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3 - a significant alteration and complication of the entire complex, and

therefore the
freeware-version again "beta".

- Introduced some elements of protection from negligence, namely:
* Automatic correction of incorrect input range limits LBA;
* Warning when trying to erase the system disk mode API;
* Warning before erasing the drive if the hard drive has been tampered with;
* When you switch to PIO-API will automatically switch recording
* The port number and channel type with a test HDD displayed on top of tabs
in the upper right corner;
- Working with logical drives through the API has become more convenient. Their
list is displayed
followed by physical tab 'Standard'. Option is customizable,
In particular, you can disable to work with floppy disks (under 'Setup');
- Now copy-paste input fields LBA seek. There were buttons
reset values LBA;
- In Seek added count of the number of positioning;
- The plot is removed manually switch factor, instead introduced
automatic scaling based on the speed test
Host (from 2 to 980 Mb / s, which theoretically allows you to test
as high-speed RAID arrays and disk);
- To eliminate flicker elements of the chart by double-buffering;
- When EraseBlock the logs recorded a range of sectors erased block;
- Added ability to copy to the clipboard, not only the entire passport,
but some of its line;
- The panel STANDARD, SMART, TESTS added Splitters (Comma)
allow for changing window sizes as smoothly and at maximum size
double click;
- Added ability to copy the clipboard information on topics;
- Slightly improved form of logging by reducing the time fields, the latter
line is now highlighted in blue;
- The SMART added showing Fahrenheit temperature;
- The SMART scale of the "health" HDD changes color depending on the value;
- The color scheme of the interface is now determined by the settings of Windows,
and not
has fixed colors as before;
- Added icons, icons in the menu;
- For the aesthetes added the ability to switch the rounded framework for
Classic lines (setup);
- Added the function keys F1 (Help), F2 (passport), F3 (reset HDD
Mode PIO), F4 (start / stop scan the surface), F5 (start / stop
Test positioning), F9 (getting SMART);

Bug fixes, improvements:

- Fixed the "ideological errors", the remainder of the DOS version. It was
that "the last LBA" screw was equal to their number (actually - 1
less, because the numbering starts with sector 0), and all tests have ignored
non-existent address, in addition, it was impossible to enter the same values
- Ban on entering the same values on the first and last LBA ;-)
- Fixed output abroad Start LBA in reverse scan;
- Fixed bug with open handler mode disc scan through the API;
- The program is adapted to an error in the microcode HDD Seagate U5, as a result
which of these drives return incorrect CHS parameters;
- Fixed bug due to which the switching method of processing defects
during the scan surface is not adjusted timeout (although visually it
- For storage of small volumes of the size shown in kilobytes (API);
- Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect amount of the LBA in
HPA window with a passport on the discs, in which the number of available LBA
far (> 1000 times) smaller than the real;
- The speed of erasing mode API slightly increased (5-10%);
- Slightly reduced the load on the CPU when drawing maps;
- Fixed the "brake" in the scrolling map, when a scan is stopped;
- Fixed incorrect conversion of the string "x G" (where X - number) for
input instead of a number LBA;
- Fixed bug with wrong display of flags SATA/LBA48 for virtual
and USB drives;
- Fixed a bug that did not choose a folder with logs
when opening the file of the passport and SMART;
- Fixed minor error in the timing of switches;
- Fixed a bug, because that is sent to reset the screw through the ports at
"Quick Navigation" during the scan surface via API;
- Fixed a bunch of minor bugs and in some places, optimized code;

Adding new features:

- Made possible to verify the authenticity of recorded data in API,
received the codename Data Distortion Detect (distortion control
data, short or DDD 3D). It works as follows: if
record set checkbox "DDD Enable", the block will be recorded special
control code, which is then verified by reading. If you do not match though,
would be
single bit error will be "data distortion!";
- Added the ability to enumerate all sectors of erasing through the API.
Also in each sector adds date and time are erased;
- Added storage rooms API unit in INI-file;
- Display Room LBA when you hover over a map scan is now working
and reverse;
- If you tested the drive is a removable device, it is assumed
that its speed and low latency are set higher than for HDD;
- When you right-click on the map now scan is presented menus,
to designate a boundary selected block scanning range;
- The scan through the API added recognition errors UNCR, IDNF, ABRT, Write
protected (typical for Flash), AMNF (floppy disk) and a few others;
- Introduced HDD control willingness to adjust AAM, thereby obviating
waiting in vain, and the associated "sticky" slider AAM;
- Added a beep after the Security
- Added an attempt to stop the shaft HDD, CD SCSI command through the API. Now
should work for SCSI and SATA drives via ext. supervisors;
- API Verify a scan and is now done Seek'e SCSI command Verify,
because of this you can now test the USB / FireWire drives
rated speed, without limitation interface;
- Added a forced switch to the SCSI command to obtain a passport
due to glitches SiI3112 SATA controller driver for ATA-processing commands;
- Changed logic to determine the size of the drives through the API. Now the
first tries to get the size of the SCSI LBA team if does not work -
check disk geometry different team, and CHS calculated size.
* The option can be disabled CHS v "" Don't get drive type ", because I do not
liked her work on the 'Apple' FireWire HDD Box;
- Added a brief overview in the form of an external HTML, caused by F1. You can
replenish its own;
- Added disk viewer / editor, the panel reduced to Advanced
normal form.
- Added one more item on the menu end scan the surface. He turns off the ATX
computer shutdown Windows;
- Sectors in remape now marked by a recurring signature "REMAP !!!",
and not filled with debris, as before.

4.2 - adding working with drives through the Win API. First steps with the API.

- Added work with physical disks through the Windows API - only
Class Windows NT/2000/XP. Supported
IDE, SATA, USB, FireWire, Flash, SCSI drives and virtual disks
BestCrypt. Also supported by CD, FDD, etc. "Logical" (but still
implemented inconvenient). SMART still only works on IDE and SATA HDD;
Through the API was possible to test the system hard drive;
- Fixed a bug that was displayed at double speed
- Fixed a bug that caused program to crash on
SMART hard drive with a damaged table;
- Fixed bug that caused a crash when adjusting for AAM
some systems;

4.1 - Addressing the major drawbacks.

- Fixed a bug that caused non-viability of the program for

Italian version of Windows;
- Changed the type of log, for compatibility with the formats of the time in other
(Particularly distinguished, Albania and Honduras - have them being written in a
terrible form, such as 2:00:09 PD); also had to change and format
- Added identification of Windows Vista;
- Fixed minor bugs in the code and interface;
- Changed the element of control during a timeout scan the surface, added
willingness to wait indefinitely, allowing switching power supply
HDD test without stopping the scan;
- The full version adds PIO-32 copying of sectors in the file with a "long
reading and pass the defects (in the free as long as disabled);

4.0 - The Beginning.

The first version for Windows. Support for the work only through the ports.

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