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F- Hey Marco what happen, why are you nervous?

M- I was leaving the bank and in the corner, they assaulted me and took my money

F- Wow, how did that happen?

M- Well, I went to the bank to withdraw money from a cashier, I left the bank and when I was
about to keep the money in my wallet two-armed people come and take my wallet, now I have no

F- Too bad, that's terrible, something similar happened to me when I went to Mexico City, I was
walking down a street in the afternoon and an armed person took my phone and my wallet. good
and you already made some complaint or something like that?

M- No, no creo que den con el paradero de mi billetera.

F- Well, you should do something, at least start with the processing of your documents.

M- Yes, I believe that I will begin with the process of my identification and my driver's license.

F- Well, I'll leave you so you can start doing your paperwork and do not close the dependency.

M- It's okay to go fast so that the process is not delayed.

F- Well see you later.

M- Bye

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