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The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures Presenting a literal word-forword trans- lation into English under the Greck text fs set out in “The New Testament in the Original Greek—The “Text Revised by Brooke, Foss Westcott DD. and Fenton John Anthony Hort D.D.” (1918 Reprint) together with the New World ‘Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, “Revised “Ealtion, a ‘modernlanguage translation of the West ott and Hort Greek Text, frst published by them in the year 1881 G.E, with whieh fare included the valuable Foreword and the Appendix of the ¢ald transiation, with fnumerous footnotes and an Explanation of the Symbols Used in the Marginal References Yow World Bible Cranslation Committon 1969 CB. “un Fars ste RATES, Len YOUR Nhat suxomrm, Ler Your Knvepoht COME. LEP YOUR awrs."—Matthew 6:9, 10, NW. COPYRIGHT, 1969 by WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘First Eaition: 500,000 copies WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. “Derensariowal, Busts SrooRvns Assoctariox Brooklyn, New York, USA. ‘Made tn tho United Stater of Ameria BY WAY OF EXPLANATION he nmin’ Grok Sexotre, completed nes the eof he Sat ‘atary of our Common Ea, ern fedispnanbe pact ote Sacred ‘Scriptanee inspired by the Constr of heaven and cart iy fact the Gril Gren Scripts ive sn they to the proper sndeatading Ete aro and intaor pate ofthe Ely Bibl, Wane tthe iopied Hlteew Seipture commoniy called Toe Old Testament. Comparatively {porns inthis Inter bolt of the twentieth ceotry C5. have Scoaet the. orginal Innguage of he fapied Gtk Seiperes wp ‘sito be able to pry dec toto the bane thought of the orignal ‘futon "cart The tnepred ‘Grek ‘Sergtores wore "writen, aoe I {he sueiene clase “Gresk or inthe modern ‘Gresk. wich eater ‘rom the fall of Constantinople 1485 CB, Sut nthe common ot oiné Greet of the frst century of our Comma Bra, the inerasonal language of that time Hence the Hind Greck of the divinely inspired ‘Senpeual lea. apecal study ta lta ‘Sincere searchare for etezual,Mfegiving truth dir an accurate uneetstandog of the falngpiing™ Greek Seiptores, an "uadee™ ‘apding. that wil ‘ot be coufeoed by sctarla, Setominational ree Ulnar tonchingy But hat is foriSed by te Faowiedsy of hat tbe ‘ginal Ienguage says and toeane, ‘To id. sueh acre of rath, sod ‘ie tthe purpowe behind ee pubiabiag of The Riegdom Zntetcear [Trontaton of the Grack Soripturen fis eral intra agi {Pamsatiow, i apciliydasgned to open ap co tur stunt of the ‘Steredripturns whet th eriginal Res Grog taaeally erally ape without any" noctarian sagioesesloeion a the brood left-hand column of the pages of the main meter willbe found the orga) fot Geek text aa reve’ Go 48ST CE) Byiche tsuowaed) Grete cialis BE. Werttt aad £304: Hort, fda between ihe liner of the Grosk text wil be found the word: ‘oeword!‘Bnglch translation, Up te lim righthand column’ of the bags wil be found the twendeth-catary language elation tiled New "World ‘Tyaasladon, of the Christan Greek, Seip tat revtion, The word-for-word Snterliear tanelaton a orfor-word rendering the English word oF ‘pam taken from’ the modern tanslacon inthe sight Enna column tod" tranaerred te a position under the Crk word te whien ‘Te orrenpande Hacer, the translation wader each Gress ord ‘nt cat want he Grose word Saif mye sceording to its toot mesh (Grhope the Grek word" tcondng to fo aranmatical form” So in: many” cose he rest Srurhdnt “the Greek text actually, basically says, md ° 6 ‘BY WAY OF EXPLANATION Panu: Ta the Baglohintertnegr readings paronthones sour, ‘These denote tht the Eagle word of works sotiee! tre {he meaning of the Greek word above, scrordlng tos guaers stteonents of tiation fo contort ‘acters: nthe Engh readings (interinets and ‘eran. These denote hat the word or werd enced hi fy th teuaigtr to make some applinton that is tows by the Grese Sorte comaag diet uv sig wil be Great ‘Word Boctsy of is gragmateal form, For sxatpla, the Greek debe ile ‘for “Whe” may be used fast hy ieelt to dhote a pen But {Be are ay ei te Fea eran and aoe ton snr {ei apolies fo" woman According. or’ the eulghtenent of alee who ‘i ot"familar with Grock the word “woman” is Sarected doco” In “brackets i th Bogs eetiog, ovate Baucers: Ia the Gres tert and tering doable bracars aro f0 be fd, a {Be predacer of the Werivot and. Hort Gres tex conser tobe Interpolation. Soch intrpaatons may be ‘hiogs ‘omitted by ect ‘ecognlsfOreok manuneriper or ay be laportant tater "appsrcody ‘sped trom extyaneono sgure," as, for laatane, te alerant cor lig, alart Ooral Se, civandoned “Newt Toament™ pce 58, under "Noteworthy Hajctd Henfings peiated with double for, Peated within dou ABTICLL: The Koing Gronk has a duit arte 1 thie gui smavclingtaolnine and noute, aud each of thee gers of he uct [BGectned nits Soe eneee an in lis singlay and slat wastees hy Gray tndetote fv Gobageeady no Incite mt Indetaice vice hag to bo taertd. bythe translator Inco the ts Boelih cvadig”in tho Mghe-band claiha where suck indole aeeehe ig aprotae or raced by there test oe sxe rks mors for “holy spire” eceur tn numbers of lagtanes” wi no datcite article and are rendered’ acttiinsly neo Baeioke ‘onze, mares Yeas and in thy Auta ar Ring ance Version Bible of 1611 Cos" but aoc found tn te Wena ag Hart (Greek ext ato Omit nt are indeated by the verse aust fll Eye ong daa oe Jao Jn the English coos tier that Gee aan Gres 2531) “eotiied*Easanation sk ae Eymtile Coot the Marsaal Releonen’” Fostaous aie oer fp ctbe Forewondand the “Appendix as foal n° the Mew Word eaelation af the Ghietiny ret Bergin, 1950s, ans ‘ick Foronord nd Append bave buen incoded ta is Wace, 1s the fim couviedon hat thi valame wil be af frat lp 10 each ta tho Godsttanting’of the ota taped Ge Sears we'take pleaate in egrag thinIibe ai ie pate. ‘THE PUBLISHERS FOREWORD ‘THE original waitings of the Christm, Greek, Scriptures, ‘commonly called "The New Testament,” were inspired. No translation of ‘these sacred writings into another language, ‘except by the original writers, Is inspired. In copying the in Splred originals by hand the element of huinan frailty entered i, and so none of the thousands of copies extant today in the original language are perfect duplicates. The result Is that no ‘vo copies are exactly alike. Since such has been the result with the mere handwritten ‘copies of the Scriptures, much ‘more Is It true that no version of them into another language by an Uninsplred translator would be Tt could not ac cirately render the precise meaning of the inspired originals. Especially. go, when the translation is made trom an imper: fect copy. From this fact arises the nood of a fresh transla lion ‘rom tme to time, as the better understanding of the original tongues, now dead, becomes possible and as the light Of the truth on the Inspired Scriptures becomes brighter. Pur ther, the progress of modern living language, with lts changes In meanings of words and in forms of expression, calls for a ‘ew, uptodate presentation to make the Seriptures fully alive and’ appealing fo the understanding. From the time of that Roman Catholle clergymen, John Wyelife of the fourteenth century, until the middle of this ‘wentleth century many English translations have been made of the inspired writings of Christ's disciples. All these have hhad their own commendable features, They have considerably ‘met the needs of the day for a rendering of God's Word in ‘the common language of the people, Much good has been ac- ‘complished by them and will yet be: But honesty compels us to remark that, while each of them has Its polnts of merit, they have fallen vietim to the power of human traditionalism: in varying degrees. Consequently, religious traditions, hoary ‘with age, have been taken for granted and gone unchallenged and’ uninvestigated. ‘These have been. interwoven Into the ‘ranslatlons to color the thought. In support of a prefersed re- liglous view, an inconsistency and unreasonableness have been Insinuated Thto the teachings of the Inspired