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My name is Diogo Filipe da Luz Fernandes and I am

applying for the Masters Degree in Performance, Saxofone.

Since I was younger, music was always in my life and at the

age of 11 I entered at the Conservatorium in Setbal taking
saxophone classes. I was involved in Masterclasses and
Internships of Symphonic Orchestra and Woodwind.

My aims for the future are trying to learn more and play
better with more confidence, reaching higher goals on my journy
in my academic career, and as a student.

The 2 pieces that I chose are Partita BWV 1013 for flute
from Bach and Ma from Ryo Noda.

The first one is the Partita for Flute, I chose this piece
because its from the Baroque Period, with it I can demonstrate
my musicality and a bit of virtuosity.

This second piece has a contemporary style with which I can

show better the range of my skills playing a piece with
contrasting musicality compered to the other one, letting me
show a diferente and trough understanding of the musical
language itself.

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