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Differentiated Unit


Student Id 18707786
Task 2a: Differentiated Unit

The school is in the Western suburb; it comprises a high multicultural student body of around 600 students from P-9.
There are 23 students in my Prep classroom ranging between 5 and 6 years of age. There are six students of mixed ability that will need to
have extra and specific learning requirements. The rest of the students are of good temperament, minimum behavioral issues

Name Personal, Emotional Learning profile

Ethan Stevski He has been diagnosed as having down Can keep on task whilst working on iPad
syndrome this affects his speech and he has /computer or engaged on drawings.
physical disability with regards to his movement
around the classroom. This student requires
assistance and will need an Aide to facilitate their
learning, they use an iPad and their learning is
facilitated using this iPad. The student can
become temperamental if he is not comfortable
with people around him or not happy with
completing the set task.
Megan Manni She is profoundly deaf and wears a cochlear Using signs, visual cues and pictures helps
implant, she will be using FM technology in the this student learn, but she also needs to
classroom, this will help the student to identify

understand and respond to my instructions and learn to communicate when she has not
directions. Conversational speech is hard to understood something.
Maria Zetzky Student diagnosed as mildly autistic. She learns best if routines have been
She gets frustrated easily will scream and show setup. Her strength is in the fact she
aggressive behavior. Not socially apt, hard to loves to draw so her activities are set
carry conversation with as the topic usually around pictures and her drawing to show
diverts to something of interest to her, she is what she understands.
hard to keep complete task. When talking, it is She needs more time to complete tasks.
hard to understand what she is talking about. She
engages in repetitive behavior such as moving
her head back and forth especially she is upset.
Michael Borg Been diagnosed with inattentive ADD, he is Michael can only work on task over short
periods he requires to be given breaks
currently on medication and there has no issue
throughout the school hours. He needs to
to report with regards to his behavior, he is be engaged in some physical activity
during school hours
attentive in class and shows interest in his
lessons, very pleasant and gets along with others
and is very quiet
Dawad Ashok Gifted EAL learner from Sudan, recently arrived, Difficulty with understanding oral
parents dont speak English. instruction, only beginning to learn the

Seems to like drawing very quiet and shy. Very alphabet, limited English words. Very
eager to learn little support for learning at home as
parents dont speak English.
Cristiano Renaldo Student diagnosed with developmental delay, Behind with regards to learning ability
tends to be inattentive in class, may exhibit compared to peers of his age. Commented [SM1]: A comprehensive overview of your 6
Diverse learners, listing their challenges and their strengths.
aggressive behavior, when they dont have things
their way.

The classroom will be a classroom where we respect, help and care for each other the student and I expect that all students will follow the
rules adopted by the school and the classroom.
All students will be aware of the medical conditions their peers have and will be encourage to buddy and assist as required on a rostered basis.
It is my duty to provide students with routines, so that they know what they are doing each day, that means placing the days schedule in oral
and visual format so that all students will understand it. I shall cross each session as we move along the day, so that the students will be aware
of what is happening. The importance of having routines is also going to help students who require additional support to become increasingly
independent, they will know when they need to get certain work books out.
By ensuring that students are clear about the rules of the classroom and what is expected of them I should expect that unwanted behavior is
kept at a minimum.
I am going to ensure there is ample moving space in the classroom as well as have quiet areas for students to have quiet learning space, away
from distraction.

With some students if we are having a hard day keeping them on task it will be a good idea to use a timer and let them know once the timer
sounds they will be rewarded with a break, that will help keep them on task.
The general Mode of instruction will be to the Whole group, then I will send them to do the activity, I will work with struggling groups as
needed. As well as set certain students to work in groups depending on their capabilities so they can assist those with certain weakness. For
example, those with mathematical aptitudes with those that can read very well or know the content that is being taught.
I will have as much vocabulary on the walls as possible so the students are reminded of them and will learn them, we will also have an AUSLAN
chart up on the wall, so that all students can learn it and that way they can communicate with each other, especially with the students having
speech impediment due to their medical conditions.
I am going to make seating arrangements for students needing support as follows:
Megan will sit in a position where she is in direct line of sight so she can hear and read my lips if needed.

Unit overview

The objective is to get the students to be able to count from 1-20 and to get them to subtract within those numbers and to get them to
understand simple worded subtraction problems.


Teach them the numbers as units of ones and tens, allow them to visualize it in different forms, then get the students to group them in
tens and take away in units of one.

