furrier plsaffr -en -er
square, market plaae torg -et -\1l
Maroy: 30. Maybe, but I read in the paper Kanske det, men jag lste l tidningen
this morning that theroe is a J morse att det r rea i p I sa ffren
sale at the furrier's on the vid torget.

as you know, of course Ju

center of town, downtown centrum -et, centra
John: 31. OK, let's take the bus down- OK, vi kan ju ta bussen ti II centrum.

Unit 8


Nates on Hasic Sentences

l. el ler hur? (always at the end of a sentenceJ is an expressian corresponding to

a great variety of English "tag questions": don't you, haven't you, isn't it,
hasn't he, aren't they, etc. It is similar to the German "nieht wahr?" and
the Freneh "n'est-ce pas?"

J. vl is sometimes added in a Swedish sentence in order to express a wish for

eonfirmatian. English speakers frequently do this by stressing the first
verb and adding a "tag question" sueh as "isn't it?"

5. nog (see Nate 3) is used similarly in Swedish and has no exaet English equivalent,
although "probably" eomes elose. Nog indieates a slight reluetance in stating
some thing. In this case "I guess we can afford that".

9a. vi Iken frg. Here are the most common colors in Swedish:
gr, grtt, gra gray
svart, svart, svarta black
vit, vitt, vita white
g u I, g u I t, g u I a ye II ow
b I , b I t t, b I a b l ue
grn, grnt, grna green
rd, rtt, rda red
brun, brunt, bruna brown
beige, beiget, beigea beige
skr, skrt, skre pink
rosa, rosa, rosa pink, rose-colored
I i I a , I i I a, I i I a p u rp l e
ljusgrn, ljusgrnt, ljusgrna light greEn
mrkbl, mrkbl~tt, mrkbla dark blue
The ett-form of the adjective is used to make the adiective a noun.
Unit B

9b. hade ni tnkt er. The reflexive att tnka sig is here used in the sense of "to
have in mind". It sometimes means "to imagine" as in Basic Sentence 27.

10. det hnger ... You are familiar with the expression det finns (there is/are). In
Swedish a similar construction is used with many other intransitive verbs.

Examples: Det h ng e r en kostym d r. There is a suit (hanging) there.

Det sitter en man p trappan. There is a man (sitting) on the

Det I i gger ett meddelande p bordet. There's a message (lying) on the
Kommer det ng ra journal ister i kv I l? Are the re any journalists coming
Str det ngon kopp i kket? Is there any cup (standing) in
the kitchen.

In these expressions, det finns, det str, det kommer, etc., det has only one
form, regardless of whether the no uns are en or ett words or plural. See Unit 4,
Points to Practice II.

18a. desamma. Note that the pronoun is declined in Swedish according to the noun i t
refers to.

Examples: Boken r densamma. The book is the same.

Huset r detsamma. The house is the same.

Bckerna r desamma. The books are the same.

18b. fr numren ... The direct translation of "because" is drfr att or emedan. The
latter is hardly ever used in the spoken language. Drfr att-rs of ten replaced
by fr which means "for." It will be useful for you to remember that fr intro-
~uces a main cZause, whereas drfr att and emedan, aB well as the English "because, "
~ntroduce Bubordinate cZauBeB.

Unit 8

26. Nej, men .. - an expression you often hear in Swedish. It expresses surprise
01'a mild protest. It corresponds to "How about that?". "Well. I'll be ... ".
"I declare ... ". "My gosh!".

31. ju - (see Note 3). Another Little word! Ju impZ-ies that the Z-istener
is already aware of the information given and that the speaker is confirming

The wards vl, nog and ju are difficult to transl.ate since the English transla-
tion is usually much stronger. It is sometimes better not to try to trans late
these words at all.

Unit 8


Points to ppactice

Point I: Inteppogative pponoun VILKEN (VILKET, VILKA)

Point II: Indefinite pl'onouns and adjectives

Point III: Adverbs indicating rest and motion

Point IV: Second eonjugation vepbs

Point V: Third conjugation vepbs

Unit 8 815

Point I. Interrogative Pronoun VILKEN (VILKET, VILKA) - which, whi~h one(s)

You are already familiar with two interpogative pro-

nouns, VEM (who) and VlID (what). These are nevel"
declined. Now we/ll introduce the interrogative
pronoun and adjective VILKEN. This pl"onoun and
adjective is declined according to the en, ett 01'
plural wOl"d it l"epl"esents as a pronoun or the noun
it modifies as an adjective.

&:;amples: Vilken klnning kpte fru Johnson?

Which dress did Mrs. Johnson buy?
V i I ken kpte hon?
Which one did she buy?

Vilket varuhus gick de till?

Which department store did they go to?

Vilket gick de till?

Which one did they go to?

V II ka skjortor ti ttade herr Johnson p?

Which shirts did MI'. Johnson look at?

Vilka tittade han p?

Which ones did he look at?

Unit 8

Praatiae A. Restate the following sentences in question form, using

the aorreat form of vi Ike~ with the underlined noun.

En slips ligger p stolen. A tie is on the chair.

Vilken slips ligger p stolen? Which tie is on the chair?

En kos~ kostar 800 kronor.

Vi Iken kostym kostar 800 kronor?

Han dricker ett vin.

Vi Iket vin dricker han?

Peter kper tv skjortor.

Vi Ika skjortor kper Peter?

Plsaffren ligger p Norrmalmstorg.

Vilken plsaffr ligger p Norrmalmstorg?

Expediten visade klnni ngarna.

Vilka klnningar visade expediten?

Han kan anvnda badrummet.

Vi Iket badrum kan han anvnda?

Fru Stenmark hmtade barnet.

Vilket barn hmtade fru Stenmark?

Unit 8

Ppactice B. In this ppactice you pead the sentenee and ask a question about
it using v i I ken, v i I ket, v i I ka as inteppogative pponouns (op vem, vad i f they
ape apppoppiate) instead of the undeplined wopd.

Lena kpte en hatt. Lena bought a hat.

vr I ken kpte hon? Which one did she buy?

Bo ringde frn affren.

Vem ringde frn affren?

Herr Stenmark talade om Amerika.

Vad talade herr Stenmark om?

De kpte en ~.

Vi I ken kpte de?

Bjrn tycker om kaffe.

Vad tycker Bjrn om?

Ingemar talade om Lena.

Vem talade Ingemar om?

Fru Berg hmtade en av bilarna.

Vi lken hmtade hon?

Unit 8

Point II. Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives



Ngon and ingen are used both as pronouns and as adjectives and are dec~ined
according to the en, ett or plura~ words they represent or modify.

Ngontjn~ and ingenting are used only as pronouns and are never declined.


ngon someone, somebody, ingen no one, nobody

anyone, anybody
ngot Bomething, anything inget nothing

ngra some, any inga none

ngonting something, anything ingenting nothing

Unit 8 219


ngon (fl icka) some, any, a (girl) ingen (fl icka) no ( gi r l)

ngot (hus) some, any, a (house) inget (h us ) no (house)

ng ra (bcker) some, any (books) inga (bcker) no (books)

A. As Subje cts:

All forms of the indefinite pronouns and adjectives listed above can be
used as subjects or as adjectives modifying subjects in independent and
dependent clauses.


Har ngon en tidning? Ingen sg mig.

Does anyone have apaper? No one saW me.

Ngot lg p bordet. I nget kom i gr.

Something was on the table. Nothing came yesterday.

Ngra av dem rker fr mycket. tnga av pojkarna kommer idag.

Some of them smoke too much. None of the boys are coming today.

Ngonti ng mste ha kommit. Ingenting har kommit.

Something must have come. Nothing has come.

Unit 8


Har ngon fl icka varit hr? Ingen jacka r snygg.

Has a (any) girl been here? No jaaket is good-looking.

Finns det ngot rum med bad? Inget hus hade hiss.
Is there a (any) room with bath? No house had an elevator.

Ngra kk har diskmaskin. Inga skor var bruna.

Some kitchens have dishwashers. No shoes were brown.

Note: Ingen as Bubject or aB an adjective modifying a subject poses no

problem whatsoever.

Unit 8 221

Inte ngon, Inte ngot, inte ng roa, inte ngont i ng must be used instead
of i ngen, i nget, inga, ingenting in:

a. main cLauses with compound verb forms (auxiLiary + ma~n verb);

ExampLes: Bob ska inte kpa ngon ny b i I.

Bob is not going to buV a (any) new ear.

Peter v i I I inte gra ngonti ng.

Peter doesn't want to do anything ..
Bo har inte trf fat ngra f I i ekor.
Bo has not met a;Y-girLs.
Lena kan inte hitta ngra snygga skor.
Lena can't find any good-Looking shoes.

b. main eLauses with verb + ~articLe or preposition;

ExampLes: Lars kommer inte ~ ngonting.

Lars doesn't remember anything.

Ingrid tycker inte om ngon av jackorna.

Ingrid doesn't Like-any of the jackets.

Per talade inte med ngon.

Per spoke to no one.

Bo s e r i n t e E! n g n a n n a n n U 1 I a
Bo doesn't Look at anyone eLse but ULLa.

Unit 8

o. all dependent elauses.

Examples: Han sa att det inte fanns ngra snygj@~ortor.

Re said that there were no good-looking shirts.

Bi II gick nr han inte hade ngon bi I.

Bill walked when he didn't have a ear.

Nr Per inte har ngot kaffe, dricker han te.

When Per has no eoffee he drinks tea.

Ingen (inget, inga) and ingenting in the objeet position may only be
used in main clauses with simple verb forms.

Examples: Han ser ingen.

Re sees no one.

Lars hittade ingen bra bok.

Lars didn't find any good book.

Stenmarks har inget hus.

The stenmarks have no house.

Bjrn kpte inga skjortor.

Bjorn bought no shirts.

Peter hr ingenting.
Peter hears nothing.

However, inte ngon, inte ngot, Inte ngra, inte ngonting can always
substitute ingen, inget, inga, ingenting in the object position.

Examples: Han ser ingen.; Han ser inte ngon.

Lars hittade ingen bra bok. = Lars hittade inte ngon bra bok.

Unit 8 223

Stenmarks har inget hus. = Stenmarks har inte ngot hus.

Peter hr ingenting. = Peter hr inte ngonting.

Note: Swedes sometimes substitute ngon, ngot for the indefinite

artiele en, ett in questions and negative statements.

Examples: Har Eva ngon rd klnning?

Does Eva have a red dress?

Eva har inte ~~ rd klnning.

Eva doesn't have a red dress.

Har inte Eva ngon rd klnning?

Doesn't Eva have a red dress?

(ef. Eva har en rd klnning.

Eva has a-red dress.)

Unit 8

P~actice C. He~e is a p~actice on the use of ngon both as p~onoun and

as adjective. Insert the prope~ly declined fo~m of ngon in the open space.

John kpte skjortor affren. John bought some shirts in the store.

John kpte,ngra skjortor affren.

Kpte de - - - - _ ?

ngonting (ngot)

Fick Holms rum (plu~.) p hotellet?

ng ra

Nej, vi har ingen bil, har du - - - _ ?


Kostade det att ringa?

Kpte Mary klnning p varuhuset?

Och strumporna? Kpte du ?


Finns det varuhus i Stockhol m?


(p l-u~.) kom och (pl-ur.) g i ck.

Ng ra n g ra
Unit 8 225

(sing.) vntar p dig p kontoret.

vningar r ljusa.


kk (plur.) hade inte diskmaskin.

(sing.) flyttade In en trappa upp.

Sa han - - - - ?

ngot (ngonting)

vn brukar alltid mta henne vid flyget.


pojkar och flickor rkte l korridoren.


Unit 8

Practice D. Now we'll practice some examples of ingen in its adjective

form. Here ingen modifies the object noun in main clauses with simple
verb forms HO you may use both ingen and inte ngon. Do this practice
twiae~using Ingen the first time and Inte ngon the seaond time. Insert
the proper form in the blank space and repeat the complete sentence.

De ha r barn (plur.). They have no children.

De har Inga (inte ngra) barn.

Holms har vning.

ingen (inte ngon)
Lars vxlade pengar p stationen.

inga (inte ngra)

Fru Stenmark kpte klnning igr.

ingen (inte ngon)

Hon hade vningar att visa.

inga (inte ngra)

Kontoret har fnster (sing.) mot sder.

inget (i nte ngot)

Det fanns kostym som passade.

ingen (inte ngon)

Gran kpte bcker.

inga (inte ngra)
Unit 8 227

Praetiee E. We 'tZ eontinue vith examptes of ~ both as adjective and

pronoun. Substitute the proper form of ingen for the underlined vord, or
insert it into the blank spaoe. Ingen appears both as subjeat and objeat
in main clauses vith simple verb forms.

Lars har varit hr.. Lars has been here.

Ingen har varit hr. No one has been here.

Stenmarks kom, nr Lena fyllde tio r.


Bo hrde mycket om Stockholm.

inget (ingenting)

Hans syster har mnga barn.


Ska du komma med?


Greta var hemma, nr vi kom.


Hon hade lust att g ut.


Unit 8

rum lg mot sder.

Inget (Inga)

Erik behver pengar man han fr


Berti I har tre sner, men ser ut som sin far.

i nge n

kommer att tycka om det hr kket.


Practice F. In this practice ingen is in the objeot position. Restate

the ~entences using the cues.


Ulla hade ingen tid. Ulla had no time. har haft

Ulla har inte haft ngon tid. Ulla has had no time.

De sg ingen polis. har sett

De har inte sett ngon polis.

Lena skriver ingen bok om svenska stder. ska skriva

Lena ska inte skriva ngon bok om svenska stder.

Unit 8 229


Bob trffade inga svenskar. har trffat

Bob har inte traffat ngra svenskar.

De hr ingenting. kan hra

De kan inte hra ngonting.

De minns ingenting. De sger att minns

De sger att de inte minns ngonting.

Bill sg ingen flicka i rummet. sg p

B i I I sg i nte p ngon f I l cka rummet.

Birgitta frgade ingenting. frgade om

Birgitta frgade Inte om ngonting.

Unit 8

Practice G. UBB forms of V I LKEN, VEM, VAD in the blank spaces in the
questions on the lett and proper forms of I NGEN, INTE NAGON in the
answerB on the right.

Questions: Answers:

pojkar tog bussen tIll museet? pojkar tog bussen.

V i I ka Inga

har tnt ljuset p kontoret? har tnt ljuset.

Vem Ingen

soffa kpte sten? Han kpte soffa.

Vi I ken ingen (inte ngon)

- - - - har ni talat om idag? Vi ha r talat om

VBd (vem) inte ngonting (ngon)

vnner ska Bo fara ti II? Bo ska f a ra ti I I vnner.

Vi I ka inte ngra
sg honom? sg honom.

Vem Ingen
talade Lars med? Han talade med
Vem inte ngon.
pls tycker Mary om? Hon tycker om pls.
Vi I ken Inte ngon

Unit 8 231

Questions: Answers:

skriver Eva ti I l? Hon skriv~r t i I I

Vem Hon skriver inte t i l l ngon.

tnker han gra? Han tnker gra

Vad Han tnker inte gra ngonting.


Use your imagination and give a reason for the
responses on the right in Practice G.

Example: I nga pojkar tog bussen, tr de hade I nte ngra pengar;

tr de vi II e l nte se museet, etc.

--- - -- - -

Unit 8

Point III: Adverbs of Place Indicating Rest and Motion

In this Unit you meet a group of adverbs denoting place which have two
distinct forms in Swedish. One form, Group A, is used with verbs of rest
(indicating a stationary situation). The other, Group B, is used with
verbs of motion (indicating movement to or from a place).

Rest at a Place (A) Motion to or from a Place (B)


Inne in in
ute out ut
framme there f ram
uppe up up p
nere down ner
h'r here hit
dr there dit
borta away bort
hemma at home hame hem

Nate: It is important to remember that the single

word hemma means at home.

The most common verbs of The most common verbs of motion

reat are: to or from a place are:
att vara att g
st komma
I i gga fa ra
sitta resa
stanna ka (to go, to travet)
finnas f lytta
bo springa (to run)
trivas kra (to drive)
flyga (to fZy)

Unit 8

Examp~es: A. Margareta r hr. Margareta is here.

B. Margareta kommer hit. Margareta is coming here.

A. Mamma stannar hemma. Mother is Btaying (at) home.

B. Mamma gr hem. Mother is going home.

Practiae H. Let's praotiae adverbs from Group A. eomp~ete the sentenae,

ahoosing the aorreat adverb given in the cue.


Ka r i n r Karin is at home. hem, hemma

Karin r hemma.
Ro I f r bort, borta


Sven r hr, hit


Maria r I huset. in, inne


Sov rummet I i gger p andra vningen. upp, uppe


Din mormor sitter i kket. ut, ute


Unit 8


Bten ligger J hamnen. ner, nere

ne re

Nr r vi f r a m, f r a mm e
---- ?
Expediten str dr, dit


Hur lnge stannar du - - - -? hr, hit

bra men bst. Swedish proverb: There's bort, borta; hem, hemma
no plaoe like home.
Borta hemma

Unit 8 235

Practice I. Now we'tt practice adverbs from Group B.


Sven gr Sven is going out. ut, ute


Lena kom hem, hemma


Hissen g r upp, uppe


Fa r han med '1 d r, dit


Han g r t i I I hamnen. ne r, nere


Nr kom Bergs ? f ram, framme


Hur dags kom Lars i g r? hem, hemma


Unit 8

Praatice J. In this practice. exchange the underlined verb in the sentence

for the cue verb keeping the same tense as in the original sentence. Use the
correct adverb with the aue verb.
Fru Andersson sitter hr. Mrs. A. is sitting here. komma

Fru Andersson kommer hit. Mrs. A. is coming here.

Bo gr upp p a nd ra vningen. va ra

Bo r uppe p a nd ra vningen.
Herr Borg var framme klockan 4. komma

Herr Borg kom f ram klockan 4.

Lenas bror sitter Inne 1 vardagsrummet. g

Lenas bror g r i n i va rdags rummet.

Kar i n krde hem. va ra
Karin var hemma.

Vi r uppe p andra vningen. ta hissen tll I

Vi tar hi ssen upp tl II andra vningen.

lars .s..!.r.: ut parken. sitta

La rs sitter ute i pa rken.
Margareta r hemma idag. komma
Margareta kommer hem Idag.

Unit 8 237


Herr Johnson r hr och kper en kostym fara

Herr Johnson far hit och kper en kostym.

Fru Berg tar en taxi dit och kper ett par skor. va ra

Fru Berg r dr och kper ett par skor.

KatarIna kommer hit. stanna

Katarina stannar hr.

Vi r borta ikvll. g

Vi gr bort ikvll.

Fru Blomkvist gr hem tidigt. va ra

Fru Blomkvist r hemma tidigt.

Bilen str dr. kra

Bi len kr dit.

Unit 8

Let's give some special attention to the question words VAR, VART, where J

where to.
VAR (where) is used with verbs indicating rest.
VART (where to) is used with verbs indicating motion to or from a place.
Examples: Var r du? Where are you?
Vart gr du? Where are you going (to)?

Practice K. Add the proper adverb VAR, VART in the space. Keep the answer8
ker Bo? Where is Bo going?
Vart ker Bo?

I igger slottet?


Unit 8

gick Anna?

Va rt

str lampan?

Va r

vill du fara?

Va rt

har du hrt det?

Va r

sitter han?

Va r

bor din morbror?


ska ni flytta I oktober?


ska vi ta middag lkvl l?


ligger Skansen 1 Stockholm?

Va r

Unit 8

Point IV. Ve~bs of the Second Conjugation

2a 2b

att ringla to eaU att kpa to buy

ring/er call(s) kp/er buy (s)
ring/de called kp/te bought
h a r, hade rlng/t have, had caHed har, hade kp/t have, had bought

P!'esent tense

Ve!'bs of the Second Conjugation add -er to the stem to fo~m the present tense.

Examples: att ringa - ring~; att kpa - kp~

Note: If the stem al~eady ends in -r the uBual present tense ending -er is
left out.

Example8: att hra - hr

att fara - far
att kra - kr

Past tense

In the past tense the ve!'bs of the Second Conjugation have t~o different forms,
-de (2a) and -te (2b).
Unit 8 241

2a. The stems of the verbs in 2a end in a voiced consonant~ such as -I, -m, -n,
-ng, -r, -v. The past tense is formed by adding -de.

Examples: att stlla - stll de

att knna - knde (Second m or n ~s dropped before d and t.)
att ringa - ringde
att hra - hrde
att behva - behvde

2b. The stems of the verbs in 2b end in voiceless consonants~ such as -k, -p,
-s, -t. Here the past tense is formed by adding -te.

Examples: att tycka - tyckte

att kpa - kpte
att resa - reste
att mta - mtte


Verbs from both 2a and 2b form the supine by adding -t to the stem.

Examples: att ringa - har (hade) ringt

att kpa - har (hade) kpt

Unit 8

Pr>actice L. This is a pr>actice on 2a ver>bs (past tense: -de). Change the

pr>esent tense to the past tense. Be sur>e to sound the ending ~oud and c~ear>.
Remember> that Swedish has no 1/8i~ent e" WOT'd ending (see Guide to Swedish Pro-
Karin f yl ler koppen med kaffe. Kar>in fills the cup with coffee.

Kari n fy II de koppen med kaffe. Kar>in fi~~ed the cup with coffee.

Lasse stl ler stolen i hrnet.


Marianne fyller sjutton r hst.

fy I I de

Journalisten tnder sin pipa.


Mamma behver en ny klnning.


Pappa ringer alltid hem frn kontoret.


Fru Borg knner Pe I I es morbror.


David bestller alltid l.


Unit 8

Vi behver inte fara hem.


Eva hr Peter komma.

Sekreteraren ri nger till UD.

011 e kr ofta mell an Stockhol m och Gteborg.


Practice M. In this practice change the underlined verb from the present tense
to the present perfeet tense (har + supinej.

Karin knner Lars. Karin knows Lars.

Karin har knt Lars. Karin has known Lars.

Bo s t I I e r b o k e n D b o k h Y I I a n

har stllt

Mamma tnder I ampan l matsa I en.

har tnt
Han behver inga pengar.

Han har inte behvt ngra pengar.

Unit 8

Gsta ringer hem.

har ringt

George ~ en vning I Stockholm.

har hyrt

Stenmarks knner Lars Holm.

har knt
Anne-Marie fyller vinglaset.

har fyllt
Gustav bestller middagen.

har best I I t

Erik hr Ingenting.

Erik har inte hrt ngonting.

Practice N. This is a practice on 2b v6rbs (past tense: -te). Change the

underlined verb to the past tense.

Lisa lser sin bok. Lisa ~s reading hel' book.

Lisa lste sin bok. Lisa read (was reading) hel' book.
Viktor tnker p sin far.

Unit 8

Damen kper en bl klnning.


Advokaten rker alltid sin pIpa.


George Brown tycker om att tala svenska.

tyckte om

Praotiae O. Change the undertined verb from the present tense to the present
perfeet tense (har + supine).

Lisa lser om Sverige. Lisa is reading about Sweden

Lisa har lst om Sverige. Lisa has read (has been reading) about Sweden.

George tnker skrIva hem.

har tnkt

Pe I I e kper en f I n ny kostym.

ha r kpt

Vilken klnnIng tnker du ta?

har du tnkt ta

Vi I ken f I i cka tycker du bst om?

har du tyckt bst om

Unit 8

Bo tycker bst om att lsa.

har tyckt bst om

Sven rker aldrig cigarretter.

har aldrig rkt

Practice P. In this practice there are verbs from both 2a and 2b. Change
them from the present tense to the past tense.

Fru Johnson behve r en ny klnning. Mrs. Johnson needs a new dress.

Fru Johnson behvde en ny klnning. Mrs. Johnson needed a new dress.

La rs kper en frdigsydd kostym.


Herr Berg knner Stenmarks.


Tycker fru Alm om sina nya skor?


Lars och Bo bestiiller vin till middagen.

best I I de

George rker inte cigarrer.


Unit 8 247

Vi lser matsedeln och bestller middagen.

lste bestllde

Dahlgrens ~ en vning, som de tycker om.

hyrde tyckte om

Viktor fyller koppen med kaffe och stller den p bordet.

f Y I I de stllde

Telefonen ringer, men Erik hr den inte.

ringde hrde

Bergs kr t i l l Arlande och mter Peter.

krde mtte

Praetiee Q. Let's vary the praetiee a bit. Fill in the empty spaces with
either the present perfeet or past perfeet form of the eue verb (har or hade
+ supine).

Vilken vning Lars Whieh apartment has/had
----? hy ra
Lars rented?
Vilken vning har/hade Lars hyrt?

Karin sina klder p varuhuset. kpa

Har/hade kpt

Min sekreterare Inte telefonen. hra

Vnit 8

Min sekreterare har/hade inte hrt telefonen.

Johan inte Svenska Dagbladet. lsa

har/hade lst

Fl ickan till Gteborg. resa

har/hade rest
Advokaten 1 nte sitt kontor. rInga
har/hade ringt

Lasse Dah I grens I Ameri ka. knna

har/hade knt

Gran en ny Volvo. bestlla

har/hade best I I t

Unit 8

Point v. Verbs of the Third Conjugation

att tro to believe

trolr believe(s)
tro/dde believed
har, hade t roi tt have. had believed

The verbs in this conjugation have no infinitive -a ending. They are usually
one-syllable words. The stem is identical with the infinitive form. The
present tense ending is -r, the past tense ending is -dde, and the supine
form ending is -tt. - --

There are very few verbs in this conjugation. We will only practice the
ones you know already.

Practice R. Change the tense of the underlined verb from the present to the
past tense. Remember the word order.

Mati Ida ~ sin jacka. Matilda is sewing her jacket.

Matiida sydde sin jacka. Matilda sewed her jacket.

Sven tror att Maj tycker om honom.

trodde tyckte om

Unit 8

lars bor i GBteborg.


Lkaren sa att Maja mr bra.


Vi tror att Eva r hemma.

trodde var

Fami Ijen Karlstrm bor Ume.


Practice S. Let's practice the supine form. Change the verbs in the sentences
below from the past tense to the past perfeet tense (hade + supine).

Min mor sydde en klnning t mig. My mother sewed a dress for me.

Min mor hade sytt en klnning t mig. My mother had sewn a dress for me.

George trodde att han knde sin vn.

hade trott

Eva frgade hur Lars mdde nr han var borta.

hade mtt
Karin bodde i Uppsala.
hade bott

Unit 8 251

Eva sydde sin jacka sjlv.

hade sytt

Sjmannen bodde p bten.

hade bott

Praetiee T. Complete the following story, filling in the blanks with the
appropriate forms of the verbs given in parenthesis. The verbs are from
both the second and third conjugations. You'll find the correet version
on the following page.

Nr Eva (fylla) 14 r och (bo) Stockholm hade hon redan

(sy) flera klnningar t sig sjlv. Hon (tycka om) att sy.

Hon (m) bra, nr hon satt vid symaskinen (the sewing maehine) och

(sy). Hon (tnka) p trevliga vnner som hon (knna).

Naturl igtvis (lsa) hon inte s mnga bcker nu fr tiden, och hennes

mamma (tycka) inte, att hon (behva) s mnga klnningar. Men

flera av flickorna, som hade (bo) lnge samma hus, och som hon

(knna) vl, (ringa) p telefonen och (bestlla) klnningar

hos Eva. De (tnka) lnge p hur klnningarna skulle se ut, och s

(sy) Eva fina klnningar t dem. Ibland (tro) hon nstan

{almost}, att hon var Frken Dior sjlv.

Unit 8

Co~~ect ve~8ion of P~actice T.

Nr Eva f yl Ide 14 r och bodde Stockholm hade hon redan sytt flera klnningar

t sig sjlv. Hon tyckte om att sy. Hon mdde bra, nr hon satt vid sy-

maskinen och sydde. Hon tnkte p trevliga vnner som hon knde. Naturligt-

vis lste hon inte s mnga bcker nu fr tiden, och hennes mamma tyckte inte,

att hon behvde s mnga klnningar. Men flera av flickorna, som hade bott

lnge j samma hus, och som hon knde vl, ringde p~ telefonen och bestllde

kl!3nningar hos Eva. De tnkte lnge p hur klnningarna skulle se ut, och s

sydde Eva fina kl!3nningar t dem. Ibland trodde hon nstan att hon var Frken

Dior sjlv.

Unit 8 253

UNI']' 9


Hasic Sentences

Bill Jones, ne~ly arr'ived in

S~edenJ has lunch ~ith Erik

lectUr'e fredrag -et -0

real-ly rIktigt
Erik: 1. That ~as a long lectur'B. It's Det var ett lngt fredrag. Klockan
already a quarter past one, r redan en kvart ver ett, och jag
and I' m really hungry. r riktigt hungrig.

2. What do you say about having Vad sger du om att g och ta

lunch togethel'? lunch tillsammans? *

to taste att smak/a -ar -ade -at

Bi U: 3. Yes, that ~il-l be fine (that Ja, det skulle smaka bra. Vart
~ould taste fine). Where shall ska vi g?
~e go?

good, better, best b ra, bttre, bst

food mat -en 0
Erik: 4. The Stadshotell, of course, Ja, Stadshotell et har ju den bsta
has the best food (here) in maten hr i stan.

Unit 9

elose (near), eloser, elosest nra, nrmare, nrmast

Erik: 5. Besides, it eouldn't be eloser. Dessutom kunde det i nte I i gga nrmare.

to le ave, to go att g -r, gick, gtt

not until inte frrn
Bill: 6. Fine. My train does not leave Fint. Mitt tg gr inte frrn
until foul' o'eloek. klockan fyra. *

really verkl igen

rush, hU1'ry brdska -n (Il
opposite, aeross from m'ltt emot
Erik: 7. Yes, there's really no rush. Ja, vi har verkl igen ingen brdska.
The station is aeross from Stationen I igger mitt emot hotellet.
the hote 'l.

inc'l'edib ly otroligt
fast (adverb) fo rt
Bi'l'l : 8. Are we the'l'e already? That r vi redan framme? Det gick otrol igt
went incredibly fast. fort. *

outerwear (overcoats, etc.) ytterklder (plur.)

to leave att lmn/a -ar -ade -at
checkroom, closet garderob -en -er
head waiter hovmstare -n -0
Erik: 9. We can leave our hats and coats Vi ka n j u I mna ytterk lderna
in the check room. garderoben.
There is the head waiter. Dr r hovmstaren. *

Unit 9 255

waiter: 10. A table for two? Ska det vara ett bord fr tv?

far, farther, farthest lng -t - a j lngre, lngst

entranae ingng -en -ar
Erik: 11. Yes, please. Closer to the Ja tack. Nrmare fnstret, om det
window, if it's possible, and gr, och lite lngre bort frn in-
a little farther away from the gngen. *

to ask, to requBst att be -r, bad, bett

list I i stia -an -or
right away genast
12. May I have the menu and the Fr jag be om matsedeln och vlnl istan?
wine list? We'd better (it is Det r bst vi bestller genast.
best) order right away.

what (kind of) vad fr

main course varmrtt -en -er
Bill: 13. What main courses do you have Vad har ni fr varmrijtter Idag? *

to recommend att rekommender/a -ar -ade -at

unusually ovanligt
fish fisk -en -ar
filet flle -n -er
potato potatis -en -ar
mashed potatoes potatismos -et 0
Read salad, lettuce sallad -en -er
wai ter: 14. We can reaommend an unusually Vi kan rekommendera en ovanligt god
good fish filet with mashed po- fiskflle med potatismos och sallad.
tatoes and salad.

Unit 9

fried stekt -~ -a
veal, ealf kalv -en -ar
chop kotlett -en -er
boi Zed kokt -0 -Cj
Head vegetable grnsak -en -er
waiter: 15. The (pan-Jfried veal chops with De stekta kalvkotletterna med kokt
boiled potatoes and vegetables potatis och grns?ker r ocks mycket
are also very good. b ra. >I

usual vanlig-t-a
meat ktt -et 0
bun bull/e -en -ar
meat ball kttbull/e -en -ar
bean bn/a -an -or
baked beans bruna bnor
lingonberry I i ngon -et -0
jam, preserves sylt -en -er
16. Then we have, as usual, meat S, som vanligt, kttbullar
balls with baked beans and med bruna bnor och lingonsylt.
lingonberry jam.

Erik: 17. shaZZ we take the fish filet Ska vi ta fiskfilen d?


fresh frsk - t -a
Bill: 18, It is fresh, isn't it? Den r vl frsk?

Head to guarantee att garanter/a -ar -ade -at

waiter: 19. Oh yes, I can guarantee that. Ja, det kan jag garantera.

Erik: 20, Maybe we shouZd have a glass Vi skulle kanske ha ett glas vitt
of white wine with the fish. vin t i l l fisken.

Unit 9 257

gladly, rather, preferably grna, hell re, helst

BiLL: 21. For my part, I would rather Fr min del skulle jag hellre vilja
have a glass of beer. ha ett glas l.

smorgasbord smrgsbord -et -0

Erik: 22. Shall we start with the smor- Vi brjar vl med smrgsbordet?

drink of aquavit snaps -en -ar

23. What do you say about a drink Vad sger du om en snaps ti II smr-
of aquavit with the smorgas- gsbo rd et?

Bill: 24. No thanks, not for me. Nej tack, i nte fr mig.

speOich tal -et -0

to hold, to give att hll/a -er, hll, hllit
he ld, gave h I I
to give a spee ch att h I I a ta I
Erik: 25. That was an interesting speech Det var ett intressant tal som Lindahl
that Lindahl gave, wasn't it? hll, eller hur?

sure(ly) vIsst
inte lligen t i ntell igent -0 -a
to think, to be of the att anse -r, ansg. ansett
suggestion, proposition frslag -et -0
ehance chans -en -er
to sucoeed att lyck/as -as -ades -ats
Bi ll.: 26. Yes, sure he's intelligent. Ja, vi sst r han i ntell i gent. Men
But do you really think that anser du verkligen att hans frslag
his proposition has a chance har en chans att lyckas?
to sucaeed?
Unit 9

chee1's!, he1'e I s to you! s k I !

E1'ik: 27. No, I' m af1'aid not. Re1'e ' s Nej, tyvrr Inte. Hr kommer maten.
the food. Chee1's, Bill! Skl, Bill!

Oppo1'tunity tillflle -t-n

like this, this way s h r
Bin: 28. Cheers! I hope we/ll have Ja, sk l! Jag hoppas att vi fr
man y opportunities to meet mnga ti II fllen att trffas s
like this. hr. ,.

next nsta
dessert efterrtt -en -er
E1'ik: 29. Next time we/ll take our wivlZs Nsta gng ska vi ta med vra fruar.
a long.
Do you want dessert? VI I I du ha efterrtt?

Bill: ;50. No thanks, just coffee. Nej tack, bara kaffe.

waiter vaktmstare -n -0
check (in 1'estau1'antJ not/a -an -or
same samma
Erik: 31. Waiter, may we have two coffees Vaktmstaren, kan vi f tv kaffe och
and the check at the same time. s notan p samma gng? ,.

hand hand -en, hnder

to take care of att ta hand om; tar, tog, tagit
Bill: 32. I'd like to take care of the Notan ska jag be att f ta hand om.

Unit 9 259

queBtion frgla -an -or

gueBt gst -en -er
Erik: 33. That is out of the question. Kommer aldrig p frgan. Du r min
You are my gueBt. gst.

to thank att tackla -ar -ade -at

Bill: 34. In that aase, thank you very D fr Jag tacka s mycket.

To the waiter:

tip dricks -en Ql

Erik: 35. Is that with the tip? r det med dricks?

per aent (%) procent -en -0 (%>

waiter: 36. Yes, that's with fifteen per- Ja, det r med femton procent.

even jmn -t -a
Erik: 37. Thank you very muah. Keep the Tack s mycket. Det r j mnt s. *
ahange (it is even).

~- ~m ...... . ...

- ... ,. _.el'

Unit 9


Nates on Basic Sentences

2a. om att g ... Swedish uses the infinitive where English uses the -ing form of the
verb afte~ a preposition.

2b. g och ta The constI'uction using two verbs joined by och is very common in
ExampZes: att sitta och p rata to sit and chat
att st och vanta to (stand and) wait
att g ut och g to JO for a walk

6. Mitt tg gr ... Nate th~t "to leave" has several equivalents in Swedish.

Tget gr klockan sju. The train leaves at seven.

Vi gr nu.
VI ker nu.
Vi far nu.
VI reser nu.
l We are leaving now.

We are leaving noW (by same means of t~an8porta

Du kan lmna j lekan hr. You can leave your jacket here.
Vi lmnade Sver-ige igr. We left Sweden yesterday.

Att lmna really means "~o leave behind".

8. o t 1"0 I i g t f o r t . Same adJactives take on the opposite me aning when the prefix 0-
is added.
Examples: t ro I 19 - ot ro I I g credible - incredible
vnlig - ovnlig friendly - unfriendly
trevl i9 - otrevl ig nice - unpleasant
mj I l g - omj I i g possible - impossible

Unit 9 261

9. ytterklderna. Swedes use the definite article instead of a possessive when de-
scribing parts of the body or clothing.
Example: Peter borstar tnderna varje kvl I. Peter brushes his teeth every night.

11. om det gAr.- idiomati~ expression meaning "if it is possible". Another example is:
Det gAr inte. It's not possible; it doesn't work.
Det gick inte. It wasn't possible; it didn't work.

13. Vad har ni fr ... See Unit 7, Basic Sentence Note 18.
The expression vad fr slags has the meaning "what kind of".
Example: Vad fr slags te tycker du om? What kind of tea do you tike?

15. potati s - can be used as a non-eount noun in Swedish, like "coffee", "fruit", eta.

28. s hr - here meaning "like this". In the beginning of a sentence sA hr is trans-

lated "this is how", "this is the way".

31a. Vaktmstaren ... This is usually the word used to address a waiter. Another trans-
lation for "waiter" is kypare -n -0, but this word is never used in addressing him.

31b. p samma gAng. Nate that English uses the definite article "the" with the word
"same". The Swedish word samma is always without the definite artiele when samma
modifies a nOUr!. The noun is always in the indefinite form. Jag vi I l betala p samma gng. I want to pay at the Bame time.
Det r samma sak. It's the same thing.
Vi bor i samma hus som ni bodde I. We live in the same house as you lived
(ef. Unit 8, Basic Sentenee Note 18)

Unit 9

37. Det r jmnt s. If a service charge of 12~% or 15% has been added to the bill
it is customary to round out the amount to the nearest crown (or even five crowns
i f it is a sizeable amountJ.

Unit 9 863


Points to Praotiae

Point I. Comparison of adjectives

Point II. Formation and oomparison of adverbs

Point III. Possessives and certain other words hetore

adjective + noun

unit 9

Point r. Comparison of Adjectives

positive Comparative Superlative

ka I I {eo ld} kallare {colder} kallast {eotdest}

Most Swedish adjeetives are compared like kal I. They add -are in the eomparative
form and -ast in the superlative form.

Examples: Vintern r kall i Stockholm, The winter is cold in Stoekholm~

den r kallare 1 Lappland, it is eolder in Lappland~ and
och den r kallast i Sibirien. i t is the eoldest in Siberia.

Maj r vnl ig, Ulla r vn- Maj is friendly, Ulla is friend-

J tg~, och Tom r vnt igast. lier~ and Tom is the friendliest.

Note that Swedish superlatives usually do not take the definite article and
form unIess followed by a noun.

Examples: Ulla r vnligast. Ulla is (the) friendliest.

Ulla r den vnligaste flickan. Ulla is the friendliest girl.
Unit 9 265

The regular comparative has only one form, ~ . whether it is used with en or
ett words, in the singular or plural, and in the indefinite or definite form.

Indefinite form Definite form

en kallare vinter den kallare vintern

ett kallare rum det ka I I a re rummet
kallare vintrar de kallare vintrarna
kallare rum de ka I I are rummen

The regular superlative has two forms. In the indefinite form the superlative
ends in m:!j. In the definite form the superlative ends in lastel.
Indefinite form Definite form
Vintern r kallast i Lappland. Den ka I I aste v i ntern r Lappland.
Det r dyrast a~flyga. Det dyraste flyget.
Nate: When the adjective ends in unstressed -el, -en, or -er the e is left
out as you add the -are for the comparative and the -ast in the super-
Examples: vacker, vackrare, vackrast
enkel, enklare, enklast (simple)

A very small group of adjp.ctives takes just -re in the comparative and -st in
the superlative. These adjectives (except hg) also change vowels in the com-
parative and superZative forms.
Examples: stor, st~rre, strst big
tung, tyng~, tyngst heavy
ung, yngre, yng~ young
lg, lgre, lgst low
lng, lngre,-Ingst long
hg, hgre-,-hgst- high

Unit 9

A few adjectives in this group are completely irregular, i.e. the aomparative
and superlative forms are related to each other but bear no resemblance to
the positive form.

Examples: gammal ldre ldst old

11 ten mindre minst small
mnga fleda) flest many
mycket mer(a) mest much
d I l g smre smst bad, less good, least good
d I i g v rre v rst bad, worse, worst
god bttre bst good
b ra bttre bst good

Nate: The comparative and superlative forms of god are often godare. godast.
when they refer to food (onlyJ.

The camparatives of this group of adjectives have also only one form whether
they precede en-words, ett-words, or plurals in the definite or indefinite

Indefinite form Definite form

en mindre vning den mindre vningen

ett mindre rum det mindre rummet
mindre vningar de mindre vningarna
mindre rUm de mindre rummen

The irregular adjectives have two superlative forms just like the regular
adjective8. The indefinite form ends in -st. The definite form ends in -sta.

Indefinite form De fini te form

Den hr boken r bst. Den bsta boken.
Det hr hotell et r smst.
--- Det ~ a hotel I et.
De hr bckerna r bst. De bsta bckerna.
De hr hotell en r S1lmst. De sms ta hote I I en.
Unit9 267

These irregular adjectives are extremely common~ so memorize them right away.
You know some of the m already.

Nate: All ra added to a superlative gives the sense of very + superlative.

Example: den all ra bsta boken (the very best book)

Practice A. Complete the sentences by filling ~n the blank with the com-
parative form of the adjective given as cue.


Bo r n Ka r i n Bo ~s kinder than Karin. s n I I


Mblerna var p NK. dyr

dy ra re

Fisken r p fredagarna n p mndagarna. f rs k


Peter var n sin syster. hungrig

h u ng r i g a re

Bo tyckte att det var att ta i kket. roi i g

roi igare

Maj kunde inte vara vn I i g

vnl igare

unit 9


Det r att flyga. enkel


Maten r p Operakl laren. f i n

f i na re

Det r Afrika n Alaska. varm


Britta r n Stina. st


Smr och brd ti II frukost r n bruna bnor. van I I g

vanl igare

Det I i I I a rummet r n va rdags rummet. I J us


Allt har blivit nu fr tiden. dy r


Den stora ftljen r _ n soffan. bekvm


Ha I I en r _ p morgonen. so I l g

sol igare

Unit 9

Practice B. Now we'll use some adjectives with irregular comparative forms.


ta r vgen ver Sdertlje. More (people) take mnga

the road via Soder-
F I e r (a) talje.

En Volvo r och n en Volkswagen. sto r, tung

strre ty ng re

Vinet var 1973. d I j g

Kalvkotletterna r n kttbullarna. b ra


Den dotte rn va r n den gammal, vacker, ung

I d re vack ra re

Lars hyrde den vningen. I i to en


Stadshuset r n Kaknstornet. lg


Den pojken var n systern. ung, lng

yngre lngre

Unit 9


Varmrtterna r p den hr restaurangen. b ra


Man fr mat p den restaurangen. mycket, liten

mer mindre

Practice C. Now Let's practice the superLative form of the adjective. Put
the aue adjective in the indefinite superLative form. First the reguLar
superLatives with the ending -ast.


Peter va r i klassen. Peter was the most inte Higent i nte I I i gent
in the aLass.
intell igentast

Det r att flyga frsta klass. dy r


Stadshote I I et r f i n


Vintern r i decembe r. mrk

Det r hos Ulla. trevlig
trevl igast

Unit 9 271


Vr pojke r _ p morgonen. hungrig


Barn tycker att efterrtter r god


Practice D. Now we'll practiae the regular superlative form in the definite
form. Remember -aste.


Den eleven talade bra svenska. The smartest student duktig

spake good Swedish.

Mrta hade den klnningen. kort


Ake kpte den jackan. ryml i g

rym I i gaste

Man fr det v i net p Grand Hote I I f in


Vnit 9


Det J r vara det all ra hst. ny


I Smland bor de flickorna. st


Familjen Svensson har alltid den maten. god


Fractice E. Let's praatice some irregular superlatives, firat in the indefinite

form. All are from the group that ends in -st.


Peter r och gammal, lng

ldst lngst

Han tyckte att fiskfi len var p mndagarna. d I i g

Han hyrde huset som var stor
Lena r och klassen. ung, liten
yngst mi nst

unit 9 273


Smrgsbordet r p Gyllene Freden. b ra


Karin har gjort fr att hjlpa familjen. mycket


Ppactice F. Now fop same ippegulap superlatives ~n the definite fopm. -sta.

Kaknstornet r den byggnaden Stockholm. The Kaknas Tower is the hg
tallest building ~n
hgsta stockholm.

Johan r den e I eve n klassen. I i ten


Man har den utsikten frn Kaknstornet. b ra


Det bordet r ocks det lng, gammal

lngsta ldsta

Staffan har den vgen ti l I arbetet. lng


Unit 9


r det verkl igen den stolen? lg


De restaurangerna har goda efterrtter. mnga

Han visste det om Stockholm. mycket


eomparison of the adjeotive with mer (more) and mest (most).

All adjeotives ending in ~form the oomparative by plaoing ~ before the

adjeotive. They form the superlative by plaoing mest before the adjeative.
(Note the similarity with the aompal'ison with "more" and "most" in English.)

