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Corporate Social Responsibility in Private and Public Sector

Sustainability of business versus effectiveness of action.

Luigi De Bernardis
PhD Candidate LUISS Guido Carli

Riccardo Maiolini
PhD Candidate LUISS Guido Carli

Alessio Maria Braccini PhD




The aim of this paper is to analyze why the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the
Public Sector has a wider meaning than in the Private Sector. Within an approach focused on
balancing among stakeholders needs, we investigate the differences in adopting CSR tools between
the private and the public sector. We focused on the following two research questions. How the
adoption of CSR policies and tools reduce information asymmetry and then improve the value
creation capabilities? How the adoptions of strategic alignment tools improve the value creation
capabilities? Using a comparative case study analyzing two organizations that adopt CSR tools, we
describe the different process of value creation in private and public sector. The process that takes
place is articulated in two main steps: the reduction of informative asymmetry and the alignment
process. Evidences from case studies provide an example of the three main differences that
distinguish the process in private and public sector: a different concept of value, a different role of
financial perspective and wider boundaries of CSR tools. In public organization the public value
creation actions and the choice to provide a specific balancing among stakeholders needs are the
whole strategy of the organization. As a consequence an integrated approach between CSR and
strategic tools in public sector seems to be decisive. We argue that a separate adoption of CSR tools
and strategic tools would produce low effects.

Theoretical background of CSR

Theories about CSR can be classified according to Garriga e Mel (2004), in the following way:
Instrumental theories (firm as a welfare creator);
Political theories (emphasis on power of the firms);
Integrative theories (business as a part of society);
Ethical theories (CSR as a tool for including ethics in corporate value).

Within the Integrative theories most of the theoretically oriented research on this subject has focused
on investigating the connection between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial
performance based on Carrols model: the Corporate Social Performance approach (Carroll 1979).
Margolis and Walsh (2003: 273278) reviewed this literature from 1972 to 2002 and found that CSR
behavior was treated as the dependent variable only for the 15% of the cases (twenty-two studies).
Moreover, they criticized this literature for ignoring factors other than corporate financial
performance that might affect CSR (Campbell, 2007 p. 946). Today we are still trying to respond to
a matter that has been posed by Bowen in the 1953 about how business interests, in the long run,
merge with the interests of society. A leitmotif of wealth creation progressively dominates the
managerial conception of responsibility. This leitmotif is entering into academic scholarship
(Windsor 2001). The point is that socially responsible corporate behavior may mean different things
in different places to different people and at different times, so we must be careful in how we use the
concept and how we define it. Most of these differences derive from the relationship between
organizations and their stakeholders. Within the stakeholder theory (Freeman 1984) it can be possible
to explain and answer to this kind of questions.
In the last couple of decades, stakeholder theory has increasingly become the common frame of
reference when CSR is discussed (Pedersen 2006). According to the stakeholder model, a company
must be aware of, and respond to, the various demands of its constituents, including employees,
customers, investors, suppliers, and the local community. Thus, it breaks with the notion that the
shareholders are the only important constituents and that shareholder wealth is the only relevant
criteria for evaluating company behavior. One of the reasons is that the distinction between social
and economic goes out of the window in reality. According to the shareholder perspective, business
is about economic and not social goals, and therefore companies should not be concerned with the
latter. In real-life circumstances, on the other hand, economic decisions also have social consequences
(and vice versa), and consequently the boundaries between the social and economic world become
vague. Stakeholder theory is attractive in that it addresses tangible interests and practices. However,
regardless of the current popularity of both CSR and the stakeholder approach, there is still no
generally accepted definition of either stakeholder or CSR. With regard to the former, Freeman
(1984) originally defined stakeholders as any group or individual who can affect or is affected by
the achievement of the organizations objectives. Since then, almost every aspect of the internal and
external environment of the company has been integrated into a more and more devaluated definition
of stakeholders.
In summary, CSR means different things to different people at different times, and new issues can
easily be included in existing definitions.