Week Content /Purpose Curriculum Objectives

Week 1 Place value teaching them how to group, will Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting
show them units of one blocks and build a block by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving
of ten with those units. from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Then will show them a block of 20 Subitise small collections of objects (ACMNA003)

Week 2 Counting to 10 and backwards, we will practice Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting
counting together units of one to make a block of by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving
10 from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Subitise small collections of objects (ACMNA003)

Week 3 Counting to 20 and backwards, practice counting Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting
together to make 2 blocks of 20. by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving
from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Compare, order and make correspondences between collections,
initially to 20, and explain reasoning (ACMNA289)
Subitise small collections of objects (ACMNA003)

Week 4 Subtraction up to 10 using take away and leaves. Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting
Using blocks practice taking away to find what is by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving
left. from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Subitise small collections of objects (ACMNA003)

Week 5 Subtraction up to 20 using takeaway and leaves, Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting
practice taking away blocks and what is left by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving
from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Compare, order and make correspondences between collections,
initially to 20, and explain reasoning (ACMNA289)

Subitise small collections of objects (ACMNA003)

Week 6 Writing subtraction questions using takeaway Represent and solve simple subtraction problems using a range of
and leaves strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing

Week 7 Solving Subtraction problems using the number Represent and solve subtraction problems using a range of
line strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing

Week 8 Writing their own worded subtraction Represent and solve simple subtraction problems using a range of
strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing
Commented [SM2]:
(ACMNA004) The unit topic is appropriate to the age of the students and
caters for a range of well profiled, diverse learners. The
overview clearly defines what will be achieved and includes
an informed justification.

Lesson 1

Topic: Writing subtraction Sentences using takeaway and leaves Lesson no: 1 Subject: Numeracy
School: Duration: 60 mins Year level: Prep
The students will learn to write sentences to solve subtraction problems, so that they can learn to count.

Activity and timing

Warming Up 5mins I have a number in my head between 1-10 can you guess what the number Is get the students to ask me questions?

Tuning In 10 to Learning Intention:

We will be learning to write subtraction sentences using take away and leaves.

Success Criteria:

I can write subtraction sentences using take away and leaves

I can solve subtraction problems.

I will ask the students what it means to subtract?
I will give them an example of a subtraction problem they might encounter in their daily lives.

Mum has baked some cupcakes and she gives you some and she says you must share it.

So, you have 5 cupcakes and you give away 2, how many do you have left?

I will then write a sentence

5 cupcakes take away 2 leaves . How many is left?

I will draw 5 cupcakes on the board and show them I take away 2 by crossing them out. I will also use my hands to
show them how I can use my hands to solve the problem.
I will re-read my sentence and then add the answer leaves 3.
I will tell them that take away makes the big number smaller

I will model out their activity.

The number 10 is going to be my starting number and will use a dice 0-9, roll it. The number I get is what I will take
away from 10.

I will roll my dice the number I get might be 6

I will write a sentence 10 take away 6 leaves how many?

I will use my fingers and counters, to show them how to solve.

I will ask them to help me with the answer.

So, 10 take away 6 leaves 4.

All students are told they start with 10 and they need to roll the dice to find out the number they are taking away
using the dice 0-9 provided.
They will write a sentence 10 take away X (the number they roll) leaves Y (which they must work out using
Students can spend 10 minutes working together with a peer and then they will be asked to work on their own.

Enable, will assist as needed, may provide them with blanks to fill in the numbers

Extended will give them a larger starting number 20.

- Paper/ workbooks
- Dice 0-9
- Dice 1-20
Differentiated for 6 Diverse Learners:

Ethan Stevski Will use ICT/ iPad programs

Maria Zetzky Will be placed in a group so that they can get assistance from me as needed on their learning

Megan Manni Work sheets with visual cues might be required

Cristiano Renaldo Will be assisted with a teachers Aide to work on numbers to 5

Michael Borg Will assist as needed work with in a group and get assistance as needed

Dawad Ashok Will work with numbers to 20, might include visual Gifted

Take Away Sheet

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

10 Takeaway________________Leaves___________________

Lesson 2

Topic: Using Number line to solve Subtraction problems Lesson no: 2 Subject: Numeracy

School: Duration: 60 mins Year level: Prep

Teaching students to use number lines as a strategy to solve subtraction problems.
Activity and Procedure
Warm up Bingo number game

Tunning in 10 Learning Intentions

to 15 mins We will learn to use the number line to solve a subtraction problem

Success Criteria
I can write a subtraction sentence.
I can solve a subtraction problem on a number line.

Talk to students about subtraction get the students to answer questions of what it means then get them to sit in front of
me, I will be using large number line make sure that it is placed so they can read the numbers. I will tell them that we are
going to do some bunny hopping today to solve subtraction problems using take away and leaves.
I will roll 2 dices dice 1 has numbers 1-6 and dice 2 has numbers 1-10 or 1-20 for extenders
Roll my 2 dices
The largest number tells me where to start.
The smaller number tells me how many bunny hops backwards I need to make
Show students where I start and show them how I bunny hop.

Do it with them
Explain what they need to do for their activity.
Roll dices
Write sentence

large number. take away small number. leavesanswer.

Show starting point and bunny hop on sheets provided.

Students will be given number line sheets 0-10 or 0-20 for extended
They will write their subtraction sentence as.
Larger number takeaway Smaller number leaves answer number.

