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Day 3 Tasks


Reframing behavioural characteristics:

Discuss the general behavioural characteristics of all the children in your class
with the class teacher
Record these in table form (see table 4)
Table 3: Example Reframing Behavioural Characteristics Record Sheet
Name of General behavioural Reframed Suggestions to
child characteristics help improve
1 Anna She always knocks over other She may want to join in
childrens constructions or tries with other childrens
to destroy other childrens art play but may not know
work how to ask

She may be frustrated

because she does not
know how to play with
the materials or
complete her own art
2 Obaid He always tries to make noise, Maybe he wants to -Give him a job in the
and harm his classmates. grab teacher and classroom (The little
students attention by teacher ).
making noise.
3 Aisha She always misbehaves and - She may don't interest - Give her some activity
ignores her teacher when she in the lesson related to the lesson
talks to her. while the lesson.
-maybe she feels

4 Adnan He always makes noise and -He may be bored. -Give him some jobs in
when the teacher starts to the classroom
blame him, he cries. -He may be want to
grab teacher attention, -Give him attention by
and he always starts to praise his good
cry because he cant behavior in front all
does that. students.
5 Omar He doesn't collaborate with -Maybe he suffers from -Give him special care
children and he always stays learning difficulties. and reward him if he
alone and cant do all activities did a good job in front
with children. -May be he cant get of his classmates.
used the students.
-Give him easy activity.

Mathematical Resources in the classroom:

List of resources that target specific mathematical skills and concepts in the school

Mathematical Resources Mathematics Skill / Concept that can be developed Exploring on possible activities to develop
found in the preschool with it. mathematical skills and concepts using these
classroom: materials

-Counting, calculating - Use it in adding lesson: ask them to
add 2cubes and 4cubes together and
-Pattern then they will know the answer
- Ask the students to make a pattern
-classifying from two colors. (pattern).

- Use it to measure nonstandard unit :

ask them to measure the book by using
it. (measurement)

- Mix them and ask the students to put

them in certain groups. (classifying).

-Counting, calculating including -use it in adding and subtraction lessons.

- compare the size of animals.
-make a pattern from two kinds of
animals (tiger and zebra).
-classifying -classify the animals into certain groups,
for example, the wild animals and pets.

Explain what concept the children worked on

- What resources did they use? They use Lego cubes to count from 1
to 8.
- How did the children learn? They were able to count.
- Did they work individually, in pairs or as a group? Individuals, but in
front of all the classmates
- What did you do? I tried to help them to count.

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