Examples: fantastisk me r fantastisk mest fantastisk fantastia

typisk mer typisk mest typisk typioal
energisk mer energisk mest energisk energetio
sympatisk mer sympatisk mest sympatisk likeab le

Exaeption: frisk -a re -ast (healthy~ freshJ

Mer and mest are also used with the aomparative and superlative forms of
past partioiples used as adjeatives.

Example: Den mest bermda boken (the most famous book).

The past partioiple will be disoussed in Vnit 14.

Unit 9 875

Practice G. Let's practice comparatives of adjectives ending in -isk. Put

the adjective given in the cue in the comparative form.
En amerikan finns Inte. A more typicaL American is typisk
not to be found.
mer typisk

Eva r n UI I a. energisk

mer energisk
Bo och hans vnner r n ke. sympatisk

mer sympatiska

En bok kan man inte tnka sig. fantastisk

mer fantastIsk

Sverige r det att ta kttbullar n att ta pizza. typisk

mer typiskt

Practice H. And now to the superLatives. Put the cue adjective in the
superLative form.

Eva r p morgonen energisk
mest energisk

Unit 9


Hennes systrar ~r p eftermiddagen. energisk

mest energiska

Den ~Idsta sonen r familjen. sympatisk

mest sympatisk

Det var den bo ken pe bokhy I I an. fantastisk

mest fantastiska

Practice I. We'll now have a mixed praatiae on all the adjeatives, regular,
irregular, adjectives ending in - i sk, etc. Change the adjective (s) in the
cue to the comparative or superlative form as indicated.


sa var den sekreteraren p konsulatet. Asa Was the most energisk (superl.)
energetic secretary
mest energiska at the consulate.

Det var den vintern som ngon kunde minnds. ka I I (supel'L.)

Soffan var av alla mblerna. tung (superl.)

Huset p h~rnet r n stenmarks hus. gammal (comp.)


Unit 9 277


Maten r nu fl)r tiden. dyr (comp.)

rjan hade aldrig lst en bok. dlig (comp.)

vrre (smre)

Pojkarna tyckte att det var att ka tg. ro I i g (comp.)

ro I Ig a re
B i I I s s Y s t e r var de n f I i c ka n I r umme t . st (superl.)


De amerikaner har bi I. mnga (super'l..)


Det r det ma n kan g l) r a . I i ten (super1,.)

Det huset lg p den gatan. lg, lng (super'l..)
lgsta lngsta
Det huset var siar, bra (supert.J
strsta bst

Den bilen var inte

- - - - n en Saab. d Y r, I n g (comp.)
dy ra re lngre

Unit 9

Point II. Formation and Comparison of Adverbs

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives~ other adverbs o~ clauses --
never nouns. Many are not depived from other wopds (e.g. here~ now~ very~
etc. ).

1. Some adveI'bs are formed by adding [JJto the basic form of the adjeative.
(Campare the usage of adding -ly to form an adverb from an adjective in
English. )
Example: Tala lngsam:!:.! (Speak slowlyl)

2. A few adjectives that end in -I ig form adverbs by adding:

a. ~ to the basia form of the adjective

Examples: van I i g usual vanl igen usually

tyd I i g obvious tydligen obviously
verklig real verk I i gen really
tro I i g probab le trol igen probab ly
mj I i g possible mj I i gen possibly
s Iut I i g final slutligen finally
Unit 9 279

b. G to the ett-form of the adjective

Examples: I Y ck I i g happy Iyckl igtvis fortunately

tro I i g probable troligtvis probably
naturlig natural naturligtvis naturally
mj I i g possible mjligtvis possibly
van I i g usual vanligtvIs usually

As you can see from the examples, with some words both forms are acceptable.
(troligen - troligtvis; mjligen - mjligtvis; vanligen - vanligtvis)

Practice J. Here is a practice on the formation and use of adverbs. Make

a new sentence from the one given, using the verb in the cue. The adjective
in the given sentence will then become an adverb.


Eva r vacker. Eva is beautiful. g

Eva gr vackert. Eva walks beautifully.

Hotellet bl ir fint. 11 gga

Hote I I et I i gger f i nt.

Mannen r vnl ig. tala

Mannen talar vnligt.

Maten r dlig. smaka

Maten smakar d I i gt.

Vnit 9


Karin r dlig. bo

Karin bor dligt.

Lars r duktig. arbeta

Lars arbetar duktigt.

Practice K. As you noted. in all the above examples the adverbs modified
verbs. Now we'll give you some examples of adverbs that modify adjectives.
Make an adverb of the aue adjective.


George r duktig. George is incredibly aapable. otrolig


Peter r s n I I vldig


Bi I I va r hungrig. riktig


Fiskfilen var god. ovanlig


UI f r st i I i g. fantastisk


Unit 9 281


De r i nte I I 1genta. otrol19

ot ro I i gt

Det r svenskt. typisk


Practice 0. Finallyashort practice on the adverbs that are formed by adding

-en or -tvis to the adjective. Form an adverb from the cue adjective.


Kan Fredrik komma i kv I l? Can Fredrik possibly mj I i 9

come tonight?
mjligen (mjligtvis)

Maj r v n I I g. verkl19

verk I i gen

Erik kommer Inte. ty d I i g

tydl igen

var han inte hemma. naturlig

Naturl igtvis

Britta far till Gteborg. tro l i 9

troligen (troligtvis)

Unit 9


Kan du hjlpa mig? mj I i g

mjligen (mjligtvis)

ter vi fisk p fredagarna. va n I 19

Vanligtvis (vanligen)

kom de i tid. I yck I i 9

Lyckl igtvis

Maten hr r god. verkl19

verkl igen

The eomparison of the Adverb

Adverbs that have been formed by adding -t to an adjeative have the same
aomparative and superlative forms as the adjective. Note that the -t is
droppe d before the aomparative and superlative endings.

Examples: Han sjunger vackert. (He sings beautifuUy.)

Hon sjunger vackrare n John.
De sjunger vackrast p kvllen.

Two adverbs not derived from adjeatives alBo take the -are and -ast endings:
fort, fortare, fortast fast, faster, fastest
ofta, oftare, oftast often, more of ten, most often

Vnit 9 283

Like the adjectives a few adverbs have irregular comparative and superlative
forms. They are very frequent and you already know several of them.

The following adverbs are irregular:

bra, bttre, bst weZZ, better, best

grna, hellre, helst gladly, rather, preferably
mycket, mer(a), mest much, more, most; very, more, most
nra, nrmare, nrmast close, closer, closest
dl igt, smre, smst badly, less well, least well
dligt, vrre, vrst badly, worse J worst
lnge, lngre, lngst (time) long (time)J longer J longest
lngt, I~ngre, lngst (space) far, farther J farthest

Note that adverbs that end in -en and -tvis have no comparative or superlative

Practice M. Here is a practice using the comparative form of some common



Det gick att g n att ta taxi. It was faster to walk fort

than to take a taxi.

Stadshote l I et I i gger n ra


Det r till Malm n till Gteborg. lngt


Vnit 9


Det tog n tre tImmar att ka dit. mycket

me r
Maten smakar alltid nr man Mr hungrig. b ra


VI vill sitta ingngen, om det gr. n ra

n rma re

Han drack te n kaffe. g rna

h e II re

Vi stannade n vi hade tnkt. lnge

I ng re

Practice N. This is a practice on the superlative form of the adverb. There

are examples of both regular and irregular forms.

Viveka sitter utgngen. Viveka is (sitting) the n ra
clasest to the exit.
n rmast
Jag kan komma klockan tolv. tidigt

Unit 9 285


Det gr om man gr det lngsamt. b ra


Johan kr p de stora vgarna. fort


Lisa tnker p pojkar. mycket


Bo v i I l e g hem. grna


Peter tar t get t i I I Gteborg. ofta

Vad tr slags grnsaker tycker du om? I i te


Unit 9

Point III: Adjectives before Nouns

If an adjective comes before a noun in Swedish, the word preceding and modi-
fying the adjective wiLL influenee the form of both the adjective and the noun.
There are three different patterns, depending on whether the modifying word is:

1. an indefinite artiele or pronoun;

2. the definite article or demonstratives; or

3. a possessive, or eertain pronouns and adjectives.

Unit 9 287

l. Indefinite form of the adjective and indefinite form of the noun

En "'ords Ett "'ords Plural

en ett tv
ingen inget inga
na gan ngot ng ra
en annan If i n b i II ett annat Ifint husl a nd ra Ifina bilarl
en sadan ett s dant sdana
vilken (I) vilket (l) vilka (I) Ifina husl
va r j e varje aIIa
f l e ra
f (few)

2. Definite form of the adjective and definite form of the noun

En "'ords Ett words Plural

den det de lf i na
den hr
den dr
} l f i na b i I enl det hr
det dr
} lf i na husetl de hr
de dr

If i na husen l
J. Definite form of the adjective and indefinite form of the noun

En words Ett words Plural

mi n mitt mina
din ditt dina
hans, sin hans, sitt hans, sina
hennes, sin hennes, sitt hennes, sina
v r v rt v ra
er ert era
deras, sin Iflna bIl! deras, sitt !fina husl deras, sina 'fina bilar!
Lenas Lenas Lenas
denna detta dessa 'fina husl
samma samma samma
nsta nsta ns ta
fljande fljande fljande
vilken (?) vilket (?) vilka (?)

Unit 9

Note: Den hr (det hr, de hr) and denna (detta, dessa) both mean "this"
("these~oenna (detta, dessa) is used more in the written language.
Den hr (det hr, de hr) is followed by the noun in the definite form while
denna (detta, dessa) is foZZowed by the noun in the indefinite form. If
an--Qdjective precedes the noun, the adjective takes the definite form in
both cases.
Den hr nya boken. Denna nya bok.
This new book. This new book.
Det hr nya bordet Detta nya bord.
This new table. -- This new table.
De hr nya bckerna. Dessa nya bcker.
These new books-.--- These new book~

Unit 9 289

PY'actice O. We wi ~ ~ begin with a pY'actice on GY'oup 1. Fi~~ in the spaces

with the cOY'Y'ect fOY'm of vacke~.

en dag


ett hus


ett ta I

en ingng


V i I ken utsikt!

ett sdant ba rn


ingen pojke


aJIa flickor


en annan sevrdhet
Unit 9

Practice P. This time we'tt practice adjectives + nouns in the definite form
from Group 2. Use the adjective ~.

den, b i I

den nya b l I en den h r, s I l ps

den hr nya slipsen det d r, universitet

det dr nya unTversitetet den d r, klocka

den d r nya klockan det h r, hote I I

det h r nya hotellet den, park

den nya parken de h r, vin

de hr nya vinerna d e, rum
de nya rummen

Note: Exceptionatty in Group 2 (definite form of the adjective + definite

form of the noun)~ the first definite articte~ den, det, de~ is

1. i f the adjective + noun is considered to be a ptace name.

Examptes: Gamla Stan, Amerikanska ambassaden, Vita Huset;
2. before ordinal numbers.
Examples: frsta, andra, tredje gngen;
J. before he I {whole} and halv {half}.
Examples: hela dagen {all day}~ halva natten (half the night).

Unit 9 291

PY'actice Q. Let's now look at Group 3. This is a pT'actice on the use of the
possessives followed by an adjective and a noun. Vsing the wOY'ds given in the
cue co lumn, make a phrase with the aPPY'opriate possessive and the correct
fOT'm of the adjective and noun.
v i, b r u n, s ko r

vra bruna skor de, ny, bi I

deras nya b i I hon, fin, middag

hennes fina middag jag, yngst, dotter

min yngsta dotter du, liten, pojke

din I i Ila pojke han, god, fiskfile

hans goda fiskfile ni, strst, hotell

ert strsta hote I I han, gammal, far

hans gamla far hotell, duktig, vaktmstare

hotell ets dukti ga vaktmstare ni, god, svensk, brd

ert goda svenska brd vi, bst, bord

vrt bsta bord Lindahl, bra, fredrag

Lindahls bra fredrag Erik, rd, skjorta

Eriks rda skjorta Eva, svart, jacka

Evas svarta jacka

Unit 9

Practice R. Now for a really challenging mixed practice with the three groups
together so that you get used to their differences. Put the cue adjective and
the cue noun in their eorrect forms in the blank spaees in all three groups~
reading aeross the page. Work on this practice until you can do it automa-

Group 1. Group 2. Group J. eVE

en den min f I n, bi I
--- ---
f i n bi I f i na b i I en fina b i I

det mitt ---

fint hus f i na huset f i na hus

de hr v ra

vackra flickor vackra flickorna vackra f I i ckor

en den Karins god, fiskflle
god fiskfile goda fiskfilen go da fiskfile

mnga de dr deras hungrig, pojke

hungriga pojkar hungriga pojkarna hungriga pojkar

ett det hans lng, fredrag

lngt fredrag lnga fredraget lnga fredrag
flera de slottets stor, rum
stora rum stora rummen stora rum

Vnit 9 293

Group 1. Group 2. Group 3. eVE

tv de hr e ra I i ten, garderob

sm garderober sm garderoberna sm garderober

en den dr dessa kokt, potatis

kokt potatis kokta potatisen kokta potatisar

(plural) de sina brun, bna

bruna bnor bruna bnorna bruna bnor

va r j e den hr fljande kort, annons

kort annons I,orta annonsen korta annons

ett sdant de samma gamma I. bo rd

--- ---
gammalt bo rd gamla borden gamla bord

al I a de d r v ra duktig, man
duktiga m n duktiga mnnen duktiga mn

ingen den nsta mrk, kvll

--- ---
mrk kv I I mrka kvllen mrka k v I I

Unit 9

Practice s. No~ a mixed practice ~ith many examples from all three groups.
Where there is a personal pronoun or a name~ ohange it into a possessive.

jag, ny, skola

mIn nya skola den, bi II igast, bil

den billigaste bilen du, trevlig, man

din trevliga man det, sol ig, rum

det so I i ga rummet vi, yngst, son

vr yngsta son ett, i ten, barn

ett I i tet barn det, iten, barn

det I i I la barnet ni, snll, pojke

er sn II a pojke samma, mrk, hrn

samma mrka hrn den hr, gammal, klnning

den hr gamla klnningen denna, ny, bok

denna nya bok det, dyrast. rum

det dyraste rummet vi. amerikansk. universitet

vrt amerikanska universitet ni, svensk, kyrkor

era svenska kyrkor Erik, gammal, moster

Erlks gamla moster h a n, s I s t, s o mm a r

hans sista sommar den, bst, bok

Unit 9 295


den bsta boken de hr, liten, barn

de hr sm barnen nsta, intressant, resa

nsta intressanta resa det, strst, hus

det strsta huset va r j e, i nte I I i gent, person

varje intelligent person alla, snll, barn

alla snlla barn Erik, gr, kostym

Eriks gra Kostym tv, rd, stol

tv rda stolar ett, gamma I, kk

ett gammalt kk de hr, snygg, lampa

de hr snygga lamporna dessa, utmrkt, frslag

dessa utmrkta frslag

Unit 9

Basic Sentences

Johan and Margit Larsson are

di8cus8ing plans for the evening.

to Zook forward tO Jbe hap- att gldja sig t, 4; glder,

py abou t glatt
Margit: 1. I'm really looking forward to Jag riktigt glder mig t att g p Dra-
going to Dramaten tonight. maten ikvll. *

Johan: 2. So am I. what is it we're Ja, det gr jag ocks. Vad r det vi

going to see exactly? ska se egentl igen?

Margi t: 3. But Johan! "Miss Julie" is Nej men Johan! De ger ju "Frken Jul ie".
being given. Don't you remem- Kommer du inte ihg det? *
ber that?

memory minne -t -n
Zately p sista tiden
Johan: 4. Of course. My memory has been Javisst ja. Mitt minne har varit lite
a bit poor Zate"Ly. dligt p sista tiden.

Unit 10 297

ought to, shou~d br, borde, bort; 4

play pjs -en -er
instead of istllet fr
TV teve -n, teveapparater
Mal'git: 5. You should have read the play Ou borde ha lst pjsen igr kvll
last night instead of sitting istllet fr att sitta och titta p
and looking at TV. teve.

to remind att pmi nna, 2a

before fre
by the way aprop det
Johan: 6. I would have (done itY if you Det skulle jag ha gjort, om du hade
had reminded me before dinner. pmi nt mi g fre mi ddagen. Aprop
By the way, where ar'e we going det, var ska vi trffa Browns?
to meet the Browns?

head huvud -et, huvuden

mai n entrance huvudingng -en -ar
after efter
performance, show frestllning -en -ar
somewhere ngonstans
Mal'gi t: 7. At the mai n entrance, at seven Vid huvudingngen klockan halv tta.
thirty. Af ter' the show we/re Efter frestllningen ska vi ju g
going out to eat somewhel'e ut och ta ngonstans.
(remember?) .

to receive, to get, to have att f, fr, fick, ftt; 4

received, had fick
sma~l herring (from the strmming -en -ar
Bal tic)
the day before yesterday I frrgr
Johan: 8. What (wouZd you say) about Vad skur le du sga om "KB"? Jag fick
"KB"? I had very good herring vldigt fin strmming dr i frrgr.
there the day before yeBterday.

Unit 10

to forge t a tt g I mma, 2 a
forget (imperative) glm
before innan
late sen -t -a
Margit: 9. Yes~ that is close and con- Ja, det I igger ju nra och bra. Glm
venien t. Don't forge t to inte att ringa och bestlla bord innan
caZZ and reserve a table be- det bl ir fr sent.
fore it's too late.

comfortable skn -t -a
work arbete -t -n
Johan: 10. No~ I'lZ do that. How nice Nej, det ska jag gra. Vad sknt att
that tomorrow is Saturday det r lrdag imorgon och att jag inte
and that Idon't have to go behver g ti II arbetet. J\
to work.

to not have to att slippa, slipper, slapp, sluppit; 4

ticket b i I jett -en -er
row (of seats) ~ bench bnk -en -ar
orchestra (section) parkett -en -er
Margit: 11. No~ you don I t have to do that. Nej, det slipper du. Tnk s bra att
Imagine how lucky that I was jag lyckades f bi Ijetter p tredje
able to get ticke ts in the bnk p parketten.
third row in the orchestra.

wonderful underbar -t -a
re ady klar -t -a
Johan: 12. Yes~ darZing. You are wonder- Ja, lskl ing, du r underbar. r
ful. Is the coffee ready? kaffet klart?

Unit 10 299

aome (imperative) kom

to sit down att stta sig, 4; stter, satte, satt
sit (imperative) stt
Margit: 13. Everything is on the kitahen All t str p kksbordet. Kom och
tabLe. Just aome and sit down. stt dig bara.

on the way home p hemvgen

to aheak, to find out att ta reda p, 4; tar; tog, tagit
Laundry tvtt -en -ar
dry aLeaning, dry aLeaner's kemtvtt
re ady frdig -t -a
14. Johan, on your way home tonight, Johan, p hemvgen i kl,t I I, kan du ta
oouLd you aheak i f the dry reda p om kemtvtten r frdig?
aLeaning is ready?

hair hr -et Ql
beauty parLor (hair dresser) hrfrisrsk/a -an -or
15. I don't have time. I must go J a g h a r i nt e t i d J a g m s t e g t i I I
to the beauty parLor before hrfrisrskan fre teatern.
the theater.

past frbi
to aLose att stnga, 2a
to hurry att skynda sig, I
Johan: 16. Yes, I'U drive by. I hope Ja, jag ska kra frbi. Jag hoppas ~tt de
they don't aLose before Bix inte stnger fre klockan sex. Nu mste
o'aLoak. Now I've got to jag skynda mig. *

Uni t 10

to troy att frska, 2b

to change (cLothing) att kl om sig, 3
to shave att raka sig, I
Margi t : 17. Can you troy to get home a Kan du frska komma hem lite t:digare
LittLe earLier today so that idag s att du hinner kl om dig och
you'LL have time to change raka dig? >I
and shave?

annoying~ boring, Bad trkig -t -a

to roush att jkta, I
punctuaL punktlig -t -a
18. It'8 80 annoying to rush Det r s trkigt att jkta, och
and we should be punctual. vi br vara punktliga.

to proomise att lova, I

kiss kyss -en -ar
Johan: 19. I promise to do my best. I Jag lovar att gra mitt bsta.
have to run now. Do I get a Nej, nu mste jag springa. Fr
kiss before ILeave? jag en kyss i nnan jag gr?

caLl (imperative) ring

more, else mer(a)
Margi t: 20. Bye, bye. CaU me if the re' s Hej d. Ring mig om det r ngot
something else. mer.

Johan leaves and Marogit calls

the beauty partor.

Unit 10 301

heLLo (only on the phone) ha I I

shampoo tvttning -en -ar
set lggning -en -ar
Margit: 21. Hello, this is Mrs. Larsson. Hall. Goddag, det r fru Larsson.
Could I make an appointment Skulle jag kunna f bestlla tid ti II
for a shampoo and set at foul' en tvttning och lggning klockan fyra
o'clock this afternoon? i eftermiddag. *
dresser: 22. Who takes care of you, usuaLly? Vem brukar ta hand om fru Larsson?

Margi t: 2:3. Mrs. OLsson. Is she free then? Fru Olsson. r hon ledig d?

Hair to check, to see att se efter, 4; ser, sg, sett

dresser: 24. Just aminute. I'll check. Ett gonbl lek. Jag ska se efter.
Yes, that 's fine. We' II see Ja, det gr utmrkt. Vlkommen d
you then, Mrs. Larsson. fru Larsson.

Uni t 10


Notes on Basic Sentences

la. From now on we will indicate which conjugation each new verb belongs to by placing
a number after the verb instead of giving the endings.
First aonjugation: I
Second aonjugation with -de ending: 2a
Seaond aonjugation with -te ending: 2b
Third conjugation: 3
Fourth aonjugation: 4
However, we will aontinue to aonjugate the irregular verbs of the fourth oon-

lb. Dramaten refers to Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, The Royal Dramatio Theater.

3a. Frken Jul ie is a play by August Strindberg.

3b. De ger "Frken Julie". Att ge (to give) is often used in the sense "to show"
with regard to films, plays and other performanaes.
Example: De ger en bra f i Im p teve ikvll.
They are showing a good movie on TV tonight.

8. KB <Konstnrsbaren> is a medium-priaed restaurant a five-minute walk from Dramaten.

10a. Vad sknt. When vad is followed by an adjeative it is used as an exclamation,

like the English "how".
Examples: Vad trevl igt! How niae!
Vad vackert! How beautiful!
Vad bra! Good!

Unit 10 303

lOb. ... att man inte behver. In a subo~dinate clause same adve~bs p~ecede the ve~b .
The most common ones a~e: Inte, alltid, aldrig, kanske. We will p~actice this
usage late~ on.

16. ... att de inte stnger. See Nate lOb .

17. kl om. When om is a ve~b pa~ticle and is st~essed the verb takes on the meaning
of changing or ~epeating.

Examples: att tnka om to think again

att mblera om to ~ea~~ange the fu~nitu~e
att lsa om to ~ead again
att gra om to ~epeat. to do again

21. tvttning. Shampoo used fo~ washing you~ hai~ is called schampo.

22. fru Larsson. The haird~esser addresses her custome~ in the third person. This
used to be a standard fo~m of add~ess in Sweden until a few years ago. You still
hea~ it. especially in impersonal ~elation8hip8.

Unit 10


Points to Praatiae

Point I. Reflexive verbs

Point II. Auxi liary verbs

Point III. Imperative

Point IV. D, sedan

Point V. Fre, innan

Unit 10 305

Point I. Reflexive Ver>bs

We call a veT'b reflexive when the subject and the

object are the same peT'son. You can T'ecognize
this fOT'm in English with veT'bs that are followed
by "myself", "youT'self", etc.
Example: Bill see s himself in the mirT'or.

Swedish, howeveT', uses this form differ>ently fr>om So \"n m C,. r

English, and much more frequently. In Swedish a
reflexive ver>b is followed by the objective form
S:.3 .
of the personal pronoun in the first and second
persons (singular and plural) and by the reflexive
form SIG in the third peT'son (singular and plural)
and in the infinitive.

att stta sig to sit down (to sea t oneself)

jag stter mig I sit down (seat myself)

du stter dig you sit down (seat yourself)

han/hon stter sig he/she sits down (seats himself/herself)

Erik/Ingrid stter sig Erik/Ingrid sits down (seats himself/herself)

vi stter oss we sit down (seat ourselves)

ni stter er you sit down (seat yourselves)

de stter sig they sit down (seat themselves)
Larsans stter sig the Larsons sit down (seat themselves)

Uni t 10

Here is a list of some of the most common Swedish verbs that are often reflexive.
As you notice, same of them occur in our Basic Sentences.

att tvtta sig, to wash

att kamma sig, to comb (onets hair)
att raka sig, I to shave
att kl (p) sig, 3 to dress
att kl av sig, 3 to undress
att kl om sig, 3 to change (clothes)
att ta p sig, 4 to put on
att ta av sig, 4 to take off
att stta sig, 4 to sit down
att lgga sig, 4 to lie down, to go to bed
att bry sig om, 3 to care about
att knna sig, 2a to fee l
att skynda sig, I to hurry
att lra sig, 2a to learn
att frlova sig (med), I to get engaged (to)
att gifta sig (med), 2b to marry
att gldja sig t, 4 to be happy aba ut, to look forward to
att ngra sig, I to regret, to change onets mind
att gmma s i g, 2a to hide

Practice A. Insert the correct form of the reflexive verb given in the cue.
Vse the past tense.

J ag innan jag tvtta sig, kl sig

tvttade mig kldde mig

Eva d I I g. knna sig

knde sig

Vnit 10 307


Vi I en kyrka Smland. g i fta s I g

gifte oss

Flickorna I bilen och krde hem. stta sig

satte sig

Peter och Olof att skynda sig, kl om sig

skyndade sig kl om sig

Nr du var p F.S. I. svenska. lra sig

lrde du dig (Note wopd opdep. By now you ape

familiap with the vepb in the 2nd
place pule, pealizing that only two
wopds pevepse. In this case aftep
a subopdinate clause.)

Om du il:1te honom skulle det vara trkigt. bry sig om

brydde dig om

S ung du var nr du frlova sig

frlovade dig

Johan innan han gick p teatern. raka sig

rakade sig

Larssons t att se Frken Jul ie. gldja sig

gladde sig

Vnit 10

Hunden J ga rde rob en. gmma sig

gmde sig

Pappa p soffan. lgga sig

lade sig

Barnen t i I I skolan. skynda sig

skyndade sig

Fru Persson p trappan. stta sig

satte sig

Practice B. This is a translation practice. Cover the leJt part of the page
and check your answers as you go. Think of the verb tenses.

Alan is getting married tomorrow.

Alan gifter sig imorgon. They got engaged in May.

De frlovade sig i maj. I don't care about that.

Jag bryr mig inte om det. We change beJore dinner.

Vi klr om oss fre middagen. Be puts on a tie.

Han tar p sig en slips. Erik hurried home.

Erik skyndade sig hem. They sat down on the soJa.

Unit 10 309


De satte sig p soffan. Be fe l t sick.

Han knde sig sjuk. You are learning Swedish.

Du lr dig svenska. You (plur.) go to bed early.

Ni lgger er tidigt. You (sing.) comb your hair often.

Du kammar dig ofta. They got married yesterday.

De gifte sig igr. Be took off his hat.

Han tog av sig hatten.

vnit 10

Point II. Auxiliary (HelpingJ Verbs

You have already learned about and practiced some auxiliary (helping) verbs
in the previous Units. In this unit we are expanding the list of helping
verbs. These verbs are followed by an infinitive without att. The auxiliary
verb is conjugated, the infinitive remains the same.

att kunna kan kunde kunnat

to be able to
br borde bo rt
ought to
(att skola) ska s ku I I e
wi 2.l
att v i I j a vi I I v i II e velat
to want to
att f f r f i ck f tt + Tnfinitive of verb
to have to, may without att
to be able to

att lta I te r lt ltit

to let

mste mste (mst)

is sa1:d to

Uni t 10 311

Nate that the helping vepb mste is not conjugated. It is uH~d only in the
ppesent and past tenses and pemains the same. The supine fopm mst is papely
used. lr is used only in the ppesent tense.
In this Unit we ape also intpoducing sevepal fpequently used vepbs that behave
like helping vepbs without peally being tpue auxiliapies. They also ppecede
an infinitive without att. Repe is a list of some of these vepbs:

att b ruka b ruka r brukade brukat

to usually (do something)

att br j a brjar brjade brjat

to be gin to

att behva behver behvde behvt

to need to
att tnka tnker tnkte tnkt
to plan to
att hinna hinner hann hunnit + Infinitive of vepb
to have time to without att

att orka orka r orkade orkat

to have the strength to

att s I i Ppa slipper slapp sluppit

to not have to

att vga vgar vgade vgat

to dape~ to have the courage to

att frska frsker frskta frskt

to try to

Unit 10

We want to pemind you that, as a rule, an infinitive preaeded by another

verb (not a helping verb) always has att in front of it.

Examples: Eva tycker om att lsa. Eva likes to read.

VI fredrar att ta tget. We prefer to take the train.

Att komma att + infinitive is a way of expressing future time. See Unit 2,
paragraph 2? This expression always takes att in front of the infinitive.

Practice C. Now we'll practice the use of the auxiliary verbs and verbs that
hehave similarly. Put the verbs given in the aue in the rast tense. Remember
that all verbs following the helping verb are in the infinitive form. Be sure
to read aloud so that you beaome aaaustomed to the way it sounds.


Johan kl sig smoking. Johan used to dress ~n b ruka

a tuxedo.


Margit kl om sig Innan hon gick ut. vi Ij a

vi t le

Vi kpa biljetter tillIIFrken Julie". mste

Browns vnta p Larssons en hel timme. f

Unit 10 313


Man kunna best II a bord p "KB". br

Karin visste inte att Bo komma s snart. ska

s ku I I e

De ta klockan elva. br j a


Per och Anna komma ti d. frska


Larssons inte stanna ute s sent. bruka


Pjsen brja klockan tta, s vi skynda oss. ska, mste

s ku I I e mste

Hon lra sig att tala svenska. s I i ppa


Margit Inte tvtta hret innan hon gick ut. hinna

Johan kra frbi kemtvtten p hemvgen. tnka

Unit 10

Remember that adverbs in a main clause come af ter the verb. In the case of a
helping verb plus a main verb J the adverb comes right after the helping verb J
that is bet~een the helping verb and the main verb. This is not an exception:
the pule is that the adverb comes after the conjugated verb.

Practice D. This is a mixed practice using auxiliary verbs J verbs that be have
similarlyJ and ordinary verbs ~hich keep att in front of the infinitive. Fill
in the spaces with the cue verbs in the proper form. Vse the present tense.

Johan ti" Lund imorgon. tnka, kra

tnker kra

Ha n 1nte smoking ikv~:ill. vi IJa, ta p sig

vi I I ta p sig

Vi inte behva, skynda sig

behver skynda oss

Eva tv bcker varje mnad. frska, lsa

frsker lsa

Johan nr det r varmt. 51 ippa, jogga

s I i P per j agga

Hon p Dramaten I kv I I gldja sig t, g

glder sig t atT g

Uni t 10 315


Pojken en leksak. b e, f

ber att f

Han kaffe. tycka om, dricka

tycker om att dricka

Bo aldrig h en ne behva, pminna

behver pminna

De ti I I Sverige I hst. komma att, flytta

kommer att flytta

Hrfri srskan innan hon gr hem. tycka om, kl om sig
tycker om att kl om sig

Vi bord p restaurangen. bruka, bestlla

brukar best I I a

Man inte fr fort. br, ta

br ta

Vi inte I ng re. orka, g

orkar g
UI f inte biljetter. hinna, kpa
hinner kpa
unit 10


Margit p teatern. tycka om, g

tycker om att g

Det b ra. k o mm a a t t, b I I

kommer att b I l

Bo och Mrta Inte vi IJa, frlova sig

vill frlova sig

Pe I I e inte vga, flyga

vgar flyga
Man inte bi I stockholm. behva, kunna, kra
behver kunna kra

Unit 10 31 ?

Point III. Imperative Form

Iniinitive Impel'ative Examples

First oonjugation: att tal/a tala Tala svenska!

Seoond oonjugation (a): att kr/a kr Kr lngsamt!

(b): att ls/a ls Ls din bok!

Third aonjugation: att t ro tro Tro inte p allt!

Fourth conjugation: att g .9! G hem nu!

att sltt/a s i tt Sitt hr!

As you see in the ohart, the imperative form of the verbs of the firat conju-
gation is identiaal to the infinitive.

In all the other oonjugations (2a and 2b, 3rd and 4th) the stem is used for the
imperative fOl'm.

Unit 10

Nate: In the third conjugation and also in the case of some of the fourth
conjugation verbs, the stem and the infinitive form are identical.

Practice E. This praotioe deals with the imperative forms of all four conju-
gations. Put the cue verbs in the imperative form.

p mi g! Wait for me! vnta

med en lkare! tala

s god och vara, sItta
Va r sitt

bckerna frn bIblioteket! hmta


frst innan du brjar! f rg a


hos oss nr ni kommer ti I I Stockholm! bo


din klnning sjlv! sy


Unit 10 319


mi g ! AI I t k o mm e r a t t b I i b r a . tro


inte n! g

snll och svenska! vara, tala

Va r tala

mig eftermiddag! ringa

mig boken! ge


inte det! glmma


p mig och som Jag sger! hra, gra

Hr gr

fnstret, r du snll! stnga


bordet hr! stlla

St I I

Unit 10


inte den dr hatten! kpa

i nte s mycket! rka

p det! tnka

med oss ti I I Mysinge! fa ra

Fa r

hit' ett gonblick! komma


hr! stta sig

Stt dig
plats innan tget gr! ta<gaJ

ti II henne att Erik kommer snart. sga

mig att ringa! pminna

Unit 10 321

Point IV: D - Sedan (sen) I both meaning "then."

English speaking students sometimes confuse d and sedan be cause both of these
words transl-ate into the Engl-ish "then." What you must remember is that seda~
means "afterwards," "after that."

Example: Frst tvttade han sig och sen rakade han sig.

~l .
First he washed and then he-shaved. ~"
,I -o
, ,
D means "at that time, /I "in that case." 1'f~ .
Exampl-es: Vi trffades fr tv r sen. D bodde han i Rom.
We met two years ago. Then hewaB l-iving in Rome.
r klockan redan sex? D mste vi g.
Is it six o'clock al-ready? Then we 'Il have to go.

Practice F. This is a practice on d - sedan. Fill in the blanks ehoosing

the correct word, either d or sedan. You wil-l find the correct answers
on the fol-l-owing page.

Johan och Margit satt och t frukost kket. ringde det p telefonen.

Det var Browns, som bodde i Sverige De tv paren sku I I e g p teatern

p kvllen. skulle de g ut och ta ngonstans. De hade trffats

Washington ngra r tidigare. arbetade Johan p svenska ambassaden.

flyttade han och Margit ti J I New York och for de ti Ilbaka ti II


Unit 10

Answer to Fractice F.

Johan och Margit satt och t frukost i kket. D ringde det p telefonen.

Det var Browns, som bodde i Sverige d. De tv paren skulle g p teatern

p kvllen. Sedan skulle de g ut och ta ngonstans. De hade trffats

i Washington ngra r tidigare. D arbetade Johan p svenska ambassaden.

Sedan flyttade han och Margit ti II New York och sedan for de ti Ilbaka tl II


Unit 10 323

Point V: Fre -I nnan, both meaning "before."

Fre and innan are easily confused by English speaking students since these
two words both translate into the English "betore. "

Fre is a preposition and can therefore modify only a noun or a pronoun.

Example: Fre teatern t vi mi ddag p en restaurang.

Before the theater we had dinner in a restaurant.

Innan is a conjunction which introduces a dependent clause.

Example: Innan vi gick p teatern, t vi middag p en restaurang.

Before we went to the theater we had dinner in a restaurant.

Beloware examples to illustrate the usage of fre and innan. Be sure to

read them aloud.

Fre I n na n

Hon kpte en ny klnning fre resan. Hon kpte en ny klnning innan hon reste.
She bought a new dress before the trip. She bought a new dress before she left.

Det var nstan mrkt fre regnet. Det var nstan mrkt innan dei brjade regna.
It was almost dark before the rain. It was almost dark before it started to rain.

Pressattachen hade lst om Sverige fre sin Pressattachen hade lst om Sverige innan han
resa ti II Stockholm. for ti II Stockholm.
The press attache had read about Sweden before The press attache had read about Sweden before
his trip to Stockholm. he left for Stockholm.

VI mste kl om oss fre middagen. Vi mste kl om oss innan vi gr ut och ter.

We'll have to change before dinner. We 'll have to change before we go out and eat.

Han gick ut med hunden fre frukost. Han gick ut med hunden innan han t frukost.
He took the dog out before breakfast. He took the dog out before he had breakfast.

Unit 10

Practice G. This is a mixed praatice on fre and innan. Insert the coprect
word in the blank spaces.

Johan best I I de bord de gick p KB.


Eva ringde sammantrdet.

ni gr mste ni skriva era namn I boken.


De trffades en halvtimme frestllningen.


Han tnkte I nge han sade ngot.


Hon kpte bi Ijetter tv mnader resan.


Fru Berg stngde fnstren det brjade regna.

i nna n
K p e n t i d n i n g r d u s n I I , de stnger.

Huset mste bl frdigt den frsta jul j.

Unit 10 325

Du mste tala med Bo du far.


Hon gladde sig alltid en resa.


Gsterna drack sherry I vardagsrummet lunchen.


Uni t 10



Basic Sentences

Two friends are having a con-


Bengt: 1. Hi. Thanks for an exception- Hej p dig. Tack fr sist. Det
ally nice evening last Monday. var en ovanl igt trevl ig kvll
mndags. *
succes8 fu l Iycka/d -t -de
nervous ne rvs -t -a
each other, one another varandra ~varann)
Fred: 2. Yes, it turned out all right. Ja, det blev ganska lyckat. Man
You are always a little ner- r ju alltid lite nervs nr gsterna
VOU8 when the guests don't inte knner varann.
know each other.

conversation samta I -et -0

Afri ca Afrika
Bengt: 3. I had 8uch an interesting con- Jag hade ett s intressant samtal
versation with the Bennetts. med 8ennetts. Var de verkl igen
Were they really in Africa i Afrika i sex r?
for six years?

vacation, leave semester -n, semestrar

Fred: 4. Sure, but the y went home on Ja, men de for hem p semester en
leave once a year, gng om ret,

Uni t 11 327

to greet att h~lsa (p>,

to visit att hlsa p, I
Christmas jul -en -ar
5. and the chitdren coutd go and och barnen kunde resa och hlsa p
visit them at Chri8tma8. dem p jularna. *

English (tanguageJ engelska -n 0

born fdd, ftt, fdda
France Frankrike
6. Don't you think Louise Bennett Tycker du inte att LouIse Bennett
speaks English well? She was talar bra engelska? Hon r Ju fdd
born in France, you know. i frankrike. *

Frenchwoman fransysk/a -an -or

Swede (female ) svensk/a -an -or
Swedish (languageJ svenska -n 0
perfect perfekt -0 -a
Bengt: 7. OhJ Is she French? I thought Jas, r hon fransyska? Jag trodde
she was Swedish because her hon var svenska, fr hennes svenska
Swedish is perfeet too. r ocks perfekt. *

language sprk -et -0

gifted begv/ad -at -ade
to have a gift for languages att vara sprkbegvad
to s tudy att studera, I
German (languageJ tyska -n 0
Arabic (tanguageJ arabiska -n 0
Fred: 8. Welt, the whole family has a Ja, hela familjen r sprkbegvad.
gift for languages. They have De har ocks studerat tyska och
alBo studied German and Arabic. arabiska.

Uni t 11

India I n d Ie n
united fren/ad -at -ade
nation nation -en -er
united Nations (U. N.) Frenta Nationerna (F.N.)
9. Now they are going to India in Nu ska de fara ti II I ndi en om ett
a coup le of months. Bill is par mnader. B i II ska arbeta fr
going to work for the United Frenta Nationerna (F.N.). *
Nations (U. N.).

to gra8p, to undel'stand att fatta, I

to tolel'ate, to put up with att st ut (med ngonting); str, stod,
(something) sttt, 4
heat hetta -n 0
Bengt: 10. Itts hal'd to understand how Det r svrt att fatta hur de str
they can stand the heat for ut med hettan s lnge.
so long.

degree grad -en -er

centigrade Celsius
according to en I i gt
11. It's fort y degrees centigrade Det r ju fyrtio grader varmt i flera
for several months (of the mnader, enligt Louise Bennett. *
year), according to Louise

climate klimat -et -0

even i f ven om
Fl'ed: 12. Yes, then the climate is Pl'O- Ja, d r nog kl imatet bttre l
bably bettel' in Sweden, even Sverige, ven om det blir kallt p
i f it's aold in the wintel' and vintern och regnar p sommaren.
rainB in the BUmmel'.

Unit 11 329

to no tice att mrka, 2b

accent brytning -en -ar
German (male) tysk -en -ar
Bengt: 13. Did you notice that Mr. Lund Mrkte du att herr Lund ocks talade
also spoke with an accent? med brytning? Han r tysk. *
Re is German.

apparently tydligen
foreigner utlnning -en -ar
Fred: 14. Yes, I noticed that. There Ja, jag mrkte det. Det finns tyd-
are apparently many foreign- ligen mnga utlnningar hr I SverIge.
ers here in Sweden.

population befolkning -en -ar

immigrant invandrare -n -0
Bengt: 15. Yes, ten per cent of the popu- Ja, tio procent av befolkningen r
lation are immigrants. invandrare.

country, Qountryside land -et, lnder

Fred: 16. what countries do they come Vilka lnder kommer de Ifrn?

Uni t 11

all possible, all kinds of all -t -a mjlig -t -a

nationality national itet -en -er
Finn (male) finlndare -n -0
Greek (male) grek -en -er
Pole (male) polack -en -er
Italian (male) i ta I i enare -n -0
Frenohman fransman -nen, fransmn
Yugoslav (male) jugoslav -en -er
Bengt: 17. There are all kinds of natio- Hr finns alla mJI iga national iteter,
nalities here, Finns, Greeks, finlndare, greker, polacker, italienare,
Poles, Italians, Frenohmen, fransmn och jugoslaver.
and Yugoslavs. .

Fred: 18. How oan you find work i f you Hur kan man f arbete om man r ut-
are a foreigner and don't lnning och inte kan sprket? *
know the language?

course kurs -en -er

free of charge g rat i s -0 -0
Bengt: 19. The oourseB in Swedish are Kurserna i svenska r gratis tr
free for the immigrants. invandrarna.

minority minoritet -en -er

Fred: 20. You also have another minority, Ni har ju en mi nori tet till,
don't you? Inte sant? *

to mean, to refer to att mena, I

Lapp lapp -en -ar
Lapp samle -en -er
Bengt: 21. You mean the Lapps. Du menar lapparna el ler samerna.

Unit 11 331

Scandinavia Skandinavien
thousands tusentals
Bengt: 22. WeLL, they have Lived in Scan- Ja, men de har bott I Skandinavien
dinavia for thousands of years. i tusentals r.

Fred: 23. How many Lapps are there in Hur mnga lappar finns det I
Swe den? Sverige?

about, approximateZy omkring

yet, nevertheZess nd
to keep att behll/a -er, behll, behllit, 4
own egen, eget, egna
Lappish (Language) lapska -n 0
Bengt: 24. About 17,000. And yet they Omkring sjutton tusen. Och nd har
have kept their own Language, de behllit sitt eget sprk, lapska. >I

Fred: 25. Can you Bay Bomething in Kan du sga ngot p lapska?

difficult svr -t -a
Bengt: 26. No, it's a very difficuLt NeJ, det r ett mycket svrt sprk.

village by -n -ar
Lapp vi Zlage lappby -n -ar
Fred: 2? I'd like to see a Lapp Jag skulle grna vilja se en lappby
village 80me time. ngon gng.

Uni t 11

northern part of Sweden Norrland

Bengt: 28. Then you have to go to Norr- D mste du fara ti II Norrland.

while medan
29. Listen, are you going to Hr du, tnker du resa mycket medan
travel a lot while you are du r hr?

both ... and bde .. och

res t, remainder rest -en -er
Europe Eu ropa
Fred: :W. Yes, both in Sweden and in the Ja, bde i SverIge och I resten
rest of Europe. av Europa.

to se l l att slj/a -er, slde, slt, 4

lot, mass mass/a -an -or
inexpensive, cheap b i I I i g -t -a
charter charter
trip, journey. tour res/a -an -or
abroad utlandet
Bengt: 31. Nowadays they sell lots of Nu fr tiden sljer de en massa bra
good and cheap charter tours och b i II i ga charterresor t II I ut landet.
to other countries.

anywhere var(tl som helst

32. You can [ly almost anywhere. Man kan flyga nstan vart som helst.

Uni t 11 333

people folk -et -0

even, not only that but ti II och med (t.o.m.)
pleasure nje -t -n
Siberia Sibirien
33. People even go on pleaBure Fo I k fa r t l I I och med p nj as resa
trips to Siberia. tl II Sibi rien.

to wonder att undra, I

Fred: 34. I'm beginning to wonder when Jag brjar undra nr jag ska f tid
I'll have time to work here. att arbeta hr.

Unit 11

Nates on Hasia Sentences

la. Hej p dig! Idiomatic informal greeting.

1b. Tack fr sist (also: tack fr senast). S~edes have a number of special phrases
to expreBS gratitude.
Example s: Tack fr maten (af ter a meal).
Tack fr ikv\ I (af ter a nice evening).
Tack fr igr (for yeBterdaY'B party).
Tack fr hjlpen (for the aBBiBtanae).
Tack detsamma (thank you~ the same to you).

5. Hlsa p. Nate the differenae in meaning:

When .P! is stressed in att hlsa p, it means "to visit";
when hlsa is stressed in att h Isa p, it means "to greet (somebody) ", "to Bay
he llo-.-,,--

6. Hon r fdd. Notice that S~ediBh useB present tenBe where English uses past tense
(she was born). As long as a person is still living you have to say r fdd.

