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Duygulu 1

Henri Duygulu

Professor moore

Comp 1


Short Academic Response 2

In the review of we robots, Turkel talks about the need and demand for technology and the internet.
Turkel describes how we feel a need to always be connected to the internet on social media and weighs
the pros and cons of it. Sex robots are also used as an example to push her point that robots fill our
needs and more convenient than human interaction.

Leherers view on Turkels book with a very strong opinion. He identifies how unoptimistic she is
about the future of humanity due to this connection we have to electronics. He did his research and
brings up a lot of points and facts over the subject to help push his ideal on the review to hers. In the
end Leherer opposes the ideas in the book with a lot of questions to his one-sided view.
Needless to say, the portrait painted by these studies is very different from the
one in Turkles fascinating, readable and one-sided book (We Robots)

The review constantly challenges and contradicts Turkels study by using researched events. In
the book the idea is that the internet and technology is this great thing we use to fill voids and be
creative but Leherers idea on that is the we are trapped ball and chain to our phones and computers.
The book is seen as one sided to Leherer with both completely opposite biased views.

In the review, a study is conducted with 800 undergrads on the subject of loneliness and overall
support to see if the subjects would isolate or become more social with the help of social media. The
results enhanced the idea of social media being a place to go and communicate with each other over it
being a place to hide an identity to become lost in your own world

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