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It started when he was but a young boy.

A young boy, as it was written in the life journey of the universe, understood little but of his own
desires. A boy understood little about history, about wars, and Ben Solo, like the young boy that he was,
didnt understand completely of all the history surrounding his bloodline. There were mentions, of
course, but to his little mind, the name Darth Vader didnt take on its true meaning until years later.

Ben Solo, however, understood anger. He understood a feeling that burned in his stomach and brought
heat onto his fingers, and understood that it was to be feared and loathed whenever he saw the look in
his mothers eyes. She was afraid. Ben couldnt understand why she was afraid, at first, because father,
too, got angry. A lot. Ben could recognize anger whenever his parents erupted in their many fights, and
listening to their muffled shouts in turn made him angry, too. Why coul

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