weltngs Gales "Chana to antinglen them tom the pro Chretien Gree Stptuiet tation the fnepired eorow serptcs 8 FOREWORD ‘The Son of God taught that the traditions of ereed-bound ‘men made the commandments and teachings of God of no Dower and effect. The endeavor of the New World Bible Trans. ation Committee has been to avoid this snare of religious ‘traditionalism. This very effort accounts for distinguishing this differently as.a transiation of the “Christian Greek Scrip fures,” It sa traditional mistake to divide God's written Wort {nto two sections and call the second section, from Matthew to Revelation (or Apocalypse), "The New. ‘Testament.” At 2 Corinthians 8:14 the poptlar King James Bible version tells fof the "reading of the old testament,” but there the apostle ‘as not referring to the ancient Hebrew Scriptures in thelr en Urety from Genesis to Malachi. Nor was he meaning that the Inspired Christian writings constituted a. “new testament.” ‘The apostle was merely speaking of the book written by Bfoses In which the old Law covenant with Israel is fully set forth; for which reason he say, in the next verse, “when Moses Iz read." ‘The sacred Scriptures, from Genesis to. Revelation Apocalypse), are one Book, ‘inspired by the one Supreme ‘Author. ‘They cannot be divided into two parts, one of which ‘may be ignored. ‘The Hebrew Scriptures and’ the Christian Greek Scriptures are essential to each other. The latter sup. plement the former and are an integral part with the former {fo make the one complete Book of divine truth. Tl now we hhave been able to translate only the Christian Greek Serip ‘res. ‘The apostle Peter wrote: “But there are new heavens and 1 new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, ‘and in these righteousness Is to evel” (2. Peter $:19) The signs now multiply to prove that this generation is. at the portals of the new world here promised. ‘There no uninspired human traditions whieh bedarien and nullity the divine Word Will be permitted, for that will he a righteous world. Tt belts the significant time of transition from the old world to the Hehteous new world that translations of the Seriptures today should ag far a8 possible eliminate the misleading influence of Teligious traditions which have their roots in paganism, that thus the pure truth of God's Word may shine forth in all {es harmonious brilliance and with Its convinelng power. ‘No uninspired translator or committee of translators can claim any divest command from the Most High God to engage {in translating the divine Word into another language. But ‘ranslation of itis necessary, and that into many languages, if Christ's command for this momentous day fe to be fuldlled FOREWORD 9 “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for the parpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will come.” So, to do the work ff translating is an opportunity and a privilege. In presenting ‘his translation of the Christian Greek Seriptures our conf: fence has been in the help of the great Author of The Boole ‘Our primary desire has been to seek, not the approval of men, but that of God, by rendering the truth of his inspired Word ‘8 purely and a¢ consistently as our consecrated powers make posse. There is no benellt in self deception. More than that, Those who provide a translation for the spicitual instruction fof others came under a special responsiblity as teachers be- fore the divine Judge. Hence our appreciation of the need of carefulness. ‘The Greek text that we have used as the basls of our New World translation is the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text (1881), by reason of Its admitted excellence But we have ‘also taken into consideration other tex, including that pre- pared by D. Eberhard Nestle) and that compiled by the Spam. {sh Jesult scholar José Maria Bovers and that by the other ‘esult scholar A. Merk Where we have varied from the Tead: ing of the Westcott and Hort text, our footnotes show the ‘oasis for our preferred reading. We give some defniteness to the background for the renderings of our text by showing In ‘our footnotes the most anclent manuscripts and versions upon Which we call for support. Besides this, we have offered alter native English renderings of the Greek text, and variant read Ings of said manuscripts and versions. Thus in our footntes ‘We have provided a sort of critical apparatus for our transla: ton, rather than a commentary on the Seriptires. “Archale language we have disposed of altogether, even in “Buldes ing the 2068 Macmlan Company edition of thi text, wo Mae {he 1508 prating of the Gs elton of Novum Tester Grane ot Loti by abana hee, abd printed a amy Hay 0 FOREWORD prayers and addresses to God. This means we have every- ‘note dropped using the now sanctimonious formal pronous Thou, thy, thine, thee and ye, with their corresponding verb in- fections, The ofiginal Bible was written in the living language of the people of the day, Hebrev, sramaic and Greek; and fo the Bible characters addressed God and prayed to him in the same everyday language that they employed in speaking {ovineir fellow creatures on earth. The translation ofthe Sexi {ures into a modern language should be rende se same Sle in the speech forms current among the people. We offer rho paraphrase of the Seriptures. Our endeavor all through has been to give as literal @ translation as possible, where the modern English idiom allows and where a literal rendition floes, not for any clumsiness bide the thought. That way we fam best meet the deire'of those Who are seupulous for eet ting, a8 pearly as possible, word for word, the exact statement of the original, We reallze that sometimes the use of so small 2 thing as the definite or indefinite article oF the omission of Such may alter the correct sense of the original passage. ‘Watch has been kept against taking Iberties with texts for the mere sake of brevity or shortcuts and against substitu ton of a modern parallel, where the rendering of the oFiginal {dea makes good sense. To each major word we have assigned fone meaning and have held to that meaning as far as the con {ext permitted, This, we low, has Imposed a restriction upon four diction, but It makes for good crossteference work and for a more reliable comparison of related texts or Verses, At the same time, in onder to being out the richness and variety ff the language of the inspired witers, we have avolded the Fendeting of two or more Greek words by the same English ‘Wort, for this hides the distinetion im shade of meaning be- ‘beeen the several words thus rendered. Attention has been fiven to the tenses of verbs to bring out the Intended descrip. fon of the action, position or state. As the reader becomes familiar with our tanslation he will discern more and more the harmony ‘and interagreement of our renderings in all these respects "The chapter and verse numbering follows that ot. the King James Version, tus masking possible easy comparison, But, Instead of making each verse @ separate paragraph in itself, ‘we have grouped verses into Paragraphs for the proper de: ‘Yelopment of @ complete thought In all its context. Mindful of the Hebrew background of the Christian Greek Seriptures, we have followed mainly the Hebrew spelling of the names of FOREWORD mn persons end places, rather than that of the Greek text which {mfeatea the Greck Septuagint Version (LXX) of the Hebrew Seriptures. ‘Tam Drvnve Niacx: One of the remarkable facts, not only about the extant manuscripts of the original Greek text, but Of many versions, andent and modern, Is the absence of the ‘vine name. In the ancient Hebrew Seriptures that nae Was Fepresented by the four letters This, generally called the “Tetragrammaton” and represented. by" the English letters JHVH (or YHWH); In the Hebrew Scriptures the name, Tep- resented by this Tetragrammaton, occurs 6823 times. The exact Dronunelation of the name is not known today, but the most opular way of rendering it is “Jehovah.” The abbreviation {for this name'ls "Jah" -(or "Yah", and it occurs in many of