7. Hon r fransyska. Swedes refer to nationalities as nouns.

Examples: Han r fransman (he is Frenah).

Han r engelsman (he is English). Se e No te 1 8a.

9. Frenta Nationerna. In some names containing the word frenade. the ending
-ade has been contraated to -ta.
Example: Frenta Staterna {the United Statesj.
Uni t 11 JJ5

11. Fyrtio grader varmt. Only the oentigrade scale is used in Sweden. When talking
about the temperature outside the words varmt or kallt are used to indicate
whether the temperature is above zero or below zero Celsius or centigrade.
Examples: Det r tv grader varmt. (It's two degreea above zero.)
Det r tio grader kallt. (It's ten degrees below zero.)

Here is the conversion formula from Fahrenheit to Celsius: 5 CF - 32)= C.

The opposite conversion is: ~ + 32 = F.

13. Brytning is a person's foreign accent. (The Swedish word accent mean8 8tre88 or
stress marker.) Note that the indefinite article is left out.

18a. UtlnnIng. The indefinite article is dropped before nouns denoting profe8sions~
occupations. nationalities J religious and philosophical affiliations. Utlnning
(foreigner) is included in this rule. Gf. Unit 3 J Note 6a.

l8b. Kan sprket. Att kunna ett sprk means to know a language. Att kunna + a noun
means "to know"J "to have learned" .
Examptes: Kan du lxan? (Do you know your homework?)
Kan du multipl ikationstabellen? (Do you know your multiplication tables?)
Jag kan reglerna. (I know the rules.)

Unit 11

20. En mi nori tet ti II. Ti I I following a noun has the meaning of "another," "more, "
"addi tiona L "

Examples: Han kan lsa en bok tl I I. Be can read one more book.
Behver du en dollar till? Do you need another dollar?
Vi II du ha en kopp kaffe ti II? Would you like another cup of coffee?

Note: En annan (ett annat, andra) means "a different .. "

Example: Vi I I du ha en annan kopp? Do you want a different cup?

24. Sitt eget sprk. The adjective egen, eget, egna is an exception to the rule
of using the definite form of the adjective af ter a possessive adjective. Egen
(eget, egna) is used in the indefinite form after a possessive adjective.

Examples: Min ~ bok (my OWn book).

Mi tt eget rum (my own room); but mi n rda b i I (my red ear).

25. P lapska. In Swedish the preposition p is used before a language name where
English uses the preposition "in"

Examples: .2.i svenska (in Swedish)

.2.i engelska (in English)

32. Vart som helst. Som helst added to certain words has the meaning "any" ("it doesn't
matter") .

Examples: Var Som helst (anywhere)

Vad som helst (anything)
Vem som helst (anyone)
Vi Iket sprk som helst (any language)
Nr Som helst (any time)

Unit 11 337


Points to Practice

Point I: Man

Point II: Time adverbials

Point III: Nations, languages, and nationalities

Unit 11

Point I. The Swedish Pronoun MAN.

Swedish uses the indefinite pronoun man very frequently where English uses
a personal pronoun or a noun, such as "you, we, they, people, one."

Example: Man fr inte rka var som helst. (You may not smoke just anywhere.J

Try to get into the habit of using man by doing the folZowing translation

Practice A. Translation.

1. We eat too much in the U. S.

Man ter fr mycket l U.S.A.

2. They say that he won't come back to Sweden.

Man sger att han inte kommer ti J Ibaka ti J I Sverige.

3. One shouldn't believe everything that is in the newspaper.

Man ska inte tro allt som str i tidningen.

4. You don't understand what he means.

Man frstr inte vad han menar.

5. You hear it often.

Man hr det ofta.

6. You never know.

Man vet aldrig.

Uni t 11 339

7. People drink a lot of coffee in Sweden.

Man dricker mycket kaffe I Sverige.

8. You do what you can.

Man gr vad man kan.

Man has an objective form~ en, as well as two possessive forms~ ens, sin
(sitt, sina). The same rule applies in this case as in the use of~ns----sin,
hennes - sin, deras - sin. (See Unit 5, Point Ic.)

We will only give you a few examples of en, ens, sin (sitt, sina)~ since
the objective and possessive forms of man are not used very often.

Examples: UD skickar en hit och dit.

The Foreign Ministry sends you here and there.

Man vi I I grna hjlpa om ngon ber en.

Yuu like to help i f someone asks you to.

Nr lraren frgar en ngot blir man ofta nervs.

When the teacher asks you something~ you often get nervous.

Ens I iv r ens eget.

Your Life is your own.

Man gr sitt bsta.

You do your best.

Man mste betala sina rkningar.

You have to pay your bills.

Unit 11

Point II: Time Adverbials

The adverbial time expressions in Swedish need some extra attention. Let's
first look at some expressions which you are already familiar with:

j frrgr the day before yesterday

19 r yesterday
Idag today
i kv I I tonight
imorgon tomorrow
i vermorgon the day af ter tomorrow

In all these examples the preposition ( is used. However, the re are other
expressions where you use the preposit7on~. To make i t easier for you to
sort out these different uses we are giving you a table of time expressions.
The expressions in the table all answer the question Nr? (when?).

When you look at the table you will notice that the names of the seasons,
the holidays. the days of the week and the months are not capitalized in


1. The choice of preposition depends on whether the time expressed is a

8pecific occasion in the past, present, future, Or implies habit.

Unit 11 341


Past time Pl'esent time Future time Habitual-

Aret (the year) fr ra ret i r nsta r

ifjol, ifjor

Arstider (seasons)
vinter (winter) vintras vinter vinter p vintern
p vintrarna

vr (spring) v ras v r v r p v ren

p v ra rna

sommar (summel') I somras I sommar sommar p sommaren

p somrarna
hst (fall) hstas hst hst p hsten
p hstarna

Helger (hoLidays)

jul (Christmas) julas jul j ul p j uI e n

psk (Easter) pskas psk p s k p psken
pingst (Pentecost) pingstas pingst p I n 9S t p pingsten
midsommar (Midsummer) mi dsomras midsommar midsommar p mI dsomma ren

Unit 11


Past time Present time Future time Habitual

Dagen (the day) i frrg r idag Imorgon p dagen

i g r i vermorgon p dagarna

morgon (morning) i morse Imorgon bItti p morgonen

p mornarna

frmiddag (10-12 a.m.) frmiddags imorgon frmiddag p frmiddagen

p frmiddagarna

eftermiddag i eftermiddags eftermiddag eftermiddag p eftermiddagen

{afternoon} p eftermiddagarna

kv I I i (gr) kvll i k v I I i k v I I p kvllen

(evening, night) p kvllarna

nat-r i (gr) natt natt natt p natten

(12 midnight - 5 a.m.) p ntterna

sndag (Sunday) sndags p sndag p sndagarna

mndag (Monday) mndags p mndag p mndagarna
tisdag (Tuesday) tisdags p tisdag p tisdagarna
onsdag (Wednesday) onsdags p onsdag p onsdagarna
torsdag (Thursday) torsdags p torsdag p torsdagarna
fredag (Friday ) fredags p fredag p fr-edagarna
lrdag (Saturday) lrdags p lrdag p lrdagarna

Unit 11 343

Fo~ months you simply use the p~eposition l.

Fast time F~esen t time Futul'e time Habitual

Mnader (months)

januari januari januari januari I januari

apr i I
j uI i

o o o IJ o

unit 11

Practice B. Dur first practice will cover only time expressions dealing with
the seasons and the holidays. Remember that your choice of expressian depends
on whether you are speaking about the past, the present, the future, or some-
thing habitual. Use the proper form of the aue word and fill in the blank.
for vi ti II en lappby. Last winter we went to vinter
a Lapp vi Llage.
I vintras

Yi ska resa ti II New York sommar


Yl bodde alltid Norrland sommar

p sommaren (p somrarna)

r det mrkt och kallt. hst

p hsten (p hstarna)

hlsade vi p moster Anna. psk


AmerIka arbetar man pIngst

p pingsten
for vi till Dalarna. j uI

I julas

Marge kommer alltid hem frn college j uI

p julen
UnU 11 345

Practice e. This practice will deal with expressions concerning the days of
the week. Vse the proper form of the cue words and fill in the blanks.

var vl p Operan. Last Wednesday we were at onsdag

the Opera.
I onsdags

Man gr i kyrkan sndag

p sndagarna

Eriks mamma kommer hem lrdag

p lrdag

Ake var hemma fredag

I fredags

Lars brjar arbeta tisdag

p tisdag

Mnga ter fisk fredag

p fredagarna

kom Browns hit p middag. lrdag


Jag ska g p Operan torsdag

p torsdag

Unit 11


2. When the time expression. in answel' to the question "when?". specifies

a number of years. months. weeks. days, houl's. etc . the folZowing
prepositions are used. depending on the tense of the verb:

Om (in) future and present tense

Fr se(da}n (ago) pas t tense

ExampZes: Vi reser om en vecka. We 're leaving in a week.

Vi ska f lytta om en mnad. We 're moving in one month.

Paketet kom fr en timme sedan. The package arrived one hour ago.

Bi II bodde dr fr f I era r sedan. BiZl Zived there sevel'al years


Practice D. This is a practice on Q0 and fr ... sedan. Note the verb tense
and choose the right preposition.

Han gick Re lejt an hour ago. en timme
tr en timme sedan
Unit 11 34 ?


Bergs bodde hr mn.tla r

tr mnga r sedan

Han kommer ti Ilbaka tv dagar

om tv dagar

Bob kom hem en vecka

fr en vecka sedan
Vi ska tara hem en halvtimme

om en halvtimme

Han ska brja arbeta ett par dagar

om ett par dagar

Dah I grens tnker resa ti II J nd I en en mnad

om en mnad

Nate: In time expressions the preposition etter is used when EngLish uses
the preposition Hafter, H that is to indicate eLapsed time.

ExampLes: Filmen var dlig, s vi gick etter en halvtimme.

The movie Was bad, so we left after haLf an hour.

Han var hr, men han gick etter tem minuter.

He was here, but he Le[t alter live minuteB.

Unit 11


3. All the time expressions we have dealt with 80 fa~ answe~ the question
"when?" Now we will look at the time exp~essions used in answel' to the
question "How often?" In anSWe~ to "how often?" the p~epositions l and
om are used.

With the following wOl'ds is used:


Example8: ett ord i sekunden one word aseeond
sextio ord i minuten sixty words aminute
ttio ki lometer l timmen eighty kilometers an hour
en g ng i veckan onee a week
tv gnger i m~naden twiee a month

With the following wo~dB om is used:

{ ~t
~ ret

Uni t 11 349

Examples: en tidning om dagen one newspaper a day

fyra tabletter om dygnet four tablets every 24 hours
tio frestllningar om i:1ret ten performances a year

Note the definite article in the Swedish.

Fractice E. This is a practice with mixed time expressions using i and om.
Fill in the blank with the correct preposition and the right form of the-Cue

Patienten tog medicinen fyra gnger The patient took the dag
medicine four times
om dagen a day.

Hon studerade svenska tv dagar vecka


Anna rkte flera cigarretter timme

i timmen

Pojken var hemma frn skolan flera gnger m nad


Vi tar semester tv gnger r

om ret

Flickan ringde flera gnger vecka

i veckan

Unit 11


Ulf rakade sig tv gnger dag

om dagen

Margit mblerade om flera gnger r

om ret

Eva kammade sig en gng minut



4. We have talked about time exppessions answeping the questions "when?" and
"how o[ten?" Now let's look at time exppessions answeping the question
"how long?" In English the time ppeposition in this case is "[op." In
Swedish I is used in an a[[ipmative statement. ~ top a negative one.
Exa mp l e s : Vi ha r var i t i St o c k h o I m I f e m da g a r
We have been in Stockholm-for five days.
Jag har inte sett henne ~ tre r.
I have not seen hep fop thpee yeaps.

Uni t 11 351

Praatiae F. This is a praatiae dealing with the uses of ~ and E! in time

expressions answering the question uhow long?U Fill in the blank with the
aorreat preposition.

Bo tnkte p saken en hel vecka. Bo thought about it for a whole week.

Vi ska stanna l USA tre r.

De reste omkrl ng I Afrika tv mnader.

VI bodde Skvde t i o r.

Han hade arbetat p boken tta mnader.

Han har I nte I st en bok flera r.

UJ I a och Maj har vari t p ett fredrag tv timmar.

Lisa har Inte kt tg flera r.

Unit 11


5. When the time expression answers the question "how fast (can something be
done)?" Swedish uses the preposition ~.

Examples: Han krde frn Stockholm ti l I Malm ~ tio timmar.

He drove from Stockholm to Malmo ~n ten hours.

Han skrev boken ~ en mnad.

He wrote the book in one month.

Han gick ti II stationen E! tio minuter.

He walked to the station ~n ten minutes.

Here is a list of o~her prepositions used in time expressions:

Fre {before}: Han kom hem fre tta.

He came home before eight.

Me I I an (between) : Mellan jul och nyr.

Between Christmas and New Year.

Ti II (till, until): Vi ska stanna i New York t i l l den frsta oktober.

We/re going to stay in New York until the first of October.

Unit 11 353

Under (during): Jag r hemma under dagen.

I' m home during the day.

ver (over, dUY'ing,

for the dura- Vi ska fara bort ver psken.
tion of): We/re going away for Easter.

Uni t 11

Point III. Nations, Nationalities, Languages

Here is a table of some of the nations, nationalities and languages of the

world. There are a few points to nate:

1. Names of languages and nationalities are not capitalized in Swedish.

2. There are different words for females and males.

J. The word for the female is often the same as for the language.

4. The nationality nouns and adjectives are declined according to the rules
that are applicable to other nouns and adjectives.

Examples: (nouns) fransysk/a -an -or; svensk -en -ar; fransman -neo, fransmn

(adjs.) fransk -t -a; svensk -t -a

5. Remember that the indefinite article is not used in sentence structures

like r + nationality.

Examples: Erik r svensk. Erik is a Swede.

John r amerikan. John is an American.

See Basic Sentence Note 18a in this Unit.

Unit 11 355

Landet Adjektivet Mannen Kvinnan ~ket

Coun try Adjeetive Man Woman Language

Sverige svensk -t -a en svensk -~, en svensk/a -or svenska

da ns k dansk danska danska
(,t-, y"t-)

l tysk

ry s k


rys ka

rys ka

Japan Japansk: -t -a en j a pa n -er en japansk/a -or japanska

Grekland grekisk g re k grekiska grekiska
Kina kinesisk kines kInesiska kinesiska
Polen polsk polack polska po I ska
Amerika amerikansk amerikan ameri kanska engelska
(Frenta Staterna) (amerikanare -0) }

I ta I i en ital iensk -t -a en Italienare -~ en Italiensk/a -or ital ienska

Holland hollndsk hollndare hollndska hol I ndska
Schweiz schweizisk schweizare schweiziska
Finland finsk finlndare finlndska finska

England engelsk -t -a en engels/man -mn en engelsk/a -or engelska

Norge norsk norrman no rs ka norska
Frankrike fransk fransman fransyska franska
Spanien spansk -t -a en spanjor -e r en spanjorsk/a -or spanska

If you study this ehart earefully you will notiee that eertain patterns emerge.
Note: The plural of the maseuline noun is used for people in general of that partieular
nationality .
Examples: Svenskarna dricker mycket kaffe. The Swedes drink a lot of eoffee.
Engelsmnnen kr p vnster sida. The English drive on the left.
Unit 11

Practice G. This is a practice on languages and nationalities . The cue gives

the country and you have to fill in the nationality 01' language as the verb

I Polen bor det Poles live in Poland. Polen


Lars talar I ta Il en

i tal i enska

Louise r Frankrike


Hon talar bra Sverige


Det var tio p bussen. u. S. A.

amerrkaner <amerikanare)

Mnga r vackra. Spanien {female}

Vi trffade en trevlig Norge
no rrman
Det r inte svrt att lsa Danmark

Uni t 11 3ti7


Tv av kunde tala England (mate). Tyskland

engelsmnnen tyska

Mnga ta I a r Finland. Sverige

finlndare svenska

Det r inte s svrt fr en att tala _____ . Spanien (male), Italien

spanjor italienska

Practice H. This is a practice on adjectives denoting nationalities. They

are declined just ~ike all other adjectives. Form adjectives from the cue


Sverige, importerar viner. Sweden imports Frenah wines. Frankrike


Danmark exporterar ost. Danmark

da ns k

Vinet var Tyskland

tys kt

Han krde en bi I I ta I I en


Unit 11


De hade gamla mbler. England


Andy kunde inte ett ord. No rge

no rs k t

Den presidenten talade p TV. U. S. A.


En pojke satt ti I I hger om henne. Spanien


Practice r. The cue in this practice gives you the nationa~ity. You have to
give the appropriate country (sometimes in the possessive form).

Kpenhamn r huvudstad. eopenhagen is the capital da ns k
of Denmal'k.

exporterar mycket vin ti I I U.S.A. italienare

I ta I i en

Mnga svenskar far ti II p semester. g re k


Unit 11 359


export var strre r. amerikan

Frenta Staternas (Amerikas)

Mnga goda ostar kommer frn fransman

huvudstad heter Oslo. norrman
No rg es

I igger sder om tysk, dansk

Tyskland Danmark

Det gr en frja mellan och ho I lndare, enge I 5man

Holland England


Now you can talk about all the trips you have
taken and plan to take and all the interesting
people you have met.

Uni t 11



Basic Sentences

This three-part Unit is an introduction to Swedish social etiquette.

It contains useful expressions encountered in social situations.
These expressions will be underlined in order to make you more
aware of them. At the end of the Unit we will have a practice
on these expressions. To obtain maximum benefit from this mate-
rial, extensive role-playing should supplement it.

Part I. An informal invitation to lunch

Jane: 1. He Uo! Ha" !

Asa: 2. Is that you, Jane? r det Jane?

Jane: 3. Yes, speaking. Hi Asa. How Ja, det r det. Hej Asa. Hur har
are things with you? (plur.J n i d et?

first frst
foremost frmst
first of aH frst och fr~mst
to thank att tacka,
late sen -t -a
latest senast
Asa: 4. Fine, thanks. First of all I Tack bra. Frst och fr~mst vi I I jag
want to thank you for the tacka dig fr senast.
(very) enjoyable) evening at
your house.
Unit 12 361

Jane: 5. It was so nice to have you Tack sjlv. Det var s trevligt att
here. ha er hr. *

to be ashamed, embarras sed att skm/mas -s -des -ts, 2a

Asa: 6. I'm ashamed that I haven't Jag skms att jag inte har ringt
called you Boaner. tidigare.

Buper, great jttetrevl i g -t -a

sole sjtung/a -an -or
filet of Bale sjtungsfil e -n -er
7. It waB Buch a great evening at Det var s jttetrevl igt hos er i
your house las t Friday . The fredags. Sjtungsf i I en var underbar. Jt
filet of sole was wonderful.

afraid rdd 11 -a
too fr
to get (Bomeone) to leave att f Ivag; fr, fick, ftt, 4
8. I' m afraid we stayed too langs Jag r rdd att vi stannade fr lnge,
but I couldn't get Johan to men jag kunde inte f ivg Johan.

fun roi ig -t -a
to enjoy att tycka att ngot r roi 19t; 2b
to discUSB Jto have a dis- att d i skutera , I
9. Be enjoys having a discuBsion Han tycker att det r s roi Igt att
with Mike. diskutera med Mike. *

Uni t 12

to find att finna, finner, fann, funnit, 4

to hit it off (togetherJ att finna varandra; 4
Bong visla -an -or
to sing att sjunga, sjunger, sjng, sjungit; 4
Jane: 10. Yes, they have really hit it Ja, de har verkligen funnit varandra.
off together. What a lot of Vad mnga-trevl iga visor Johan sjng!
nice songs Johan sang.

to arrange att ordna, I

Asa: 11. Listen, I'm planning a small Hr du, jag tnker ordna en liten dam-
ladies' luncheon at my house I unch hemma hos mi g p I rdag i nsta
on Saturday next week. vecka.

approximately, about sdr (colloquialJ

piece (not transl. in Engl.J stycke -t -n
simplicity enkelhet -en (/;
no thing fancy i all enkelhet
12. Would you like to come? There H a r d u I u s t a t t ko mm a? Vi b I i r
will be around six or eight of sdr sex, tta stycken. Det blir
us. Nothing fancy. i all enkelhet. "

terrible hemsk -t -a
terribly hemskt
I'd love to hemskt grna
Jane: 13. I'd love to. You know how I Hemskt grna, Asa. Du vet hur roligt
enjoy meeting Swedish people. ~ag tycker det r att trffa svenskar.
Are they old friends of yours? Ar det gamla vnner ti I I dig? "

Unit 12 363

friend kamrat -en -er

schoolmate skolkamrat -en -er
to invite att bjuda, bjuder, bjd, bjudit, 4
colleague arbetskamrat -en -er
Asa: 14. Yes, two (of them) are even Ja, tv r till och med gamla skol-
old schoolmates. And then I kamrater. Och s har jag bjudit ett
have invited a couple of col- par arbetskamrater.

defense frsvar -et -0

attache attache -n -er
15. The wife of the German defense Den tyska frsvarsattachens fru kommer
attache is coming too. Do you ocks. Talar du tyska?
speak German?

anyway, besides frresten

it doesn't matter det gr detsamma
18. Anyway it doesn't matter. She Det gr frresten detsamma. Hon talar
speaks Swedish quite well. ganska bra svenska.

Jane: 17. What time should I come? Hur dags ska jag komma?

to serve att servera,

sherry sherry -n '/1
late, delayed frsen/ad -at -ade
Asa: 18. Around 12:30. I'm going to Vid halv ett-tiden. Jag tnker servera
serve a glass of sherry first, ett glas sherry frst och s ter vI
and then we 'll eat at one klockan ett, om ingen r frsenad. *
o'clock, i f nobody 's late.

Unit 12

to see each other att ses, ses, sgs, setts, 4

before then dessfrinnan
19. I'm looking forward to seeing Vlkommen p lrdag d, om vi inte ses
you SaturdaY3 if we don't see dessfrinnan.
each other before then.

to say hello (tO)3 to greet 3 att hlsa <till)j

to give regards (to)
Jane: 20 Thanks a lot. I'm looking Tack ska du ha. Det ska bl i trevl igt.
forward to it. Bye 3 bye 3 Asa. Hej d, Asa. Hlsa tl I I Johan.
Say hello to Johan.

Part II. An invitation to a dinner

gren: Hello. May I speak to Mrs. Goddag. Kan jag f tala med Mrs. White.
White 3 please. This is Mrs. Det r fru Lindgren. *

Voice: Just a moment 3 please. Ett gonb I i ck.

White: Hello. Mary White speaking. Ha I I . Det r Mary White.

yet nnu
husband 3 man man, mannen, mn
Karin: 24. Hello J MT's. White. This is Goddag, Mrs. White. Det hr r Karin
Karin Lindgren. We haven't Lindgren. VI har inte trffats nnu,
met yet 3 but OUT' husbands men vra mn knner varandra.
know each other.

Unit 12 365

25. I'm calling to ask if you Jag ringer fr att frga om ni skulle
could come for dinner at kunna komma p middag ti I loss den
our house on September 18th. 18:de september.

calendaT' almanack/a -an -or

Mary: 26. Thank you. That sounds very Tack, det lter vldigt trevligt. Ett
nice. Just a minute and I'll gonbl ick s fr jag se efter j alma-
check the calendaT'. nackan.

as faT' as svitt
of course frsts
to cheok att kolla, l
27. Yes, that's fine. as faT' aB I Ja, det passar utmrkt, svitt jag
can see. But I must, of kan se. Men jag mste frsts kolla
cOUY'se. check with Bill. med B i I I.

while. moment stund -en -er

28. May I call you in a little Kan jag f ringa om en l i ten stund?
while? What time would it be? Hu r d~ sku I I e det va ra?

caT'd kort -et -0

Karin: 29. At 7:30. I'll send a card to Halv tta. Jag skickar ett kort fr
T'emind you, and a little map att pminna och en I iten karta s
BO you can find us heT'e in ni kan hitta oss hr ute i Tby.

majaT' ma j o r - e n - e r
30. Major BeT'ggT'en and his wife Major Berggren och hans fru kommer
are also coming. They live ocks. De bor p Banergatan 14.
on BaneT'gatan, number 14.

Unit 12

block kvarter -et -0

company sll skap -et -(i1
go (come) together att gra sllskap; gr, gjorde, gjort, 4
31. It's only one block from your Det r bara ett kvarter frn er, om ni
house. i f you would like to har lust att gra sllskap ut.
come out together.

to get in touch (here: to att hra av sig; 2a

call back)
as soon as s snart (som)
Mary: 32. Excellent. Then I'll eaU Utmrkt. D hr jag av mig igen,
baok again as soon as I have s snart jag har talat med Bi I I.
talked to Bill. Goodbye: and Adj och tack igen.
thanks again.

Karin: 33. I hore it's all right with him Jag hoppas att det passar honom
too. so that we will see both ocks, s att vi tfJr se er bda
of you on the 18th. Goodbye. den 18:de. Adj d och vl komna.
We're looking forward to see-
ing you.

Unit 12 367

Part III. A formal dinner party

Although informal parties and get-togethers are becoming more and more common in servant-
less Sweden, you will undoubtedly have several opportunities to attend some formal dinner
parties. At such times many Swedes like to observe certain traditional "rituals." It
is. of course, not necessary for Americans stationed in Sweden to copy the Swedish tra-
ditions when they entertain. Swedes enjoy American customs when they visit American
homes. However. the host's welcome speech is a good idea to adopt. as well as the
thank you speech (when you are aguest).

You may be invited by aard (in which case you accept or regret by card. unless otherwise
indicated). or by a telephone call from the host or hostess. A reminder card then
usually follows.
At this point we will describe a typical formal dinner party, in Swedish with an accom-
panying word list. This will be reading/ listening practice only. It is not intended
for memorization.

Bordet r dukat t i l l fest med blommor och ljus. Placeringskort visar var gsterna ska

sitta. Det ligger ocks en plan ver bordsplaceringen i hallen. Vrden och vrdinnan

att duka, I ljus -et -0 vrd -en -ar

to set the table candl e. light hos t
duk/ad -at -ade placeringskort -et -0 vrdinn/a -an -or
set (past part.) place card hostess
fest -en -er plan -en -er
party plan. chart

blomm/a -an -or bordsplacering -en -ar

flower seating arrangement

Unit 12

tar emot i vardagsrummet. Alla anlnder punkt! igt, mnga med en blombukett, en choklad-

ask eller ngon I iten present. Det gller srski It om de r gster i hemmet fr frsta

gngen. Under hgst en halvtimme dricker gsterna en cocktai I. Sedan kommer serverings-

hjlpen och talar om att middagen r serverad. Vrden gr frst i n ti II bordet med den

kv i nn I i ga hedersgsten. Varje mani ig gst fr sin bordsdam ti II bordet. Vrdinnan gr

in sist med den manliga hedersgsten, som sitter t i l l vnster om henne (till skillnad

mot seden i mnga lnder). Vrden hlsar gsterna vlkomna med det frsta glaset vin.

att ta emot; att glla, 2a kvinnlig - t - a t I I I s k i i I n a d mo t

tar, tog, tagit, 4 to apply, to be the fema1-e in eontrast to
to reeeive ease
hedersgst -en -er sed -en -er
att anlnda, 2a hem -met -0 most honored or high- eustom
to arrive home est ranking guest
att hlsa vlkommen
bukett -en -er cockta i I -en -s mani i9 -t -a (vlkomna);
bouquet eoek tai 1- male to we leome
choklad -en 0 serveringshjlp -en -ar att fra, 2a
ehocolate maid to eseort
ask -en -ar att tala om; bordsdam -en -er
box to announoe female table partner
present -en -er server/ad -at -ade ski II nad -en -er
gift serve d (past part.) differenee

Unit 12 :569

(Ingen dricker vin dessfrinnan.) En manlig gst sklar under middagen med sin bordsdam

ti II hger, senare med damen ti Il vnster och damen mitt emot. Han sklar ocks med

sin hustru. Vrdinnan sklar med alla gsterna. Dremot sklar ingen med henne utom

vid tacktalet (eller om det r frre n tta personer vid bordet). Man kan frsts ocks

dricka utan att skla med ngon. Vid slutet av mltiden hller den manliga hedersgsten

ett I i tet tackta I Vrdinnan och hedersgsten lmnar bordet frst. Vrden och hans bords-

dam gr ut sist. vardagsrummet gr gsterna fram ti I I vrdinnan, tar i hand och tackar

fr maten. I Sverige sger gsterna adj ti I J vrdfolket innan de tar p sig ytterkl-


att skla, slut -et -0 vrdfol k -et -0

to toast end host and hostess
mitt emot mltid -en -er
(straight) aeross meal

dremot att g fram t i l l ;

on the other hand gr, gick, gtt, 4
to go (walk) up to
tackta I -et -0
thank you speeuh att ta i hand;
tar, tog, tagit, 4
f, frre, 0 to shake hands
few, fewer, Zeast

Unit 12

Dagen efter bjudningen r det uppskattat om man ringer och "tackar fr igr," eller skriver

och tackar. Man kan ocks skicka blommor med ett tackkort dagen efter bjudningen Istllet

fr att ta med blommorna ti II middagen. Det artigaste och mest formella r att skicka

blommor ti I I vrdinnan p frmiddagen samma dag som bjudningen. Svenskarna sger dess-

utom I1tack fr senast" nsta gng de trffar vrden och vrdinnan.

bjudning -en -ar


att uppskatta,
to appreeiate

uppskatt/ad -at -ade

appreeiated (past part.)

tackkort -et -0
thank you note

artig -t -a

formel I -t -a

Unit 12 3?1

Bill and Mary White arrive with

the Berggrens at Karin and Lars
Lindgren's house.

Karin &
Lars: 34. Hello. How nice that you Goddag. Vlkomna! S trevligt
could come together. att ni kunde gra sllskap.

Karin: 35. Thank you. What beautiful Tack. Vilka vackra blommor!
f towers !

(Lars indicates Klaus Muller)

Lars: 36. Do you know each other? Knner n I varandra?

Bi ll: 37. No~ I don't believe we have Nej, jag tror inte vi har trffats.

press attache~
information pressattache -n -er
Lars: 38. Mr. and Mrs. White~ Dr. Muller. Mr. och Mrs. White. Det hdr r
He is the press attache at the Dr. Muller. Han r pressattach
German Embass y. p tyska ambassaden.

to offer att bjuda p; bjuder, bjd, bjudit, 4

wormwood malrt -en 0
aquavit brnnvin -et 0
39. What may I offer you? A glass Vad fr jag bjuda p? Ett glas
of sherry, Scotch, or maybe sherry, Scotch, eller kanske ett
a glass Of aquavit spiced glas malrtsbrnnvin?
with wormwood?

Uni t 12


served (past par't.) server/ad -at -ade

Maid: 40. Vinner is served. Det r serverat.

Karin: 41. Dinner is r'eady. Shall we go Varsgoda. Ska vi g t i l l bords? *


At the tabLe (Lars r'aises his

gLass) .

heartily hjrtl igt

Laps: 42. Karin and I want to welcome Karin och jag ber att f hlsa er
you aLL, old friends and neW. alla hjrtligt vlkomna. bde gamla
och nya vnner. *
especially spec i e I I t
43. We are especialLy pLeased to Det glder oss speciellt att Whites
have the Whites here tonight. r hr i kvll. Ni har ju just
You just arrived from the U.S. kommit frn Amerika.

cheers skl
44. We hope that you will like it Vi hoppas att ni kommer att trivas
in Sweden and that we will see i Sverige och att vi kan f se er
you many times her'e at our mnga gnger hr hemma hos oss. --
house. -- Cheers! S k I !

(All the guests drink includ-

ing the guests of honor.)

Uni t 12 373


title titel -n, titlar

to put away att lgga bort; lgger, lade, lagt, 4
Karin: 45. Mr. White, now I think we Mr. White, nu tycker jag att vi
should call each other by lgger bort titlarna. Jag heter
our first names. My name Ka r i n. S k I, B I I I
is Karin. Cheers, Bill.

Bill: 46. Cheers, Karin. s k I, Ka r i n .

Karin: 47. Dr. Muller, may I toast you? Dr. MUller, fr jag skla med er?

Towards the end of the dinner,

during the dessert (Bill taps
his glass and gets up).

to discover att upptcka, 2b

tradition, custom tradition -en -er
Bill: 48. Ladies and Gentlemen. Mary Mina damer och herrar. Mary och
and I have already discovered jag har redan upptckt flera
many delightful Swedish tra- trevl iga svenska traditioner som
ditions which we will take v i kommer att ta med oss hem
home with us to the U. S. ti Il Ameri ka.

49. And now I'm going to try to Och nu ska jag sjlv frska flja
follow one of them myself for en av dem fr frsta gngen.
the first time.

unit 12

honor dra -n 0
to turn att vnda, 2a
lovely, charming frtjusande -0 -0
50. As you see J I' m the one who Jag dr ju den som har ran att f
has the honor of giving the h I I a t a c kt a I e t . F r s t v i I I j a g
thank you speech. First I vnda mig ti I I vr frtjusande
want to turn to our lovely vrdinna.

suy'e sker -t, skra

51. Dear Karin. I' m sure that I' m Kra Karin. Jag ar sker p att
speaking for all of us when jag talar fr oss al la ~ar jag
I say that this is one of the sger att detta r en av de godaste
best dinners that I have ever middagar jag ngonsin har tit.
had. It has also been one of Det har ocks varit en av de
the most delightful. trevligaste.

experience (in a positive upplevelse -n -r

52. For Mary and me it has also Fr Mary och mig r det ocks en
been a wonderful experience upplevelse att f trffa s mnga
to meet so many of your av era vnner. Lt oss alla skla
friends. Let us drink to the f r v r d i nna n S k I ! Jl
hos tess. Cheers.

Guests: 53. Cheers, cheers Karin. Skl, skl Karin.

Unit 12 375

Upon Ieaving

Mary: 54. Good-night and thank you fo~ Godnatt och tack fr en mycket trev-
a ve~y nice evening. I i g kv I I .

Karin: 55. Don't mentian it. It was so Tack sjlv. Det var s roi igt att
nice mee ting you. I hope we' Il trffa er. Jag hoppas vi ses snart
see you again, soon. igen.

Unit 12


Notes on Hasic Sentences

5. Tack sjlv (t hanks yourself) - one of several responses to tack s mycket,

meaning uyou are welcome u or udon't mention it. u

Other Swedish expressions in response to tack s mycket are:

Ingen orsak don't mention it
det var s lite it was so little
det var IngentIng it Was nothing
det var s roi igt att ... it was so nice that

You have to try to judge for yourself which phrase is the most appropriat~
one in a given situation.

7. Jttetrevlig -t -a. Jtte- (giant) is a prefix used with adjeatives and adverbs
in colloquial speech to express the meaning of uvery , u or Uextremely. u It is
also used with nouns to give the same kind of meaning.
Examples: jttebra super
jttedi Ig extremely bad
ett jttefretag a giant corporation

The clasest English equivaZent is usuper, u but note that jtte- is used to
emphasize something negative as weZl as positive.
Examples: Trtan r jttegod.
The eake is super.

Det var en jttetrkig fl Im.

It was an extremely boring movie.

Unit; 12 377

9. Han tycker det r s roi igt (he enjoys). There are many ways of expressing
"to enjoy" in Swedish.

Examples: Han tycker det r sknt att bada bastu.

Be enjoys a sauna.

Tyckte du om fi Imen
Did you enjoy the movie?

Trivs ni i Sverige?
Are you enjoying your stay in Sweden?

12. Stycken. Swedish often adds stycken when a numeral (higher than one)
stands alone~ without a noun.

13. Hemskt grna conveys the same meaning as the English expression "I'd love to."
Att lska (to love) is usually reserved for romance.

18. VId halv ett-tiden (around 12:3J). Idiomatic way of expressing approximate time.

Examples: vid femtiden

vid sjutiden
vid halv ttatiden

21. Mr. och Mrs. Swedes often use Mr. and Mrs. (instead of herr och fru) in front
of an English name.

41a. Varsgoda (here plur.) means "please~" when you offer a person something (to eat
or to go ahead of you through a door~ etc.)~ or "here you are~ n when you hand
something to someone.

Unit 12

41b. TIll bords. This is an ord form which is still in use in certain e:cpressions,
meaning "to the table," or "at the table." There are other Bimilazo e:cpzoessionB:

t i I I havs at sea
t i l l sjss at sea
tl I I sngs in bed
ti I I fots on foot
t i II skogs to the woods

42. Hjrtl igt. Swedes often use ofrms of the word hJrtlig (heazotyJ to give certain
expressions a little more emphasis.
Examples: Hjrtl igt vlkommen Welcome
Hjrtl iga gratulationer Congratulations
Hjrtl igt tack Many thanks

52. Now we 'll give you a few more examples of the Swedish "thank you speech. "
As you'll see there are many forms, from the very formal to the most informal.
It can be flowery, eloquent, slightly silly, long or brief and to the point.
A personal nate or anecdote is always very nice. Hut most appreciated is the
fact that you know about this custom and that you follow it even if it only
means that you stand up, turn to your hostess and say: Tack fr en underbar
middag. Skl fr vrdinnan. You may want to use our examples 01' borrow portions
of them or, better yet, make up your own speeeh.

Herr X: (short and to the point, atmosphere very informalJ

Nu tror ni frsts att jag tnker Now you are probably thinking that
st hr och prata medan glassen I'm going to stand here talking white
sm I ter, men jag sger bara: Ma- the ice aream is melting. Hut I'll
ten var god, festen r jttekul. just say: The food was good, the party
Skl och tack. is great. Cheers and thank you.

Unit 12 379

Herr Z: (knows the host and hostess well and has an anecdote to tell, which you
will supply yoursetf)

Kra vrdfolk. pA mina och de Dear hast and hostess. On behatf

andra gsternas vgnar vi II jag of mysetf and the other guests I
tacka er bAda fr en utskt god want to thank both of you for
middag och en mycket trevlig a superb dinner and marvelous com-
samvaro. Det r alltid lik:::J pany. It is always a treat to
roi igt att f Komma p fest ti II be invited to your house. Good
er. God mat, goda viner och food, good wine, and nice people.
trevliga mnniskor. Aprop vAr Talking about our hostess I'll
sta vrdinna, s mste jag ff have to tell you a tittle story.
bertta en I iten historia. Det This is how it happened
var s hr .
Den hr historien visar vl vilken This story surely shows what a
trevlig (intelligent, rolig, god- lovely (intelligent, funny, good-
hjrtad, kv i cktnktl ~erson "r hearted> sharp) person our hostess
vrdinna r. is.
Tack igen fr den charmanta middagen Thanks again for the excellent
och skl fr vrdinnan. dinner and a toast to our hostess.

Herr : (wants to express his thanks to the host and hostess as a team)

Ni har vl alla sett den dr vl- You have probably all seen that
knda rekl amen fr danskt l. Den famous ad for Danish beer. One
ena dansken sger ti I I den andra: Dane says to the other: "Tell
"Hr du, nr smakar det hr let me, when does this beer taste the
bst?" Och den andra dansken best?" And the other Dane anSWers:
svarar: "Alltid." Jag sger "Always." I ask the same about
detsamma om Lindgrens fester: Nr the Lindgrens' parties: When
r det trevligast att g pA kalas is the best time to go to a party
ti II Karin och Lars; r det p at Karin and Lars'; is it at
midsommaren, krftkalaset, jul- Midsummer, at the crayfish party,
festen eli er den I i Ila torsdags- Christmas party or the little Thurs-
middagen? Svaret bl ir frsts: day dinner. The answer is, of course:
Alltid. Jag r sker p att ni Always. I' m sure that you

Unit 12

alla hller med mig om det. Karin aLL agree ~ith me. Karin and
och Lars, ni har lyckats igen. Lars Jyou did it again. Thanks
Tack fr en underbart god middag. for a marveLous dinner. A toast
Skl fr Karin och Lars. to Karin and Lars.

Herr : (doesn't want to repeat what he said last time and oan't think of
anything new so he jokes a little)

K r a Ka r i n. De t r f a k t i s k t I i t e Dear Karin. ActualLy this makes me

nervst det hr. Jag har knappast a little nervous. I've hardly
kunnat ta min goda efterrtt. Var been able to eat my delicious dessert.
ska det hr sluta? Fr varje gng Where is this going to end? Every
jag kommer hit blir maten bara go- time I come here the food gets bet-
dare, vrdinnan bara yngre och vack- ter J the hostess gets younger and
rare och vrden mer underhllande. more beautiful and the host more
Jag kan inte hitta ord nog fr att entertaining. I oan't find worda enough
beskriva en s charmant fest. Allt to describe such a wonderful party.
jag kan sga r skl fr vrdinnan All I oan say is cheers and many
och ett hjrtl igt tack. thanks.

Herr : (likes to make speeches and to pLay with his audienoe)

Kra vrdfolk, kra " me dgster."

Dear host and hostess J dear "co-guests."
Vet ni vem det r mera synd om n
Do you know who is more pitiful than
en tusenfoting som har ont i ft-
a centipede with aohing feet. Now
terna? Nu sger ni frsts att det you'Ll probabLy say that it's a

r en giraff Som har ont i halsen.

giraffe with a sore throat. But
Men det r alldeles fel. Det r
that's oompZetely wrong. The one
all ra mest synd om en man, som
who's the most pitiful is a man who
pltsl igt upptcker att han har J

aLL of a sudden J reaLizes that he has

tappat den I j I la papperslappen med lost his little piece of paper with
det noggrannt frberedda tacktalet.
his well prepared thank you speech.
Vad gr man i en sn situation?
What do you do in a situation like that?
Uni t 12 381

Ja, har man haft det s trevl igt Well, i f you have had an evening
som jag har haft det ikvll, tit as marvelous as the one I've had,
s god mat och haft en s frtju- eaten food as good, and had a table
sande bordsdam som jag har haft, partner as charming as mine, namely
nmligen vrdinnan sjlv, ja d the hostess, well, then you 're
r man p ett snt strlande gott in such a good mood that such a
humr att en sdan lIten olycka little mishap doesn't matter at
inte spelar ngon roll alls. Kra all. Dear hostess, thanks for a
vcirdinna, tack fr en strlande splendid and delightful dinner.
god och trev I i g m i ddag. Lt oss Let's toast the hostess. Cheers!
skla fr vrdinnan. Skl! Tack! Thank you!

Unit 12


Points to ppactice

Point I: ppepositions of Place

Point II: Placement of the "roaming" Adverb

Point III: Idiomatic Expressions

Uni t 12

Poin t I. Prepositions of Place

Swedish prepositions deserve special attention.

We have devoted a good deal of effort to the ex-
pressions of time and their prepositions (Unit 11)~
and we are now going to take a look at the prepo-
sitions used with expressions of plaoe. (Some
of these are~ of course~ also used in time ex-
pressions.) The most common prepositions of
plaoe are: ver, under, framfr, bakom, bredvid,
i, p

ver (over, above) and Under (under, below)

are used the same way in Swedish as their equivalents are used in English.
Examples: Lampan hnger ver bordet.
The lamp is hanging above the table.
Hon lade mattan under stolen.
She put the rug under the ohair.

Framfr (in front of), Bakom (behind), Bredvid (beside~ next to)
are- also used simi larly ---:rnthe two languages .

Examples: Bordet str framfr soffan.

The table is in front of the Bofa.

Hon stod bakom mig.

She stood behind me.

Lampan str bredvid stolen.

The lamp is next to the ohair.

Unit 12

! usually eorresponds to "in," "inside."

Examples: Gran bor i Sverige.
Goran lives in Sweden.
Boken ligger i ldan.
The book is in the drawer.
Peter dricker kaffe i kket.
Peter is having coffee in the kitchen.

P is usually the equivalent of "on."

Examples: Boken I igger p bordet.

The book is on the table.
Erik bor p Kungsgatan.
Erik lives on Kungsgatan.
Vi har en stuga p en .
We have a aottage on an island.

Hos has no direct equivalent in English. It means "at somebody's house

(place)," ef. "chez" in Freneh. Hos is always used with people, never with
a place or a building. Note also that it is never used with a verb ex-
pressing motion. The following examples will illustrate this. Read the m
aloud several times. We will try the m out in a mixed practice at the end
of the seetian on prepositions of place.
Examples: Vi ter middag hos oss.
We/ll have dinner at our place.
Vi trffades hos Eva.
We met at Eva/s.

Unit 12 385

Vi var (hemma) hos mig, nr det brjade regna.

We were at my house, when it started to rain.

VI bodde hos vra vnner, nr vi var i Sverige.

We stayed with our friends, when we were in Sweden.

Lars var hos tandlkaren igr.

Lars was at the dentist's yesterday.

VI var p middag hos Anderssons igr kvll.

We were at the Anderssons' for dinner last night.

Ti I I ~s usually used with destinations of verbs expressing motion.

examples: Lindgrens ska flytta ti II Stockholm.

The Lindgrens are moving to Stoakholm.

Johan cyklade ti II Uppsala i sndags.

Johan biayaled to Uppsala last Sunday.

Vi ska g t i l l Janssons ikvll.

We are going to the Janssons' tonight.

Ti II is sometimes equivalent to the English preposition "for. /I

Examples: Vad ska vi ha t i l l middag?

What are we having ~ dinner?

Vad anvnder man den hr ti II?

What do you use this [or?----

Note the differenae: Vi ska ta fisk ti I I middag.

We're having fish for dinner.

Sandbergs kommer ~ middag.

The Sandbergs are coming for dinner.
Unit 12

Praetiee A. Let's praetiee the prepositions ver and under. CompZete

the statementB ZogieaZly.

Lampan hnger soffan.


Det I igger en hund bordet.

De s to d trdet (the tree) nr det regnade.

Han hll tidningen huvudet nr det regnade.


En mab i I (mobile) hngde barnets sng.

ve r

De hade en persisk matta bordet.


