Mudraas and Their Significance

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Mudra-s and their significance: Part I

Lets understand the basics of Mudra or hand gestures, through conversations between Neel and his
seeker group of friends.

It was a Monday and Monday- blues were already on the team. Neel, Som, Meeta & Shilpa walked out
of the class room after the Math class. This class was the 5th of the day. Som, Meeta and Shilpa always felt
that there shouldnt be more than 4 classes a day, but the powers-that-be in the college always had
different thoughts on this matter. They had one more class, Physics, to finish that day! The trio didnt
seem to be in the mood for another class. Neel sensed the mood and said, Hey guys, you know what? I
think the Physics teacher might give a miss to the class today!

What exclaimed all the other three pray, are you kidding us?

No, I have a strong sense which says so. Why not go to the class and check? True to his words, there
was a notice on the notice board just saying that the Physics class for the day has been cancelled.

Wow Neel, how did you know about the cancelled class? That was amazing! shouted the delighted trio
barely able to hold their excitement!

That was based on my asking a question to myself and checking my breath. On close observance of my
breath during the end of last class, I felt that the teacher wouldnt turn up. That is based on my Svara
Yoga practice winked Neel.

All the three had experienced similar feats by Neel before. They also had sought to learn Svara yoga, but
Neel had said that it would have to be taught by his Guru as he was not yet supposed to impart this secret
yoga! So they all had decided that they would learn it from Neels Guru during their summer vacation.

They then went to the spot at the college restaurant, which they frequented, whenever they discussed
some interesting topics. They had decided to discuss today, the siddhi-s achieved by our ancestors

We, in India, are lucky to have had such illustrious ancestors, who showed us, what this human body is
capable of, in terms of achieving amazing feats of excellence or 'siddhi-s'. They demonstrated using the
latent powers of the human body for various siddhi-s, which would border on miracles, when viewed from
perspectives of humans today, when the body is utilized in ways, much different than the way we use
them today. They repeatedly stressed on the pitfalls associated with indulging in bodily pleasures as the
purpose of our existence started Neel, as they settled with a cup of tea each at the restaurant.

We need to understand that the human body is but an incomparable technical marvel and nothing of
human creation would even remotely come close to this greatest gadget that we all are lucky to be in! But
then, this wonder called our body is also the highly ignored and abused gadget by the beings who rather
prefer to marvel at the gadgets way too inferior, designed by humans, which have flooded their lives
continued Neel.

Yes, wherever we look around, we see people enamored by their gadgets and devices, totally losing their
lives to always interacting with their gadgets said Shilpa

Yes Shilpa, precisely. The supreme gadget, our body, however, can bestow us siddhi-s when we tread on
the path demonstrated by our ancestors. The human birth is for a special cause and the cause is to move
ourselves up the higher plane of consciousness and experience permanent bliss. However, not everyone
would be inclined towards attempting to achieve that

Could we talk of any such Siddhi today? sought Som.

Sure, one such Siddhi bestowing practice is the usage of mudra-s

Mudras? Yes, lets discuss more on that. We usually observe Hindu deities using various hand gestures
in the different poses they are depicted. Why are they portrayed as holding their hands in typical gestures?
Is there any significance for such a practice or are they matter of artistic expressions? asked Meeta.

But then, we also see similar hand gestures with yoga, dhyaana or praanaayaama practitioners. Would
it then mean that they are conscious & deliberate practices inculcated into these various health or spiritual
pursuits? queried Shilpa.

Yes, if so, what is the significance of such gestures and how would they benefit the practitioners of such
gestures? What are the rules related to such practice and when can they be practiced? Som joined in the
flurry of questions thrown at Neel.

Wow guysso many questions at a time? Sure, lets understand more on Mudra-s. The holding of hands
in a particular gesture is known as hasta mudra or hand gestures or hand poses.

If that is hasta mudra then are there mudras related to other parts of bodies as well? asked Som.

Yes, the word mudraa could be applied when for example, eyes are positioned in a particular way or for
that matter our legs or the way the whole body is molded in various poses. Said Neel and continued.