CSR in Public and Private sector

Even if CSR studies are generally focused on firms, there are also many examples around the world
of public sector actions that enable or drive CSR (Fox, Ward, and Howard 2002), though many of
them are not explicitly described as CSR or considered to be CSR enabling. Yet the public sector has
often been left out of discussion of CSR. The misalignment between different interests is the base of
CSR model in stakeholder approach. We always think to public Institutions as organizations that just
launch and control how to be responsible. The contemporary idea of CSR is just one-way: private
organizations must be responsible because someone (Public Institutions) controls them; a second idea
is to consider CSR tools as a good chance to engage Public Institutions.
The most common way to think about CSR and Public organization is given by Ward (2004), and
adapted from Fox et al. (2002). In their studies they think about Public Organizations just as subjects
that advise and orient the general CSR Agenda.
In their model Public sector can act as:
Mandating laws, regulations and penalties and associated public sector institutions that
relate to the control of some aspect of business investment or operations.
Facilitating setting clear overall policy frameworks and positions to guide business
investment in CSR; development of non-binding guidance and labels or codes for application
in the marketplace; laws and regulations that facilitate and incentive business investment in
CSR by mandating transparency or disclosure on various issues; tax incentives; investment in
awareness raising and research; facilitating processes of stakeholder dialogue.
Partnering combining public resources with those of business and other actors to leverage
complementary skills and resources to tackle issues within the CSR agenda whether as
participants, conveners or catalysts.
Endorsing showing public political support for particular kinds of CSR practice in the
marketplace, or for individual companies; endorsing specific metrics, indicators, guidelines
and standards or award schemes, and leading by example, for example through public
procurement practices.
Today there are no many reflections and studies on how to consider Public Organizations as a subject
that can also use CSR and have impact on their environment. Existing studies provides a limited
understanding of how differences between public and private organizations can explain differences
in CSR behavior that go beyond financial performance (especially in the public sector). Thence in
this study, we focus on the following two research questions:
Q1: How the adoption of CSR policies and tools reduce information asymmetry and improve
value creation capabilities?
Q2: How the adoption of strategic alignment tools improves the value creation capabilities?
These two research questions are how-question and require a qualitative research design in order
to contribute to the explanation of how things happen.

In order to provide an answer to the two abovementioned research questions, a comparative case
study seems to be, to our opinion, an useful methodology. Our study focuses on two organizations: a
Chamber of Commerce (for the public sector) and a pharmaceutical firm (for the private sector).
Building theory from case studies is a research strategy that involves the usage of one or more cases
to create theoretical constructs, propositions and/or mid-range theory from case-based, empirical
evidences (Eisenhardt, 1989b).
So, we analyzed the adoption, implementation and assimilation process of CSR tools in a public
organization and then, compared the results within a company. According to Yins (2003) approach
we prepared a case study protocol containing a detailed planning of research activities and tools. We
had the opportunity to directly observe the phenomenon under investigation in order to better
understand the change in the process of elaboration of Social Reporting only in the case of the
chamber of commerce. We spend there several days participating to managerial meetings, open days
with stakeholders and relationships with the Board of Directors (Giunta). From a methodological
point of view, the choice of a chamber of commerce as a unit of analysis of this paper is based on the
idea that the first move in situating a research problem is deciding what persons or stakeholder groups
will be served by the research, and to describe reality from the perspectives of those persons or
stakeholders (Van de Ven, 2007). Because the chamber of commerce is the nexus of different
stakeholders and different actors with many interests in some cases with big conflicts it is
interesting to analyze and it will be a good case trying to understand those complex mechanisms.
Another important aspect that helps us to choose the chamber of commerce is because with this
institution we can study the perspective and interests of different actors in the same time, trying to
reduce the gap of partial representation that we can notice in a single observation. According to Van
de Ven (2007), because different people interpret situations in different ways, we look to the
interaction and socialization process that in the case of chamber of commerce is collective and
Regarding the pharmaceutical company we have analyzed secondary data and some retrospective
interviews that give us the idea of how the model works. The case history permits us to make a
comparison with the first case. The rationale beyond the selection of this company is twofold: first of
all the particular nature of the industry. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most careful
industries to demonstrate a high level of sustainability of their business. The strong relationship
between pharmaceutical organizations and Institutions gives us the possibility to compare and to
provide an empirical example of how adoption of alignment and CSR tools takes place differently in
private and public organizations. The second criterion is based on the CSR tools that we took as
example of comparison. We have found a company that has recently implemented both the balanced
scorecard (BSC) and sustainability report.
Using these two organizations we have tried to find an explanation of how the process of adoption of
CSR tools takes place differently in public and private contexts. After a description of case histories,
a process description and the three main differences are analyzed in the following section.
Evidence from a case history of a public organization (the chamber of commerce)

