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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Melina Miller Date of Activity: 10/30/17 Faculty name: Darlene Lacroix

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with

(be specific about the purpose and your role):

The professional activity that I attended was an Advanced Cardiac Life Support class.

The first 2 hours of the class focused on 4 different algorithms to be used during cardiac events.

These algorithms detailed the different steps that are required to perform in these events. The

first algorithm was on a cardiac arrest, the second on bradycardia, the third on tachycardia, and

the fourth on post-cardiac arrest. The next hour focused on a CPR review where we performed

chest compressions, ventilations, and defibrillations on dummies. The following two hours

focused on different ECG readings including, different tachycardias and AV blocks and what to

do in each situation. During these two hours we went through several different situations with

fake patients and had to perform chest compressions, ventilate the patient, and talk about what

medications and procedures we would initiate. The final hour was a post-test that we had to

complete and get above an 84%.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

Eclipse CPR Training located at 4500 East Speedway Blvd # 84, Tucson, AZ 85712. The

program was 6 hours long with 2 hours of pretesting and prep for the class.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

This was an excellent experience because it was a great review of cardiac events that we

had discussed in previous semesters. This class went into more specifics and was much more
hands on, which helps me learn better. I felt like gained a great amount of knowledge and also

confidence in my CPR skills. Even though this class focused only on adults and I will most likely

not go into an adult ICU field, I think this info is very important for me to have in a labor and

delivery setting as well. Getting this certification also improved my general nursing skills and

will help me feel more confident if a cardiac situation occurred on my unit or in public.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why

or why not? (Describe)

I would definitely recommend this class to others. I think it is a great class to take at the

end of nursing school to have a refresher on cardia information, as well as go more in depth on

some of the lectures we have had. I would also recommend this class because it is very hands on

and builds a team bonding relationship. The instructor and location that offered this class were

great and had a lot of great equipment that helped us better our learning experience.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? ACLS card obtained and attached on D2L

Signature on validation of clinical hours form obtained? No

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