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Code for read sound(.

wav) in Matlab

clear all;
%make sure that you have this 3 files in the same directory
[bass, fs1] = audioread('bass.wav');
[guita, fs2] = audioread('guita.wav');
[drum, fs3] = audioread('drum.wav');
%---------- step1, we can play the sound -------------
sound(bass, fs1); %listen to the sound
length(bass)/ fs1; %get the length of the sound in t(s)

%---------- step2, lets combine sound together --------

y=bass+guita+drum; % it will error since it has difference length

%-----------step3, we can take all signals only 3s each ----


y= drum_seg + bass_seg + guita_seg;

sound(y,44100); %listen to the sound with sampling rate 44,1khz

%-----------step4, you want to make some signals louder------

y_amp=drum_seg*2 + bass_seg*3 + guita_seg;

1. Please do it from one step to one step
2. If you run one step please put comment (%) for other steps
Ex. If you run step1, make sure that step2,step3,step4 are all place with comments (%) in

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