The mission of the chamber of commerce is to achieve two main tasks: markets regulation and local
marketing in a sub-regional area. All companies must pay each year a fee based on sales. We chose
this kind of Institution because their Governance has a form very close to a stakeholder management.
The Executive Board (called Giunta) is composed by managers elected within Industry and
Consumer Associations. This Chamber of Commerce realized its Social Reporting since 2006 but
only in the 2007 has used an integrated approach with BSC.
This Chamber of Commerce published its first social reporting in 2006 as a communication tools. It
is possible to verify it analyzing the following items:
No stakeholder commitment was implemented;
The content of document was organized following a Department criteria;
It was only an ex-post reporting without planning phase;
It was difficult understand how much was paid for each stakeholder category;
There was no links with strategic documents.
In 2007 Chamber of Commerce used an integrated approach that forced them to:
To organize stakeholder interview and meetings;
To organize the content of document following a stakeholder criteria;
To negotiate target value for each initiative;
Elaborate a matrix with two dimension (strategic objectives and stakeholders) including a
qualitative indication of relevance for each category;
To create a direct links with strategic documents.
The following table shows the impact of each process innovation on Administration capacities.

How an integrated approach can help Administration to

Process Innovations Capacity to reduce Capacity to improve
Information asymmetry delivered public value
Meeting with stakeholder can
Stakeholder commitment in Strategic priorities are
help to improve perception of
social reporting process discussed with stakeholders.
Public Value produced.
From a report about what each
department did to a report
Organization criteria about
about what each stakeholder -
content of social reporting
class can receive from the
Social Reporting as an ex- Negotiation is possible only in
post or planning document planning phase.
Negotiate how much public
Link between programs and Negotiate how much public
value produce benefits to each
stakeholder value will be produced.
stakeholder class.
How much Public Value is
produced and how it is shared
Link with strategic process -
among stakeholder is the
Administration strategy.
Table 1: Impact of each process innovation on Administration capacities

In order to achieve Stakeholders commitment in the social reporting process the General Secretary
of Institution organized open days with key people that represent the most important category of users
of Chambers services.
These meeting took place before final editing of document to demonstrate that integrations and
advices coming from stakeholder could modify the content of Document and Institutions priorities.
In this way Social Reporting becomes a negotiated planning document.
In the first meeting, the lady who has responsibility of operations was very worried about asking to
stakeholders some advices before the final editing of Social Reporting. Anyway a strong sponsorship
went from General Secretary (maybe because he was in that position since few weeks). So, it became
possible to create a link between social reporting and strategic process.
Some difficulties occurred in changing organization criteria about content of social reporting: each
department was interested to give evidence of their own contribution to the chambers results.
Anyway, when people understood that each stakeholder needs specific information, they agreed with
a customer oriented documents organization.
We find very smart and significant that the link between programs and stakeholder in public value
distribution among stakeholder is not a zero-sum game. In the following table its possible to note
that adding percents of public value received from each stakeholder the sum is higher than 100%.
Anyway it makes sense: the same result could be a value for two or more stakeholder categories.

