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English maritime question ;


Tpi 3

1. What kind of fish is being described in the video?

Answer : Tuna fish
2. Mention five (5) countries said in the video?
Aswer : Japan, filipine, Spain, Taiwan Cina and korea
3. Write 20 key words from the video and translate in to Indonesia!
Netting :jaring/kelambu
Houling : mengangkat
Helicopter :helicopter
Speed boat : perahu motor cepat
Technology :teknologi
Crew :awak kapal
Operation :operasi
Project : proyek
Circle : lingkaran
Freezing :membekukan
Area : area/lokasi penangkapan
Head rope : tali kepala
Vessel :kapal
Navigation :navigasi/ alat pembantu
Float :mengapung
Sinker :sinker/donat
Safety :keselamatan/keamanan
Cooking : memasak
Winches :derek
Detection :deteksi
4. Write 10 sentences from the video!
1. The technology is in use is the tools of elecronics
2. The crew working in vessel
3. Proven safety makes the crew feel comfortable
4. The process of purse seine operation should forma a circle
5. Helicopter is used to keep track of target gestures
6. Tuna is easily detected using existing navigation tools
7. Direct catch is frozen under the ship
8. The vessel of tuna usually uses purse seine and long line
9. Fun fishing gear operation with purse seine
10. Navigation tools to assist the operation process
5. Which one do you prefer purse seine or long line
Answer : purse seine. because purse seine does not demage the ecosystem under the
sea and also the catch is very much.

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