Vrdinnan stod kri sta II kronan (ehandaZier).


Unit 12

ppaatiae B. Now we'll ppaatiae the ppepositions framfr, bakom, bredvid.

Choose the most suitable ppeposition.

En pol isbl I stod huset, nr jag kom hem.


P ett fotograf i ska sm personer st de lnga (the taLL ones).


P ett fotograf i ska I nga personer st de sm.


Huset lg vid gatan. huset fanns en stor trdgrd (garden).


Stll dig mig, s du kan se bttre.

t ramfr

Det sitter alltid en dam med en stor hatt mig p bio (the movies).


Han satte sig mig p soffan.


Vi satt brasan (the fipe).


Unit 12

Practice C. This is to practice the use of the prepositions and p.

Choose the right preposition.

Gran bor Sverige.

Blommorna str bordet.


Sam r Amerika.

Kungliga slottet ligger stockholm.

En staty (statue) str torget.


V ita Huset ligger PennsylvanIa Avenue Washington.


Tavlan (the painti~g) hnger vggen.

Vi hyrde en vning ett hghus (high-rise).

Uni t 12

Bordsplaceringen lg bordet hallen.

De har kpt en vi Ila Saltsjbaden.

Familjen Ljung bor Liding (island).

De bodde lnge f\frika.

De har en liten stuga Gotland (island).

Glasen str skpet (cupboard).

Boken lg ldan.

Jag lste om det tIdningen.

Meddelandet ligger skrivbordet.


Unit 12

Th e p r e p o s i t i o n p (i n t h e s e n s e o f 1/ t o, 1/ 1/ i n, 1/ or 1/ at 1/) is U8 e d wi t h p ub l i c
Examples: att g p bio (to go to the movies)
att g p teatern
att studera p unlversltet(et)
att arbeta p amerikanska ambassaden
att jobba (aolloq. to work) p kontor
att ta p restaurang
att I igga p sjukhus (to be in the hospital)

There are two exceptions to this rule: att g i skolan to go to sahool

att g T KyrKan to go to church
Note that some nouns take the definite article, and some no article at all.

Examples: p bio
p teatern
p operan (at the opera)
p konsert
p nattkl ubb
p museum
p restaurang
p kurs
p universitet(et)
p kontor
p ambassaden
p middag
p sjukhus(et)
p college
l kyrkan
i skolan

Unit 12 391

Praatiae D. This is to praatiae the use of p and i in aombination with

aertain words. The aue word will give you a hin t aB to whiah preposition
to use. Try to use the right form of the noun.

Anna gr engelska. Anna is taking a aourse in ku rs

p en kurs

Karin ska brja hst. universitet

p universitetet

Gr ni ofta - - - - - - -? teater

p teatern

Fami Ijen Blomkvist gr varje sndag. kyr ka


Ikvll ska vi g bio

p bio

Hur mnga av dina barn gr - - - - - _ ? sko I a

Erik gr ofta opera
p operan

Unit 12


Idag ska Ullas klass g museum

p museum

Ska vi ta imorgon kvl l? restaurang

p restaurang

Anderssons Var igr kvll. konsert

p konsert

Vi arbetar t i \I k l oc ka n fem. kontor

p kontor{etl

Holmbergs ska bjuda Bloms i morgon. middag

p middag

Bill arbetar amerikanska ambas-

sad en
p amerikanska ambassaden

Unit 12 393

Pra~ti~e E. In this mixed pra~ti~e you will have a chance to see i f you can
use all the prepositions of place the way the Swedes do. Use the prepositions
p, i, hos, till, mellan, bredvid, framfr, bakom, under, ver.

Ljusen (the candles) str bordet.

Gr hennes pojke college?

Eriks hustru ligger sjukhus.

G r d u kyrkan?

Lars satt Eva och Lena.

me I I an

Hon bodde mig hela veckan.


Vi gick hem honom efter teatern.

t II I

Tavlan hnger soffan.


Unit 12

Eva satt soffan, sitt portrtt (portrait).

<p} under

Lena stod tavlan och tittade p den.


John r fortfarande ambassaden.


De gr museum varje lrdag.

Lindstrms har farit Amerika.


Eva ringde och bjd oss middag.

Damen med den stora hatten satte sig mig, s jag sg ingenting.
varje stor man finns en kvinna.

Unit 12

Point II. P~acement of the ~roaming~ Adverb

You have already been introduced, in Unit 3, to the most genera~ ru~e concern-
ing the p~acement of the adverb -- af ter the verb. However, some Swedish ad-
verbs move around, depending on the type of clause they are in and the type
of verb they function with. They are ca~~ed vandrande adverb (roaming
adverbs). We wi~l concentrate on three of the most common of these "roaming
adverbs," inte, alltid, and aldrig.

Nain Clauses

a. Conjugated verb +~4v~F~

In main clauses the adverb comes immediate~y after the conjugated verb.
(Cf. unit 3, Points to Practice III.)

Examples: Jag rker inte.

I don't smoke.

Du fr aldrig rka.
You may never smoke.

b. Conjugated verb + subject + adverb

In main clauses where the subject and verb are reversed the adverb come s
immediately af ter the subject. (Cf. Unit 3, Points to Practice III.)

Examples: Har du Inte den hr boken?

Don't you have this book?

Hr fr du inte rka.
Here you may not smoke.

Uni t 12

o. Conjugated verb + adverb + particle

In main alauses with verbs + partiale the adverb foZZows the first part
of the conjugated verb.
Examples: Jag tycker Inte om den hr boken.
I don't like this book.
Jag hl ler Inte med om det.
I don't agree with that.

d. Conjugated ve>:'b + subject + adverb + particle

In a question where the verb consists of a verb + particle the subject
and the conjugated verb are reversed. the adve>:'b follows the subject.
and the particZe is added after the adverb.
ExampZes: Tycker du Inte om den hr boken?
Don't you like this book?
Kommer du alltid Ihg att ringa hem?
Do you always remember to call home?

Unit 12

Subordinate ctauses
In subordinate ctauses the "roaming" adverb comes belore the conjugated verb.

Examples: Hon tror, latt hon alltid har rtt).

She thinks that she is atways right.

Stina vet,latt Per inte kan kommal

Stina knows that Per can not come.

Lars sade, latt han Inte k r b i Ij.

Lars said that he doesn't drive.

Lars sade, latt han inte kan kra b i q.
Lars said that he doesn't know how to drive.
Lars sade, latt han i nte tycker om att kra b I 'I.
Lars said. that he doesn't like to drive.
lEttersom vi aldrig trttasl, ringer vi otta ti II varandra.

Since we never see each other we olten catt each other.

INr Evas man inte r hemm3, lagar hon lnte sA mycket mat.

When Eva's hus band is not at home she doesn't cook so much.

Uni t 12

Note: You can distinguish a subordinate clause from a main alause by the aon-
junation that introduaes the clause.

These are the aonjunctions that introduae a main clause:

fr for, because
men but
och and
s so
uta n but (af ter a negative statementJ

These ape the conjunctions that introduae a subordinate alause:

att that
d when
d since
drfr att beaause
eftersom since
fast(n) although
fr att in order to
frrn before, until.
innan before
medan while
n r when
om if
sedan af ter
s att so tha t
t i I Is until
trots att in spite (of the faet thatJ

The rel.ative pronouns som, v 1 I ken (v i I ket, v 1 I ka) also introduce

subopdinate clauses.

Unit 12

With the exception of inte, "roaming adverbs" usuaZZy pZace no specific Zimit
on the duration or kind of action expressed by the verb. Here is a partiaZ
Zist of other "roaming adverbs:"
ofta knappast (hardZy)
redan mj I i g en
s na rt s ke rt
sllan (seZdom) troligtvis
antag I i gen (probabZy) van I i gtv i s
b a ra verkl igen
grna tminstone (at least)

Practiae F. Now we'lZ practice the pZacement of "roaming adverbs" in a main

cZause. Vse the adverb given in the aue and try to pZace it correctZy i-n---
the sentence on the left. You have aZready done a simiZar exercise in Vnit 3,
so this shouZd be easy.

Pelle r hemma. inte

Pelle r inte hemma.

Anderssons r p landet i jul], aI It id

Anderssons r alltid p landet i JulI.

Gr du p teatern? aldrig

Gr du aldrig p teatern?

Lennart vi II kpa en ny bl \. inte

L e nn a r t v i I I j n t e k p a e n n y b i I

Unit 12


Erik ringer ti I I sin mormor. aldrig

Erik ringer aldrig ti I I sin mormor.

Vi har tid att hlsa p vra vnner. a I It id

Vi har alltid tid att hlsa p vra vnner.

Gran ska kl om sig fre middagen. inte

Gran ska inte kl om sig fre middagen.

Tycker du om att kpa klder? a I It i d

Tycker du alltid om att kpa klder?

Min kusin har varit i Afrika. inte
Min kusin har inte varit i Afrika.

Agrens har bjudit sina vnner. antagligen

Agrens har antagligen bjudit sina vnner.

Har ni hlsat p era slktingar i Amerika? aldrig

Har ni aldrig hlsat p era slktingar I Amerika?
Talade du med honom fre resan? inte
Talade du Inte med honom fre resan?

Har du lst de hr bckerna? verkl igen

Har du verkl i gen I st de hr bckerna?

Uni t 12

Practice G. Here are same "roaming adverbs" in a subordinate clause. Again,

use the adverb in the cue and place it in the subordinate clause of the sen-
tence on the left.

Vi vet, att ni r hemma p sndagarna. a I It Id

VI vet, att ni alltid r hemma p sndagarna.

Lars undrade, om han borde fara hem. inte

Lars undrade, om han Inte borde fara hem.

Nr Pelle kom, ringde jag ti II hans mamma. inte

Nr Pelle inte kom, ringde jag t i l l hans mamma.

E ftersom det r s sent, br v i r i nga hem. inte

Eftersom det i nte r s sent, br vi ri nga hem.

Vera visste,att Gran skulle komma. aldrig

Vera visste, att Gran aldrig skulle komma. visste, att Maja vi Ile komma. grna visste, att Maja grna vi Ile komma.

Carina skmdes ver att hon hade ringt. inte

Ca r i n a skmdes ver att hon inte hade ringt.

Ou kan hlsa honom f r n mi g, eftersom du trffar honom. skert

Ou ka n hlsa honom f r n mig, eftersom du skert trffar honom.

Uni t 12


Jag sg en film, som jag hade sett tidigare. Inte

Jag sg en film, som jag Inte hade sett tidigare.

Johan, som brukar vara punktl 19, kom tio minuter fr sent. a I It i d

Johan,som a I I t i d b ru ka r vara punktlig, kom tio minuter fr sent.

Jag var s ker p att Peter hade v rt telefonnummer. Inte

J ag var sker p att Peter inte hade vrt telefonnummer.

Eva undrade, om N11 s kunde komma hem t i d i ga re. verk I i gen
Eva undrade, om N i I s verkl igen kunde komma hem tidigare.

Olof berttade, att ni hade velat fara tl II Kpenhamn. hell re

Olof berttade, att ni hellre hade velat fara till Kpenhamn.

Jag visste, att ni vi Ile stanna hemma. helst

Jag visste, att n l helst v i I I e stanna hemma.

Jag tycker, att du borde ringa och tacka fr senast. tminstone

J ag tycker, att du tminstone borde ringa och tacka f r senast.

Jag frstr, att du har hft tid att lsa tidningen knappast
J ag frstr, att du knappast har haft tid att lsa tidningen.

Unit 12

Praotioe H. This is a mixed practioe. You will have to determine whether the
adverb given in the oue is a "roaming adverb" or not. Plaoe the adverbs given
in the oue in the sentenoe on the left. If the sentenee consists of two clauses
there will be an adverb for each one.

Jag tror, att Perssons ska resa ti II Uppsala. inte, Idag

Jag tror inte, att Perssons ska resa ti II Uppsala Idag.

Jag vill, att ni kommer. hellre, hit

Jag vill hellre, att ni kommer hit.

Gsta, som tycker om att resa, mste fara ti II USA. i nte, kanske

Gsta, som i nte tycker om att resa, mste kanske fara tl II USA.

Har du berttat fr J an, att du mste g p operan? i nte, d

Har du inte berttat fr J a n, att du mste g p operan d?

Jag har tyckt om att segla (to saH) . a I dr i g

Jag har aldrig tyckt om att s eg I a.

Jag har velat tala om fr dig, att vi ska flytta. inte, antagligen

Jag har inte velat tala om fr dig, att vi antagligen ska flytta.

Jag kan hra, fr han talar s hgt. knappast, inte

Jag kan knappast hra, fr han talar inte s hgt. (See Unit 8, Nate 18b.)

Eftersom du r frdig, kan vi g. redan, nu

Eftersom du redan r frdig, kan vi g nu.

unit 12


Tror du, att han hller med sin vn? verkl igen, alltid

Tror du verkligen, att han alltid hller med sin vMn?

Min kusin, som du trffade, kan kra bil. igr, inte

Min kusin, som du trffade igr, kan Inte kra bil.

Nr Peter kommer, vi Il han trffa dig. imorgon, antag\ Igen

Nr Peter kommer imorgon, vi II han antagligen trffa dig.

Unit 12

Point III. Praatiae r. As we mentioned in the introduation to this Unit we will now
praatice some of the idiomatia or useful expressions that have been underlined
in the text. This is a multiple ahoice exeraise. Only one of the three answers
is appropriate in the given situation. The aorreat answers will be listed at
the end of the praatiae.

1. Situation: You are asking a te lephone aaller to wait.

a. J us t en minut.
b. Ett gonb I i ck.
a. Hur har ni det?

2. Situation: You are inviting a friend to dinner.

a. Vad f r jag bjuda p?

b. V i r s glada att ni kunde komma.
a. Ha r du lust att komma p mIddag.

3. Situation: You accept the invitation.

a. Tack bra.
b. Tack hemskt grna.
c. Tack, det gr detsamma.

4. Situation: You are raising your glass wetaoming your guests at the
dinner tab le.

a. Jag ber att f hlsa er vlkomna.

b. Adj d och vlkomna.
a. Vi sklar fr vrdfolket.

5. Situation: You are leaving a party, thanking the host and hostess.

a. Tack fr igr.
b. Tack fr maten.
c. Tack fr en mycket trev I i 9 kv II.

Unit 12

6. Situation: On parting you want to convey a greeting to your friend's

husband, Johan.

a. Hur har Johan det?

b. Hlsa t i l l Johan!
e. V i I I du gra s I I skap med Johan?

7. Situation: You meet your dinner host or hostess a few days after their
party and say:

a. Tack fr senast.
b. D hr jag av mig.
c. Det passar utmrkt.

8. Situation: You are the guest of honor sitting to the left of your hostess.
You might begin a toast in the foZZowing typiaaZ way:

a. Vi har verkligen funnit varandra.

b. Vi sklar fr vrdfolket.
e. Tack tr senast.

9. Situation: Af ter getting up from the dinner tabZe each guest comes up
to the hostess to say:

a. Tack fr sllskapet.
b. Tack fr en mycket trevl ig kvll.
e. Tack tr maten.

Correct an8wers to Praetiee I.

1. b 6. b
2. e 7. a
:5 b 8. b
4. a 9. e
5. e

Uni t 12

Now it's time for some role-playing. Imagine
yourself in various roles, such as friend on
the telephone extending an invitation, friend
accepting an invitation, guest of honor, host
or hos tess.

Uni t 12


Here we introduae a change from the dialog format of our text to a combination
descriptive text and dialog. We hope you will find it fun and useful. We
also want you to become more ear oriented and see how much you can understand
even when new vocabulary that you have never had is introduced. Try listening
to the tape before looki~ the text. See i f you can get the gist of what
is going on even with the unfamiliar words. Some of the new words may bear
so much resemblanae to English (or another language whiah you may know) that
you can guess at the meaning. Examples: generationer - generations; konduktr -
conductor. Others you may guess at from already knowing one part of a two-
part word. Examples: tidtabell - timetable; platsbi Ijett - reserved seat
ticket. Most probably you will also recognize words that you have learned
from sources other than this book during your weeks of studying Swedish.

Af ter having listened to the tape several times, read the text. All the new
vocabulary is underlined and translated at the end of the text.

You are not expected to memorize the text. however. just to be very familiar
with it.

Note alsa that in this new format asterisks referring to Nates on Basic Sen-
tenaes appeal' next ta the line numbers in which the items explained oacur.

Uni t 13


P vg t i l l landet

L Anne och George Brown r bjudna ti I I Lvgrens p landet ver veckoslutet.

2. Lvgrens bor p somrarna i en gammal stuga, som Svante Lvgren har rvt av

3. sina frldrar. Den har tillhrt slkten flera generationer. Stugan

4. I i gger p Ut i St o c k ho I ms s k r g r d De t r t I d i gt P I r d a g s mo r g o n e n

5. Anne: Hur dags gr tget?

6. George: Vid nio-tiden, tror jag. Titta tidtabellen, r du snll. Jag

7. h I I er p att packa.

8. Anne: Det str: Avgn~stld frn Centralen 8:23. Ankomsttid i Arsta

9. Havsbad klockan 10:05. Jag tror vi hinner med tunnelbanan, om vi

10. skyndar oss.

11. George: Du r inte klok. Hur ska vi f med alla vra tunga grejer p tunnel-

12. banan?

13. Jl
Anne: Ja, det har du rtt I. Det bl jr nog Inte s ltt. Varfr tar vi

14. inte en taxi?

Unit 13

15. George: Ja, det r klart att vi gr.

16. Anne: Ha r vi t n kt P a I I t i n 9? G I m i n t e g u mm i s t v I a r n a

17. George: Dem fr vi lna av Lvgrens.

18. Anne: Du har v I kpt v i net som v i lovade att ta med oss?

19. George: Ja, det har jag. Tycker du att vi ska ta med ngon present t

20. barnen?

21. Anne: Nej. Pojken kte p lger hromdagen och fl ickan r inte hel ler

22. hemma.

23. George: Vi mste lsa ordentligt och lmna nyckeln hos grannarna.

24. Anne och George tar en taxi ti II Centralen, dr George kper bi Ijetter.

25. Vid biljettluckan:

26. George: Tv tur och retur t i II rsta Havsbad. Mste v i kpa p I atsb i I jetter?

27. >\ Mannen: Nej, det r inte ndvndigt p det tget. Men tget gr bara tl l I

28. Vsterhanninge, dr ni fr~~ ti II buss.

Uni t 1J 411

29. Anne: Skynda dig George. Det blir svrt att fi'l plats annars. Tget

30. kommer skbrt att vara fullsatt. Alla vi II komma ut p landet

3l. >l ver helgen.

32. Nr Anne och George her ~ ~ ~ tget hr de konduktren ropa:

33. >l Tag plats! Var god stng drrarna!

34. De gr frbi en kupe dr det str "Rkare" p en skylt och fortstter ti II

35. en ~ dr det str" Icke rkare".

36. I Vsterhanninge gr konduktren genom vagnarna och ropar "Byte tl II Arsta

37. Havsbad".

38. >l
D vaknar Anne som har somnat. Alla passagerarna stiger av. Framfr sta-

39. >l
tionen vntar en SJ-buss med Arsta Havsbad p skylten. Anne och George stl ler

40. sig kn och brjar leta efter biljetterna som George hittar i rockfickan.

41. Det r fullt med folk p bussen. Den kr genom ett typiskt svenskt landskap

42. med skogar och sjar. Anne tycker att Sverige r vackert. Vid ndhllplatsen

43. tar alla sitt bagage och stiger av. Hr finns bara en kiosk, dr man kan

44. kpa varm korv, glass, tidningar och choklad. Frn Arsta Havsbad ska Browns

45. >I ta bt t i l l Ut.

Unit 13



a I I t I ng everything
ankomst -en -er arrival
annars otherwise
avgng -en 0 departure
bagage -t 0 baggage, luggage
bjud/en -et -na invit ed (past part.)
(att) byta, 2b to change
byte -t -n change
Centralen (C) Central station
dr where (relative adverb)
fick/a -an -or pocket
(att) fort/stta, -stter, -satte, -satt, 4 to con tinue
full -t-a full
fu I I satt -0 -a filled, all seats taken
generation -en -er f!eneration
glass -en (Il 'l-ce cream
grann/e -en -ar neighbor
grej -en -er thing, gadget
gummi -t 0 rubber
(att) h I I a p (att gra ngot); to be busy (doing something), to be in the
hl ler, hll, hllit, 4 process of (doing something)
hromdagen the other day
icke not (formal; used mainly in public notices)
i n te h e I I e r not ... either
k i os k kiosk
klok -t -a wise
du r inte klok you are crazy
konduktr -en -er conductor
korv -en -ar sausage
varm korv hot doges)
kupe -n -er compartment
k -n -er line, queue
land -et 0 countroyside
landskap -et -0 countroyside, scenery, landscape
Unit 13 413

(att) leta (efter ngot); to look (for something)

luck/a -an -or tJindotJ
(att) lna, I to borrow~ to lend
ls -et -rj lock
(att) lsa, 2b to lock
lger, lgret, -0 oamp
I tt -0 -a easy~ simple; light
nyckel -n, nycklar key
ordent I i g -t -a orderly~ careful~ thorough
(att) packa, I to paok
passagerare -n -0 passenger
plats -en -er seat
platsbiljett -en -er reserved seat ticket
rock -en -ar ooat~ robe
(att) ropa, I to oaU (out)
(att) ha rtt (i ngot); har,hade, haft to be right (about something)
rkare -n -0 smaker
sj -n -ar lake
skog -en -ar forest~ tJoads
skylt -en -ar sign
skrgrd -en -ar archipelago~ skerries
slkt -en -er extended family, relatives
(att) somna, I to fall asleep
(att) stiga, stiger, steg, stigit, 4 to step
(att) stiga av; 4 to get off
(att) stiga p; 4 to get on~ to board
(att) st, str, stod, sttt, 4 to say (in print or writing)
stvel -n, stvlar boat
t i dtabe l I -en -er time table
(att) tillhra, 2a to belong (to)
tung -t -a heavy
tur och retur roundtrip
vagn -en -ar (railroad) car
(att) vakna, to tJake up
var god please
varfr why
veckoslut -et -~ week-end

Unit 13

ndh I I P l ats -en -er end of the line

(att> rva, 2a to inhel'it

Uni t 13


Notes on Basic Sentences

13. Ltt has two meanings: "easy" and "light" (not heavyJ.

Examples: Peter tycker det r ltt att lra sig svenska, men Ann tycker det r
Peter thinks it's easy to learn Swedish, but Ann thinks it's difficult.

Lars kpte en mycket ltt vska, fr han tycker inte om att resa med
tungt bagage.
Lars bought a very light suitcase, because he doesn't like to travel
with heavy luggage.

27. Det tget. Here det functions as a demonstrative adjective, meaning "that train."
Note that the defini-te form of the noun is used.

31. ver helgen. Helg today has the meaning of any legal holiday or weekend.
Earlier helg meant only religious holidays.

33. Var god ... This idiomatic expression meaning "please" is used only in format
directives. We have brie fly mentioned the translation of "ptease" in Unit 1,
Note 29, and would like to add some useful clues with regard to expressing
"please" in Swedish. It is quite simple if we divide the "pleases" into
four categories:

1. A formal oommand. This is the imperative form used in offioial or quite

impersonal situations to tell someone in a polite way to do something.
Examples: Var god (och) vnta.
Please wait. (Of ten used on the telephoneJ

Unit 13

Var god (och) drj.

Please hold. (Used on the telephone)

Var vnlig och fyll i den hr blanketten.

s n I I
Pleas e fill out this form.

2. An informal command. The gracious way to invite Bomeone to do Bomething.

(Cf. Unit 12, Note 41a)

Examples: Varsgod och stig in.

Please come in.

Varsgod och sitt.

Pleas e sit down.

Varsgod och ta en kaka t i II

Please take another cookie.

3. ~ request. When asking someone to give you Bomething or do 80mething

for uou, the polite way is to use a graciouB question form that implieB
the equivalent of "please."

Examples: Kan jag f May I have .. ,

Fr jag be om . May I have (ask for) .
Skulle jag kunna f Could I please have .
Sku I I e du kunna sga mi g Could you please tell me
Skulle ni vi Ija vara s vnl ig och .. Would you please be kind
enough to ....

4. An acceptance, ja tack, corresponds to the English "yes, please."

(ef. nej tack - no thank you.)

38. Att vakna is the intransitive verb "to wake up," whereas the transitive verb
"to wake up (someone)" is att vcka (Zbl.

Unit 13 417

Examples: Lena tycker det r svrt att vakna tidigt p morgonen.

Lena thinks it's diffieult to wake up eaply in the mopning.

Vckarklockan vcker henne klockan sju.

The alarm clock wakes her up at seven.

Note the difference between att sova and att somna. Att sova means "to sleep"
and att somna "to fall asleep. /I

Example: Lena somnade genast och sov i tolv timmar.

Lena fell asleep right away and slept fop twelve houps.

39. SJ-buss. SJ is the abbreviation of Statens Jrnvgar, the government-owned

railroad system in Sweden. SJ opepates buses between some localities as an
extension of the railroad system.

45. Att ta bt. Swedish usually does not use the article befope general means of

Examples: att ka tg to go by train

att kra b I I to drive (a ear), to go by ear
att ta buss to take a bus, to go by bus
att ta taxi to take a taxi, to go by taxi

(Cf. Unit 3, Note Ba., Unit 5, Note 25.)

Uni t 13


Points to Praatiae

Point I: Irregular verbs

Point II: Tycka, tnka, tro

Point III: Dr - dit as relative adverbs

Unit 13 419

Poin t I: The Fourth Conjugation (Irregular Verbs)

The fourth conjugation contains all the verbs that don't follow the patterns
of the other three conjugations. We call the verbs of the fourth conjugation
irregular because they don't all follow the same distinct pattern. However,
many of them are conjugated according to certain predictable patterns of
vowel changes.
Examples: finna, fann, funnit (find); springa, sprang, sprungit (run);
skriva, skrev, skrivit (wl'ite); bli(va), blev, blivit (become).

These verbs end in - i t in the supine. The present tense ending is -er,
except when the stem ends in a vowel or in -r. In those cases the same
rule applies as in the other conjugations: If the stem ends in a vowel
the present tense ending is just -r (b I i, b I i r); if the stem ends in -r
the stem serves also as present tense (fara, far).
The fourth conjugation verbs which don't follow the predictable vowel
patterns are very irl'egular. They may take on both a vowel change and
an ending to form the past tense and the supine.

Examples: gra, gjorde, gjort (do, make); I igga, lg, legat (lie, be looated);
se, sg, sett (see).

The present tense is formed the same way as for the verbs with the predict-
able vowel changes.

Examples: .!JJ.u1./a, I igg~; ~, se..!::.; gr/a, gr.

Exceptions: stjla (steal), present tense: stjl;

veta (know), present tense: vet.

Note also that some of the auxiliaries have irregular present tense forms.
Examples: kan, mste, ska, vill.

Unit 13

The foLLowing is a comprehensive List of the fourth oonjugation verbs. (The past participLe
form wiLL be expLained in Unit 14):
Present Past Past
Infinitive Tense Tense Supine "JiCirti o i.JZ.1!!.. TransLation
be ber bad bett -bedd ask, pray
binda binder band bundit bunden bind, tie
bita biter bet bitit biten bite
bj uda bjuder bjd bjudit bjuden offer, invite
b I l (va) bI i r blev bI i \I it -bliven become
brinna brinner b ra nn b r' u n n i t -brunnen burn
brista brister b ra st brustit brusten burst
bryta bryter brt brutit bruten break
b ra br bar burit buren carry, wear
br bo rdu bo rt ought to
dra(ga) d ra r drog d ra g i t dragen
d r i c ka dricker drac!~ druckit d ruc ken drink
dr i va driver drev drivit driven drive (not vehicLe)
duga duger dg dugit do, serve, be suit-
d dr
dog dtt dd die
dlja dljer dolde dolt dold conceaL

Unit 13

Present Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense S~ine Participle Translatian

f a I Ia f a I I er fI I faIIit f a I Ie n fall
fara far fo r far i t -faren go, travel

finna f i n ne r fann funnit funnen find

finnas f i n ns fanns funnits be, exist

flyga flyger flg f I ug i t -flugen fly
flyta flyter f lt f I ut i t -fluten float
frysa fryser frs frusit frusen be ca ld, freeze
f f r f ic k ftt receive, get, may
frsv i nna frsvinner frsvann frsvunnit frsvunnen disappear
ge, giva ger ga v gett -given give
g I i da g I i der gled g I idi t glide
gldja glder gladde g I att make happy, please
gnida gnider gned 9ni d i t gniden rub
gripa griper grep gripit gripen seize, gra8p
grta grter grt grtit -grten cry, weep
g g r g ic k gtt -gngen go, walk
gra gr gjorde g j o rt gjord do, make

Unit 13

Present Past Past

In[initive Tense Tense Supine Partiaiple Translation

ha(va) har hade haft -havd have

heta heter hette hetat be called

hinna hinner hann hunnit hunnen have time, attain

hugga hugger hgg huggit huggen cut, hew

h I Ia h I I er h I I h I I i t h I I en hold, keep
k I i va k I iver klev kI i v it -kliven step, climb
knyta knyter knt knutit knuten tie
komma kommer kom komm i t -kommen come
kry pa kryper krp krupit -krupen creep, cT'awl
kunna ka n kunde kunnat be ab le, may, know
le ler log lett smile
I i da I i d er I ed I idit su[[er
I i gga I i gge r lg legat -Iegad lie (lay, lain)
ljuga ljuger I j g ljugit -ljugen lie (lied, lied)
lyda lyder I d, lydde lytt -lydd obey; be worded
lta lter lt ltit -lten let, permit; sound
lgga lgger lade lagt lagd lay, put

Unit 13

P1'esent Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense Supine Pa1'ticipte T1'anstation
- --
mste mste must

niga n i g er neg niglt CU1'tsy

njuta njuter njt njutit -njuten enjoy

nysa ny se r ns nyst sneeze

pipa piper pep pipit squeak

rida rider red r idi t riden 1'ide (on h01'seback)

rinna rinner ra nn runnit 1'un, flow

riva river rev rivit riven sC1'atch, tea!'

ryta ryter rt rutit 1'0 a!'

se ser sg sett sedd see

sitta sitter satt suttit -sutten sit

sj unga sjunger sjng sjungit sjungen sing
sjunka sjunker sjnk sjunkit sjunken sink
ska ( I I ) s ku I I e shal. l., !ViU
skina skiner sken skinit shine
skjuta skjuter skt skjutit skjuten shoot
skrida skrider skred skridit -skriden glide, p1'oceed
s k r l ka skriker skrek skrikit -skriken sC1'eam, shout
Unit 13

Pl'esent Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense Supine Pal'ticipZe Tl'ansZation

skriva skriver skrev skrivit skriven wl'ite

skryta skryter skrt skrutit -skruten bl'ag~ boast

s k ra s k r s ka r s ku r i t skuren cut

s I i ppa si ipper slapp sluppit -sluppen be spal'ed fl'om

s I i ta si iter slet s Ii t it s I i ten teal'~ weal' out
sl slr slog slagit slagen beat~ stl'ike
slss slss slogs slagits fight
smyga smyger smg smugit -smugen sneak~ tip- toe
snyta snyter snt snutit snuten blow the nose
sova sover sov sovit sleep
spinna spinner s pa nn spunnit spunnen spin
spricka spricker sprack spruckit sprucken cl'ack~ bUl'at
sprida sprider spred spritt spridd spl'ead
springa springer sprang sprungit sprungen l'un
sticka sticker stack stuckit stucken stick~ put; ating
stiga stiger steg stigit -stigen step~ l'ise
stjla stjl stal s tu I i t stulen steal

Unit 13 425

Present Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense
- -- Supine Participl.e Translation
strida strider stred stridit -stridd fight
stryka stryker strk strukit struken cross out; iron
st st r stod sttt -stdd stand
stdja stder stdde sttt stdd support
suga suger sg sugit sugen suck
supa super sp supit -supen drink l.iquor ( ex-
svida svider sved svidit smart, burn
sv i ka sviker svek svikit -sviken fail., disappoint
svlta svlter sva It svultit svulten starve
svra svr svor svurit svuren swear
sga sger sa(de) sagt sagd say
slja sljer s I d e slt sld sen
stta stter satte satt satt se t, put
ta(ga) ta r tog tagit tagen take
tiga t i g er teg tigit -tegen be silent
trs tordes torts dare
vara r va r va r i t be

Unit 13

Pr>esent Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense Supine fiiliticiple Tr>ans latian

veta vet visste vetat know

v i ka viker vek v i kit viken, vikt fold

vi Ij a vi II v i II e velat want to

vinna vinner va nn vunnit vunnen UJin

vrida vrider vred vridit vriden tur>n, twist

v I j a vljer valde valt vald ohoose

v nj a vnjer vande vant vand aooustom

ta ter t tit ten eat

Note 1: This list does not inolude any of the ir>regular verbs that are made up of a pr>efix
(of ten a preposition) and a verb, fOr> example: frst, ~skrlva, fortstta.
These compound verbs are always oonjugated aocor>ding to the pattern that the simple
verb folloUJs.

Examples: frst, frstr, frstod, frsttt (to under>stand)

beskrIva, beskriver,~krev, beskrivit (to descr>ibe)
fortstta, fortstter, fortsatte, fortsatt (to aontinue)
Some of the most oommon prefixes used with verb forms ar>e: an-, be-, fort-, fram-,
fr-, genom-, ned-, t 1 I 1-, ver-.

Nate 2: A dash befor>e the par>tioiple for>m in the verb list means that the partiaiple form
is used only with a pr>efix.
Examples: verb I i vlen -et -na (Zeft ove:r>J
besvlk/en -et -na (disappointed)
Ihopkrup/en -et -na (curled up)
Unit 13 427

To make it a little easier we'll list together some of the most common fourth conjugation
verbs that follow the same vowel pattern:

Present Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense 0:P. ine p;;y;ticiple Translation
(short i J ( short i J (short aj (s hort uj (short uj

binda binder ba nd bundit bunden bind, tie

brinna brinner brann brunnit -brunnen bU'l'n

d r i c ka dricker d rac k druckit drucken drink
f i nna finner f a nn funnit funnen find
finnas finns fanns funnits
frsvinna frsvinner frsvann frsvunnit frsvunnen disappeal'
hinna hinner hann hunnit hunnen have time, attain
r i nna rinner ra nn runnit
s i tta sitter satt suttit -sutten sit
s I i Ppa slipper slapp sluppit -sluppen be spared from
spricka spricker sprack spruckit sprucken crack, burat
springa springer sprang sprungit sprungen run
st i c ka sticker stac k stuckit stucken stick, put; sting
vinna vinner va nn vunnit vunnen win

Unit 13

Present Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense Supine Participle Translation
(long i) (long i) (long ej ( i) (Long i J

bita biter bet bitit biten bite

bl i(va) bIi r blev bI i vit -bl iven be come

g I i da g l i der gled g I i dit glide

gnida gnider gned gnidit gniden rub

gripa griper grep gripit gripen seize, grasp

k I i va k I iver klev kI j vit -kliven step, climb

I i da I i der led I idit suffer
niga niger neg nigit curtsy
rida rider red ridit riden ride (on horsebaok)
riva river rev rivit riven scratch, tear
skina skiner sken skinit shine
s kr i ka skriker skrek skrikit -skriken scream, shout
skriva skriver skrev skrivit skriven write
s I i ta S I i ter slet s I It It s I I ten tear, wear out
stiga stiger steg stigit -stigen step, rise
svida svider sved svidit smart, burn
sv i ka sviker svek svikit sviken faH. disappoint

Unit 13

PT'e8ent Pa8t Past

In[initive Tense Tense Supine PaT'ticiple TT'anslation
(long I) (long i) ( long e) ( long i ) (long i )

tiga tiger teg tigit -tegen be silent

v i ka v i ke r vek v i ki t viken, vikt fold

vrida vrider vred vridit vriden tUT'n, twist

PT'e8ent Past Past

Infinitive Tense Ten8e Supine PaT'ticiple TT'anslation
(u) (u) () (u) (u)

bjuda bjuder bj d bjudit bjuden offeT'~ invite

hugga hugger hgg huggit huggen cu t, hew
ljuga ljuger I j g ljugit -ljugen lie (lied, lied)

njuta njuter njt njutit -njuten enjoy

sjunga sjunger sjng sjungit sjungen sing
sjunka sjunker sjnk sjunkit sjunken sink
s kj uta skjuter skt skjutit skjuten shoot
suga suger sg sugit sugen suck
supa super sp su p i t -supen dT'ink liquoT' (ex-

Unit 13

Present Past Past

Infinitive Tense Tense Supine Partiaipl.e Transl.ation
(y) (y) ~ (u) (u)

bryta bryter brt brutit bruten break

flyga flyger flg flugit -flugen fLy

flyta flyter flt flutit -fluten fZoat
f ry sa fryser frs frusit frusen be co Ld. feeze
knyta knyter knt knutit knuten tie
krypa kryper krp krupit -krupen creep. crawL
skryta skryter skrt skrutit -skruten brag. boast
smyga smyger smg smugit -smugen sneak. tip-toe
snyta snyter snt snutit snuten bLow the nose
stryka stryker strk strukit struken Cro ss out; iron

Uni t 1J

BeloLJ is a Hs t of the auxiliary verbs. (Nate that they have no past particip le form) :

PJ"e8ent Past
Infinitive Tense Tense Supin~ TJ"anslation

b I i (va) bI i r blev b I Iv It become

br bo rd e bort ought to

f fr fick ftt be aLLoLJed~ may

ha ha r hade haft have

kun na ka n kunde kunnat be able to~ can

lta lter lt I t i t let

mste mste must

ska ( I I ) s ku I I e shal L~ LJill
vara r va r varit be
v i Ij a vIII v i I Ie velat want to

Unit 13

Practice A. This practice uses verbs from the fourth conjugation that have
occurred in this Unit. Put the cue verb in the present tense.
Stugan p Ut. att ligga
I i gger

George att packa. att hlla p

h I I er p
De resa ti II landet. ska

Tget p stationen att st

st r

Vi en taxi ti II Centralen. att ta

Tget tidigt p morgonen. att g
De tget Stockholm. att stiga p
stiger p
Ann inte ta tunnelbanan. att hinna

Unit 13


Lvgrens Anne och George ti II sin stuga. att bjuda

bj ud er

Det svrt att f plats p tget. att b l l

bI ir

Ppactice B. This time put the aue verbs in the past tense.

George vskan med sig? att ta

Hur dags tget? att g

De till en.annan vagn. att fortsl'itta

Browns ta med sig vin tl I I sina vnner? ska

S ku I I e

Det inga barn hemma. att finnas


Unit 13


Stina p middag. att bjuda

bj d

De Inte med tunnelbanan. att hinna


George att packa. att hlla p

h I I p

De Arsta Havsbad. att stiga av

steg av

Anne George kpa biljetterna att l ta


Stugan p en . att ligga


B i I en p gatan. att st

Unit 13

Practice e. This time put the cue verb ~n the present perfeet form ( har + supinej.

Br'owns p en resa. att vara

ha r va r i t

Vad ni p sista tiden? att gra

ha r gj ort
Tget p stationen en timme. att st

ha r sttt

George att lra sig svenska. att fortstta

har fortsatt

Anne inte ngon chokl ad. att f

ha r ftt
Boken hr en vecka. att ligga
har legat
Bussen redan att g
ha r gtt

Familjen p Ut hela sommaren. att vara

har varit

Vnit 13


Peter vskan. att ta hand om

har tagit hand om

Vi alla vra vnner. att bjuda

har bjudit

Attachen mnga lnder. att tjnstgra

har tjnstgjort
Varifrn de hr paketen att komma
---- ?
ha r komm i t
Vem _ att man i nte fr rka hilr? att sga
har sagt

Vilken sekreterare det hilr meddelandet? att skriva

har skrivit
Mannen i nt e p tv dagar. att ta
ha r tit

Unit 13

Practice D. This is another practice on the fourth conjugation. Change the present
tense of the verbs in the story to past tense.

Anne och George far ut p landet ver helgen. Medan George hller p att packa

to r h I I

ser Anne efter i tidtabellen nr tget gr. Anne vi II ta tunnelbanan, men George

sg gick v i I Ie

sger att de inte kan hinna med tget, om de inte tar en taxi. George br vskorna

sade kLI nd e tog bar

och tar hand om biljetterna. Och s tar de med tget som gr frn Centralen.

tog for gick

Unit 1;;

Practice E. Put the cue verbs in the present tense. Most of the verbs used in these
sentences have occurred in previous Units.


Brderna ti I I Stockholms skrgrd. att fara

fa r
Vad du om att hans eftertrdare Bob Smith? att sga, att bl i

sger bI ir

Hon inte tyska. att frst

Nr du frdig? att bl
bI i r

Ka r i n kyrkan varje sndag. att g

g r

De inte hur bra de det. att veta, att ha

vet ha r
Det hon a tt h I I a med om
h I I er med om

Vad Svante p somra r na? att gra


Unit 13 439

PT'aetiee P. Put the eue veT'b ~n the ras~~~.


Brodern allt perfekt. att gra


Mannen inte vad hans hustru att frst, att sga

frstod sa (d e)

Journa I i sten att det trkigt. att h I I a med om, att vara

hll med om va r
Kaptenen hela resan. att beskriva

Modern honom grna. att frlta (to fOT'give)


Pol isen inte var hotellet att veta, att ligga

visste lg
Fl ickan barnet p sngen. att lgga

Sonen att spela tennis. att f red ra

fred rog

unit 13

Point II: Tycka, tnka tro

Att tyc ka }
Att tnka can all be translated "to think."
Att tro

!Tyckalimplies opinion, a personal view.

Example: Jag tycker att det r ett bra frslag.

I think (it is my opinion) that it is a good suggestion.
ITnkalmeans to ponder, to contemplate, give thought to.
Example: Prata inte, jag frsker tnka.
Don't talk, r'm trying to think.
means "to believe."
ExampZe: Lars tror att Browns kommer imorgon.
Lars thinks (believes) that the Browns are coming tomorrow.

Unit 13

Nate: Remembe~ that att tnka is also uBed as an auxilia~y to indicate futu~e

Examples: Nr tnker n J resa?

When a~e you going to leave (planning to leave).

Hon tnker stanna hemma i kvll.

She is planning to stay home tonight.

P~actice G. Now we 'll give you a p~actice on tycka, tnka, tro. Inse~t the
p~ope~ wo~d in the sentence and check you~ answe~s as uBual. Use the p~esent

du att vr nya sekreterare r duktig?


du att den nya sekreteraren b I i r bra?


Vad sitter du och p?


Jag p vad mamma brukade sga.


Jan att han fr jobbet (the job).


du att filmen som vi sg var bra?

Unit 13

Tycker du att fi Imen som vi sg var bra?

ni att han kommer idag?


Bo inte p att museet r stngt p mndagarna.

George att det r svrt att I~ra sig svenska?
Tyc ker

Unit 1 J 443

Point III: Dr - dit as relative adverbs

In English the word "where" has two functions: a. it introduces a question

b. it is a relative adverb

a. Interrogative "where?" < var?

va rt?
Var r han?

Vart gick han?

(Where is he?)

(Where did he go?)

dr stan dr han bor (In the city where

b. Relative " w h e r e " - - - - - he lives)
------dit stan dit han for (In the city where
he went)

You are already familiar with the translation of the interrogative "where?"
as var? - vart? depending on whether the verb in the clause indicates rest
or motion. (Cf. Unit 8, Point III)

The relative "where" introduces a relative clause, referring to a noun in

the previous clause. (Example: The town where he lived had three churches.)
Whether you use dr or dit (corresponding to the English relative adverb
"where") depends on whether the verb in the relative clause indicates rest
or motion.

Unit 13

Practice H. This is a practice on the relative adverbs dr - dit. Insert

the proper word in the sentence and check your answers as usual.

stugan, _ _ Lena bodde nr hon var I iten, lg Da I a rna.


B i I en, Ullas vska lg,frsvann under natten.


I ett I i tet rum, man kom genom en lng korridor, hngde en underbar tavla.


Det va r ka I I t rummet, han satt och vntade.


Vi krde ti II restaurangen, ni promenerade igr.


Jag knner ti II (know) ett trevl igt hotell, man fr ha sin hund med sig.


Lt 05S fara ti I I en plats, man kommer med buss.


Uni t 13

UNrT 14

P n

1. Dei var en strlande sommardag. Bten var full med .8.~~ mnniskor, bland dem

2. Anne och George. Hundratals btar seglade ut mot det pp~ havet. Efter en halv-

3. timme var de framme vid Ut, och George och Anne hoppade ~~. Pltsligt

4. '* ~ de syn p Svante Lvgren. De knde knappast igen honom. Den vant igtvis

jeans och en gammal skjorta.

5. '*

6. Svante: Hej och vlkomna. r ni trtta efter resan? r det i nte vackert

?. hr ute? Dr uppe I igger stugan. Flaggan r hissad ti I I er ra.

8. Nr de kom fram ti II stugan ppnades drren och Brita Lvgren kom ut, glatt

9. leende.

10. Brita: Hej. s roligt att ni kunde komma. Varsgoda och stig in. Nu skulle

11. det vl smaka bra med lunch efter resan?

12. Etter lunchen.

13. Svante: Orkar ni ta en promenad tVdrs ver n? Det hr r en av de strsta

14. arna. Flera fami Ijer bor hr hela ret om.

Unit 14

15. George: Finns det mycket sn hr p vintern?

16. Svante: Nej, det r inte s fa.r=..!.iB!. Men isen kan vara besvrlig. Posten

l? fungerar i alla fall och mnniskorna hr u1-e r vana vid kalla vintrar.

18. Anne: Kan man bara g s hr skogen?

19. Brita: .Ja, vi har ju "allemansrtten" Sverige.

20. Anne: Vad r det fr ngot?

21. Br i ta: Det r en gammal tradition som innebr att alla har rtt att rra sl---9-

22. fritt i naturen. Att ~cka br och svamp r ti Iltet var som helst.