Table 2: Public Value distribution among stakeholders

During the public meeting where social reporting was presented to local Authorities and to the press,
General Secretary said: I believe that our way of managing this Institution now is different from the

Evidence from a company case history (the pharmaceutical firm)

The company used as a benchmark is a pharmaceutical firm that is a leading innovation-driven

pharmaceutical corporation committed to developing a growing portfolio of best-in-class
pharmaceutical products that help people live longer, healthier, and more active lives. This
company has a long history of medical innovation, most notably in the treatment of infections,
diabetes, and depression. More than 40,000 people works there and it markets its product in over 140
In the Spanish Division of pharmaceutical company, they developed an integrated approach between
the BSC in the more managerial sense of SFO (Strategy Focus Organization) and a tool (ICM) of
intangible asset management (Figure 1).
Figure 1: BSC in a company

This integrated approach was expected to produce a transformation from: (i) Intangible resources to
assets (ICM), (ii) Strategic priorities to value added to stakeholders (BSC) and (iii) Opportunity to
strategic priority (SFO).
According to mangers they learned the following lessons:
Focus on fewer priorities.
Priority means:
What to do (funded).
What not to do (no funded).
Glocal: global strategy and local implementation.
Affiliate role: maximize local realization.
The integration between strategy and CSR and the need of alignment can be found in the CSR report
that has as title Corporate Citizenship Report. The approach is explained as follows: How we go
about our work is just as important as what we do. This is why we have set high standards and put
systems in place to help ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and societys expectations. The
Key Indicators are organized in four areas: Financial, Environment, Workplace Safety and
Community Investment (donations). The CEO explains a link with corporate strategy: We are also
pursuing a business strategy aimed at a new vision of delivering to patients the right drug at the right
dose at the right time. In addition, we have set a goal to reduce the cost of bringing a new medicine
to market by a third by the end of the decade.
This CSR policy has the goal to reduce information asymmetry with stakeholders using
communication tools like Community Advisory Panels (made up of community leaders and facility
staff. The panels meet regularly throughout the year to discuss items of mutual interest and serve as
a forum for community leaders to be updated on new developments and to recommend and implement
activities or programs that help meet mutual needs) and Neighborhood Meetings (companys
employees organize visits of neighbors to several plant sites, providing community members the
opportunity to interact directly with facility managers and other employees. Staff members from
many of our locations help local emergency planning committees gather information and conduct
training to enhance community safety).
CSR Tool adoption and three main differences

From the evidence of case history, we can inductively obtain a process description of how the
adoption of CSR tools produce effects on the capacity of producing value and satisfying stakeholders.
It consists of two main steps: (i) a reduction of information asymmetry between stakeholders and
shareholders needs and companys operational knowledge and (ii) an alignment among those needs,
internal processes design and employees skills. We conceived a resuming framework to illustrate
how the CSR tools adoption process can contribute to the creation of value, as better explained in
the next sections.

