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Job Performed 1

Aim: To control working of lamp with a single way switch.

Tools reguired: Tester, flat head cutting pliers, square point poker, screw driver.

Materials reguired: Wires, single way switch, lamp holder, supply, Bakelite sheet, red and black terminals,


1. Take a Bakelite sheet and make spaces for switch, lamp holder, red and black terminals and standing
nuts using square point poker and screwdriver.

2. Screw the lamp holder in the desired spacing using nuts of specific size.

3. Connect the neutral wire (black) to the first terminal of the lamp holder.

4. Connect the phase wire (red) to the first terminal of the one way switch and then connect connecting
wire or half wire (yellow) to the second terminal of one way switch.

5. Fix the switch using nuts and bolts.

6. Connect the second point of connecting wire to the second terminal of lamp holder.

7. Connect the second point of phase wire to red terminal and neutral wire to black terminal and fix
them properly.

8. Check all the fittings and fit a bulb in the lamp holder.

9. Using electrical supply, check whether bulb glows or not and control the lamp holder using the switch.


1. Always cut the wire power supply before opening or repairing your electrical circuit.

2. Dont do any electric work if the surface is wet.

Wait for the surface to dry so that there wont be any risk of electric shocks.

3. Always fix the wires in electric circuit according to the colour code.

4. All thejoints and connections in circuit should be neat and clean without any loose ends or openings.

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