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Examen de Acreditacin B2 Ingls - Prueba Oral

Expresin e Interaccin Oral

Una entrevista individual de aproximadamente 9 minutos.
Evaluacin Puntuacin
Los aspectos evaluados son:

Interaccin /coherencia 4 puntos.

Fluidez 4 puntos.
Pronunciacin 4 puntos.
Correccin gramatical 4 puntos.
Riqueza del lxico y las estructuras usados 4 puntos.

La puntuacin obtenida se ajusta a un nota sobre 100 y hay Total = 20 puntos.

que obtener un resultado igual o superior al 50%.

Part 1: You will be asked some general questions about your personal life, interests, future plans, experiences etc.

Part 2: You will be given two photos and told to compare and contrast them, for example:

Part 3: You will be asked some questions related to the topic of the photos, for example:

How are animals treated in your country?

Can you think of any examples of cruelty towards animals?
What animal rights movements are there here in Spain? What sorts of things do animal rights activists do? Do you agree with
Do you think it is better to protect animals and let them live in their natural habitat? Or is it better to train them so that they are
more useful to humans?
How important is the help of animals in society today?
Do zoos still have a useful function in the modern world? Are zoos a way to abuse animals?
Are there other ways of caring for animals in danger of extinction?

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