The word 'mudra' is usually split into the words mud (u is pronounced akin to u in the word super) plus
the 'ra'. The word 'mud' means the sanskrit muda meaning joy and the word 'ra' means 'ramana' or
sporting in joy or the 'ra' also means 'reeshyate' or to remove. So, mudra would mean being in joy thereby
sporting in it for long or it would also mean, obtaining joy by removing negativity or illness from the body

But how would a simple hand gesture or a mudra accomplish obtaining of joy and removing of pain?
Interjected Meeta.

Remember the marvel called our body? In the human body, there is a further depiction of our being in
miniature forms in various parts of our body. For example, the entire body is represented by our ears
which appears akin to a human being lying down with legs folded. The human hand also depicts the
various parts of our body and hence finds usage in acupressure, acupuncture and reflexology modes of
healing various body parts by applying pressure on various points on our palms

Excellent. I had also heard about different fingers representing a distinct pancha bhootas ( 5 nature
elements like Earth, water, fire, air and space) asked the well-read Som.

Yes, various mudra-s impact the various elements of pancha bhoota-s. The middle finger, being the
biggest, represents the biggest of the five, the space or aakaasha. Did you know that the structure of our
fingers follows the creation of these elements as we see in our scriptures? Asked Neel.

No, we are not aware said all three. please lets know?
Well Bhagavata says during creation, when the time for creation of five bhootas come, the first one to
get created is the aakasha. Aakaashaat vayuH vaahuragniH agniraapaH aapo prithiviH. When there was a
shake in aakasha, air got created. Rapid movement of air created fire and when fire cooled, water got
created and water when crystalized, it became earth. So that sequence can be seen in our fingers when
we hold them together in a circle. The biggest finger, the middle finger represents space, then comes the
forefinger representing air, then comes the thumb representing fire, then comes the middle finger
representing water and then the ring finger representing earth

Why, thats awesome Neel! said Meeta very excited.

Nice, which is interesting. So, how do Mudra-s work? said Som keen to get the science behind the

The next blog: The science behind working of Mudra-s.

How Mudra-s work?

If you entwine fingers of both palms and hold the hands together, the gesture would depict a brain like
formation and therefore, manipulations in hands provide a message to the brain to function in an
intended way to enhance our capabilities. This concept is known as a Psycho kinetic lock of fingers.

oh wowthats nice ..didnt know that! said Meeta.

The next step would be to know various hand poses, which can provide a strong positive message to the
brain to act as a benefactor, either to enhance a positive quality or reduce a negative quality. The hand-
poses would then induce certain states of mind or conscious that trigger well-being in humans said Neel
and continued further.

Now coming to the subtle aspect of Mudra-s. The mudra-s also trigger and facilitate the movement of
Praana or energy flows in our body. They trigger structured movement of Praana in the body to regulate
the flow to enhance our capabilities or eliminate negativities. The various Praanic chakra-s and naadi-s
continuously radiate Praana. However the Praana, as it begins accumulating, gets dissipated out of our
body. Our day to day activities like speaking, watching, moving, sitting, thinking and intimate activiites etc
utilize Praana thereby reducing the Praanic flow

But how do the mudra-s help in stemming that flow of Praana outside? quizzed Som.

The mudra-s help by preventing the dissipating of the Praana through the fingers, as fingers are also
considered a point of outward flow of Praana. The tips dissipate Praanic energy outwards and hence
locking them through certain gestures ensures the redirection circulation of Praana in the body, thereby
ensuring its abundance. Once the dissipation of Praana is arrested through constant practice of mudra-s,
the mind gets to become withdrawn resulting in sense withdrawal (pratyaahaara), concentration
(dharana) and meditation (dhyaana).

Wow, such a deep impact by usage of Mudra-s said an impressed Shilpa.

Yes and every mudra has a distinctive facilitation in our mind and consciousness, that helps snap
instinctive habit patterns and works towards refining our consciousness and thoughts towards greater
excellence and siddhi-s

Yes, with this background, when we discuss Mudra next, I will demonstrate various mudra-s and their
usage. Now its time for the day today, lets meet tomorrow again

Sure thanks Neel, that was enlightening on Mudra-s. This knowledge would now help us work on the
mudra-s with intent so saying the friends slowly started walking out of the cafeteria preparing to leave
for their homes.

Next blog on Mudra would have various mudra-s and their usage.

The next blog on Mudra-s would talk about the various mudra-s, their practice and the usage in our well

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