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Lauren Black, Jenna Gekas, Ellie Wikner

4250 Lehigh Rd., 1316A

College Park, MD 20740

September 24, 2017

Levi Lance Gayato

4810 Queensbury Rd.
Riverdale, MD 20737

RE: Research for English 297 - Introduction to Professional Writing

Dear Levi,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Lauren Black, and I am currently a student at the
University of Maryland studying accounting and information systems with a minor in
professional writing. For one of my professional writing classes this semester, Introduction to
Professional Writing, my group partners, Ellie Wikner and Jenna Gekas, and I will need to
compile an ethnographic report on a professional writer.

This assignment requires that we find a professional working within an industry that we hope to
enter after graduation. Though we are not all accounting majors, we are interested in a
business-related career like yours that involves both math and technical writing. After
researching potential careers that match this description, we decided to focus on audit report
writing, as we are both interested in and unfamiliar with this sort of writing. Audit report
writing is particularly intriguing because auditors are able to transform the analytic work they
do and put it into writing.

Due to your experience as an audit writer at KPMG, we believe your first-hand knowledge
would enrich and contribute to our ethnographic report. Consequently, we would appreciate
the opportunity to set up an interview with you. During this interview, we hope to learn more
about your role as a professional writer in the workplace, what you do for your company,
KPMG, and how writing plays into your work as an accountant. Additionally, as you are an
alumni of Alpha Kappa Psi and I am a current member, I intend to discover how the fraternity
has helped you in the working world. Should you enter into this partnership, we are confident
that your contribution will benefit you by bringing increased publicity and recruitment
opportunities to KPMG.

I would appreciate if you would take the time to email me back at by October 7th 2017 so we can begin our project. We look
forward to hearing from you, and thank you for your time and consideration.


Lauren Black
University of Maryland, College Park
Robert H. Smith School of Business
B.S. Accounting, B.S. Information Systems
Phone: (609) 651-2730

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