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Mi nombre es andres felipe perez camacho, tengo 27 aos, yo soy estudiante de ingeniera en
sistemas, mi estado civil es unin libre, nac en La dorada Caldas, mi familia es muy alegre y
trabajadora, yo soy una persona muy alegre y extrovertida, me gusta el futbol, no me gusta el
boxeo, mi rutina diaria es trabajar, comer y estudiar.



My name is andres felipe perez camacho, I am 27 years old and I am study systems
engineering, I born in La Dorada Caldas my marital status is free unin.

About my family, theyre very cheerful and hard-working people and actually Im also a very
cheerful and extroverted person; I really like watch and play football wit my Friends but I
dont like boxing.

My daily routine is basically wake up at 7 am, take a shower and eat my breakfast with my
girlfriend after that we go to our Jobs like at 8:00 am. I eay my lunch at noon and i have to back
to my work at 02:00 pm. I arrive to my home after 7:30, I eat with my girlfriend our dinner and
study at 08:00 pm, after study I go to bed.

Thank you.

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