the names Zound in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Also In the exclamation Allelul! or, Hallelujah! found four times, at Revelation 18:1, 3, , 6, and meaning "Praise Jah!" ‘As the Christian Greek Scriptures were an inspired addition ‘and supplement to the sacred Hebrew Seriptures, this sudden lsappearance from the Greek text seems Inconsistent, expe. dally: when James sald to the apostles and older disciples at hname"” (Acts 15:14) Then in support James made a quotation from the Hebrew Scriptures where the divine name occurs twice, Tt Christians are to be a people for God's name, why should his name, represented by the Tetragrammaton, be abol {shed ‘from the ‘Christan Greck Scriptures? The usual trad! ‘onal explanation for this no longer holds. Te was long thought ‘that the basis for such fallure of the divine name in our ex: ‘ant manuscripts was the absence of the name fn. the Greek Septuagint Version (LX2), the frst translation of the Hebrew Scriptures which began to be made ln the third century B.C. ‘This thought was based upon the copies af LAX as found In ‘he great manuscripts of the fourth and fifth centuries AD. the Vatican No. 1209, the Snaltc, the Alexandrine, and the ‘Ambroslants! In these the distinctive name of God was ren fered by the Greck words Kio; (hyrigs) with of without the efaite article and Ges; (thooe'). "This namelessness was Viewed as\an ald to teaching monothelsm, “This popular theory has now been Bally lsproved by the recently found remains of a papyrus roll of LicK. This com 2 FOREWORD tains the second halt of the book of Deuteronomy. Not one fof these fragments shows an example of Kigos of cic used Instead of the divine name, but in each instance the Tetra frammaton is written In Aramale characters, By permission Gf its owners we have reproduced photographs of fragments of the papynis roll that our readers may examine these occu. ences of the Tetragrammaton in stich an early copy of LXX* ‘Authoritles fx the date for this papyrus at the 2d oF Ist ce fury RG. This means about a century or two after the LACK ‘was begun. Tt proves that the original LXX did contain the ‘ivine name Wherever [t occurred in the Kiebrew original. Con Sidering it a sacrilege to use some substitute as hy/riae oF the. the seribes inserted the Tetragrammaton (Win") at Its Droper place In the Greek version text. Did Jesus Christ and his diseiples who wrote the Christian Greek Scriptures have copies at hand of the Greek Septuagint with the divine name appearing therein in the form of the ‘Tetragrammaton? Yes! ‘The Tetragraramaton persisted in cop- fog of LACK for centuries after Christ and his aposties, About ‘AAD, 128 Agulla’s Greele version had the Tetragrammaton in ‘rehale Hebrew letters. About A.D. 245 Origen produced his famous Heropta, this being a shxcolumn reproduction of the Inspired ancient Scriptures, (1) in their original Hebrew and ‘Aramaic, companied by (2) a transliteration into Greek, and the Greek versions by (3) Aquila, (4) Symmachus, (5) the ‘Seventy (LX2), and (6) Theodotion, In the second column of the Hezopla, in'the transliteration into Greek, the Tetragram maton was written In Hebrew characters, whereas in columns 5,4, and 5 the Greek versions of Aquila, Symmachus and LXX SRL EMey citer og ste Sita la ath eri ote mecraaia ea b Mba toes 1759) on linge dana’ T, No” (Deut 3125) online 1°No. 9 (beat ar 2 SPRUE ee es Bienes Nov 40 Deut 26:23) om line No. 21 (Deut 18:48) an line 8; and No. 22 SRS Se Revise eke FOREWORD 6 all represented the Tetragrammaton by the similar’ Greek Gharacterss Origen, ina statement on Psalm 2:2, sald that ‘Sn the most falthfut manuscripts sup NaMGE is writen In He brew characters, that Is, not ln modern, but In archale He. brew: ‘A papyrus fragment of that same Sd century A.D, namely, P. Oxyrhiynchus vil, 1007, js a fragment of Genesis of the LXX, fand It abbreviates the’ Tetragrammaton by ite frst letter oublea, a doubled Yod (zz), the iniual leter being written in the shape of a z with a horizontal stroke through the middle, the stroke belng earried unbroken through bath such Yod In the succeeding century Jerome says that ignorant readers of the LXX imagined the Tetragrammaton to be a Greek word ‘and actually pronounced it "Pip." In hs Profogue Galeatus Drefacing the books of Samiel and Malachi he says: “We And {he fourlettered name of God (Le, nim) in certain Greek. volumes even to this day expressed in the ancient letters.” ‘And In his 25th letter to Marcell, written at Rome, AD 294, hne treats of the ten names of God and says: "The ninth (name of God) is a tetragrammaton, which they considered avexp- ‘sor {a ek pho'nd ton}, that i, unspeakable, which Is written {wlth these letters, Tod, He, Vau, He, Which certain Ignorant ‘ones, because of the similarity of the characters, when they ‘would: find therm in Greek books, were accustomed to Pro. rnounce Ph Pi" ‘Thus down to the time of Jerome, the translator who pro dauced the Latin Vulgate, there were Greek manuscripts of the fncient Hebrew Scriptures. which stil contained the aivine shame in {t four Hebrew characters ‘One thing 4s now certain, Whether Jesus and his disciples read the Seriptures in their Hebrew (Aramaic) original of in ie tea i dame es Fees re ances ae Scie oe aera nee Soave ee eee eee ea cam, ‘Map ao Mcuthakhna Sirona’ Cyetapaia, volume Y Usoy easton, ‘5% HS, “Unao Shes hammeorat” 16 FOREWORD ‘the Greek Septuagint Version, they would come across the fivine name in Its Tetragrammaton form. Did Jesus follow the traditional Jewish custom of the day and read Adonat at Such places out of fear of profaning the name and violating {he Third Commandment (Bxodus 20:7)? In the synagogue at Nazareth, when he rose and accepted the book of Tsalah and read those verses of Toalah (61'1, 2) where the Tetragramma- ton occurs twee, did he refuse to pronounce the divine name correctly? Not if Jesus followed his usual disregard for the Unseripfural traditions followed by the Jewish scribes. Mat {thew 7-29 tells uss “He was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes" In the hearing of his {falthful apostles Jesus prayed to Jehovah God, saying: hhave made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world... Thave made your name known to them and Wal make it Yesown.” ohn 17:6, 26) "The Jewish Talmud ‘accuses Jesus of having performed his miracles by the pro- houncing of the divine name; which isan indirect admission fon the part of his enemies that he did use the name. "The question now before us is: Did Jesus inspired disciples use the divine name In thelr writings? ‘That is, Did God's fame appear in the original writings of the Christian Greek ‘Seriptures? We have basis for answering Yes. In eoent years Some have claimed that Matthew's gospel account was at frst ‘written In Hebrew rather than in Its kindred language, the ‘Aramale. It Is contended that Matthew and the early: Chris: ‘ans produced ‘this agcount to become the last book of the ‘canon of the Hebrew Scriptures as, Ul then, the canon of the (Christian Greek Scriptures had not been contemplated. There {evidence that various recensions of the Hebrew and Ara: maie versions of Matthew's account persisted for centuries ‘mong the early Jewish Christian communities of Palestine ‘and Syria, Early writers, such as Pa'pl-as, Hegesippus, Justin Martyr, Ta'tian, Sym'machus, Irenae'us, Pantaenus, Cle ent of Alexandria, Ori-gen, Pam'philus, Buse'lus, Epipha ‘nlus and Jerome’, give evidence that they either possested or hhad access to Hebrew and Aramale writings of Matthew. Je rome, of the ath and Sth centuries A.D. had this to say: “Matthew, who is also Levi, and who from a publican came to be-an Apostle, rst of all the Evangelists, composed a Gos- pel of Christ in Judaea in the Hebrew language and charac. tars, for the benefit of those of the circumcision who had believed. Who translated it into Greek is not sufficiently ascer- FOREWORD Fra talned, Furthermore, the Hebrew itself is preserved to this day in the library at Caesarea which the martyr Pamphiles so dilk ‘gently collected. also was allowed by the Nazarenes, who tise this volume tn the Syrian city of Beroea to copy i In Which it is to. be remarked that, wherever the Evangelist makes Use of the testimonies of the old Seripture, he does not follow the authority of the seventy translators, bt of the He: brewe"—Catal. Soript. Bool. Matthew made more than @ hundred quotations trom the Inspired. Hebrew Scriptures, So. where these quotations iv cluded the divine name, he would be obliged faithfully to in- chide the ‘Tetragrammaton in his Hebrew gospel account. is Hebrew account would correspond closely with the Hebrew version of the 19th century by f, Delitzseh, in which Matthew contains the name “Jehovah” eighteen tines. It Is now be- lieved Matthew himself translated his gospel account into the Greek. Ir he aid, then he had available eoples of the LXX can: taining the divine name. But, though Matthew preferres to quote direct trom the Tiebrew Seriptures rather than ror the LXX, he could follow the LAX practice and incorporate the divine name at its proper place in the Greek text, ‘But all the writers of the Christian Greek Seriptures quofed trom the Hebrew Seriptures or from the LXX at verses where the Name appears, and they could follow the style then true fof copies of the ZX by using the Tetragrammaton in their Greek writings, ‘The evidence 1s, therefore, that the original text of the ‘Christian Greek Sexiptures has been tampered with, the same fas the text of the LAXX has been. And, at least trom the 3d em tury AD. onward, the divine name in Tetragrammaton form has been eliminated from the text by copyists who did not understand or appreciate the divine name or who developed fan aversion to it, possibly under the influence of antiSemitism. In place of it they substituted the words ky'rios (usually translated “the Lord”) and thet’, meaning "God’ Reswouna Tir Nix: What is the modem translator to 440? Ts he justified, yes, authorized, to enter the divine name into a translation of the Christian Greek Seriptures? very Greek reader must confess that in the LXX the Greek words iy rhos and thes’ have been used to erovd out the distinctive name of the Supreme Deity. Every comprehensive Greek: English dietionary states that these two Greek words have 18 FOREWORD ‘been used as equivalents of the divine names Hence the mod- fem translator 1s warranted in using’ the divine name as am fequivalent of those two Greck words, that Is, at places where ‘Matthew, etc, quote verses, passages and expressions {rom the Hebrew Scriptures or from the LAX where the vine name From the 1th century AD, forward, translations of parts or of all the Christian Greek Scriptures have becn made into the ancient classieal Hebrew. The Shem ‘Tob version of Mat- thew into Hebrew was made about A.D. 1385. When coming Upon quotations from the Hebrew Scriptires where the Name ‘sppeared, the translators into Hebrew had no other recourse than to render ky'rvos or they’ back into Its original Tetra: grummaton form pir. Thus in that early Shem ‘Tob version ‘of Matthew the Tetragrammaton occurs 16 times. All together, ‘the appearances of te sacred ‘Tetragrammaton in the 19 Fe: Drew versions to which we have had access total up to 307 distinct oocurrences, These have thus restored the divine name to the inapited Christan Scriptures. = How is a modern translator to know or determine when to render the Greek words Kigoe and Geis into the divine name In his version? By determining where the Inspired: Christian writers have quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures. Then he ‘must refer back to the original to locate whether the divine ‘hame:appears there. This way he can determine the identity to give to kyrior and theos' and he can then clothe them with: personality. FRealliing that this ts the time and place for it, we hav fo: lowed: this course in rendering our version of the Christian SA SoeeBOMah Leroy of the Now eam, by 3. He Teyer, 181 ‘elon Daas es, ibe ans Aue sf gla t0 Ge, |ardonacy Clan, elo him’ esorvak and Yeh})e" On bake Sy ay, Inde "Beds® Sept Zor, BDm and Pe" (ot, fo Ran’ an a “Lea aah me toe a pe ELom ar arenes eninge pamee seen ee ed FOREWORD 9 Greek Seriptures, To avold overstepping the bounds of a trans- lator into the feid of exegesis, we have tried to be most cau tHous about rendering the divine name, always carefully con. sidering the Hebrew Scriptures. "We have looked for’ same ‘agreement with us by the Hebrew versions we consulted to confirm our own rendering. Thus, out of the 237 times that ‘ve have rendered the divine name in the body of aur version, there are only two instances where we have uo Support of ‘Agreement from any of the Hebrew versions, But in these two instances, namely, Epheslans 6:8 and Colossians 8:13, we {eal strongly supported by the context and by related texts in Tendering the divine name. The notes in our lower margin show the support we have for our renderings from the Hebrew Versions and other authorities. ‘Not in all cases where the divine name is shown in the lower margin have we rendered it in the main body of our version. ‘Thus there are 72 instances where the aivine name is shown in the margin alone, but not incorporated into the text, the Warrant not being strong enough. ‘On pages 25 to Si we give the list of the Hebrew versions as well €5 other publications to which we have resorted for Support of our renderings, not only of the divine name but flzo of other valuable features, Because the letter J core: sponds with the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, we have designated them all under the letter J, but have added a su perior number after {n order to diferentiate them. See pages 20,21 for a photographic reproduction of the Ue page and ‘Gf a sample page of one such Hebrew version by a Romen Gatholie translator in 1068+ whom we have listed as J». Doubtless for many of our readers a support for our render: ing of the divine name comes from an unexpected source. We do not claim ours to be the first version to Introduce It into the English translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Our list on page 22 shows that an American version of 1864 pre- LEE Ss Bae eties Be Scar cullttncm ae ue Tote io OE Ren Tear ge St SiS SPRGREASE Sica bowed ye Guest or irs facet Tea gle es etn wae ee pte ce {rtrca ee nt Rome onthe Pres beldneng fe Saeed Congregtia Eis Repaid eatery ger ee oe cone at ‘sc afound the pietare the Cain st say “colo Tno all the WONG, sata eg nec Sey cate el pe FOREWORD a 2 FOREWORD coded us, but only on a limited scale; tt rendered the name “Tehovah” 18 times from Matthew to Acts. We have listed this ‘a5 Js, and our footnotes show where its renderings cecur and ‘agree’ with ours. But we may be the frst to render the name consistently throughout the 257 times in the main body of our ext. However, many English readers will be surprised to Tara that further support of our rendering of the Name comes from many nonHebrew missionary sources. Parts of the Holy Bible have already been translated into more than 1100 languages and dialects. From the 18th cen tury forward the non Hebrew translators have in many cases found no proper equivalent in the languages into which they were translating the Christian Greek Scriptures, and hence they have used the divine name in tuitable ‘native spelling. ‘That our readers may appreciate something of the extent ‘which the divine name is published In miseionary versions of ‘he Christian Greek Seriptures, we print on the preceding page 2 chart, Tt shows 20 vernacular forms of “Jehoval™ used in 38 versions, and the languages in which each form is used respec: tively. On pages 24,25 we are pleased to reproduce photo uraphically. parts of pages of several sich versions of the Christian Greek Scriptures using the divine name In the text vomart ‘ee calceon ot Anericen Bible Soc, ew York) Fomor largest om remeniar rangaoes Ung $ Ginowe Guan |B Upton 4 Senota puis; Menten 7% Yhova Chefs, Conse ‘Pung: Gaba eit (ot is & eoran attr Nearer Sino oe Harbor) 8. Sino Naga (Aneamtalsee) Je, Yecka’ Kabe (nkongo 4o. Siow Mortoce ‘soe 3 tom Pu vow Lomwe FOREWORD 23 “There can be no real objection for these tr provided they reproduce the divine name Hebrew Scriptures show the background and valldity for It For corresponding reasons no reasonable mind can find Serip- tural objection fo our doing so in this English version, Rather, fas our readers familiarize themselves with this version, they ‘wll rejoice over the added clearness it imparts to many seup- tures not distinctly discerned before. ‘While inclining to view the pronunciation “Yah wen" more correct way, we have retained the form “Jehoval cause of people's farallarity with it since the 14th century. Moreover, 1t preserves, equally with other forms, the four letters of the Tetragrammaton JIVE, ‘We count ourselves happy to be privileged to present this ‘New World fransiation in the interest of Bible education, at the time When that righteous World is dawning, where the name of the Author of the Holy Scriptures will be known and honored by-all who live. We shall be grateful if t guides many. Into right Seriptural understanding and action at this critical ime shen “anyone that calls upon the ‘name of Jehovah will be saved”—Acts 2:21. Yow World Bible Granslation Committee. February 9, 1950, New York, NY. a FOREWORD avai ieee ee se es : esha Boles beg Jit pes ie bi ce ea remn Pon ees cee eee Bai contat win fou neh, 8 Aine me EN “SR retina meg te Enea EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLS USED IN THE MARGINAL REFERENCES (ates) Saiie, MS. AM, undalGreek ‘er form, "Origialy it eviently {tltoe Chrintan Grek Septet fe brea, Condon Bela sont i si oe Sees ee Apri vt te Sine Se ah Sn hae Pome eenirs meee Gi eal haa Ri S.No bo. An unc ssi Grid enter tan es Sly the wool oft Gree ID, ‘but in the Christan Gres Seri tare Ie now inna Hebrews 938 2 S355; aa 2 Time, Man and the Revelation tapooiype) it Row, Hai, om A. Si Cotes tphrael rece Th wodal Grete mansecripe Ie a al ‘Sine parr of the Gone Act, te plgues andthe Revelation I oe Seay" yl nek ae See Ee Stes SS “Zacand, contains nesely {be Sigel pr othe A with Aucie Poly all but a fw yor, EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLS USED 27 anteld ae ein heroes og Sacer Eran at ce SOSH Seren EE iruam fae Kites ane: ‘Shien Bieoram Baro. ate Eig Sor os ESAS eee ees ME. He (Codex Bovblensis) comes Sod Seta te 3 _etereey, wor, wid pissy Seton oy, aera Wee trom 3 to befor the rt af “rhe Seventy or the Crock Seta. spat Version ofthe ipiea Hedrem ‘Strplures "hie Gree verso wa eras amar os Swit cet os Seed eam Sess sere een 2 ae Sm Sree apes seed eee Be ce Bin ease Si'Uendon, aeand, aed ate at Pe (Chester Beatty 3) includes fehoman aged, in ‘cen Pa Syrue Pashitta Veron. Pete of sop tade tr Sree {Grek Meptuagint mow ashe ‘Bascp for Oh easton of the {Sire Hebrew Bible te te St. ot ‘Rasenanry eoter ja the Ambrosia trey, Ban, en a enor rosin ns te crn ‘Srrise Versions. The syriae (or 28°‘ EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLS USED synthe Cuetonian Syria A mane veevpe im the ola Spine wae {our Goepela and i ah O18 Syelae ‘eon de han Sp Sythe Philonertan, Hanan elyerp. te revision wich" rng tom fre tye na bree ‘Soe sosord with tho Greve toe ‘Spilathe Jerusalem (Ulerotlymi- tant) estion From ler nem Winner tothe Platnum area Enetonary "(or book of, seins {om th Cen ae he st. Inted to the Oi syrise ae i now ‘Scigoa Yoho 8e eontry ant Latina of Latin Yate vision of tela Latin ‘text and tee ty Bacio Jer with {a Gree ot ho Holy Sergtoren en." was hoa by We base consulted parcalaniy taevealon Seared iat by ‘ow ovtomontum Latina own: Gmentoe ealuon Veratno Glmentine recension ts und in hes editions 180, 3503 end eee naa Sat Lp asraie : oir Sri, ae Es ater in Tene, ou 136 Seto athe Tonn Tesogat sie) : atoen an Slbrous a Hebrew, Bite an imprice anarchy eolshes and” printed ia Base, on of the Bote 20 the Hobos Poe Liban) EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLS USED 29 Monster's Matthew made snd. pub ined by Zohan Guinauarboreus, ears Paes Sere ears arog mane eae gas grasps to, morearad ten eo cate ae ae rst. Serigtaren in Hsbeew, I ase at London England, Wis Elmsrage Gunes, pubisbed os bt the Citian Grace Seriptures in Blerew. (A sipy te tound a Ue ‘New Want Punts wlbery) orpete in sterow, Ta 138 John apie Jonah a Jew who. fined fe Raman, Chine ary cone Yedgate. Jonah wes # prota of Hebrew: in the "Renna Acndeny, ome ils Hebrew trenlation a sy outed Inte n'y fonda (20. Prop, Fide Te cone Union “Toelogen Seminary, New Yeo ety) font in eben, Ta 20 in ‘eternnobortaon vein af Ue Coe ‘Sates by Caller and tnt Scholar ade a treo tansaton of Sein cha earn tn daly at Pubic ibrar) don, ated i a iene Of te Citan rec Serpe Bibs Society, New ark ety), 30: EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLS USED e Greet Sorigtures tn Hebrew. a the London Tewish Soiety bub tennlatee by A ccna '7 Ral on" Bibe Socteay, Mew Yor ty) oe ware San SLA SAS = ini yo Be See 20 the nto Tewsh Sete pe ‘ther eos ity ens ia Soe, ei copy ie found atthe Nese ore Publi Libra) Se EP Senha Sees Bible Secety, London, Bnglane xition ‘nd se now by ane Setnson an compceet shor his deat by Christian Dowd Gnsbers. Gur olget cope of the SSE aon pice roe Te {Goin the, fanaa of ah, {he gore ‘of doh at arranged by Bec orton, (a ogy tod Shc Row York cs.) a Stor"at Bulabursh Seon feiser or from walsh ft makes EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLS USED 31 wrne Bmphatc Diagott contain. ing te Orginal Greve Tent of hat Ben. SGetesbec) with am tee Sow by Benjemin Wilbon, w news Deper edit ae Goneva The i ‘slg fpr put nent Roche ce eas ie eA ee Et Eee ea nee ee Deer sus Roe gac ratte, Earache ae ae Siar ct Rae car Seana oan PLURAL NUMBER of "YOU" and VERBS “you” printed in all capital letere denote the plural numberof this pronoun. Alan mere the plural nutber of 8rd is et eerily ape by pelntng the Vane inal etal NAMES AND ORDER OF THE BOOKS of the Christian Greek Scriptures, 33 1 Taro 2 Rao 2 87 Soms . im Sine: so ine 2 ike: Soe 2 20 Ruvmarion’ | Alphabetical Index and Marginal Abbreviations ‘of the Books of the Christian Greek Seriptures norevicon Page Book Abbreviation ee ee Govmeinic” 22 Gon Sot Aare” Gontrratans, 12 10 46 Params Ie Gonmsromans,2 1260 802 Pane? 12! ope Ermeuns ..-° Eph 359 Pumewon 1122) Phen Gwaruss «621° Ga 840 Pamrmnnes 2 ee Heseews 1111. re 96a PN Iie? Siac Jas 1008 RNEATON «++ Re Jon Joh ai7 Romaws - Re nee Tre 1g Taessauosass, 11TH ae foe3 Tassuowtans, 22th Jom joer Taworny,1 27 so0 3069 Tamorme, 222) ar Lore 280 True... sss) Tit 9m 2 954 3023, 1038 1089 1074 13 ES 1023 10s 961 880 104 67 07 20 207 oi 54 KATA MAGOAION ACCORDING To MATTHEW isos yotauas ‘ys Xp vob|] Tae bone of the 1 Bs ees laa “Ber WL at beans Sams us fests, oes se bene 2" Apoatn eyennger Tv ‘loan, “loaix| 2 abrabam became ae et HES ctr ey mee Semele. ip eaten a & ghey a ee eee [eee ee Eykonoe toy “lider sah iis afehg tee Steet a ang eyeamger te | haat aes a betes wh SRN | Sezer bg se Sata ie ot wh Se ee Beamer Bory Reni & Seria “ec a= hehe © hehe Gh tyler el atate tothe to Sipe Sh honar & Bes te, aelbiins woe ‘BD BESS Mecca Whe SEP ata] ASRS 2 Sal oy me “ee kener a “ee! | Stet ame Creed tem ae Seah ths ie oe sega Der a thee “ARAD BS lumoes be Tponti | Suet bear ate i, BGT oacr & bykenae | eS 1H idee ey Ee gyfer te MUTA, SS 8 Ries tale i Se te ease eed FOr, Tne of denent; origin” Sew Appendix under Naiibew Ha, MATTHEW 1:9—17 a 35 MATTHEW 1: 18-23 dover yew, Soxgrdowapes, xa Babylon fourteen gene ERAS el Us | lh Ae sro Us oaraaigs Sele “eis SSR BE] ORR he Gara ee Semen “Br Bee. 8 a eI oer "laste. lage Bune on yes. eee Se cette oe a? alt SE nea “he & Gey tr Eee ed yaad ee ig oka | gem Geet eB 18 Creag Be tyéemew te Meat te Mmoreeens 7g, | time he et ay Seas Olona nach ee ae Se using SATE Darin THe none Maer pores 8 Somer Te ‘Aus “Ants [Aiea tsoeeass eels sae MGEos GR. tami \Za| ae tee gerry aie lection, loasios 6 AR , casktey rots edn, fy | mane hy holy spit be gina "wane. ms 8 ee ee en “lexavier eat ode aBedgoie |ther to Jec-o-nt ah yegrel Gov ge, mielyaros dylou [19 However, Joseph her Sr Maes wa ws ee eer tote BEE al and. bose ‘he eee 8 Ty neeaios 8a iene tite ene a lami 6. oc, eee. Seoes| tar hier unt amt SG Uy uni was [habia Sele fe it Si, a Ser le TMs Se TE eRAGRSaY SARL tan to marion See a a es, elit x posta ‘janice oes a Haat igeheh Mache, Mee | mann, lr | ia | ri ae ake & Sremmoey By ZephiOe. 