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Reading websites NESA website NSW govt

It is made by the HSCHub by atomi. The NSW Education Standards Authority

Made by the tutoring organization. (NESA) replaced the Board of Studies
NESA will set and monitor quality
teaching, learning, assessment and school
standards. This includes responsibility,
across NSW public, Catholic and
independent schools
Combined with words, pictures, graphs, but Combined with words, pictures, graphs,
no sound. but no sound.
This website is directly targeting the high This website is directly targeting the high
school students who is looking for a tutor school students and teachers.
They have links called schools, subjects and The links are more clear to use so that the
pricing. Which is obviously a financial students can find their year group and
organization. subject easily.
Languages are half formal and half informal. The language is more formal for this
Including many pictures. official website.

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