Value creation
Tool Information Alignment
adoption asymmetry

Regarding to this process, the CSR tools adoption contribute to reduce information asymmetry
among the organization and its stakeholders (for instance trough the Community Advisory Panels).
Anyway, considering that an organization is not a unique subject but it is made of different people,
there is a need to align strategies and individual behaviors in order to produce value.
Therefore both information asymmetry reduction and capabilities alignment are a conditio sine qua
non to produce value if they are managed together.
Regarding the first point, Galbraith (1973) defined the difference between useful information and
information owned by organization as informative complexity. He argues that a high asymmetry
requires complex organizational solutions in order to improve integration. In Galbraiths analysis this
asymmetry depends on the number of production resources, their heterogeneity, their
interdependence and their variability. When asymmetry is higher, integration can be obtained
designing coordination by objective, when its medium we can use hierarchy and when its low
standardization could be the better solution. He proposed two strategies: (i) reducing complexity and
(ii) improving elaborative power. A way for reducing complexity is the definition of strategic
objectives as suggested by March (1994).
Regarding the process of alignment among strategic objectives and organizational behavior, a well
known approach was elaborated by Kaplan and Norton (1996) who introduced the concept of
balancing developing the BSC in the early 1990's. They answered the question: what should
companies measure in order to 'balance' the financial perspective? They started from the need of
new managerial tools to go over some weaknesses of previous management approaches.
This approach looks at managers behavior as a continuous improvement of strategic performance.
The BSC transforms strategic planning into the decisional tool of a company. Kaplan and Norton
describe the BSC as follows:
"The balanced scorecard retains traditional financial measures. But financial measures tell
the story of past events, an adequate story for industrial age companies for which investments
in long-term capabilities and customer relationships were not critical for success. These
financial measures are inadequate, however, for guiding and evaluating the journey that
information age companies must make to create future value through investment in customers,
suppliers, employees, processes, technology, and innovation." (Kaplan and Norton 1996)
The BSC suggests to analyze four perspectives: Business Process Perspective, Customer Perspective,
Financial Perspective, Learning and Growth Perspective. The Business Process Perspective refers to
all internal business processes. We need a metrics based on this perspective that allows the managers
to know how well their business is running and how its products and services conform to customer
requirements. Who knows these processes must design these metrics carefully. This kind of
information is not something that can be developed by consultants: a special effort of personnel is
required. While mission-oriented processes give many unique problems, the support processes are
easier to measure and benchmark using generic metrics. The second Perspective is the customers
one. According to recent management studies, customer focus and satisfaction has an increased
importance in any business. A customer not satisfied will eventually find a competitor of the company
that will meet their needs. Low performance from this perspective is an indicator of bad future results,
even though the current financial indicators may look good. The Financial Perspective is strategic in
the vision of Kaplan and Norton. Managers will do whatever necessary to provide it. With the
implementation of a corporate database, it is hoped that more of the processing can be centralized and
automated. But the point is that the current emphasis on finance leads to the "unbalanced" situation
with regard to other perspectives. The Learning and Growth Perspective considers that in a
knowledge-worker organization, people are the main resource. In these years of rapid technological
change, it is necessary for knowledge workers to have a continuous learning activity. Kaplan and
Norton consider learning more than 'training'. Learning includes things like tutors within the
organization, web based instrument and tools to translate tacit knowledge in explicit knowledge.
Metrics should guide managers in focusing training funds where people need them. In any case,
learning and growth are bases for success of any knowledge-worker organization. Later, the authors
saw the scorecard as a tool that comes from a strategy map (Kaplan, 2005). Recently, the BSC
approach evolved in Strategy Focus Organization (SFO) with important emphasis on the concept of
strategic alignment (Kaplan, 2007). The process of engaging people becomes the main effort in
building process of an organization focused on their strategies.

In public sector this process has three main differences: (i) a different meaning of value, (ii) a different
role of financial perspective and (iii) wider boundaries of CSRs tools.

First evidence: different concept of value in a public and in a private organization

