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Imposing acts, regulations and policies by the government is one of the initiatives in preserving the

wildlife and the environment. Therefore, there are several importance of why government imposes
such acts, regulations and policies to the organizations.

Firstly, it preserves the wildlife and the environment for future generations. Currently, a lot of
wildlife species are heading towards extinctions. This is because most of the organizations favor
money without considering the effects towards the environment. Activities such as overfishing, oil
spilling and illegal logging are the most common activities that we heard today that leave a huge
impact towards the environment. Therefore, by having such acts, regulations and policies,
organizations can to use them as a guideline on making their decisions and it will boost the reputation
of the organization. In addition, the success of the organization is not solely depends on the profit that
they are making, but also the reputations that they build along the way.

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