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Paras, Alyssa Micah F. Nov.

28, 2017

IE-501/TTH 8:30-10:00 Engr. Rein de Leon

Why should I study Ethics as a future Industrial Engineer?

Ethics as defined by Merriam-Webster is an area of study or a discipline that deals with

ideas about what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. Also, Ethics are a set of

moral standards that can be used in regards to responsible decision making. As a future Industrial

Engineer, my job will be complex because the profession is a diverse field and it will require

decision making. I need to study ethics for me to understand the importance of behaving

appropriately in the industry whether or not I will be assigned in process optimization,

ergonomics, computers, supply chain management, environmental management, health and

safety, quality control, supervising a workforce or research and development. Learning about

ethics will not only benefit me but also the people around me and the organization I will work

for. Being an ethical Industrial Engineer will result to wise and better decisions for the

organization, good relationship with co-workers, Sooner or later I will be employed in a

company with guidelines and rules to follow. Being employed means doing tasks in accordance

to the guidelines of the organization. I will be working with many different people with whom I

will have to interact and converse daily. My relationship and interaction with these people should

be guided by the definition of ethics. Once I am already out to practice my profession as an

Industrial Engineer, every action should comply on rules and standards. Every decision made or

step taken will be based on certain rules. There will be set of things to consider before doing

something. Every move should be based on ethical standards. It is important to note that a

successful organization is one that has well-established code of ethics and at the same time

ethical employees. That is how it works in the industry and that is why I should study Ethics.

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