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UWRT 1104

1 November 2017

Double Entry Journal

Jacobson, Neil S, and John M. Gottman. When Men Batter Women: New Insights into Ending
Abusive Relationships. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998. Print.

Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #) Responses

We knew that we had to be careful, When responding or helping a victim of abuse

because not all factors that predict these I feel like it is very important to be careful of
changes are easily translatable into advice your every action and advice. They can be
for batter women (page 32). fragile and take things the wrong way.

The risk of severe assault, and even In some cases, advising a victim to leave the
homicide, increases dramatically when relationship can be life threatening. Each
battered women leave their abusive case is different, but abusive partners are
partners (page 32). known to be control freaks.

The purpose of battering is to control, Perpetrators ways of thinking is that they

intimidate, and subjugate ones intimate must be in control. They are the dominant
partner through the use or the threat of ones and they call the shots. It is a mere
physical aggression (page 35). belief of theirs that triggers this violence.

[Third], after being subjected to physical Having to live through any type of abuse or
and emotional abuse for a period of time, violence eventually will change the way the
women are systematically stripped of their victim thinks and acts. Victims will feel weak
self-esteem (page 50). and useless without their abusive partners,
only because that is what the abusers instilled
in their minds.

In this way, we suspected that emotional Emotional abuse can be just as or even more
abuse can come to serve the same threatening as physical form.
controlling function that physical abuse
does (page 23).

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