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Names Nora, JoJo, Aditya, Zoe Section 8-5


Objective: To use the process of displacement to obtain the data necessary to solve the dilemma while modeling
precision [and the lack of] in measurement.

The occupation by a submerged body or part of a body of a volume that would otherwise be occupied by
a fluid.

Percent of error is (me) measured value-actual valueactual value=x100=|percent|

mL = cm3

Dilemma : Preparation is Key

72.5 mL -70 mL = 2.5 cm3
Youre running out the door to catch the bus on the first day of school. You realize that you dont have a dark blue
marker and a light blue marker, two mandatory items on the supplies list you got over the summer. Not wanting to
miss the bus, but also not wanting to go unprepared on the very first day, you wish you could freeze this moment in
time, so you could grab the two markers, but which two markers would you grab? With your bag bursting at the
seams, youd only have 45 cm3 left of space to fit the two markers in. Just like that, everything around you stops, and
you realize that your wildest freeze frame moment is now quick which marker combinations could you fit?

Measurable Property: volume of irregular shaped solids

Materials: markers, water for measurement

Equipment: graduated cylinders of various sizes, beaker for water, droppers, glass stirring rod

Terms to include: meniscus, eye level, graduated, calibrated, volume, displacement

Images: Precision in procedural steps [include in photo collection below]

Additional Documentation: A table for data collection [as seen below]

Image of marker Volume by displacement [cm3] Actual Value % of error

show equation for work [cm3] show equation for work

91 mL -60 mL= 31 cm3 29cm3 31cm3-29cm3=

~9.89% of error
74 mL - 50 mL= 24 cm3 22 cm3 24 cm-22 cm=2 cm
/24 cm=4.6%

48 mL -25 mL= 23 cm3 22 cm3 23 cm- 22 cm= 1

cm23= 4.3%

38mL-50 mL= 12 cm3 11 cm3 12 cm -11 cm= 1 cm

12 cm 8.3%

Photo Collection

~Lack of precision

Dilemma Solutions / Possible Combinations

1. Skinny blue marker + Blue highlighter = 43 cm3
2. Crayola marker + Skinny Blue marker = 35 cm3
3. Skinny blue marker + Yoobi marker = 36 cm3




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