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Statement after Mark Sampson sacking

Following todays announcement by the Football Association, Women in Sport can confirm that Mark Sampson is no longer a Patron
of the Charity.
The Charity hopes that media attention will now return to the women's football team performance on the pitch, and that women and
girls up and down the country will continue to be inspired by the Lionesses' World Cup campaign.

Reference to elite nations,Personalisation,unambiguity and frequency are the news values in this story.Personalisation is in this text
as it is focusing on Mark Sampson this specificity gives the consumers the main person of the news story.Unambiguity is in this story
as it cannot be interpreted in any other way as its straight to the point.Frequency is this story as it is a short term piece of news
because its only just happened over the past week.We could get an interview from someone at The Football Association to show
their thoughts on the matter.

Sported and Women in Sport launch a new Sport for Change programme

Sported and Women in sport have come together to launch a new Sport for Change programme to help girls in the most deprived
areas of the UK to fulfil their potential by opening up access to sport.
The programme is funded by Comic relief as part of its Levelling the Field initiative.Research shows that living in a deprived
community can have a negative impact on girls aspirations including their educational choices, career pathways and participation
in sport or physical activity. Gender stereotypes are particularly entrenched when it comes to sport. Only 43% of girls say they have
the same choice as boys at school in sport and exercise; and amongst secondary school-age children, being sporty is still widely
seen as a masculine trait.
This story has composition as it gives a positive aspect to the consumer and its inspirational.The sport for change programme could
be important to parents as they may show their daughters this and they might be inspired and not shy away from sport.We could
interview one of the governing body at Sport for change to get a greater insight on what its about this could be done at the
studio.The story could be deemed as sexist at is a group for women in sport only.

Deadlock over UKs brexit bill

The EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier says there has not been enough progress to move to the next stage of Brexit talks as the
UK wants.
He said there was "new momentum" in the process but there was still "deadlock" over how much the UK pays when it leaves, which
he called "disturbing".
Mr Davis said the UK still wanted to be given the green light for trade talks when EU leaders meet next week.
The pair were speaking after the fifth round of Brexit talks in Brussels.Mr Barnier said: "I am not able in the current circumstances to
propose next week to the European Council that we should start discussions on the future relationship."
The UK's Brexit Secretary David Davis urged EU leaders at the summit, on 19 and 20 October, to give Mr Barnier a mandate to start
trade talks and to "build on the spirit of cooperation we now have".
He said there had been progress on the area of citizens' rights that had moved the two sides "even closer to a deal".

News values which are within this story are; reference to top elite persons,Reference to Elite nations,Threshold and continuity.The
reference to top elite persons are spread throughout this story with the UKs Brexit secretary David Davis and Eus Chief negotiator
Michel Barnier this gives the story a sense of importance.This references to top elite nations as every country in the EU is involved
with the UKs brexit deal.This story is huge as it affects not only the UK but the countries in the EU as it one of the largest most
richest countries in the world leaving the European Union.Finally continuity is in this text as Brexit is going to take a long time and its
very important nationally and globally so it is always going to be reported on until the deal is completed.An MP would be a perfect
candidate for an interview on the station to give their thoughts on brexit and how it is being handled by the Government and EU.
Belfast murder victim 'lay dead for two years'

The body of a woman who is believed to have been murdered may have lain undiscovered for more than two years, police have said.
Marie Conlon, 68, was discovered dead in bed in a flat at Larkspur Rise in west Belfast last Friday.
A 23-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday and remains in custody.Detectives have established that the last known sighting of
Ms Conlon was in January 2015."It is our belief, supported by the medical evidence, that her death may have occurred at around this
time," said Ch Insp Alan Dickson."We have launched a murder investigation and a 23-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion
of a number of offences including murder."He was detained in the west Belfast area yesterday and remains in custody."Ch Insp
Dickson said authorities were alerted on Friday after concerns were raised about Ms Conlon's welfare."Officers forced entry to her
Larkspur Rise home and discovered her deceased in bed," he said. "It was apparent that she had lain undiscovered for some
time."Results from a post-mortem examination suggest the death may have been suspicious, said Ch Insp Dickson, adding that
further tests were due to take place.

