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Hector Martinez


I. Introduction
The United States is now home to The Republic, a nation at war with its neighbors. June
Iparis is a fifteen-year-old prodigy born into an elite family in one of the Republics wealthiest
districts, she has success in the Republics highest military circles. Day is fifteen years old. He
was born in the slums, a part the countrys poor area. He is also the most wanted criminal.
Thesis: I am going to discuss Days personality (the protagonist), How he behaves throughout the
hero's journey. How he is changed from the beginning of the book towards the end. The hero's
journey is not in order at the beginning, he is on the call to adventure. But the book, does consist
of all the 12 steps and i will list most of the main ones.
II. Day is a 14 year old kid, and in his pov the united states has been taken over by a
communist government. It's more of a society vs man conflict. So as retaliation Day
blows up an entire squadron of air force plane, this made him become the nation's most
wanted criminal.
He doesn't remember the united states well enough, except from what his father
told him before. In the nation he grew up in, at age 10 they are required, forced to take a
trial, the trial is a combination of physical, written and verbal test. So at the age of 10 he
takes it. Day fails. If you fail, you are sent to a labor camp. He survives death. And after
he survives, his life of crimes begins.
The refusal to call is when Day tries to go back to his family. But then doesn't.
III. While in the streets, he meets a girl, a bit younger than him named tess. (introduce tess).
Tess was kicked out by her parents. From this point he helps day throughout the way by
helping if he's injured.
The departure is when Days brother, Eden, is sick he is forced to break into a
city hospital to get medicine, vaccine for his brother.
Some test, friends. they encounter is when they are spectating a fight and they see a
girl who is forced to fight. She is june, they become friends not knowing june is looking for
day. But june doesn't know Day is right in front of him.
The Ordeal: Day tells june he accidentally killed matias, her brother. June orders for his
arrest. They take eden away because he's too sick. They refuse to go, and Days mother gets shot
and killed.
IV. Treasure: the treasure is june getting awarded 200,00. But over time june has fallen in
love with day.
The resurrection: june finds out Day is innocent, and that the government killed
him. And june tries to free day.
Return: June and day are contacted by the patriots, a rebellious organization. They go
to the east side, and work but their lives aren't the same.
V. Conclusion: Throughout the book we see how day goes from a hardened criminal risking
his life to stay alive (ironic) and to keep his family alive. And as he spends time with june he
grows love for her, and changes into more

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