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My response to the documentary: "Extraordinary people: obedient women"

Upon seeing this documentary, unanswered questions have arisen; the marriage apparently
works, but is she happy? What does the husband do to improve the marriage? What does he
do to make her happy? They show a solicitous woman but a selfish man. Responding to the
religious: in the first place the bible is composed of divine word and human word, according to
Matthew 19: 8, secondly, the one who claims to be the leader of his family should "wash the
feet of his wife and children", Jesus he came to serve not to be served and to give his life as a
ransom for many, whoever wants to be more important in his group must become a servant of
others (according to the words of Christ) that he taught about leadership, according to Mark 9
and Matthew 20; in the third place, God never forbade women to be sustenance for their
home, moreover the woman of the passage of "the virtuous woman" also brings sustenance to
her home, and Lydia was a cloth seller who feared God (according to Acts) 16:14), finally if they
say they call themselves Christians they should at least try to be followers of Christ, instead of
trying to fulfill the precepts of men (John 8:31 and Mark 7: 7) and if they want to live in
harmony they should love others as well as, treat others as they want to be treated, would you
like to be controlled, dominated, humiliated or repressed? Would you like to be busy with
many tasks without anyone helping you? "Love your neighbor as you love" (Luke 10:27). I leave
an interesting theological analysis on the virtuous woman


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