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The immigration policy of Trump administration bans the refugees from seven Muslim countries.

The Muslim countries affected by Trumps immigration policy are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Somalia,

Sudan, Yemen and Libya. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is also partially affected as Trump bans

them to carry their electronic luggage inside the plane like laptops, while travelling to U.S.

The proposals of Trumps policy are affected many citizens of U.S. but it have potential to

change the thinking and fabric of people. Through his strict policies, he made cracking down on

illegal immigration, from day one of his campaign. He also wants a wall with Mexico, a

beautiful and big door in that wall with Mexico which he pledged to build. According to him, it

is all for making sure to stop undocumented immigration to America.

After taking charge, to increase deportations level and increase in resources, he issued an

executive order and establishing a more clear immigration law for refugees. Although, this law

also affected those people who holding dual citizenship, besides of those people who hold U.S.

or U.K. citizenship. There is much number of people were issued green cards of U.S. in 2014 and

these are belongs to Iran and Iraq, which make up U.S. overwhelming majority.

Personally, I am not in favor or support of Trumps immigration policy and his broad executive

orders to bars the people from specific countries. In my opinion, it will increase anarchy and will

be the main cause of hate with Trump and people of America. Trumps strict policy with Mexico

and the matter the wall will affect Trump and its department. The decision of federal court was

good and on-time, as it saved Americas good image in entire world. Those people are not

fundamentalists but some organizations are the main cause of anarchy, so maybe Trump is right

at some place, but enforcing this immigration law is not the solution.

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