15 Zopohbeh | OU mavoa bel 1b SORES HY 2 suena Se SURES SNES, Pe, JOON donee ws Aba tena Fameha eats A SUE SE al Ta E “Boe ue 1B geney wel Stee: et a8 te oa Sm ‘Toaae ‘Ke WAigy “Se yuo’ gr okin|mmame ners Sa Bn Ee CEE ase B bene Be gle, ta Se ME pr neg, oe ny BP 2h ate be, medusa Sir [Bras aE Syeanoes ify Eke. 1 "Chole 8 eon Tah oma alte Be Detlee Seetco erage, ee 1 NM So sah wel, [Sat Ze Be Bike “er &. Games hy ees Bete Hasy 2 tanec oy lg, |esee mame tee Sea Sid "you Os yap tin |e fe te wt re " cee, =e Jiaaian:amtiae "Sale, gig? ge de Engr “ody | st E a ts “aa? Sh Sees we lee we fat Sk at a er ic i Sans fie ts ‘enn, TEP SB Bet ete welTou im to be tated Test we eee ee a eee Se ge peters Agee 23 “egy |e wn, mg W nga sty gl yews dad erin We “esha ene — ee ee a ro Si ee SG coast onseet See asian alas MATTHEW 1:21—2:5 36 he Tees veel Hig. gah eat Seo pene Sears EG wllthe SUE Wirenetore es éicran, viév, al xahtaovowy 70 |e aon, ane chey wll wugieebtn ‘te’ Sa GOS B/S hasname tae Sous cited “Ewuorouph Stew | manuel.” whleh user Me hee Er ofa Tae SOR a ham he ae i mage |e ae Teste ath ian cigiemeer, ad Renee ciniw fag ed, tener, Ue eal ng he ealed mae teddezey 3 Sigua ebyod "Ipgose je ig. os ith Us Le Goa ‘ed |" a4 Ten Joop woke * srt ie & po Ghee Graigoe 2 TG, Be lnoed seniors, | teen bin Bel Boteis, OG TSRESS Bags tet na te Hey 79 Bagdad “ysyor ddI from “eastern parts SEES cl EC ae | Seine “Wee “specdi® * S220 WAG, &22" ie Bow | the Seat For we mt vets Pung oi ono ony ieee Ath, oe Peet g cape eee eee come chk * ese Gh |nesrme tis xing Segags “pigs teeeiate, sal wage | ana adaeraaslem rn ibeting over “ips ae tes SE oe 3 Sta ew of the ee de nefraiogaiing | People be began to — cues en oat SU, HOY, BRE arse | te ct we 5 ot BE elnav aid "Ev (ap hap dle “stay Sh SER" sk 5 dae |S: A echen eine ed ” Ti. "es PEW RATE. aT a | Sar, aes wpsptreu Oka ot, DnB She SENS “tone eebause, Ogyizm sh PS er es, ve Sitcers, diane Sa mepaed gr dab “tou, wl TUeRae BAS tte ee "Toe Hades 2eteg Eves “Re = eolBO2Rinna Tile ee Be] ee Tomi See expen gis, veiepeaies,, MES Ges Este oe. 2 cert. Semis oa, 5 Ee aa TREES TP Pm Yawn) Sans SPAMS SERRE, SAL Sa 2 Oa hte Se a Oo TERM SEES ES nal ome HT ee Sw ea oder, ah era 3 eh eh ‘S| ie & TER. Gt MES ames ott ve STS spares, Ue si Smits, BS USE She Uowenie We Se. 2a Sh abe SSL RENE” BS MATTHEW 2: 611 Sie | Bron fle the time of testers appenting: ‘Sand when sents hpemudt "69 make beta seaeo for tse yong whe sport usek tome, fand a ft eecocloe® Swaen they hed Dara thee, they oox the star they ed seen wen. (hey Were} inthe east Stop above were te Soungedlia was 1800 Seog. the ‘star they Fejoleed very much ‘indeed at nen font tothe 5 oung cll wit nary smecher, ana, ting sown, thay ld cbele {the presntod te with (aft ge ne fame incense and myrrh. ‘MATTHEW 2: 1216 ing SETTER, onl on ht cee anbien SME SP SOMES. AS Tasco egg ely ie ate SE oe SEM WYRE RUPE HEE Bae, “sl ar mies oy sl Be oe hea: EP RESTS SHEE GnERhe Tie THA OLS M sue tone) Si milefiaton Tkates de seutinngs eal ay ures red yrrbe xa depesenee ig Aiur wel ae fet ee ee eRe Eies ese Chines Gen SEP Ee | os "Baer Memo Aber Sie ae 2S irae eb Te Tee “Heseos —™—r—e—Se gy, Sa Rent nee ET es nolas yoie fe "Byghaiy not by TRS TUS tn a SS wo Be dolor one ax Seale nor, 1) eee rat Be ee Es or oe are a ae eco | peared im a ean to sz However, because ey er even vine sworhing is reams ot to return aes 5, hy ion to otser a Satter they, baa withdrew, ook! osep, ering’ "et tp tke the youn hid ava ter moter Seddon mio Ease, eed star ae ot cred ts Shows ‘to eres, for, the youn hid to aetoy Ie HS he por up aoa along the pong and tothe fp night sad wiencrow ‘ier app Sand. be ayo ete al the ecease of Herod, for Bist tone talted Wath gar paken by Jehovaa tstugt ne Dophet apings vot Bet ales ay 16'Then Herd, sae teelsers fll iota reat rage, and he isnt ovt and bat the bays fn Bat’= fester and mall a aietricts "done favay with. trom two ears of age and finder, nesording #2 the time that he had 9 MATTHEW 2: 17-23 cal tines eat Fhe RS Eee att Bg ‘bree St er Baxt.teosotn wey Ee) wiles i ces, orate fae soca n ieuse nal eunu gh acs Se ym gaey,ascqreane ATtpen tat was 5, | faulted whieh ae ‘eoush gees Maree 1 Gam [SAE GENES Briel uae Wepine for her ail SEE Sh wlie GRMN! vetitse Sf | unwig to ae cme eee weg a Mgb Hod, Sgt GOR SIE a {art becuase they ‘Pen ered had B82 |aorace, ak dehoe ‘ah ange appeased TMS! sclinato df In'a arenm to fooeps 3, fe Agere Pee ede eter ay mgs al oh rea Guotees “Ey wy re matin, 85 [ind ee Farael, tor con who wate Ee tne one |i the aout of the Soung end ere end Fie RRP |S" eave up ant Se nian ERAGE ate te atthe ana sree fone) seasiog, toh hy woe ed ral clap [entered ao the, nd GS | ot ere 32 ut nea= dnoiocs , f& die that Avche iwus SS a Sr, tee S| ed ai kine at oti. "IEEE tl oe ee DEN nave lee Ste waring 8 new 2m NURIA SSE yea] ofS, OuNSS 7 haat ne “ES Yea ake a say dt BPfina ene Giver ‘ice enon Se gree | eden insnd tir tbe" Hero he. bo: fame afrasd to deparé [eine piven vine throu the prophets Ie, Joana, Foon; the Lars, WB. 0" OF "ila See Appenie MATTHEW 8: 1-7 0 Jala wil be, called a In those days Sohn the BSpeet gop’ Ou, Meares center 3 Bee Mapes taka) 9 rn ano SEU En “as post ig, "Tose 0) 2 heya Te nas Sear TP Mesavorte, Relais Tih. “Reees * Obie er “aa tie Say alte usin HOS” We "Behe MIAIES Pad an ateSou ft TE wile eoueas ae Meey” aie mi Bs as ek * As “hg ae, Shes Sel es a Clay Spurn re, Tee ‘oui Sah Be Stk” Si A a eee Sor ae gee aes ee Ee ee ee ee ee | foe i Pity. He wkok he, pent se] Fatigue tongues bs 1p Bean She, SS Lawncare ig Umber Oui, quyeiv ded rhe pedo | blind, BB. ™BP Showa Bae ee fine ilserner of te f'a, Beaying. i Po, fr the ington fren sear dT fn fet ie the one alah the prophet these word “hse! Someones ering out ithe wilderness, Be Ea girdle around. ie SJurde's and all the SFordas made their fray ost to him, 62nd People wore bapto Bp Bim in te Jordan Sadducees cosing to the apt, he eae BS epette ot vipers, wb a MATTHEW 3:8—15 opm Si | fen" Bradace’ etait a ee ee Setiss S RRCSTS ethos “EI Moc, B tagate enier ouere “Abad, exe. oe doe, So Sar ae tie eae de, ie A a, a a ar fay a Ser oe, | at eek eh cay SE “Gerling Man a —h—hr™é<“—OéiCs—sO™O— glee sa as ty Gem "elie be Be a ee ee ed BOSE, on Saw hice ls pte emai yee yer ad opie ak a yeas gee Sn oben fel secre es Fam ogee Satie Beer I Ae oaks Beceem i oe (ese vgs Sarcge, fe mabe Guly a at |S Tone ee ed ge CBee fr feet oat coe SE noo RRR cule SO ed ari, ht oha| Meo eet Se Say ster fe ap terme nosoae aot i aetier 8 8 Coe be Sener Buea "up with tire reqato mpl, dobiors. aCcruloum up dre Imex, fiat, cannot be put cole WES cont GE hice the YESS) “ta raen serun came ob ris Makes ah leh rong [eon Sab ee = eer oo eres oe eee ee ae sci. ope Mra |e te operat mene Gh wer siertmine SH anlage ESE Heh 1 eres, Be |S 04 Comite fo MATINEW 8:16—1:5 Seaccee, Hearn a eT Bk IE al, Reta, MERE SL SR. ToL Tee, estes: Seg merges togicow ae st be eat te lees Mouse Oizgs toy flee ow | o ayaumes foe. ibe rr ake £ ns ohm, ee, Sabb mio pet, ee fin * eb ARSE tates Smaps nia, og £, eee” Sg rovitBeSine tara the “pas” Ra’ SR i a ao ee eee SERRA an 8 ee aR tee bem “Sy at ces ore eens tea fa "is “eae “= ‘b agers es tS yt tomes 2 stat i ns oe oe acer aa ay ee Eee ara oo 4 by “the epitt a oe stan ate breed” 4ut in vepty Senovan' mouth ‘Shen the Devil took him lang into the holy eli. and be Fieoaii, Fae he Lond, Byes Got, a ci Oe G2 SR IRA ash, © set Mays eke El abs sth. re See Aas Somme Sioa: sate Ban TP Sh Bi cus se sept ie BE SOS SS ee ie SE, wh SE joTRRAMER. GO Mee Ee] am en ae 2 ees ee no, Oe ers eter weston RSE yousatt puro te te ‘er Tite mye ese Bg a ee Siggae gig igs Gs iss Sie ee we, ° i