As a concept, Value has been studied for more than 200 year. In classic economics, both Adam Smith
and David Ricardo spent words on the definition of Value. It is to Adam Smith (1904) that the
distinction between a value in use, the utility of some particular object, and a value in exchange,
the power of purchasing other goods which the possession of that object conveys, has to be credited.
David Ricardo, instead, pointed out that Value depends on the relative quantity of labor that is
necessary to produce the valuable item (called commodity in classic economics).
The managerial concept of Value is, compared to the one used in economics, noticeably younger. A
relevant milestone in this field of research is constituted by the work of Michael Porter (1985), who
defined the Value Chain, as a set of activities through which several inputs are transformed into
valuable outputs. Porters Value Chain is, since a longtime, a reference framework to identify value-
generating activities in an organization. Porters value chain framework better suits the industrial
production, but is of no help for different kinds of activities. For this reason Porters value chain has
been complemented by Stabel and Fjeldstad (1998) with other two frameworks: value shops (that
describe the value generation process of a service provider), and value networks (that describe the
value generation process of a broker).
In a public organization the concept of value has a different meaning. Public value is referred to the
value created by government trough services, laws regulation and other actions (Kelly et al. 2002).
What constitutes public value is the continuous elaboration made by policy deliberation, delivered in
the public sector. In other words public value can be produced by government organizations, private
firms, no profit or voluntary organizations, service users or various entities (Alford and Hughes 2008).
This is true because, what produces and improves public value is not who produces it but who wastes
it. Moore (2005) said that public value is a kind of value consumed collectively by citizens rather
than individually by clients. This idea is the last version of a long and interesting debate started with
OFlynn (2005) who talks about public value as a multi-dimensional construct created not just
through outcomes but also through processes, which may generate trust or fairness. The concept has
been refined by Stoker (2006): public value is more than a summation of individual preferences of
the users or producers of public services - whether considering those preferences and services as a
sum of single one or a synthesis of collective choices it is collectively built through deliberation
involving elected and appointed government officials and key stakeholders. The point has given by
Moore (2005) with the intention by public managers to centralize their activity to produce public
value, like private value is the core activity of private sector managers action. It is important to not
consider public value simply as an alternative to the traditional approach to the provision of public
services in which the public is seen as consumers who express their individual preferences through
their actions and purchases.
The collective dimension introduced by Moore (1999) depends on political processes of decisions.
Because when we talk about public value we consider not only those resources, as capital and labor,
that can be used in different ways and with different scopes, but we consider also what are called
unique resources that need political participation to decide the best allocation instead of the best
interests. Moore (1999) said that the most appropriate criterion for decision making is public value;
in this sentence is implicit the idea that there is a distinction between individual and collective choices,
but the final result is given by a synthesis of all of them. The definition of public value can be
interpreted ambiguously if it is not clear the dimension and the context of its applications. The first
level of dimension is the distinction between single and collective choices, where those two concepts
are not antagonist like the administrative law codification where there is a distinction between
private interests and public interests, and where the second one has got priority but are
complementary, because the nature of public environment it is fundamental to consider all the
typologies of actors involved in the process and all the kind of actions that they can make. The second
level of dimension is linked to who avails and produces benefits through actions and services.
Chapman (2005) talks about a multidimensional system where citizens and consumers have a
significant role as co-producers. Chapman introduces this idea using the healthcare example citizens
and consumers are not simply passive recipients of health services, but are actively engaged in
determining their own health through a myriad of significant decisions: what to eat and drink, and
whether to exercise, or smoke. In general most of the public services outcomes depend as much on
the actions of citizens as on the activities of the services providers.

The public value prospective gives to individuals involved in these process different dimensions:
Consumers of the services provided
Citizens requiring that their taxes are spent appropriately
Citizens with an interest in issues of fairness
Co-producers of the outcomes associated with the services provided

Each of this roles give different contributes, in terms of quality and quantity, to the definition of
public value. In a democracy, the general value is ultimately defined by the public themselves.
According to Chapman, value is determined by citizens preferences that interact with their actions
and with the decisions of elected politicians. There is also a part of value added by the government
that is given by the difference between these benefits and the resources and powers which citizens
decide to give to their government. Something valuable is not only what is desirable for citizens; we
must consider also the return on what is desirable given by the citizens actions: we can call it an
algebra process of actions and their interaction in the set of public value where the algebraic idea is
considering negative and positive effects sum together. The public value is a paradigm where
everything is based on relationships between persons and members, trough those relationships are
defined the multiple goals given by the response to citizen/user preferences (OFlynn 2007). The
multiple setting of decision is managed with a pragmatic mode of selection where the decision making
process, with a more bottom-up approach, is characterized by a model where participants, in a system
with uncertainty and complexity, are part of it, inside a networked governance model (Stoker 2006).
The networked governance model is based on the Kettls (2002) idea about how public managers
have to work: a complex environment with resources divided in a range of sources has to be managed
with an open mind and open to learn model, where interpersonal and inter-organizational processes
are the base of their action. The core objective is to produce value; public value is not only the sum
of individual preferences between users and producers of public services, it is collectively built
through deliberation involving managers, public delegates and stakeholders.
In other words, because different resources produce different actions, we can expect different level
of public value given by different plans of action in the determination of public services. The
networked governance is fundamental to understand how different truth can be managed in the
creation of public interests, services and consequently in the creation of public value. In the classical
economic approach (Stiglitz, 2007), information symmetry has to be researched to avert the market
failures, through process of information acquisition to increase level of thrust. Thrust is an important
concept introduced by Kelly, Mulgan, and Muers, that is critical to public value creation: even if
formal service and outcome targets are met, a failure of trust will effectively destroy public value
(Kelly et al. 2002). According to the existence of great level of information asymmetry that can spoil
the general level of thrust and damage the creation of public value, one way to prevent this kind of
phenomenon is to ensure that the creation of public value is central to the mission of all the
organizations included in the process, through a shared management of inputs and outputs, with the
creation of a general culture to realize intended outcomes and involving stakeholders in determine
public services priorities and in contributing to service design and delivery (Partson and Goodman,

