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1. Complete the sentences. Use present simple positive or negative form.

a. My mum always_______________(make) breakfast for us.

b. Dora and I ____________(love) watching TV.

c. We_____________(not go) to school on Sunday.

d. Mark usually_____________ (have) breacfast at nine oclock

e. I ____________(not drink) milk.

2. Complete the sentences. Use present continuous positive and negative


a. Look! My friends________________(come).

b. I _______________(not wear) jeans today. I_____________(wear) trousers.

c. Today the weather is very beautiful. The sun ______________ (shine) and the

d. I__________(have) party this weekend.

e. She _____________(eat) a fish. She_____________(eat) a sandwich.

3. Put the words in the correct order.

a. The musicians / are / practicing / now?

b. Vets / where / do / usually / work?

c. Flying / where / is / the / the pilot / today ?

d. A lot / you / travel / do

4. Complete. Use some, any, much, many.

Ally: Im hungry. Lets make ________________egg sandwiches.

Alex: Ok. I think weve got ________________eggs. How ____________eggs do we


Ally: Two. Have we got _______________ cheese or tomatoes?

Alex: Yes. We have _______________tomatoes and cheese. But how

____________ cheese and how tomatoes do you want?

5. Complete. Use the Present simple or the present continuous.

Im a ballet dancer. I (work)_______________for a ballet company in a big city. I

(practice)____________every day and (dance)______________ in the evenings. I
always(wear) ____________ beautiful costumes. Im very fit and I can dance for
hours. Look at the photo. I (practice)____________with my friend. I
(wear)____________ my beautiful costume for a new ballet.

6. Write rules for a healthy lifestyle. Use must/mustnt

a. Sleep eight hours a day___________________

b. Eat fruit and vegetables__________________

c. Listen to my parents ___________________

d. eat a lot of chocolate___________________

e. go for a walk every day___________________

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