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Malaysian movies are not usually made much hype of as they sometimes do not reach up

to the standards of the western films or also known as Hollywood movies. However, there is a

Malaysian movie which had grabbed my attention. Although the movie was released in 2014, I

came about it only quite recently. The film successfully depicts the Malaysian Chinese culture

and tradition, the love between father and daughter, life-long childhood friendships that

transcend time and culture, the liberal views of our current young generation, the unpredictability

and fragility of life, all in one film.

The Journey is a cross-continental story that explores the idea of culture, not just as

tradition but as an expression of love. This film directed by Keng Guan Chiu mainly depicts the

story of a character known as Uncle Chuan whom is played by Sai Peng Lee. He is an old-

fashioned and conservative man living alone and independently in the cold and mountain tops of

Cameron Highlands leading a lonely retired life. He has this discreet hope to reunite with his

only daughter Ah Bee played by Joanne Yew, who will be returning from overseas after

completing her studies and to stay together as a traditional family in the same home. In time,

Uncle Chuans daughter Ah Bee comes back to Cameron Highlands after her graduation.

However, Ah Bee had brought along her foreign boyfriend Benji played by Ben Pfeiffer, with

her and they both have a plan of getting married. Uncle Chuan strictly opposed to the marriage

due to Ben's frivolous behavior and adding to the fact that he was not a Chinese man, but he

failed to change his daughter's mind. Unexpected circumstances ensue and Uncle Chuan
reluctantly agrees to their union, with a condition to be fulfilled that their wedding ceremony

must be a traditional Chinese ceremony. According to the Chinese culture, being the son-in-law,

Benji is obliged to deliver the wedding invitations together with Uncle Chuan whom was his

soon to be father-in-law. To fulfill another part of the tradition, Uncle Chuan is to invite all his

11 ex-primary classmates personally that are now located all over Malaysia to attend the

daughter's wedding. He has planned a route map to visit all these ex-classmates in order to hand

them the invitation card in person. Benji has agreed with the task but insisted to travel in his

motorcycle. Without much choice, the journey of a long distance road travel of Uncle Chuan

accompanied by Benji kicked started unwillingly. Benji and Chuan, embark on a cross country

adventure to deliver the invitations. Despite the language barriers, cultural differences and initial

hesitation from both parties, the two men come to the realization that their priorities are

essentially one and the same which is basically to keep Ah Bee happy always.

The movie had many beautifully portrayed moments and hardly any scenes which could

be found to be disliked. A real feeling of happiness was achieved after the viewing of the movie.

Many scenes can be used as prove such as the brief but wonderful scene where Ah Bee uses a

black marker to draw a caricature of her father, Uncle Chuan and her fiance, Benji riding a

motorcycle together on the car window. However, the scene in which a friend of Uncle Chuan

passes away makes me feel the sorrow that Uncle Chuan experiences in losing a dear friend.

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