ae ate ee vee (Be Te ain veueABLED Soca wi. 1 3S nee, ake e re eM cao Het nite 1 ear See. wemaeRs, Sh SE, he 11 Tere geigow soe sa SBS aer, Si Sees st Be aa Wacibtete SL wel SHS. Bide Se Sh "Ss see “Gexaonoe cls. iv Teale MATTIEW 4: 612 be sattement of he feos att ot ate Four foot against a [Rone Sena and toh: Shean le ‘asain the Devil tok Sam’ slong fos rose hgh mou ary, Sand he saa to him! Alt thee tunes Tet give ou tf you et of warhlp ta me iowhen Terus aid to nim: “Go away, Satan! Por ie wate fen, "Ie Jehorahs | your God you tus orship, andi Is to Fender sacred se Vices" 31'then the Deri tet him sot, Tac! anges eames egan to init im. 1ixow when ne seca tat Josn haa ise rented nthe TENE PORNO, he Lard, WE Ap Sehorsh, Jean, he MATIMEW 4:13—21 ASL SEINE Th NEMCEE nastiine rete iece NS MBRREEERY a] suai” & dee Zieh ‘i WE dt tne dings Stien wetyn Ness” We "Pease? Nout * ih, Hite ih, wie iy ere te, igsien Fakta Tee 8 Car ae 1S alan he & OS as Ee Be ab ine natpl ope Gedrehev 2 Pasa 85 we ons 1S Nae ed as dEDR ar eh eae ok ee ‘8 Mage ft peek a ge Oe re Te, feng Neer al "see ropiogey 2 Se dee Sars Setar Bree ee we Bey LEMER. MWe Bel Shane ak, SAG torn, 8 See sae po ee ee Shes ee kote eho Zein ah “lod wey de” ing Waz'a'retn, ne jane be, fueled was spokes Rorougt toate ia of Zebufun and i pope “ing ect gat and an fot fice iain tn Bare tent rare ‘pon enced preaching and Being eect Soe xe oea of Gattis Peter and andrew his Broner iting down two others ere] wotnere, ame "tse onl at Bevecate and Jone ro MATTHEW 4:22—3:8 ede GS "Boy wate Zpetlou tyo| te eotne Shoat GR Te went Zea a ge, wah aces agai. 22 ses ft G2 RSL Ses Se ET sie, troeiiesy she. Fi cE & BR a eat idanew by gis omaraats #5 ene 2 Boa wt, Pad | ai Begysio doar omy xa) ou aden yo a8. Moat cece A Sth, SS 6 Ato eR ‘wie xe “or oS ee fear maar cies 2 As SERA eg ES Sees “Sega Secure ogee = ga ite we eo serenity lig Sekt JS et 5 alee BBS BO atte #8 Bein: ‘ nT SEER mene, 2g mie oe? mites Bee = nee, resian, ‘sin ee eee 227Then he went fhe'whole of Ge, Be) ehing tee s eoguen’ and "press gr the "food news Pomcan enna! Siena ee eats i ee epileptic and pare ad persons nde cured them, 85 Conce: ‘enti. gzeat cows {liowed™ hime trom Sad suvce's and fom fhe other side of the ‘When be sw te 5 crowds he went up soto the mounts {tetera doen iP iis ‘cnt 29 fins an be pene row ane techn thm she Btieon aw the ouecious ot thett ‘orton need, ‘noe MATTHEW 54-13, 6 a MATTHEW 5:14—19 ceca ie gigoty |e Rnedom ot te soy] ama te A Soads ie ee (EE CLS lage, Ee mg He 4S tgxipon gh, mesedmes ge air] tem ‘evodhocrar, ele, aubev fox | aan Be “roomed? Ripa me Say THLHREY BE ET] cap are tose afew | ee sopeeaaige wie aa snee Sg ah Bete ihe. coremencoes | AE, Sana They wil be exinorted, Su dah Bate HS. Since /pe mown gut fo 5 ERGO" Be mune one, at], SHARPE ae, fhe 2 me Mer Tiron are, the ge! Pee ya aoe ae vege GP ae tad oe Cite a “mecaeee xg Oe ne et eee cae ears seenes eased GE ne han | nite | 2) oars SOS TEMS BENS GS tn] Rosntain 16 Pete secs, ay ence fi, ES RMSE fe as ate perm Me a toy St nay at sat ‘abicsuanch, hk “Tey | ing tor righteousness, tle SSP Wt’ Soa They a | noe under the men ropressioorra: ates, aizv ind soy podon QA Ae my|suring basket, but miles TE lS tamce BA fon | Spon ne lapse, Togedo oh Deiuews., Et OUtS | aecttal dance uney Supls Mims tar wii, Glee es ce ivan wie cows ee Fea a caer Nepeine 8 gay tye | iter ee wf SE ey S-Hoppy are the Ticks 1 gs WHEY Se SE SNS ene kine before 5 MaSeesO SOC "tne “Beare | Bure Jn, hear me oma at ote AS ae fe"zoom. tne” wre ae eS oe iappy. ace, e 7 oh eokeroow,. | sod eve way ook Sa to! Sr coe Sane: petoae ne” ey oe Bt Se tel dian, Eee a ® egcioon gi domonet, fo, og! vl RASecuednar'cl Tavis" yen. ie ins [Berea , Sewers, fe ea el] eit TE Se ty BEE CST ase came x ek See 10-Hagpy ae toe 7TH serge lor anos | ae, Sty te Popeye HY nnn A Sex ens eae arene 1 HEE iu Shey nan GP Bil evil fr noone: ay ugh A wgis Mgpeee” el oy |Feamn nt ete. sceey Baas, ey sites, tage] mete, nce the & “Thypacar’ 18 gue Yop | culn't Say io to odie, Pagers, oh eae Aes" ‘kingdom of the heay- sadam Gs et 1 ale PENT vocagr would T Bosh se, he cor baie © them re bu opin a [tees Sod aps he ss’ ofthe ‘ven Ti"Happy are yoo eae SA, $y PAE rae Masset tETSe br] wen Dele neon, ees Sel oh ats, “GET Sts MSE of ait guaSicaay Oi nal BGkwaw wall TOT and persecute eis, oH epee. deb el fuss a SS etn Sota ety hh Py HE SEES TE Ea) 00 SREY thine azn vow tor E8 ukly aPBTo anoll Thine 1 AS Geriuoo” each Su H apr, gallon, ieee ee ae witege fn wots gute apg tinea Toca sewed yy NM et Coens att SERRA GR he ROSE cae Tata Gey tne hereon MGS? TEE airy’ sl] apenas 2s BE Sree GS Shee ant een ESHER cogs is Sis, Odgers tt Si re er ee a ran pf Tm ition i a teh 2 et isla “us tow pb Bas ig. xh ievoo are the a ser are uly ste a aes ass TS ASE BRAS TBs UG, fecal ct te earths but Sealy BEAD SL ait, HS HAG anal teaches them, Darriew 5:20-21 “ ° MATTHEW 5:25—90 seine, ( g8 fale ie, ade iis greem ee ih calOtcg arB, rate gb ahem ent Sotiene fb Rigs I, aera /eereremate 5h tbat JB, St lk Rare 20 Deyo, yap uly om ju | fhe kingdom of the ou rex), is Srov oat 288, oO line PO Eats ah ESTR RS SS ome, aaah, Bah, Sle |B atta oe & seein er a en ke od ze, ua sal Sees ek Bee dh SR TB, SE Hint rotoutGee SS HE PESMEGY Mee hingdom of the oP SOUR ote SEMEN, SIS PHASE lige to Be oure heavens. a 28 hyo ao, | tendant, and you got a evon,pes tat 5 younlf EE Biown: * Sil Be +70, |iGrame fo ris. PY VOSRRS ie BSD SEL SEAERS OU Neep tes oe SA you afhP MS out 028s EB uy | fat, You mil certain” i yf BEN Bn ly alts, | BUPSLE PES ct sioaTEE vena EEN |shere se ou are PER, aS iy Sin SOE PEt sal besos tae oealtae WHE whe ales, “€Y° Set hin 2 Hower seeks ot very ute value, yer duly Gi tas. S SoyGuces |E aay to now that eter fo tek aif aes a tg ih wie se GOH enim ob ene j ‘setear ete Bi Fur a wih, SSR? SAR RAR. SEFEL | Bre wih be ace | ronal Sautay,* Sh ating] inst Tay to ee Bish BB Se uy mEay The MEAG? | force a whos IR EE eSBaw oe fan LOE WHER | Keen on ooking Sta ines Bond’ “Bowes” Taree ch conteie| eer sGdreties hs wre, ge BSyajgan cory | oman so ae to hve Se Tat dem Ge oR. te aioe tek Sue” | ot fr ae de ty neta Te EDs |tmempe ell be ac: ve comalid ova” & SE “GREP Sdutery wien her ‘ge ee ee ee te 8 1 ice yuo ED semen Teal al Seas oumeahte ce, EPs, ty sal] acs 3B SR 994, EEL Smagriowr suet | Sottsas “7 bit fe Sou ra EP you. For its more Shee Sie a sod tere dt, then, you are lg éwéhyrn fv wiv uchiy | Beneficial to you for aah &ebekgoe co | yc them 70 wolSont AEBGEn & OE, wBet,| Seer yout dene sourltitimner Gk ake ESM Pia] tenet yout "to eee cement, "pou, | 10 be lot to You toan Bi mong wl SMA eae ge, MEE ES bi de Setanta 3 Sapo Fou, Sapgoser "3e0, Cwagrnpiu,| seunst ur Bliane aout own i Bese, "SES AY ah | Ren'an 30 Aino, ee ce toaleeters = SE offs MGR SAL oh, Het | ting ou emt, cS Sims “em Ss we, eked or ae apy nal “ow cat off and. throw oF, SL TE nee ve nFRRE Bia | Renn en = _=—srr—— 2 = Loreen "i Tia ee st te, IR SS SO Ae to RE Slhde Se Sah BENGE TRE RRS Bde Se LA Ee MATTHEW 5:51—s1 eins gw dg nen, coms oe oe kr Se eit a aie EPS Me Wh, En PS shen GEE TH wide Eat everyine te fone) Girerdag me Want SHER "eERSES ace adie 9 SETS, SS 8 erohe dupe : ca won ee wlestica| 2 ralw thotwere fu dendin SAERS RE sons Poe Tea Soee aE WE. UES ou, Eye RE Nye uly, wh Susomn Bee, he, HS SeRe oe, Mp dey po. Sea Swe a ys Se Cqenstie once ad ebi ainee tie ie eked ag aos Bogner uke fe ak ae ee ea iiGDSiear, Eine $i EEE e SE Be eh ea oe oe Eb ae fe aes oe ee Ea ee 3 Flops, Got), 5, ‘ppeiaie ander atone 3a o tocy ty tnt a Gee Setowerer, Tsay to ivoroing bia. wife, fecept on account of ig [a suet tor scars, Saeco — epgun ror nad cients Biscay We ‘earth, because it ts the ae eee _ “sa yehovan, Seer, the Lond, REL a MATTHEW 5:33—46 rotoare gm tpplin, ‘Oodgduiv) | 8~You beard that ‘oteer Steel, “Onde Sa are tor ie es eal oe et es Bee Ne ds SURI 1 STC, OY Sa Se PE SS See cede Ge, cue oe Se Qe 8 hy co OERRa SE RE sao Hine a) tone hin? ower [feast him ¢hat ie isk "but oer igi eheek, tara the ties eieo fo nian, Wiana