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an- {tanana AT something/ from something?

Auf- {'up' or 'on', pretty much makes new stuff (aufmachen)

Aus- {'from' and 'out' (Auskommen)

Ein- {'in' or 'down' (atmen und drcken)

Nach- {usually 'after', but can mean also some kind of 're-' (nachfllen)
Fllen != Fhlen

Zu- {'to'...


Be- {the english 'be in become' bekommen != werden

Emp- {has to do with recieve/percieve

Ent- {has a sense of 'undoing' something

Er- {another 're-', but can point completion of action like death

Ge- {apart from past also, tricky

Miss- { like english 'mis-'

Ver- {often the complete posite of what comes next

Zer- {like 'zerstren', has to do with destruction and absolute things!!!

wider - Against
wieder - again

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