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Communication Situations

A Question of Ethics TERRI: Dont you see? Its called affirmative action.
Molly has just been accepted to Stanford University MONICA: Terri, give it a rest!
and calls her friend Terri to tell her the good news.
TERRI: Oh, please. You know it, and I know it. She
MOLLY: Hi Terri! Guess what? I just got accepted to only got in because of her race and because shes
Stanford Law School! poor. Her GPA is really low and so is her LSAT.
TERRI [Surprised and disappointed]: Oh, cool! MONICA: Did you ever stop to think that maybe she
wrote an outstanding essay? Or that they thought
MOLLY: Thanks you sound so enthusiastic!
the time she spent volunteering in that free legal
TERRI: Oh, I am. Listen, I have to go Im late for clinic in her neighborhood was good background?
TERRI: Yes, weve both read some of her papers and
MOLLY: Oh, OK. See you! we know she cant write. Listen, Monica, if youre
black, Asian, American Indian, Latino, or any other
The women hang up, and Terri immediately calls her
minority and poor, youve got it made. You can be as
friend Monica.
stupid as Forrest Grump and get into law school you
TERRI: Monica, its Terri. want. Thats just not fair at all.

MONICA: Hey, Terri. Whats up? MONICA: No, you know what isnt fair? Im sittin
here listening to my so called friend insult my
TERRI: I just got some terrible news Molly got into intelligence and my ethnic background. How dare
Stanford! you tell me that the only reason Ill ever get into a
MONICA: So whats wrong with that? I think its good medical school is because Im Latino. Listen,
great. Arent you happy for her? honey, Ill get into medical school just the same way
that Molly got into law school-because of my brains,
TERRI: No, not at all. I didnt get in, and I have better my accomplishments, and my ethical standards. And
grades and a higher LSAT score. based on this conversation, its clear that Molly and I
MONICA: Maybe Molly had a better application. are way ahead of you.

TERRI: Or maybe it was what was on her application.

MONICA: What do you mean?

TERRI: You know what I mean. Mollys black.

MONICA: Yes, and?

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