ifs eras Wty pou ana et pose sion of your taner en ake cies eal 3b clin [Earment let Jour ee ee oe A otis aE ae 2 ans, ee ae eae soa HET Sh EE Eb ache [GES eons cope gh Sh Sa leatE™ AYES tom you nS awa Sow am yo 8 ectoore fy feta SANARICHE| Maron nece eat Br RRSRY 7S HOUER. BE HOC |fove our tenor ose, EP Be, MI Ss, ELE) Wier my ee ee oe wale Bale REF SAR [hae vows Sines soot ek Se "SERRE SPE, res wae oka ction $ BEES ve BY MO” SHER] Neweugyetnee he eS GEL WERNER Sill wld people SRPRERS, SEL nine in riod bes ea DRT af Eies ORUET SUE They ie rey, x nl, TO HSER arenavsoer WH A eats Sha god and "ake {ain ‘upon righteous Deopie wand ucighe ows $69er if Yoo love thow loving 20, fat reward eo Yoo have? Are ‘mat aieo the tae collectors oe MATTHEW 5:47—6:5 ses eat lt entre BW Ser oe ee cE ase FOS D ons seaiae cack soy SE Oe FB, ae 2 es eee ae 6 presse & tk Examine Spe : enn — & date, eS 2 Bee SSE vooSome SRE TS ERE IG. H fas aigaris: # "Craw iy rate, ‘Dequoateny “4 ‘gahrians Eumgoctév cou, Gowep ct Sppoaiia! ein STEP Saeel® GE GRRE STR er tat eres Tey Sépgror eA TE MoBee gueae # Co00 Se “SaShiees GRPmeely kes A SRR I SR noitfthaas FH, * SR mbes of oly Qruang & a2 eee ssl 2. weste| Tha onleon Bite & MNP STP 19S SKB wider METRO, So als SF a Geeks; Sk. we tog the same ting and” aco art for’ broners, cn root wxtranrdiact og ae ow lag? rent ao foe is of tne ation do. {ng tno sae tine? acco na aca fey "be persica ‘roe enwealy Fane 6 not to practice soon rights Trove of tenn oder ®y|to'be obrerved by er: otherise x09 wil have no. reward EY imaing ets ot meres, donot bow a trumpet =| head of ou, fart a fhe hypoerttes do Ene synagogues a the atets, that they may be glorined by ren, rly faay Foe, They are horn fhe eward tn fal 33s yom, when make fing gies of mercy, 2 not let your lett hand focoing, Athat our te of merey may be {seers then yo Father eh dr lookin on in secret wil ep Sais, when v09 fas the hypocrites; be- cause they lke to pay eS Gees ok ara SSS er, Memos “tah ates oS REC on BL Eee her soe Ss, egies Bh glilte ofeu ted ‘Belong, iv Spar gee, redasuker 38 Bm Io acien & 8 TEM? I, ime’ east Rass, ries $8 3a Seog aan, Ste. ek Tepper RTS SEE BO, ey Bb RScme SP fo smatats, tee, cepegtinene ene Sid he FORME Se etwnab aes woe iShine SE Stak eler ee "Seba gat teen HP ues Fe Me ine By BRS Sites frrittae B Smee gee, Reese] od fers au, SERS. at Bw SE Meee ct SA is.” al Ee NES Se BE HE ouuger aah fate Mh a8 Omens te ae hes oe & Atlee SB MATTHEW 6: 6-12 standing tn the arose rogues ana onthe omers of tae broad rare to be isle to pen. Truly T aay to foc, They ae bare their reward in fl Sou, however, whet you pray, 0 nko your Rite shutting post athe We tei ee eet toon your athe hooks on i tere Pel repay you. 7 Bat ren pray, 40 ot lover ‘and over sen, fas ar toe people of 1 [the mations do, tor they imagine Ube wl beta earn for tele fe of many word So, donot make Yourseves ke them, for God xoon Palnet row are sens te ‘2°¥ou must pray, fname be’ sanctified, joome, Lat your wil fiaze place, as In heaven, sivo upon (Say our bread for this fay; 12 and forgive for our desta, ar we sso have forgiven ott arnuew 6119-29 * ss MATTHEW 6:2025 Aegis Sr 12 xo) wh sowigrag|amirs I2And donate romps, Sate ac, re SEER Bin| ns a ngampae Ses et or ues vee teem gh Sot Siet" gas ee He ta sen te 2 fret mie me? gegen “eg Soar QA irre toi = Ewe, eae ive for ‘Seca, ah Shee RA har Tk awe TER GP anal SH /EeR oes Greeny at Bima fe Wat ta wees veges gigi [Fae wal sn orapw, Sucets mf AiR Eh |e here your siae Sal dhe, B, veae Ope, |W ton ae unt tear ngasia 90H neat wil be ls, wittlon SEL GMS. a EERE SHS, tt ton do not fore the “BEE osSei: . aeueeae Ess Ba ae ee ‘2 "oper Qs aye goa rte oe ER, ue GEL socal eose|nettner wilt wove 2, "Das oR, os my ee ae oe, TE tipinon sh ogeanewe gigi, [ther free wore yoke tin aby” 8 tale Shania! one Ghote oS Mires ab eerie oro ree Be fs ie mb sinple, your hele tthe he FREE MSE wife 2 Plow MAGEE AS. BYE Fee Meat | 2B ove ie your ese ts repersayere bp tome 2 “esos "gn, | wicked, Your ole ropmneis"™ She arse dee, BR ORS Poe. | ety win be cares tr 1s Orey_ g& mre, wh yineote [tnecrhits tor ehey—-ENSRS ae, BRAY gB Qt gery te gt apiter Sx SOPASHTse, HD acl |BOCTHICN for they TERS ae, ee rere sf ceem sweet ceedeme| tere Nee a ed a aE ane |, tor est at Ye SETTER ENS wes BAe ah Sel ges OU" SSE nea | "sete one cam SBR Snipes wiezes Bel Taer ar arn 2 us Shere Gel els Seal, fr eter wit me ge Shit, nbn or wot] wae fa. fal, Tt “oy fra erie, est Sov_fscoy|te ove ted love the oo you, when fasting, ciler 7? HE ESS alka SSL TRE tet |otner, or he will ee Eee ge fe mares Ghai “gow frense sour’ eed 2 ‘gies agigegy sel te one and de sate, 79 Sh ERY Saye pr, ference, rour mend STEER, dr dhe me Ee] athe et a "a s VB wer i nt my PL antttey STERRAIEY — Qhleannet lave for Go 1 roe fads, age fPeee, tbe fan Seonte Ses, Beveien x sque, |*d Mh cogs meior SRS Qe Buel ura % thn THE robe of, ll boo ata aoe owe EQ RELE GSL 2) SERIE] Paine whoo toting eebSQHEine ah, SP ALLIS SooSattett Foe wet Dare SI vee ont mer we sofas 2 ae ee Mae, AP BI Tee mat eeeeoe oo, rer 2 Serpette se ee ea ee Sree eet ‘bcp sche Bi ie matting Hl Sa MA Syowwoitere Ouiv Syeausods ket [for pourselves trea~ ‘eu ee ten ‘qggf6 sal) the soul mean. more SO Semmens, fn, mmee ek [for reuences lceee wi TF THEY re el mean more 35 ts, Sat Sts a Peies Samke, |e mom andes Sage PRENI any tan_catngt ga ae SCRGEATE TElanevee treat and 1B On, “liven” Bee Append under Bate 220 arma o:20—20 % 8 Marnie @:91-7:6 % oie, gs a "ut RIMOREI NEU a ane wo HAM] OM, Seve” |soevseal scores Te ay, SP SEY wl | Oy the pam oped Seb eysipoaw ot at qutronow le Grcinon, soi serie) Estate, hurts ‘ate, ager cB, MMS? gel | anatetie, sucictent Se Bayi SAG, hk P Rwashs SH Hage STGEG, SERRE whe "RAPT ch GGG [annie sutictent Syl ka SERVERS THER EE st Sug] them. Are ow ot exis owe ev vio Bostaee tale, 35, fh alee iene eg ober, Bang aT “tte Juang hat neuer Saviear sete, ih, Sad] FM, of v8 WL e225ine nau 7 “se dene at nor” ueoundy Singer negates "éyl|2aa aes ty Se “alien PE os GP sls |indgca tot age WS! ade HSE! TPMT tt ts Gna ees; sovabltSiuaeas ? H wl YEP SAE 1ndgeas for with i Me, inh TY Si kA onan ea SEs Coca soe, 28h wba tute vow ll ai bepiuvdres Janxious? Take a les- serpnaceren | DC i and with SEES. hy ew REL iw [PEE roae the las” BERS, sow AEB Cirng BREESE te mesure at Too weruedion, Ge gis Tee, dyes? pie ins ta hte re oc aa nape] tre eating ou, uésrraceurssiy ihe BIG ofthe “WG” Bow |Shaerowing: tmey go || OMS? wily Gh SEMEN, SS *ERIOS| Oe, nears oak cheeey sh caytay at cies at oe oe £ one, Het ee ee er ee See kin oi ste cedar [ee ree | oh Se8aduG 700 Gbedpod -oou, |to wou. SUmy, then, BES wily |consider the arter eee 7 ak ee aera, Rk SURG] now Ga tn cates 38, BAR? FL NS raubtP BO, ot} 40r now can You say ‘fyeoov Gvra xa atpov cle xAiBarow| held “which a here a dc, 100 SqBaAuo0 cou, Kai] to your brother, ‘Al- “her” Se St Smoerow dat oven” | oday ‘and tomorrow STEERS olfr HE OMEOP fs, Sl oat. exten Seabee, aa ar cosa | iene set Saks aS SHR i inate or SE GRR ERE SS PANES Hin MUM ram iets Freed" apa, vege fey tier te ta your a Ee mepiuvfonne,., Myortes| lta? S10 never be Javad” ood. thw Srey, mah nel OND, Oe? SMypocite! He ction vou MEULTEC ane MOGs] fli, S180 never be otauod gee, Ty Sande, Sh US| ire extract the rat- whe BAY SRs A wae mal Bane | WORE ae We to cat Soe ge deere mate otal eet aan ets se oa Te sensi, nga yd Sin. ad we We Sotsd ys abel ee se dears how tose wi, MpPehgerigs mage desing inal ae wee Cota ord, See? es, Pe viga, ge Eden driorocow lle |i tol acelne tines SM SBte Bp Sater Sno ere eotWien SE ofiid, AES au, tie |e eee are tng tings 8 swede Be nofBinn SUG] betes oe YP ke FORE OG: che Sebleng? Rh setly pareuing, For "SE AER nautica "SS MORLSESS| is” noty to. don: Wee, tare, emgrton | eons SOE ach a bs ligpeote aoe vaio ove, [either throw “roun wlllne ones SESE ens. pe Usa” RL RE Aa En eee ane Ta Soe, ee eee, tem soureg Gag we Se Sgr ak ty Saosin qa [tom and ie tn Gio ER Sna uct | ae ee ts eens’ SL Te Samer aigh/tom tea he FOE TS TERS ane meh | ets