Work with them
Extended; use dice to 20
Reflection questions for the students 10mins
When you hop backwards on a number line, how do you know where to start?
How do you know when to stop hopping?
Dice 0-9 na d 1-20
Work book or A4 paper
Large Number line for modelling
Number line sheets for students 1-20 and 1-20
Differentiated for 6 Diverse Learners:

Ethan Stevski Will use ICT or iPad activity using number lines

Maria Zetzky Assist as needed, might require ICT or IPad activity

Megan Manni Have number lines with pictures also give them a bunny to use for bunny hopping

Cristiano Renaldo Work in a group with the assistance of the ES, they could act the problem out, where they get them to bunny hop

Michael Borg Work with a peer student to ensure they keep on task, and I will assist as needed

Dawad Ashok Use numbers to 20, number lines with pictures Gifted , maybe pair up with a student proficient in reading and writing,
encourages him to practice vocabulary.

Number line 1-10

Lesson 3

Topic: Solving worded problems in Subtraction Lesson no: 3 Subject: Numeracy

School: Duration: 60 mins Year level: Prep
Students are learning to write their own worded problems in subtraction so that they can understand worded problems better.

Activity and timing Procedure

Warm up In pairs
3 cards from a deck of cards given, they need to add and find the total. Addition practice

Tuning in Learning Intention

We are Learning to solve worded subtraction problems.

Success criteria
I can read worded problems
I can solve worded problems

Introduce them to the fact that subtraction problems can be written as a story.
Have 2 students model a subtraction story.
Michael has 7 apples and gives 3 to Megan. How many apples does Michael have left
I will write it out as a story on the white board, then using pictures or tallies we can solve how many is left.
Emphasis that it is important to read the story more than once.
Strategy the largest number is often how many we have of something and the smaller number is what we take

Worded Subtraction sheets

Work with them.
Worded problems without pictures and get them to write their own worded problems to be solved by their peers.
Dice 0-9
Dice 1-10
Dice 1-20
Students will be given dices as per their ability to count to 20

Differentiated for 6 Diverse Learners:

Ethan Stevski Use iPad to write problems

Maria Zetzky Will work as a group

Megan Manni Will work as a group

Cristiano Renaldo Give blank sheets to fill in

Michael Borg Will work as a group

Dawad Ashok Difficulty with vocab see if he can use pictures to tell a story Commented [SM3]: The major learning purposes are
clear, skills and strategies link to specified curriculum
documents, engaging activities, and adjustments included
for your 6 students with additional needs. Well Done

Subtraction Worded problems

There were 12 students in a classroom. 4 students went home early. How many children were left in the classroom?

10 people were on a bus. 6 got off the bus. How many were left on the bus?

James had 8 balloons. He popped 3 how many balloons are left?

Mark has 8 slices of pizza. He gives 5 slices to his friends. How many slices does he have left?

At the zoo 5 turtles are sitting in the grass. 3 turtle leave. How many turtles are still on the grass?

Subtraction Worded problems for those requiring visual cues

There were 12 students in a classroom. 4 students went home early. How many children were left in the classroom?

10 people were on a bus. 6 got off the bus. How many were left on the bus?

James had 8 balloons. He popped 3 how many balloons are left?

Mark has 8 slices of pizza. He gives 5 slices to his friends. How many slices does he have left?

At the zoo 5 turtles are sitting in the grass. 3 turtle leave. How many turtles are still on the grass?

Paul had 9 favourite books. He gave 6 books to the library. How many books does Paul have left?


Ethan Give them blocks and see if they Observation while they are
can count to 10 then get them to working in groups and
count to 20. individually, asking questions
Give them 10 blocks and see if while they are working to see if
they can take away 5 and tell me they understand what they are
what the answer is. doing.
Megan Manni Give them blocks and see if they Observation while they are She can draw a subtraction
can count to 10 then get them to working in groups and problem showing how many she
count to 20. individually, asking questions starts with how many she takes
Give them 10 blocks and see if while they are working to see if away and how many she is left
they can take away 5 and tell me they understand what they are with.
what the answer is. doing.

Maria Give them blocks and see if they
can count to 10 then get them to
count to 20.
Give them 10 blocks and see if
they can take away 5 and tell me
what the answer is.
Michael Give them blocks and see if they
can count to 10 then get them to
try to count to 20.
Let the attempt counting
backwards and forward with the
both numbers.

Dawad Give them blocks and see if they Observation while they are
can count to 10 then get them to working in groups and
count to 20. individually, asking questions
Give them 10 blocks and see if while they are working to see if h
they can take away 5 and tell me they understand what they are
what the answer is. Give them 20 doing.

blocks and see if they can take Show him a picture of 10 apples
away 5 and tell me what the ask him to take away 4. Observe
answer is. Try with a different that he counts the initial 10
number. apples. Then ask him how many
is left. Can also try using real
apples and maybe you take away
the 4 apples and see if he counts
and tell you what is left.
Cristiano Give them blocks and see if they Observation while they are
can count to 10 then get them to working in groups and
count to 20. individually, asking questions
Give them 10 blocks and see if while they are working to see if
they can take away 5 and tell me they understand what they are
what the answer is. doing. Commented [SM4]: Diagnostic, formative and summative
tasks are authentic and differentiated assessment tasks are
included as well as special consideration given depending on
the students abilities.


Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-ability Classrooms, Association for Supervision and Curriculum

Australian Curriculum V8.2


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