23. Man kan g ildnd p en , tlta och bada utan srskilt tillstnd.

24. Svante: Naturl igtvis br allemansrtten anvndas med ansvar. Det r klart

25. att man inte kan g in i ngons trdgrd och plocka blommor, eller

26. lgga ti I I vid en ~rivat brygga mitt framfr en v i I I a .

27. Fljande morgon vi I le George och Anne g och bada. Svante fre~ att de
28. skulle segla till en annan , dr det fanns en fin sandstrand.

29. Sagt och gjort. Det var en ovanl igt varm dag. ~~ sken, och alla njt.

Uni t 14 447

30. Pltsl igt kom en lske~y~sflaska flytande p vnttnet och strax eftert en

3l. kartong. "Titta s folk br sig t," sa Svante, och hll ett kort fredrag

32 om miljvrd. Han slutade med att sga: "Hll Sverige rent!"

33. " Besket p n blev lyckat. Det var kallt i vattnet s ingen hade lust att

34. simma lngt ut. Men de lg lnge och solade sig p stranden och pratade och

35. skrattade. Sen seglade de tillbaka till Ut, trtta och glada.

Unit 14



allemansrtt -n 0 right to access

ansvar -et -0 responsibility
besvrl ig -t -a troublesome, diffiault
besk -et -0 visit
bland among
brygg/a -an -or dock
br -et -0 berry
(att) bra sig t; br, bar, burit, 4 (to) behave
eftert afterwards
fall -et -0 case
i alla fall in any case
farllg-t-a dangerous
det r inte s farligt itts not too bad
flagg/a -an -or flag
flask/a -an -or bo tHe
(att) flyta, flyter, flt, flutit, 4 (to) float
flytande -0 -0 floating; fluently
(att) fungera, I (to) function, work
(att) f syn p; fr, fick, ftt, 4 (to) catch sight of, spot
fljande -0 -0 following
(att) fre/sl, -slr, -slog, -slagit, 4 (to) suggest
glad, glatt, glada glad, happy, merry
(att) hissa, I (to) hoist
(att) hoppa, I (to) jump, skip, hop
hundrata I s hundreds
(att) hlla, hller, hll, hllit, 4 (to) keep, hold
i I and ashore
(att) inne/bra, -br, -bar, -burit, 4 (to) imply, mean
is -en 0 ice
j eans -en (pluro,) blue jeans
ka rtong -en -er cardboard box
kldd, kltt, kldda dressed (past part,)
knappast hardly
(att) knna igen; 2a (to) roecognize
Unit 14

(att) le, ler, log, lett, 4 (to) smile

leende -0 -0 smiling
leende -t -n smile
(att) lgga t i l l ; lgger, la(de), lagt, 4 (to) dock
lskedryck -en -er soda pop
mi Ij -n -er environment
mi Ijvrd -en 0 environmental protection
mitt framfr right in front of
mnnisk/a -an -or person
natur -en 0 nature
(att) njuta, njuter, njt, njutit, 4 (to) enjoy
(ati) p locka, I (to) pick
pltsl ig -t -a sudden
post -en 0 mail, mail se~vice
privat -0 -a private
p ryd I i g -t -a neat
rtt -en 0 right
(att) rra sig; 2a (to) move
sand -en 0 sand
(att) simma, (to) slJim
(att) skina, skiner, sken, skinit, 4 (to) shine
(att) skratta, (to) laugh
sn -n 0 snOlJ
sol -en -ar sun
(att) sola sig; I (to) sunbathe
strand -en, strnder beach
strax soon
(att) strla, I (to) shine
strlande -0 -0 gloT'ious
svamp -en -ar mushroom
syn -en -er sight, vision
(att) f syn p; fr, fick, ftt, 4 (to) catch sight of
ti II stnd -et -0 permit, permission
(att) tillta, tillter, tillt, t i l l t i t , 4 (to) permit, allolJ
t i I I t/en -et -na permitted (past part.)
tjnste/man -mannen, -mn salaried employee
trtT -0 -a tired

Unit 14

tvrs ver straight aeross

(att) tlta, I (to) camp
van -t -a (vid) used to
v i I I I a -a n -o r house, vi lla
vrd -en 0 eare, maintenance
ret om the year round
rla -an {Il honor
till (ngons) ra in (someone's) honor
pplen -et -na open

Unit 14


Nates on Hasic Sentences

4. Den vanl igtvis s prydl ige ... This type of construC!tion, den (det, de) + an
adjectivaL phrase before a noun is very common in written Swedish. The adjeciival
phrase C!an sometimes be quite long and usually trans lates into a relative clause
in English.

Examples: Den vanligtvis s prydlige banktjnstemannen ..

The bank executive, who was u0ually so neatly dressed, ...

Den i Frankrike mycket valknda konstnren reser ti I I New York imorgon.

The artist, who is very weIL known in France, is Leaving for New York

It is important that you learn to recognize this construction because it is

widely used in newspapers and magazines as weIL as in more formal texts. In
spoken Swedish a relative elause usually expresses the same meaning, and is
Examples: Banktjnstemannen, som vanligtivs r s prydlig,

Konstnren, som r mycket vl knd Frankrike, reser t i l l New York


5. Prydl ige. In written Swedish the definite form of an adjective sometimes takes
an -e rather than an ~ ending when the adjeetive modifies a noun whieh refers
to a male person.

Examples: den gaml~ mannen the old man

den ldste sonen the oldest son
de vise mnnen the wise men

Again, this is a form that you may eome aeross in written Swedish, so you shouLd
be able to reeognize it. However, it is seldom used in spaken Swedish.
Unit 14

19. Vad r det fr ngot? (What's that?J As you know from Unit 4, Nate 17, and
Unit 7,~~8, spaken Swedish of ten uses this construction in questions using
the question wopd vad.

Examples: Vad r det hr fr ngot?

What's this?
Vad finns det fr stags djur p Skansen?
What kind of animaLs are ther'e at Skansen?

Vad r det dr fr slags blomma?

What kind of fLower is that?

32. Det var kall t i vattnet. Swedish of ten uses det as a formal (grammaticalJ
subJect as in Det var kallt i vattnet,meaning-:-The water was cold. This usage
is espeeiaLLy prevalent with intransitive verbs, and is sometimes equivalent
to the English grammatieal subject "there. "
Det sitter en man p trappan.= En man sitter p trappan.
There's a man sitting on the steps. = A man is sitting on the steps.

Det kom ett brev med p0~ten. Ett brev kom med posten.
There was a Letter (tha~ came) in the mail. = A letter came ~n the mail.

Det vxte ett stort traj vid huset. Ett stort trd vxte vid huset.
There was a big tree grJwing by the house. = A big tree was growing by the house.

Det krde en bil frbi mig. = En bil krde frbi mig.

Thepe was a cap that drave by me. = A ear drove by me.

unit 14 453


Points to Practice

Point I: Past Participles

Point II: Passive Voice

a. Compound Passive
b. -5 Passive

Point III: Present Participle

Unit 14

Point l: Past Paptieiples

The Swedish past papticipLe is used and decLined as

an adjective. The fopm of the vepb used with har
and hade is caLLed "the supine" and shouLd not be
eonfused with the past papticipLe. The supine fopm
is nevep decLined and can not be used as an adjective.

Below is a table showing the difference between the

Swedish supine and the particip le fopms:

gation Supine Fast Papticiple
As Fredicate Adjeetive As Modifying Adjective

1 (har, hade) tvttat skjortan r (bl ir) tvttad en tvttad skjorta

go I vet r (b I i r) t v t t a t - ett tvttat golv Indef.
k I derna r (b I i r) tvttade tvttade klder

den tvttade skjortan

det tvttade golvet Def.
de tvtta~kJderna

2a (har, hade) stng! drren r (b I i r) stngd en stngd drr

fnstret r (blir) stngt ett stngt fnster lndef
drrarna r (blir) stngda stng~ drrar

den stngda drren

det stngda fnstret Def.
de stngda drrarna

lJnit 14 455

gation Past Paptiaip1-e
AB Ppedicate Adjective As Modifying Adjeative
2b (har, hade) stekt korven r (b I i r) stekt en stekt korv
kttet r (b II r) stekt (ett) stekt ktt Indef
kttbullarna r (bil rT stekta stekta kttbu I I ar

den stekta korven

det stekta kttet Def.
de stektakttbu I I a rna

3 (har, hade) sytt klnningen r (blir) sydd en sydd klnning

skrpet r (bl ir) sytt - ett sytt skrp (belt) Indef.
klderna r (blir) sydda sydda klder

den sydda klnningen

det sydda skrpet Def.
de sydda klderna

4 (har, hade) skrivit boken r (blir) skriven en skriven bok

brevet r (b I i r) skrivet ett skrivet brev Indef.
bckerna r (blir) skriVna skrivna bcker

den skrivna boken

det skri vna bl-evet Def.
de skrivna-bckerna

(har, hade) slt bilen r (blir) sld en sld bli

huset r (blir> slt ett sTt hus Indef.
mblerna r (blir) slda slda mbler

den slda bilen

det slda huset Def.
de sldamblerna

Vnit 14

The inflectional pattern of the Swedish past participles is very similar

to that of the adjective.

Indefinite forms

The basic en form varies according to the conju-

gation of the verb.

Examples: en tvttad skjorta (Conjug. 1)

en stn9~ drr (Conjug. 2a)
en stekt korv (Conjug. 2b)
en sydd-klnning (Conjug. :3)
en skriven bok (ConJug. 4)

The ett form of the past participle, like a regu-

lar adjective, gets the usual -t or -tt ending.

Examples: ett tvttat golv

ett stng~fnster
stekt ktt
ett sytt s k rp
ett skrivet brev

The plural form gets either an -e or an -a ending,

depending on the conjugation of~he verb-.-

Examples: tvttade skjortor

stekt"~lkttbuI I ar
skrivna bcker

It is only the past particip le of the first conjugation that gets the -e
ending in the plural and definite forms. The rest have the familiar -a

unit 14 457

Definite forms
Like the adjectives, the definite forms J singular and plural, of the past
particip les are always the same as the plural indefinite forms.
The Swedish past participle can be used both as a modifying adjective
(en stngd drr) or as a predicate adjective (drren r stngd). As a
modifying adjective it is used both in the indefinite and definite forms.
Examples: en tvttad skjorta
den tvttade skjorta~

As a predicate adjective it is always used in its indefinite form.

Examples: Skjortan r tvttad.
Golvet r tvttat-.-
Klderna r tvttade.

Nate: Comparative and superlative forms of past participles are formed by

adding mer and me~ befare the participle.
Examples: August Strindberg r kanske den mest knda svenska frfattaren.
August Strindberg is perhaps the most famous Swedish author.
Strindberg r mer knd n Pr Lagerkvist.
Strindberg is better knawn than Par Lagerkvist.

Uni t 14

Ppactice A. We witl have a shopt practice on the definite forms, singular

and plupat of the past participtes of the foup conjugations. ehange the past
particip te from the indefinite to the definite form.


en stngd drr

den stngda drren en bermd tavla

den bermda tavlan skrivna bcker

de skrivna bckerna en frdigsydd kostym

den frdigsydda kostymen ett mblerat rum
det mblerade rummet en bjuden gst
den bjudna gsten stekt potatis
den stekta potatisen betalade rkningar
de betalade rkningarna ett skrivet brev
det skrivna brevet en knd konstnr
den knda konstnren mblerade vningar
de mblerade vningarna

Unit 14

ppactice B. In this ppactice we'll give you the infinitive fopm of the vepb
and you'll have to fopm the past papticiple in its indefinite fopms.

Fnstren r stnga


Kttet r ste ka


Kakorna r ba ka

ba kad e

Rummen r mblera


Tackkorten r skriva


Lena r inte bjuda


Rkning var inte t i I I ta

t i I lten

Kttet r rka


Unit 14


Huset r s I j a


Ljusen r tnda

Hyran r betala
betalad (betald)

Det r att rka. frbjuda



Unit 14

Point II: Passive Voice

The passive voice (in Swedish and English) is a

verb construction used to express a transition
from one state to another on the part of the gram-
matical subject J or an action performed on the
grammatical subject by an agent.

Swedish has two ways of forming the passive voice:

a. The campa und passive form; and

b. The passive -s form

a. The compound passive fo~m corresponds to the way English forms passive
constructions (be + past participle). In Swedish the auxiliary att bl i
is used + the past particip leJ which has to agree with the grammatical subject.

Examples: Skjortan blir tvttad.

Golvet bl~vttat-.
KI.dernatiTi r tvttade.

Maten blir stlld p bordet.

Bordet blir stllt i rummet.
StolarnatiTir stllda i kket.

Bo k e n b I j r k p t .
Huset bTfl= kpt.
Bckerna bl ir kp~.

Klnningen blir sydd.

Skrpet b I i r s y t t . -
Klnningarna blir sydda.

Unit 14

Boken blir skriven.

Tackkortet bl ir Skrivet.
Breven b I i r~1 vna. -

Note l: The auxiLiary in Swedish compound passive constructions is att bl i

-- not att vara. Att vara describes a state or condition, not an
action or a transition from one state to another.

ExampLes: Skjortan blev tvttad p ngra minuter.

The Bhirt was washed in a few minuteB.
(In coLLoquiaL EngLish: The shirt got washed ... )

Skjortan r tvttad.
The shirt--;s washed. (The shirt is cLean.)

Bilen blev stulen medan jag var borta.

The car was stoLen whiLe I was gone. (The ear got stoLen ... )

Bilen var stulen nr jag kom tillbaka.

The ear was stoLen (gone) when I got back.

Note 2: The preposition av corresponds to the EngLish preposition "by" ~n

a passive construction.

Practice C. Change the active sentences inta passive sentences. The correct
passive sentenee wiLL appear beLow each active sentence, so be sure to cover
up the answers before you try to come up with the correct sentenee yourseLf.
Note that when man is the subject in the active sentence there is no agent
(by ... ; av .. ) in the passive sentence.

Ulla bakade kakan.

Ka ka n b I e v b a ka d a v U I I a

Unit 14

Kerstin sydde klnningen.

Klnningen blev sydd av Kerstin.

Lasse tvttar bilen.

Bil en bl i r tvttad av Lasse.

Johan slde huset.

Huset blev slt av Johan.

Mina vnner betalade rkningarna.

Rkningarna blev betalade av mina vnner.

Mannen krde bi len ti II stationen.

Bi len blev krd av mannen t l II stationen.

Fami Ijen Ek bjd oss p middag.

Vi blev bjudna av familjen Ek p mIddag.

Man flyttade mblerna t i l l ett annat rum.

Mblerna blev flyttade tl I I ett annat rum.

Man ordnade allt fre resan.

Allt blev ordnat fre resan.

Unit 14

b. Another ~ay of making passive constructions in S~edish is to add an -s to

the active form of the verb. This -s form can be added to the infinitive, past
tense and the supine. In the present tense -s is added to the infinitive of the
first and third conjugation verbs and to the stem in the second and fourth con-
jugation verbs. Consequently the -s passive infinitive form and the -s passive
present tense form are identical in the firat and third conjugations.

Examples: att bakas ka ka n ba ka s

to be baked the cake is being baked

att sys klnningen sys

to be sewn the dress is being sewn

The follo~ing chart ~ill sho~ you the -s passive forms in all four conjugations.

Conjug. Infinitive Present tense Past tense Supine

1 att ba ka s ba kas bakades (ha r, hade) bakats

2a att stng~ stng~ stngdes (har, hade) stng~

2b att kp~~ kp~ kptes (ha r, hade) kp~

:5 att sy~ sy~ syddes ( ha r, hade) sytts

4 att skrivas skrivs skrevs (ha r, hade) skrivits

Note that an -e is inserted ~n the present tense in second and fourth conjuga-
tion verbs i f the stem ends in an -s.

Examples: Nyheterna lses varje timme.

The ne~s is read every hour.

Bren fryses meddetsamma.

The berrieS-are frozen right a~ay.

Unit 14

Ppaatiae D. In this ppaatiae we'LL give you the aative infinitive fopm of
a vepb in the Cue aoLumn. Use the tense that is indiaated and put the vepb
into the sentenae on the Left.


Bordet av min moster. att kpa (past)


La rs t i I I ko nt o r e t var j e da g a v s i n f r u att kra (ppesent)


Det att skjortan Inte var tvttad. att mrka (past)


Det mer frr. att \ sa (pas t)


Sverige det mycket fr de gamla. att gra (ppesent)


Mycket l bcker. att beskriva (ppesent pep!.)

har beskrivits

Det mycket om ekonomin (the eaonomy). att tala (ppesent)


Unit 14

Det att hon kom frn Tyskland. att hra (past)


Rkningen redan att betala (past perf.)

hade betalats

F II men av alla eleverna. att se (past)

s gs

Sa r n ska men inte att se, att hra (inf.)

ses h ra s

Ha n vara den bsta i klassen. att anse (present)


Fi I men va ra i nt res sa nt. att sga (present)


Praotioe E. This is another praotioe where you form a passive sentenoe out
of an active sentence~ hut this time you'll use the -s form of the verb.
Remember that when man is the subjeot in the aotive sentenoe there is no
agent (by .. /av ... J in the passive sentenoe. The correct passive sentenee
follows under the aotive sentence, so be sure to cover it up before you try
to give your answer.
Vrdinnan serverade middagen.
Middagen serverades av vrdinnan.
Unit 14 467

Lkaren tog in Ulf p sjukhuset.

Ulf togs in p sjukhuset av lkaren.

Man har gjort allt fr att han ska bli bttre.

Allt har gjorts fr att han ska bl i bttre.

Man stngde drren lngsamt.

Drren stngdes lngsamt.

Man kan kpa tidningar i kiosker.

Tidningar kan kpas i kiosker.

Man kper biljetterna vid ingngen.

Biljetterna kps vid ingngen.

Brita anvnder skrivmaskinen.

Skrivmaskinen anvnds av Brita.

Chauffren (the d~ive~, chauffeur) hmtade ambassadren klockan tta.

Ambassadren hmtades av chauffren klocKan tta.

unit 14

Point III: Present Participle

The English present particip le has three different functions:

1. It can be an adjective. (This book is very interesting. )

2. It indicates the progressive form of a verb. (Be is reading.)

3. It can be a noun (gerund). (Jogging is fun.)

1. In Swedish the present participle functions mainly as an adjective.

Examples: Ett blommande trd (a blossoming tree)

Ett I eend""8b"""rn (a smiling child)

The Swedish present participle is formed by adding the suffixes -ande or

-ende. The verbs that take an -a in the infinitive get the -ande suffix
and verbs that do not take an -a-in the infinitive (third and some fourth
conjugation verbs) get the -ende suffix.

The Swedish present particip le is never dealined.

Examples: en strlande dag tv strlande dagar

ett I een<rebarn tv I eend""8b"""rn

den strlande dagen de strlande dagarna

det leende-barnet de leende-barnen

2. It is important that you remember that the English progressive form can
not be translated into Swedish using the present participle of the verb.
As we pointed out in Unit 53 the English progressive forms aorrespond to the
present 3 past 3 present perfect 3 and past perfect tenses.

Unit 14 469

Examples: Be is reading. Han lser.

Be was reading. Han lste.
Be has been reading. Han har lst.
Be had been reading. Han hade lst.

When English verbs like "go." "sit." "stand." etc. are followed by a present
particip le. two co-ordinated verbs are used in Swedish.

Examples: We stood there talking. Vi stod dr och pratade.

We went swimming. Vi gick och badade.
We sat there understanding nothing. Vi satt dr och frstod

J. The English gerund corresponds to a Swedish infinitive.

Examples: Jogging is good for you. Att jogga r nyttigt.

Do you like reading? Tycker du om att lsa?
I learn by listening. Jag lr mig genom att lyssna.

Some Swedish nouns are derived from the present participle. These nouns betong
either to the fourth or the fifth declension and are declined accordingly.

Ett-nouns that end in -ande or -ende bel"ong to the fourth declension.

Examples: ett meddelande, meddelandet, meddelanden, meddelandena (message)

ett leende, leendet, leenden, leendena (smiLe)

En-nouns that end in -ande (usually signifying people) belong to the fifth

Example: en ordfrande, ordfranden, ordfrande, ordfrandena (chairman)

En-nouns ending in -ende are treated like adjectives.

Example: en i nneboende, den inneboende, (f I era) i nneboende, de inneboende


lJnit 14


~~r och Traditioner


1. p midsommarafton promenerade Browns

2. och deras svenska vrdfolk ner ti I I

3. en ~ vid havet, dr majstnge~

4. skulle st. Dr hade redan samlats

5. en I iten ~ mnniskor, unga och ~.//. -.

6. gamla, och frberedelserna hade

7. brjat. Brita freslog att Anne

8. >t skulle hjlpa till med att kl majstngen. Sjlv tnkte hon ta hand om kaffe-
9. serveringen. Ett par sommargst~ hl I p att stta upp bord och stolar och
10. Svante och George gick genast dit och hjlpte ti I I.

11. Efter ngra timmar var allt klart och den frdigkldda stngen c-est~ under
12. stort ~.

13. Klockan fyra brjade dansen omkri~9.. majstngen. Alla deltog, stora och sm,
14. en del i jeans och ~orts, andra l vackra fol kdrkter. Under ~ern~ serverades

Unit 15 471

l S. ka f f e oc h I skedr yc ker . Me d a n d e ~~_~~ ~~JJl o ,- d n a d e n g r a d u k t i g a ~-

16. domar lekar fr de smil. Alla hade roligt. George och Anne riktigt knde att

17. de upplevde en gammal svensk tradition.

18. Senare p kvllen gick de fyra vnnerna ner ti II bryggan, dr dansen fortsatte

19. fr de vuxna. Eftert satt de p bryggan i den ljusa sommarnatten och beundrade

20. so I uPP9~.


21. Efter midsommaren i skrgrden skaf-

22. fade sig Browns en I iten bok om

23. svenska helger. De vi Ile veta hur

24. man firar jul Sverige. George

2S. brjade lsa:

26. "Julen brjar med Lucia-dagen den trettonde december. Enligt traditionen brukar

27. den ldsta dottern i fami Ijen vcka far och mor tidigt p morgonen med Lucia-

28. sng, kaffe och lussekatter. Hon r kldd i vitt och har en krans av lingonris

29. med levande ljus p huvudet. Hon r om~ av sina sm syskon som r trnor

30. och stjrngossar. Varje skola och arbetsplats har sin egen Lucia."
Unit 15

31. * "Tror du att det kommer ngon Luc i a t i I loss december?" frgade Anne. "Vi
32. kiinner ju redan flera sta svenska flickor."

33. George fortsatte att lsa:

34. "Efter Lucia-dagen brjar svenskarna gra det julfint i huset. Man stiidar och

35. putsar, bakar och lagar julmat. Alla juldekorationer tas fram och dagen fre

36. julafton, el/er tidigare, kls julgranen."

37. "Det dr med storstdningen tycker jag mindre om," sade Anne.

38. "Julen har inte brjat n," sade George och lste vidare:

39. "Julafton, den tjugofjrde december, r den viktigaste dagen, srskilt fr barnen.

4 O. Efter julmiddagen, nr hela familjen r samlad och julgransljusen r tnda, kommer

41. jultomten med en sck p ryggen, full med julklappar. Han knackar p drren och

42. frgar om det finns ngra snlla barn i huset, och det finns det alltid, frsts.

43. p juldagsmorgonen, mycket tidigt, d det nnu r mrkt, gr mnga svenskar i

44. julottan, och sen trffas slkt och vnner och ter julmat och dricker glgg. Det

45. finns mnga traditionella julrtter, t.ex. (till exempel) sIllsallad, julskinka

46. med rdkl, lutfisk och risgrynsgrt. Under hela helgen dricker man kaffe och

47. ter pepparkakor och saffransbrd. Man dansar kring granen och firandet fort-

Vnit 15 473

48. stter med nyret och trettondagen, den 6 januari, nda ti I I 'tjugondag Knut,'

49. d julen dansas ut. Det r nstan som i juivisan att 'julen varar n t l I I

50. pska' (julen vara nda t i II psken),


51. "0 c h sen kommer fastan. Hr p det hr, Anne!"

52. "I samma visa str det ocks att 'dremellan kommer fastan.' D dekoreras huset

53. med frggranna pskris och man ter semlor med mandelmassa och vispgrdde.

54. Under den hr tiden mrker man att dagarna brjar bl i lngre. De frsta vr-

55. blommorna tittar fram ven om det fortfarande r ganska kallt ute."
56. "s lustigt att svenskarna firar fastan fastn de Inte r katoliker," utbrast

57. Anne.

58. "Ja, men det lter Inte som om de ter mindre," sade George. "Nu ska vi se hur

59. de f i rar psken."

Unit 15


60. "Lt mig lsa nu, snlla du," sade Anne. Hon tog boken Ifd3n George och brjade

61. lsa:

62. "Psken firas i Sverige~. (bland annat) med att man mlar och ter psk~.

63. Barnen brukar ocks f vackra ~gg, som r fyllda med godsaker. Pskbordet

64. r dekorerat med vrblommor, kycklingar och pskkringar. Pskkringarna r en

65. * kvarleva frn den tid d man trodde p hxor. Sm flickor utkldda t i l l psk-

66. kringar gr ibland omkring t i I I grannarna och nskar 'glad psk. I

67. Psken har I iksom julen tv helgdagar, pskdagen och annandag psk. Skolbarnen

68. har psklov och det har blivit populrt att resa norrut och ka skidor."

69. "Nu kommer vi ti II ngot nytt," sade Anne. "Hr hur svenskarna firar vren. 1I

Unit 15 475


70. "Vxl ingarna mellan de 01 ika rstiderna betyder mycket fr svenskarna. Vrens

7l. ankomst firas ocks med en speciel I hgtid. P valborgsmssoafton, den sista

72. april, samlas man runt stora eldar i alla stder och byar i Sverige. Man

73. sjunger snger och hller vlkomsttal till vren. Vid universiteten firas

74. vren srskilt intensivt med studentsng och vrbaler."

75. " Det lter vl roligt?" Anne lt entusiastisk. "Jag hoppas att vi kan mer

76. svenska nsta r och att vi blir bjudna p ngra trevliga vrbaler." Anne lste

77. vidare.

Frsta maj

78. "Den frsta maj r en helgdag i Sverige. D firas arbetarnas dag med demonstra-

79. tionstg. I Stockholm marscherar man ti II Grdet, dr enl igt traditionen ~-

80. litiker och fackfreningsledare hller tal."

8l. Anne sg att George hade somnat medan hon lste, s hon fortsatte inte beskrIv-

82. ningarna p ngra av de mindre viktiga helgerna, Kristi himmelfrdsdag och

83. pingsten.

unit 15


afton -en, aftnar evening, eve
annandag -en -ar seaond day (of Christmas, Easter, PentecostJ
arbetare -n -0 worker
ba I -en -er ban (danae)
beskrivning -en -ar desal'iption
(att) betyda, 2a (to) mean
(att) beundra, I (to) admire
bland annat (bl.a.) among other things
bland andra (bl.a.) among others
dans -en -er danae, danaing
(att) dansa, I (to) dance
dekoration -en -er decoration
(att) dekorera, I (to) deaoT'ate
en de I some, a few
(att) del/taga, -tar, -tog, -tagit, 4 (to) partiaipate
demonstration -en -er demonstration
dremellan in between
eld -en -ar fire, bonfire
entusiastisk -t -a enthusiastia
exempe l, exemp I et, -0 exampLe
till exempel (L ex.) for example
fackfreninQ -en -ar labor union
fast/a -an :'or fast, Lent
(att) fira, I (to) aelebrate
folkdrkt -en -er nationaL aostume
(att) fylla, 2a (to) fill
frggrann -t -a aoLoT'fuL
(att) frbereda, 2a (to) prepare
frberedelse -n -r preparation
glgg -en 0 hot spiced wine served at Christmas
godsak -en -er sweets, "goo dies II
goss/e -en -ar young boy
gran -en -ar spT'uae
grupp -en -er gT'OUP
Unit 15

gryn -et -f/J grain

grdd/e -en cream
grt -en 0 porridge, hot cereal
helgdag -en -ar holiday
(att) hj Ipa ti II med; 2b (to) help out with
hx/a -an -or witch
hgtid -en -er festive day
i f r n from
intensiv -t -a intens'ive
jubel, jublet 0 cheering
julgran -en -ar Christmas tree
julklapp -en -ar Christmas gift
julott/a -an -or early church service Christmas Day morning
jultomt/e -en -ar Santa Claus
kato I i k -en -er CathoUc
(att) kl, 3 (to) trim, decorate
(att) kl ut; 3 (to) dress up
krans -en -ar wreath
kring a'round
Kristi himmelfrdsdag Ascension Day
(att) kunna, kan, kunde, kunnat (to) know, have learned
kvarlev/a -an -or remnant
kyckl ing -en -ar chicken
k I -en 0 cabbage
(att) knna, 2a (to) feel
kring -en -ar old lady, witch (derogatory)
ledare -n -0 leader
I ek -en -ar game
(att) leka, 2b (to) play
levande -0 -0 live, real
I i ksom like
lov -et -f/J (school) vacation
lussekatt -en -er special saffron buns served at Lucia and
lustig -t -a funny, peculiar
lutfisk -en f/J specially prepared fiBh Berved at ChristmaB
maj/stng, -stngen -stnger maypole
mandel -n, mandlar almond

Unit 15

mandelmass/a -an (/; almond paste

(att) marschera, I (to) march
midsommarafton Midsummer's eve
(att) mla, I (to) paint
norrut north(ward), towards the north
(att) omge, omger, omgav, omgivit, 4 (to) surround
omgiv/en -et -na surrounded
omkring around
papp -en (/; cardboard
paus -en -er break, pause
peppar -n 0 pepper
pepparkak/a -an -or spicy cookies served at Christmas
pingst -en 0 Pentecost
politiker -n-0 poZitician
populr -t -a popular
(att) putsa, I (to) polish
pskris -et -0 branches brought into the house and decor-
ated with dyed feathers (for Lenten and
Easter decoration)
(att) resa, 2b (to) raise
ris -et -(/; greens, twigs; rice
runt around
rygg -en -ar back
rtt -en -er dish, faod
saffran -en (/; saffron
(att) samla, I (to) gather, collect (trans.)
(att) samlas, I (to) gather (intrans.)
semi/a -an -or pastry served during Lent
shorts -en (plur.) shorts
sill -en -ar herY'ing
sillsallad -en -er herring salad
skid/a -an -or ski
(att) ka skidor (to) ski
skink/a -an -or ham
soluppgng -en -ar sunrise
sommargst -en -er non-permanent resident in summer resort area
speciell -t -a special
stjrn/a -an -or star

Unit 15 479

(att) stda, I (to) clean

stdning -en 0 cleaning
sck -en -ar sack, bag
(att) titta fram; (to) look out, stick up, appeal'
tjugondag Knut twentieth day afteY' Christmas
traditionell -t-a traditional
trettondagen Epiphany (thiY'teenth day)
tg -et -0 march, marching
trn/a -an -or attendant (foY' wedding and Lucia)
ungdomar -na (pluY'.) young people
(att) uppleva, 2a (to) experience
(att) ut/brista, -brister, -brast, -brustit, 4 (to)exclaim
valborgsmssoafton Walpurgis night (April 30)
(att) vara, I (to) last
vidare furtheY'
viktig -t -a important
(att) vila sig; (to) rest
(att) vispa, I (to) whip, beat (food)
vlspgrdd/e -en 0 whipped cY'eam
vux/en -et -na adult, grown-up
en vuxen, tv vuxna adult (noun)
(att) vxla, I (to) change
vx I i ng -en -ar change
gg -et -0 egg
nda till all the way to, right up to
ng -en -ar meadow, field
(att) nska, (to) wish

Unit 15


Nates on Basic Sentences

8. Att kl majst~ngen. The verb att kl (to dress) also has the meaning "to trim"
or "to decorate" when you talk about trimming the Christmas tree or decorating the
maypoZe -- att kl julgranen, att kl majstngen.

13. Stora och sm. Swedish adjectives can be used as nouns.

Examples: Jag tittade p~ klnningar och valde mellan en grn och en bl~.
I was looking at dresses and chose between a green (one) and a blue (one).

Nr vi far p~ semester r den stora bi len mer praktisk n den I i Ila.

When we go on vacation the big ear is more practical than the small one.

Lena hade tv~ vskor och Johan hjlpte henne att bra den tyngsta.
Lena had two suitcases and Johan helped her carry the heaviest (one).

15. De vuxna (the adults, grown-ups). Vux/en -et -na is an irregular past particip le
of att vxa (to grow), which can be conjugated either according to the second con-
jugation (vxa, vxer, vxte, vxt) or as an irregular verb, vxa, vxer, vxte,
vuxit. The irregular past particip le is of ten used as a noun.

Examples: En vuxen och tv barn.

One adult and two children.

De vuxna pratade medan barnen lekte.

The grown-ups talked while the children played.

31. Att det kommer ngon Lucia. See Unit 14, Nate #32.

Unit 15 481

65. Den tid d . Den (det, de) can be used as a detepminative adjective op pponoun,
which means that it refers to a following phpase, usually a necessapy pelative
clause. When den (det, de) functions as a detepminative adjective the following
noun does not take the definite ending.

Examples: De biljetter som du inte har anvnt kan du lmna tillbaka.

The tickets that you have not used you may retupn.

Det hus som jag verkligen skulle vilja ha finns inte.

The house that I would peally like to have does not exist.

Sommaren r den rstid d alla i Sverige vill ha semester.

Summer is the time of year when everybody in Sweden wants a vacation.

As a detepminative pponoun den (det, de) is followed immediately by a relative

clause and corresponds in English to "the one who" ("he who," etc.), "that which"
("what"), and "those who."

Examples: Den som kommer fr sent fr ingen efterrtt.

The one who is late gets no dessert.

Det som han sade var sant.

That which (what) he sa id was true.

De som v i I I se p TV kan g In I det andra rummet.

Those who want to watch TV can go into the other room.

Unit 15


Points to Practice

Point I: Compound Nouns

Point II: Compound Verbs

Unit 15

Point I: Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a noun made up

of two or more words. In Swedish
there is an abundance of compound
nouns~ which of ten correspond to
a whole noun phrase in English.


English (usually written in two Swedish (written as one word)

words or more)

Christmas tree julgran

baby-sitter barnvakt
traveZer's checks resecheckar
day of the week veckodag
residential area bostadsomrde

The Swedish compound noun is an en word or an ett word depending on the last
noun in the compound.

Examples: en barnvakt
ett somma rst I I e

There are different ways of forming compound nouns in Swedish.

1. Two nouns may simply be joined.

Examples: barnvakt

Unit 15

2. An extra letter may be added between the different words. This letter may

a. -s Examples: bostadsomrde (bostad + omrde)

tidning~artikel (tidning + artikel) newspaper article

b. -e Examples: rttegng (rtt + gng) trial

olj~kris (olja + kris) oil crisis

c. -o Examples: veckodag (vecka + dag)

kyrk~grd (kyrka + grd) cemetery

d. -u Examples: gatuhrn (gata + hrn) street corner

varuhus (vara - merchandise - + hus) department store

3. Many words that end in an unstressed -a OY' -e lose that unstY'essed vowel
when pombined with another word.

Examples: (f I i eka + s ko I a )
f I i c ks ko I a girls' school
blombukett (blomma + bukett) bouquet of flowers
lampskr"m (lampa + skrm) lamp shade

There are many rulcs (with many exception~) for how compound nouns are formed.
We therefore suggest that you just try to learn each compound noun as it comes
along. It is more important that you learn to recogni2e and distinguish the
words that make up a compound noun so you can understand the meaning. Som e
compound nouns aY'~ made up of several words and are very long, for example,
Arbetsmarknads~~~lsen (AMS), Labor Market Board; Justitieombudsmannambetet
(JO), Office of the National Ombudsman. No wonder Swedes are fond of abbre-

Unit 15 485

Point II: Compound Verbs

Verbs with partie les (prefix~ noun

adjeetive~ adverb) are called eom-
pound verbs. All compound verbs
are conjugated the same way as the
simple verb.

Examples: att missbruka, missbrukar, missbrukade, missbrukat to abuse

missbruk~missbrukat, missbrukade

att instlla, instller, instllde, instllt to caneel

instlld, instlll, instllda

att misst~~ka, misstnker, misstnkte, misstnkt to suspect

misstnkt~sstnkt, misstnkta

att anfrtro, anfrtror, anfrtrodde, anfrtrott to confide

anfrtrod~anfrtrott, anfrtrodda

att beskriva, beskriver, beskrev, beskrivit to describe

beskriven, beskrivet, beskrivna

a. Some compound verbs are inseparable (i.e. particle and verb always stay together
as one word). Verbs ~ith the follo~ing prefixes are inseparable:
an-, be-, er-, fr-, hr-, miss-, sam-, um-, und-, van-, ~_.
Examples: att anvnda to use
att betala to pay
att frklara to explain
att samarbeta to eooperate

Unit 15

b. Some compoHnd verbs are separable, i.e. the particle is separated from
the verb except in the present pariiciple and past participle forms.

Examples: att knna igen (to recognize)

V i knner i gen honom.

Vi knde j gen honom.
V i ha r (hade) knt ; gen honom.
Han blev igenknd.
Ett igenknnande leende. (A smile of recognition)

att kasta bort (to throw away)

Mona kastar bort tidningen.

Mona kastade bort tidningen.
Mona har(hade) kastat bort tidningen.
Bortkastad tid. (Wasted time.)

att tycka om (to like)

Per tycker om Lena.

Per ~te o'!!.- Lena.
Per har (hade) tyckt om Lena.
Lena r omtyckt.

Practice A. This is a practice on separable compound verbs. Using the verb forms
indicated by the cues, complete the sentences on the left.

att knna igen
Min kusin vrt hus. past tense
knde igen
Unit 15 487


att knna ~

Olof Palme blev I New York. past partiaiple


Jag din syster. present tense

knner igen

att hyra ut
Ib tn ker s I n v i I I a. infinitive
hyra ut

Varfr du din vning? present tense

hyr ut
Vningen var past partiaiple

att tycka om
Eva sin bror. pl'esent tense
tycker om

Asa var mycket klassen. past partioiple


Unit 15



Jag att bo nra havet. present perfeet

har tyckt om

att ~~

din mat! imperative

t upp

Hunden kalvkotletten. past tense

t upp
AI It r past particip le

att kasta bort

Erik brevet. past tense
kastade bort

Ulla tyckte det var _________ tid att se p TV. past participle
Johan visste inte att Al ice _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t i d n i nge n past perfeet
hade kastat bort

Unit 15 489

Placement o[ the Particle in Separable Compound Verbs

We mentioned earlier that the particle in a separable compound verb is

always attached to the verb in the present participle and the past parti-
ciple [orms. In other [orms the particle is separated [rom the verb and
[ollows the verb immediately.

Examples: Jag tycker om den hr boken.

Jag ~yckte om den hr boken.
Jag har (hade) tyckt om att vara l stockholm.
Jag kommer att~ka om att bo s nra arbetet.

However, when a separable compound verb occurs in a question or in a main

clause with revers ed word order, or together with a roaming adverb (ef.
Unit 12, Point II), the verb and the particle are separated by either the
subject or the roaming adverb, or both.

Examples: ~er du om den hr boken? (Question)

Eftersom vi inte trffas s ofta, ~ker v ~ att

ringa ti II varandra. (Revers ed word order in main cZause)

Jag tycker inte om att spela tennis.

(Roaming adverb in clause with simple tense)

Tycker du inte om att spela tennis?

(Question wit~aming adverb)

Note: when the tense of the separable compound verb is a compound tense
(i.e. present per[eet, past per[ect. or future) and the verb occurs with
a roaming adverb. the adverb has to follow the first verb (the conjugated
verb). The separated verb (verb + particle) [ollows.

Examples: Jag har aldrig tyckt om att spela tennis.

Jag hade allti~kt o~ honom.
Jag kommer alltid att tycka om honom.

Unit 15

Praatiae B. This is a praatiae using separable aompound verbs in sentenaes ~ith adverbs
("roaming" and "non-poaming"). We ~ill use simple and aompound tenses. Vse the verb
att tycka om throughout. We ~ill indiaate in the aue aolumn ~hat tense and ~hat adverb
to use.


att tycka om
Karin honom. past tense + aldrig
tyckte aldrig om
Kar i n honom. present perf. + aldrig
har aldrig tyckt om
Varfr Karin honom? present tense + inte
tycker inte om

Karin sade att hon honom. past tense + Inte

inte tyckte om
Karin honom past tense + fr flera r
tyckte om fr flera r sedan
Kar i n honom present perf. + lnge
har tyckt om lnge
Ka r i n va r past pa'l'tiaipZe + alltid
alltid omtyckt.

Unit 15 491

Some verbs can be both separable and inseparable. These two forms usually
indicate different meanings. The separable form is used to express some-
thing eonerete; the inseparable form expresses something abstract.

Examples: Anna brt aven tand.

Anna broke off a tooth.

Premirministern avbrt frhandl ingarna.

The Prime Minister broke off (interrupted) the negotiations.

Vi ~frbi Vita Huset.

We passed the White House.

Ordfranden fr~~ vissa detaljer.

The chairman passed over (skipped, neglected) certain details.

Lraren pekade p det felstavade ordet.

The teacher pointed to the misspelled word.

Gran ppekade att han hade haft rtt.

Goran pointed out (indicated) that he had been right.

Note: If there is no difference in meaning between the separable and in-

separable forms, the separable form is preferred in the spoken language.
The inseparable form is more common ly used in formal written language.

Examples: Per valde ot en bl kostym.

Per chose (picked out) a blue suit.

Presidenten utvalde utrikesministern att leda frhandlingarna.

The President chose the Secretary of State to lead the negotia-

Unit 15


The emphasis in this Unit is on reading, a skill which will be necessary

for your work. It is written in the style typical of Swedish newspaper and
magazine articles. It will be your springboard to newspaper reading in Swe-
dish and should serve as your introduction to further individual study. Each
short essay with its vocabulary list will be treated as a separate item. Notes
on Basic Sentences will be at the end of the entire Unit as usual. We suggest
that you read each article, trans late it and learn the new vocabulary before
listening to the tape.

There are no practices in Unit 16. Instead we suggest the following work

1. After studying one of the essays, find a supplementary newspaper article

on the same subject (assuming that you have access to Swedish newspapersJ,
read it, and prepare a short talk (one to three minutes) on the topio.

2. Initiate a olassroom discussion based on one of the essays and any addi-
tional reading on the same subjeot.

3. Seleet one essay and make a comparison between its con tent and a corre-
sponding aspeot of the United States; prepare a short briefing on this

As you begin, let us point out a few charaoteristics of Swedish newspaper style:

a. A rioher vocabulary than we have introduced, and characteri~d by formal

words and expressions not used in spoken Swedish.

b. An abundance of compound nouns and verbs.

c. The use of supine verb forms without the auxiliaries har, hade.

d. Denna, den instead of den hr, den dr.

Unit 16 493

e. Frequent use of the passive voice.

f. Frequent use of long, embedded sentences.

Uni t 16

UNI'l' 16

GI imtar frn Sverige av idag


1. Sverige r det strsia av de fem nor-

2. diska lnderna och det fjrde i Y!-
J. storlek i Europa. Landet r lngt

4. och smalt, nrmare bestmt 160 (svens-

5. kal mi I frn Treri ksrset i norr ti II
6. Smygehuk i sder. Trots att Sverige
7. I igger p samma breddgrad som Alaska

8. och Grnland har det ett mi Idare kl i-

9. mat tack vare Golfstrmmen i Atlanten.

10. * S sent som 15.000 r f.Kr. (fre Kristusl var hela Sverige fortfarande tckt
11. av i s . Isen efterlmnade 96.000 sjar, ett rikt varierande landskap och stora
12. skrgrdar utanfr de lnga kusterna. Enbart i Stockholms skrgrd finns det
13. cirka 26.000 ar.

14. * Sverige har 8,3 miljoner invnare. Folkttheten r dock mycket ojmn. Ungefr
Uni t 16

15. 90 procent av befolkningen r bosatt i den sdra hlften av landet. Etniskt

16. * sett var Sverige lnge ett av Europas mest enhetl iga lnder. Den situationen

17. * har emellertid kraftigt frndrats under senare r. Under hgkonjunkturen

18. * p 1960-talet tog Sverige emot ett stort antal Invandrare. Idag utgr de

19. omkring tio procent av befolkningssiffran. Enligt statistiken r frldrarna

20. * till tredje barn som fds invandrare.

Glossary (Geografi)

antal -et -0 number, quantity

Atlanten the Atlantia (oaean)
(att) bestmma, 2a (to) deaide, determine
nrmare bestmt more preaisely
bosatt -0 -a
(att) vara bosatt -0 -a (to) live, reside
breddgrad -en -er latitude
dock however, nevertheless
(att) efterlmna, (to) leave behind
eme I I ert i d however, nevertheless
enbart solely, alone
enhetl ig -t -a uniform, homogenous
etnisk -t -a ethnia
folktthet -en 0 population density
(att) fdas, 2a (to) be born
(att) frndra, I (to) ahange (transitive)
(att) frndras, (to) ahange (intransitive)
geografi -n 0 geography
glimt-en-ar glimpse
Golfstrmmen the Gulf Stream
Unit 16

hlft -en -er half

hgkonjunktur -en -er boom, prosperity
invandrare -n -0 immigrant
invnare -n -0 inhabitant
jmn -t -a even
konjunktur -en -er state of the market, economic situation
kraftig -t -a powerful, substantial
Kristus Christ
kust -en -er coast
mil-n-0 Swedish mile (10 kilometers, approx. six
mild, milt, milda mild
nordisk -t -a Nordie
nrmare bestmt more precisely
ojmn -t -a uneven
rik -t -a rich
siffr/a -an -or figure, number
situation -en -er situation
s ma I - t - a narY'ow, thin
statistik -en -er statistics
storlek -en -ar size
s ... som as ... as
tack vare thanks (be) to
trots in spite of
(att) tcka, 2b (to) cover
tt -t -a dense, tight
tthet -en -er density
utanfr outside
(att) utgra, -gr, -gjorde, -gjort, 4 (to) constitute
var -t 0 each, every
(att) variera, (to) vary, diveY'sify
y t/a -an -or surface

Unit 16 497

Nrlngsl iv och ekonomi

21. Sverige har rika naturtillgngar. Skog, jrnmalm och vatten har i alla tider

22. varit grunden i den svenska ekonomin och r det fortfarande. Exporten r av

2J. stor betydelse. Den uppgr ti I I 25 procent av Sveriges BNP (bruttonational-

24. produkt). Numera exporteras betydligt fler frdiga produkter n tidigare.

