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Domonique Villalobos

Jennifer Rodrick

Queer Studies 115

November 27,2017

Blog # 12

The plan for the presentation would be a quick and brief introduction and then we talk

about our pieces. We equally share a same out of time discussing our project and how we

worked collaboratively in order to create something special. At the end of our presentation , we

would probably provide an overall summary of our magazine. I hope that the presentation will

be enjoyable for everyone. I dont want there to be any sort confusion or skepticism. If there are

questions to be asked, I hope we can answer it to the best of our ability. I plan to achieve my

ideas by clearly stating my words and referring back to my piece and making sure that its

coherent. I also hope that the continuous flow from my partners and I is consistent to follow.

Most importantly I hope that our presentation is what is looked for. I hope no one finds it boring

The plan for the presentation would be a quick and brief introduction and then we talk about our

pieces. At the end , probably an overall summary of our magazine.

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