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Cougars Den redesign

Allison Yuschik

November 10th 2017

The Cougars Den gets a new design

Host Intro:

Kean Universitys Cougars den got a new design over the summer break. The popular

eatery on campus now has a sports bar type theme, as opposed to a quiet dining area in the

previous semesters. Five big screen TVS are on the walls in the main dining area showcasing a

variety of sports channels and Kean athletic jerseys are framed on the walls as well. The decision

for the redesign came from the Office of Student Governments executive board. This is what

Kean University Junior Eric Shandroff had to say about the redesign.

Eric Shandroff In-Cue:

I like the big screen tvs

Eric Shandroff Out-Cue:

. it just looks like a nice improvement

Host Transition:

The Cougars den is open on Monday- Thursday from 11am-11pm, Fridays until 5pm and now

Sundays until 7:30pm. To tie in with the new sports design, the Cougars Den on Sundays is

offering a Late-Night Programing and NFL menu from 1pm-7:30pm. The NFL menu offers

items such as chicken wings, burgers and nachos. Some students are in favor of the longer hours

that the cougars den is open for. Kean Senior Rahkim Fleetwood had this to say about the new

Rahkim Fleetwood In-Cue:

This is the only thing that was open on campus late

Rahkim Fleetwood Out-Cue:

... want to get some actual food you can come here

Host Close:

With the new design and hours in place, it will give students more options throughout the

semester weeks for food and leisure. Through the decision to redesign, the cougars den looks to

attract more students throughout the semester.

For WKNJ-FM, 90.3, Union, New Jersey the NEW sound of Kean University, Im Allison

Sound Bites:

Eric Schandroff

I like the big screen tvs that you can see them from anywhere that your sitting. I like the

circular lighting that hangs from the ceiling, it has a nice design to it. Some new jerseys up on

the walls too. Overall It just looks like a nice improvement.

Rahkim Fleetwood

This is the only thing that was open on campus late for people to get food, people have classes

till ten, so the fact that its open till eleven is great cuz then people like that can get food. Even if

youre hungry past like eight, want to get some actual food you can come here


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