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When interviewing Mrs. Langwell I liked that she dwelled on the fact that she had always
wanted to be a teacher, was pushed into the medical field and eventually followed her bliss and
became a teacher for health care careers. In the nursing field she described it as female
dominated, that prevented her from facing gender based social barriers. While working in a
hospital Mrs.Langwell did experience some difficulty getting respect from doctors in the
beginning, she overcame that obstacle by going above and beyond to earn respect and prove
herself as a professional healthcare worker.

Miss. Anne
Miss Anne was quite the character, inspired by her Physical Therapist to move and
exercise with encouragement. I think I learned most of all that she lives day to day, having fun
and GAMBLING AWAY HER CANDY! -This whole interview was the definition of a disaster and
i was not prepared for anything that she said-

Ssgt. Tejada
I really took to the fact that she was not at all on a path to the military when she was in
high school. She said that she feels like in her school there wasnt a push towards the military
and he didnt know much about it until she was there and immediately took the chance. I am a
sucker for love and her brief tangent about entering her field with a boyfriend, how he suggested
it, she went before him, and now they are married just awe. Other than that I asked her about
any gender based social barriers, which responded that the air Force is the most women
accepting, and gender neutral branch which is something I have been told before.

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