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TOTAL CARBON Your companys total carbon emissions, or carbon footprint is the
EMISSIONS total set of greenhouse gasses your organisation creates expressed as
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).
TOTAL WASTE A measure of how much waste your company produces in total that is
sent to landfill.
WATER CONSUMPTION A measure of how much potable water your organisation uses in total.

OVERAL AIR QUALITY How much is your organisation contributing to improving overall air
CONTROL quality? Do you actively discourage activities such as leaving vehicles
idling, and encouraging activities such as sourcing hybrid and electric
vehicles, having plant and other equipment maintained regularly, and
promoting staff to use public transit or cycle?
COMMUNITY Does your organisation commit to involving the local community
ENGAGEMENT when decisions will affect them? Do you take part in non-profit
ACTIVITIES events, support local teams or charities, or donate time or money to
local BIAs or other local efforts? Do you have an open dialogue with
the community and its leaders?
APPRENTICIES Apprentices are aged 16 or over and combine working with studying
to gain skills and knowledge in a specific job. Apprentices can be new
or current employees and must be paid at lease minimum wage.
RESPONSIBLE Is your organisation aware of or actively source materials using
SOURCING certified schemes such as FSC timber, or BES 6001 certified concrete?
Are you aware of where key risks lie in your materials supply chains?
MODERN SLAVERY Is your organisation aware of the issue of Modern Slavery? Do you
ISSUES know the signs to look for and actions you can take if you suspect
your employee or supplier may be a victim of modern slavery?
FAIRNESS, INCLUSION Does your organisation actively encourage an environment of
AND RESPECT inclusivity and respect? Does your organisation actively try to recruit
a diverse workforce and supply chain?

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