25. Man exporterar bl.a. maskiner, flygplan, bilar, instrument, elektriska och

26. kemiska produkter och tekniskt kunnande. Sveriges strsta kunder r Norden

27. och EG-Inderna (EG - europagemenskapen) . Sverige har varken olja eller kol

28. och mste importera 75 procent av sitt brnsle. Vattenkraften svarar fr

29. 15 procent av energikonsumtionen. Sveriges krnkraftprogram omfattar 12

JO. * reaktorer, 8 frdiga och 4 under byggnad. Efter en folkomrstning betrffande

3l. krnkraften 1980 beslt regeringen, att programmet inte skall utbyggas vidare,

32. och att all krnkraft skall vara avvecklad r 2010.

33. Sveriges ekonomi brukar ibland kallas en blandekonomi. Industrin r huvud-

34. * sakligen privatgd. Av alla industrianstllda arbetar 90 procent den pri-

35. vata sektorn. Staten Ingriper r form av lagstiftning, krediter och stdt-

36. grder.

Unit 16

3? . Mlsttningen i den ekonomiska politiken r full sysselsttning, regional

38. balans och handelsbalans. Staten deltar aktivt i arbetsmarknadspolitiken,

39. .. speciellt sedan lgkonjunktur och oljekriser skapat problem fr den svenska

40. industrin. Man hller nere arb.etslsheten med 01 ika metoder: genom statl iga

41. beredskapsarbeten, genom att omskola eller vidareutbi Ida anstl Ida eller genom

42. std t i II fretag med ekonomiska problem. Staten blandar sig dremot inte l
43. lnefrhandi ingarna p arbetsmarknaden mel lan arbetstagare och arbetsgivare.

44. En lag om de anstl Idas medbestmmandertt p arbetsplatsen (MBL - medbestm-

45. ma n d e I a g e n) -a n t o 9 s r I977

GLo88ary (Nringsl Iv och ekonomi)

aktiv -t -a active
(att) anstlla, 2a (to) emptoy
en anstlld, tv anstllda empLoyee
(att) an/ta, -tar, -tog, -tagit, 4 (to) adopt; a88ume
arbetsgivare -n -~ empLoyer
arbetslshet -en 0 unempLoyment
arbetsmarknad -en -er Labor market
arbetsplats -en -er plaoe of work
arbetstagare -n -0 employee
(att) avveckla, I (to) disoontinue, ~ind do~n
balans -en -er balance
beredskapsarbete -t -n relief work
(att) be/sluta, -sluter, -slt, (to) decide
-slutit, 4

Unit 16 499

(att) bes tmma, 2a (to) deeide

betrffande -0 -0 eoneerning, with re gard to
betydelse -n -r meaning, signifieanee
betydligt significantly, considerably
(att) blanda, I (to) mix, blend
(att) blanda sig ij (to) interfere, intervene
blandekonomi -n -er mixed economy
brutto gross
bruttonationalprodukten (BNP) gross national product (GNP)
brnsle -t -n fuel
(att) bygga, 2a (to) build
(att) bygga ut j 2a (to) expand
byggnad -en -er building
under byggnad under eonstruation
ekonomisk -t -a eeonomic
elektrisk -t -a electric
energi -n 0 energy
europagemenskapen tEG) European Economie Community (EEC)
flygplan -et -0 airplane
folkomrstning -en -ar referendum
form -en -er form, shape
i form av in the form of
fretag -et -0 corporation
genom att by
grund -en -er foundation, basis
handel -n 0 trade
huvudsak -en -er main thing
huvudsak I igen mainly
industri -n -er industry
(att) in/gripa, -griper, -grep, (to) interfere J intervene
-gripit, 4
instrument -et -0 instrument
jrn -et 0 -z,ron
jrnmalm -en 0 iron ore
kemisk -t -a ehemieal
kol -et -0 eoal
konsumtion -en 0 consumption

Vnit 16

kraft -en -er power, f01'ce

kredit -en -er oredit
kund -en -er customer
kunnande -t 0 know-how
krnkraft -en 0 nuclear power
lag -en -ar law
lagstiftning -en -ar legislation
lgkonjunktur -en -er dep1'ession, slump
ln -en -er wage~ sala1'Y
maskin -en -er machine, machine1'Y
medbestmmandertt -en -er w01'ke1's' pa1'ticipation right
metod -en -er method
ml -et -0 goal, pU1'pose
mlsttning -en -ar aim~ objective
naturt i I I gng -en -ar natural reSOU1'ce
Norden the N01'dic count1'ies
numera nowadays
nring -en -ar nourishment, sustenanoe
nringsl iv -et -0 trade and indust1'Y, economy
01 ika (plural form) various
(att) omfatta, I (to) include, comp1'ise
(att) omskola (att skola om); (to) 1'etrain
politik -en 0 politics~ polioy
privatg/d -t -da privately owned
problem -et -0 problem
produkt -en -er produot
program -met -0 program
reaktor -n reaktorer 1'eacto1'
regering -en -ar gove1'nment
regional -t -a 1'egional
sedan (conjunction) after, when
sektor -n, sektorer secto1'
(tt) skapa, I - (to) create
( a t t ) s ko 'a o m; (to) retrain
stat -en -er state, gove1'nment
statl ig -t -a (adj.) state~ gove1'nment
(att) stifta, (to) establish, found
std -et -0 SUPP01't
Vnit 16 501

(att) svara, I (to) answer

(att) svara fr; I (to) account for
sysselsttning -en -ar work, empZoyment
teknisk -t -a technicaZ
(att) upp/g, -gr, -gick, -gtt, 4 (to) amount to, reach
latt) utbilda, l (to) educate, train
(att) utbygga (att bygga ut); 2a (to) expand
varken ... eller neither ... nor
vattenkraft -en 0 hydroeZectric power
tgrd -en -er measure, step
(att) ga, 2a (to) own

Vnit 16

Statsskick och pol itlk

46. Sverige har ett parlamentariskt och representativt statsskick med ett enkammar-

47. system. Kungen har endast representati va p I i kter.

48. '" Allmnna val ger rum vart tredje r. ledaren fr majoritetspartiet blir

49. vanligtvis statsminister och bildar regering. Regeringens medlemmar kallas

50. statsrd och r chefer fr relativt sm departement, varifrn den E.0litiska

51. ledningen utg.!:.. De verkstllande funktionerna dremot utvas av stora centrala

52. mbetsverk.

5J. Typiskt fr svensk pol itik r att svenskarna rstar p ett pol itiskt parti,

54. i nte p en ens k i I d person. Valkampanjen r helt oberoende av ekonomisk hjlp

55. frn den privata sektorn. Partierna fr statliga bidrag j form aven bassumma

56. fr varje parti, ~ ett tillgg fr varje mandat partiet har i riksdagen.

57. Sverige har idag fem pol itiska partier representerade riksdagen:

58. Socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet (S)} det socialistiska blocket

59. Vnsterpartiet kommunisterna (vpk)

Vnit 16 f>OJ

60. Centern (c)

61. Moderata sam! ingspartlet (m) det borgerl iga blocket

62. Folkpartiet (fp)

Glossary (Statsskick och politik)

allmn -t -na general

bas -en -er base, basis, foundation
bidrag -et -0 subsidy; contribution
(att) bi Ida, I (to) form, establish
block -et -0 bloc
borgerl ig -t -a non-socialist; bourgeois, middle class
centern the center party
central -t -a central
chef -en -er chief, boss
departement -et -0 (government) department
endast only (adverb)
enski l/d -t -da individual, private, separate
folkpartiet the liberal party
funktion -en -er function
hjlp -en 0 help, assistance
(att) kalla, I (to) call
kammare -n, kamrar chamber
kampanj -en -er campaign
kommunist -en -er communist (noun)
kung -en -ar king
ledning -en -ar leadership, management
majoritet -en -er majority
mandat -et -0 (parliament) seat
medlem -men -mar member
moderat -Q.l -a moderate

IJnit 16

moderata saml i ngsparti et conservative party

oberoende -0 -0 independent
parlamentarisk -t -a parLiamentary
parti -et -er (poLiticaL) party
plikt-en-er duty
plus pLus
po I i t i s k - t - a politicaL
relativt relatively
representant -en -er representative (noun)
representativ -t -a representative (adjective)
(att) representera, (to) represent
riksdag -en -ar Swedish parLiament
(att) rsta p; (to) vote for
samt i ng -en -ar coalition; collection, gathering
socialdemokratisk -t -a sociaL democratic
socialIstisk -t-a socialistic
statsminister -n, statsministrar prime minister
statsrd -et -0 (equivaLent to) member of the cabinet
statsskick -et -0 constitution
summ/a -an -or amount
system -et -0 system
ti Ilgg -et -0 additionaL amount, suppLement; surcharge
(att) ut/g (g ut); -gr, -gick, (to) originate. proceed. emanate
-gtt, 4
(att) utva, (to) carry out. exercise
val -et-0 eLection, choice
verkstllande -0 -0 executive (adjective)
vnsterpartiet left-wing party
(att) ga rum; 2a (to) take pLace
,nbetsverk -et -0 government agency or bureau

Uni t 18 505

Neutra I i tet och frsvar

63. Kort fre frsta vrldskriget proklamerade Sverige sin neutralitet. Sverige

64. hade d inte deltagit i ngot krig sedan Napoleonkrigen 1814 och hllit sig

65. utanfr ~amtl iga all ianser med andra lnder. Denna " a ll iansfrihet i fred med

66. syfte t i l l neutralitet i krig" har sedan dess frblivit en grundprincip i

67. svensk utrikespolitik, omfattad av alla politiska partier.

68. Sveriges neutral itetspol itik har traditionellt varit frbunden med ett starkt

69. frsvar. Landet har allmn vrnpl ikt och hg beredskap. krigstid skulle

70. * armen kunna mobil isera 700.000 man och clvi Ifrsvaret 200.000. Ar 1980 gick

71. ungefr tio procent av BNP ti I I frsvaret.

72. * Strsta delen av den mi I (tra utrustningen ti liverkas i Sverige, men den alltmer

73. avancerade vapenteknologin brjar stlla nstan omjl iga krav p landets ekonomi.

74. Sveriges neutralitetspolitik betyder emellertid inte siktsneutralitet. Sverige

75. deltar mycket aktivt i internationella organisationer, Lex. FN, ven i frgor

76. som inte direkt berr svenska intressen. Nedrustning, koloniernas frigrelse,

77. * staternas sjlvbestmmandertt och mnskl19a rttigheter r ngra av de frgor

78. som speciellt intresserar Sverige.

Unit 16

79. Svenska trupper har flera gnger deltagit FN:s fredsbevarande uppgifter,

80. t.ex. Kongo, Cypern och Sinai.

Glossa'l'Y (Neutra I i tet och frsvar)

all ians -en -er alliance

alltmer mO'l'e and mor>e
arme -m -er ar>my
avancer/ad -at -ade advanced
beredskap -en r/J pr>epar>edness
(att) berra, 2a (to) concer>n, touch (upon), affect
(att) bevara, I (to) pr>eser>ve, keep, pr>otect
civil-t-a civil, civilian
Cypern Cypr>us
fred -en -er peace, peace time
frigrelse -n r/J liber>ation
frihet -en -er f'l'eedom, libe'l'ty
frg/a -an -or question, issue, matter>
(att) fr/binda, -binder, -band, (to) associate
-bundit, 4
(att) fr/bli -blir, -blev, -blivit, 4 (to) 'l'ema"n
i nternat i one I I -t -a inter>national
intresse -t -n inter>est
(att) intressera, (to) inter>est
ko lon i - n - e r colony
Kongo the Conga
krav -et -0 demand
(att) stlla krav; 2a (to) make demands
krig -et -0 war>
mi I itr -t -a milita'l'Y
(att) mobil isera, (to) mobilize
mnskl ig -t -a human
nedrustning -en 0 disa'l'mament
Uni t 16 507

neutra I i tet -en 0 neutrality

(att) omfatta, I (to) embrace, espouse; include, comprise
organisation -en -er organization, institution
princip -en -er principle
(att) proklamera, (to) proclaim
rttighet -en -er right
samt I i ga (plural) all (the ... )
sedan dess since then
sjlvbestmmandertt -en ~ right to self-determination
sta rk -t -a strong
syfte -t -n purpose, aim, objective
med syfte ti I I (att) with the purpose of ...
teknologi -n 0 technology
(att) ti Ilverka, (to) manufacture
trupp -en -er troop
uppg i f t -en -er, assignment; information, statement
utrikespolitik -en 0 foreign policy
utrustning -en -ar equipment; arms
vapen, vapnet, vapen weapon
vrld -en -ar world
vrnpl i kt -en 0 military service
allmn vrnplIkt compulsory military service
sikt -en -er opinion, view
ven also

Unit 16

Socialpol itik

81. Utomlands kallas Sverige ibland "Vlfrdssverige." Svenskarna sjlva talar

82. .. lite skmtsamt om "folkhemmet." Vad man n kallar det, r det uppenbart att

83. Sverige p al la stt frsker att ge trygghet t sina medborgare och strvar

84. mo t en soc i a I u t j mn i n g

85. Det svenska fol ket betalar hga skatter, speciellt kommunalskatt och mervrdes-

86. skatt p varor och tjnster ("moms"). Skatterna "terbetalas" t i l l skatte-

87. betalarna i form av ett enormt socialfrskringsprogram. Detta omfattar folk-

88. pension, sjukfrskring (ven tandvrd), frldrafrskring, arbetsskadefr-

89. skring och arbetslshetsfrskring m.m. (med mera). Socialpolitiken, svl

90. som skattepolitiken, bidrar t i l l en inkomstutjmning genom bostadsbidrag,

91. studiebidrag, o.s.v. (och s vidare). Ar 1978 gick 33,1% av BNP t i l l social-

92. programmet.

Glossary (Socialpolitik)

(att) bl/dra, -drar, -drog, -dragit, 4 (to) contY'ibute

bostadsbidrag -et -0 housing allowance
enorm -t -a enoY'mous
folkpension -en -er old age pension
Vnit 16 509

frskring -en -ar insurance

frldrafrskring -en -ar parentaZ insurance
inkomst -en -er income
kommunal -t -a local, municipal
med mera (m.m.) etcetera
medborgare -n -0 citizen
mervrdesskatt -en -er value added tax
och s vidare (o.s.v.) etcetera, and so on
sjukfrskring -en -ar health insurance
skad/a -an -or injury, damage
skatt -en -er tax
skattebetalare -n -0 taxpayer
skmtsamt jokingly, in jest
socialpol itik -en 0 social policy
(att) strva mot; I (to) strive for
studiebidrag -et -0 study grant
sv I som as welZ as
stt -et -0 way, manner
p alla stt in every way (possible)
tandvrd -en 0 dental care
tjnst -en -er service, favor, job
trygghet -en 0 security
uppenbar -t -a obvious, evident
utjmning -en -ar equalization
utomlands abroad, overseas
vad ( ... ) n no matter what, whatever
v I frd -en 0 welfare
(att) terbetala, (to) pay back

Uni t 16

Rel igion

93. Sverige har en luthersk statskyrka. Alla medborgare fds och registreras inom

94. kyrkan. Prsterna r statsanstllda. Svenskarna r kulturellt bundna t i l l

95. kyrkan men deltar sllan aktivt i det kyrkl iga livet.

96. Det finns naturligtvis andra kyrkliga samfund i Sverige, de s.k. (s kallade)

97. frikyrkorna (andra protestantiska kyrkor), de katolska kyrkorna och de

98. rel igisa frsami ingar som etablerats av invandrarna.

Glossary (Rel igion)

(att> etablera, (to) establish

frsami i ng -en -ar parish, congregation
inom within
katolsk -t -a Catholic (adjective)
kultur -en -er culture
kulturell - t - a cuLtural
kyrklig-t-a church (adjective)
liv-et-(/) life
luthersk -t -a Lutheran
protestant -en -er Protestant
protestantisk -t -a Protestant (adjective)
prst -en -er priest, cLergyman
(att) registrera, (to) register
rel igion -en -er religion
rel igis -t -a religious

Unit 16 511

samfund -et -0 denomination

s kall/ad -at -ade (s.k.) so called
s I I an seldom

Unit 18

Skolor och utbildning

99. I Sverige r det riksdagen och regeringen som utformar skol- och hgskole-

100. politiken. p 1950-talet antogs en omfattande skolreform, som inte bara med-

101. frde frndringar inom skolans struktur utan ocks demokratiserade ett tidi-

102. >I gare elitistiskt inriktat skolsystem. Sedan dess har det fljt en rad vidare

103. reformer.

104. Skolavgifter, skolbcker och sko\\uncher r gratis. ven universitetsavgifterna

105. >I r g r a t i s o c h s t u d e nt e r na ka n f r I i g a s t a t I i g a s t ud i e I n

CZossary (Skolor och utbi Idnlng)

avgift -en -er fee, tuition

(att) demokratisera, democratize, make more democratic
elit-en-er eLite
elitistisk -t-a elitist
frndring -en -ar change
hgskol/a -an -or university
inrikt/ad -at -ad e aimed at, bent on, directed towards
I n -et -0 loan
(att) medfra (fra med); 2a (to) involve, bring about, lead to
omfattande -0 -0 comprehensive, extensive
rad -en -er row, linej series
reform -en -er reform
struktur -en -er atructure, framework
student -en -er (university) student
lJnit 16 513

studieln -et -0 student Z.oan

utb j I dn i ng -en 0 education, tpaining
<att> utforma, l (to) formulate, design, shape
rl ig -t -a yeaply

Vnit 16


106. I en statistisk underskning som fretogs r 1979 visade det~ att svenskarna

107. var vrldens mest tidningslsande folk. Det finns 150 dagstidningar med en

108. sammanlagd ~ ~ p omkring 4,8 miljoner exemplar. Ett statligt presstd

109. till de mindre tidningarna p en ort gr det mjligt fr dem att klara kon-

110. .. kurrensen, vilket innebr en mer pluralistisk press. F tidningar r parti-

111. anknutna men flera representerar en viss pol itisk inriktning, de flesta en

112. borgerl ig sd\3n.

113. Sveriges Radio AB (pktiebolag) har monopol p radio och TV-sndingar. Detta

114. bolag gs gemensamt av fackfreningarna, industrin och pressen. Chefen och

115. halva styrelsen utses dock av regeringen. Alla TV- och radiogare mste betala

116. .. rl iga I icenser, med vi Ika programmen finansieras. Vi II svensken titta p

117. TV har han bara tv kanaler att vlja p, men i gengld slipper han reklam!

Glossary (Massmedia)

aktie -n -r share 3 stock

an knut/en -et -na (ti I I) tie d t0 linked up with

(att) an/knyta, -knyter, -knt, (to) connect. attach

-knutit, 4
Unit 16 515

bolag -et -(/) company, corporation

exemplar -et -0 copy
(att) finansiera, I (to) finance
(att) fre/ta, -tar, -tog, -tagit, 4 (to) undertake, perform, carry out
gemensam -t -ma common, mutual
gemensamt jointly
gengld; i gengld in return
inriktning -en -ar direction, trend
kana I -en -er channel; canal
(att) klara, I (to) cope with, manage
konkurrens -en 0 competition
I icens -en -er License (fee)
massmedl/um -et -a mass medium
monopol -et -0 monopoly
ort -en -er (geographical) place
pluralistisk -t-a pluralistic
press -en (/) press, news
radio -n, radioapparater radio
reklam -en -er advertising
samman lag/d -t -da combined
statistisk -t -a statistical
styrelse -n -r management, board of directors
sdan -t -a on e, such
sndning -en -ar transmission, broadeast
underskning -en -ar examination, study, analysis
upplag/a -an -or edition
(att) ut/se, -ser, -sg, -sett, 4 (to) ehoose, appoint
(att) visa sig; (to) show, become evident, turn out
viss -t -a certain
(att) vlja p; vljer, valde, valt, 4 (to) choose from
gare -n -0 owner

ltit 1.6


Notes on Basic Sentences

10. 15.000. For numbers Swedish uses a period when English uses a comma, and a
comma when English uses a period.

Examples: Det finns ungefr 15.000 <femton tusen) samer i norra Sverige.
There are approximately 15,000 Lapps in northern Sweden.

Sverige har omkring 8,3 <tta komma tre} miljoner invnare.

Sweden has about 8.3 million people.

14a. 8,3 mi Ijoner. See Note 10.

14b. Dock. The translation of dock is IIhowever, II but like emellertid it is used
almost exclusively in lL1Y'itten language. The closest spoken Swedish equi-
valents to English IIhowever, but" are men, i alla fall, i vilket fall som helst.

Examples: Drren var lst s vi kunde frst inte komma in. Men George hittade
en nycke l t i! l kksdrren s v i kom i n p det v i set.
The door was locked so we couldn't get in at first. llowever (but),
George found a key to the back door so we got in that way.

Jag tycker inte att det r ndvndigt att du kommer. I vilket fall
som helst be~ver du inte vara dr frrn klockan tta.
I don't think it's necessary for you to come. However (anyway),
you don't have to be there until eight o'clock.

16. Den situationen. In written Swedish, the demonstrative adjectives den {det, de}
and denna {detta, dessa} are more commonly used than den dr <det dr, de dr} and
den hr <det hr, de hr}. The meaning of den (det, de) as a demonstrative adjeo-
tive is the same as den dr (det dr, de dr) -- "that." The meaning of denna
{detta, dessa} is the same as den hr (det hr, de hr) -- "this."
vnit 16 517

Notice that when den (det, de) funations as a demonstrative adjective the definite
ending is added to the noun. (Cf. Unit 13, Note 27.)

17. Emellertid. See Note 14b.

18. 1960-talet. Adding -talet to a decade or a century corresponds to the English

"s" added to the same numbers.
Examples: P 1800-talet.
In (during) the eignteen hundreds (the 19th centuryJ.

P 50-talet.
In (during) the fifties.

Notice the use of the preposition .E! for "in" or "during." (Cf. Unit 11, Point II. J

20. Vart tredje barn. The word varje (every) may not be used before an ordinal
number. Instead var' (vart) is used.

Examples: Vi far p landet varje sommar.

We go to the countryevery summer.

Var tredje mnad betalar jag min frskring.

Every three months (every third month) I pay my insurance.

Notice that the English "every + cardinal number + noun in the plural has to
be expressed in Swedish with varet) + ordinal number + noun in the singular.

The expression "every two .,. (every other)" is varannan (vartannat).

Examples: Jag arbetar varannan vecka. Vi ker ti I l Sverige vartannat r.

I work every other week. We go to Sweden every other year.

Unit 16

30a. Reaktorer. There is a ehange of stress in the plural form of multi-syllable

third deelension nouns ending in -or.

Examples: reaktor reaktorer reaetor

do ktor doktorer doetor
professor profess~rer professor
motor motorer motor, engine

30b. Frdiga. See Unit 15, Note 13.

34. I ndustr ianst lida. Anst I I d is a past particip le used as a noun and therefore
takes the same endings as an adjective:

Singular Plural
Indef. form en anstlld (tv> anstllda
Def. form den an st I I da de anst I I da

ef. Unit 15, Note 15.

39. Skapat problem. In a subordinate clause, written Swedish often leaves out the
auxiliaries har and hade in the present perfeet and past perfeet tenses, using
only the supine form of the main verb. This is a usage that you should become
familiar with since it may otherwise ereate difficulty in translations. Note,
however, that har and hade may not be left out in a main cZause.

45. Ar 1977. Written Swedish often uses the word r before numbers indieating a
year. In spoken Swedish years are usualZy expressed without the word r and
aZways without a preposition.

Examples: Ulf r fdd 1945.

Ulf was born in 1945.

(Ar> 1969 landade mnniskan p mnen.

In 1969 man landed on the moon.
Unit 16 519

Lena kom till Amerika i januari 1981.

Lena came to Amepica in Januapy ~ 1981.

48. Vart tredje r. See Note 20.

70. 700.000 man. The plupal fopm of man is mn in most cases. However, the plupal
fopm man is found in the context of militapy manpower, or labor force.

Example: Besttningen bestr av 300 man.

The cpew consists of 300 men (and women).

72. A I I tmer. The wopd a I I t is some times used befope the compapative form of an
adjective op an advepb with the meaning "mope and mope. "

Examples: Bi larna bl ir allt mindre med ren.

The caps get smallep and smallep ovep the yeaps.

Den vetenskap I iga utveckl ingen gr allt fortare framt.

Scientific development advances mope and mope papidly.

Allt is sepapated fPom the compapative fopm of the adjective OP adverb except
fop in the combination with the advepb mer.

77 De f r g o r s o m .. S e e Un i t 1 5, No t e 65

82. Vad man n kallar det. Vad n has the meaning "whatevep, no mattep what," and
should not be confused with vad som helst (anything at all).

Vem n no mattep who, whoevep Vem som helst anyone (at all)
Vad n no mattep what, whatevep Vad som helst anything (at all)
Var n no mattep whepe, whepevep Var som helst anywhepe (at all) 16

Note that inte before vem (vad, var) som helst conveys the meaning "not just
anybody (anything, anywhereJ."

87. Detta. See Nate 16.

98a. De rel igisa frsami ingar som See Unit 15, Note 65.

98b. Som etablerats. See Note 39.

99. Hgskolepolitiken. It is important to note that hgskola means "university"

and not "high school," which is best translated as Swedish gymnasi/um -et -er.

102. Har det fljt. Se Unit 14, Note 32.

105. Studenterna. The Swedish word student usually refers to one studying at a
university. More general ly a person pursuing some kind of non-university study
is referred to as elev -en -er.

110. Vilket innebr. The relative pronoun vi Iket must be used when it refers to
a whole clause. The relative pronoun som can only refer to nouns, proper names,
and pronouns.

116a. Med vi Ika. In this relative claus e vi Ika has replaced som, because a preposition
precedes the relative pronoun and som can never be preaeded by a preposition.
Som must always introduce the relative olause. When a preposition preoedes the
relative pronoun, vi Iket <vi Ike T , vi Ika) must be used. However, in spoken
Swedish it is much more common to use som with the preposition at the end of
the clause.

Unit 16 521

Examples: Gatan som jag bor p r mycket smal.

Gatan p vi Iken jag bor r mycket smal.
The stpeet which I live on is vepy naprow.

Dessa problem, som de har talat s mycket om, mste lsas.

Dessa problem, om vilka de har talat s mycket, mste lsas.
These problems, which they have spaken so much about, must be solved.

116b. Vi II svensken titta p TV (Om svensken viii titta p TV - If the Swede wants to
watch TV). In this conditional clause the conjunction om {if} has been left
out and the subject-vepb opdep is pevepsed. This is a sentence stpuotupe you
should try to beoome familiar with sinoe it is used to a gpeat extent in news-
paper wpiting and since it may present some difficulty in the translation unless
you are aWare of it.

Example: Ska TV-programmen frbttras mste I icenserna hjas.

If the TV ppogpams are to be improved the lioense fees must be paised.

lJnit 16



absolut absoZuteZy 8

accent -en -er stress~ stress marker 11

adjeKtiv -et -fl> adjective 11

adj good-bye 1

adress -en -er address 2

advokat -en -er tawyer J

affr -en -er store, shop 8

Afrika Afriaa 11

afton -en, aftnar evening~ eve 15

aftonklnning -en -ar evening gown 8

aktie -n -r share~ stock 16

aktiv -t -a aative 16

aldrig never 3

all, allt, alla aLl 5

aI I - t - a m j I 19 - t - a all possible, aLL kinds of 11

Word List 523


Swedish English Uni t

alldeles completely 5

allemansrtt -en 0 right to access 14

all ians -en -er allianee 16

a Ilmn -t -na generat 16

a I I ra very (in front of the supert. 9

form of an adj.)

a I Is at all 1

a I It id always 3

a I I t i ng everything 13

a I I tme r more and more 16

almanack/a -an -or ealendar 12

ambassad -en -er embassy 1

ambassadr -en -er ambassador 7

Amerika America 3 the Uni ted States 2

amerikan -en -er American (man) 9

amerikanare -n -0 American (man) 11

amerikansk -t -a American (adj.) 3

amerikansk/a -an -or American (woman) 11

amerikanska ambassaden the American Embassy~ 1

Word List

Swedish EngLish Unit

andra (the) other, others; second 4, 7

See annan

(att) anfrtro, 3 (to) confide, entl'ust 15

an knut/en -et -na (ti II) tied to, Linked up with 16

(att) an/knyta, -knyter, -knt, -knutit, (to) connect, attach

-knuT/en -et -naj 4

ankomST -en -er al'l'ivaL 13

(atT) anlnda, 2a (to) al'rive 12

annan, annat, andra other; eLse 2, 8

annandag -en -~r second day (of Ch~i8tma8 and 15


annars otherwise

annons -en -er advertisement 5

(att) an/se, -ser, -sg, -sett, (to) think, be of the opinion, 9

-sedd, -sett, -sedda; 4 l'egal'd
(att) anstlla, 2a (to) empLoy
en anstlld, tv anstllda employee 16

ansvar -et -0 l'esponsibi U ty 14

(att) an/ta, -tar, -tog, -tagit, (to) adopt; assume 16

-tag/en -et -naj 4

Word List 525


Swedish English Vnit

antagl igen pr'obably 12

antal -et -0 number, quantity 16

antingen .,. eller either ... Or' 4

(att) anvnda, 2a (to) use 8

ap r i I April 5

aprop (det) by the way 10

arabiska -n 0 Arabic (language) 11

(att) arbeta, (to) work 3

arbetare -n -0 worker 15

arbete -t -n wOr'k 10

arbetsgivare -n -0 employer 16

arbetskamrat -en -er colleague 12

arbetslshet -en 0 unemployment 16

arbetsmarknad -en -er labor market 16

arbetsmarknadsstyrelsen (AMS) Labor Mar'ket Board 15

arbetsplats -en -er place of work 16

arbetstagare -n -0 employee 16

arg -t -a angry Pron. Guide

Word List

Swedish English Vnit

arme -n -er army 16

artig -t -a polite 12

artikel -n, artiklar article 15

arton eighteen 1

artonde eighteenth 7

ask -en -ar box 12

askfat -et -0 ashtray 7

Atlanten The Atlantic (ocean) 16

att to (inf. marker); that (conj.) l, 2

attache -n -er attache 12

augusti August 5

(att) avancera, (to) advance

avancer/ad -at -ade advanced 16

av of 2

(att) aV/bryta, -bryter, -brt, -brutit (to) interrupt, break off 15

-brut/en -et -na; 4

avdelning -en -ar department 8

avgift -en -er fee, tui tian 16

Word List 52?


Swedish English Unit

avgng -en 0 departure (time) 13

(att) avveckla, (to) discontinue, wind down 16

Word List

Swedish English Uni t

(att) bada, (to) bathe, take a bath, go 12


(att) bada bastu; (to) take a sauna 12

badrum -met -0 bath!'oom 5

bagage -t 0 baggage, luggage 13

(att) baka, (to) bake 5

bakom behind 12

bal -en -er ball (dance) 15

balans -en -er balance 16

bank -en -er bank 4

bar -en -er ba!' 10

bara jus t, only 1

barn -et -0 ahild 5

barnvakt -en -er baby-sitter 15

bas -en -er base, basis, foundation 16

bastu -n -r sauna 12
(att) bada bastu; (to) take a sauna 12

(att) be, ber, bad, bett, 4 (to) ask, request 9

Word List 529


Swedish English Unit

befolkning -en -ar population 13

begv/ad -at -ade gifte d 11

sprkbegv/ad -at -ade (to) have a gift for languages 11

(att) be/hlla, -hller, -hll, -hllit, (to) keep 11

-hll/en -et -na; 4

(att) behva, 2a (to) need 5

beige -t -a beige 8

bekvm -t -a comfortable 5

belgier -n -0 Belgian (man) :3

ben -et -0 bane; leg Pron. Guide

(att) bereda, 2a (to) pl'epare

beredskap -en -er preparedness~ readiness 16

beredskapsarbete -t -n relief work 16

berg -et -0 mountain Pron. Guide

beroende -0 -0 dependent

(att> bertta, (to) tell 3

berm/d -t -da famouB 4

(att) berra, 2a (to) concern, affect 16

(att) be/skriva, -skrIver, -skrev, -skrivit, (to) describe 5

-skriv/en -et -na; 4
Word List

Swedish English Vnit

beskrivning -en -ar descT'iption 15

(att) be/sluta, -sluter, -slt, -slutit, (to) decide 16

-slut/en -et -na; 4

(att) be/st (av); -str, -stod, -sttt, (to) consist (of) 16

-sHdd, -sttt, -stdda; 4

(att) bestl la, 2a 2

(att) bestmma, 2a (to) deaide~ determine 16

nrmare bestmt mOT'e precisely 16

besvik/en -et -na disappointed 13

besvrl ig -t -a troublesome 14

besttning -en -ar crew 16

besk -et -0 visit 14

(att) betala, (to) pay 8

betrffande -0 -0 conaerning. with regard to 16

(att) betyda, 2a (to) mean 15

betydelse -n -r meaning~ significance 16

betyd I i gt significantly~ considerably 16

(att) beundra, (to) admire 15

(att) bevara, (to) pT'eserve~ keep~ proteat

bibliotek -et-0 library 4

Word List ~31

Swedish English Unit

(att) bi/dra, -drar, -drog, -dragit, (to) contr>ibute 16

-drag/en -et -na; 4

bidrag -et -0 subsidy; contr>ibution 16

bil-en-ar ear>, automobile; cab 2

(att) bilda, (to) [or>m; establish 16

bi Ijett -en -er ticket 10

biljon-en-er 1

billig - t - a inexpensive, cheap 11

(att) binda, binder, band, bundit, (to) bind, tie 13, 15

bund/en -et -na; 4

bio -n 0 movies 12

(att) bita, biter, bet, bitit, (to) bite 13

bit/en -et -na; 4

b i tt i ear>ly (in the morning) 7

(att) bjuda, bjuder, bjd, bjudit, (to) invite 12

bjud/en -et -na; 4 invited 13

(att) bjuda p; 4 (to) offer> 12

bjudning -en -ar party 12

bland among 14

bland andra (bl.a.) among othel's 15

Word List

Swedish English Vnit

bland annat (bl.a.) among other things 15

(att) blanda, (to) mix, blend

(att) blanda sig i; (to) interfere~ intervene 16

blandekonomi -n -er mixed economy 16

blankett -en -er form 13

(att) bli, blir, blev, blivit, 4 (to) become, be 1

block-et-0 bloc 16

blombukett -en -er bouquet of flowers 12

bJomm/a -an -or j10w81" 12

(att) blomma, (to) blossom 14

bl, bltt, bla blue 4

(att) bo, 3 (to) live, reside 2

bok -en, bcker book 3

bokhy II /a -an -or bookcase 7

bolag -et -0 company, corporation 16

bomu I I -en 0 cotton 8

bonde -n, bnder farmer Pron. Guide

bord -et -0 table 5

t i II bords to the table, at the table 12
Word List 533

Swedish English Unit

bordsdam -en -er table partner (lady) 12

bordsplacering -en -ar seating arrangement 12

borgerl ig -t -a non-socialist; bourgeois, 16

middle class

(att) borsta, (to) brush 9

borst/e -en -ar brush

bort; borta away (motion); 8

away (stationary)

bosatt -0 -a; (att) vara bosatt (to) live, reside 16

bostad -en, bostder residence 15

bostadsbidrag -et -0 housing allowance 16

bostadsomrde -t -n residentiaI area 15

bra -0 -0 ; fine, good, well; 1

bttre, bst better, best 9

bras/a -an -or (open) fire 12

bred, brett, breda wide 4

breddgrad -en -er latitude 16

bredvid beside, next to 12

brev -et -0 letter Pron. Guide

Word List

Swedish EngLish Unit

(att) brinna, brinner, brann, brunnit, 4 (to) burn (intr.) 13

(att) brista, brister, brast, brustit, (to) burst (intr.) 13

brust/en -et -naj 4

bror, brodern, brder brother 2

(att) bruka, (to) usually (do something)~ 3~ 7

be in the habit of
brun -t -a browrC" 8

bruna bnor baked beans 9

brunn -en -ar well Pron. Guide

brutto gross 16

bruttonationalprodukt -en -er (BNP) gross national produat (GNP) 16

(att) bry sig om; 3 (to) care about 10

brygg/a -an -or dock 14

(att) bryta, bryter, brt, brutIt, (to) break 13

brut/en -et -na; 4

brytning -en -ar accent 11

brdsk/a -an 0 rush, hurry 9

brnsle -t -n fuel 16

brd -et 0 bread 1

bukett -en -er bouquet 12
Word List 535

Swedish English Unit

bull/e -en -ar bun 9

buss -en -ar bus 1

by -n -ar vi llage 11

(att) bygga, 2a (to) build

(att) bygga ut; 2a (to) expand 16

byggnad -en -er building 9

under byggnad under construction 16

(att) byta, 2b (to) change 13

byte -t -n change 13

by tt/a -an -or jar Pron. Guide

byxor (plur.) pants 8

bda both 8

bde ... och both ... and 11

bt -en -ar boat 2

bnk -en -ar bench; row of seats 5~ 10

br -et -0 berT'Y 14

(att) bra, br, bar, burit, (to) carT'Y, wear 1 3~ 15

bur/en -et -naj 4

(att) bra sig t; 4 (to) behave 14

Word List

Swedish EngZish Unit

bst best; See bra J

(att) tycka bst ami 2b (to) prefer 3

bttre better; See bra 9

bn/a -an -or bean 9

bruna bnor baked beans 9

br, borde, bort, 4 ought to 10, 13

(att) brja, (to) begin J

Word List 537


SlJedish English Uni t

(att) campa, (to) camp PY'on. Guide

cancer -n (/) canceY' PY'on. Guide

cape -n -r cape PY'on. Guide

cell-en-er cell PY'on. Guide

Celsius centigY'ade 11

centern the centeY' paY'ty 16

central -t -a centY'al

Centralen (C) CentY'al station 13

centrum -et, centra centeY' (of tOlJn) 8

champagne -n (/) champagne PY'on. Guide

chans -en -er chance 9

charmant -(/) -a excellent 12

charmig -t -a chaY'ming J quaint 4

charter chaY'teY' 11

check -en -ar check 15

chef -en -er chief, boss 16

choklad -en (/) chocolate 12

WOY'd List

Swedish English Unit

chokladask -en -ar box of can dy 12

cigarr -en -er cigar J

cigarrett -en -er cigarette J

cirka circa, about 16

citron -en -er lemon Pron. Guide

civi I -t -a oivil, oiviZian 18

cockta i I -en -s cocktail 12

college -t -0 college 12

Cypern Cyprus 16

cykel -n, cyklar bicycle Pron. Guide

(att) cykla, (to) ride a bike, bicycle 12

Word List 539


Swediah EngLish Unit

dag -en -ar day l, 2

om dagen a day ?

