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Journal #5- Manifesta Intro Journal

1. In Still Manifesting Feminism there were many quotes that I enjoyed reading that
talked about how the writers have changed their views on feminism over the years. One
of my favorites wasnt even their own quote but one that came from Alice Rossi that was
said on the last page. The public heroines of one generations are the private heroines of
the next. This quote stuck out to me because I hope it is true. I have met very strong and
vocal women that will hopefully carry on their wisdom to future generations while also
allowing for them to have a voice.
2. Based on their introductions, I feel like I would connect more with Jennifer. I say this
because we can both relate to Valerie Solanas. The fact that she even brought her up
made me excited because many people are afraid of that feminism that is angry and very
outspoken, which is exactly what I am more into. I can also relate to her upbringing
because I also had sisters that learned about feminism through our mother. Her
introduction to feminism and her approach to it definitely makes me feel more connected
to her and her story.
3. While reading A Day Without Feminism there were definitely things that stood out to
me and things I did not know before, but there was one quote that got my attention and
made me realize that we have a long way to go when it comes to feminism. When the
author said Women of color are either not there or theyre lonely as hell it struck a
chord with me. While we are often excluded from the conversation of feminism on
purpose, we are also easily forgotten. Women of color that realize how disadvantaged
they are do not usually have a space made for them within their own families which is
what creates a sense of loneliness. Knowing your family and even other women do not
have your back is a scary feeling.
4. Xena (pg. 15) This was a TV show about a warrior princess that fights evil. This
sounds so cool. I guess this is important because its heroine from an older TV show.
Sappho (Pg. 14) Sappho was an archaic Greek poet She wrote poems about being a
woman and the kind of love she felt. I did not know that there were women that even

wrote poetry during this time period.

Ally McBeal This is a show from the 90s about a woman who works as an attorney and
gets a job in the same office as her ex. This show seems important because it centers
around a woman with a job that was not usually done by women around that time.

Andrea Dworkin (Pg. 35) She was a famous feminist that was best known for her
criticism of porn. She is important because of her take on the porn industry and how it

contributed to violence against women.

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