The news values this story consists of is frequency,meaningfulness,unexpectedness and negativity.It has frequency as even though
its a 2 year old dead body it has only just been discovered,the unexpectedness it has is the fac is shocking and no one was
expecting this to occur.This could be meaningfulness as it has a emotional affect on people around that area or even to people who
have had this happen to them.This news is very negative as obviously someone has died and the body has only just been discovered
after such a long time this story is good for reporters as negativity is more widely listened to as its shocking. This story could have an
interview from a family member or a close friend of the deceased person to possibly shed a light on the matter and their thoughts of
how its being handled.
Clean Growth Plan could see stamp duty incentive for homeowners
Stamp duty may be changed to encourage people to make their homes more energy efficient, with better insulation.
Energy minister Claire Perry told the BBC householders would face "carrots and sticks" to prompt them into saving on heating bills
and carbon emissions.
It may form part of a plan by ministers to get about a million homes a year renovated during the next two decades.
The government will fail to meet its climate change laws unless it can cut emissions from household heating.
The proposals are part of the government's long-delayed Clean Growth Plan, being published on Thursday, which defines how it
aims to reduce carbon emissions across the whole economy.
As part of the the Climate Change Act, the government needs to cut CO2 emissions by 57% from 1990 levels by 2050.

This story has unexpectedness and composition.Its unexpected as the Government were meant to have discussed this topic years
ago and it has finally been followed through on and its out of the blue in a way.This story is being used as it allows a balanced diet of
news showing composition,the composition fits into this story as it affects the whole uk population and its for the future.As its for the
future the story will develop over a longer period of time meaning it will be important to the public.This story could have one of our
news reporters going around the stations local town to get the opinions of this incentive from the general public.

Double Paralympic champion Kadeena Cox says sport has helped her come to terms with her disability.

Leeds-born Cox began taking part in athletics in her early teens before her life was turned upside down when she suffered
a stroke before being later diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. But Cox refused to let her condition get the better of her,
becoming a household name last summer when she won 400m gold and track cycling gold at the 2016 Rio Paralympic
Games."It gave me something to focus and something to drive towards," she says

The first news value in this story is personalisation due to Kadeena Cox speaking out about coping with her disability this
specifically focuses on her and as she is well known the story becomes more recognisable and important.The other news
value is composition this as it gives all people listening a range of news and doesnt create any disparities in the news

Kevin Spacey is being investigated by UK police over an alleged sexual assault.

The Sun newspaper said a man, aged 23 at the time, made a complaint on Tuesday about the alleged incident in the
London borough of Lambeth.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed that they are investigating an alleged assault on a man from 2008.They would not
confirm the allegation was made against House of Cards actor and double Oscar winner Spacey.Spacey said on

Thursday that he is seeking treatment after facing allegations of sexual misconduct from a string of men.The Sun reported
that a British actor claimed he woke up to find Spacey performing a sex act on him in 2008.The man is said to have run
from the property after Spacey allegedly said: "Don't tell anyone about this."A spokesman for the Met said it had no record
of any arrests having been made in connection with the investigation and police declined to comment on The Sun's report,
which says the complainant had been interviewed by police.

This news story is filled with news values beginning with reference to a top elite person as Kevin Spacey is a well known
famous actor.Secondly negativity this is a bad news story as Spacey is being investigated over an alleged sexual
assault.Frequency is also in this as it's only just happen and is breaking news making it more interesting to the
consumer.Unambiguity is in this story as it's straight to the point of what it is about and cannot be misinterpreted as
something else. There is a slight value of threshold in this story as it is as the event is big as it could affect so many
people in many different ways for example he could of been an inspiration to young aspiring actors and now they see him
as a fraud and a disgrace.

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