Dagens Nyheter Daily News (Sw. newspaper) 1

dagg -en 0 dew Pl'on. Guide

dags; hur dags at what time 12

det r dags it is time 15

dam -en -er lady 8

Danmark Denmark 11

dans -en -er dance, dancing 15

(att) dansa, (to) dance

dansk -en -ar Dane (man) 11

dansk -t -a Danish (adj.) 11

dansk/a -n 0 Danish (lang.) 11

dansk/a -an -or Dane (woman) 11

de they; the (modif. pLur. words) 2, ?

december December 5

dekoration -en -er decoration 15

(att) dekorera, (to) decorate 15

Word Lis t

SuJedish English Unit

del -en -ar part 4

en del some, a feuJ 15

(att) del/ta, -tar, tog, -tagit, 4 (to) par-ticipate 15

delvis partially 5

dem them 2

(att) demokratisera, (to) democratize, make 16


demonstration -en -er demonstration 15

den it (ref. to en uJords); 2

the (modif. en uJords)

den dr, det dr; de dr that; those 4

den hr, det hr; de hr this; these 2

denna, detta, dessa this; these 9

densamma, detsamma, desamma the same 8

departement -et -0 (government) department 16

deras -~ -0 their, theirs 5

dessfrinnan befor-e then 12

dessutom besides 5

det it; the (modif. ett words) 1

detalj -en -er detail 15

Word Lis t 541

Swedish English Unit

dig you (sing. obj. form) 1

din, ditt, dina your, yours (sing.) 2

direkt -0 -a direct 2

diskmaskin -en -er dishwasher 5

(att) diskutera, (to) discuss, have a discussion 12

dit; dr there (motion); 8

the re (stationary)

djur -et -0 animal 14

dock however 16

doktor -n, dokt~rer doctor, physician 12, 16

domkyrk/a -an -or cathedral 4

dotter -n, dttrar daughter 2

(att) dra(ga), drar, drog, dragit, (to) draw, puH 13

drag/en -et -naj 4

dramatisk -t -a dY'amatic 10

(att) dricka, dricker, drack, druckit, (to) drink 1

druck/en -et -naj 4

dricks -en 0 tip 9

(att) driva, driver, drev, drivit, (to) drive (not a vehicLe) 13

driv/en -et -na; 4

Word List

Swedish English Uni t

(att) drja, 2a (to) last~ lingep 13

du you (sing.) 1

(att) duga, duger, dg, duglt, 4 (to) do, sepve, be Buitable 13

(att) duka, (to) set the table 12

duk/ad -at -ade set (past papt.) 12

duktig -t -a good, effeotive, competent 7

dygn -et -0 24 houps 11

dyr -t -a expensive 5

d then, at that time; since; 2, 12


dl i9 -t -a, smre, smst bad; less good, least good 9

d l i 9 -t -a, vrre, vrst bad, wopse, wopst 9

dr whepe (pel.) 13

d r; dit thepe (stationapy) 1, 8

thepe (motion)

dremellan in between 15

dremot on the othep hand 12

drfr att because 8

(att) d, dr, dog, dtt, (to) die 13

dd, dtt, dda; 4
Word List 543

Swedish English Unit

(att) dlja, dljer, dolde, dolt, (to) aonaeat 13

dol/d -t -da; 4

drr -en -ar door 7

Word List

Swedish English Unit

efter af ter 10

(att) efterlmna, (to) teave behind 16

eftermiddag -en -ar afternoon 4

i eftermiddag this afternoon 4
i eftermiddags this afternoon (past) 11

efterrtt -en -er dessert 9

eftersom since B

eftertrdare -n -0 successor ?

eftert afterwards 14

egen, eget, egna own 11

egentl igen reat ly, actuaLty ;3

ekonomi -n 0 economy 14, 16

ekonomisk -t -a economic 16

eld -en -ar fire, bonfire 15

elektricitet - en QJ electricity 5

elektrisk -t -a etectric 16

elev -en -er student, pupit 9, 16

e I f te eZeventh 7

Word List 545


Swedish English Unit

el it -en -er elite 16

elitistisk -t-a elitist 16

or ;)
e I I er

eller hur don't you, isn't it, etc. 8

elva eleven 1

emedan because 8

emellertid however, neveT'theles8 16

en a, an, one 1

enbart solely, alone 16

enda only (adj.) :3

endast only (adv.) 16

energi -n 0 eneT'gy 16

energisk -t -a eneT'getic 9

engelsk -t -a English (adj.) 11

engelsk/a -an 0 English (lang.) 11

engelsk/a -an -or Englishwoman 11

engelsman -nen, engelsmn Englishman 11

England England 11

Word List

Swedish English Unit

enhetl ig - t -a uniform, homogenouB 16

enkel -t, enkla simple 9

enkelhet -en 0 simpliaity 12

i all enkelhet nothing fanay 12

en I i gt aaaording to 11

enorm - t -a enormous 16

enski l/d -t -da individual, private, separate 16

entusiastisk -t -a enthusiastia 15

er you (plur. obj. form) 2

er, ert, era your, yours (plur.) 5

(att) etablera, (to) es tab Hs h 16

etnisk -t -a ethnia 16

ett a, an, one 1

Europa Europe 11

Europagemenskapen (EG) the European Economic Community 16

exempe I, exemp I et, -0 examp le 15
t i II exempel (t.ex.) for example 15

exemplar -et -0 copy 16

expedit -en -er clerk, salesperson 8

Word List 547


Swedish English Vnit

export -en -er export 11

(att) exportera, (to) export 11

flord List

Swedish English Unit

fackfrening -en -ar union 15

fall-et-0 case 14
i a I Ia f a I I in any case 14
i s fall in such a case~ i f so 15

(att) falla, faller, fll, fallit, (to) fall 13

fa I I len -et -na; 4

fami Ij -en -er family 3

fantastisk -t -a fantastic 9

far, fadern, fder father :3

(att) fara, far, for, farit, 4 (to) go, travel 3

farbror, -n, farbrder uncle (paternal) :3

farfar, farfadern, farfder grandfather (paternal) :3

f a r I i g -t -a dangerous 14
det r inte s farligt it's not too bad 14

fartyg -et -0 ship J

fastia -an -or fast, Lent 15

faster -n, fastrar aunt (paternal) J

fast(n) although 12
(att) fatta, (to) grasp, understand 11

Word Lis t 549


Swedish lin i t

februari FebruaY'Y 5

felstav/ad -at -ade misspelled 15

fem five 1

f emt e fifth 7

femtio fifty 1

femton fifteen 1

femtonde fifteenth 7

fest -en -er party 12

tick/a -an -or pooket 13

file -n -er filet 9

f i I m -en - er film, movie 10

fin -t -a fine 4

(att) finansiera, (to) finance 16

finger, fingret, fingrar finger PY'on. Guide

Finland Finland 11

finlndare -n -0 Finn 11

(att) finna, finner, fann, funnit, (to) lind 12

tunn/en -et -aj 4

(att) finna varandraj 4 (to) hit it off (togethep) 12

Word List

Swedish English U1. i t

(att) finnas, finns, fanns, funnits; 4 (to) be found, exist 1

det finns there is (are) 1

finsk -t -a Pinnish (adj.) 11

f i nsk/a -an 0 Pinnish (lang.) 11

f insk/a -an -or Pinn (waman) 11

(att) fira, (to) celebrate 15

fisk -en -ar fish 9

fjorton fouY'teen 1

fjortonde fourteenth ?

fjrde fouY'th ?

f lagg/a -an -or flag 14

f I ask/a -an -or bottle 14

fler(al, flest mOY'e, most; See mnga 9

flera several 3

f I i c k/ a - a n - o r girl 2

flyg -et -0 plane, flight 2

(att) flyga, flyger, flg, flugit, 4 (to) fly 8

flygplan -et -0 aiY'plane 16

(attl flyta, flyter, flt, flutit, 4 (to) float 13, 14

Word List 551

Swedish Engli!!.Ji Unit

flytande -Ql -Ql floating, fluently 14

(att) flytta, (to) move 5

folk -et -Ql people 11

folkdrkt -en -er national eostume 15

folkomrstning -en -ar referendum 16

folkpartiet the liberal party 16

fol kpension -en -er old age pension 16

folktthet -en Ql population density 16

form -en -er form, shape 16

i form av in the form of 16

forme II -t -a formal 12

fort fast (adv.) 9

fortfarande still 3

(att) fort/stta, -stter, -satte, -satt, (to) continue 13

-satt, -satt, -satta; 4

fot -en, ftter foot Pron. Guide

till fots on foot 12

fotografi -et -er photo 3

fram; framme there (motion) 8

there (stationary) 8

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) g fram ti I I; 4 (to) go (waZk) up to 12

framfr in front of

framme; f ram there (stationary) 8

there (motion) 8

framt forward 16

Frankrike France 11

fransk -t -a F't'ench (adj.) 11

fransklo -an r!J French (lang.) 11

fransman -nen, fransmn F't'enc hman 11

fransysk/a -an -or Frenchwoman 11

fred -en -er peace, peace time 16

fredag F'l'iday 3

fri -tt -a free B

frigrelse -n -r liberation 16

frihet -en -er freedom, liberty 16

frisk -t -a fresh, healthy, weLL 9

fru -n -ar Mrs; wife 1

frukost -en -ar breakfast 1

Word List 553


S!J)edish English [)nit

(att) frysa, fryser, frs, frusit, (to) be aoLd, freeze 13

frus/en -et -na; 4

frysbox -en -ar freezer 5

frg/a -an -or question, iS8ue, matter 9. 16

(att> frga, (to) ask 4

frn from 2

frmst foremost 12
frst och frmst first of alL 12

frk/en -en -nar Miss; (addres8 to !J)aitres8 1

or saZesgirZ)

full-t-a fu l-l 13

fu I I satt -0 -a fiLled. all seats taken 13

(att> fungera, (to) funation, !J)ork

funktion -en -er funation 16

(att> fylla, 2a (to) fi l-l 15

{att> fylla i i 2a (to) filL out

{att> fylla r; 2a (to) beaome oLder in years 2

fyra four 1

fyrtio fort y 1

f, frre 9
Word List

Swedish English Unit

<att) f, fr, fick, ftt, 4 (to) be allowed to, may; get, l, 10

receive; have to

<att) f ivg; 4 (to) get (someone) to leave 12

(att) f syn p; 4 (to) catch sight of, spot 14

ftlj -en -er armchair 5

frdig -t -a ready 8, 10

frdig/sydd, -sytt, -sydda ready-made 8

frg -en -er color 8

frggrann -t -a colorful 15

frj/a -an -or ferry 4

frsk -t -a fresh 9

<att) fdas, 2a (to) be bOl'n 16

fdd, ftt, fdda born 11

(att) flja, 2a (to) follow 2

<att) flja med; 2a (to) go (come) along, aacompany 2

fnster, fnstret, -Ql window 7

fr for (prep.); because, for S, 8, 12

(conj.J; too

fr att to, in order to 4

Word List 555


Swedish English Unit

fr .. , sedan aga J

(att) fra, 2a (to) escort 12

(att) frbereda, 2a (to) prepare 15

frberedelse -n -r preparation 15

frbi by, past 10

(att) frbi/g, -gr, -gick, -gtt, (to) pass over, skip, neglect 15
-gng/en -et -nai 4

(att) fr/binda, -binder, -band, -bundit, (to) associate 16

-bund/en -e1 -nai 4

(att) fr/bli, -blir, -blev, -blivit, 4 (to) remain 16

(att) frbttra, (to) improve 16

fre before (prep.) 10

(att) fre/dra, -drar, -drog, -dragit, (to) prefer 7

-drag/en -et -nai 4

fredrag -et -I/> lee ture 9

(att) frena, (to) unite

fren/ad -at -ade united 11

Frenta Nationerna (FN) the Uni ted Nations (U. N. ) 11

Frenta Staterna the United States 11

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) fre/sl, -slr, -slog, -slagit, (to) Buggest 14

-slag/en -et -na

frestllning -en -ar performance, show 10

(att) fre/ta, -tar, -tog, -tagit, (to) undertake, perform, carry 16

-tag/en -et -nai 4 out

fretag -et -0 corporation, bu~ine8s 12, 16

frhand I j ng -en -ar negotiation 15

(att) frklara, (to) explain 15

(att) frlova sig (med>; I (to) get engaged (to) 10

frlt pardon, excuse me 2

(att) fr/lta, -lter, -lt, -ltit, (to) forgive 13

-lt-en -et -nai 4

frmiddag -en -ar morning (10-12 a.m.) 11

I frmiddags this morning (pas t) 11

frort -en -er Buburb Pron. Guide

frr before. earlier Pron. Guide

frra last

frresten anyway. besides 12

frrgr; I frrgr the day before yesterday 10

frrn; l nte frrn not until 9

Word List 557


Swedish English Unit

frsami ing -en -ar parish, congregation 16

frsen/ad -at -ade late, delayed 12

frslag -et -0 suggestion, proposition 9

frst first 4

frst och frmst first of aH 12

(att) fr/st, -str, -stod, -sttt, (to) understand 1

-st/dd -tt -dda; 4

frsts of cours e 12

frsvar -et -0 defense 12

(att) frsvinna, frsvinner, frsvann, (to) disappear 13

frsvunnit, frsvunn/en -et -aj 4

frskring -en -ar insurance 16

frsk -et -0 attempt Pron. Guide

(att) frska, 2b (to) try 10

frtjusande -0 -Ql lovely, delightful 12

frtjust -0 -a delighted 15

fr Ider -n, fr I drar paren t J

frldrafrskring -en -ar paren ta l insurance 16

(att) frndra, (to) change (trans.) 16

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) frndras, (to) change (intl'.) 16

frndring -en -ar change 16

WO'l'd List 559


Swedish English Vnit

gaffel -n, gafflar fOPk 9

gammal -t, gamla; ldre; ldst old; olde'1'; oldest 3. 9

(att) bli gammal; 4 (to) get old 3

ganska rather > quite 4

(att) garantera, (to) guarantee 9

garderob -en -er closet 5

gas -en -er gas (not gasolinej 5

gat/a -an -or stpeet 4

gatuhrn -et -0 stpeet copne'1' 15

(att) ge, ger, gav, gett, 4 (to) give 1

gemensam -t -ma common. mutual 16
gemensamt jointly 16

genast right away 9

generation -en -er gene'1'ation 13

geners -t -a genepouB Pron. Guide

gengld; gengld in return 16
genom through 4

genom att by 16
Word List

Swedish EngLish U1.i t

geograf i -n 0 geography 16

(att) gifta sig (med); 2b (to) marry 10

(att) gilla, (to) like Pron. Guide

glad, glatt, glada glad, happy, merry 14

glas -et -0 glass 1

glass -en 0 ice cream 13

(att) glida, glider, gled, glidit, 4 (to) glide, slide 13

glimt -en -ar glimpse 16

(att) gldja, glder, gladde, glatt, 4 (to) make happy, please 13

(att) gldja sig t; 4 (to) look forward to, be happy 10


glgg -en 0 hot, spiced wine served at 15


(att) glmma, 2a (to) forget 10

(att) gnata, (to) nag Pron. Guide

(att) gnida, gi:lider, gned, gnidit, (to) rub 13
gnid/en -et -na; 4

gnist/a -an -or spark Pron. Guide

(att) gnola, (to) hum Pron. Guide
(att) gngga, (to) neigh Pron. Guide

Word List 561


Swedish Urti t

god, gott, goda; bttre; bst good; better>; best 1~ 9

godare; godast

var s god<a> her>e you ar>e 1

goddag hello 1

godhjrt/ad -at -ade good-hear>ted 12

godsak -en -er sweets~ "goodies" 15

Gol fstrmmen the Gulf Str>eam 16

golv -et -0 floor> 5

goss/e -en -ar young boy 15

grad -en -er degr>ee 11

gran -en -ar spr>uce 15

grann/e -en -ar neighbor> 13

gratis -!/J -0 fr>ee of char>ge 11

grej -en -er thing~ gadget 13

grek -en -er Gr>eek (man) 11

grekisk -t -a Gr>eek (adj.) 11

grekisk/a -an 0 Gnek (lang.) 11

grekisk/a -an -or Gr>eek (woman) 11
Grekland Gr>eece 11
Wor>d List

Swedish English Uni t

(att) gripa, griper, grep, gripit, (to) seize, grasp 13

grip/en -et -na; 4

grund -en -er foundation, basis 16

grupp -en -er group 15

gryn -et -0 grain 15

gr, grtt, gra gray 4

(att) grta, grter, gr/H, grtit, 4 (to) al'Y~ weep 13

grdde -n 0 cream 15

grn -t -a green 8

Grnland Greenland 16

grnsak -en -er vegetable 9

grt -en 0 porridge, hot aereal 15

gubb/e -en -ar old man 7

lilla gubben sweetie, dear 7

gul -t -a yellow 8

gumm/a -an -or old lady 7

I i Ila gumman Bweetie, dear 7

gummi -t 0 rubber 13

gymnasi/um -et -er Swedish high school 16

gymnastik -en 0 gymnastics Pron. Guide
Word List 563

Swedish Un1: t

(att) g, gr, gick, gtt, 4 (to) walk, go; leave; be 1, 9, 11

possible, work out

(att) g fram ti II; 4 (to) go (walk) up to 12

(att) g frbi; 4 (to) pass, walk past 15

en gende, tv gende pedestrian 3

gng -en --er time, occasion 2

grd -en -ar farm; yard 3, 15

gs -en, gss goose Pron. Guide

(att) glla, 2a (to) apply, be the case 12

grnaj hellrej helst gladly, with pleasure; ~athe~; 2, 9


gst -en -er guest 9

(att) gmma sigj 2a (to) hide (oneseZ!J 10

(att) gra, gr, gjorde, gjort, (to) do, make 2

gjord, gjort, gjordaj 4
det gr detsamma it doesn't matte~ 12

Word List

Swedish EngUsh Unit

(att) ha, har, hade, haft, 4 (to) have 1

(att) ha lust att; 4 (to) feel like 2

hal -t-a sUppery Pron. Guide

hall-en-ar hall 5

ha J J hello fonly on the phonej J

halv - t -a half 9

hamn -en -ar :3

han he 2

hand -en, hnder hand 9

(att) ta hand om; 4 (to) take care of 9
(att) ta i hand; 4 (to) shake hands 12

hande I -n 0 16
(att) handla, (to) shop 8

handsk/e -en -ar glove 8

hans -(Il -0 his 5

hatt -en -ar hat 8

hav -et -0 sea, ocean 12

t i I I havs at Bea 12

Word List 565


Swedish English Unit

hedersgst -en -er most honoY'ed guest, highest 12

Y'anking guest, guest of honoY'

hej hi 1

hel -t -a whole 3

helg -en -er holiday, weekend 11

helgdag -en -ar hol'iday 15

heller; inte heller not .. , eitheY', noY' 13

hellre; helst Y'atheY'; pY'efeY'ably 9

See grna

hem -met -Vj home 12

hem; hemma home (motion) 5, 8

home (stationaray)

h em s k - t -a teY'Y'ible 12

hemskt grna (I'd) love to 12

hemvgen; p hemvgen on the way home 10

henne heY' (obj. form) 2

hennes -0 -0 he Y', heY's 5

herr MY'. 1

herrle -en -ar gentleman 1

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) heta, 2b (to) be named 2

hetta -n (Il heat 11

(att) hinna, hinner, hann, hunnit, (to) have time to 8

hunn/en -et -a; 4

hiss -en -ar elevator 4

(att) hissa, (to) hoist 14

histori/a -en -er story; history 12

hit; hr here (mo tion) 2, 8

here (stationary) B

(att) hitta, (to) find 4

hjlp -en 0 help, assistance 11

(att) hjlpa 2b (to) help 1

(att) hjlpa t i I I med; 2b (to) help out with 15

hjrtl ig -t -a heart y 12

Holland lIo l land 11

ho I I ndare -n -0 Dutchman 11
holltindsk -t -a Dutch (adj.) 11
hollndsk/a -an (Il Du tch (lang.) 11
ho II ndsk/a -an -or Dutch woman 11

Word List 567


Swed-ish Lrz i t

hon she 2

lionom him 2

(a-r1) hoppa, (to) jump, hop, skip 14

(att) hoppas, (to) hope 2

hos at, with ?

hotell -et -0 hote l 1

hovmstare -n -0 headwaitel' 9

(att) hugga, hugger, hgg, huggit, (to) out, hew 13

hugg/en -et -na; 4

hund -en -ar dog 5

(ett) hundra one (a) hundl'ed 1

hundratals hundreds 14

hungrig - t -a hungry 4

hur how 1
eller hur don't you, isn't it, etc. 8

hur dags at what time 2

hus -et -0 house 5

hustru -n -r wife 2

huvud -et, huvuden head 10

Word List

Swedish English Vnit

huvudingng -en -ar main entl'anae 10

huvudsak -en -er main thing 16

huvudsakl igen mainly 16

huvudstad -en, huvudstder aapital 11

hyr/a -an -or rent 5

(att) hyra, 2a (to) rent 5

hyresg~st -en -er tenant 5

hl -et-0 hale Pron. Guide

(att ) h I I a, h I I er, h I I, h I I i t, (to) hold, keep 14
hll/en - et -naj 4

(att) h I I a med om; 4 (to) agree 2

(att) h I I a p (att gra ngot) ; 4 (to) be busy (doing BomethingJ 13

(att ) h I I a ta I j 4 (to) give a speeah 9

hllplats -en -er (bus, subway) stop 1

hr -et '/> hair (aolleative) 10

hrfrisrsk/a -an -or beauty pal'lor, hairdresser 10

h~lft -en -er hal! 16

(att) hlsa, (to) greet 11

Word List 569


Swedish Engfish Unit

(att) hlsa .p!; (to) visit 11

(att> hlsa p; (to) greet (somebody), to say 11


(att) hlsa (till); (to) say hello to, gl'eet, 12

give l'egards to

(att) hmta, (to) get, pick up 2

(att) hnga, 2a (to) hang 7

hr; hit here (s ta tionary) l, 8

here (motion) 8

hrifrn from here 4

hromdagen the other day 13

hx/a -an -or witch 15

hg -t -a; hgre; hogst high; higher; highest 5, 9

hger right 1
t i I I hger om to the right of 1

hghus -et -0 highrise 12

hgkonjunktur -en -er boom, prospel'ity 16

hgskol/a -an -or university 16

hgtid -en -er festive day 15
(att) hja, 2a (to) raise, increase 16

Word List

Swedish English Unit

h r listen (imperative) 8

(att) hra, 2a (to) hear 8

(att) hra av sig; 2a (to) get in touch 12

hrn -et -0 corner 4

hst -en -ar fall, autumn 2

l hst this fall 2
hstas last fall 11

Word List 571


Swedish English Unit

in 1

frrgr the day before yesterday 10

morse this morning (past) 10

r this year 11

vermorgon the day after tomorrow 11

ibland sometimes 8

icke not (formal; used mainly

in public notices)

idag today 5

ifjol last year 11

i f j or last year 11

ifrn from 15

igen again 3

igr yesterday 5

ihopkrup/en -et -na curled up (only for animate 13


i kv I I this evening, tonight 2

i Ian d ashore 14

Word List

Swedish Engtish lni t

imorgon tomol'l'ow 3

import -en -er impol't. imp0l'tation

(att) importera, (to) imp0l't 11

In; inne in (motion) 5. 8

in. inside (stational'Y) 8

Indien India 11

industri -n -er industl'Y 16

ingen, inget, inga nOj no one~ nobody~ none 1~ 8

i ngenjr -en -er engineel" 3

ingenting nothing 8

(att) in/gripa, -griper, -grep, -gripit, 4 (to) interfel'e. intervene 16

(att) ing, ingr, ingick, ingtt, 4 (to) be inctuded 5

ingng -en -ar entl'ance 9

i nkomst -en -er income 16

innan befol'e (conj.) 10

inne; in in. inside (stational'Y) 8

in (motion) 5, 8
inneboende -n -Ql 14

(att) inne/bra, -br, -bar, -burit, 4 (to) impty. mean 14

Word List 573


Swedish English Unit

inom within 16

inrikt/ad -at -ade aimed at, directed towards 16

inriktning -en -ar direction, trend 16

instrument -et -0 instrument 16

(att) instlla, 2a (to) cancel 15

inte not 1

inte alls not at all 1

inte frrn not untiZ 9

inte heller not ... either, nor 13

intell igent -0 -a intelligent 9

intensiv -t -a intensive 15

internationell -t -a international 16

intressant -0 -a 'interesting 3

intresse -t -n interest 16

(att) intressera, (to) interest 16

invandrare -n -0 immigrant 11, 16

invnare -n -0 inhabitant 16

is -en 0 ice 14

Word List

Swedish English Unit

istllet fr instead of 10

isvatten, isvattnet Ql ice water 9

I ta I i en Italy 11

italienare -n-Ql Italian (man) 11

italiensk - t - a Italian (adj. ) 11

ital iensk/a -an 0 Italian (lang.) 11

ital iensk/a -an -or Italian (woman) 11

ivg; (att) f ivg; 4 (to) get (someone) to leave 12

Word List 575


Swedish English Unit

ja yes 1

jad yes, indeed 3

jag I 1

jaha yes 5

januari January 5

Japan Japan 11

japan -en -er Japanese (man) 11

japansk -t -a Japanese (adj. ) 11

japansk/a -an 0 Japanese (lang. ) 11

japansk/a -an -or Japanese (woman) 11

jas oh 2

javisst certainly, of COUl'BB, 2, :3

yes indeed

jeans -en (plur.) blue jeans 14

jo yes (in anBWel' to a negative 3


jobb -et -0 job ((Jolloq. ) 13

(att) jobba, (to) work (colloq. ) 12

Word List

Swedish English Vnit

(att) jogga, (to) jog 5

journa I i st -en -er journalist 3

ju as you know, of oourse 8

jubel, jublet 0 aheering 15

jugoslav -en -er Yugoslav 11

j u I -e'n - a r Christmas 11
i julas last Christmas 11

julgran -en -ar Christmas tree 15

j uI i July 5

julklapp -en -ar Christmas gift 15

julott/a -an -or early ahurah service on 15

Christmas Day morning

jultomt/e -en -ar Santa Claus 15

juni June 5

just just Pron. Guide

just nu just now 3

Justitieombudsmannambetet (JO) Office of the National Ombudsman 15

(att) jkta, (to) rush 10

jmn -t -a even 9, 16

flord List 5??


Swedish English Unit

jrn -et 0 -z-ron 16

jrnmalm -en 0 iron ore 16

jrnvg -en -ar railroad 13

jrnvgsstation -en -er train station 1

jtt/e -en -ar giant 12

jttetrevl ig -t -a supel', gl'eat 12

WOl'd List

S/,Jedish English Vnit

kaffe -t 0 eoffee 1

kakla -an -or eake, eookie 5, 13

kalender -n, kalendrar calendar Pron. Guide

kall -t-a cold 8

(att) kalla, I (to) call 16

s kall/ad -at -ade (s.k.) so caZZed 16

kalv -en -ar veal, ealf 9

kam -men -ma r eomb

(att) kamma slgj (to) eomb (ona' 8 hair) 10

kammare -n, kamrar chamber 16

kampanj -en -er eampaign 16

kamrat -en -er friend 12

kanal -en -er channel; eanal 16

kanske maybe, perohaps 4

kart/a -an -or map 4

kartong -en -er ear'dboar'd box 14

(att) kasta, (to) throo/,J
(att) kasta bort j (to) thro/,J a/,Jay 15
Word List 579

Swedish EngZish Vnit

kato I i k -en -er CathoZic 15

kato I sk -t -a CathoZic (adj.) 16

kedj!a -an -or chain Pl'on. Guide

kemisk -t -a chemicaZ 16

kemtvtt -en -ar dl'Y cZeaning, dry cZeaner's 10

ki lometer -n -0 kilometer (0.62 miles) 11

Kina China 11

ki nes -en -er Chinese (man) 11

kinesisk - t -a Chinese (adj.) 11

kinesisk/a -an 0 Chinese (lang.) 11

kinesisk/a -an -or Chinese (woman) 11

kiosk -en -er kiosk 13

kjo I -en -ar skirt Pl'on. Guide

klar - t - a cZeal', obvious; l'eady 3, 10

det r klart of COUl'se 3

(att) klara, (to) cope with, manage 16

klass -en -er class 9

kl imat -et -0 cZimate 11

<att) kl iva, kliver, klev, kl ivlt, 4 (to) step, cZimb 13

WOl'd List

Swedish English Vnit

kl ackja -an -or clock, watch 2

klok -t -a wise 13
du r inte klok you are crazy 13

(att) kl, 3 (to) trim, decorate, dress 15

(att ) kl av sig; 3 (to) undress 10

(att ) kl om s i g; 3 (to) change (clothing) 10

(att) kl p s i g; 3 (to) dress (oneself) 10

(att ) kl s i g; 3 (to) dress (oneself) 8

(att ) kl ut sig; 3 (to) dress up 15

kldd, k I tt, kldda dressed 14

klder - na (plur. ) clothes, clothing, wear 8

klnning -en -ar dress 8

(att) knacka, (to) tap, knock 12

knapp -en -ar button Pron. Buide

knappast hardly 12, 11
kniv -en -ar knife 9

knut -en -ar knot Pron. Guide

(att) knyta, knyter, knt, knutit, (to) tie Pron. Guide
knut/en -et -na; 4

(att) knpp, 2b (to) button Pron. Guide

h'ord Lis t 581

Swedish Eng Zis h Unit

(att) koka, (to) boiL

ko kt -0 - a boiled 9

ko I - e n (- e t) 0 coal 16

(att) kolla, (to) check 12

koloni -n -er colony 16

komma -t -n comma 16

(att) komma, kommer, kom, komm i t, 4 (to) come 2

(att) komma att j 4 will J (to) be going to 2

(att) komma ihg; 4 (to) remember 3

kommunal -t -a local J municipaL 16

kommunist -en -er communist 16

konduktr -en -er conductor 13

Kongo the Congo 16

konjunktur -en -er state of the market 16

konkurrens -en 0 competition 16

konsert -en -er concert 4

konst -en -er art; trick

konstnr -en -er artist 10

WO!'d List

Swedish English Uni t

konsulat -et -0 consulate 9

konsumtion -en 0 consumption 16

kontor -et -0 office 7

kopp -en -ar cup 1

korrekt -0 -a proper, correct 12

korridor -en -er hall, corridor 7

kors -et -0 cross Pron. Guide

kort -et -0 card 12

kort, kort, korta short 4

korv -en -ar sausage 13

varm korv hot dogs 13
(att) kosta, (to) cost 1
kostym -en -er man's suit 8

kotlett -en -er cutlet, chop 9

kraft -en -er power, force 16

kraftig -t -a powerful, substantiaI 16
krans -en -ar wreath 15
krav -et -0 demand 16
(att) stlla krav p; 2a (to) make demands on 16

Word List 583


Swedish English Unit

kredit -en -er oredit 16

krig -et -0 war 16

kring around 15

kris -en -er orisis 15

kristall kron/a -an -or ohandelier 12

Kristi Himmelfrdsdag Asoension Day 15

Kristus Chris t 16

kron/a -an -or orown (Sw. ourrenoy) 1

krypa, kryper, krp, krupit, 4 (to) oreep, orawl 13

krft/a -an -or orayfish 12

kul -0-0 fun (adj.) 3

kultur -en -er culture 16

kulturell -t-a oultural 16

kund -en -er oustomer 16

kung -en -ar king 16

kungl ig - t -a royal 10

(att) kunna, kan, kunde, kunnat, 4 (to) be able to, oan; know 1, 15
(have learned)

kunnande -t 0 know-how 16
Word List

SlJedi-sh Engli-sh lJnit

kupe -n -er compaT'tment 13

kurs -en -er COUT'se 11

kust -en -er coast 16

kval ite -n -er quality 8

kva r still, left, T'emaining 2

kvarlev/a -an -or T'emnant 15

kvart -en -er quaT'teT' of an houp (15 mins.) 2

kvarter -et -0 block 12

kvick - t -a quick

kvicktnkt -0 -a sharp 12

kvinn/a -an -or lJoman 11

kvinnlig - t - a female (adj.) 12

kv II -en -ar evening 2

i kv I I this evening, tonight 2

kyckl ing -en -ar chieken 15

kylskp -et -0 refrigerator 5

kypare -n -0 lJaiter 9

kyrk/a -an -or church 4

kyrkl ig -t -a church (adj.) 16

Word List 585

Swedish English Unit

kyrkogrd -en -ar cemetery 15

kyss -en -ar kiss 10

kl -en 0 cabbage 15

kllare -n -0 basement 5

(att) knna, 2a (to) know; feel- 2, 15

(att) knna igen; 2a (to) recognize 14

(att) knna sig; 2a (to) feel 10

(att) knna t i l l ; 2a (to) know (of), be familiar 13


kring -en -ar old lady, witch (derogatory) 15

krlek -en 0 love Pron. Guide

krnkraft -en 0 nuclear power 16

k -n -er line, queue 13

kk -et -0 kitchen 5

(att) kpa, 2b (to) buy 1

Kpenhamn Copenhagen 11

(att) kra, 2a (to) drive 8

ktt -et 0 meat 9

kttbul l/e -en -ar meatball 9

Word List

Swedish English Uni t

lag -en -ar law 16

(att) laga, (to) mend~ repair~ fix

(att) laga mat; (to) oook 12

lagstiftning -en -ar legislation 16

lamp/a -an -or lamp 5

lampskrm -en -ar lamp shade 15

I and -et, I nder oountry~ oountry side 11~ 13

(att) landa, (to) land 16

landskap -et -0 provinoe~ soenery~ landsoape 13

lapp -en -ar Lappj pieoe of paperj patoh 11

lappby -n -ar Lapp village 11

lapska -n 0 Lapp (lang.) 11

lat -0 -a lazy Pron. Guide

(att) le, ler, log, lett, 4 (to) smile 13~ 15

ledig -t -a free~ available 2

(att) I eda, 2a (to) lead. conduct 15

ledare -n -0 leader 15

Word List 587


Swedish EngLish Unit

ledning -en 0 Leadership, management 16

leende -t -n smiLe 14

leende -0 -0 smiLing 14

lek -en -ar game 15

(att) leka, 2b (to) pLay 15

leksak -en -er toy 5

(att) leta {efter ngot>; I (to) Look (for something) 13

(att) leva, 2a (to) Live 3

levande -0 -0 Live, reaL 15

I i cens -en -er License (fee J 16

(att) I ida, I ider, led, lidit, 4 (to) suffer 13

(att) I igga, ligger, lg, legat, 4 (to) Lie (l,ay, lainJ, be 3, 4

(att) I igga mot; 4 (to) face 5

I i ksom Like 15

I i Ia -0 -0 purpLe 8

lilla (def. fOl'm sing.) Little, small; See liten 7

I l ngon -et -0 Lingonberry 9

linneskp -et-fl) Linen closet 5

Word List

Swedish English Uni t

I ist/a -an -or list 9

Il te a little, 80me 1

I i te grann a little bit 1

I iten, I itet, sm; mIndre; mInst small, little; less, least 4, 9

I I v -et -0 life 11

(att) ljuga, ljuger, IJijg, ljugIt, 4 (to) lied (lied, lied) 13

ljus -t -a light, bright 5

ljus -et -0 light, candle 12

ljusbl - t t -a light blue 8

ljusgrn -t -a light green 8

lov -et -9) (school) vacation 15

(att) lova, (to) promise 10

luck/a -an -or window, opening 13

luft -en l1J air Pron. Guide

lugn -t -a calm Pron. Guide
(att) lugna, (to) calm Pron. Guide
lunch -en -er luch 1

lussekatt -en -er special saffron buns served at 15

Lucia and Christmas time
flord List 589

Swedish Vnit

lust -en 0 in teY'es t 2

(att) ha lust att; 4 (to) like~ feel like 2

lustIg -t -a funny~ peculiar 15

lutfisk -en 0 specially prepaY'ed fish served 15

at Christmas

I uthersk -t -a Lutheran 16

lyck/ad -at -ade successful 11

(att) lyckas, (to) succeed 9

lycklig - t -a happy 9

lyckligtvis fOY'tunately 9

(att) lyda, lyder, ld (lydde), lytt, 4 (2a) (to) obey; be worded 13

(att) lyssna, (to) listen 14
ld/a -an -or drawer 12
I g -t -a; I gre; lgst low; lower; lowest 9

lgkonjunktur -en -er depression~ slump 16

ln -et -0 loan 16
(att) lna, (to) borY'ow~ lend 13
lng -t -a; lngre, lngst far~ long; tall; 4~ 9. 12
farther; farthest
lngsamt slowly 1
Word List

Swedish English Unit

ls -et -0 lock

(att) Iflsa, 2b (to) lock 13

(att) lta, lter, lt, ltit, 4 (to) sound; to Zet, make (some- 5, 10
one do something)

Ige r, lgret, -0 camp 13

(att) lgga, lgger, lade, lagt, (to) lay, put 7

lagd, lagt, lagda; 4
(att ) lgga f ram; 4 (to) display, put out 12
(att) lgga sig; 4 (to) lie down, go to bed 10

(att) lgga t i I I; 4 (to) dock 14

lggning -en -ar (hair) set 10

lkare -n -0 physician, doctor 3

(att ) lmna, (to) Zeave 9

(att ) lmna tillbaka; (to) return (trans.) 15

I ngd -en -er length 8

lnge; lngre; lngst long (time); longer, longest 2

lnge sedan long time since 3

lnge sedan sist long time since (we saw each :3

other) last time

Word List 591


Swedish English Unit

lngre; lngst farther; farthest; See lng. 9


I r, lrde, lrt, 4 is said to, is suppossd to 4

(att ) lra, 2a (to) teaah Pron. Guide

(att) lra s i g; 2a (to) learn 10

I ra re -n -0 teacher 11

lrarinn/a -an -or teaaher (/Joman) 3

(att) lsa, 2b (to) read 8

lskedryck -en -er soda pop, soft drink 14

ltt -0 -a easy, simple; light 13

lx/a -an -or homework 11

I n -en -er /Jage, salary 16

lnn -en -ar maple tree Pron. Guide

lrdag Saturday 3

(att) lsa, 2b (to) solve 16

WOl'd List

Swedish English Unit

maj May 5

major -en -er major 12

majoritet -en -er majority 16

maj/stng, -stngen, -stnger maypole 15

mammla -an -or mother, mama Pron. Guide

man one, you 1

man -nen, mn gentleman, man, husband 7, 12

mandat -et -0 parliament seat 16

mandel -n, mandlar almond 15

mandelmassa -n 0 almond paste 15

man I i g -t -a male (adj.) 12

marinbl -tt -a navy blue 8

(att) markera, (to) mark 15

mars March 5
(att) marschera, (to) march 15
maskin -en -er machine, machinery 16
massia -an -or lot, mass 11

Word List 593


Swedish English Unit

massmedi/um -et -a mass medium 16

mat -en 0 food 9

(att) mata, (to) feed P1'on. Guide

matsal -en -ar dining Y'oom 5

matsedel -n, matsedlar menu 1

matt -0 -a weak PY'on. Guide

mattia -an -or Y'ug, caY'pet 5

matvr -n -r bY'eakfast nook 5

med with, by, along 2

med mera (m.m.) etceteY'a 16

medan while 11

medbestmmandertt -en -er Y'ight of being consulted, Y'ight 16

of cont1'ol, co-decision 1'ight

medborgare -n -0 citizen 16

(att) meddela, (to) info1'm, announae

meddelande -t -n message 7

meddetsamma Y'ight away 14

(att) medfra, 2a (to) involve, b1'ing about, lead 16

WOY'd List

Swedish English Unit

medicin -en -er medioine 11

medlem -men -mar member 16

me II an between 3

men but 2

(att) mena, (to) mean, re/er to 11

mer(a)i mest more, e lse; most 8, 9, 10

See mycket
mer(a) n more than 8

mervrdesskatt -en -er value added tax 16

metod -en -er method 16

middag -en -ar dinner 1
midsommar -en, midsomrar Midsummer 11
i midsomras last Midsummer 11
midsommarafton Midsummer's eve 15
mig me 1
mi I -en -0 Swedish mi1-e (10 kms., app:rox. 16
6.2 English miles)
mild, milt, milda mild 16
m i I i t r - t -a mi litary 16
mi Ijard -en -er billion 1
Word List 595

Swedish English Unit

mi Ijon -en -er million 1

mi Ij -n -er environment 14

mi Ijvrd -en Ql environmental proteetion 14

min, mitt, mina my, mine 2

mindre; minst smaller, less; smallest, least; 9

See I i ten

(att) minnas, 2a (to) remember :3

mi nne -t -n memory 10

minoritet -en -er minority 11

minut -en -er minute 2

(att ) missa, I (to) miss, faU 5

(att ) missbruka, (to) abuse 15

(att) misstnka, 2b (to) suspeat 15

mitt emot (straight) aeross 12
mitt framfr right in front of 14
mjlk -en 0 milk 1
mob i I -en -er mobile 12
(att) mob i I i sera, (to) mobiZize 16
moderat -Ql -a moderate 16
Word List

Swedish English Unit

moderata sam I l ngspart I et the eonse~vative pa~ty 16

modern -t -a modern

(att) modernisera, (to) mode~ni3e 5

modernlser/ad -at -ade modernized 5

monopol -et -0 monopoly 16

mor, modern, mdrar mothe~ 3

morbror -n, morbrder uncle (maternal) :3

morfar, morfadern, morf~der g~andfather (mate~nalJ :3

morgon -en, mor(g)nar morning 1

mormor, mormodern, mormdrar g~andmother (maternal) :3

moster -n, mostrar aunt (maternal) :3

mot against~ toward(sJ 5

motor -n, mot~rer motor~ engine 16

mottagning -en -ar reception 7

multipl ikatlonstabell -en -er multiplieation tables 11

mun -n en -nar mouth Pron. Guide

museum, museet, museer museum 4

musik -en 0 music

Word List 597


Swedish English Ur! i t

musiker -n -(Il musioian :5

mycket; mer(a)j mest much, very; more; most l, 8, 9

(att) m, 3 (to) feel 1

ml -et -(Il goal Pron. Guide

(att) mla, (to) paint 15

mlsttning -en -ar aim, objective 16

mltid -en -er meal 12

mnad -en -er month 2

mndag Monday :3

mn/e -en -ar moon 16

mnga; fler(a); flest many; more; most l, 9

mste, mste, 4 must, have (has) to :3

mtt -et -0 measure Pron. Guide

mnnisk/a -an -or person 14
mnskl19 -t -a human 16
(att) mrka, 2b (to) notice 11
mbel -n, mbler furniture 5
(att) mblera, (to) furnish 5

Word List

Swedish English Vnit

mbler/ad -at -ade furnished 5

mj I i 9 -t -a possible 9
a I I -t -a mj I i g -t -a all pos8ibZe~ all kinds of 11

mj I igen possibly 9

mj I i gtv i s passibly 9

mrk -t -a dark 7

mrkbl -tt -a dark blue 8

(att> mta, 2b (to) meet 2

Word List 599


Swedish Vnit

namn -et -0 name 2

nation -en -er nation 11

Frenta Nationerna (FN) Uaited Nations (U. N.) 11

national itet -en -er nationality 11

natt -en, ntter night 1

nattklubb -en -ar nightclub 12

natur -en 0 nature 14

naturl ig -t -a natural 9

naturl igtvis naturally 7

naturti Ilgng -en -ar natural resource 16

nedgng -en -ar way down~ stairs~ entrance 4

nedrustning -en 0 disarmament 16

nej no 1

nej, men . well~ I'll be ... 8

ner; nere down (motion); 8

down~ downstairs (stationary) 8

nervs -t -a nervous 11
neutra I i tet -en 0 neutraZity 16

Word List

Swedish English Unit

ni you (plur. + polite form 1


<att) niga, niger, neg, nigit, 4 (to) aurtsy 13

nio nine 1

nionde ninth 7

nittio ninety 1

nitton nineteen 1

nittonde nineteenth 7

(att) njuta, njuter, njt, njutit, 4 (to) enjoy 1 J. 14

nog probably; enough 5. 14

no I I zero

Norden the Nordia aountries 16

nord i sk -t -a Nordia 16

Norge Norway 11

norr north 5

Norrland northern part of Sweden 11

norrman -nen, norrmn Norwegian (man) 11

norrut north(ward). towards the north 15

norsk -t -a Norwegian (adj.) 11
Word List 601

Swedish English Unit

norsk/a -an QI Nopwegian (lang.) 11

norsk/a -an -or Nopwegian (woman) 11

not/a -an -or check (in a pestaurant) 9

november November 5

nu now 1

nu fr tiden now, these days :3

numera nowadays 16

nummer, numret -(II size, number 8

ny. nytt, nya new 4

nyckel -n, nycklar key 13

nyhet -en -er news 1, 14

(att) nysa, nyser, ns, nysit, 4 (to) sneeze 13

nyss pecently Ppon. Guide

nyttig -t -a useful, good 14

ngon, ngot, ngra some, any; somebody, anybody 1, 8

ngonsin ever 3

ngonstans somewhere 10

ngonting something, anything 8

flord List

Swedish English Uni t

nr when 2

nr som helst any time 11

nraj nrmarej nrmast near; eloser; elosest 3, 7

nrhet j i nrheten in the vieinity, nearby 1

nrIng -en -ar nourishment, sustenanee 16

nringsl iv -et -0 trade and industry, eeonomy 16

nrmarej nrmast eloser; elosest; See nra 3, 7

nrmare bestmt more preeisely 16

ns/a -an -or nose Pron. Guide

nsta next 9

nstan almost B

ndvndig -t -a neeessary 12

nje -t -n pleasure 11

nt -en -ter nut Pron. Guide

(att) nta, 2b (to) wear out

ntt -0 -a worn Pron. Guide

Word List 603


Swedish English Unit

oberoende -0 -0 independent 16

och and 1

och s vidare (o.s.v.) etcetera, and 80 on 16

ocks too, also 1

off icer -n -are officer (on"ly military) 3

ofta often 3

oj mn -t -a uneven 16

oktober October 5

01 i ka (plur. form) various 16

olj/a -an -or oit 15

oljekris -en -er oit crisis 15

om about, in, within (prep. ); 2, ;5

if (conj.)
ombord aboard 3

(att) omfatta, (to) include, comprise, espouse 16

omfattande -0 -0 comprehensive, extensive 16

(att) omge, omger, omgav, omgivit, (to) surround 15

omgiv/en -et -nai 4

WOl'd List

Swedish English Unit

omkring about, around, approximate2y 11, 15

omrde -t -n area 15

(att) omskola (skola om); (to) retrain 16

omjlig -t-a impossible 9

ond, ont, onda (adj.J evil Pron. Guide

onsdag Wednesday ;5

oper/a -an -or opera 12

ord -et -0 LJord 11

ordentlig -t -a orderZy, oarefu2, thorough 13

ordfrande -n -0 chairman ;5

(att) ordna, (to) arrange 12

organisation -en -er organization 18

(att) organisera, (to) organize 5

(att) orka, (to) have the strength (to) 10

orsak -en -er cause, reas on 1

ort -en -er (geographicaZ)plaoe 16
oss us 2
ost -en -ar cheese 1

Word List 605


Swedish English Vnit

otrevlig - t -a unpleasant 9

ot ro I i g -t -a incY'edible 9

otrol igt incY'edibly 9

ovanlig -t -a unusual

ovanligt unusually 9

ovnlig - t -a unfY'iendly 9

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) packa, (to) pack 13

paket -et -Ql pack, package 7

papp -en Ql cardboard 15

papp/a -an -or father, papa, daddy Pron. Guide

papper, pappret, -0 (piece of) paper Pron. Guide

papperskorg -en -ar waste basket 7

par -et -0 coup le, pair 1

park -en -er park 4

parkett -en -er orchestra section 10

parlamentarisk -t -a parliamentary 16

parti -et -er (political) party 16

(att) passa, (to) suit, be convenient 2

passagerare -n -Ql passenger 13

patient -en -er patient 11
paus -en -er break, pause 15
<att) peka <p) (to) point (to, at) 15
pengar -na (plup.) money 4

Wopd List 607


Swedish Engtish Vnit

peppar -n 0 pepper 9, 15

pepparkak/a -an -or spicy cookies served at Christ- 15

mas time

perfekt -0 -a perfect 11

persisk -t -a Persian 5

person -en -er person, people 5

pIngst -en 0 Pentecost 11 J 15

i pingstas last Pentecost 11

plp/a -an -or pipe 3

(att> pipa, piper, pep, pipit, 4 (to) squeak 13

pjS -en -er play 10

(att> placera, (to) place

placeringskort -et -0 plaoe oard 12

plan -en -er plan, chart 12

plats -en -er spaoe, room, place; seat 5, 13

platsbIljett -en -er reserved seat ticket 13

plikt -en -er duty 16

(att> plocka, (to) pick 14
pluralistisk -t -a pluralistic 16

Word List

Swedish English Unit

plus plus 16

pltsl ig -t -a sudden 14

poj k/e -en -ar boy 3

polack -en -er Pole 11

Polen Poland 11

pol i s -en -er poliaeman 4

politik -en 0 politics, policy 16

politiker -n-0 politician 15

pol itisk -t -a political 16

polsk -t -a Polish (adj.) 11

polsk/a -an 0 Polish (lang.) 11

polsk/a -an -or Pole (woman) 11

populr -t -a popular 15

portier -n, portieer hotel clerk (at reception desk) 4

portrtt -et -0 portrait 12

post -en 0 mail, mail service 14

potatis -en -ar potato 9

potatismos -et 0 mas hed potatoes 9

Word List 609


Swedish English Unit

praktisk -t -a practical 15

(att) prata, (to) ahat 9, 15

premlrminlst/er -ern -rar prime minis tel' 15

present -en -er gift 12

(att) presentera, (to) introduce, present 2

president -en -er president 11

press -en ~ press, news 16

pressattache -n -er press attache 12

princip -en -er pY'inciple 16

privat -0 -a pY'ivate 14

privatg/d -t -da pY'ivately owned 16

problem -et -0 pY'oblem 8, 16

procent - en -0 peY'cent 9

produkt -en -er product 16

prof~ssor -n, profess~rer professol' 16
program -met -0 program 16
(att) proklamera, (to) proclaim 16
promenad -en -er walk 4

WOl'd List

Swedish English Vnit

(att) promenera, (to) walk 4

protestant -en -er Pro te s tan t 16

protestantIsk -t -a Protestant (adj.) 16

(att) prova, (to) try on 8

prydllg-t-a neat 14

prst -en -er priest~ clergyman 16

punktlig -t -a punctual 10

(att) putsa, (to) polish 15

p on~ at~ in 1~ 11

(att) pminna, 2a (to) remind 10

(att) ppeka, (to) indicate~ point out 15

psk -en 0 Easter 11 ~ 15

1 pskas last Easter 11

pskris -et -QJ branches brought into the 15

house and decorated with
dyed feathers (for Lenten
and Easter decoration)

pls -en -ar fur~ fU1'coat 8

plsaffr -en -er fUl'rie1' 8

Word List 611


Swedish English Uti t

rad -en -er row, 'line; series 16

radio -n, radioapparater radio 16

rak -t -a straight (adj. ) 1

(att) raka sig; (to) shave 10

ra kt straight (adv. ) 1

rakt fram straight ahead 1

rea (real isation -en -er) sale 8

re~ktor -n, reakt~rer reactor 16

receptionist -en -er receptionist 7

redan already :5

reform -en -er reform 16

regel -n, regler rule 11

regering -en -ar government 16

(att) registrera, (to) register 16

regional -t -a regional 16
regn -et QJ rain 10

(att) regna, (to) rain 10

flord List

Swedish English Uni t

rek Iam -en -er advertising 12, 16

(att) rekommendera, (to) recommend 9

relativt re lative ly 16

ret igion -en -er re ligion 16

rel ig is -t -a religious 16

ren -t -a pUl'e, cLean 8

representant -en -er representative (noun) 16

representativ -t -a representative (adj.) 16

(att) representera, (to) repl'esent 16

res/a -an -or trip, journey, tour 10, 11
(att) resa, 2b (to) travel; raise 2, 15
resecheck -en -ar traveLers' check 15
residens -et -er residence 7

rest -en -er rest, remainder 11

restaurang -en -er restaurant 1
(att) rida, rider, red, rIdIt, (to) ride (on horseback) 13
rid/en -et -na; 4
rik -t -a rich 15

