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Trenton Martin

Professor Moore

Comp 1301

06 November 2017

Aaron Rodgers State Farm Commercial

In the commercial, Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers and his pet dog had their truck

hit by a drone on the windshield. The dogs memories immediately went through his head when

Rodgers was talking to his State Farm agent. The memories showed the two having so much fun

in their time with the truck together. Clay Matthews, who is a Packers linebacker, played the

person who controlled the drone that hit the truck. He told Rodgers and the dog he was sorry at

the end of the commercial as the dog growled. The dogs memories in the truck with Aaron

Rodgers when it was not damaged shows the importance of getting a damaged vehicle fixed with

State Farm enabling more great times and memories.

Aaron Rodgers has been a key component for State Farm advertising over the years

helping their revenue. By having his own dog on the commercial with him, State Farm was able

to use different techniques to grab hold of the consumer that is different from the rest of the

commercials State Farm usually uses. Props or even animals are very effective when selling

products -Nib Business info. There was the discount double check that State Farm loved to

use in their commercials for a couple of years. The discount double check was Aaron Rodgers

touchdown celebration every time he rushed into the endzone. It was when his hands were

together like a diamond shape at his waist. Then he would open his hands like ripping a belt off.

State Farm took that and made it into their own advertising technique.
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State Farm has never had Rodgers own dog in a commercial with him. They took that

opportunity giving them the ability to be as creative as they wanted. Giving the fact that a dog is

a man's best friend, they took that idea to show the dogs memories of the Truck and Rodgers

showing all the wonderful times they have had together when the Truck was not damaged. Many

potential consumers were in laughter when the commercial first aired. State Farm gave the

commercial a comical feel that enhanced funny music in the background and gave the consumer

a good reason to be in a better mood, because everyone loves dogs. It showed them riding on

sand dunes, playing football at the beach, and cruising around town with the windows down.

Then the memories came to an end leading back to present day with the drone on the truck that

hit the windshield. Clay Matthews comes into the picture at the end to apologize for what he did

as the dog growled ending the commercial.

As soon as the dog's memory montage ends, State Farm immediately stated in the

commercial that they know its more than a truck, and to give it the protection it deserves. It gets

the potential consumer thinking about that statement. After a comical commercial like that, it

would be difficult not to consider choosing State Farm as your car insurance provider. This goes

to especially young viewers that are in their twenties that may need help on what insurance to

choose out of the many out there. It is important that State Farm gets well known people such as

athletes or celebrities to participate in their commercials. When a commercial comes on and no

one really knows who the person acting is, theres a chance not as many people would pay

attention and buy their product. But if there is a famous athlete or celebrity, more people will

recognize them and will want to see who they are advertising for that insures a greater chance of

more revenue. State Farm never has ordinary people participating in their commercials and thats

a main reason why they are so successful.

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State Farm has been using Aaron Rodgers for some time in their commercials, but by

adding his own dog just took it up a notch. They did a great job with the advertising and truly

grabbing hold of the potential consumer with the comical feel of the commercial. People can just

watch it over and over again and never get tired of it. Any young viewers who have not decided

on a car insurance provider can be insured that State Farm is a safe smart option. This

commercial proves how much State Farm cares and is there right when you need them. They

know your vehicle is more than just a vehicle. The advertising techniques they put were genius

making all the audience potential consumers.

Works Cited

Edmunds, Sam Ashe. How Do Advertisements Help Promote Business Products?,

Newspaper, 10 Oct. 2015,

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Migrator. How Advertising Can Help Your Business., UK, 30 Mar. 2017,

How Advertising Helps the Economy and Your Business. Rocket Dog Media, Rocket Dog,

Accessed 12 Sept. 2017,

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