Second evidence: different role of financial perspective in a public and in a private organization

In the public sector there is a different role of financial perspective. In private industries, even if many
companies describe their mission, as the customer needs satisfaction, the final goal is a financial
improvement in terms of profits or in terms of stock value. Instead, a public organization needs funds
to operate in order to achieve its institutional mission. Its ability to have costs lower than collected
fees is a condition for continuing to exist but not the final goal. Also in the BSC methodology the
position of financial perspective changes. The logic sequential we invest in skills to improve
process performances in order to satisfy customer and make money changes in we are able to
manage our financials, so we can invest in skills to improve process performances in order to satisfy

Developing a BSC tools in a company means designing a strategy map and a set of key performance
indicators (KPI). The strategy map is composed by four perspectives where 10/15 objectives are
distributed and linked among them.
As shown in Figure 2, the BSC elaborated by Chamber of Commerce has different sorting criteria:
the financial perspective becomes the source of resource to organize processes and provide services.
At the upper level the mission represents the final goal of organization.
Figure 2: Chamber of Commerces BSC

Third evidence: different boundaries of CSR tools in a public and in a private organization

In Public sector there are wider boundaries of CSRs tools and policy. We argue that while a company
uses CSR to demonstrate the sustainability of its business, a public Institution can justify its role if
its able to produce Public Value and shares it among stakeholder in a sustainable way. Differences
can be found in the general criteria inside the use of social reporting: in the private sector, the
accessory can be view as a warrantee of profits sustainability; in the public sector the same
instruments underline elements of effectiveness that depends from a strong budgeting system.
Companies must satisfy their shareholders through an increment of profits with social sustainability
as a constraint, on the other hand Insitutions must satisfy stakeholders producing Public Value with
economic equilibrium as a constraint. The balance sheet of a public organization provides little
information about the capacity to achieve its mission. Before the introduction of CSR reporting,
citizens had no chance to be informed about effectiveness of public services.
In a BSC social responsibility is one of strategic themes that define corporate strategy. As shown
in Figure 3, social processes are one of four internal perspective themes (in addition to operations,
customer management and innovation).

Figure 3: Social processes in a Balanced Scorecard


The qualitative research based on a comparative case study provides an explication of how the
adoption of alignment and CSR tools have effects on value creation and stakeholders satisfaction.
We argue that three main differences distinguish the process in private and public sector: a different
concept of value, a different role of financial perspective and different boundaries of CSR tools. In
public organization the public value creation actions and the choice to provide a specific balancing
among stakeholders needs are the whole strategy of the organization. As a consequence an integrated
approach between CSR and strategic tools in public sector seems to be decisive. We argue that a
separate adoption of CSR tools and strategic tools would produce low effects.

A limitation of this paper is given by the lack in analysis of other determinants of strategic alignment
in addition to information asymmetry. Future research activity will be plan to overpass this limitation
and to deepen the understanding gained on the phenomenon studied with this paper.


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