Word List 613


Swedish Engl.ish Unit

riksdag -en -ar Swedish parliament 16

(- i kt i g - t -a cOY'Y'ect, Y'eal

riktigt rea lly 9

ring -en -ar Y'ing Pron. Guide

(att) ringa, 2a (to) call (on the telephone) 3

(att) rinna, rinner, rann, runnit, 4 (to) Y'un, flow 13

ris -et 0 greens, twigs; rice 15

(att) riva, river, rev, rivit, (to) scratch, teaY' 13

riv/en -et -na; 4

(att) ro, 3 (to) Y'ow PY'on. Guide

rock -en -ar coat, Y'obe 13
roi ig -t -a amusing, fun, nice, pleasant 3
(att) ropa, (to) call (out) 13
rosa -0 -0 pink, Y'ose-coloY'ed 8

ru II trapp/a -an -or escalator 8

rum -met -0 room 1

rund, runt, runda Y'ound 4
runt aY'ound 15
rygg -en -ar back 15
Word List

Swedish English Unit

rym I i g -t -a spacious 5

rysk -t -a Russian (adj.) 11

ry s kl a -an -0 Russian (lang.) 11

ryskla -an -or Russian (woman) 11

ryss -en -ar Russian (man) 11

Ryssland Russia

(att) ryta, ryter, rt, rutit (rytit), 4 (to) roar 13

rd; (att) ha rd med; 4 (to) afford 8

rdd 0 -a afraid 12
(att) rkna, (to) count

rkning -en -ar bi ZZ 11

rtt -en 0 right 12, 14
(att) ha rtt (j ngot>; 4 (to) be right (about something) 12, 13

rtt -en -er dish, food 15

rttegng -en -ar trial 1.5

rttighet -en -er right 16

rd, rtt, rda red 4

(att) rka, 2b (to) smoke 3

rkare -n -0 smaker 13
Word List 615

Swedish English Uni t

(att) rra sig; 2a (to) move 14

rst -en -er vote, voiae

(att) rsta {p>; (to) vote (fop) 16

Word List

Swedish English Uni t

saffran -en 0 saffran 15

sak -en -er thing 5

sallad-en-er salad~ lettuce 9

salt -et (I) salt 9

(att) sama rbeta, (to) cooperate 15

same -n -r Lapp

samfund -et -(I) denomination 16

(att) samla, (to) gather~ collect (trans.) 15

(att) samlas, (to) gather (intrans.) 15

sam I i ng -en -ar coalition; collection; gathering 16

samma same 9

samma som same as 8

samman lag/d -t -da aombined 16

sammantrde -t -n meeting 7
samtal -et -0 conversation 11
samt I i ga (p Zur. ) aH (the ... ) 16
samvaro -n 0 company 12
sand -en 0 sand 14
Word List 617

Swedish English Unit

sann, sant, sanna true :3

inte sant isn't that 80 :3

sanning -en -ar truth

schampo -t -n shampoo 10

sch 15m -en -er schism Pron. Guide

Schweiz Swit2erland 11

schweizare -n -0 Swiss (man) 11

schweizisk -t -a Swiss (adj.) 11

schwelzisk/a -an -or Swiss (woman) 11

(att) se, ser, sg, sett, (to) see, look 1, :3

sedd, sett, sedda; 4

(att) se efter; 4 (to) check 10

(att) se p; 4 (to) look at

(att) se till att; 4 (to) make Bure, see to it that 12

(att) se ut; (to) look like, appear, seem 2

sed -en -er cus tom 12

sedan then, later, afterwards (adv.); 4, 16

af ter, when (conj.)
sedan dess since then 16
(att) segla, (to) sail 12
Word List

Swedish English Vnit

sekreterare -n -~ secretary

sektor -n, sektorer sector 16

sekund -en -er second 11

semester -n, semestrar vacation, leave 11

seml/a -an -or pas try served during Lent 15

sen -t -a late 10

senast latest 12
tack fr senast thanks for an enjoyable time 12
september September 5

(att) servera, (to) serve 12

server/ad -at -ade served 12
serveringshjlp -en -ar maid 12
serveringsrum -met -0 pan try 5

servett -en -er napkin 9

servitris -en -er waitress 1

(att) ses, ses, sgs, setts, 4 (to) see each other 12
sevrdhet -en -er sight, point of interest 4

sex six 1

sextio sixty 1

Word List 619


Swedish English Unit

sexton sixteen l

sextonde sixteenth 7

sherry - n Q\ sherry 12

(att) shoppa, (to) shop 8

s h o r t s - e n (p l ur>. ) shorts 15

Sibirien Siberia 11

sid/a -an -or side 4

sIffr/a -an -or figure, number 16

sig oneself, themselves, etc. 10

(refl. pr>on.)

sill -en -ar herring 15

sillsallad -en -er herring salad 15

(att) simma, (to) swim 14

sin, sItt, sina his, her>, their> 5

sist last time 3

lnge sedan sist long time since we saw each 3
other last time

p sista tiden lately 10

(att) sitta, sitter, satt, suttit, 4 (to) sit, fit 7, 8

situation -en -er situation 16

Wor>d List

Swedish English mit

sj u seven 1

sj u k - t -a siok, Hl Pl'on. Guide

sjukfrskring -en -ar health in8uranoe 16

sjukhus -et -0 hospital 12

(att) ligga p sjukhus; 4 (to) be in the hospitaZ, 12
be hospitalized
sjuksktersk/a -an -or nUl'se :3

sjunde seventh 7

(att) sjunga, sjunger, sJong, sjungit, (to) sing 12

sjung/en -et -na; 4

(att> sjunka, sjunker, sjnk, sjunkit, (to) sink 13

sjunk/en -et -na; 4

sjuttio seventy 1
sjutton seventeen 1
sjuttonde seventeenth 7

sjlv self 1
sjlvbestmmandertt -en 0 l'ight to selfdete~mination 16
sjtte sixth 7
sj -n -ar lake 12, 13
till sjss at sea 12
sjman -nen, sjmn sailor 3

Word List 621


Swedish English Unit

sjtung/a -an -or sole 12

sjtungsf i I EJ -n -er filet of sole 12

ska(II), skulle shall, will; should, woutd 2

skad/a -an -or injury, damage 16

(att) skaffa, (to) get, obtain 2
Skandinavien Scandinavia 11
(att) skapa, (to) create 16
skatt -en -er tax 16
skattebetalare -n -0 taxpayer 16
sked -en -ar spoon 9

(att) skicka, (to) send 11

skid/a -an -or ski 14
(att) ka skidor; 2b (to) ski 14
ski II nad -en -er difference 12
ti II ski Ilnad mot untike, in contl'ast to 12
(att) skina, skiner, sken, skinit, 4 (to) shine 13, 14
skink/a -an -or ham 15
skjort/a -an -or shirt 8
(att) skjuta, skjuter, skt, skjutit, (to) shoot 13
skjut/en -et -na; 4
WOl'd List

Swedish English Unit

s ko - n - r shoe 8

skoavdelning -en -ar shoe department 8

skog -en -ar [orest, woods 12, 13

t i I I skogs to the woods 12

skolla -an -or school 2

(att) skola omi (to) retrain 16

skolkamrat -en -er schoolmate 12

(att) skratta, (to) laugh 14

(att ) skrida, skrider, skred, skridit, 4 (to) glide, proceed 13

( att) skrika, skriker, s k re k, skrikit, 4 (to) scream, shout 13
(att ) skriva, skriver, skrev, skrivit, 4 (to) w1'ite 3, 13
skrivbord -et -0 desk 7

skrivmaskin -en -er typewriter 7

(att) skryta, skryter, skrt, skrutit, 4 (to) brag, boast 13

skraddare -n -0 tailor 8
(att) skydda, (to) protect Pron. Guide
skylt -en -ar sign 13
(att) skynda sig; (to) hurry 10

skl cheers, here's to you 9

Word List 623

Swedish English Unit

(att) skla, (to) toast 12

skp -et -0 aabinet, aupboard 12

(att) skmmas, 2a (to) be ashamed, embappassed 12

skmtsamt jokingly, in jest 16

skr -t -a pink 8

(att) skra, skr, skar, skurit, (to) out

skur/en -et -naj 4

skrgrd -en -ar arohipelago, skerpies 13

skrm -en -ar (lamp) shade; screen 15

skrp -et -0 belt 14
skn -t -a aomfortable, nice, enjoyable 10

slag -et -(Il kind, sort, type 9

vad fr slags what kind of 9

(att) slippa, slipper, slapp, sluppit, 4 (to) not have to (do some- 10
slips-en-ar tie 8

(att) si ita, si iter, slet, slitit, (to) teap, weap out 13

si it/en -et -oaj 4

slott -et -0 palace 4

slut -et -0 end 12

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) sluta, (to) finish, stop 2

slutlig -t -a final 9

slutligen finaZZy 9

(att) sl, slr, slog, slagit, (to) beat, Btpike, hit 13

slag/en -et -na; 4

(att) slss, slss, slogs, slagits, 4 (to) fight 13

slkt -en -er extended family, pelatives 13

(att) smaka, (to) taste 9

smal -t -a narrow, thin 16

smokIng -en -ar tuxedo 10

(att) smyga, smyger, smg, smugit, 4 (to) sneak, tip-toe 13

sm (plur. fopm); mindre; minst smaH, little; smaHePj 4, 9

smaZlest; See liten

sm r - et 0 butter 1
smrgs -en -ar sandwich (open faced) 1
smrgsbord -et -0 smorgasbord 9

snaps -en -ar drink of aquavit 9

snart soon 2
s snart som as Boan as 12

WOl'd List 625


Swedish English Vnit

snygg -t -a good-Iooking 8

(att) snyta, snyter, snt, snutit, (to) blow the n08e 13

snut/en -et -na; 4

snll-t-a kind 1
var sn I I och please 1

sn -n 0 snow 14

socialdemokratisk -t -a social democratic 16

socialistisk -t-a socialistic 16

socialpolitik -en 0 social policy 16

soff/a -an -or soja 5

sol -en -ar sun 14

(att) sola sig; (to) sunbathe 14

sol ig -t -a sunny 5

soluppgng -en -ar sunrise 15

som who~ that~ which (re!. pron.J; 2~ 8
as; like
samma som same as 8

sommar -en, somrar summer 8

i somras last summer 11
sommargst -en -er non-permanent resident in 15
summer resort area

Word List

Su>edish English Unit

sommarsti le -t -na summeJ' plaoe 15

(att) somna, (to) fall asleep 13

son - n, sner son 3

(att) sova, sover, sov, sovit, 4 (to) sleep 13

Sovjetunionen the Soviet Union 11

sovrum -met -0 bedJ'oom 5

Spanien Spain 11

spanjor -en -er Spaniard (man) 11

spanjorsk/a -an -or SpaniaJ'd (woman) 11

spansk -t -a Spanish (adj.) 11

spansk/a -an QJ Spanish rtang.) 11

speciell -t -a speoial 15
(att) spinna, spinner, spann, spunnit, (to) spin 13
spunn/en -et -a; 4

sport -en -er sporta Pron. Guide

(att) spricka, spricker, sprack, spruckit, (to) oJ'aak, burst 13
spruck/en -et -na; 4
(att) sprida, sprider, spred, spritt, (to) apJ'ead 13
spridd, spritt, spridda; 4
(att) springa, springer, sprang, sprungit, 4 (to) run 8, 13
Word List 627

- ---
EngZish Unit

spr k -et -0 language 11

sprkbegv/ad -at -ade (to) have a gift for languages 11

stad -en, stder city, town 2

(att) stanna, (to) stay, remain 2

stark -t -a strong 16

stat -en -er state, government 16

station -en -er station 1

statistik -en -er statis tics 16

statistisk -t -a statistical 16

statl ig -t -a state, government (adj.) 16

statsminister -n, s~atsmlnlstrar pr'ime minister' 16

statsrd -et -0 (equivalent to) member' of the 16
statsskick -et -0 constitution 16
staty -n -er statue 12
(att) stava, (to) spell 15
(att) stava fel; (to) misspell 15
(att) steka, 2b (to) fry
stekt -(/; -a fried 9
WOr'd List

Swedish English Unit

(att) sticka, sticker, stack, stuckit, (to) stick~ put; sting 13

stuck/en -et -na; 4

(att) stifta, (to) establish~ found 16

(att) stiga, stiger, steg, stigit, 4 (to) step 13

(att ) stiga av; 4 (to) get off 13

(att) stiga i n; (to) enter~ come in 13
(att ) stiga p; 4 (to) get on~ board 13
st l I l g -t -a good-looking~ handBome 3
(att) stjla, stjl, stal, stulit, (to) steal 13
stul/en -et -na; 4

st jrn/a -an -or stal' 15

sto I -en -ar chail' 5
stor -t -a; strre; st6rst big~ gl'own-up; biggel'; 2~ 9

storlek -en -ar size 16

strand -en, strnder beach 14
strax Boon 14
(att) strida, strider, stred, stridit, 4 (to) fight 13

struktur -en -er Btructure~ framewol'k 16

strump/a -an -or Bock~ stocking 8
Word List 629

Swedish English Uni t

(att) stryka, stryker, strk, strukit, (to) iron 8
struk/en -et -na; 4

strykfri -tt -a non-iron, peromanent proess 8

(att) strla, (to) shine 14

strlande -0 -0 glorious 14

(att) strva mot; (to) strive for 16

strmming -en -ar smalt herroing from the Baltic 10

student -en -er (univerosity) student 16

<att) studera, (to) study 11

studiebidrag -et -0 study grant 16
studieln -et -0 student loan 16
stug/a -an -or cottage 12
stund -en -er while, moment 12
stycke -t -n piece 12
styrelse -n -r management, boarod of directors 16
<att) st, str, stod, sttt, 4 (to) stand; say (in print or l, 7, 13
hur str det till; 4 how are you 1
vad kan jag st ti II tjnst med; 4 what can I do for you 7

Worod List

Swedish English

(att) st ut (med ngonting); 4 (to) tolerate, put up (with 11


(att> stda, (to) clean 15

stdning -en 0 cleaning 15

(att) stlla, 2a (to) place, put (uprightJ 7

(att) stnga, 2a (to) close 10

std -et -0 support 16

(att) stdja, stder, stdde, sttt, (to) support 13

stdd, sttt, stdda; 4

(att> stra, 2a (to) disturb Pron. Guide

strre; strst bigger; bigg~st; See stor 9

stvel -n, stvlar boat 13

(att) suga, suger, sg, sugit, (to) suck 13

sug/en -et -na; 4

summ/a -an -or amount, sum 16

<att) supa, super, sp, supit, 4 (to) drink liquor (excess- 13

svalg -et -0 throat, pharynx Pron. Guide

svamp -en -ar mushroom 14

(att) svara, (to) answer 16

Word List 631


Swedish Unit

(att) svara fr; (to) aeeount for 16

svart, svart, svarta blaek 4

svensk -en -ar swede (man) 11

svensk -t -a Swedish (adj.)

svensk/a -an 0 Swedish (lang.) 1

svensk/a -an -or Swede (woman) 11

Sver-ige Sweden 2

(att) svida, svider, sved, svidit, 4 (to) smart, burn 13

(att) svika, sviker, svek, svikit, 4 (to) fail, disappoint 13

svr -t -a difficu lt 11

(att) svlta, svlter, svalt, svultit, (to) stal've 13

svult/en -et -na; 4

(att) svra, svr, svor, svurit, (to) sweal' 13

svur/en -et -na; 4

(att) sy, 3 (to) sew 8

frdig/sydd -sytt -sydda l'eady-made 8

syfte -t -n pUl'pose, aim, objective 16

med syfte ti I I (att) with the pUl'pose of 16

sylt -en -er jam, pl'esel'ves 9

symaskin -en -er sewing machine 8

Word List

Swedish English Unit

sympatisk -t -a likeable 9

syn -en -er sight, vision 14

(att) f syn p; 4 (to) catch a glimpse of, spot 14

synd -en -er sin; shame, pitY 2

det r synd it's a shame 2

sys kon -et -0 sibling, brothers and 3


sysselsttning -en -ar work, employment 16

system -et -0 system 16

syster -n, systrar sister 3

s so, very; how; 1, 2, 5

so (conj.)

s att so that 12

s h r like this 9

s hr rs at this time of year 7

s kall/ad -at -ade (s.k.l so called 16

s ... som as ... as 16
sdan -t -a Buch (a) , one, Buch 2, 16

sdr approximately, about (co 7,1,oq. ) 12

sng -en -er song Pron. Guide

Word List 633


Swedish English lhit

svitt as far as 12

svl som as well as 16

sck -en -ar saak~ bag 15

(att) sga, sger, sade, sagt, (to) say 1

sagd, sagt, sagdai 4

sker -t, skra supe 12

skert oertainly, Burely 2

<att) slja, sljer, slde, slt, (to) sezz. 11

sld, slt, slda; 4

s I I an seldom 12 J 16

s I I skap -et -Ql aompany 3

(att) gra sliskapi 4 (to) go (aome) together 12

smre i smst less good; least good; 9

See d I I g

snding -en -ar tpan8mission~ broadaast 16

sng -en -ar bed 5

t i I I sngs in bed 12
srski l/d -t -da speaial

srski It espeaially 5

stt -et -9) way, mannep 16

p a I I a stt in every way (po88ible) 16

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) stta, stter, satte, satt, (to) set, put 7, 1 J

satt, satt, satta; 4

(att) stta sig; 4 (to) sit down 10

sder south 5

sderut south(wapd), towapds the south

sndag Sunday J

st, stt, sta ppetty, cute, sweet 8

Wopd Lis t 635


Swedish Engtish Unit

(att ) ta, tar, tog, tagit, (to ) take 2

taglen - et -na; 4

(att) ta av s i g; 4 (to) take off. undress 10

(att ) ta emot; 4 (to) receive 12

(att) ta hand om; 4 (to) take care of 9

(att) ta i hand; 4 (to) shake hands 12

(att ) ta med; 4 (to) bring 5

(a tt) ta p sig; 4 (to) put on (clothing) 10

(att) ta reda p) 4 (to) check. find out 10

tablett -en -er tabZet 11

tack thank you 1

tack vare thanks (be) to 16

(att ) tacka, (to) thank 12

tackkort -et -~ thank you note 12

tacktal - et -0 thank you speech 12
ta k -et -0 roof. ceiZing Pron. Guid~

tal -et -0 speech 9

Word List

Swedi sh English lJn i t

(att) tala, (to) speak, talk 1

(att) tala om; (to) announce, tell 12

(att) tala om (ngot); (to) talk about (something)

ta I I -en -a r pine tree Pron. Guide

tallrik -en -ar plate 9

tand -en, tnder tooth 9

tandlkare -n -0 dentist 3

tandvrd -en 0 dental care 16

tavl/a -an -or picture, painting 12

taxi -n -0 taxi 2

te - et 0 tea 1

teater -n, teatrar theater 10

teknisk -t -a technical 16
teknologi -n 0 technology 16
telefon -en -er telephone 1
telefon/nummer -numret -0 telephone number 12
tennis -en 0 tennis 15
teve -n, teveapparater (TV) television (set) 5, 10

Word List 637


Swedish Unit

tid -en -er time 2

nu fr tiden now J these days 2
p sista tiden lately 10

tidig -t -a early 7

tidning -en -ar newspaper :3

tidnings/artikel -artIkeln -artiklar newspaper artieZe 15

tidtabell -en -er timetabZe 13

(att) tiga, tiger, teg, tigit, 4 (to) be quiet 13

(att) tigga, 2a (to) beg Pron. Guide

t i II to (prep.) 1
en (ett) ti II ano ther 11

ti I I och med (t.o.m.) even J not onZy that but 11

tillbaka back 2

ti II flle -t -n opportunity 9

(att) tillhra, 2a (to) beZong 13

t I I I rck I i gt enough 8

t i II s until J till 12
t l I I sammans together 3
t i I I stnd -et -(/; permit J permission 14
(att) tillverka, (to) manufacture 16
Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) ti Ilta, tillter, tillt, tilltit, (to) pepmit, allow 14

tillt/en -et -nai 4

tillgg -et-0 additional amount, supplement; 16


(att) til/lgga, -lgger, -lade, -lagt, (to) add

ti Ilag/d - t -da; 4

timm/e -en -ar houp 5

tio ten 1

tionde tenth ?

tisdag Tuesday 3

(att) titta, (to) look 4

(att ) titta fram; (to) look out, stick up, appeap 15

(att ) titta p; (to) look at 4

(att ) tjata, (to) nag ppon. Guide

tjock -t -a thick, fat Pron. Guide

tjugo twenty 1
tjugondag Knut twentieth day aftep Chpistmas 15
tjugonde twentieth ?
tjuv -en -ar thief Ppon. Guide

Wopd List 639


Swedish Engtish Vnit

tjnst -en -er sepvice, favop; job 7, 16

vad kan jag st tl II tjnst med; 4 what can I do fop you 7

tjnste/man -mannen -mn satapied emptoyee 14

(att) tjnst/gra, -gr, -gjorde, -gjort, 4 (to) sepve, be on duty .3

toalett -en -er pestpoom 1

to I f te twetfth 7

tolv twetve 1

tom -t -ma empty Ppon. Guide

torg -et -0 squape 8
(att) torka, (to) dpy
torkskp -et -0 dpying cabinet 5

torktumlare -n -0 dpyep 5

torn -et -0 tOl.Jep 9

torsdag Thupsday 3

tradition -en -er tpadition, custom 12

traditionell -t -a tpaditionat 15
trapp/a -an -or staip, f tight of staips 5
tre thpee 1

tredje thipd 7
Wopd Lis t

Swedish English Vnit

trettio thil'ty 1

tretton thil'teen 1

trettondagen Epiphany (thil'teenth day) 15

trettonde thil'teenth ?

trevl ig -t -a nice, pleasant 2

(att ) trivas, 2a (to) be happy, be comfortabte 2

(att) tro, 3 (to) think, believe 3

tro I i g -t -a pl'obable, cl'edible 9

troligen pl'obably 9

troligtvis pl'obably 9

trots in Brite of 16

trots att ~n spite of (the fact that) 12

trupp - en -er tl'OOP 16

trygg -t -a secul'e Pl'on. Guide

trygghet - en Ql securoity 16

trd -en -ar thl'ead Pl'on. Guide

trkig -t -a annoying, bOl'ing. Bad 10

trd - et -Ql troee 12

WOl'd List 641


Swedish English Unit

trdgrd -en -ar garden 12

(att) trffa, (to) see, meet J

(att) trffas, (to) meet (eaeh other) J

trtt, trtt, trtta tired 14

tung -t -a; tyngre; tyngst heavy; heavier; heaviest 9

tunn, tunt, tunna thin Pron. Guide

tunnelban/a -an -or subway 1

tunnelbanestation -en -er subway station 1

tur och retur round tri p 13

(ett) tusen one (a) thousand 1

tusentals thousands 11

tv two 1

tvrs ver straight aeross 14

tvtt -en -ar wash. Zaundry 10

(att) tvtta sig; (to) wash (oneseZf) 10

tvttmaskin -en -er washing maehine 5

tvttning -en -ar shampoo 10

tvttstug/a -an -or Zaundry room 5

Word Lis t

Swedish English Uni t

(att) tycka, 2b (to) think, have an opinion 4

(att) tycka bst omi 2b (to) prefer 3

(att) tycka ~; 2b (to) like 2

tyd I i g -t -a obvious 9

tydlIgen obviously, appa'1'entZy 11

tyg -et - er fabric Pron. Guide

typisk -t -a typical 9

tysk -en -ar German (man) 11

tysk -t -a German (adj.) 11

tysk/a -an (i1 German (lang.) 11

tysk/a -an -or German (woman) 11

Tyskland Germany 11

(st-, Vst-) Tyskland (East. West) Germany 11

tyvrr unfortunately 2

tg -et -0 train; march. marching 4. 15

trt/a -an -or cake. torte 12
(att) tcka, 2b (to) cover 16
(att) tlta, (to) camp 14

Word List 843


Swedish Engtish l.h i t

(att) tnda, 2a (to) turn on, tight 7

(att) tnka, 2b (to) think, plan :3

(att) tnka sig; 2b (to) have in mind, imagine 8

trn/a -an -or attendant (for weddings and 15


tt -t -a tight, dense 16

tthet -n -er density 16

(att) tvla, (to) compete Pron. Guide

Word List

Swedish English Uni t

uggl/a -an -or owl P1'on. Guide

ugn -en -ar ove n P1'on. Guide

under undep, below, during 7, 11

underbar - t -a wonderful 10

(att) under/hlla, -hller, -hll, -hllit, (to) entertain, maintain

underh II/en -et -na; 4

underhllande -0 -0 ente1'taining 12

underklder (plur.) undel'Weal' 8

underskning -en -ar exam~nation, study, analysis 16

(to) wondel' 11

ung -t -a; yngre; yngst young; younger; youngest 9

ungdomar -na (pluY'.) young people 15

ungefr about, approximately

Ull i vers i tet -et -0 unive1'sity 4

upp; uppe up (motion) 5, 8

up, upstail's (stationary) 8

uppenbar - t -d obvious, evident 16

uppgift -en -er task, assignment; information, 16

Word List 645

Swedish EngLish Uni t

(att) upp/g, -gr, -gick, -gtt. 4 (to) amount to, ~eaoh 16

upplag/a -an -or edition 16

(att) uppleva, 2a (to) expe~ience 15

(att) uppskatta, (to) app~eciate 12

uppskatt/ad -at -ade arp~eciated 12

upptag/en -et -na bus y B

(att) upptcka, 2b (to) discove~ 12

ursdkta excuse (me) 1

usch ugh 7

ut; ute out (motion); 5, 8

out, outside (stationa~y) B

utan but (conj.); without (prep.) 12

utanfr outside 16

(att) utb i I da, (to) educate, train 16

utbi Idning -en 0 education 16

(att) ut/brista, -brister, -brast, -brustit, 4 (to) exclaim 15

(att) utbygga (bygga ut); 2a (to) expand 16

ute; ut out, outside (stationa~y); 8
out (motion) 5, B

Word List

Swedish English Unit

(att) utforma, (to) formulate, design, shape 16

(att) ut/g (g ut), -gr, -gick, -gtt; 4 (to) originate, prooeed, emanate 16

utgng -en -ar exit 9

(att) ut/gra, -gr, -gjorde, -gjort, 4 (to) constitute 16

utjmning -en -ar equalization 16

utlandet ab road 11

utlnning -en -ar foreigner 11

utmrkt -0 -a exoellent 4

utomlands abroad, overseas 16

utrikesdepartementet (UD) the Foreign Offioe 7

utrikesminist/er -ern -rar secretary of state, for~ign 16


utrikespolitik -en Ql foreign polioy 16

utrustning -en -ar equipment, arms 16

(att) ut/se, -ser, -sg, -sett, (to) choose, appoint 16

ut/sedd -sett -sedda; 4

utsikt -en -er view 4

utskt -0 -a superb, excellent 12

utveckl ing -en -ar development 16

Word List 647


Swedish English Lhit

(att) ut/vlja (vlja ut) -vljer, -valde, (to) ehooseJ select 15

-valt; ut/vald, -valt -valda; 4
(att) utva, I (to) carry out J exercise 16

Word List

Swedish English Vnit

vacker -t, vac kra beautiful 4, 9

vad what 1

vad fr what kind of 4, 9

vad fr slags what kind of 9

vad som helst anything 11

vad n no mattep what, whatever 16

vagn -en -ar (paiLpoad) cap 13

(att) vakna, (to) wake up 13

vakt -en -er guapd 15

vaktmstare -n -0 waitep 9

val -et-0 election, choice 16

valborgsmssoafton Walpupgis night 15

van -t -a (vid) used to 14

(att) vandra, (to) wander 12

vandrande -0 -0 wandering, roaming 12

van I i g -t -a usual 9

vanl igen usuaZly 9

Word List 849


Swedish English Vnit

vanligtvis usually 9

vapen, vapnet, vapen weapon 16

va r - t 13 eaah, every 16

va r god please 13

var snll please 1

var s god(a> here you are 1

var n no matter where, wherever 16

var; vart where (stationary); 1, a

where to (motion)
varet> som helst anywhere 11

varia -an -or pieae of merchandise 15

(att) vara, r, var. varit, 4 (to) be 1

(att) vara, (to) last 15

varandra (varann) each other, one another 11

varannaln -t every other 16
vardag -en -ar weekday
vardagskldsel -n 0 informal dress '?
vardagsrum -met -0 livingroom 5

varfr why 13
Word List

Swedish English Unit

varg -en -ar wolf Pron. Guide

(att) variera, (to) vary. diversify 16

varje every 5

varken e II er neither .. nor 16

varm -t -a warm 8

varmrtt -en -er main aourse 9

varsgod(a) here you are. please 1. 13

vart; var where to (motion); 1. 8
where (stationary)

varuhus -et -0 department store 8

vatten, vattnet 0 water 1

vattenkraft -en 0 hydroelectric power 16
veckla -an -or week :3

veckodag -en -ar day of the week 15

veckoslut -et -0 weekend 13

vem who 2

vem som helst anyone 11

vem n no matter who. whoever 16
verkl ig -t -a real 9
Word List 651

Swedish English Uni t

verkligen really 9

verkst I I ande -I/; -I/; executive 16

(att) veta, vet, visste, vetat, 4 (to) know (have the knowledge 4
vetenskap -en -er science 16

vetenskaplig -t -a scientific 16

vi we 2

vid by 7

vidare further 15

viktig -t -a important 15

(att) vi la, (to) rest Pron. Guide

(att) vi la sig; (to) rest (oneselfJ 15

(att) vilja, vill, ville, velat, 4 (to) want 1

v i I ken, v i I ket, v i I ka what (a); which (interrog.J. J. 5

v i I I la -an -or house. villa 14

vin -et -er wine 1

viniistia -an -or wine list 9

(att) vinna, vinner, vann, vunnit, (to) win Pron. Guide

vunn/en -et -aj 4
Word List

Swedish English Unit

vinter -n, vintrar winter 3

I vintras last wintero 11

vis -t -a wise 14

vls/a -an -or song 12

(att> visa, I (to) show 8

(att> visa sig; (to) show (up), become evident, 16

tUT'n out
vision -en -er vision Pron. Guide
(att> vispa, (to) whip, heat (food) 15

vispgrdde -n 0 whipping CT'eam 15

viss -t -a certain 16

visst surely 9

vit, vitt, vita white 4

vux/en -et -na adult, grown-up (adj.) 15

en vuxen, tv vuxna adult (noun) 15

vykort -et -0 postcard 1

(att> vga, I (to) dare, have the couroage to 10

vning -en -ar apaT'tment 5

vr -t -a OUT' 2

Word 653


Swedish EngZ-ish Unit

vr -en -ar spring 8

i vras last spring 11

vrd -en eJ care 14

vt -t -a wet Pron. Guide

(att) vcka, 2b (to) wake up (trans.) 13

vckarklock/a -an -or alarm clock 13

vder, vd ret eJ weather 2

vg -en -ar road 9

vgg -en -ar wall 7

vgnar; p . vt:lgnar on behalf of . 12

vl probably 8

vldigt very, awfuZ ly 3

vlfrd -en eJ welfare 16

(att) vlja, vljer, valde, valt, (to) choose 13, 15
vald, valt, valda; 4

(att) vlja p; 4 (to) choose from 16

(att) vlja ut; 4 (to) ehoose, seZect 15
vlkom/men -met -na welcome 2
vl kn/d -t -da well-known, famous 12

Word List

Swedish English

vn -nen -ner friend 2

(att) vnda, 2a (to) turn 12

vnlig -t -a kind, nice, friendZy 2

vnster Zett 1
ti II vnster to the lett 1

vnsterpartiet lett-wing party 16

(att) vnta, (to) wait, expect 2

vrd -en -ar host 12

vrdfolk -et -0 host and hostess 12

vrdinn/a -an -or hostess 12

vrld -en -ar world 16

vrnplikt -en 0 military service 16

allmn vrnplikt compulsory military service 16

vrre; vrst worse; worst; See d I i9 9

vs k/a -an -or suitcase, bag, purse 2

vsterut west(ward), towards the west

vster west 5

Vst-Tyskland West Germany 11

(att) vxa, 2b (to) grow 14

Word List 655


Swedish English Unit

(att) vxla, (to) altepnate~ ohange (money) 4

vx I j ng -en -ar ahange 15

Wo!'d List

Swedish English Vnit

y t/a -an -or surface 16

ytterklder -na (plur.) outer wear (overcoats~ etc.) 9

Word List 657


Swedish English Unit

(att) ka, 2b (to) go, traveZ 8

lder -n, ldrar age Pron. Guide

ng/a -an -or steam Pron. Guide

(att) ngra sig; (to) re gre t. change one's mind 10

r -et -0 year 2
i r this year 11
s hr rs at this time of the year ?

ret om the year round 14

rlig -t -a yearly 16

rstid -en -er season 11

sikt -en -er opinion 16
t for 2

(att) terbetala, (to) ray back 16

tgrd -en -er measure, step 16
tminstone at least 12
tta eight 1
ttio eighty 1
ttonde eighth 7

Word List

Swedish English lhit

(att) ga, 2a (to) own 16

(att) ga rum; 2a (to) take plaae 16

gare -n -0 ownel" 16
gg -et -0 egg 15
ldre; ldst oldel"; oldest; See gammal 9

lg -en -ar moose Pron. Guide

(att) lska, (to) love 12
lskling -en -ar dal"ling 8
lsklingsfrg -en -er favol"ite colol" 8
mbetsverk -et -0 govel"nment agency (bu~eau) 16
n still, yet; than 3, 8
mer n more than 8
nda t I l l all the way to, right up to 15
ndhllplats -en -er end of the line 13
(att) ndra, (to) altel", change 8
nd yet, nevel"theless 11
ng -en -ar meadow, field 15
nnu yet, still 12
WOl"d List 659

Swedish English Unit

r See (att) vara

rla -an 0 honor' 12, 14

ti I l (ngons) ~ra in (someone'B) honor 14

rm -en -ar sleeve 8

rr -et -\Il scal' Pr'on. Guide

(att) rva, 2a (to) inheY'it 13

(att) ta, ter, t, tit, 4 (to) eat 1

(att) ta upp; 4 (to) finish (eating) 12

ven also 16

ven om even if 11

Word List

Swedish English Unit

-n -ar island 12

ga -t, gon eye P1'on. Guide

gonbl ick -et -0 moment 5

I -et I/J beeT' 1

(att) nska, (to) wish 15

pp/en -et -na oren 14
(att) ppna, (to) oren 8

ra -t, ron eaT' P1'on. Guide

re -t -n (-(Il) o1'e (Sw. cu1'1'ency) 1
ster east 5
sterut east(wa1'd), towa1'ds the east
st-Tyskland Eas t Ge1'many 11
ver of, aveT', via 4
verbl lv/en -et -na left aveT' 13

vermorgon; i vermorgon the day afteT' tomo1'1'ow 11

W01'd List 661


Grammar Index

(Numbers refer to pages)

Adjectival phrases, 452

Adjeotives, 124
indefinite form, 124
definite form, 189
predicate adjective, 126, 132
comparison of the adjective, 265, 275, 520
irregular adjectives~ 124~ 194~ 267
liten~ 193
egen, 337
e-form of adjective~ 452
adjectives before nouns (three different patterns), 287
demonstrative adjectives. 416~ 517; see also "demonstratives"
determinative adjective, 482
indefinite adjectives~ 219
ngon (ngot, ngra)~ 219
ingen (inget, inga), 219
ngon (ngot, ngra) instead of indefinite article~ 224
varje, var(t)~ 518
interrogative adjectives, 216
vad .. fr, 122, 184, 262
vilken (vilket, vilka), 184, 216
possessive adjectives~ 64~ 148, 151
adjectives as nouns~ 481
adjectival phrases~ 452

Adjectives as nouns, 481

Adjectives before nouns, 287

Adverbs~ 279
oomparison of adverbs, 283
placement of adverbs, 112, 114~ 304, 396
adverbs indicating location and motion, 65, 233
Grammar Index

Adverbs (cont.)
time adverbials, 341
place adverbials, 384
roaming adverbs, 396, 400
relative adverbs dr-dit, 444
d-sedan, 322

Adverbs indicating location and motion, 65, 233

Annan-Ti 1/, 337

Article omitted with indefinite noun form, 93, 146

Article omitted, 93, 146, 262, 265, 291, 336, 418

Articles, 42, 69, 186

indefinite, 42
definite singular, 69
dropping of last vowel before definite article, 74
definite plural, 186
article omitted, 93, 146, 262, 265, 291, 336, 418

Att - That, 110

AuxiZiapy Vepbs, 53, 311, 432

present tense form, 47
vill, 40, 53
ska, 53, 66
kan jag f, 40, 55
(att) tnka as an auxiliary, 94, 442

Because - fr, 213

Capitalization, 94, 96, 146

Cardinal numbers, 38

Collective nouns, 262

G rammar Index 663

Colors, 212

Commands, see Imperative

Comparison of a dj e c t i ves, 265, 275

Comparison of adverbs, 283

Camparison of past particip le, 458

Compound nouns, 484

Compound passive, 462
Compound verbs, 304, 335 3 427 3 486

Conditional, 522
Conjugation of verbs, 157.. 241 .. 250 .. 420
Conjunctions, 399
that - att, 110
fr - because, 213
innan, 324
dock, emellertid, 517

Days of the week, 96

Declensions of nouns, 99-102

Definite article instead of possessive 3 262

Definite form of adjectives, 189

Definite form of nouns preceded by adjeatives, 189, 288

Definite form of nouns, 69, 74, 416

Grammar> Index

Definite plural artiale, 186

Def~nite plural noun forms, 186

Definite singular article, 69

Deletion of preposition, 40

Demonstrative adjectives, 416

Demonstrative pronouns, see uDemonstratives"

Demonstratives, 128, 51?

Den (det, del, 131

Densamma (detsamma, desammal, 213

Deponent verbs, 40, 45, 66, 128

Det (without equivalent in English), 453

det r det, 93, 196
det finns, 40, 45, 128, 213
det hnger, etc., 213

Determinative adjectives, 482

Determinative pronouns, 482

Dock, emellertid, 51?

Dropping of last vowel before definite artioZe, ?4

Du-N i (informal and formal pronouns), 39

D-Sedan, 322

Dr-Dit, 444

Grammar Index 665


E-fopm of adjectives~ 452

Egen, 337

Emellertid, dock~ 517

En and ett nouns~ 42

Fifth noun deelension~ 102

Fipst conjugation~ 157

Fipst noun deelension~ 99

Fopmal and infopmal pponoun8~ 39

Formation of questions, 47

Fourth conjugation, 420

Fourth noun deelension, 102

Futupe tense, 53, 66

Fr - because, 213

Fre, 324

Fre-Innan, 324

Impepative, 318

Indefinite adjectives, 219

Indefinite apticles, 42

Indefinite fopm of adjectives. 124

Grammap Index

Indefinite form of nouns~ 42~ 288

Indefinite plural noun forms~ 98

Indefinite pronouns ngon (ngot, ngra), Ingen (Inget, Inga), 219

Infinitives~ 313

Informal and formal pronouns~ 39

-ing forms~ 46~ 158~ 261

Ingen (inget, jnga)~ 219

Innan, 324

Interrogative adjectives, 216

Interrogative pronouns, 135~ 216

Irregular adjectives, 124, 194, 267

Irregular nouns, 104

Irregular verbs, 93, 420

Ju, 214

Kan jag f, 40, 56

(att) Kunna, 336

(to) Leave (translation), 261

Ligga-Lgga; Sitta-Stta, 200

Liten, 193

Grammar Index 667


Lgga- L i gga; Stta-S i tta, 200

Man, 122, 339

Months of the year, 146

Nations, Nationalities, and Languages, 355

Nog, 212

en and ett nouns, 42
deelensions, 99-102
first, 99
seeond, 100
third, 101
fourth, 102
fifth, 102
indefinite form, 42, 288
indefinite plural forms, 98
artiele omitted, 93, 146
definite form, 69, 74, 416
definite plural forms, 186
definite form of no uns preaeded by adjeativeB~ 189, 288
possessive form, 93, 148
irregular nouns, 104
aolleetive nouns, 262
aompound nouns, 484

eardinal numbers, 38
ordinal numbers, 203
stycken added to numerals, 378

Ngon (ngot, ngral, 219

Ngon instead of the indefinite artiale, 224

Grammar Index

0- , 261

Objeative pronouns, 76

Om, 304

Ordinal numbers, 203

Partiaiples, 158, 275, 455, 458, 469

Partiale in separable compound verbs, 490

Particles, 490
om, 304

Passive voice, 462, 465

Past particip le, 158, 275, 455

Past tense uses, 95, 145

Personal pronouns, 76

Place adverbials, 384

Place prepositions, 384

Placement of adverbs, 112, 114, 304, 396

Pleas e (translation), 40, 416

Possessive adjectives, 64, 148, 151

Possessive form of nouns, 93, 148

Possessive pronouns, 151

Proedicate adjectives, 126, 132

Groammaro Index 669


Prefixes, 486
0-, 261

time, 64, 342
plaae, 384
p, 96, 337, 391
fre, 324
deletion of preposition, 40
till bords, eta., 379

Present particip le, 469

Present tense of auxiliary verbs, 53, 311, 432
Present tense of verbs, 46, 158
Present tense uses, 40, 46, 65, 335
personal pronouns, 76
subjeative pronouns, '16
du-ni {informal and fopmalJ, 39
den (det, de), 131
objeative pronouns, 76
man, 122, 339
possessive pl'onouns, 151
I'eflexive possessives (sin, sitt, sina), 152
definite artiale instead of possessive, 262
relative pronoun som, 109
vilken (vilket, vilka), 521
reflexive pronouns, 306
demonstrative pronouns, see "demonstratives"
determinative pronouns, 482
indefinite pronouns ngon (ngot, ngra), ingen (inget, inga), 219
Vem som helst, vem n, eta., 520
interrogative pronouns, 135, 216

Grammar Index

Pronouns (cont.)
interrogative vad ... tr, 122, 184, 453
vad followed by adjective, JOJ
densamma (detsamma, desamma), 213

Punctuation, 517

P, 96, 3J7, 391

Question word order

Question words, 135, 216, 239

forming questions, 47
question words, 135, 216, 239

Reciprocal verb forms, 96

Reflexive possessives (sin, sitt, sina), 152

Reflexive pronouns, J06

Reflexive verbs, 213, J06

Relative adverbs dr-dit, 444

Relative pronoun som, 109

Relative pronoun vilken (vilket, vilka), 521

Reversed word order, 166

Roaming adverbs, 396, 400

S-forms with reciprocal meaning, 96

Second conjugation, 241

Grammar Index 671

Second noun decLension, 100

Sedan-D, 322

Sin (sitt, sina), 152

Sitta-Sttaj Ligga-Lgga, 200

Ska, 53

Som, 109

Spe L
capitalization, 94, 96, 146
punctuation, 517
Straight word order, 47

Stycken added to numeraLs, 3'78

Subjeative pronouns, '76
Supine, 158

TeLLing time, 80

Tha t - a tt , 11 O

Third conjugation, 250

TI d-Gng, 94

Till bords, eta., 3'79

Till-Annan, 337

Grammar Inde:x:

----telling time, 80
"time" (translation tid-gng), 94

Time adverbials, 341

Time prepositions, 64, 342

Tro, Tycka, Tnka, 441

(att) Tnka as an auxiliary, 94, 442

Vad .. fr, 122, 184, 453

Vad followed by adjective, 303

Varsgod, 40, 378, 417

Vem som helst, vem n~ etc., 520

first, 157
second, 241
third, 250
fourth, 420
infinitive, 313
present tense, 46, 158
future tense, 53, 66
supine, 158
imperative, 318
use of present tense, 40, 46, 65, 335
use of past tense, 95, 145
use of future tense, 66
translatian of English -ing forms, 46, 158, 261
irregular verbs, 93, 420
-s forms with reaiproaal meaning, 96
deponent (finns, hoppas, trivas), 40, 45, 66, 128
Grammar Index 673

Verbs (cont.)
----r;eflexive, 213, 306
compound verbs (verb + particle), 304, 335, 427, 486
past participle, 158, 275, 455
comparision of past particip le, 458
present participle, 469
passive voice, 462
compound passive, 462
5- form, 465
(to) leave (translation) , 261
tycka, tnka, tro, 441

Vilken (vilket, vilka), 184, 216, 521

Vill, 40, 53

Vl, 212

Vlkommen, vlkomna, 64,146

Where (translation), 444

Word Order
straight, 47
questions, 47
reversed, 65, 122, 166
placement of particle in separable compound verbs, 490
placement of adverbs, 112, 114, 304, 396

Grammar Index

Bi b I iography

Belte, A.-M., and G. Englund, S. Higelin, N.-G. Hlldarnan, Baslc Swedish Grammar,
A.W. Lromedel, Stockholm, 1975;

Engbrant, E., and G. Hlntz, M. Wohlert, Svenska fr Nybrjare, Del I, Del II,
Svenska Institutet, 1976;

Frank M., Modern English - A Practical Referen.ce Guide, Prentlce-Hall, Inc. 1972;

Hartmann, R.R.K., and F.C. Stork, Dictionary of Language and LIngulstics, John Wiley
& Sons, New York-Toronto, 1972;

HIldeman, N.-G., and A.-M. Bejte, Learn Swedish, Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1959;

Holm, B., and E. Nylund Lindgren, DeskriptIv Svensk Grammatik, Sprkfrlaget Skriptor,
1977 ;

Kjelll n, O., Svensk Prosodi Praktiken, Studiefrlaget, 1978;

Svenska Institutet, Fact Sheets on Sweden;

Svenska Turistfreningen, Sverigefakta 80, Svenska Turistfreningens Frlag;

Wadensj, G., Sverigekunskap, LIber Hermods, 1979.

BibUography 675

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