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Poetry- A form of literature which uses aesthetic qualities
Elements of Poetry
1. Structure and Sound
1.1. Rhyme Scheme- The pattern of the use of rhyme in a poem
Types of Rhyme Scheme
Couplet- (AA)
Quatrain- (ABAB) (ABBA)
Tercet- (AAA)
Terza Rima- (ABA BCB CDC)
1.2. Meter- the pattern in a line categorized by a fixed number of syllables
1.3. Rhyme- the sound pattern created by stressed and unstressed syllables
2. Sense
2.1. Subject Matter- What is the poem about?
2.2. Persona- A dramatic character who is the speaker of a poem
2.3. Addressee- To whom the poem is addressed/ dedicated to
3. Style- The use of figures of speech, imagery, symbolism, and other literary techniques
Different Poetic Forms/ Types of Poetry
1. Epic- Long narrative poem about heroic deeds or events.
Example: Biag ni Lam-Ang, Beowulf,
2. Haiku- Japanese poetry written in three lines of five, seven and five syllables, respectively.
3. Cinquain- is a five-line poem that was invented by Adelaide Crapsey. She was an American
poet who took her inspiration from Japanese haiku and tanka.
4. Sonnet- A single-stanza poem containing 14 lines with a specific meter and rhythm.
5. Ballad- a narrative set to music passed down orally.
6. Free Verse- Verse that does not conform to any fixed meter or structure

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