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Wants to talk about the problems concerning postmodernism

Doesnt want to enter the field and resolve these

Wants to situate the debate: make everyone understand the actual points of the debate

First: opposition in architecture: Gregotti: the idea of modernism -> universal progress and
Postmodernism: space to make changes- but in a localised manner (abandon global...)
Therefore, no universal idea of progress, humanity, etc

Post-modern as new period or style

Linear chronology: starting point for even this new style
Modernity: break with tradition in order to create something new in its place

We now suspect.?

2nd connotation:
Western idea: progress in arts, technology, science, etc -> human progress (benefit the whole of
But there were some who didnt benefit
Debate over what to call the ones who required the assistance
But also a belief that discoveries, initiatives, etc- legit -> universal progress

Marxisms and liberalism- accused this wider movement of crimes against humanity
Auschwitz: Adorno: To persist, after Auschwitz, in the production of monuments of the very
culture that produced Auschwitz is to participate by denial in the perpetuation of that barbaric
culture and to participate in the process (reification) that renders fundamental criticism of that
culture literally unthinkable.
Thinks that there is loss of faith - universal projects of emancipation-> splintering into various
other narratives and competing projects

Talks about technoscientific development

But development is not equal to progress anymore (deforestation)
Has become a force of its own and instead of being directed by human needs, directs human
needs (practice and thought)

Our basic needs for security, happiness etc- not important anymore when compared to the way
humans engage in the above mentioned behaviour- to catch up in a manner
From this perspective- a pledge towards simplicity (undoing years)(?)

3rd point: Question of art in postmodernism:

Avant-garde: questioned the implicitness present in modernity
This questioning is important and must be adhered to because this is what will help us to go
beyond the givens in society
Our studied analysis of this will help us to prevent the mistakes made in history

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